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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1923)
I G ate C ity J ournal — —A---- - NYSSA, OKKfiON. FRIDAY, DECEMUER 28 , 1923 ME XX 11 . N<> 8 _____ *1.50 PER YEAR OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW P0RLÍND BRIDGE COMPANY COUNTY STATISTICS CREWS ARE HI WORK Nyssa, is taking special work It home economics. She lias been ling charge o f the cafeteria in North Bend— Citizens State Bank Malheur County Real Estate Trana- lent trail and has done some excilieni opens Jan 2. fers Recorded During work. She has been able to operate Week Of Dec. 15 to 22 Wallowa tax commission adds $10,- the cafeteria o n /a more profitable 000 to city budget.- S. M. Carithers et ux to Chas. R. PORTLAND BRIDGE COMPANY basis than any other manager. Mrs. Telocaset shipped 14 cam of grain. Fleigel-SV4SE14 Sec. 6-16-47. 11-8- CREWS ARE AT WORK Thompson i s , also taking several r • ^ 123. $10.00. Portland— Three vesales loading courses in accounting so that sue Mi LIES ARRIVE THL- will be fitted to teach either insti STATE GUARANTEES INTEREST grain for Orient. A- W. Gregg et ux to E. D. McCoy FOR PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS Engineering ¡EK ANU B L ï LAND. work r “ r llighaai et al Lota (i and 7, Block 26, On- tutional management or go into the To meet increased appropriations ConniiiHsion Will Ik* Under tario. 11-17-11. $100.00. practical work. She also assists state tax levy was arbitrarily in Direction of Chris Faurseau i Mrs. Bertha Scott, preceptress at creased $133,660 for 1924. H. W. arnes et ux to E. D. McCoy- Waldo hall. Eugene— 150 ment at work on undivided 14 interest in Lots 6 and Clyde C. Beam is a sophomore in Southern Pacific Oakridge line. Crews of the Portland Bridge 7, Block 20, Ontario. 11-15-23. $10. civil engineering, and a member of Work Expected To Start On Project, U. S. A. to Geo. Kelly-Lota 3 and Bend Bend hotel company incor company arrived late last week and in by Special Agent Urq- Achean club at Poling hall. James In South End Of County porated to erect $250,000 hotel this week have been busily engaged *■ EhSW V, Sec. 30-19-37; S E 1« of the Oregon Y\ estera i A. Duncan, also of Nyssa, is a fresh ^ March 1st, 1921 Hermiston—Artesian well flowing in getting work started on the coli-|Sec- 25-19-36. 10-8-23. lolunization Company. man in agriculture and member of ______ 1 175 gals, a minute assures adequate sUuct*on of the handsome new Williard Albert Hall et ux to S. Achean club. William M. McDonald water supply for town. birdge which is to span the Snake L. Langdon-SE*4 Sec. 11; NV4NE<w 1 is junior in agriculture and membei ThB Jordan Valley irrigation bonds Albany sees possibilities of having Hver and join the Ore* on ar'<l Ida ! Sec- H i NViNWki Sec. 13-17-45. ora Malheur Enterprise of tho Willamette club at Poling hall were certified by the state securities paper mjjj K \ I>° highway systqps. $400.00. list of the week Special Other students are Geneva Vaughn, commission last week. Four hun Eugene-Eugene Hotel Co. will .*?. far the workmen h“ ve complet- Chas. E. Beeler et ux to S. L. Urq hart of the Oregon I in commerce, Koberf S. dred thousand dollars worth of erect $300,000 building l‘d tbe construction of two buildings Ungdon-NHSEkl, NE14SW14, SW Colonization Company Overstreet, a special in Agriculture the bonds received the approval of R oseburg-N ew broccoli warehouse . Weat bank of ‘ he river f' ” ' ^ S E 'a Sec. 20; W * E H Sec. 29-17- a new group of settlers to and Charley D. Thompson sophomore t|,e commission and the state guar- and loading station to o up the storing of supplies. Several 40. 10-18-22. $000.00. m Canada. There are fivi agriculture. j anteed the interest for a period of Bend— Buenl Vista School destroy- ' f ar1^ o f Pilink “ nd lumber have I Oregon & Western Colon. Co to Myrtle E. Logan, from Brogan, five years. This action was taken eJ by fire ^ ^ rebuiu at once hauled to the river. The piling Larion Veregin-WKNWViNEVi, NE the party, two o f whon. it.icir families with them. u sopl.omore economics, following of the previous Salem— Prelimni.ry work work on o n 'n e w 1'? of ..N NWHNÜ Sec. 13-19-44. ....... , in home ,7 77 . K a reversal ‘ I, Salem—Prehmniary new ,7 to„ , T be Used . . . for . the construrt>on — “ “ *" W " * * >er o f 1 1 Beta 1 in soror- opinion of the Supreme court which $190 ^ j j hi . . , the fals« bridge from which work xo-30-23. $10,000.00 Veregin, one oi the puny, f ....... ..................................... - . ____ _________ ___________ . . . ................................. „ . „ „ *ol S treetT d J r way. ! WiU be Carried on durinK * * Abe Lewellen to' Vina Lewellen-N 100 acres under toe ity. Helen McIntyre, also of Broga.i i invalidated the issue. is a junior in vocational educat.or: struction of the new bridge. A call for new bids for both the , IT. " Vi NE *4 Sec. 20-15-42; Lot 4, SWb, kings project, the land fo i- Westfir— One large dam nearing 1 T. aed by Jeff House. i\lr. and a member of Alpha Gamma completion and another to be con i The engineering work for the High- NWl*. W ttS W * , SEV4SW14 Sec. 3; Delta sorority. will be made at once and it is be- structed at Western Lumber com -1 ! ? y icomml“ i°n be done under NW'4, W liN E k., NEliSW Vl Sec. 1 is an experienced farmer, the direction of Chris F’ aurseau. John Malone, from Jamieson, is a lieved work can be started on the pany's mill. 10-16-41. 12-18-23. $10.00. (aimed a section of land in - I Zott Hamstreet et vir to M. B. ince of Saskatchewan, Can- sophomore in pharmacy. He is also project by March 1, 1924. Vernonla— Station to be openr-1 The state has made it obligatory here by standard 0 i, compan a member o f Miami club at Poling Meyers-1.08 acres in NWKNE14 la number oi years. Sec. 25-15-42. 11-12 23. $10.00. Portland - $ 16,000 factory and ■N. Veregin, who has his hall. He has elected the four year that a project manager and engineer! at sher. frith lum, bought ¿0 acres oi curriculum which is academic and be in chrge, to be appointed by the warehoU8e building to Andrew Hulishizer et ux to Ida Dallas,—For the second time B. Carey-SEKSE* Sec. 13; N E * N I land, iius land is located professional in nature, lie will re- State engineer and to draw a salary | lock ave and Suffolk within a few weeks a bridge has 1 Pendleton__Plans for big packing Eki Sec. 24-13-40. 7-9-23. $1.00. t oi town in the Sand Hot ceive a bachelor o f science degree, o f not more than 3,600 a year. wneii the woik is completed. This The district is in a very fine con- bouse under consideration. Will in- gone down in the county under the Knute N. Dahle et ux to L. T. Pope-Nt4NV4, SEM N EK, -------- EHSE'A . - - ---------------- JJ. Struloeff and family are will prepare him for any position dition due to the fact that it inherits crease present payroIl about $75,000 weight of county road . working . . mu- E-4 / southwest oi requiring a knowledge oi drugs and the equities and properties of the annua][y ihinery.^ Several weeks ago a bridge SWV.SE1,* Sec. 24-26-39; Lots 1 gily located - . W V ' oid Carey act project which was Oregon has liberated an excess of ^ ute river near 3, 4. SEKNW>A, EM1S W 4 S H N E tlie Graham ranen. They j chemicals, decided on property yet. Theodore T. Cowgill, of Jordan abandoned following the failure ot 4Q .000 Chinese pheasants in fields of * ;lls d t y collapsed Under, the 7 ' Kht NHNE14. NV4SEV., SW14SE14 s / led fanning is planned by Valley, is a sophomore in commerce. the contractors to complete their Eastern is tern and Western part of state. I V ° f„ ^ a" d re ly^ ^ - W « * ‘ y.00. ( .... Rex Marquis et ux to C. W. Bu for the coming year. He has also been chosen to be on work. Eugene— Baptists to ei-ect new Cently While the COUnty tractor was hauling a scraper and a rock crush lard-N V4N W l4SW V,SW Í4 Sec. 9-18- the sophomore debate squad. He is a ^ church. er across a bridge over Mill creek, 47 42-3-23. $1.00. member o f the Miami club at Poling . Garibaldi— S. P. railway to open ARCADIA near Buell, the truck broke through y \y p 0rter et ux to State of hall. ^ rock quarry at Miami in East Gari dropping 15 feet to the bed of the Oregon-3 acres in Sec. 17-15-46. 9- baldi. Rock to be used in construct Ethyl T. Cowgill is a sophomore stream, taking the tractor with it. 18-23. $150.00. A good crowd enjoyed the program m commerce and a member of L’- given at the school house Friday ing sea wall near Bar View. In both instances the driver went John J. Ackerman et ux to Dora Ranier to lay new water pipe line Amitie club at Waldo hall. Miss evening. The room was beautifully down with his machine, but neither E. Phelan WV4NWM, SE*4SW*4, 8 Cowgill is also a member of the decorated, the tree was loaded with to take place of old wooden pipes. man was hurt beyond minor bruises. W 4 SK14 Sec. 33-15-40; Lot S, Sec. New paper at Montague reflects > ALE, M m A, BKUGA.N JA M ii.- c;ist for the playlet ‘ Budget Ghost” j ents old Santa was on hand und 4 18-41). 10-24-21. $10.00, _ SON A .Xi> ' ' ’ Ju iiu A . A . . V A . L . u ijl . . ................................ F live condition of that community. to be presented by the class An there was candy and nuts for every Portland,— Five persons alleged t o 1 !.. R. Dimsea to James P. Ander- Rainier— Packing company pre household management. The comedy one. paring to build new unit next year. have been implicated iy thi- psbbery?son-lacre in S E IN E M Sec. 14-31-41 is being givn to mpliasiz ideas per liert-iu Louiùca ÌA.u\c Deeit taining to efficient budget, and will Ira Dali and family attended the Roseburg— New warehouse o f rein- of the bank at Florence last week 8 4-21. $200.00. were utreated hei Friday night James p. Anderson et ux to Tacú l » j 1 l i e ù lU Ü tT IlM be given at tlie next home economics program given at the Valley View j forced concrete going up at Pine and Tom Murray, one of the men who School District No. U-l acre in SE 14 i’ rum Hua coa*u> school house Saturday evening. Oak streets. dub meeting. is an ex-convict, is said by the NE14 Sec. 14-31-41, 8-30-22. $200. Othrs from Jordan Valley are Vernon Butler and Jim Kakebeeke New railroad from Crane to Sene- police to have confessed. Another, Marriage Licenses Iiseued Gerald A . Palmer, Lewis C. Palmer, who have been attending college at ca W' B Be built at cost of $1,500,000. Edward Walker, had been fully OiegUii ^i-ülLCUiCutai LiUUt u, CGi Lawrence Johnson and Odessa sophomores in commerce and mem Corvallis have returned home to ^wo sawmills to be constructed, from identified. Of the loot taken vaut0|f4»c;6uuciibà iiuiiiuc4.a.iö a ie Toledo—Methodists formulate plans Hickey. 12-17-23. bers of Kappa Delta Sigma fratern spend the holidays. X> Jr dhü. a toeU ÌU ti^ c u t t e r e l i u m v u i v , for erection of new church building. the bank $1426 was recovered. John T. Lange 3rd and Kate Deen ity, and Samuel R. Scott, a special iiiogoiìi ¡iaJiUeauU una ou John Carr and family have moved Oregon City—New railroad will l i V a i i C j . 12-21-23. in commerce. Masonic Eugene,— A new $75,000 U l U U älilU .L d iu c i, a e v e ü a m ic ^ ia c e itu to the Clyde Long ranch to make tap valuable body merchantable tim- Geo. D. Davis and Vola E. Ster their home. blC, Ai V tí .4t t4£t ACUXWUI X, temple is to be built here in the ling. 12-22-23. lier between Colton and Highland. Elmer Smith o f Logan, Utah is Albany— Business men planning t o 1 spring, according to the decision of ; U éUllUliliCb, IW u C i v i l Cit Ralph C. Swenson and Elizabeth visiting a few days with his brother- j ojn jn filuintmg building of new the local lodge. Several plans for Joseph. 12-22-23. feme oü c ea cu ui e tte a e n u u t a i in-law, Jim Benall and family. homes in city | the building are being considered at Ux UCCt. ü e iì^ iiie C A U i^ , m e c lia U iC c tk Mrs. Earl Quinley who has been Eugene—Sale o f Osburn hotel for the present time. The building will Complaints Filed in Circuit Court , t v u e a t/iU iia i c u u C u c io t t u tm Action of Budget Commission Low First Bank of Juntura vs. W. F. quite sick the past week is improv- $290,000 largest deal ever made in be at the Northwest corner of Tenth ers Amount of Malheur Lyman et al. 12-18-23. Foreclosure ! uvenue and Olive street. mg. » iva l i d i o , ix u lti V a iti; city. County Taxes. of mortguge. $100.00. ATU ’ oX £>i^iiiu Olii ai ucci ni f là Arrival o f locomotive from Max- Hiram Vandike who has been in First Bunk of Juntura vs. Milton f ìiì eiucUiCoti tii^iiiticxu»K* Eugene— Drilling resumed in tho California the past year has return- ville Marks connection of Wallowa B. Sexton et ux. 12-18-23. Foreclos- [Dccii a^^utiicua tu a ^ uuì U ou with Bishop Meadows. Guaranty well. As a result of the action of tlie ed and is working for J. Mackey. 1 ure of mortgage. $150. b A iilcciVCl ùtdll. v tiiUl uudget commission the total amount Klamath Falls— Three hu nd r e d Chester Lackey rented his ranch u n s e iiû r * Sixtv million million teet feet lumDer, lumber valuta valued at at ^ Albany - Linn ?11(83<M7 county taxpayers, Rub g Godding vs. Earl Godding ¡1 ou^JltUliiUl *J ili ItUliiU CU) of taxes for Malheur county for the to Glen Davis o f Nyssa and is mov sixty ^ sayed next year a li com i 12-20-23. Divorce and alimony. ittc to atou ¿ccuiiti Vit-c year of 1924 will be $725,935.30. ing to Ontario. Mr. Davis will move approximately $10,000,000 manufac through reduction o f school budgets. tured in Klamath district in 1923. ua V» aiuu Hall, a iiiciUDtii 'Hie tax levies are: in Thursday. Petitions Filed In Probate Court Total value of utilities in Joseph Wallowa— Several local men pro -tu uuu, auu iiicAuucx o. School districts ....... $155,238.24 Solan Miner and family o f Parma Guardianship o f Violet Uhlich. ine county more than $2,136,692. J ClLàCiUa. xlAlàd tUlilCl were visting Mr. and Mrs. Stewart jecting new industry in shape of Irrigation and drainage Receipts of Portland gained 11 per 12-22-23. iiu Muti ou»ini, ceiuxxcalD Black fox farm. districts - ........ 227,116.6» Sunday. Lane county will spend $25,000 to cent «ver Nov. of last year. ¡Tic ili A U1‘ hdcCCooUluy |)doh Towns ................................. 47,603.20 Casper, Wyo., Dec. 24th Fire de Tokio,— The Oriental hotel at Kobo have 100,000 acres timber cruised. Rosefcurg— Oil drilling to start stroyed 10 of the largest business ¡XiAC àitvlllg tcot. VV CiiUCli A. State and county ........ 295,977.1» was partly destroyed by fire the Expected equal sum will be spent soon—company has derrick up and houses in Lavoye, 47 miles north 0 * ; là a jumux iix iiicciioliictxi here, last night wit» •’ miaieU 'li 1^7 aitu vico jiicoiuciiL Ua Total ..................... ..$725,935.50 morning of December 24th. All ol each year until all of 460,000 acres engine in place. the occupants are believed to have timber land on records are gone yKH,,50t). j ctuD ac 1 OiUi£ Alali# *«xa. Springfield—Construction complet loss of approximate escaped. Many 01 of mem them lieu fled to over. . , escapeu. many All insurance was removed from ! XV »4 0 i c u u i i u y p i c i a t ì u XCx ed on new county bridge across mill W ashington,-Christm as pardon s s jle ly . in thtlr sleeping business houses in Lav y only e „ _ _ _ garmenu . Klamath Falls— Work on new race, two miles east. Ut. iuajk. Ab. o utttiouiJ .0 s. ----- unu commutations for eleven men --------- f houge of Qtfifornia_o««*on little more than a month ago, due to ili CI Vii CiJ^lliCC'i iiiLy bbt.ct Umatilla irrigation project re federal per.i- Waterbury, Conn.,— Indicating a ; company on Link river will start im- Willl ¿>i ttllUjJ<xa.ultcAj v* *b«-v serving tcmis m ceived $840,000 for continuing con inadequate protection against fire. L nuancs were announced Dec. 24th a desire to help the organization ] metjjatly ; luiic^tt, struction during coming year. New York,—The Leviathan, the oy President Coolidge which served them during the world g t Helenes— 1,000,000 ft. lumber x. tVACAJuuaui Ai CiU Practical completion of state work pnde of the American merchant war, tlie American Legion here has 8hippe(1 to Guaymas, Mexico, 1, ,500,- UA tii (¿¿ucultu.ti ailx j/itm on Mount Hood loop highway from marine Friday morning struck a London, Dec. 24th Former Min- offered the Salvation Army use of 000 £t_ to Japan during week. ¡Ulc u4ubic auu uJiiii,....o u- stei David Lloyd George who was its clubhouse as headquarters for a Hillsboro___ County budget slashed Multnomah county line to Oregon muj bar o ff the .Staten Island ami lul. ttti io Ulà U jii'tii.uwu U. National forest boundary is report remained there for about 7 hours, asen ill with a cold several days campaign to raise $35,000. Funds j j g 000 DvV LMjg, ti iUastimC-ewi. ^i ! At 5:15 she was refloated after most sgo, somewhat to the alarm of his raiseij ¡n tne drive will be used to Milton to improve present water ed. Im. XX. xuCi XAauuttcill^ i.t .... Clatskanie— Figures wanted for of her passengers had landed in nends, had sificiently recovered u - build a Salvation Army hotel. In gy„tem. tu cCbtCii iCciXU-stt cnib ayu> proceed to Criccieth, his »velsh ajdition to offering the legion men Klamath__39b uilding permits anJ construction of sewer on Main street boats und tugs. She proceeded in ome, where he will spend Cnrist- pmuge themselves to aid in the ac- ten permits for remodeling, granted from Clatskanie river to Third the dusk to her pier with the r*sl I - Ü V . A iiu itt jjo ( II, street ■ ° f hor passengers. aas" tive work of the campaign. during month of November. S£TTL£fiS ARRIVE I M E S ABE GERTIFIEO NEW RIOS TO BE GULLED FOR FRÛM WESTERN CAÍÜA0A State News Y STUDENTS FROM ô?ër lÉLHtUli GII. Al U.A.G. TAX LEAHIES EOO 1S24 her i L . l ’S THE USE mm f t By L. F. VAN ZELM Atta Boy, Felix! rr