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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1923)
-HHS ^ HR« ........................................... ........................... GIFT For Men H*zors Pocket Kniveo. Flashlights. Shaving Mir- . rs. Vacuum Uoltlea. A u to m o b ile Acctssorids. For Women -hoars M a n ieure Seta, I c ; Skates, Flashlights iv*ry jets, Electric Irons, Electric Sweepers For Children Skates Ice Skatas, Scootcra, Pocket Knives, Tools, Basket Bolls, Toot Ball-. Bring the Children to Toyland ier Kdwe. Go. M i n i , O It MG (ON > 1 'o r * * .'* - » * * * « * • •••••••••• » » • • • • * 0 * O * + O *-+ **»+ *-*+ «' - ends of Successful Business Men and Women Owe their success to s thoro siness College Training K’S TRAINING will enable YOU t j auceeed in the Busiaeia World in a big way WINTER TERM BEGINS JAN. 2nd re can place 25 to 30 young ladies in homes where they work for board and room and in some eases earn $4 to $11 per month additional w ile attending 1. Early correspondence in referencd to these place* f B 9 p v ' se<*’ . December 25 Rebtkah Meeting LUDENS Free Turkeys WRITE TOrAY FOR CATALOG LINK’S BUSINESS COLLEGE MWHOL c: >P DPS tor nose - iti’tftroûf B. C Beetham, Mgr. Boise, Idaho. W a w ith to extend our h o a rtfe it I .Tba following pro g iam will ho givoa th an k s |t o th e m any tfrie n u i who so a t tha Com munity church Monday ovo kindly aaaisted as during th e llln tss oiog, a t 7:80 p. m. end death o f our Beloved h H p sn d end JL Piano solo -kter of tho Sea fa th e r, and for the b e iu t i lF r to r a l - '• _- h u lh R e b a r,e r I r a n , f lessen, who It a tte n d in g the ferings. Y our kindness aad helptul 2. Song—Joy to th e World s t i l e norm al tahool a t M aam auth, ar- aym pathful will alw ays be held ia ■'FR1 *- |C »ngregatlon rived hem e T hursday ta spend the bol- g re a tfu l rem em brance. W® ebronlel® tod «7 the passing of 2. R ecitation—A Wi»h- Viola Povar G L S K liJ .: Mr*. M srg aret D. Brown M aya. our old friend and neighbor, G. G. I D ialogue................P r i m a r y Class and Family. W m. B u i # f O regon T rail d latriat Brown, who died Monday avening, De 4. Song -Away in a M engar waa ehoppieg ia N veea T hursday. cam ber 17, a t the home of hia daevti Prim ary C la n F ra n k V i-K night, tb a V ala sheep ter. Mra. John Hay. Hia fu n eral w. s 5. “ A Possibility” ------ Ja e o b Groot m ac, waa doing buaiotaa ia .N yeea held a t the M. L church, o f *hi«h he 6. “ The R i-aon W hy” (W ritten by Gian Zink.) waa a m em ber and he waa buried in A lbert Leu.rk, W aiter H atfield M onday. the Nyaaa cem etery. Roy Hal lia Once a littla boy and girl were A bunch a f tb a N yaaa band w ent George G alen Brown waa born in 7. " S ittin g up for S a n ta ” thinking about stay in g up and w aiting o ver to P a rm a W ednesday evening to P la tte «aunty. Mo , on Ja n u a y 2-, Gladys Campbell till S a n ta C laes came and w atch him. aaaiat th e boys a f th e new ly organised I. C hristm as A crostic IKfO. H it parent® moved to I t * a J u s t then the-r Uncle Charlie cam e in hand th e re to ( a t a ta rte d off preperlv, L Song Silent N i,h t Point, Donephan county, Kansaa, and aaid th a t he would leil them a f ’T h r a tin a s in M ary L ends” C lair P epperd and Mra. P ayne. w here hia boyhood days * e re spen story of two children who wi-ra going Ada Bl iljek, G race W alker. G race te a c h e rs w ere in Vava »hit w eak ta k • a a converted end joined the M K to sta y up and w atch for S a n ta Claus. G iahe t. M arie Hu. te r ing te a c h e r’s a aam in atio n . church in 1872; was m arried to M 11 . Song Glory to G o d " ______Clas* When he cam e he saw them end w ent Bob K llie tt and Millie P e u ts each g a re t D. C arey on March 15, 1874. 12 “ E n v v " _______...N e ls o n Stubba aw ay w ithout leaving any to; s. W hen b ro u g h t in a load of t u 'k e j a from t i e They earn® w est overland in 1588; f r s t 13. "T h e W iser W ay” the children aaw w hat happened th ey O w yhee W ednesday Which they dis aettled in L ong Valley. Lleho, and i ------ H arry E d tr, R o b ert H am eker w ent to bed and they wiehed they had poned a f ta a loaat d e a le r for 2 1c a 1892 moved to Nvasa. Oregon, wfcci not tried to w ateh him. but he cam s U “ A C hristm as Problem ” pound, Holden C lam ant ihe a tm a d a y he spent tha rem ainder of hia life. Olive H unter back a fte r they w ere ealeej ->nd gave b ro u g h t in a load flo a t th e A rcadia H . leaves a w ife, M argaret D 15. S o n g - “ S enta C la u s " . . . . . . . . them seme toys. The two little child C laudena Craw ford, Chartena neighborhood w hich biought av er $600. Brown, a aon, Edw ard Brown, P .udie re n thanked their uncle e re w ent to Craw ford U r. C ra a k a ra n d te a s O tia aud Mil ton O r e : d a u g h te r, .Mrs l i a Ket bed. They were glad they utd not sta y " H e r C h o ic e " ......... Lillian Gibson up th a t C hristm as eve. ton w are Boise viaitara laa l B atard ay . isuge, Boiae, Id a .; daughter, M s. ¡4, Song, Fleanor F o s te r,C u rtis F oster A d e le g alieo a f O a tario Odd Fallow , J Minton, Boi.o, idaoe: d a ughter “ C hristm as L e tte r s " w .r e viaitara a t th a re g u la r w ealing Mrs. Marla Ckaolsy, S tar, Id a .; Uaugn W anda Shelton NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION a th e lecai ledge T uesday evening tar, Mra. U nary T eutach, S tar, Ida C A nioem s D epartm ent of the Inter or, Oca Blalock, Pong as Uen'on, Heward D e g ree work waa p u t an, a tt a r whleh du ag h ter, Mra. Jehu Ray, Nyaaa, Ora U. S. Land Office a t Vale, t're g o p , Foeter, Heracoai Thompson rd fre s k m c a ts w a rs sarvad 2 1 gran d ahildraa and 12 g ra a l grand November yo, I aid. 20. The D iscover__ M artha Law rence M aw . waa raealvsd tkia w eak a f tha •kildroa. N eliee is hereby given tl t M argaret Mr. Browa sam e to our cem m uoity t l . “ O, L ittle Tewn e f B eth leh em " aarloua illncte a f j a a k M cDonald, who Class; iatroductioa, Gladys G arrisea W .Schw eizer.of Nyaaa, Orer -» , who,on a t a tim e whoa oar present farm ing is a tie n d ia g O. A. C. a t C o rra llia. Decem ber 6. 1912, made oeae-t land so a a try was n sth ia g b a t saga brush 22 U nder the C hristm as St ara One h i g h t -----------------------Congregation entry Me. 02489, te r N JN i. S eett-n z.'. Cecil Caldw ell stopped off Moaday our town a sm all flag sta tio a aad tha 23. ‘H ark, the Herald Angels S in g " Township 20 South, k a r.(e 4o twist, for a d a y ’s v isit w itb h it p a ren ts, Mr. B w ybee ditch oaly ia tourse of con George R eberger W illam ette Meridian, has U.aU Potica and Mrs 1 . i . Caldw ell. H a waa aa struction. Ho waa ane a f those who 24. of intention to m ake final proof u nder 'T hrough the Toiephone” ro u te ta L aag Is a a k , Cal , freak Naw helped m ake our cauntry w hat It ia the third paragraph of A e to f M arsh 4, B etty Tensen 1918, to establish claim to the land York, w here he had baaa a a buainaaa. alw ays sta a d ia g for tha things which above described, before R egister and Koaeoe G -een, a fe rm a r N yssalta, ga la m aka a b a tte r halritage fa r those Receiver, U. 8 . Land Office, a t Vale. w aa in tew a W ednesday. Raaeea is to asm s a fte r. Wa owe more th an we Oregon, oe the 17th day ef December, 1923. w orking w ith th a F ra n k U eK nlght h ftan realise ta these mea. Genial, This is a tim e when all ere te be Claim ant names es w itnesses: aheap n e a r Vale. p leasant, kindly “ P a " Browa, wa William Glenn, William Sehw eiier, happy. Many th a t hava baen away shall miss you; but, a fte r all, ysu hare Mr. aad Mra. F ra n k M il'er sp e n t from home will re tu rn and enlarge the Berna Schweixer, J S. Glaaeock, all of Nyasu, Oregon. la s t S a tu rd ay in V ais, g u e sts at tha oaly gene on ahead, for “ I t ir not family g athering. Tboae th a t are a t Geo. W. McKnight, R egister. d e ath to die; tha can gone down to home of Mra J . H ill. tending school will have Ihe leegeat Mrs. C. L McCoy and aan R a b a rt rlaa aa soma fa ira r shore, and bright vacation of the sesaien. It will be a le ft today fo r P a a d la ta a ta spand In haavan’a jew eled crown they shine g ath e rin g of old friends, talk in g over Five dollar* rew ard for recovery of C h ris'm e» and tba halldaya w ith rala- fa ra ra r m ore " the p a st and enjoying the company of horse saddle and bridle Brown geld tiv aa. oth ers. We will be happy because Ing, • years eld, bald face, long tail, others are happy. Now why Is i t th a t weight shout 1000 lbe, branded j Tha M isses Lucy aad D ara T hsm p- ell this joy and happinea* comes te ae? en rig h t stifle; saddle, sleek, new stir- •an a ra e x p ected hom e teaaarraw (S a t A fte r tha reg u lar m eeting of the It is because of th a t s ta te m e n t—"1 rape, látigo and lae lats, had busking a -d ay ) a vening ta apaad th e helidaya. Lucy ia teaching a t P e rtla a d aad D ora R abehah lodge rhia weeh Mrs. J. R. come th a t ye m ight have life and have rolls. Fiador w rite or pkoao. H a a ta r and Mra. 8 . Dennis, e n te rta in it m ore ab u n d an tly ." I t Is then be a t P ilo t Rack. J . H. Russell, Vale, O regon. tha m em bers w ith a taffy pull. They cause of the author of th a t sta te m en t, Mra. J . J S a ra z ia and B layaay Boy- a p en t a m arry hour, the taffy being "Jo y to the world, a Savior is b o ra ." F ob Sal«. dell m oterad to Caldw ell T uesday. easily pulled and re ry good sa tin g . A L et us then celebrate His birthday ia a Two pool tablee, ta c s, raeb and Mra. B arney Wilson waa hostess last goodly num ber w ere present to enjoy way th a t will be pleating te Him. The F riday fo r a delig h tfu l brid g e party. tha aeeasion. opportunity is given you to worship balls. Chaise for $50. W. B. H oxie T h ree tablea w are in play. Mra C. L. Him on tb it g re e t day. The service will be- held in the Episcopal church Tues McCov won high score, th a conaolatien day m orning a t llo V o c k on Christm as prise being aw arded ta M rs J J. S arsxin. A C h ristm a s m o lif w as ear- day. All a ie invited te worship with N yssa people are going to have an REV. IK A IN Q WOOD. rieii out on tha deco ratio n s in d re fre sh opportunity Monday afternoon to gal m ent*. a turkey or a chicken or a p g w ithout EPISCOPAL CHURCH,, Mrs J Hill of Vale visited relativ es m ossy and w ithout price. They are in N yssa th is w eak. going to no turned loose on Main s tre e t icrvices in the Perish Hail first Sun. in every momh in the . vein ny Tno girls and boya b asbetbell te a m s! t h , t tim e ,n d al1 **“ h*ve to do '° t'hirtl Sunday in every men h h e rea fte r catch 'em. w e n t to P a y e tte to d ay fo r a deebi* ° * n one or more ,s II o'clock in th e . A t least one nig, 6 turkeys and 12 h eader a t t h a t place tonight. chickens (the feathered kind) will be T he high a-heol boya havs fit to I ap a let loose and th e race will be a free for Ink 5c bottle a t the Journal office. room in the R e b a rg a t building an M aia all. Tha baad will play and negotia a tr e s t fo r b a sk e t ball a a d a ra indus tion ara in progress to have Santa trio u sly p ra ctic in g T hey e x p e c t to Claus proseat In person to conduct the play som a m atched gam aa aeon. proeaedingi, b u t up to the hour of go- A m a s tin g waa held la s t F rid ay af* iag to press no reply had been re- tarn o en a t th a office a f ■ M. B lodgett, ceived to a tele g ra m se n t him re a o ere ta ry of th e W ard D raiaaga dis questing hia hia presence. W atch I tric t, by tha sap erv laera a f tha dis B H am ak ar's show window for infor- tric t sa d Mr. P la a k a t, rep resen tin g m atioa, ae his reply will be posted M o rris.a tc K audaoa C o n a tra stlsa Co., th ese ae aeon as received. for the p arposa e f s n te rla g ia te a eea- t r a c t for th e eoaatruction e f the d ra is- Pen points a pet ny a piece a t tha age diteh. A c o n tra ct waa ag reed ap Jo e rn a l uffiee. e s and forw arded to th a c an stru a tia a a jm p a a y f a r a ig n atara, Tha c o n tra st Liquid parfu m a I k bottle a t tha iseladaa th a digging of ev er 9008 fe a t of diteh , a p e rt a f which will ha 10 J s a ra a l »Mee Sachet perfum es 10a paahags. f a s t deep. Children’s Christmas Eve -liday tioods are now on display. A visit to our store ¡ve you many suggestions for useful gifts that will your family and friends- e parly and bring th* children. We have a large se- o* practical, well made toys and other things which ake the children happy long after the holidays are » Card of thanks Christmas Pregram H Another Pioneer Gone or Early Christmas Shoppers ^ SH— ! LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Suggestions - u R P » «» .»» » ! >*♦♦« 1 M » Give Quick Rp/ief lljyssa Commission House a Poultry bought or handled on com mission. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 4-7, Nyssa. Oregon GEO. L. GOODRICH, Prop. S m Mr F*a . gad *•€ buttar W« Merry Xmas e rls rt Nyssa Packing Co. Mr «we Dr. J. A. McFail W nxen PbuM 147 Eyesight Specialist d a ta rio We wish you all a MJRHLiMil A. RAT, P r o J • som e |a k e your pullets iay by feeding EAT SCRAP We have it prepared yssa Grain Seed Co. & OREGON. N yssa G arage S PECIALIZES grain and hay farming with out livMbaik U e M i i a i tha aurplut is lUa raising livastosk v ith s it raising any of the feaIs vliian will rulass tas »»Hot prjiuciag the animals. Either way puts tha stale of p'oilts out of balance a n l l»»vas tha farrmr to facs ths pvnibiliciet i f Ian sa miyh? his sna and only class of production. We art particularly ia-arcsted here at the Malheur County Bank in tho development of permanent and continuous agricultural prosper ity. and aro always rUd to laad aosistancc in providing ths r ,<in 1 and qsslity of lira- stock for tho far.njrj this locality. AGENT ÇM 5 Chevrolet ^ 53^ Oxy-Acetyle»e Welding MALHEUB CO. BANK Capital................ $25 00« 00 «arpia».............. $26.000 00 All Work Guaranteed a n o c a n