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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1920)
THE GATE CITY .TOI HNAI . M S S \. (>KI 'l,OS_' pestructure ta of Wo0, . , structlon. Ir*hJ <„ns my trip through the h«H to the I (printed (w ay and turned sonth on The hollow clay h,„|(i| elevator was nolselesa. 'Hie elevator Amsterdam. There. I went iuto a sia- car was up. anil as 1 heard it coming | choice o f many fanners, tlonery store and bought an Ink eras« r. down I did not rink*. I «as standing j walls. The hollow spn,*, , Mr. Mann passed the door and glanced act as an Insulation Hg a h J l* in. 1 motioned hiiu to wait, but he pre with iny luiek to the shaft, facing the j and cold. T ile Is easily i,,' "'1 tended not to see. He waa some dls- door of the rear flat—I stood at most , wulls. and la ho ’list _ _ '1>l tance ahead when I came out. 1 ran three feet away from that door. mete,] Without the slightest sound of foot- j --------------- mortar after him and caught up. " '"-"ke,, out the mnls'-ir, "Did I hurt you very badly?” I asked. hi ii Successful Farmer Must Have through masonry wail*' ,hat . sftq| Principal Events of th “ No— not very.” he answered, eying the door mas* (Jp-tO-Date Plant. belt, especially‘ h, |„wa me narrowly. "I'm afraid you’re giv —looked ....... . tC riefly Sketched for | building tile Is quite g e*,»« * ing yourself too much concern over a lessly closed. j i * It happened it) a flash. s.i silently. --------------- ation of Our Read little accident.” He was. I saw. be The floor plan that »«-on,/ (V ginning to wonder which of us was fol that had my hack been turned, had 1 PIAN FOR MODERN BUILDING vi™ of .he h„m heen watching the descent of the car, lowing which! rL Ho* »tu li» un* arrnnged », ______ I ^ ^ ■ r t s are being made -------------- | finn o f thè Storage r< “ No,” said I quietly, “ I’m not giving I should have been none the wiser. The man who opened the door was an athletic club at The Dali myself tiie least concern over your stulls for elght hnrsei s on on. y TK M H G Leather-Tight, Well-Ventilated Struc stepped on foe— f'tu simply using It us Monsieur lie Itaveuol. At an election in Bauka th, the horse stable and f„r I could not possibly lie mistaken. , tures Keep Live Stock Healthy and an excuse to get a good look at you iu on the other. The ,,llM tgrincorporate the town « as The main hull light shone full on his I In Highly Productive Condition various lights so I'll know you again «long a center, nr feeding all* A contract has heen let for _Design Provides Modem in any possible disguise you may as fnce. lie was hafless, And what wus nnlmttls face nwny from th, niant ¡house in Pendleton to more—lie recognised me and knew l j Convenienses. sume.” bring the litter alleys ,,|0B ' I have always regarded that episode had recognised him! side walls, where they nre * xtenalon school will I I w as stupefied! The man was evi Copyright Tho Pobbé Herrill Co By WM. A. RADFORD. —and those last words—as a stroke of the sunlight that penetmt*, ______ Benton county, Janua Mr William A. Radford will answer the windows. This Is a sanir«, genius on my part, if I do say ii ! If j dently living in the same house with questions and give advice FR E E O F a id 81 came to me on the spur of the moment tile! COST on all subjects pertaining to the rnngement bemuse sunlight I,, The rattling elevator recalled me to subject •The legislature passed th, without thinking about if. and nearly r HE MAN WAS MONSIEUR DE RAVENOL. o f building work on the farm, for killer. I i s of this paper. On Account of vMIng for the licensing of a howled Mr. Man over. Before lie had my senses us George. smiling and talk- j ids wide experience as Editor. Author and , In th* " 'n,,R « r the sta b l,,.- s Synopsis.— While In the lilt I* Swiss town o f Vevsy. where the "staid, proper decided what to siry, or what to do to alive, opened the door for me to .... get in. Manufacturer, he Is. without doubt, the ulr titles lending to the «givers. spinster" who tells the story is spending a va< «ti&* she is asked to allow a Ilow much did George know? rhe.t authority on all. th e » subjects. , „ torH on t(u, roof T h eT fll Tha ¡Oregon State Dairym allay my suspicion of him, I bolted young girl, Claire de Ravonol. to he her companion hack to the United States Address ull inquiries to William A. Rad slid up. across the street, diagonally, ducked Although forming an attachment to the girl, the K?roine take.i a dislike to ford. No. 1827 Prairie avenue, Chicago, placed scientlflcnllv so th«, f elation will meet In Eugeni so that tho "Who is the gentleman living In the 111 and only inclose two-cent stamp for Monsieur da Ravenol. Claire's father, and declines On the boat she finds between two trolley ears, one of which 21 and 1!2. air Is drawn out of the barn reply. rear flat?" I asked with as much un Claire In the care of a casual acquaintance. Mrs. Helarlo, whom she had met hid me from view long enough for me More than 100 persons at replaced hy fresh air from while each was purchasing a pair o f slippers, exactly alise, which figure largely , , , to get into the corner drug store where concern as I could. "The French gen- I In subsequent events. When they rea< h New York, where Claire was to have tlemati—foreigner—1 don't know If , The business farmer of today wants Over both the litter alleys"^ were vaccinated during the | I dashed into the telephone booth and been met by her mother, the latter does not appear, and Claire perforce goes to he's French or what What is his 1 t k'"ml barn. He knows from the ex- feeding alley there Is an civerw] because of a smallpox scare railed up Mrs. Delario. Mrs. Helarlo’« home. In the confusion at the custom house, the spinster carries peri,•nee ,,f the successful men In his ' rler track. A litter carrier E. C. Cole, official dog cs name?” off one of Mrs. Helario's slippers. Through that happening she learns later I had considerable difficulty in get that someone unknown to her has been in her flat. Calling on Mrs. Delario. "His name?” George considered this* liimine>s that tin* modern barn Is a u labor-saving method of tak! I the City of Eugene, made » ting her and I felt every second was that lady shows some remarkable gems, believing them to be rubies, but profit maker. A weather-tight, well- t'te litter to the inutmre pile he** 171 the past month catchln precious. My detective man was lurk past another floor, and I repeated the ventilated burn keeps the live ¡ lock shed at one side of the ham. which are really blood-red diamonds, and easily worth a million dollars. Mrs. question. The Oaco Orchard eompan Delario admits the gems were smuggled, but offers no explanation. While ing about somewhere looking for me, healthy and productive; the work o f ' " ' " * ‘ track o f the feed currier ett* “ I don’t know his name—he ain’t they nr® talking, * pounding on th*» door throws them into consternation. The and I rather guessed she had one tan county sold nearly raring for the animals can In* done the center o f the barn, when* thi caller asserts he is ari officer of the law. with a w'arrant for the arrest of watching her. My suspicions seemed 1 been here long.” Mrs Helarlos son on a charge of stealing the diamonds. She outwits him and economically, through the saving of chute Is located. The hay is ]L of fruit this year off its 400-a “ When did lie take the fl;it?” confirmed, for the moment she recog- j persuades the spinster to take the gems to her home for safe keeping. Next Wus«'11 county is undertakl down from the mow and urn« ‘Well, now I don’ know jes’ which labor. morning, realising the responsihil tv In her possession o f the diamonds, the nized my voice she said, ” 1 can’t ta I k A burn is the principal building reetly to the hay rucks at the, tematic squirrel poisoning spinster takes them back to Mrs. Helarlo, but while there she learns that that to you.” In t. tragic determined sort'of i ,|HV “ " » » • hu* " »'"* l» 'f" r'* >ou trader the auspices of the ag li e fanner’s food-producing plant. For heads. lady’s son has been kidnaped, supposedly on account of the gems, and agrees way ami I felt her in the act of hang home— maybe two (lays, maybe a week. to keep them for a while. She bi les them in a bunch of hyacinths and has It Is in the burn that the activities of agent. an' lie ain't really moved in yet— -only The stall arrangement In th e ing up. the lock of her door changed a I a chain-bolt added. Over the telephone July 22, 23 and 24 are the "W a it!" I shouted remptorlly. a bed an' some chairs. He say he got He Ravenol Informs her Mrs. Helar'o has met with an accident and urges her lected for the third annual c< “ Whv can't volt talk to me? Are you f'"'iitu re coinin' from the other side to call at once Hastening to her friend, ami leaving the gems, the heroine Is met by He Ravenol. who claims the diamonds are his, stolen from Claire on of the Oregon State Elks’ a; watched? Is everything you say over- l,e <lon' "»n t to buy no more here the boat. Me accuses Mrs. Helarlo nr our friend the spinster of the theft, and heard?” than can help.” to h* held in Salem.. demands their return. She defies De Ravenol, who threatens her with a “ Y es" "Naturally. Hid he speak to you ! revolver, and escapes Alarmed for her personal safety, and almost believing Mrs Mary E. Collins, 70, Ot He Ravenol, the heroine fears to return to her flat, and while uncertain what “ All Vigilt—tln*n I’ll do the tiilkln*. me?” 1 Pu t th e <lue8tlon ,,nMlv near of 1853, and widow of to do meets an old-time friend. Hilly Rivers, newspaper reporter. They spend You etui answer yes and tin, can’t fis the car stopped at my floor. George Judge James L. Collins, die the evening at a theater, and Rivers accompanies her home. There they find vou?*' " hesitated and then admitted: the flat has been thoroughly searched but nothing taken. She does not confide family home in Dallas. "YVs ” “ Well, lie did say he thinks he knows In Rivers. Next morning Mrs. Jimmson, washwoman arid general caretaker, Impressive ceremonies atte "Well, we're both In the same hont— von " lle appeared reluctant to dls- comes to do the weekly cleaning. The spinster has not dared to look if the laying of the cornerstone ft d la mondo are safe, and Mrs. Jimmson throws the faded bunch of hyacinths . I'm watched too—followed hy a detec- l',lss monsieur, away. They are rescued in time, but before the spinster can look to see *35,000 Catholic church will live. This is the first chance I've had * broke out in a new line. “The gen- whether the diamonds are safe a telegram conies from her brother asking her \ Bunday afternoon. January i to get you and I don't kno«- how soon tletnan Is very rich, fleorge. I hope he to come to Philadelphia -- I'll lie able to get you again. Is your tipped you well. A 'state-wide movement hat house watched?" | George was instantly enthusiastic. - vM M rated hy the Oregon “ Yes.” “ He done that! He gimme ten dol- ■ CHAPTER IX—Continued. place. I lore open the hunch of hya llttee. to interest the cl “Could I run the blockade?” lars. clnths. The diamonds were there. i for the raising ot regist —9— “ N o !" This was fairly shouted at " He’8 S'''»1 f',r another t-n. Heorge. "(lo,id I.oril !" I said as I saw them The third queer thing « -s tfmt there me. *f you work him right," I affirmed. «ns mi business of mine he eottld he The things were a calamity. md purchased a few wee “ Is there nny way I enuld get those “oh * needn't he so shy! He asked I rolled them up ugnili, hut I must needing to see me nhout and If It were ibutes county by the I nrtleles hack to you today?" you 11 lot of Questions about me nml get a new hunch of hyacinths; I must business of Ills, he'd ask il as it fttvor. >y Seed company Is beln "No— none whatever now. No— not •'"» 'lout want me to know It. You do something— I must net— I must get It was then ttint my eye slid up to the and! 200 acres will be plante« under any consideration." everything you knew—" dnte uml I saw It had been sent prom the stones home to Mrs. Pelarlo _____________ "Couldn't you ,-oine up and get "Well, that s right," fleorge broke in toai this spring. must at least ask her what slip wanted New York. Well, If he were In New them?" sheepishly. "He did ask me some ques- done with them and fell her how un At a meeting of the Lebi York, why hadn’t he telephoned me or “ No—of course not.” 1 Uons. hut liouest to goodness, I ain't safe they were with me. tlehal Farm Loan associatio — L t f R R M IL T ~ o come tip to the Imtlse? “ Couldn't you send up?” P'U him anything had—I tell him I I tried the telephone, tint got no an reported that federal land bt I wish I could say It flashed over me "Whom could I send? Impossible— don't reely know much about you. swer, nml while I was clacking nt It had been made to stoekholde Instantly that this was a decoy de- totally Impossible." Her tone wns so ! Ihnts «'hat I tel! him, honest to good- Mrs. Jimmson carne home from the algnctl to get me Into monsieur’s flint of *230,000. ness.’ emphatic that I knew there was noth- del lent ossea nail I had to hang tip. clutches, but If didn't flush st all I lias Williams, resident "He really paid you for telling him While I ate, my miad went like a ing to he hoped for In that quarter. thought It queer, uml 1 was puzzled; ity continuously since h< every time I went out or came iu, hammer. Ilow could 1 get the dia I felt she was about to ring off and but I am free to confess that If It had plains to Oregon In 1852 monda out of the house? To whom leave me with that nml shouted nt her: didn’t he?” •V been an ordinary ImsHess man's mes But George was suspicious and on his! farm el-jht miles southei could I entrust them? Not a living "Here— hold on ! I don't know what sage, I should have packed my suit guard at once. He threw open the car soul, so far ns I could see—unless I to do— you'll have to advise me.” aged 85 years, case. put the diamonds In m\ stocking, tloor without answering. could get them hack to Mrs. Peluria citizens In and about, "But I can't I You must do us you uml taken the train specllled. lint ó í a í l I "Oh, nil right,” said I carelessly, but herself, which didn't seem likely in the think In-si—you understand It." trmlng district in Clatsoi while I was still wondering what toy not stepping out as I saw he wished present state of the case. “ I don't! That's Just the trouble. planning to Install a grav brother could he «anting me for in this me to. “ You needn’t give It »way, but peremptory way, Mrs. Jimmson '^l>l l*"! ,llnn *'a<* ,no Listen. There are some things I've got Lem which will supply mercy. If I'd been a person a,s to know nhout. You keep on answer I know, all the same, so it doesn't mat brought me the ¡qx eiui delivery letter. |rhes and families. ter whether you tell me or not.” ciistoimsl to sneuking round and milk ing yes and no—that Isn't going to give whlcli, unti trlmnph limi plensure in •ait growers from all a “ \\ lint you suppose he so perticuler ber face, slie salii she had follili! un ing quick gotnvnys, I'd have known anything nwny nt your end, and I'm in |nty report that since • «hut to do and how to do it. In the to know for?” asked George, ingenu a drug store and I don't think any der thè set tiilis. Ivy snow rabbit* in large ously feeling he was guarding his next place, I hadn't tho least Idea of I pulled It «ut of ihe einelope unti tho number of people I was pitted thing will get out from this end. . . . secret while gratifying Ills curiosity. have descended upon fhetr You knew I was nt your house yester remi : against—the strength of the opposing "How should I know? Maybe he a rt rulalng the tmas. “ Madame wns -ceri hy two wimesses forces. At that time. I hadn't the day?" «ants to Imug flowers on my door. "Yes—nftei- you hud left." ’h » ear shertage, r»gardh to curry nway thè package conlnliiing dimmest suspicion that ho wns {.laying 1 o "You knew l was accused? And that He’s very rich, I understand." a $ ibermea but» bean mimph thè Jvwela refendi to. If luminine dc- practically a lone hand in the game [fXs George grinned. Interested and sym tima. has raased the aires to return ttieni to tic-lr mvner, mil Imd only one hired detective and I denied everything?" i t "I thought It happened that way—I pathetic. He scented romance and It r -> , nhar aompanv to auspea telephone Hotel Imperlai nt 0 il. in. he didn't know «Tint lie was «-arching explained ull to him as adequately as wasn't sure.” 1 TO The owner gl ve» madame ibis olio op- Mrs. Pelnrlo and me «'or. But ns a re at Ika mill temporarily, it laid to Mrs. Jimmson. "Were you accused, too?” t— T portunlty to roetlf.v ber nilstnke « l i li- sult of ¡it.v thinking, the Idea came to i», mthority to procure an oil I unlocked mv floor as quickly a< I “ Yes.” : "■ * «Hit furi Iter troiihle or piihlirlfy. Fall, me to And out If I were now «'atched ■ t h e lata James Withyeomh i «'"»hi— I didn't mean to let George "Of the some thing?" - r lire to conqily «U h file request to tele- nml followisl. --ey L think I attached any importance to ■arnor of Oregon, waa givi "I presume so." 4< i phone « ili prove madame's intentloim Telling Mrs. Jlnimsoti to wait till I ...... I knew enough. The man t— A j lalature. providing that u| "You denied everything?" and necessitate netlve inensures for clime hack, and though It «'ns mining L L — i i I " '» s » fellow tenant in the same house. J ih C L “ Absolutely." expended far a painting « thè recovery of thè Jewels." hard. I went net for an investigatory "Now I really must know this—did 1 In the flat directly under mine, and Itlve. "‘Uh. you don't say !" I sneered. ««ilk ill-nun,I the block. Georg«* «ns Ids | in id spy. ,\s I shut [ ' 5 ! you bring those e*-tleles in vourself?" L t i ] 'ha cost of trail work on 111 "'Veli. 1 «under wlmt tiext !" And hy A man sat In the lower hall ns I the door. 1 asked myself, “ What "Yes." i ^ ' |t project» in the Cascade that lei ter I knew I stili hit,) thè dle- stepped out of the elevator. His hack next ?” "Y ou sniil a friend did." t ■iiomls ! •est during the year 1019 « I I S toward the light of the front door. "W ell—I didn't feel I could explain | I had a fleeting Idea of keeping IS.69 a mile to *478.39 a So I wns to telephone nt nino I th nk the devil himself must have got nt tin* time. I here were cin-uiustaii^cs Jimmson with me for the night; but I L 1M o clock ! By rlghts and inoiisii-ur's Into me then; fir without looking at coline,*...- 1 «Til. ,t— ’ fling to a report of Fora ; couldn't think of any explanation for cnlciiIrtUons 1 ahoulil ha ve rcceived Mr. Man. except the giants* I gave him S ar Macduff. "At the time we crossed together_ j ........usual a request. | could not thè letler liefore thè tirsi delivery; in as I left the ear, I walked straight int.i this last trip?" take her into iny confidence—If she A tract of 13.000.000 feat I siemi It had conto after and hy ucci- him and stepped un Ills toe. hard. "Yes. ('mi l you see how tilings have slayed. I could hardly keep her out of I the Siskiyou mountains He said ; "I>u«*h •" dent I liadn't read it fili iichmi . The .....'I worked? If I'd followed mv In It. She «a s anxious to go Imme— I tie- farm center. •ent to the Fscific highway Not only is this burn is similar to that In the h«8 lelegrum wns tintisi ulne forty Uve. I said: "Oh. I beg viiqr pardon! |>i(| tuitions. | shouldn't have allowed__" 1 raw that and I didn't blame her; and J Irrhssed hy the Barham bl I was anxious to be .. ia „ „ , 7, T T , f,,r •>!» live stock, but i barn. There nre 20 stalls aud It «n s then that I hegnn to seo I hurt you very much?" "The girl to route with you?" "No— not very much." It replied, tlirongh a Inde in n stime. I limi noi and 1 felt only relief as I saw'tlir'inst - " . '’'"."T'' ".," lrp|“ h,‘ 8torp* '»H ie pens. Here. also, the «nu ■ ihland. who will begin loi "Yes. It was planned." Hie raw material- that the animats fuce u central nlle.v. which has niions at once. telcphoncd whleh provisi I nieant to and looked glum. " " a l t ' There's another thing I want of hei-r faded skimpy weeds, her failed overhead carrier leading to the N o«. | had calculated this «a y —to to know." A joint meeting of the de keep thè diamonds. SI) next move, skimpy form, and I said good-by to her ,uni 'M*° »alnble fiHidstuff. I here are numerous features o f the nt the end o f the barn. Thls les of Lane, Linn and Mar ohviMiisly, woulil he to gel ihoin out of j I*"»» I'll" I't the act of stepping on hint heartily, little realizing that she was "I'll tell you Inter." nodern barn that make this building an easy method of transporting the I Un- city—to my hrother's, of courae. ; and make him turn «lien lie »n s« ere,f >s to be held in Eugene a No now. Ilow did they get through the one human being who stood be It is u well-built luge to the mangers. T'Ite telegritm gave me lite ctciisi - f,<* | " u‘ s" 'he light would fall on Ids face. t 111*—" f ‘I ir l in mg g the of Februar; tween me and monsieur's tnaehina- limtit prodttelng. Hu- month n donig it ; nlso tnld hlm hy «hat traiti I got the look nt him I wanted and The mows nre large enough to tlons. nml that when she closed her- I structure that defies the cold o f win T can't tell you." the members of panned by nini station 1 shnuid teine, for he Inni went out. "But I must know— It's n nu tter of s«*lf out, she closed me In—a prisoner. ter and keeps the cows and horses vide space for the storage of the lj ■ 0 Dental aociety. I walked half a block nml turned vx.-tri". At the same time It Is pro s<-i tliein hitnself. lini ,vliy Itati he -, t and other roughage the animal« J great importance to me." ■ G eera e F Deisa was killed a tilt) tritili? Wh.v net otte nt ulitlit? It sluirplv in my tracks. Mr. Man was vided with u system of ventilation barn houses will consume durinfl "One of those <llp|» rs we bought In 'oast Range hum ob Hie Coi about twenty feet In «lie rear, foil,,« puzzici me nt flrst tini II I snw bis rea i that gives the animals fresh air. with- months they are kept indoors. I I'aris is lost." »ar Mabel. He was star *on I eoul,I dlsnppear out of u ,luy- Inc me. He began to limp the moment j out cold drafts. It has plenty o f wln- YVhlle they nre not indicated ottj "No If Isn't—I have it. Please an light ,-rowil nhout four tlines eusler I he sa« me noticing him. -lows to admit sunshine. And It Is floor .... ........... M the l barns It* I veen two cars when they plan, ... a ............. majority . of sw er tii.v oucstton— ho« ?" I walked past my house to the end .......... . of « night ero«d. Uh., wonlil «liiippol so that the work of «-nrlng nowadays are provld«*«l with IndIvidJ 1 ether, and was pinned bet “ Good by.“ •"'th-e. ...... . hiindnsls of ....... . g,,. of the block. As I turned north. I saw fojectlng ends of logs. ' the nnimnls , an he accomplished drinking cups nt each stall ^ 'T il Wl' C O X T I X T K P That w »s nil I ivildn't get another along In In* through the I'cmtsvtvnnln -tatlon, Mr. Man ” ambling n,l,,ln* along In my dir, An industrial survey of Lit word, sa«',| i-m-c ,,ff. Ju;t as | was * 'th a niinlmum of labor, thus saving These give the anlnmls ;-n opf a woman ns simply dresse,! ns cnrrv- ,l" " 1 ’»to o florist's and trying t, get her buck. I saw Mr I>e- Find Date Valuable Food s I carry- [ill be made by the Albany» ' ' ,M'" amount in the cost of to secure fresh water « tienev«* *]. log a eonimon sultcii' Oates form the staple food of the IVohiilili no botici,i a fresh hunch ,,f hyacinths. teotlve Mt.n s'lp into the drug store. want It. Fresh water is «-p H f Commerce to be used in a one. H) the time I 'mil them paid for. Mr He snw me In the tmoth. Then he - A mf I n a large part of Arabia and " 11 "I'"''n here was designed valuable for the cows ns It bn* j I uquiries regarding the col Mini had reached the store and «as j „v ery meal. I cntifcu» I was «o mm h iiisturlHsI ns ", ' :irnilT tiot only keeps a 1 proven time and again that a d>t'i y I ources and Industries and 1 qtti, kl.v slipped away again. I hung up are served In some f„r,„ I I hough, what might s,, .„sti, have looking In the »In,low. pretending not and stepped out; but I looked back as ■ imp and vinegar are made from old . r -l/, ,| dairy herd, tint breeds horses supply greatly increases the no* to s« t' mo. | dvertising of the county. I opened ti„, «fee,., q,,or date- and hy those who disregard the bapiH-iied had I acted on tlie telegram, illy is a horse milk, without redwflng |uaUtJ_ "I'id I hurt you very mm li?" T ask,al tea,,longs ,,f ,hn K(,r;in „ k|n,, f Severely frozen feet susta thin It »L s »„me time hefor,* I got live Man wns Just sliding Into the hara and a dairy hum comhlneA YVhlle there may be r sweetly. dlstlltevl from them. I ng the storm in December »Its together, tine thing wns clear to Imoth to timl out what number I'd brandy , is , ......W .„ ,„. H ip t be half of the building shown in who go In for raising horses 88 “ No not very." He touched his hat cnllrd! I oiunteered to save boiler r me howaver -monsieur wns going rA nml Si, - nni1 r'^ to the cows I 'be foreground of the picture is de- slvely ns the man for whom this nml t thought he look,al annoy,al. set « Ith grenf rapidity and serre, > | t Brooks Scanlon I o ee I went quietly home feeling I had ciou< * " I :l’ n," hi"K " f the pre »itmed to accommodate 15 horses in was designed. It Is an ea-v t o * , I sprinted nlong ahead of him nml secrecy -that was the main |mlnt ; for gained forward one step nt least Mrs caused the death at Bend change this d«*slgn so thru It 'W' , I''*1 r,>in,ll,r “ " " 8- »nd besides has two If he «e re sure 1 hud the -tones, he turned st One Hundred and Forty tif.h Ivelarto hnd admitted her smuggling — tr , s,s , Z lillings. loader foreman. devoted exclusively to a dairy street. I fancy Mr Man had t.,‘ ,|„‘ „ Arab . hlMr.m ; T , .... . f“ r ’ h" mom and a harness hod only lo gei a search ««m in t nml «M elt I didn't consider any of iny nf- .... sand . . 1 ,hp,r K»m«‘s on the room. This part A Joint session of the hous, ._ . I,nrt of o f the the stnintupo structure la Is little »printing himself on his |„>..r desert he'd have the sto tes. hy 40 feet. The dairy stable will fcte elected the following t lame f,a,f. I had vanished Into a toy fair—and she had confirmed tny'siis-i Slow Work M s. Jimmson rame to my study accommodate 20 cows in the stnlls and shop and « a s hurtng a loll f „ r mj- plelons that IV Havel,vl was tr.vlng to , treated fish and game cot “ " h a t 's the hurry? Sea's Depth To d by Bomb » m - e I « a s pondering all this ,,nd rot, her. "All right, let s see him do If!" I has two pens for calves. This bulld- sel«*ct a nursemaid?" niece when he discovered me and pre Tsh commissioners— ITenk — fo r measuring sen depth. n M-,«-. *'ke<l ate; “ Whnt als,Ut lunch?" | thought I ; but how—If she hadn't told ng Is 30 hy 56 feet, placed at right tend,-,I he didn't see me. He walked on "There are 150 applicants. Mr. T ren. five years: Chris Srhm chus,-Its doctor ha. ¡„v.„te.l , dvn,,. iM-nt her round ta tin* ilelfcntes*« ,, and him and she said she hadn't—and of angles to the horse barn. ahead hut I ennght up with him. dullx." explaln«Hl his secret try • T fears; Charles Hall, one yei tohl her *., .«erythlng she thou tight course she wouldn't—how under the m te bond, which ex......... ,,n , lrikln The stable floor o f the barn Is of modulated tones, “ and >'o0f * * "I»UI I hurt you very much?" I asked » t ’ e »I Ilk« to I ihvo the bottom, th, distance being e.tb [ommissioners— I. N. Fleiscl heaven» did he know, or even susp,ct hollow clay building tile, set on n enn- trying to get the baby to "No—«o* very." He »n s beginning ill «tuca, die « ns out of the ■tinted hy measnrtng me time it ,*kc* that I hnd her diamonds? rears; Marlon Jack, five yea to look nstootxhcd now <rete foundation. The floors o f the preference.” — Louisville « " url the sound ta rea h the surface ,,r ,he I haa ou uy rubbers—for these r*« immone. three years; Joha two stables at** of concrete. The sn- water aars; C. F. Stone, one y e ^ J Siam pmfiis \ DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND ¡ON NEWS N I GENERAL INT m P Jane B u n ter ¡i \ ■RTOfrM-fJf-- iol doto \ IT tacD R K {[ÄEii r\ $ g; h sa».