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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1920)
S JOB PRINTING TE CITY JOURNAL PRINT IT RIGHT (£(tte Cttij Journal VIII NO. 19 NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 16, 192) CK IN SENATE Y E H E BROKEN e buy. days. ckets iced up to ALBERT WARD MEETS DEATH RY DROWNING IN FLOOD MRS. J. 0. SOUTH lions Made and A » eopted Believed to Prom* It* Eventual Agreement. W ashington. — E fforts to break th e le n ite poacc treaty deadlock and keefe th e treaty out of the political cam paign were adjranced a step when republlcaa ■enatora advocating ra tific a tio n dr i p a counter proposal to th e set of compromise reserv atio n s subm itted t# them by a group of dem ocrats. T he republican p roposil. to which Its sponsors said S en ato r Lodge had given te n ta tiv e assent, was understood to d aalo n ly with some of the collateral Issues In the reserv atio n controversy, leaving [ to future negotiations the troubles*m e questions of article 10, nnd equality of voting power in the league of nations. Some of the dem ocratic suggestions v a re «aid to have been accepted, In cluding a change in the republican res- srvat Ion program of la s t session, so th a t the senate q ualifications would not have to be accepted affirm ativ ely by ths- other powers. Agreement on these .changes, however, was utidor- ■teod to be conditional on c ertain con- ceeaioas by dem ocrats in regard to e th er leservatlo n s. T helepeech of Mr. B ryan a t tho Jaeksen day banquet, which, in adli- tlon to opposing any effort to carry th e treat V into the cam paign, advo- be speedy com prom ise, was put he senate record by S enator Me- felt, republican, of Illinois, after le s ld e n t’s le tte r accepting his *h*d been presented by Senator k. S enator McCormick re- th a t the two "be printed In sltion In view of re p o rts th a t re agreed on th e treaty ." LIBERTY LOAN IAY BE NECESSARY jhlngton.—AiuxLvr lib erty loan necessary If congress em barks ‘ ew fields of large expenditures Educes the ag g reg ate volume of Secretary Glass declared in a le n t settin g forth th e govern- 's financial condition. If th e pres- X level Is retain ed and new ex- tu res are kept down, th e tu rn has in the tide of governm ent flnan- the secretary asserted, hough fu rth e r Issues of treasu ry (rates of indebtedness may be ex- they will be redeem ed through ale of new Issues of certificates the first tim e since late in 1917. indicative of progress made by reaaury Mr. Glass pointed to re- ons between Septem ber 1 and Jan- 1 in the n atio n 's gross debt and "¡he two classes of certificates of btedness o utstanding. The gross which on Septem ber 1 was $26,- .01,648, was $25,867,078.807 on Jan- 1. EUROPEAN LOAN ASKED #f Held Necessary to Prevent "General D isintegration.” Washington. — Loans aggregating jMOO.OOO for food relief is A ustria, nd and o th er E uropean countries Armenia, to p revent “a general ntegration of political fpheslcin is tarn Europe," w ere proposed to gresa by S ecretary Glass, who said Ight be necessary to in crease this runt to $200,000,000 w hen th e full Nation In Europe had been assessed, he secretary review ed a t length condition in th e su fferin g coun ts, particularly A ustria and Poland, said G reat B ritain, F rance and ily were assistin g In relieving dla- fas in A ustria, through a $41,000,000 ^n, and th a t E ngland would continue lend aid by fu rn ish in g ships for naporting A m erican food and auch pplies as possible from th e U nited • ngdom. U nder the tre a su ry d ep artm en t plan# e loans would be advanced kv the In corporation oql of th e bl'lllon- llar w heat g u aran ty fund an d would used to establish credit* In th is untry on the basis of $70.000,#00 for uatria, $50.(100.000 for Poland, »21,- >.000 for o th er E uropean re u n tn e * >d #1.000,000 for A rm enia tNewg was brought to N yssa today by E arl W ard th at his b ro th er, Al- bert had drow ned n e a r Hoo Doo in the Pood w aters of N igger rock creek , tout forty m iles from N yssa. The ¡toys were lording when the horse A’ h i . was rid in g stum bled and fell: a n j th e [irobalMllty is th a t when the h o r-e fell the 'boy w as stu n ned, for h it b ro th er m ade several a tte m p ts to rescue him with a rope but he seem ed to pay n o atten tlo n to ft. A ftrr several a tte m p ts to rescue his bro th e r he lost sig h t of him and at auto loads of search ers hour of going to press th e body had not been found. T h is sad accident will be a blow to th e com m unity as well as to th e f :nifty, a s A lbert was popular am ong his com panions and beloved by all who knew him. T he sincere sym pa thy of the com m unity is extended to th e bereaved family. -« F i 11 1 m ii O scar Young from W estfall was in B e rt L ackey w ent to Boise .Mon N yssa S aturday. day. Mrs. John O liver South, chairm an of th e w om an's division of the repub D on't lo rg e t—th e big num ber next lican national com m ittee. W ednesday night a t L iberty". Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for ¡uicr- mation of Cur headers. T here w ere tw o fatalil < in Oregon due to accidents during the week end ed Jan u ary 8, 1920, according to a report prepared by the sta te indus trial .accident com m ission. T he vic tim s w ere John F. K nutson, boom man of A storia, and K enneth J. Lehm an, m echanic, of Salem. Sportsm en of the upper Hood river valley have petitioned the Hood River Game P rotective assocletion to spon- aor a m ovem ent to have the upper reaches of Hood riv e r closed to fish ing until Ju n e I The two extra m onths of closed season are sought in or^er th at the fish may not hi disturbed while spawning. Professor C. A. Reed, chief of the bureau of n u t investigation of th e da- p artm en t of agriculture, has prom ised S enatof McNary th a t one of th s da- p artm en t expert» will go to Oregon early in F eb ru ary to conduct a survey and investigation of w alnut *rVi filbert culture, and th at #109# will be j u t aside for experim ental work in flyTt state. To prev en t th e invasion of cougars which have been seen lately in th e E ight Mile and F ifteen Mile district*, the Wasco C ounty Livestock associa tion at a m eeting at The Dalles, took m easures to rid th e section of th e a n i mals. H u n ters and trap p ers w ill be hired to kill th e cougars, Form erly cougars have killed much stock in qjpt- t*lu p a rts of Wasco county. The w ater supply of the city of Cor vallis is m enaced by legging o perations in the co ast m ountains in th e vicinity of the source of supply. To p revent the drying up of the stre a m s th a t furnish the w ater strong effo rts ore being made to tra n sfe r quite a large area of the tim ber lands in th e Oregon & C alifornia railroad g ra n t to th e llu - slaw national forest so th a t th e lond will n ever be logged off. T h ere w ers 33 f'Tes in Oregon, ex- cluaive of P o rtlan d during the m onth of D ecember, according to a rep o rt prepared by A. S. B arb er,, sta te in surance com m issioner. K lam ath Falla suffered heaviest of any tow n In the state, th ag gregate fire losses th e re for D ecem ber am ounting to $40,000.*Total losses from fires in D ecem ber showed a m arked decrease w hen com pared w ith those of the previous m o n tb .E N The operation of boat lines on th e Colum bia unit W illam ette rlvera, .w ith truck lines aa feeders, is proposed by the Inland E m pire B oat A Trw to line, which has filed articles of Incor poration v ltli the corporation denary, ment. Th company, which Ja^ea'JBral- Ixed at $4ft".i>00. w ill m aintain* head q u a rte rs In P ortland and operate boats on the Columbia riv e r from P o rtlan d to Pasco and K ennewick. W ash., and on the W illam ette riv er from P o rtlan d to Eugene. M rs. O v erstreet from K ingm an Colony w as visiting in NySaa T ues Colen F. Dawson from B urns was day. in N yssa M onday and Tuesday. H. L 94»ut h a s purchased the V J . H aw ett of Vase \v.i in N yssa Frank N aw bill place fo r a consider ation of #7,000. W ednesday. T. S. Cook an d wife, of B aker L. W . E v rh a rd t of Vale was here county a re visiting th e ir sons A. V . W ednesday. Mrs. H. Netwiby w ent to Vale on and C. S. Cook a N yssa. T h u rsd ay , T h e re was a sk atin g p a rty at the S herw ood lake S aturday. Mate Jo h n so n w'ent to O n tad b on W ednesday. J . E . Joyce and M hrt.n Jo ice of hospital a t O ntario and h is d au g h ter O n tario w ere reg istered a t th e H otel w as called to h1s bedsiife today from W estern F rid ay nighj. ■ N yssa. T h e N yssa shoe sh o p h as added a new sola stitc h in g m achine to its E A S T E R N S TA R T O ORGONIZE K EN SIN G TO N equipm ent. Dr. J . J . S arazin and A. H . Boy- An E a stern S ta r K ensington is to do. 1 were v isito rs at th e county seat be organized Monday afternoon. J a n y esterd ay . uary 19th at 2 o'clock in the Ma I t 's E d u cational—It's In te re stin g sonic room s, at which tim e th e ini H e a r it! See i t ! —a t L iberty next tiatio n cerem onies will l>e practiced. T\ ednesday evening. T h erefo re all officers a re requested M isses Marthia and Rulby Moses to be present. All O. E. S . ladies w ere g u e sts a t H o tel W estern Sun a re cordially invited to com e and day. 'bring th e ir sew ing. On W ed n esd iy evening Jan u ary T h e N yssa dancing club m em bers enjoyed th e ir usual good tim e last 21st th e re will be a reg u lar O E. S. m eetin g . A special election w ill be evening. R ead h is ‘‘R ep" In colum n six— held to fill thp office of se c re ta ry , and h e a r him ag L ib e rty n ext W ed m ade vacant ">y .h e resig n atio n of Mrs. P ra tt. n esd ay night, Ja n u a ry 21st. T h e re will also e a reg u lar in itia T h e re w ill be a book sh ow er a t tio n at w hich tim e fw o candidates th e L ib rary on S atu rd ay afternoon will receive th e degrees, a fte r which and evening, Ja n u a ry 31. B ring your a social h o u r will be enjoyed. 'book n d come. T iie '‘Ma*lk’, dance to n ig h t prom is T O GIVE S!LV, R T E A . es to be a b ig e v en t, but, th e real T he C om m unity Service club will ev en t o f th e seaso n com es n ext W ed give a S ilver T ea at th e L ib-ary n esday nig h t. D on’t m is* it. room on S aturday fternoon and eve M rs. W . G . C am pbell h as p u r ning, Ja n u a ry 31. E veryone is in chased th e p ro p e rty w here Mr. C. W vited to com e and bring a book for Rupdng ia living a t p re s e n t and wil. the lib rary . C om m ittee, Mrs. H unt, M rs. Lax, occupy sam e «dxnit th e first of Feb- ra a ry . and Mrs. E llio tt. News Notes of Nyssa School ¡ h e * ar a Qonlt. fo rg et th e Silver T ea and Book Show er a t th e L ib rary ^toom S aturday afternoon and evening, J a n uary 81. T he sale of Red! C ross seals in the d is tric t Including O ntario, N yssa, M rs. O. C. Forlbeg-of M eridian is j Dead Ox F la t an d Cairo h a s been in N.wgsa v isitn g h er d au g h ter Mrs. I rep o rted w ith a to ta l of $300 raised A. R. McCarty. T h e . H otel W estern is now open Mrs. E vans has. opened a first class under th e m anagem ent of Mrs. H aley hoarding house and: h a s a num ber a n d M rs. S to rts who have leased it. o f ste a d y board ers. j T hey w ill ru n a dining room in con Mrs. B u tler from P o rtltn d s here nection. visitin g h e r d a u g h ter Mrs. C. P. Sant Creem e, form erly w ith the L ackey, I A lexander C lothing com pany a t On iMr. and M rs. C. P. Lackey and ta rio , b u t now w ith the B e rn ird M rs B u tler w ere business visitors to H aas holesale grocery com pany of Boise yesterday. W eiser is in tow n today on business. M esdam es B ingham and Secoy of Mr. Jiisfinson who has been w o rk O ntario w ere in N yssa yesterday in ing n e a r N yssa w as tak en ill this th e in te re st o f th e W. C. T. U . w eek an d taken to th e H oly R osary NYSSA SCHOOL NT.W8 NOTES T h e se m e ste r exam in atio n* are now m aking th e ir a p p e a ra n c e in the H igh school, an d ag a re s u lt the te a c h e rs, at le a st, a r e flndtagplenty of w ork to keep th e m o u t of m is chief. T h e cold r a th e r h a s froxen the •reaaed Pay f*r Navy Men Proposed wt.teT pipes in t h e s c h o o l building W ashington.—The h iu s e naval com t h is l a s t week so tit* t all th e w a t e r mittee voted unanim ously to recom 36 Sows Bring $55.975. for t h e P o m e - t i r t i e j e n r e w ork is a mend Increases of 30 to 50 per re n t C h ic a g o —A record sale of thorough gain ix*lnT r r rfed in f r o m »h o n ' the pay of enlisted men In the bred hogs was m ade when 36 Poland s:.!e. T h u r s d a y u i o r n i n g a flood rle ¡*T7 and advances ran g in g from $2t<l China sows w ere auctioned for $35,97” cen.led th rougi. this ceilinr; Into t h e $840 a y e a r for officers. Every an aver»«'’ of $1554 84 each at th ° - -emb'.y r o o m an-.' r a n g e d m u ch •n in the navy, except recru its and farm n ear Lake Geneva, W is . of V.'il c o m m o ion, but it 1» hope d ¡ h i t th e m irals, would »hare in th e Increase. ja m W rigley, Jr. no* fixag. BARON AVEZZANO New pupils continue o arriv e in both the grade* and th e high ecliool So m any new student« have arrived th a t M r. C onklin la unable to provide enough seats and som e of the room s a re over-erow deu. T h e h isto ry stu d en t# Kre m aking good u se of th e new books which hav e com e fro m th e S ta te lib rary T h e book« seem to be In increasinng d -m ’ nd a s exam ination tim e draw s n -n e r. It :q th is line OOPT THIRD LYCEUM NUMBER NEXT WEDNESDAY EVE Capt. T. Dintmore Upton to Lecture on “Recreation— the Maker of Men" soon «started for the ecene, but up to the A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. OREGON NEWS h'OTES OF GENERALINTEREST n .5 0 PLAYEAS R# accident and secure help. A num ber of IRyssa and tPicinity £ V THE GATE CITY JOURNAL IS POSIT. once started for hom e to rei>ort the -a » - V ir i n pot O bigon Caipt. T. D inauior* Ulpton. form erly S u p e rin te n d e n t of M unicipal R ecrea tion in GrantJ Raiplda, Mich., and la te A rm y A thletic D irector and officer a t tw o of o u r g re a t can to n m en ts, who Is to ap p ear in N yssa n e x t W ednes day n ig h t, Jianuarytil'st, b rin g s to th a Lyceum p latform ono th e m oet co n stru ctiv e and In sp iratio n al lec ture« of th e p re se n t day. As a n a u th o rity on a th le tic s and re c re a tio n the nam e "D inny" U pton Is flamlllar everyw here th ro u g h o u t tile M iddle W eet. A t the o u tb re a k o f th e w ar h a w as «'¡«pointed a s C ivilian P h y sical T ra in ing D irecto r fo r th e 32nd Division and a fte r fo u r m onths w as m ade G overnm ent A thletic D ire c to r fo r th e 5th and Tth D ivisions. H ie oar- e e r In th e a rm y rech eatlo n oric eras a notable one. Baron Romano Avezzgno, newly ap A G rand R aidde p ap er aays.T H nny* pointed am bassador from Italy to th* U pton has been succeedM a s a lead U nitsd State*. e r of boy and glrle b eceuhe h a fcqa been one oft them . iHe h a s g iv en up hours a n d hours o< hta tim e hi help ing stu d e n ts w ith th e ir stu d ies, an d going out of his woy to give t h e n a lift at a tim e w hen th e y w ere to t te rin g on the b rin k o f w ayw ardness.” M any o th e r good th in g s could b e United States Only Nation Not said o< Caiptain U pton, b u t fo r leak of tim e and space w-o a r e 'im lte d on Now on a Peace Basis th e am ount »'« have to «ay. H la With Germany. eu b jeet will be "R ecreoalon—th e Ma ker off M en.” A b ig a n d v ital sub P aris.—The tre a ty of Versatile*, ject anil he Is probably S e tte r equip m aking peace betw een G erm any and ped to handle it th a n a n y o th e r m an the ratify in g allied powers, was put on th e platform . Into effect S aturday afternoon by the exchange of ratifications. T he peace treaty now goes into ef fect as betw een G erm any and those powers th a t have finally ratified it— Great. B ritain , France, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, G uatem ala, Peru, Poland, Siam, Caecho-Slovakla and U ruguay. A lively m eeting off about tiwaaty- The U nited States alone of th e “big tive farm ers .was held in Nysan yes five” has not ratified the treaty . As the list Hhows, form al ratificatio n s terd ay aftern o o n for th e p u rp o se of have been given by m ost of the sm aller m aking ¡>lans for the com p letin g of th e ir organ izatio n oif th e N yssa F arm powers signatory tc the treaty . The outstan d in g com m ent on the Bureau. C ounty Aigent, L. R . P relt- cerem ony was th a t it left the U nited h-uupt gnve a verrv 'n te re a tiife C j M c States the only power w hich was ac a fte r w hich a program wias outlined or the com ing season, and a com tively a t w ar w ith G erm any not now on a peace basis. m ittee. w ith P ete T ensen is c h a ir T h at was the note sounded by Baron man, was appointed fo r tho purpose i.u r t von L ersner, head of th* German off a ssistin g In c a rry in g o u t th e ir peace delegation, in a statem ent a fter p ro g ram ; study) th e soil condition, the ceremony. selecting th e p ro p e r seeds lo r tho “I am n atu rally happy th a t peace >es: crops, beak iH ttU a e r fo r th has finally hecome effective." he said. soil, rid in g o f peats, Im, . vem enta “My great regret is th a t th e United etc. States is the only eountry with which It Is the aim of ‘his o rp a r e z e io n G ermany is still in a sta te of w ar. I hope, however, th a t th is situ atio n will to b e tte r he farm in g coml lo n s la general th ro u g h o u t th e en Ire Mal soon be changed.” h eu r county, by raisin g b e tte r crop«, by raisin g b e tte r stock, and by r.ils- ing m ore o f It. A com m ittee wag also po'nted to re p re se n t the N yssa see: on i t th e m eeting off Mis MhJhe r C ounty pow er users w hich is ,to he h e ! ' a t San Antonio, Texas.—Inform ation re the ( i ty Hail at O ntario, on >1 tu rd ay garded by governm ent agents here as m orning at 14): 00 o'clock. vidence th a t C arranza governm ent of ficials are countenancing a plan to A m eeting was held at t.’.ie A ir Ian stablish a bolshevik regim e in Mexico sto re on W ednesday eves!n / for tse and th a t the radical program m e is «up- irro*o of planning for th e com ported largely by evader* of American pletion off th e ion of th e arm y d ra ft, will be given to the senate sub-com m ittee investigating Mexican Adrian F arm bureau. It w»« decided at till» m eeting ‘ o have a d in n er affairs to be held here. Sum m onses for more th an 200 have Jor the men of th e com m unity, for been issued but the num ber who have the purpose of o u tlin in g th e problem * notified agents of the committee1 ol to be taken up d u ring tin com ing th e ir w illingness to testify is much y ear and enrolling new men ers and the electing of officers. T h : i rro m ia- greater. American governm ent records and re «?» to be a profit-uble an d en joyable porta of special agents tend to «up- m eeting. port the statem ent. A ccording to thi m ake aretao ln etao ln etx n ln ctao lii. ;aot published boast. 30,000 A m ericans es Conimltt«*e* w ere ap p o in ts-' to caped service In tin- arm y by flight to make a rra n g e m e n ts for tilt >vent. Mexico. Most of them have returned Mr. K. H . BrumbacU w .; e 'a c te d to the U nited Statca. but many rem ain, chairm an on program and f r.n b u r and th e nam>e of a f-v have appeared eau plans, and M r. L E. i’lli-b u ry r. the lite ra tu re of the com m untat and was elec ted ch airm an * coiiim itte« I. W. W. organ* aa actively engaged In fo r a rrin g in g t o r th e d in n e r. Tim fu rth erin g th e cauee of radical!«™. Not all th e testim ony offered will d ate for th e d in n er ha« n o t been be unfavorable to th e present Mexl decided upon. PEACE TREATY IS NOW IN EFFECT FARMERS ORGANIZE TO INCREASE OUTPUT BOLSHEVIK REGIME IN MEXICO PLANNED caa ad m in istratio n . S upporters of th- C arranza governm ent have placed be tore the com m ittee the nam es of many who, they assert, will be able to roun te r at least some of the statem ents of special investigaiors, refugee« ar» ordinary o lw rv e rs. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. W. W. Deal, P a sto r. T h ere w ill fee te x c h la g on th e lo t " r ! and i l h 8uid-*v a t M a . m . nd on t!i« la d u j Hh Sun My* a t >. w . is fe-U y exTiected th a t the lights Sunday School g g e rr S unday a t 18 be put in th e school building tf you d o n ’t go next r .'ednesday a. m . All a re cordially in v ite d to a tte n d week, aa a c tiv ities along th a t n ig h t y o u l miss a real e a t. I t’* the these serv ice* . one we’re all goin’ M takq Is. have been in creased .