Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1920)
e is of wood g a t e c l,,v '"illdln, «.J ‘ h,,n" '' npucn I * 1 ''TT'" T " “ ls “" “".v l„M « h rn k i 'hat - l 8,1,1 r.v wan, , 7 ! B,ly 1,1 hiwa, holU * 8 KHte y e n e rT '1 r,hU' _ ION NEWS NOTES IF GENERAL INTEREST Ir*“ J h s lp a l Events of the Week Wefly Sketched for Infor* ation of Our Readers. I — rt* arranged an'l h .1 Storage .E fforts are being made to organize ThJ (tilt Imr-v an ath letic club a t The Dalles. s °n on,, jkt an election in B auks the m easure nb,p "»'! for s e Z .•prporate th e tow n w as passed. ?r- T hf stall ,e r' or feeding a,, A cont ract has been let for an a p a rt * "Way from the m ent house in P endleton to cost $77,- tie r alleys ’ a'hfre they „Pe „ * that penctratci eztensio n achool will be held in B enton county, Ja n u a ry M 30, “• T h - •- a sanitin, «c au s e sunlight i , , »The leg islatu re passed the bill pro for th e licensing of autom obile Us of the stable as. •ling to the sue««, 1 driver* T h e Oregon S ta te D airym en's asso “* roof. These , will m eet in E ugene Ja n u a ry tlflcnll.v so that tb 22 . 1 out of the ban, *, 21 f resh 11 lr from lnl(: More than 100 persons at Mapleton th e litter alleys ^ w ere vaccinated during the p ast week ■ th ere is an overt,,*, because of a sm allpox sc a re there. A litter carrier pm, E, C. Cole, official dog c atc h er for i)f takiu the city of Eugene, m ade a p rofit of . method of —« side "'if" 1371 the past m onth catching Jig s. f,„„i ,|U' 1,8111 5 fc T he Oaco O rchard com pany in Ben- hmmi carrier monii« viding ciation and ' the burn, where.' tied. 'l l,,. |wy |s ; he mow anil * huy racks at tli- t0n | ° u" ,y 801,1 ' ' Parly ,8B000 W° r,h 9 t fruit th is year oft its 400 acre tract. Wnoco county ls u n d e rta k in g a ays squirrel poisoning cam paign under the auspices of the ag ricu ltu ral irrnngeinent I d the fcj *«ent. July 22, 23 and 24 a re th e d ates se lected for the third annual convention of the Oregon S tate E lk s’ association to be held in Salem.. ' Mrs. Mary E. Collins, 70, Oregon pio n e e r of 1853, and widow of th e late Judge Jam es L. Collins, died a t the dually home in D allas. Intpresslve cerem onies atten d in g the laying of the co rn ersto n e for Bend's $3S,$00 Catholic church will be held Sunday afternoon, Ja n u a ry 25. A m tate-w lde m ovem ent h as been in- ated by th e O regon B ankers' ittee. to in te re st th e c h ild in for the raisin g of re g iste re d live- aen has 1 quality Work rry? Can't my d r ippllcant* Mr. hi? secretary “and year wife baby grille < "uri«M* ,nd purchased a few w eeks ago in h u tes county by the D eschutes _____ y Seed com pany is being cleared a n d !200 acres will be planted to p ota toes th is spring. A t a m eeting of th e L ebanon N a tional Farm Loan asso ciatio n it was reported th a t federal land b ank loans had been m ade to sto ck h o ld ers to th e am ount of $230, 000 . Silas W illiam s, re sid e n t of Linn continuously since he crossed the plains to O regon in 1852, died a t farm ei'jh t m iles so u th e a st of A1 , aged 85 years. e citizens in and about. K nappa, rm lng d istric t in C latsop county, planning to Install a grav ity w ater em which will supply about 7$ ichea and fam ilies. ult grow ers from all ev e r Polk n ty report th a t since m e » c e n t ____ ivy snow rabhita in la rg e «em bers he»« descended upon th H r orehards and e re ru laln g th e tee*«. I Th* ear sh erlag e, regarding whic h iberm ea have been com plaining for tim e, baa r a is e d th e Albany aber eoeipsny to suspend opere- J U w i a t Me mill tem porarily. S Jb u th o rity to p rocure an oil painting offthe late Jam es W ithyvombe. form er ern o r of Oregon, wae given by th* •latu re. providing th a t up to $60$ expended fa r a p ainting of th* ex five. he coat of trail work on the import- |t project* in the C ascade national ■ b e e t during the y ear D ili waa from M l’ .«9 a mile to $478.3» a mile, ac cording to a rep o rt of I'oreet Super M *c,r Macduff. trael of 13.nnn.no0 feet of tim ber the Siskiyou m ou n tain s and ad- eut to the Pacific highw ay h as been rchased by the Barham brother* of ihland. who will begin logging op tions at once. 1 joint m eeting of th e dental socl es of Lane. Linn and M arion conn- s to be held in Eugene some tim e ring the month of F eb ru ary is being nned by the m em bers of the Lane unty D ental society. George F. Deisg w as killed last week the Coast Range L um ber road a r Mabel. He w as stan d in g be- een two cars w hen th e y cam e to- ther. and was pinned betw een th e ejec tin g ends of logs. An industrial survey of L inn county ill he m ade by th e Albany- C ham ber Comm erce to be used in answ ering quiries reg ard in g th e county's re tirees and in d u strie s and In general Ivertlsing of th e county. Severely frozen feet su stain ed dur- g the storm In D ecem ber w h * he olunteered to save boiler m achinery it Brooks Scanlon logging cam p No. caused th e death at Bend of W. C. tilings, loader forem an. A jo in t session of th e house and sen te elected th e following to th e re- reated fish and gam e com m ission: Ish com m issioners— F rank M. W ar- n. five y eers: Chrt* Schm idt, th ree ears; C harles H all, one year. Game om m isslonera— I. N. F leisch n sr, five e a rs ; M arlon Jack , five year*; E. 0. immnne. th ree y e a rs; Jo h a Gill, th ree ears; C. F. Stone, one y ea* H. Powers. Anson C. Rogers, G. W insor, P eter Loggie and H enry Sengstaken, Coss Bay port commia- sionera, a re on a lo u r of th e Colum bia riv er from P o rtlan d to A storia, to in spect docking facilities provided by the various ports. G overnor O leott waa stripped of all pow er in the ap p o in tm en t of m em bers of the s ta te fish and gam e com m is sion when th e leg islatu re passed the house bill providing for a jo in t fish and gam e com m ission of nine m em bers who s k ill be elected by the legialature. Th# Y rigoniu Oil company, recently | organized to d rill for oil in th e Rogue riv e r valley, lias received a drilling | o u tfit and will sta rt o p eratio n s lu a few days. T he com pany has made an exhaustive survey of the te rrito ry on the e a st aide of B ear creek, n ear A sh land. T he cle rk s of th e sev eral national forests in th is sta le ended a two days' m eeting a t Eugene with the adoption of reso lu tio n s asking th a t they be granted an advance in sa la ry and that' they be d esignated h e re a fte r deputy- supervisors or ad m in istrativ e assist a n ts instead of clerks. S ensational allegations to th e effect th at th e fish and gam e com m ission acquired the Reddish farm in Lane county to pay a political debt incurred during th e last leg islatu re a re contain ed In a ault in stitu te d in the circuit co u rt at Salem a g a in st the commie sion by H. A. Holmes. S en a to r H uston's bill providing for the e stab lish m en t of a co u rt of dom es tic relatio n s iu each county of the sta te which now has o r shall h e reafter a tta ia a population of 200,000 inhabi tant* *r m ore, and prescrib in g th e ju risdiction, duties and pow ers of such court, passed th e leg islatere. By an overw helm ing vote th e people *f A storia a t a special election adopt ed two am en d m en ts to th e city c h a r ter. One c re ta e s a civic c e n te r com m ission and au th o rizes exp en d itu re of $250,000 in e stab lish in g playgrounds and a eivie c e n te r and the erection at an auditorium . T he o th e r am endm ent au th o rizes a $500.000 bond issue (o carry out reclam ation work along ike city w a te r front. The A shland F ru it and Produce as sociation, a co-operative m ark etin g as soelation of which m ost of the grow e rs of Ashland and vicinity are mem bers, has closed by fa r the m ost sue reseful year in its history. The re port of M anager A. C. Rriggs. read at the annual m eeting, disclosed the fact th at th e association during the past year did a $ 150.000 business, alm ost doubling its best previous showing. c r r r ja m u ra r. A I L I I R D F L D n T I V I - J SUNDAY ANUARY NYSSA, OREGON FREE STREET PARADE-12 O’CLOCK M l f U T Q .1C Adulta $1.00 PL* Tex FREE BAND CONCERT—7:15 P. M. l l l v u l l O .ID Children 5Cc Plue Tax BARNES M instrels 20 PEOPLE A Sailor Crew Presenting a Two-Hour Performance of JOLLY, JINGLING, JOVIAL JESTERS The Big Show For Ladies and Children Not Moving Pictures 1 “FESTIVE FEAST OF FROLICKING FUN” 1 1 BRASSY - RAZZY - JAZZ A Company of Novel Surprises - A Veritable Incubator o f Laughs 1 Black Face Singers and Danvers Our Own Band and Orch 2stra The Big Show of the Season ALIAS SUMMONS. IN T H E O lROUIT COURT O F T H E S T A T E O F OREGON, FOR M ALHEUR COUNTY. WM. B. LEES, Plaintiff, v*. R. W. A. SIM.MC.Vi3 and JA N E DOE SIMMON3, husband and wife; FRElD G. CALDW ELL and JA N E DOE CALDW ELL, hu#>an<! and wife; and CH A R LES S. STAF FORD, a n d JA N E DOE STAF FORD, husband and wife, D efendants. To, R. W. A. Sim m ons, Ja n e Doe Sim m ons, F red G C aldw ell, Jan e Doe C aldw ell, C harles S. S taffo rd an d Ja n e I>oe Stafford, D efendants. IN T H E NAME O F T H E STATE OF OREGON, You a re herelby re quired' to ap p ear and an sw e r the com plaint died ag ain st you in the aibove e n titl d suit on or before the fith day of F eb ru ary , 1920, th e sam e being the la s t day prescribed b y the o rd er of the above en title d C ourt, d irectin g serv ice of sum m ons in said su it to be made upon you b y p u b lica tion th ereo f; and if you fa il #0 t* answ er, fo r w ant th ereo f, th e plain tiff will apply to th e C o u rt fo r th# re .le t 1 rayed for in his com plaint, to w it:—F or a decree of th is Court q u ietin g his title to lo ts 23 to 30 Inclusive in Block 2. Villa P a rk A A- ditlon to the City of O ntario, Mel- henr C ounty, O regon, and adjudging th e p lain tiff h erein to b e (Be sole le^ral and eq uitable ow ner of all of said lo 'e and every p a rt th e re o f and that, the defendants nor e ith e r of th em , have any in 'erer.t, title o r es ta te in or to said lo*s a n d land, or, any p art th ereo f and th e defend a n ts be fo rev er barred and enjoined from a so e rtin g any claim In o r te said lo ts o r any p a rt th e re o f an'd for such o th e r relief as m ay be Just and equitable You a re fo rth .« m tlfle d th a t tb»a sum m ons Is served upon you t y ptA- ltcation th e re o f by virtu e of a n o:dec of the Hon Dalton Biggs, Ju d g e of th e above entitled Court, dated Dec 20, • 1919, and which 'r d e r directs th a t th is sum m ons be published once each week fo r six consecutive week? in th e G A TE O U T JO U R N A L a weekly news--\».per of g e n e ra l' clrcu lation In M alheur Ooun y, Oregon com m encing with th e Issue of Dee 26th, 1919, an'd com pleted b y the Issue of F eb ru ary 6 , 1920. W!M. E. LEES A tto rn ey fo r P lain tiff R esid in g a t O n tario , Oregon. NAZABENK CHU RCH Engagement Announced Sunday school a t 10 a. tm Eve- tit g uervice a t 7:00 p. m. Regular jray e’- m eetin g on Thursday evenin; M r “G rippe” a n d Miss "F lu” a re ousily engaged a g iin , b u t—th e m inute at 7:10. you feel a cold com ing on, b e -in to have fever o r chills dull ach es or At Owyhee co n stipated, it may be th e F lu or G rippe. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching B efore re tirin g , bathe your feet in hot salt w ater, tak e a good 'big cup l l a. m. P ray er m eeting on Friday of H O LLISTER ’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA (w arm ) and go to bed for it enii g a t 7 o’clock. the night— it's a 10 to 1 shot you’ll feci g reat the next m orning. At Apple Talley W ithout fail try this—b u t do 1 qul k before th e “Fht’’ or G rippe g e t’s Services a t th e A pple Valley school a s art. Buy a package today, have It in the H ouse and use it a t th e ions* «eery Tuesday evening. very first w arning—then you're sjfe._iB . F. FOHTKH A dvJ5t Our Main Object O ur main object a t all o u r services a to .telp men and w om en g e t th e ex perience o f o ld-tim e salvation that ; h m k M c D o w e l l ' s exch an g e STO R E ONTA RTD, OREGON F u m 44wr« Hardware and U ndertaking Phone*: 106-w and 89 m saves from ein; and p re p a re them for their fath e r an d eternal hom e in Heaven. Clive Williams, Pa*tor BSTRAY TAKEN UP. FORD XOTIC*:, m h ereb y given, th a t the follow ing d escribed anam els have been ta k e n up fo r ru n n in g a t U rge, tn d having e stray ed to my prem ises. to-wR: One brow n h o rse w eight aibout U 00 pounds, w ith undistinguishalble b ran d on le ft dhouM er a n d w ire cut on rtglvt fro n t foot. Taiken up about Deeemlber 1,1919. One b la c k m u le w eig h t aibout 1000 potaids, writh undlatingutsha.ble 1 rand on left stifle. T ak en up about N ovem ber la th , 1919. O w ner may have sam e by proving property and paying all expense« for th eir keerp and' ad v ertisin g . —adv^-H ’ m m m Don’t Depend on Spring Deliveries S p rin g deliveries of Ford c a rs have never been certain , and tl ey should not »>e deivended ir on. D e m in '. has alw ays b e e n g reater for Ford cars *han the supply o r production. 80 , If you w ould t e s ire of having a Ford car, buy It now wliile deliver ies a rc possfb e. D on't w aft—even next m onth is an u n certan ty . Only a lim ited, ¡u>ecified num ber of cars has been alloted to 1 is te iiR o ry . T hat allotm ent cannot be increased, b e ause ti e dem and all over the c o u n try Is g re a te r than the suipp'-- o r pro duction. Ge; your o rd e r In nn.v. in 1 you will be one o f those who -Is sure of a Ford c ar out of our allotm ent. It's first com e_fiTst served. AH o rd ers a re filled In ro ta tio n . So, !f you w oo'd l>e forehanded If you would be certain of h iv in g a Ford ca when yon w a n tit- th in yon will buy a Ford' c a r n-rv A signed o rd er with us i- your p roteltion. it 's t'-e result of the wisdom of looking ah e <1. If you buy a FVtrd carnow . don't think yo 1 h <• to -to re ' i:. T he Ford Is a C ir m ade t" acr e Its ow ner for bi sines* or • .le isu re th r o u g 'o : the e n tire grew .. .F o rd ow ner* have long since om e to recognize the fact. It is no longer popular to “lay-up” y o u r c ar fo r w inter. Buy a Ford c r low , an d use ’t now. NOTICE—tPartie« who be Trowed a 6 ft step ladder and an 8 f t ladder Tom or» sto re —jwlll you p leaf re- r n same, for we se e d them . Nys-sa H ardw are Co.—advlO tf FT*. RALA1—A Brick H ouse with Mx Roocne and tw o lots, H ouse we.l lum ialied. P rice $1800 A ddress A . E. Allred, N yssa, O re— adv I9 tf DON’T CON-STDER T H IS AS SIM PLY AN A D V ER TISEM EN T, B I T ' .T U A L FA CT*. m M m n m m I s * m m M M m m ft h ft ft L O O K FOR T m P E D BALL TRADE. MARK FORD GARAGE "Modbm" 1 * R f e a r i m Ê A m m u n itio n IShootin! Eiáhrl V. B. ST A PL E S, Prop. 'l i n o n ' t t t ' ñ »-•$«' * «r Y- y4kl O N T A R IO . O R E G O N IN S IS T ON G E N U IN E FO R D P A R T S Welproof-.-v ftm