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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon G A T E W A Y TO THE O W YH E E AND BLACK CAN YO N IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXX. NO. 30. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THRUSDAY, JULY 30, 1936 HEAR! DISEASE TAKES LIFE OF NYSSA RESIDENT H O M E IN B E U L A H W A T E R S Rainbow trout, numbering 21.000 were brought down I rom Union Sunday by C. C. Green, and were planted in the waters back of the An interesting farm tour was held Beulah dam. Another lot of 12,000 Tuesday and Wednesday of this have been put in the waters of the week, through the farming districts Little Malheur and another load of of Malheur county. Tuesday the rainbow trout is scheduled to arrive caravan started at Weiser and went at Beulah this week. Pat McIntyre Found Dead The trout are al! of small size, be Vicious Bucking Horses through the lands on the Dead ing from 2 to 3 Inches long, but it is To Be Seen In Action Ox Flat country northwest of On In Bed This Morning. tario, Inspecting beet fields and T R I-C O U N T Y G R A N G E thought that within a year or two, An interesting trip is reported by Here Aug. 15-16. other crops. ---------- I with the favorable feed conditions in P IC N IC T O BE HELD Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Puryn, who re Wednesday morning a caravan of Death came to Patrick McIntyre tbe dam; they will develop into real O N C A M P C R EE K A U G . 8 turned Friday evening from the nat cars assembled at Cairo and first in- sometime Wednesday night in his | Gifhters and test the skill of the ional Townsend Convention, held at Rodeo excitement is starting to spected a field .f cucumbers being room at the A. M. Housch house in anglers, Cleveland, Ohio. They were accom fill the air, and in a short time Nys- grown for seed by the Inland Seed the north part o Nyssa. Death was * * * Word has been received from J. panied on the trip by Mrs ArvUla sa will be right in the midst of the company of Ontario The field look- apparently due to heart disease. j best rodeo show in it’s history. Sev- ed very nice, and a good crop of Edwin Johnson, Malheur county Fauchler, who stayed in the east Mr. McIntyre boarded at the i eral new developments came up this seed is in prospect. This is a new Pomona Orange Master, that the to visit friends; Mrs. E. F. McDole Housch huose, and when he failed | week, Including adding some events crop here, and while it was tried out annual Tri-county grange picnic of Ontario and Mrs. Jake Cramp of to get up this morning at the usual | on the program .changing the prize some last year, was not wholly a will be held on Camp Creek on Sun New Plymouth. time ,an investigation was made, However growers have day, August 9th. A good program is The party left Nyssa on Wednesday ] money somewhat and Improving of success. and the body of Mr McIntyre was learned considerably from last years being arranged with State Master, July 8th, driving Mr. Pruyn s car. the rodeo grounds. found dead in bed. Robert Franklin Thompson, son The prize money will be in the experience, and the crop looks suc Ray W. Gill, as the principal speak Their route took them through Eat on, Colorado; Omaha and they ar er. Coroner R. A. Tacke was called, of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson and same amount as before; in excess of cessful this season. All grangers and their friends are rived in Cleveland on July 13th, two A field of beets on the K. S. and who was of the opinion no formal j Evelyn Catherine Lackey, daughter $500, but it will be divided out a bit inquest was necessary. Mr. Mclntype 0f Herbert Lackey of Ontario were more The first prize in bronco riding, D. ranch was inspected; but the asked to come and bring their lunch days before the start of the conven followed the trade of cook, and was married Saturday afternoon in | bulldogging and calf roping will be fieldman for Amalgmated Sugar Co, baskets. Coffee will be furnished to tion. They took advantage of this ln one of the cooks in the camp when Fruitland by the Rev. Hall K. Wal- ; $34 each day, with second money of R. V. Musser said the beets were the picnickers. One event of special attending the Lake Erie Exposition the Owyhee Dam was built. He had j ils , pastor of the Methodist church $ 25 . 50 ; third $ 17.00 and fourth $ 8 . 50 . planted later than is recommended, Interest will be a horse shoe pitch- being held in Cleveland at that been around Nyssa for the past of that city. The simple ceremony | In addition there will be entrance and the field showed considerable ing contest between teams repre- time. several years, his last job being was held in the church parsonage fee money for those winning th e wlreworm damage. A patch of wild senting the three counties. Baker, The Townsend convention was about a week ago at the Cozy Cafe in the presence of Mr. and M rs.! bulldogging and calf roping events, I morning glory was also pointed out, Grant and Malheur. widely attended, with delegates as cook. present from every state ln the Jess Thompson and the groom's j and exhibition rides for those not |and methds of eradication discussed N Y S S A R E S T U R A N T HAVE Union and Alaska, making a total of | getting in the money in the buck- , *>y County Agent Larsen. He was born in Dixon, Illinois on sister, Mrs. Delbert Taylor. C H A N G E IN M A N A G E M E N T 15,300 delegates. Toledo, Ohio won November 1, 1871, and was 65 years Both young people are popular ing contest. | A good field of beets were lnspect- the prize for the most delegates, of age at the time of his death. He members of Nyssa's younger set, and] The sewer digging machine ran a ^ on the Chas. Garrison farm. while Michigan captured the award served during the Spanish-American Robert, usually known as Bob, w as'line to the rodeo grounds this week, |They had nice tops, and well de- war with the 5th Battery, U. S. Field born in the old townsite of Arcadia. | and a water pipe is being installed. I 'eloped roots. Mr. Tallm an of the Both resturants in Nyssa had a for the most from any one state. Artillary, and was three years in the He graduated from the Nyssa high J This will be the first time that water Sugar company 'estimated the crop change in management this week. The convention did not formally Pliillipines. school with the class of 1925, worked ! was available at the rodeo and ball would yield around 22 tons to the Mrs. George Schweizer took back endorse any candidates for political He has no relatives here, and the |ln the Malheur County Bank for park. The work of feneng the j acre Leaf hopp< rs were pointed out the management of the Schweizer office, but did invite the leaders of only known relative is a brother! three years and later spent five grounds is coming along nicely, with to the farmers and business men on Cafe Saturday, after leasing it for the various parties to address the working for a railroad in the east, j years working in Portland. The past ; everything nearly ready to start j the tour, but no damage could be a year to Chas. Clement. Mr. and convention. President Roosevelt and Mrs. McIntyre preceeded her hus- ' tew months he has been associated | stringing the wire. detected. Mr. Tallman said that he Mrs. Clement have not announced candidate Landon were unable to bands death by about two years. N o 1 with the Thompson Oil Company of I Ed Moody who is furnishing the believed if the new resistant strain their future plans, but will stay In appear, but Lemke, third party presidential candidate, addressed funeral arrangements have been Nyssa. 1 1 J not * 1 J “ lt would -J Nyssa for a short time at least. stock for the rodeo, has added sev- ° f had bc®n used' His bride received her education | eral more yicious buckers to his have been impossible to grow beets meetings held ln the Mrs. J. W. Poage has taken over ! one of the made as yet, according to Don G ra the management of the Cozy Cafe | Cleveland stadium. Others who Mr. ham, who is looking after the af in California but for the past few string and some fast action is prom- |ln this distrlct this year- years made her home in this section, ised when his fair of Mr. Mclnytre. best ones get in Pete Tensen displayed a nice field from Archie Latham, who has been and Mrs. Pruyn heard were Father where she has made many friends motion. He will also furnish the of babV Ilma beans on his farm, operating the cafe for the past six Coughlin, Norman Thomas, Socialist The young couple left immediately steers and calves for the show, and which he said looked like a 40 bush- months. Mrs Poage formerly operat- candidate for president; Gorman TOW NSEND CLUB after the ceremonv for a short trip plenty of both will be on hand to |eI cr°P He said ** was necessary to ee the Cafe about a year ago. She Smith, who claims to have fallen TO MEET T O N IG H T to Payette Lakes over the week end insure a fast moving, thrilling show Plant limas early in order to mature I will be assisted In her venture by heir to Huey Long's machine and and will make their home in the for the Owyhee Dam Rodeo, which them and that he had learned con- Mrs. C. J. Keizer, promised three trillion Townsend Jess Thompson house in Nyssa. votes. In commenting on the third will be held this year on August 15th siderable in his six years experience ---------« party movement, Mrs. Pruyn said. in growing them The first two years and 16th. The Townsend club is meeting to JESS T H O M P S O N G E TS “I don't think the Union party will his yield was a found 25 bushels to night, with the principal matter of SC H O O L B U S C O N T R A C T amount to much” the acre; the next year he had a business being a report on the recent In their trip through the country good good crop of 44 bushels, while National Convention by Mr. and they found pretty good crops in the next two years fell o ff again; Mrs. Pruyn of Nyssa and Mr. Mc- Iowa, with Ohio drying some. In but that he expected a good yield Jess Thompson was awarded the Dole of Ontario. Nebraska the com was Just ready to this year. He is also experimenting contract for hauling school children The county advisory board meets tossel out. but was rapidly turning with an acre of the vine baby limas this coming season; taking the run Saturday. August 1 at eight o'clock, yellow and brown. Grasshoppers to see how they compare with the formerly operated by Toombs. Mr. and all members of the old adivsory were numerous, and overgrown, they bush. The majority of his field is in Toombs was not a bidder this year. board have been requested to turn said. the bush type. The board held a meeting Monday out to the meeting. One of the newer crops in Mal- and made their decision. Others The entire trip was made with no ( Continued on page 4) holding bus contracts are Tom Cow __ „ . I mishaps. They only saw one accl- 4 II CLUBS HOLD B IG The Nyssa ^troupof boy Scoutswiil dent and that a minor one. The ard and Paul Hatch. P IC N IC WEDNESDAY lpave early Sunday morning on a Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson have party traveled a total of 4,680 on two weeks camping trip ln the lake made application for reservation on the trip and as an indication of the Nyssa lost a close, hard-fought I basin country of the W allowa moun the Union Pacific streamliner, The ball game at Ontario Sunday by a cost of traveling such a distance, tains. with 17 Scouts and four lead A very successful 4-H club picnic c lty of Portland, for August 8. If Mrs. Pruyn reports the gas and oil score of 5 to 4, which almost became j ers in the party. was held in the Butler grove Wed- they get reservations, they will leave expense only amounted to $70.65. a victory when Chas. Newbill lined The boys will be under the lead nesday, with approximately 250 club on that date for Lima, Ohlo, where Their Journey homeward was out what looked like a certain hit in ership of Leo Hollenberg, who will speeded up When Mr. McDole of O n members and their parents present, they will get the bus body, which is the last half of the ninth. Runners be assisted by Owen Price and From 35 to 40 clubs were represent- furnished by the non-high school tario received word en route that his were roosting on second and third, John Young. A little later, Howard brother, who works on the Bonne ed. A basket lunch was served dur- district; and will have lt mounted J. A. Terteling, Seattle, was with two down, but Billy Keele, Larsen expects to Join the the camp ing the noon hour, with a program jon a two-ton Dodge chassis. They Ontario second sacker made a circus awarded the contract for construc- ing party. They plan to spend two ville Dam. had been killed in an ac following. The principal speaker was ,,xpect to drive the bus back to cident. catch for the put-out and saved the tlon of four additional Black Can- weeks, camping, fishing, hiking, ex H. C. Seemore, state club leader Nyssa later in the month, yon diversion works tunnels, when day for Ontario. from Corvallis The balance of the ploring and taking tests; returning -------- — --------- Ontario outhit the locals 11 to 5, bids were opened in Ontario M on to Nyssa on Saturday, August 15th. REGISTRATION FOR afternoon was given over to sports. R E LIE F S O C IE T Y HAS day. Terteling’s bid was $292,796 for but Nyssa was able to bunch hits SUMMER CAM P HAS F IN E C R O W D A T S H O W Boys ln the party will Include when they did the most good. Rob the job and was offered on the “ all R E TU RN FROM COAST BEEN SLOW W arren Larsen, Howard Larsen, Jr., or none" basis. erts pitched for Ontario and Ram- T R IP F R ID A Y M O R N IN G The company already has equip Clyde and John J. Smith, Robert The entertainment and dance baud for Nyssa. Registrations for the Malheur ment and men on the job as they McCoy, Jack Doolittle, Leo Hollen given last Friday by the L. D. S, Last Local Game have been previously awarded the berg, Jr., Edward Boydell, Colby County Homemakers camp are not R elief hoclety at the Crystal Ball coming ln as rapidly as has been ex Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott and room ln Ontario proved a financial The last ball game the fans will contract for three major tunnels on Poague, Ray Graham, Bob Jackson, daughter; and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. success and a check for $50 was have an opportunity to see played the Black Canyon project diversion Ncrbert Sarazin, Stanley Ray, Hus pected, according to R. O . Larson. ton Wilson, Charles Short, Joe Rob County Agent. Whether the camp Norcott returned Friday morning ¡given the building committee, after on the local grounds will be Sunday, works. will be held or not depends entirely ertson and Lloyd Wilson. from a three weeks trip to the coast, paying all the expenses of the when Payette comes here for a Bids were offered on a two-sdhed- upon the number of registrations re where they visited friends and rela dance. The members of the organ game. Payette is leading the league ule basis, each covering two tunnels. Herman Towne was down from ceived. In order to make a suitable tives and where Dr. Norcott attend ization have expressed their appre at the present time, but were turned, Next low bidders were Klug and camp the total enrollment should ed a big dental clinic ln San Fran ciation of the support given the a f back by Vale last Sunday, 13 to 7. Brumbach, who offered a combined the mine above Prairie City this week to get some welding done, but not be less than forty, preferably cisco. The clinic was attended by fair by Nyssa. All ball fans are urged to be out figure of $323,785 Other bids for the is now back on the Job. They are fifty to sixty. •ome 15.000 dentists from all over Mrs. Elmo Higginson, Max G il I in full force Sunday to witness the four tunnels included one of $334,- getting their mill in shape to start the United States and some foreign Mrs. Gertrude Bkow Sanford christ and Malcolm Crawford of final game to be played here in the 867.85 by the Utah Construction running ore in the near future. who is to have the management of c iuntrles. Nyssa took part in the pageant given 1936 season. One more game remains company; $337,269.50 by the H. J. the camp will be in Malheur County in Ontario Friday night by the L. on the schedule after Sunday, a re Adler company, and $337,498 by O. L. S EW ER W O R K C O M P LE T E D on August 3rd to work out the de 0 8 . Church. They helped with the turn game with Payette to be played Crooks. B Y P O R T L A N D C O N T R A C T O R tails of the camp. If the the regis singing. Among others attending in the Idaho town on August 9th. tration is not built up to the nec FIR E D E P A R T M E N T the pageant and dance were Messrs, essary number by that time, it may C A LLE D O U T M O N D A Y and Mesdames F. L. Klrkham, Louis P. Thomas is expected to The Nyssa sewer work was com be necessary to cancel the camp Hendricks, Luther Fife, Malcolm arrive in Nyssa Saturday from Oak The fire department was called pleted early this week by contractor for this year. Crawford, Elmo Higginson, Max land, California, to join Mrs. Monday evening to the Hogue Pack Geo. Lind of Portland, but the city County Agent Larson states that Gilchrist, and Mrs. Leo K. Homer Dick Adams brought in some old Thomas. ing plant, where a short in an elec has not acted on the matter of ac any woman ln Malheur County over and Mrs. Geo. Haycock. papers Monday which he and some tric switch was causing some smoke cepting the Job Mr. Lind still has the age of eighteen years la eligible other boys on a reclamation crew here and Is doing to attend the camp and urges that and to be on the safe side, the alarm his equipment found in an old abandoned shack I. O. O. F. PICNIC Don D. Davis and fam ily from San was turned in. Everything was under some odd Jobs. He expects to keep anyone interested register at the wi st of the Dead Ox Flat country. IN V A L E SU N D AY Francisco spent his week of vacation control when the boys arrived .and his heavy machinery here for a time, earliest possible moment so that One of the papers was the Lewiston at the parental home of R. J Davis. there was no damag$. awaiting the results of some other there may be no llkelyhood at the Morning Tribune of September 24, camp being called off. The I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges Their sons, Dwight and Robert, who bidding he has been doing. 1905 and the other was the seml- are planning a picnic for next Sun spent the past two months here re M r and Mrs. 8. D. Goshert and w: ‘kly Weiser Signal of February day. August 1st, to be held in R iv turned to their home with them last M r and Mrs. W. F. McLing enter erside Park in Vale. All Malheur Monday. 6. 1904. tained several friends at their home Mr. and Mrs. C. F Eder of New Ply Mining seemed to be on the boon county and visiting members of the near Emmett Tuesday evening. mouth expect to leave Saturday on ln the Weiser territory about that order are Payette lakes invited to attend the After a swim guests enjoyed a lunch a vacation trip to Helen Lackey who spent the past time, with one of the main stories gathering. A basket lunch is to be Ooehert will start his and the remainder of the evening Postmaster about a new smelter to be erected at brought by each family; with free three weeks visiting at the home of Don Todd buys nine cents worth was spent In visiting and with annual two weeks vacation Satur Mineral. A close scrutiny of recent coffee and lemonade being furnish her grandparents M r and Mrs. J. T. of curoslty . . . Bernard Frost keeps music, which was furnished by Mrs. day. Long and with her sister Evelyn a sharp lookout while fishing near Herbert Fisher on the violin. Those highway map shows Mineral to be ed at the picnic grounds. Lackey, left Wednesday for Wallace Twin Falls , . . Bob Thompson still present were M r and Mrs Fisher of R U S T C U T S Y IE L D OF located about 30 miles down the Idaho where she will visit with her has some cigars left for those who Nyssa; M r and Mrs. Cecil Dewey, W H E A T F O R PETE T E NSEN Snake river from Weiser, but ac M IS S O U R I P IC N IC IS cording to the map, the present P L A N N E D FOR A U G U S T 2 aunt, Mrs. Ruth Denice, who was ask about them . . , W ord from W en M r and Mrs Ray Dewey and Mr. formerly Miss Ruth Lackey. Pete Tensen. wheat king for this dell Pogue says he expects to try and Mrs Ted Dewey all of Emmett poulation of the town is practically vicinity, reports that the rust cut and see the scenery on his return All former Missourians and their ncthing. down his yield considerably this trip from Kentucky . . . Ernest W il E Q U A L IZ A T IO N B O A R D According to the Signal of 1904. family and friends are invited to at M r and Mrs. C. C. Forbes. Miss son and Wilson boys planning trip there were from 75 to 80 men em- tend the picnic to be held at the TO M E ET A U O U 8 T 10-24 year. His average this season was 54 bushels to the acre and ln form ployed in the mining operations of t Wilcox park this Sunday. Each M ary Forbes, Mr. and Mrs Homer to Portland . . . Ralph Milllken em- er years he has produced wheat that the Ladd Metals company of M i n - , family is to bring a basket lunctl; Reiser. M r and Mrs C. A. Forbes barassed while playing kitten ball The Board of Equalization, to ad averaged 80 bushels to the acre Mr. i ral. Another item of interest w a s ! and ice cream and coffee will be and Mrs. Beatrice Marshall and her . . . Mrs Chase finds bracelet f l ^ the callirgi of a sewer bond election j provided on the grounds. Lunch will ison Jack all of Boise, were visitors minutes after putting ad in Journal. just tax levies, will meet at the court Tensen had a total yield of about house in Vale, starting August 10th 4000 bushels, all No 1 m i n which for February 18. 1904 to vote on $8.- start at 1:30, to be followed by an !Su n day of Mrs Bettte Forbes and and will continue until August 24th he has stored for later sale 200 bonds. afternoon of entertainment. her daughter Mrs. Eldredge Sunday, j Bob Thompson Married Sat. j \ j Boy Scouts To Leave Sunday On Camp Trip Last Ball Game Here Will Be With Payette TERTELING GETS TUNNELING JOB Old Newspapers Are Interesting ROUND TOWN I I $1.50 PER YEAR Go d^u9ar B Crops Seen O OWYHEE CANAL Tour Held Tuesday and Wednesday n LAIMS LIFE OF Pruyns See Bad Drouth TEN-YEAR-OLD BOY Damage on Cleveland Trip RODEO GROUNDS TO BE IN GOOD SHAPE FOR SHOW R A IN B O W T R O U T F IN D Carl Hansen, Apple Val ley Boy Drowns While Swimming Monday The ssrtft, cold waters of the O w y hee canal claimed the life of little ten year old Carl Hansen noon when he Monday went in the carnal near the Hashitanl place. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merton llai.m n of Apple Valley, who live on that Dugger place near the old Apple Valley Hotel. The fatal accident happened about 12:30, when young Hansen, who had been shaking vines for a crew of potato pickers, decided to take a dip ln the canal, ln spite of fact he could not swim and had been warned by his parents not to go ln swimming. However it is be lieved he didn't Intend to really go swimming but slipped on the steep bank and fell into deep water. He was carried down the swift current and the alarm was sounded. Mrs. Floyd Henderson was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the accident and courageously plunged into the water up to her neck ln an effort to locate die body of the drowning boy. As the word spread, others joined in the search and the CCC camp was notified, who sent a crew of boys to assist ln try ing to locate the boy. The water was turned out of the canal down the Lockett Gulch wasteway and a large crowd from town took up the hunt. Several men and boys from town, OCC boys and others hunted, while Artie Robertson and Don Graham arranged a panel and posts at the Owyhee bridge west of Nyssa In some manner the body got past this obstruction and was recovered a short distance below the bridge by six OCC boys strung across the canal. They were Vic Klinefelter, Virgil Brown, Lawrence Fercho, Bill Jones, W illiam Felght and Keith Horlne. Artificial respiration was applied immediately by Vic Klinefelter, one of the OCC boys, assisted by Harriet Sarazin. while Dr. Sarazin was also present to try to bring life back into the boy's body. Artificial respiration was applied for over an hour, by Klinefelter, Howard Larsen, Jr., and others; but to no avail. Th e boy's father, who was sewing sacks on a job ln Apple Valley was notified, and he rushed to the scene and worked frantically to stir a spark of life, but without success. The accident happened around 12:30, lt Is estimated, and It was neary two hours later before the body was recovered. Dr. R. A. Tacke, county coroner, was called, who pronounced It an unavoidable acci dent. Funeral services were held W ed nesday afternoon In Parma, with the Rev. Herron of the Nazarene church ln charge. Arrangements were made by the Nyssa Funeral Home, with interment ln the Parm a cemetery Get s Job On Foreign Island Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Orant Rawson that their son Emmett, familiarly known as Jerry Rawson, left last Tliurs- day on a three year mission for the Standard Oil Co. He wUl be In the Bahrein Islands, located ln the Per sian G u lf right off the coast of Arabia. The Standard OU Company has received an oil concession from the ft-ltlsh government, owner of the Islands, and In exchange for the concession, have agreed to con struct several modern villages on the islands. Jerry Rawson will be ln charge of the plumbing work on these houses. He left Los Angeles, which has been his home since leaving Nyssa. and embarked on the 8. 8 Hamburg for Bordeaux, France. From there he will go to Paris; take a train for Irutubul. Turkey and then travel by camel caravan, plane and boat to his destination. There were eight in the crew that left on the three-year job on the Bahrein Islands; and all have signed up to stay the entire three years on the Islands, excepting for a three week« va-atlcn allowed each ..-at.