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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1957)
Library, U of 0 '—\ PHONE HA 9-3372 VOLUME 35, NUMBER 20 Chorus, Band ; Program Ready; For Friday > Outstanding entertainment is I promised Friday night at the high school auditorium when the rombined concert for the grad° school and high school choruses -ind bands will be presented by Wm Johnson and Robert Kelly. The program will open with three numbers by the grade school chorus which will be fol lowed by a group of numbers by the grade school band. A trom bone solo by Rdy Reynolds will be included in this group. There will be four numbers from the high school chorus, two numbers by a mixed ensemble and six numbers by the high school band. In these, there will be included a trumpet solo by Dane Brady and a novelty num ber. “Little Bop Riding Hood." for which Jim Davis will be jiar- rator. The program will be completed w rh two numbers by the com bined bands and "America the Beautiful" by the combined groups. It is hoped the auditorium will be well filled for this outstand ing presentation. The Veterans of Foreign Wars are making plans for their participation in the an nual Memorial day obser vance on Thursday, May 30. As has been their custom, they will assemble at the VFW hall at 10:30 ajn. and march io the cemetery for appropriate services. May 18 has been designat ed as flag day as a part of the armed forces week obser vance and all business places and individuals are asked to display flags. Rites on Monday For R. A. Simmons Date Set for Last Salk Polio Clinic The final clinic for the giving Salk vaccine shots will be d at the Washington school Tf tirsday of next week, accord- ing to word received Tuesday from Miss Grace Roumagoux, county nurse. The clinic will be h> d in the teachers’ lunch room at 9:00 a.m. and will be for first, second and booster shots as need- ec It is estimated that about 400 shots will be given. Persons who receive first shots at this clinic will have to get sac ond and booster shots from their doctors, since no further MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE DUE I | * I | cli'ics will be held. Dr. R. D. Eby and Miss Rouma- g.'Njx will conduct the clinic and | a: persons outside the school should be there promptly at 9 a re. This would include pre- s. bool children and pregnant wo men Anyone wishing additional in formation may call the grade sr” ~ol office. L- H. Dewey Riles Today »uneral services are being held at 2:30 pm. today at the Hol man Funeral Home at 23th and I Hi. vthorne for Leslie H. Dewey, fc: Tier Vernonia resident and manager of Miller’s store, who passed away Tuesday due to a heart condition. VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY OREGON County Budget Group Begins | Work Today i I I Further planning for the Jam 's ;-ee took place last Friday night i -en another meeting of the or. gan ration took place The fireworks display brought frrth considerable discussion wen the VFW reported sub- r.-r.ptions totaling $143 50. More sutscriptions will be sought to defray the $250 needed for this -.'urpoee A handicraft display as part of the holiday week end program •ra, considered and a committee of Mrs. Charles Fugate, Mrs. • an Wood. Mrs Art Ostrander, Seniors Start Events for Graduation The annual meeting of the Co lumbia county budget committee will be held in the county court room at the court house Thurs day and Friday, May 16 and 17 As is usually the case, requests for funds for additional services far exceed funds that will be available. It will be the task of the com mittee to find funds for the es sential items and at the same time stay within its statutory six per cent limitation. At no time within the past ten years has the county exceeded its’six per cent limitation and four of the past five years has budgeted less than the amount authorized by law. Columbia was one of only four counties in the State of Oregon that levied less taxes during the 1956-57 fiscal than they did the preceding y?ar. A particularly difficult task this year will be to find funds for those agencies and services made mandatory by th" present ‘ legislature, as several bills, if enacted into law carry provisions affecting county fi- nances. With the legislature still in ses sion and not likely to adjourn un til after the budget committee meets, it is easy to see what complications could result. "One particular bill. House Bill 809. if enacted will take from our county general and general road fund 60 per cent of its an ticipated revenue from the sale of O and C timber. Based on last Year's receipts this would amount to approximately $112.000 00. If deprived of this revenu? several functions of county government will have to be abolished and others seriously curtailed unless the taxpayers want them restor ed badly enough to vote addition al funds in excess of the six per cent”, according to John W. Whip ple, county judge The court spent a part of last week, as did the Courts of the other 17 O and C counties involv ed, fighting the passing of this bill. Serving on the budget com mittee. in addition to the mem bers of the present county court are Robert U. Mathews of Mist, Thomas Colvin of Clatskanie, and Walter Erickson of Warren. Any person, firm or organization wish ing to appear before the budget committee will be welcome and afforded an opportunity of doing so. R. A. Simmons, 69, chief en gineer for the Oregon American Lumber company and its succes sor, the International Paper Co., passed away Friday afternoon at St. Vincents hospital in Portland He had been hospitalized since suffering a heart attack at his home May 4. Mr. Simmons was born at Tex arkana, Arkansas. October 7, 1887 and grew up at Hope, Arkansas. He later lived for many years at I Conroe, Texas where he was with the Delta Land and Timber com pany. They helped establish the Oregon American mill at Ver nonia and Mr. Simmons transfer red here with the company in 1924 and had been its chief engi neer since that time. He was united in marriage to Alice Huckelbury at Ashdown. Arkansas on April 26. 1908 who survives. Also surviving are two daugh ters, Mrs. Oscar .Louise) George and Mrs. Herman (Allie) Dickson, both of Vernonia; a sister. Mrs. Pearl Bish, North Little Rock, Arkansas; three grandchildren, R. A and Gary George and Mrs. Alice Fry; and two great grand children. Douglas Ray George and Pamela Louise Frye. Mr. Simmons was a member of the Masonic Lodge and of the Shrine. Funeral services wer.? held Mon day at 2 p.m. at the Evangelical church in Vernonia with the Rev. A. L. Argo, pastor of the Ver nonia Baptist church officiating. Music at the service was furnish ed by Mrs. Lloyd Thomas and Mrs. Lois Clark. Serving as casketbearers were Sherman Fisher, Maynard Grün den, Ernest East. Clem Bruce, Reggie Watson and Caroil Brock Lodge rites given by Glen Hawk ins were under the auspices Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.F. and AM Concluding rites and vault inter ment were at the Forest View cemetery with Fuiten’s Chapel in At the meeting of the PTA the Grove, Forest Grove in charge I which will be held Monday ev of arrangements. ening at 8:00 o’clock at the Wash- | ington school, Mrs. Earl King will be installed as president to succeed Mrs. Charles Minger who has served for the past year Al so to be installed are Mrs. Her bert Heckenliable. vice-president Mrs. George Biddle and Grant and Mrs. Louis Thompson, secre Thayer were named to arrange tary The office of treasurer has this part of the affair. This dis been left vacant by the decision play will be plac?d in the old of Thomas Steyaert not to return West Oregon building and will here next year and it will be include such items as: antiques, I filled at a later date Mrs L. L. Wells and Mrs. paintings, needlework, flowers, Stephen Waite will give short and agate displays Committees to handle other reports from the Oregon Congress phases of the Jamboree program pf Parents and Teachers which were also named Friday The they attended at Pendleton last committees and the subjects thev month. A committee of teachers which will handle are: kiddy day. James Johns. W N. Noakes and Marvin is working on changes for the re Meyer; parad'. Bob Thompson; port cards for next year will pre logging events. Terry Brady, sent a report and anew r ques Trent Gamer, Ron McDonald, tions of parents concerning thc Lee Jessee and Albert Schaloek. chanfe Exhibition dances by the Jun concessions. Pet? Brunsman: golf ior Promenaders will round out tournament. Bill Johnson Another feature of the Jam the evening's program High school graduation activi ties get underway this week end with the baccalaureate service at the Evangelical United Brethrer church This is a union service arranged by the Vernonia Minis terial association and is held m this church because of its large, seating capacity Reverend Harry Burk of the Nazarene church wil. give the invocation, Reverend Harshman of Mist will read the scripture, Reverend Austin Shel ton of the Assembly of God church will deliver the sermon and Reverend F. M. Knoll of the E.U B church will pronounce tlw benediction. Music will be fur nished by the high school choir directed by Robert Kelly. The service is at 7:30 p.m. Next week, the seniors will be entertained at the annual banquet at the Legion hall on Wednesday evening at 6:30 This event is sponsored by the American Le gion auxiliary with financial as sistance from various other fra ternal, social and church groups. Graduation will be Friday evening. May 24 Observance of Week Prepared According to an announcement made this week by Mrs. L. L. Wells, county chairman fot con servation week observances. May 20 through 26. a number of things are outlined for Vernonia, includ ing a conservation exhibit at tlie city library and possibly in some window down town. Jewell Lloyd. Scoutmaster, has arranged for the Boy Scouts to place posters about town and al so to distribute conservation pledges. Any groups interested in a con servation program may contact Glen Hawkins, Crown Zeller- bach; Dennis Mawhirter, Pitts burg guard station; Don Walrod, county agent; Virgil Lance, soil conservation agent who is at the West Oregon building on Wed nesdays; or Bob King, president of the Vernonia Rod and Gun club who has a list of movies and conservation material that may be obtained. There will be a conservation program on channel 6, TV, on Saturday, May 25. Cemetery Work Plan of Lodge PTA to Seat New President Mon. Jamboree Buttons Being Distributed; Plans Take Shape for July 4-5-6 Booster buttons designed to pr'mote the Vernonia Friendship Jamboree were placed on sale he.-r Monday of this week as one cf the means of financing the proposed celebration July 4-5-6. Tne buttons carry the wording: • irt Vernonia Friendship Jam b ec. July 4-5-6, 1957", and also a picture of clasped hands. The buttons are being sold for 50c THURSDAY. MAY IB. 1957 10c COPY boree announced Friday will be a display to be arranged by the Caylite Company, inc., and an op»n house at the factory Jamboree workers will meet again May 13 in the West Ore gon meeting room at 8 o’clock. Goodwill Truck Due The Goodwill truck was unable to keep its scheduled appoint ment here last Thursday so will be in Vernonia Friday of this week instead YARDS OF MONTH for April were selected and signs designating one yard in each of the four Vernonia precincts placed last Thurs day by Mayor Don Bayley who also heads clean-up. paint up. fix-up committee this year. Yard around D. P Moreland home (fop photo) at 1256 Bridge was selected for precinct 1. C. A. Tootheker yard on Keasey route was chosen for precinct two (second photo). Precinct 3 yard designated was that of Bob Lind say home at Pittsburg (third photo). George Robbins yard (bot tom photo) on South First street wes award winner in precinct 4. New group of yards will be chosen for month of May. I | j ; | j • The Odd Fellows who have as- sumed the upkeep of the Pioneer cemetery on Rock Creek road ax a civic project, have announced that they will work at the ceme- tery Saturday, cutting the grass and getting the cemetery cleaned for Memorial day which is May 30. Anyone who wishes to help with this project may contact Bob Spencer. ____________________________________ ____ , Directors Hear Reports Monday; 4 New Members Join Letters continue to come m to the Vernonia chamber of com merce office concerning property, industry. rocks, etc, as the re sult of the publicity given Ver nonia in the newspapers, direc tors were informed Monday night by Mrs Paul Gordon, man ager Monday’s meeting was the first for Mav. Flash repoits from Oregon chamber tx'.cutivcs have been received wnfning against solici tors selling vending machines for candy and for a city sampler, a coupon book sold by telephone. New chamber members are: Dr. L. M Crossan, Bill's Home town Hardware. Burton Apart ments and Crown Zellerbach corporation Several month* ago a supply of maps of the Vernonia • Ap.ary cu’-off to the Longview bridge was mad' up and furnished the Washington toll br.dge authori- ity. A request has been made for i an additional supply which will 1 be made up and sent immedia- 1 tely. i 1 1 ■ President . Guy Thomas ap pointed a committe • ot Dwight Strong, John Thompson and Sam Hearing Jr„ to confer with othei local organizations and investi gate the feasibility of erecting a large sign st Staley s junction ad. verUsing Vernonia's features. The Hillsboro chamber had re quested representatives from this i chamber to attend th“ir meeting and talk to their members. The committee appointed to go are | Wesley Bolmeier, Sam Hearing I Jr.. Pete Brunsman, Bill Horn, Art Ostrander ,Lyman Hawken, Louis Towne and Guy Thomas. Ballots were sent out to all members last week and they are reminded to return them to the chamber office by May 20 after which they will remain unopenel for the tellers to tally at the reg ular director meeting May 27 Three directors will be elected for three-year terms. Reports were given by the committee chairmen on activities since the last director meeting in April. Marie Frazee has made several calls recently on newcomers to Vernonia in behalf of the chain ber and retail merchants, pre tenting them with gift coupons from the merchants and a book let including letters of welcome.