Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6,1936 ADRIAN NEWS LOWEST RATES ON Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the hazardous season for farm risks. When better insurance is to be had We Will Have It. Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon Phone 31 See Our New “FLEXARC” ELECTRIC WELDER Tills is the latest thing in electric welding and makes it possible for us to do many difficult jobs impossible in Nyssa before. It is especially good on cracked engine blocks, broken machinery parts and specialty work. The outfit is portable and can be taken right to your job. Don’t throw it away— Weld it! PHONE 56F2 E. W. PRLIYN Auto Repairing NYSSA, OREGON 49 s225 fo r *1 “REASONABLE ENOUGH’’ you say, and that’s what we think! But you will have to act quick for we have but a limited supply at this price. HERE’S WHAT YOU GET: Reg. Price SUPER MOP, including folding wire frame feature and mop head of finest heavy white duck y a m ...............................$ 1.50 GOLDEN STAR LIQUID WAX, You simply apply it and let it dry — then polish it with your Super Mop, Easy!....... .75 Retail Value $ 2.25 -A L L FOR ONLY— $ 1.49 Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA : OREGON MICKIE S A Y S - Oerrltt Muntjewerff purchased a T H 'B O S S 'T E Z VOLKS Chevrolet coupe of the Cables Motor | SHOULD REM EM B ER . A T company in Ontario Wednesday. HOW WE AR E HIRED B y Mrs. Amanda Ashcraft has moved OUR READERS T 1 PRINT to Adrian and will make her home TV’ K/EWSj V SHOULDN'T with her son L. T. Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrew Johansen B E A SHED TO L E A VE of Parma were Wednesday evening O U r GOOD IT E M S TO callers in the R. C. Enos home. S U IT g o m e b o d y s Joe Stacey and R. C. Enos made W H IM O R ID L E a business trip to Boise Wednesday FANCY Mrs. H. R. Otis and daughter Emily attended the annual 4-H club picnic at Butler’s grove Thursday. Mrs. Ted Newton and children and Mrs. Gerritt Muntjewerff spent Saturday shopping and visiting in Ontario and Payette. Virginia Belk nap returned home with them for Dollart" an indefinite stay while her parents are in Portland consulting specialists Q eaA Tie for their son Harold. Several from Adrian attended the Air funeral services for John C. Sparks Before at the Roswell Baptist church. J. E D vey Holly was a pall bearer. Çb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson and daughter Betty of Nampa visited I Tb Sunday in the L T. and Ermil Ash Marfeet craft homes. Miss Joyce Ashcraft > returned home with them for a week. Mr and Mrs. Henry Terra of San Francisco are here looking after ROCKVILLE NEWS their ranch on the new project. Miss Eilleen Slippy was a guest of Donna Ashcraft a few days this Chris Siles of Portland was week. business visitors here the first of the With the completion of the lovely week new brick school building another Mrs. Nora Wise called at the event has been written into the his Greeley home Monday, tory of Adrian. The ringing of the The Otis Nichols family visited at school bell and shouts of children’s the Roy Strodes home Sunday. voices will be a novel and welcome Ross Strode made a trip out the sound to the people of this little first of the week. village. Miss Mary Ellen Greeley called at Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rutledge and the Cunningham home Monday. family were Friday evening dinner Miss Floann Cunningham vLsited guests in the Blake Lowell home on with Miss Mildred Wise Monday. Roswell Bench. Otis Nichols made a trip to Nyssa Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Hatch spent Saturday. the week end at the James Mc Roy Strode and family from Ma hogany mountain were in Rockville Ginnis home. Miss Dorothy Holly arrived Thursday afternoon. home Sunday from the summer Rockville was visited by a nice session of school at Corvallis. Mr. rain Sunday afternoon which help Claude Gerlach accompanied her ed the range a lot and made the home. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. weather much cooler than before, E. Holly and son William. and j but left the roads quite muddy. daughter Dorothy and Mr. Gerlach Chas. Fallen is still confined to his j left for Yellowstone national park bed with an infected leg. Mrs. Sylvia Strode psased through j for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rutledge and en route to Jordan Valley by way of family started to the hills Sunday to the stage. She came from Caldwell. pick huckleberries. They got as far Mrs. Myrtle Chester made a trip as New Plymouth and had the bad to Caldwell Wednesday afternoon. luck of their car breaking down so Miss Mary Ellen Greeley and Nora Wise visited Mrs. Nichols on returned home. Raymond Holly spent the week Wednesday. end at the parental D. T. Holly George Greeley and son Larry home and also to celebrate his took a number of cattle to the hills Tuesday. , | birthday. E. C. Van Petten was a business Frank Mullinix rode for stock on visitor in town Monday. Wednesday. The highway nail gatherer and CARD OF THANKS road cleaner has returned to Baker. Andrew Greeley and Andrew Cun We wish to thank our friends and ningham have finished haying. neighbors for their kindness and The next meeting of the grange sympathy during our recent ber will be August 7 and the state dep eavement. We especially wish to uty master has planned to visit at thank the Nyssa CCC boys, also Dr. that time. Sarazin and daughter Harriet; and Henry Masonholder returned others for their assistance. home Wednesday from Bose where Mr. and Mrs. Merton A. Hansen he has been with his mother who is Maxine and Bobby. under the care of Dr. Stewart there. Mrs. Myrtle Chester, who has been employed at the Cunningham farm during haying has returned to her regular job at the Coffee Shop in Ontario. Her daughter, Dorothy, ex pects to work with her. Miss Janet McKenzie spent Thursday night with Miss Mary El len Greeley. Bob Morris left Thursday for Nevada where he expects to work in the mines. Virgil Norris returend to Baker Friday to be with his mother. He has been in Rockville the past three weeks visiting his father. KINGMAN KOLONY Kiln-Dried and Seasoned FRAMING LUMBER Makes Better Construction - m THAT mm-wooi T H t A T T l< ! L ife t im e M UST BE B U ILT OF Lifetimes M aterials That's why builders of experience use 4-Square Lumber from framing to finishing lumber. Every piece is thoroughly seasoned and guaranteed by Weyer haeuser and by Boise Payette. Up-To-Date Plumbing NYSSA PACKING CO. Do you know how iimpfo If it to I ft- sweltering heatV In a few hours, any c a rp e n te r can tuck BALSAM W O O L Blanket Insulation into your attic floor once the job is done, you'll always have a cooler house In summer and spend far less for fuel In winter. BALSAM -W OO L costs am azingly little. If is windproof, waterproof, vermin- proof and Are resistant. Satisfaction guaranteed. A.k r s ab o u t BALSAM-WOOL Sealed Inse- our present heme or for the y Mme you arc building. Fill’er Up M a tc h N e a r G aa A lighted match may go out when held uear a gas name because the gag tlnrne consumes most of the oxygen In the vicinity and there Is not enough to support the ttame of the match. Stop For Ice Cream There’s a reason why our customers keep coming back day after day, year after year. We give honest service, sell good products and never over-charge—and our customers like it! You will too, so get in the habit of stopping at— We have Ice cream and frozen bars In a big variety. Stop and let us serve you. CONOCO Gas and Germ-Processed Oil. Free Trip Service SCOTTY’S PLACE John Thomson POWELL’S SERVICE STATION “Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Care J ' % 532323234823482 1 A ttention G rain G rowers Before You Sell Your Grain It will be to your interest to Foremost Advantages of 4-Square Lumber suiafo your house against summer's or roof. That's oil there Is to It— but II on ies Jone, et ux Mining claims In Sec 33-21-46. 7. 2$, 36. $1. <Q. O. Deed) J. S Ludwig et ux to Fred Selber et ux, SW kSW l. Sec 36-16-33. 7, 23, 36. $432.90 C. W Glenn. Sheriff to R B Olbbons, W NWV, and part of NE* N *4 Sec 15-16-477. $325. 7, SO. 3«. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wdiets of Ontario and their daughter Naums and son Porter spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Duncan at Snlvely Camp. Among those who enjoyed a swim Complaints Filed In Circuit Court In the Snlvely plunge this week were Ralph E Doree vs. Beryl M. Doree. Mildred and Willard Curtis. Dorothy 7, 28, 3*. Divorce. NEWS OF RECORD Winters, Elmer Derrick and the Baldridge Implement Co. vs R L Fenn family. Davis, 7, 29, 36 Recovery on Notes. The Elliot Brothers are preparing $209. R eal E s ta te T ra n s fe rs R eco rd ed 12 acres of ground for fall lettuce. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hyde et ux to J. N. Jones! Parma Livestock Loan Co. vs C C Godrey Allen is very 111 In a Boise ¡SM i SE'4 and NWV,8E>4 Sec. 16-18- j Mueller Admin, of Ashcraft, Eat. 7. 30, 3* Recovery on notes. $2,877.94. hospital and very little hope Is held 41. 7, 3, 36. $10. Federal Land Bank vs Chas. H. for Its recovery. j Frank Ktme to J. N. Jones, Lot 3, Setan et al 8. 1, 3. Foreclosure of Mr. Alvon Ross, who Is employed Block 7. Falrmare Add to Harper; by the state highway department, and Lot 7 Sec 6-20-42. S, 2. 34. $10 j mortgages. $10,709.47. * stopped while on his way to Jordan Loda H. Coe et vlr to Emil David Valley to say hello to the C. E. El | Lot 9, Block 107, Ontario. 6, 20. liot family. Mrs. Elliot Is a cousin 1930. $1. of Mr. Ross. | C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Emil Mrs. Alvon Schaffer who has been David Lot 10, Block 107, Ontario. 6, very 111 in the Miss McDonald home 11. 1929. $26. In Parma, became worse this week. Emil David to E. L. Morton, Lots It being necessary to drain both 5, 6, 7, 8 9 and 10 Block 107 Ontario. lungs. At present she Is thought to 4, 23, 35. $1750. be a little better. The day Is past when people Mr. Walter Bach was visiting with Fred Scott et ux to Malheur Coun- 1 are content to get aong with his mother and sister Mrs. J. G. ty, right of way over NWI 4 NWI 4 Sec or j out-of-date plumbing, Lane this week. Ronald, Keith and 30-31-42. 7, 22, 36. $530. Ross Lane accompanied him to his Federal Land Bank of Spokane to I worse still, no plumbing at home In North Powder for a weeks C. A. Ketcham et ux, NHSW1» and | all. Modem plumbing gives you a newer, more enjoyable EHNW14 Sec. 34-16-47. 7, 20, 47. 7, visit. and convenient home. Let’s Bruce Pinkston has purchased a 20,0 36, $100. <Q. C. Deed,) talk It over. new motorcycle. Anna L Mayfield et vlr to C. A. Several Kingman 4-H people a t Ketcham et al 48 acres In EHNW14 tended the county picnic at But Sec. 34-16-47 7, 3, 36. $10. GEO. J. KINZER lers grove Wednesday. Because of Mattie A. Clark to Soren Hansen Plumber the busy harvest season several Lots 5 and 6. Block 1, Vale. 6, 10; 36 could not attend that wished to. $5 (Q. C. Deed). PHONE 134-J-t PARMA Those who took cars were Mrs. Edith Chadwell et al to John L John Thiel, J. G. Lane, Mrs. H. R. Otis. Mrs. Geo Glascock and Mrs. M L. Judd. Five young men from Lincoln, Neb., arrived at the S. P. Hibbard home Monday. They report that conditions in Nebraska are very bad, the grasshoppers having taken what little crop that was growing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Toombs have motored to Genesee for a weeks visit. They expect to stop off for a visit with the A. D Moses family. Ellen Judd and Maurice Judd re turned from Boise Monday from a j Are you having trouble with warm weather visit with their aunt and uncle appetites? Some of our meats, especially Mr. and Mrs. Robert Overstreet. A combine belonging to Mr. Stokes prepared for warm weather and for picnic of Homedale has moved out onto the lunches, will solve the problem. Call at our land west of Adrian and at present is combining for the Nickens. market today and see our variety of summer Dr. M. C. Barlow, professor of psy specialties to tempt your tatter! chology at the University of Utah, is here on business for two weeks, look EAT MORE MEAT ing after his 200 acres of land here. The Seal Tight Canners held a business meeting on the bank of the Snake River Tuesday and went for a good swim afterward. Miss Pauline Gowey suffered a slight sun stroke Friday, but Is re NYSSA OREGON ported much better. Miss Dorothy Winter and her brother Bob were guests of the Obendroff’s in Roswell Sunday. They enjoyed a good game of cro quet. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbill a t tended the Odd Fellows and Reb- ekahs picnic In Vale on Sunday. A n c ie n t P e o p le R e c a lle d On a banana plantation In Guate mala stand two stone pillars whose carvings recall the ancient civilisa tion of the Mayas, that mysterious extinct race of Centrul America, says the Philadelphia Record. Some believe that these monoliths mere ly recorded the history of a par ticular family that lived some 1,500 years ago. Other scientists have found In them some clews to the Mayan calendar, each seeming to record the passage of one “katun” or period of 20 years. C o m p a e io a s h ip of B o o t * Books are a guide In youth, and ao entertainment for age. They support ua under solitude, and keep us from becoming a burden to oor- selvea. They help us to forget the crossness of men and things, compose our cares and our pas sions. and lay our dlaappolmments asleep. EASY M ONTHLY TERMS CALL ON US FOR PRICES SQUARED ENDS mean a substantial sav ing in labor costs. SMOOTH ENDS, too, reduce hand trimming and make for better construction. EXACT LENGTHS put an end to over- or under-estimating quantities with resultant costa to the builder. PROPER SEASONING, mentioned above, means greater life and more satisfactory service. You always get better construction at lower final cost when you use 4-Square Lumber! As we are paying, and will pay right up to the market on all grains delivered at our Elevators. Satisfactory and courteous treatment assured. Start Your Building Plans With A Visit To HO I hi: P A Y E T T E Lum ber Company "THERE'S A YARD NEAR YOU" PETERSON FUNERAL HOME The Nyssa Elevator NYSSA OREGON Call Thomas Nordale r i Furniture Store Phone 94 8991534848484848234823232353535348532323234853535323232348485348232323482331482353482300