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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1957)
Library, U of 0 9i PHONE HA 9-3372 VOLUME 35, NUMBER 21 New Officers for Coming Year Installed by Parent-Teachers Monday; Card Change Proposed At the final PTA meeting of i Mrs. Minger gave to Mr. Proehl this year held Monday night at a check for $50 as the PTA share the Washington school, the new in the sweaters purchased for officers were installed by Mrs. the grade school Dand. Part of the evening was given Harry Sandon as follows: presi dent, Mrs. Earl King; vice-pres over to a discussion of the new ident, Mrs. Herb Heckenliable; report cards proposed for use secretary, Mrs. Louis Thompson. next fall. The discussion was led Mrs. King nam?d committee by Mr Proehl who had available chairmen with Mrs. Harvey Red samples of the cards being con mond heading the membership sidered for the primary and up committee; Mrs. L. L. Wells, pro per grades. Mrs Frank Serafin gram; Mrs. Frank Serafin, health; and Mrs. Earl King are to attend Mrs. Stephen Waite, historian the meetings of the report card and Mrs. Herb Heckenliable, committee for the primary grades and Mrs Reggie Watson and Mr.- publicity. Herb Heckenliable will attend Mrs. Charles Minger, outgoing those for the upper grades. president was presented with a Entertainment Monday even PTA past president's pin by Mrs ing was provided by the Junin, King Promenaders who did exhibition Before relinquishing her office. dances. Webelos Graduate to Scouts at Cub Pack Meeting Friday Night A Webelos graduation was the to Troop 201. The Webelos were highlight of the Cub Scout pack | David Brunsman, Steve Gibson, meeting held at the Washington Larry Harris, Eddie Kamholz, school May 16. John Harris, cub Jimmy Lindsay and Phillip Mey master, presided at th" meeting, er. and Jewell Lloyd, Scoutmaster Mr. and Mrs. John Harris and and Lloyd Vike, senior patrol Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay leader, accepted the Webelos in- were presented with gifts from the pack in appreciation of then- work with the pack since its be ginning. two and a half years ago. Mr. Harris has served as Cub master and Mr. Lindsay as j chairman of the pack committee. After 33 years of continuous Entertainment for the evening service in Vernonia, the Kullan- consisted of songs, games, races der Jewelry store closed its doors for the pack and a drill presented Saturday. Mr. Kullander ex by the Webelos led by Mr. Lind pressed regret that retirement on say. his part made it necessary. He The Mom and Dad award went and Mrs. Kullander now reside to den 4, Mrs. Edgar Hartzell, den at Independence where they for mother, and refreshments were merly lived and where they arc served by den 9. Mrs. Hugo Hill's near her mother and other rela group. tives. Plans were made for the Cubs Dewite Mather who had been to participate in the Memorial employed at the store here for I' Day parade, May 30. the past year was not yet sure Summer activities will include what ho would do but had pros a field day in June for which pects of several other jobs, definite plans will be announced later; a picnic, skating and swim ming party at Shute park July ! 21 and a pack picnic at Rogers park August 18. A work week at Camp Baldwin was announced for June 7-8-9 Forty-six persons responded to and persons interested in partici the Red Cross bloodmoblie visit pating were asked to call Charles here Tuesday of last week and Johnson, HA 9-5671 or E. V. Ro only three were rejected, making bertson. HA 9-5379 43 pints of blood taken. This lacked only seven of meeting the quota of 50. Three men who had become eligible on the previous visit for membership in the gallon club were presented with certificates. Oustanding entertainment and They were Wesley Hunt. Eddie proclaim“d as one of the best Potter and Edison Aldrich. Others things every presented by the became eligible Tuesday and will Vernonia schools was the combin receive their recognition on the ed band and choral concert for next visit. the grade and high schools which Mrs. Glen Hawkins expressed i was present 'd last Friday eve’n- her appreciation of the good res ing in the high school auditorium ponse on such short notice and under the direction of William G. also for the ladies who gave their Johnson and Robert Kelley, music time to assist with it. instructors. Kullander Store Closed Saturday 43 Pints Taken By Blood Unit Friday Concert ; Highly Praised Sales of Poppies Intended This Week; Use of Funds Explained Members of the American Le gion auxiliary. Unit 119. will again be offering veteran-made poppies to the public on the week end preceding Memorial day. which is Friday and Saturday. May 24 and 25 * Donations go to help veterans rehabilitation and child welfare in Oregon and in Vernonia Last year the V"rnoma unit expended almost $200 local IV for child w«l- fare Sixteen children and three groups were assisted All poppies used here are mad,- at the Portland facility. Mrs. Stephan Waite, poppy chairman. states that this year the patients were very happy to have the op portunity of making poppies for I * | ! [ I . I the department of Alaska This large order added to Oregon’s gave them the moral" builders of accomplishment and earning while recuperating Also, this week end. the mem bers of the VFW auxiliary will be offering for sale the Buddy poppies. These are made at Camp White, Medford, bv disabled vet erans Of each ten cents receiv"d from their sale, one cent goes to the VFW national home at Eaton Rapids. Michigan, one cent to the national rehabilitation fund; 24 cents to the Oregon department service fund; 44 cents stays in the local treasury and the rest goes to the makers of the poppies \ VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Awards Given Students for Year's Work 10c COPY 41 SENIORS TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Observance of Day Outlined Plans are shaping up for the At the awards assembly held I annual Memorial day observance last Friday at Vernonia hign next Thursday. May 30, with the school, a number of personal Vet"rans of Foreign Wars taking awards were made to students the lead in outlining plans and who had earned recognition for other organizations giving whole, outstanding work. hearted cooperation. To date, Topping the list was Richard | other organizations that have sig Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 nified their plans to participate B. Fletcher of Mist route, who are the V F. W auxiliary, the Was awarded the drama cup for American Legion, Legion auxili the most outstanding dramatic ary and Legion auxiliary junior performance of the year, and the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and th Ferguson science cup for out Ridge Riders. standing work in that field. He The grade school band will par also took the mathematics and ticipate if transportation is found photography awards. for them. They need a larg Ron Anderegg received the art flatbed truck, larger than the award; the dramatic award for one used in the cleanup parade someone not in the cast who con Groups will assemble at the tributed the most to the play, in V.F.W hall at 10:30 am. and this case in designing of sets; a from there march to the bridge book jveek award and publica where the V.F.W auxiliary will have a service in honor of the tions award, both for art work. From there they Other individual awards were naval dead. will go to the Memorial cemetery as follows: Agriculture, Jerry j Buckner; choral, Jim Lamb; out- on Corey hill for services by the V.F.W, Legion and Legion aux I standing athlete. Don Holsey; se iliary. nior band medal, Jan Gamer; superior contest band medals, Dane Brady and Walter Kirk- bride; cheerleader, Jan Gamer; citizenship, Leola Anderson and Herb Bender; chemistry, Wavno Shafer; free throw, Don Holsey; City councilmen, at one of the girls intramural sports. Marlent. shortest meetings to take place Shafer; industrial arts, Jim Bar- this year, accepted the resigna low; librarian, Janice Pearson; tion of Merle Graham as city poppy poster, Robert Sweitzer, policeman when they inet Mon Carol Anderson, Carol Jean Shar- day evening for their second May ar; public speaking. Marjori" session. Graham had submitted Reynolds; publications. Ruby his resignation about a week ago, Wells, Timberline editor; James but has indicated no definite Davis, Memolog editor and Ron plans for the future. Anderegg, art and commercial, No definite decision was made gold Order of Gregg Artists pin, concerning the employing of an Margaret Miner. officer to fill the vacancy. Special awards were also made The council heard a request this year to Mrs. Ann Westerberg. from Dan? Brady about word office secretary, and Wm. John that plans to construct an inciner son, band instructor, who were ator at the new garbage disposal called up and given diplomas be site had been abandoned. This cause they started theii* work at plan has not been abandoned th ■ Vernonia high school when this council indicated. An engineer graduating class entered. will look over the location and Other awards made at the as determine the cost of a suitable sembly in the various classes and burner, h" was informed Other business was the adop activities are listed elsewhere in tion of an ordinance embracing this issue the Oregon Revised Statue which empowers city police to protect city property outside city limits Damage has already taken place al the garbage dump where the box containing fire fighting equipment was broken open late I At a meeting of Little League Sunday or early Monday and baseball officials held Tuesday the contents damaged right at Forest Grove, schedule of games was set up and teams in each district were designated Vernonia was placed in the group which includes St. Helens. Scap poose, Astoria, Tillamook and | Graham Resigns Police Position Little League Schedule Set Seasonal Labor Office Opened 4-H Field Day Arranged for This Saturday Nehalem Valley Community day, the annual field day for 4-H clubs in this area, will be held here Saturday starting at 9:30 a. m. Exhibits, judging contests and record book displays will be in the Legion hall and the judg ing contests are first on the agen da. Cooking demonstrations will be held in the model kitchen at the West Oregon Electric building and other demonstrations will be giv en in the West Oregon meeting room. The livestock show and judg ing contests will be on the lot across the street from the front door of the West Oregon building Three trophies which will be awarded have been donated by the West Oregon Electric, U. S. National bank. Vernonia branch, and Henry Anderegg of Vernonia Milk Farms. They will go to top club members in electric, home economics and livestock clubs. The noon lunch will be served by the extension clubs of this area. All interested persons are invited to attend the event. Help Needed for Cemetery Work A small group of volunteer workers turned out last Saturday to assist in the Odd Fellows pro ject of mowing the grass at the Pioneer cemetery on Rock Creek road and getting it ready for Me morial Day, May 30. However, there were not enough to complete the job so another attempt will be made Saturday morning. An appeal is made for anyone who will as sist, whether a member of the lodge or not, to turn out and bring mowers, rakes and other tools for the work Many former residents return here for Memor ial Day and it is the desire that the cemetery present the best possible appearance for this oc casion. Grade Students To Get Awards The grade school awards as sembly will be«held Friday after noon at 2:30 at,the Washington school and anyone interested is invited to attend. In addition to all the usual awards for safety patrol, band, track, basketball, music, marble tournament and attendance, cit izenship awards will be made by the American Legion and auxil iary and the awards in essay and poppy poster contests sponsored by the auxiliary will also be made. Seaside and their first game will j A seasonal farm labor office be Wednesday, June 5 at 8:00 p.m. with St Helens on the Ver was opened in the IWA hall in Vernonia yesterday, May 22. ac nonia field. The Little Leaguers are being cording to Alvin Elkins, mana sponsored here by ’the American ger of the Hillsboro local office Legion with Harry Culbertson as of the Oregon State Employment The hours will be 5 manager andh Charles L. Johnson service as coach. Both of them attended a m. to 8 a m until further notice. Fortv-seven hundred acres of the Tuesday evening meeting. strawberries will be harvested this year beginning approximate ly May 25, 1957 and will extend through the middle of July. The condition of the fruit crop is excellent and a bumper harvest is anticipated A recruiting team from “B" This seaspnal farm labor office | Battery, 387th F.A. Bn. U.S Army The annual Columbia county Red Cross dinner will be held will be used to direct workers ; Reserve will be in Vernonia all Monday evening at 6:30 at the to the berry fields where 14.000 day Saturday, May 25 to give Congregational church at St Hel harvest hands will be needed at Vernonia an opportunity to ex ens There will be election of of the peak of the harvest. Last y"ar amine one of the weapons with ficers and a short program. Din more than one million dollars which the reservists train. They ner reservations may be mad" were paid out in wages in har will be located next to the swim by calling the Red Cross office. vesting a similar crop. Transpor ming pool tation will be furnished, free of St. Helens 7, and price is $1 50 "B" Battery •• located in Hills charge, by the strawberry grow boro and is part of the 104th er. "Timberwolf” Division of Oregon License Tests Due May 31 and Washington. At the present time three men represent Ver A drivers license examiner will Jamboree Meeting Tonight nonia in this unit Skeeter Gill be on duty in Vernonia Friday. Committees for the Vernonia and Speed Lusby are on active May 31 at the city hall between the hours of 10 a m. and 4 p m., Friendship Jambore" will meet duty at this time but will be re according to an announcement tonight at 8 00 o'clock in the turning to the unit next winter. received from the department of West Oregon meeting room to ar Bill Ferguson is executive offi | cer of the battery. range program details. motor vehicles. Red Cross Sets Annual Election THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1957 Diplomas are ready for the 41 members of the senior class a*. Vernonia high school and will be presented at the commence ment program at the high school tomorrow evening at 8 00 o’clock Dr. Roy McNeal from Southern Oregon College of Education wi I give the commencement address Also on the program will be honor speakers for the class, James Davis and Marjorie Rey nolds, and musical numbers by the high school band and choir Other awards to be announced that evening will be the Wilker son cup and the various scholar ship awards, liwluding the Crown Zellerbach and Harrison-Collins scholarships. Presentation of the class gift to the school wi1! be made bv Jerrold Bush, class president. Those who are graduating are; Ron Anderegg. Leola Anderson, Melvin Bailey, William Barlow. Herbert Bender, Donna Buckley, Jerrold Bush, DeeAnn Cook. David Cotton, Victoria Crossan. Robert Crowston, Delores Davis, James Davis, Robert Drips, Roy Elliott, Richard Fletcher. Allen Fowler, Janice Garner, Jacalyn Higley, lather Hue. Donald Hol sey. Janice Hoyt, Dennis Jepson, Larry Johnson, Esther Kyser, Ar thur Lamping, James McFarland, Margaret Miner, Glenda Nor mand, Richard O’Brien, Kenneth Pederson, Carol Ray, Marjorie Reynolds, Elizabeth Sauer, Mar lene Shafer, Donald Siede I man, Loren» Stiff. Robert Sweitzer. Joyce Thompson, Ruby Wrlfs and Laurel Wyckoff. Tuesday evening of next week, the spotlight will shift to the Washington school where parents and friends will assemble to see eighth grade diplomas presented to a class of 38 students. Speakei for the occasion will be Professor James Lyles from Willamette University, Salem Also to be announced Tuesday evening is the name of the stu dent selected for this years Paul Gordon Memorial award. Pre sentation of the class gift to the school will be made by Leonard Hunteman. Music will be pro vided by the grade school band and chorus Those who will receive eighth grade diplomas are: Mikele Anderson, Penny Bad ley, Lyle Barker, Melva Barrett, Larry Barties, Steven Bateman, Janice Marie Bjornson, Wesley Linn Bolmeter, Fred Burke, Fre- dia Cotton, Lorrainne Cunning ham, Craig Davies, Gary Dinger, Richard Dübendorf, Darrell El liott, Karen Floeter, Daniel Gra ham, Glenn Hawkins, Pete Haye«, Karen Hoyt, Leonard Hunteman. Neil Lloyd. Glenn Lofton, Terry Mawhirter, Lanny McDon ald. Richard Meyer Jr , Donnie Pearson, Donna Pollock, Glenda Robertson, Sherry Roediger, Joe Roeser, Vicky Serafin, Geneva Sullivan, Cleao Thomas, Ken neth Thomas, Patricia Thompson, Tommy Watson and Lyle Wilkins. Reserve Unit Recruiting Team to Display Weapon Here Saturday At the present time "B" BaU tery is the reserve unit nearest Vernonia The 387th Bataliion was awarded the Reserve Offi cers Most Outstanding award in 1955 and "B” Battery was recog nized as the outstanding unit in the 104th Division in 1956 Battery Commander Harold H Kaufman stat?s that there are remaining vacancies in the unit for men 18-25 years of age under the ”6 months plan'' as radio op erators, light and heavy equip ment operators and telephon** linemen He regrets to state abo that the unit cannot accept en listments of 17-184 year olds until July 1, 1957 because quotas are full at this time