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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1957)
Library, U of 0 ■v VOLUME 35, NUMBER 19 PHONE HA 9-3372 VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON 10c COPY THURSDAY. MAY 9. 195 Objections to New Garbage Site Voiced Sanitarian Approves Location, Recommends Handling Procedures ■ ? JAMES DAVIS DONNA BUCKLEY Five Honor Students in Class Named The names of the five top hon or students, scholastically from th< graduating class at Vcrnonu- high school were announced this week by E. E. Dove, superintend- en‘r. Listed alphabetically, they art; Donna Buckley. James Da- vis, Richard Fletcher, Marjorie Reynolds, and Ruby Wells. from these five, James Davis and Marjorie Reynolds have be' n chosen to represent the class ar honor speakers on the com- rm nccment program. May 24. Teachers Retain Trophy for Golf RICHARD FLETCHER Eight Vacancies Indicated on Grade Teaching Staff by Resignations I Resignations have left eight vacancies on the teaching staff for the eieemntary schools, ac cording to Darrold Proehl, su perintendent. Also, Mrs. Kath leen Gwin, office secretary, has i esigned to join her husband in Alaska where he is working. Ti achers who do not plan to return include Mrs. Carolyn Fea- sey, arts and crafts teacher who will join her husband at Corvallis where he is going for advanced BLOODMOBILE TO BE HERE TUESDAY The Red Cross bloodmobile will be in Vernonia Tuesday of next week. May 14. from ?. to 5 p.m.. according to Mrs. Glen Hawkins, local chair man for the county Red Cross chapter, who is mak ing the arangemenis for the visit. The bloodmobile will be stationed at the IOOF hall. Everyone who is elig ible io donate blood is urged to do so since Vernonia was far short of its quota on the last visit. As in the past, blood may be designated for individuals who have need for it if don ors so desire. r schooling and where she also will work toward her masters degre >; Robert Kelly, vocal music in structor who will be entering military service: Mrs. Kay Stey aert, fourth grade, who will teach at Alsea while her husband re turns to school for his masteis degree; Miss Helen Obermeyer. first grade, who will teach in California and James Stolz, li brary. who will teach in Clack amas county where he has pro perty and where his family re sides. Others who are leaving are Mr N Marie Dokter, first grad -, who will travel to Germany to visit her son; Mrs. Fern Cobb who is retiring and Mrs. Kerry Moran who 1 will stop teaching to devote time to her family. As far as is known now, the rest of the staff will be here again i next year. No appoint- ments for the vacancies have yet been made. A golf team made up of four V emonia high school teachers I managed to retain the team tro- phy for Vernonia by a margin I of one point in the tournament held here Monday evening by the county schoolmasters. Members The Vernonia Loggers baseball of the team were Bill Johnson, team conqludcd their season on Harold McEntira, Kerry Moran Tuesday with a well played game and Eugene Dove. I at Reynolds which was anyones In individual play, top honors games to the very last. Vernonia fc: low gross Went to Robert J. took an early 3 to 1 lead which Carey of St. Helens and second was soon tied at 3-3 where the low gross to Bill Johnson, Ver- score stayed until the seventn nonia. inning. Reynolds first batter Following the tournament, a tripled and the second walked, steak dinner was served at the to place runners on first and Washington school cafeteria to third. A wild ball which got the schoolmasters and members Dr. Kent Magruder, Clatskanie away from the catcher let a run school Democrat, was reappointed Fri of the Vernonia grade ner score for the final 4 to 3 win a day by Governor Robert D. board of directors, making for Reynolds orewd of 34. Holmes to a new term on the This was followed by a busi livestock advisory committee ness session during which offic which he has been serving as sec ers for next year were elected as retary fo. ows: Robert J. Carey, presi- At the same time, Governor d ~t; Len Monroe, vice-presi Holmes announced appointment dent; Vernon Buschkamp, secre of C. Alfred Boquist. of Tilla There will bn a meeting of the tary and Victor Mazzocco. treas mook. to succeed Chris Hoffman I Vernonia Friendship Jamboree ure,-. They are all from St Hcl of Bay City on the committee committee Friday evening at 3 ens. which advises the state depart o’clock at the West Oregon Elec ment of agriculture on matters trie building to which all inter relating to livestock ldentifica- ested persons and those who have Lions Club Work Tuesday tion and theft prevention. ideas for the occasion are invited Terms of both are for three Tic Lions club will follow the Plans are now being made for pr'gram next week which was years. art, agate and other exhibits to Magruder, a farmer and veteri be on display during the jambor put into operation this week in order to complete work on the narian. has served on the com ee. Other activities are shaping o'T.munity kitchen at the city mittee since it was created by up and can be announced more park. Members will gather as the 1949 legislature. He was first definitely after the Friday night early as possible at the park for appointed by Governor Douglas meeting work detail and will hold the McKay and was reappointed by d.rner meeting at the VFW hall the late Governor Paul L. Patter son. at 7:30 p.m. Reynolds Game Ends Season Governor Names Kent Magruder Jamboree Plans Topic for Friday ___ _________________________ I________________________ Observance of Conservation Week Intended; Governor Names Head county committee has been named to carry out the obser- vance of conservation week May 20 to 26. according to Mrs L. L. Well« who has been named as county chairman by Governor Robert D. Holmes. Those named from the St. Hel ens area include Leo D. Clark, work unit conservationist for the soil conservation district; Don Coin Walrod. county agent and Mrs Harold ShadUy, president e ect of the county ' PT A For Scappoose, Mrs. Roy' Hinkhousa, vm» orrsident ef the county PT A will serve; for Rainier. Delbert Burnham, for Clatskanie, Virgil Lance, soil conservation consult ant; and for Vernonia. Bob King, president of the Rod and Gun club; Dennis Mawhirter of the Pittsburg guard station; Glen Hawkins, rrjanager of the Crown Zellerbach Columbia Tree Farm and H. E McEntire from the high school. As a part of the program. Mc- Entire arranged a conservation exhibit for the Mom and Pop re- ception which »as held at the high school last evening Cancer Funds Total $1237 As of Friday, May 3. this county’s cancer drive fund had reached the figure of $1237.13. Ralph Bergerson indicated when he totaled funds received from four communities. He is count'- tieasurer for the drive which is headed by J D. Caywood. Community totals were listed as: Scappoose $181 40. St Helens $480 06; Warren $89 12 and Ver nonia $486 55 Graders Enter Track Meet The Vernonia grade school will enter the Columbia county grade track meet at Scappoose tomor row. Both boys and girls will compete in three divisions MARJORIE REYNOLDS Eight to Play > DENTAL OFFICE In May Music | OPENS THURSDAY Festival Event Dr. Reed I. Oldroyd. den tist. began practice here to day, Thursday, in the office space formerly occupied by Dr. J.' R. Manley and will Eight members of the Vernon maintain office hours Thurs ia high school band will be day of each week starting at among the 550 talented high j 9 a.m. Announcement of his school musicians who are gath plans to start a practice here ering at Forest Grove today for was made late last week by the three-day Music in May fes Dr. Oldroyd. tival at Pacific University. This He will come from Port is the tenth anniversary of this | land each Thursday, where outstanding event. he also has a practice at 8665 Three outstanding conductors S.W. Canyon Road, in order who will participate this year a.~ to provide dental service for Lawrence Sardoni. director of this community. Appoint the Brigham Young universit.' ments may be made with Mrs. symphony at Provo, Utah, who Milton Lamping. will conduct the Music in May 100-piece orchestra; Waldemar __________________________ •____ Hollensted, director of music at the Coquille schools who will direct the 200-voice chorus; and David Petrasse, supervisor of music in WTst Linn schools, who will direct the 200-piece band. A showing of the complete line Vernonia students who are in cluded in the festival are Tom of candles now being manufac my McFarland, Jayce Thompson, tured by the Caylite company Jan Garner, Donna Buckley, Jim was staged in Portland all day Davis, Darlene Bernardi, Julia Tuesday of this week at the Con gress hotel, according to J. D Waite and Dane Brady. The concert which is the cul Caywood, firm manager. Buyers representing six large mination of the festival will b.- given in the Forest Grove high firms and representatives of school’ auditorium Saturday ev many smaller firms viewed the ening at 8:00 o'clock. Tickets Caylite line during the day, some are $1.00 for adults and 50 cents of them placing orders at that time Another showing of the for students. line is planned soon in Seattle by th • Caylite representative for that area. The Oregonian Northwest sec tion featured Caylite Sunday with a full page, full color view of the factory and with a news Don Comfort, accordionist, will story and other pictures else appear here next Tuesday, May where in that section telling the 14, in a National Assembly pro history of the firm, its progress gram at the Washington school to date and plans for the future. at 2:30 This part of the county was Comfort began to study the ac also featured in the Oregonian cordion at the age of eight and a week ago Sunday with a full majored in music in high school. page of pictures of local scenes He did further study at the Uni and a lengthy news article. In versity of Redlands in California ; addition, the Washington County and with Anthony Galla-Rini. News-Times published at Forest world famous concert accordion Grove recently carried a page artist. He has done television of pictures and information about work and for the last four years this area. has been appearing with the Na tional School assemblies > In his program Tuesday he will | 4th Anniversary Due feature a very rare electronic ac Thursday of next week. May cordion which is the only known 16, will be the fourth anniver such instrument west of Chicago. It was manufactured in Phila sary for the Vernonia commun delphia and is worth approxi ity ambulance which made its mately $2000. He also uses two first trip on that date in 1953. In other accordions to bring his au the 4 years, the ambulance has diences a well rounded program answered more than 150 calls, of music ranging from classical with the longest trip being mad* to Fort Lewis, Washington to the latest in popular music. Caylite Stages Candle Display Accordionist on Assembly Bill City councilmen again conski ered garbage disposal as the mam topic of discussion when they met in special session Thursday of last week and again Monday night of this week at their regular meeting. At the Thursday special a group of citizens were present to voice objections to the new location on Capitol hill. Dennis Mawhirter, warden in charge of the Pitts burg station, was also present on Thursday to give the council for est service rules that must be compiled with in legally main taining the dump and these rules the city agreed upon. Requirements which must be met include: provision for fire fighting equipment; construction of a fire trail around the site and a cleared area where burning will take place. The city will pay for develop ing the site and to provide finan- cing, garbage rates will be in creased 20 per cent. All of the increase in rates will be turned over to the city until the cost <M development is met. At Monday night's meeting. C. W. Clark, county sanitarian, stal ed a citizen of the community had asked that he inspect th* dump and attend the meeting Hi- informed councilmen they have a good site and recommend ed garbage be burned as soon a« permissable. He also recommen ded it he sprayed with chlorodine to control flies. Quite a number of residents from the Capitol Hill area we re present, several of whom said they had no objections to the dump if it is kept in a sanitary condition and free of fire hazards Old. dilapidated buildings was another topic Monday and a dis cussion of the subjects resulted in an order by the council that the recorder send notices to own ers of such property informing them to abate the nuisances or expect city condemnation action. Vacancies on the budget eons- mittee were filled with the ap pointment of Lowell Hieber, L. E. Stiff and George Johnson. Hold over committeemen are Tom Bateman and Bill Horn. Vet Groups to Receive Flags Beautiful American flags are being furnished this year by the Columbia county court, as au thorized by ORS 408 490, to alt veterans organizations for use in marking th-- graves of all decesw- ed veterans buried in Columbia county. "Any veterans organization.» wanting any of these flags for said purpose may obtain same by contacting Arbie Lawrence, phon-- 47 or 42W at St Helens,’’ accord ing to Judge John W Whipple. Lawrence has been designated bv the court to assist them in the distnbution of the flags Jack DeLashmutt Four Boys Win Mig Tourney, Right Teacher of Year To Compete in Annual State Play-off Jack DeLashmutt, teaching prin cipal of the Yankton grade school in the St Helens district has been elected Oregon teacher of the year by the Oregon Federation of Women’s clubs. The announcement was made last Friday by Mrs. Paul Patter son. chairman of the Teacher of the Year commit! ?e, and formxl presentation of the award was made at a banquet in Delish- mutt’s honor at the Manon hotel in Salem Tuesday evening. Four Vernonia boys earned the right Tuesday to represent Ver nonia at the eleventh annual Young Oregonian stat- hriarble tournament at Jantzen Beach park in Portland May 18 The local tournament was sponsored by the Smith-Christensen post. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Daniel Lawler was local chair man for the event. Boys who placed in class A, ages 6 to 12, were; Roy Hamnett, first; Charles Cotton, second and Verne Smith, third In Class B, ages 13 to 15, winners were Steven Bateman, first; I^onard Schmidlin. second and Darrell Elliott, third. Only first and second place winners in each class will go to the state tourney. Migsters representing about 80 Oregon towns are expected at the state meet and from these two champions will be selected to represent Oregon at the VFW sponsored national contest at Seattle ih June