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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
XT bllltv the offlee carries I promise, if =*D nominated end elected, to give my beet thought and energy to e careful study of the relative preparty valuation and without fear or favor to so place the acme on the tax roll that in my judga- FOR JOINT SENATOR Political Announcement 1 seek the republican nomination ment all will bear alike their just end Subject to the result of the Primary Election to be held Maty 21,1920, 1 here* for joint senator for the twenty eee equitable burden of taxation. I. B. QUISENBURY. by annonnes my candidacy for the Re ond Senatorial Dietriat at «he (Paid Advertisement.) primaries. publican Nomination for State Senator from the twenty second senatorial Dis If nominated and elected 2 FOR COUNTY AM EM O R . trict composed of Grant, Hafney and to the District an honaet service and Attar servA* one term as Assess Malheur counties, State of Oregon. will take my oath of offlee unpledged or of Malheur Oounty, during which If nominated and elected I will, dur to any person or Interest. time I have attended to the duties ing my term of offiee, endeavor to act I am a liberal and not a of the office to the best of my abil with prudence and care in the dischaige ary or radical; and especially ity I sulbmit my candidacy (er re- of my duties, without fear or favor to public expenditures, election to the sippsoval of the -co and lor the greatest good to the great should mean thrtttaeaa. Pub lie as- ble, subject to the Democratic Prim est number. peuditure* demand areaeonahle pvoas- aries May 21, 1*2«. CHARLES M. CRANDALL, !*e of material and social benefit. Ir Vale, Oregon. R. M. CARULE. rigation and drainage under p e e ls I (Paid Advertisement.) (Paid Advancement.) assessments; good roads; protection of grazing iande and of the FOR 8TATE SENATOR. FOR SUPERINTBNDENT OF range lor tbs good of the llvi SCHOOL8. I hereby announce myself as a oan- intereat aa a whole; betterment of .diuate for the Republican nomination mail service; improvement of I tereby annesnea say seif aa sandi- X f r the office of State Senator of the ¡ties of branch line railroads; data far the affisa ef County Superin ^ » la tric t comprised of Malheur, Har among the Important 'ocal tendent ef sehoela ef Malheur Ceunty, ney and Grant Countlas. If I Rode end poetal service in country Oregon, subject te the will ef the Re publican voters at the Primaries to be nominated and elected for a districts are the only visible returns term I will continue to aerve this front taxation, and the burden of tax held May 21, 1920. If nomit ated and district and the State of Oregon to ation should be (airly equalised alected I will davate ali my tinse and anergy ta the advaacement of the the very best of my ability. through these means. •choela ef the ceanty. JULIBN A. HL'ULtiY, On the foregoing statement I MRS. EPFIE M. CRAIL. State Senator. the support of the republican (Paid Advertisement.) (Paid Advertisement.) OHAiRLDS W. ELLIS, B utm . Ore. (Paid Advertisement.) NOTICE OF «A L E OF CORPORATE FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE. STOCK FOR FAILURE TO PAY . FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. ASSESSMENT. To the Republican voters of Har 1 announce myself aa a candid te. ney and Malheur counties: NOTICE, is hereby gives that at I herewith submit by caudidaey to for the nomination for the office ef the Republican voters of Harney and District Attorney for Malheur Ooun a regular meeting of the Directors Malheur counties for the nomination ty, at the Republican Primaries te of the K. S D. Fruit Land Company, of joint representative in the Oregon be held May 21st., 1*20. If 1 am nom held at their place of business of inated and elected I will devote all said Company in the City of Ontario, Legislature in the elbova district. Should 1 be nominated and elected the time and attention neceiaary Oregon, on too 3rd day of December, I will devote my best energy and to the proper performance of all 1919, for the purpose of raising funds to pay off the indebtedness of said J bought to securing legislation that the duties of the offlee. Company and levying an assessment ROBT. D. LViUC. wii'l be of benefit to this part of the 26to3« on each share of Capital stock of (Paid Advertisement) State, and to the State at large. said Company for that purpose, an P. J. GALLAGHER. a sessment of *25.00 w. .a levied and (Paid Advortieemwxi) FOR COUNTY CLERK assessed against each share of the I hereby announce myself aa a can Capital Stock of said company now didate for the (Xfloe of County d a rk FOR COUNTY TREASURER. outstanding and numbering 300* of Malheur Oounty, Oregon, subject I hereby announce myself as candi shares. That due notice of sunk a*- date for the office of County Treasurer to the will of the Republican Voters sessment wan duly served coon each of Malheur County, Oregon subject to at the Primaries on May 21st, 1M0. holder of stock in said Company the will of the Republican electors at If nominated and elected I promise more than 60 days prior to the date the Primaries to be held May 21st, 1920. to devote all of my time sad at of this notice, seating the amount per tention to the proper conduct of the Respectfully, chare of such assessment and the affaire of the offlee. C. C. MUELLER. total amount of each stock holders (Paid Advertisement.) HARRT 8. 8AOKJ7TT. assessment, and that such sum and (Paid Advertisement) assessment if not paid within 60 days FOR SHERIFF. the same would become delinquent I hereby announce myaelf as a candi For Assessor end the stock sold ae by law, and the date for the second term as Sheriff of I hereby announce myaelf a candidate By-laws of said Company provid . Malheur County Oregon, subject to the far the office ef Assessor ef Malheur ed. I 111 of the Democratic voters at the County, subject te the will of the Re The time mentioned In said notice KKKKKMMMMXMX Primaries to be held May 21st. 1920. publican voters at the primary election having fully expired, R is dlscloled H. LEE NOE. to be held May 21, 1920. by the records >f said company that (Paid Advertisement.) Ever conscioua of the great respnnsi- the following stock of said Company as of sale, and that no postpone ment of said ac e will be allowed. is delinquent and the said assessment Dated 2»th day of March, 1*20. nor sny pert thereof, ha« been paid, Finit Publication, April 2, 19S0. viz. Stock standing in the name Lest Publication, May 7, 1M0. of W. H. «H MANN AN, EUGENE SCHRHTBDR, Certificate Secretary of No. 1C, 1000 share*. *25,000.00 K. R. D Fruit Land Company. NOW, THEIRSrORB, in accordance CANDY BUiSILNBSS. We start you, REPUBLICAN with th* minutes end orders of the at home, or anywhere; everything directors ef said Comping, at a Candidate in Congress meeting tbsreef held in the City ef furnished; *30 wkly., up; meo-wo- Ogden, Utah, on the 2dth 'ey of men; experience unnecessary; Spec March, 1930, and at which time and ialty Cendymeking Oo., Philadelphia, IM t He Favors: Equal rights to the Public, Labor and Capital piece said stock wee declared to be Pa. 5 South 13th at. Is iwmensaly interested in Irrigation Dav&lopment, the advance* delinquent end erdered sold to sat For—Sale—Disc harrow, ltinch walk ment of the mining end timber resource! of this part of Oregon and isfy said assessment, coats and ex ing plow, and sickle grinder Inquire the recovery of our apportionment in the federal fund for development panses of sale, the aaid stock so R. S. Megorden, Nysse, Oregon. 31tf. purposes standing in the name of said Eugene Sohrelber, will en the 15th day cl He is in touch with the vital needs of Central and Eastern Oregon May, 1920, at tha hour of i:00 O’- ciook P. M. at the lew office of WRiTE TODAY Wm. E. Lees in the City of Ontar Get your name on the largest regular io, Oregon; that being a place of Primareis May 21. Get out and vote. business of said Company, be sold mailing list in or Oregon, receive Free i by return mail an up to-date price list at public auction to th# highest end of several hundred pieces mdse, used best bidder therefor iwr cash, or eo daily ad ress— JONES FOR CONGRES8 CLUB. much of said stock as »hell be aeees- sary to satisfy said assessed CO-OP STORE, CALDWELL. Paid Adv. Apr 30. May 7, 14 Baker Oregon. sum of (25,000.00, costs and expena- a= X-XXXXXXXXXXXMX^XXXXKMXXXXX KXXXXXXXKXXXXKr.XXMMKXr:. .XXX p o litic a l Bnnouncem ents ______ _ Saturday Specials Grocery Department High Patent Flour, per sack - $2.90 High Patent Flour, per barrel, 4 sks $11.50 Laundry Soap, per case, 100 bars - 4.50 Dried Prunes, per pound - 171-2 cts Creamery Butter, per pound - 60 cts Rolled Oats, 9-pound sack - 70 cts Bulk Coffee, good quality, per pound 40 cts Carnation Milk, 2 cans for - 25 cts Meat Specials Veal Pot Boats, per pound - 22 to 25 cts Veal Stew, per pound 15 cts Hamberger Steak, per pound 20 cts Shoulder Steak, per pound 20 cts Beef Pot Roast, per pound 18 to 20c Beef Boil, p«r pound 121-2 to 15 cts We are paying to day 64 cts per pound for Butter Fat Independent Market SEAT OWEN F. JONES Ontario, Oregon ” '■ ***;•. * t * .«** * * * v<u. F0RDS0N TRACTORS FORD CARS AND FORD TRUCKS For Sale - and Can Make Immediate Deliveries All Kinds of Repair Work Guaranteed. Service Garage NYSSA.-OREGON C. C. COTTON, PROP. PHONE <4 X B>arma ¡elevator Buyers of Crain and Seed of Ail Kinds TRUTH WILL OUT! ■= fV “* he taking of Amaturee you know that the Photograph* is a jey, but the de veloping end finishing is a burden. Call Us on Phone No. 85 F. J. WALMSEY, Mgr. We concede you the joy, give u* the burden— and the results will be pleasing If don* by Bring your woraout Battery to SELIGM AN’8 O ntario , O esgon 5 CUSHMAN SERVICE STATION ST U D IO “Photos that are different P r o n i Utt-W and let them put Guaranteed Service Into It. \ PARMA - - IDAHO . ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ X X X X X X X M K X X X X X . " . : ' . aXXX .