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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1957)
Litrary, U of 0 Governor's Plans Outlined Harry R. Swanson, adminis trative assistant to Governor Ro bert D. Holmes, was gubst speak er at the second annual dinner meeting of the Highway 99W Al ternate Road association held at Vernonia March 13, which was well attended by people from Hillsboro, Banks, Gaston, Yam mil, Carlton. , Newberg. Astoria »nd Longview, Washington. The dinner was served by the Rain ■ dow Girls at the Masonic temple. PROGRAM VIEWED Mr. Swanson spoke of the work of Governor Holmes toward es tablishing a planning and deve- lopement department for the state and other plans toward get ting a fair share of industry for Oregon. According to complaints received by his office, the rea sons Oregon has not secured many new industries are not enough dh.'ap power, transportation cosls and high Oregon taxes. He feels that with the new economic pro gram being set up by Governor Holmes with a trained specialist ir. charge, assistance and coordi nation in these three major prob lems can be secured and industry can be attracted to Oregon. Mr. Swanson also said that full cooperation is being given in all departments, whether appointed or inherited, and that Governor Hplmes is trying to put into ef- fect the points made in his cam paign talks. ROADS TO BE FEATURED James Stanard. association dl l' tor, reported that on April 21, the Northwest section of the Ore gonian will carry a feature story on the area covered by highway .8 from McMinnville to the coait add the twenty miracle miles from Oceanlake to Newport. Al so featured will be the Portland- Salmon River cutoff and the route covered by the Highway 99 W Alternate Road association •from McMinnville through For- Planning Commission Organization Dated For Next Thursday HARRY W. SWANSON, speaker at the dinner of Highway 99W Alternate Road association, and Art Ostrander, seated, president. est Grove, Vernonia and across the Longview bridge to highway 99 at Kelso. Art Ostrander, Vernonia, was re-elected president of the asso ciation for a third term, a posi tion he has held since it was first organized. Other officers named were Ralph Kletzing Carlton, vice-president; Mona Gordon, Vernonia, secretary; and Everett Haney, Forest Grove, Family Living Class Completed The Family Living class which has been taught by Mrs. Ora Bolmeier, was concluded March . which was the last of eight -.ass sessions for the group Mem- .- -s of the class expressed much appreciation to Mrs. Bolmeier v. '■■o had given her time without renumeration. All felt that :t had been a worthwhile expen- -•re m adult education. Those who completed the class wtre Mesdames Marvin Kam- boia. Guy Harris. Art Davis. R L. Thompson. Ralph Reynolds. Howard Carter. Bernard Lamp ing, Roy Cook. Wilma Thompson. Dan Lawler. James Davies. Earl K ng. Marvin Meyer. Ruth Sulli van, Glen Hawkins, Charles Minger. Loren Ellis Jr. and Herb rfeeken liable. James Stannard, McMinnville and Lawrence Kummer, Gaston, directors for a three year term. Mr. Ostrander gave a summary of the years activities and urged the group to increase member ship, advertise the roads and keep striving for the ultimate goal of an alternate 99 highway through this route. The next quarterly meeting will be at Yamhill June 12. I 35-Year Resident Buried Tuesday Riders Slate Club Meeting The date was set earlier this week for a meeting of people who belong or ar? interested in be- longing and participating in the activities of the Vernonia Ridg>' Riders by Bob Thompson, presi- dent of the group. Anyone interested in riding is we come to be present at the ses- s'on which will take place Tues- ai y of next week, March 26, at ty-' West Oregon Electric office starting. at 8 p.m. At this meeting an attempt will be made to build up club activity, to prepare for a parade which w'l open this year’s paint-un. f:x-up campaign and plan for rid ing club events proposed for the tb-ec-day July 4 celebration. Thompson pointed out that peo- p.e interested in joining the club •ay do so at a lower fee than ha« been charged formerly. Ini- t.stion costs $1 50 per family and monthly dues are now 25c per person. Previously the charge was $5 and 50c monthly. Parking Rule • Celebration Name Chosen Restriction By Group; Suggestions Area Extended | | | ! | 1 I 1 Additional survivors include James Ross Lee, 74, a" resident of Vernonia for the past 35 years four stepsons, Lloyd Bam. Al- passed away at his home in Ver ■ bany; Marvin, Newhall, Californ nonia Friday morning, March 15, ia; Russell. DelNortc, Colorado and John W. Bain of Quincev, following an extended illness. Funeral services were held Washington and 18 grandchild- Tuesday, March 19 at 1:30 at the ten. Nazarene» church in Vernonia with concluding rites and inter ment at the Forest View ceme tery, Forest Grove. The Rev. Harry Burk, pastor of the Nazarene church, officiat Candidates for king of the St. ed at the services with Fuiten’s Chapel in the Grove mortuary. Pats dance which will be held Forest Grove in charge of arrang- at the high school Friday even ing are as follows: Senior, Herb ments. Casket bearers were Brady Bender; junior, Jeiry Dinger; Waters. Jueles Matzek, Lloyd and sophomore, Don Savage; fresh John Blain, Herbert Sturdevant man, Dick Aldrich and Paul end Alfred Bayes, with Mr. and Bunyon club. Dick O’Brien. Dis Mrs. Gerald Russell serving as cussion as to which will reign is left to the vote of the girls a vocal duet at the services. and results will be announced at Mr. Lee was a native of On tario, Canada where he was born the dance. The dance is sponsored by the December 3, 1882. and lived there until moving to Vancouv Girls Athletic association and the er Island in 1913. In 1919 he came public is welcome to attend. Re to the Unit id States, living at freshments will be served. North Plains and then at Gales Creek before moving to Vernon ia 35 years ago. He was united in marriage to Ella Randle at Hamilton, Ontar i<. on June 8, 1908 who preceeded him in death here in 1939. On De “Home Gardens,’’ both vege cember 20, 1944 he was married table and flower, will be the tp Mrs. Pauline Martig at Van topic upon which Don Coin Wal- couver, Washington who sur lod, county extension agent, will speak next Tuesday at a meeting vives. Also surviving are six children; which has been arranged by the two sons, Howard R. Lee of Port Vernonia chamber of commerce land and James R Jr. of Cali for 8 p m. in the ag room at the fornia; four daughters, Mrs. Jo high school. Walrod will also present illus seph (Ruth) Beasley and Mrs Charles (Vern) Vlad, both of San trative material and some plants Diego, Mrs. Jueles (Elizabeth) for inspection of the people who Matzek and Mrs. Brady (La- are present vonne) Waters, both of Forest Grove Another son, John J. Lee was killed at U’eaverville, Cali fornia three months ago St. Pat's Dance Friday Evening 'Gardens' Topic Of Tuesday Meet Toy Collection Due Saturday Historical Meet The high school Girls League I which has taken the collating and children's story books At Beaver Homes I of for toys the Shrine hospital, Portland, The Columbia County Histori cal society will meet Saturday. March 23. at the Beaver Homes Grange hall There will be a pot luck dinner at noon and business session and program in the after noon. The meeting is open to all interested person». at a project, plan to gather up those available from homes Sat urday. starting at 11 a.m. Per sons who have toys and books may call the high school office by Friday and give name and address so the girls can call for them. Offered for July 4 Event The need to select a name for the proposed 3-day July 4 cele Nine items of business were bration being considered by this considered by city councilmen ! community was the main item when they met Monday for their of business last Friday at a ses second March session and the sion of the planning committee. slate for the evening’s business By choosing the name Friday and was cleared by 9:30, the earliest, forwarding it to the Oregon state hour for adjournment since the highway department immediate ly, Vernonia’s celebration will re “present council took office. Jay Hall and Leonard Rauch ceive state and national recogni asked council consideration on tion not possible otherwise. Committeemen present consid establishing two-hour parking on ered ten suggestions and decided Second street between Maple and Bridge streets and the request on a combination of several of these in selecting “Vernonia was approved on motion and second by Councilmen Charley Friendship Jamboree" as the title. Heading preparation details for Hickman and H. H. Sturdevant. the celebration is planning com BOARD MEMBER NAMED mittee of Louis Towne, Jack A library board recommenda tion of the appointment of Mrs. O. T Bateman to the library board was also approved to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of Mrs. George Remnant. Councilmen rejected a request The 70 voice University of Ore. by Bert Brunsman for financial gon choir directed by Max Ri aid for the paint-up, fix-up cam singer will present a concert at paign, pointing out that it would Vernonia high school Friday be unethical for th? city to spend morning at 10:00 am. The tax money on a project of this public is invited to attend and no kind. charge is being made. Another decision concerning Included in the program will the need for another city truck be Then Round The Starry was accomplished by an order to Throne, Handel; Psalm 150, Nor repair the old truck formerly used ton; selections from Ceremony of by Frank Slemmons, cemetery the Carols, Benjamin Britton and sexton instead of purchasing a a number of Fred Waring ar later model. This decision was rangements. reached after the council heard This choir has been selected two quotations on pick-up trucks for a guest appearance at the of $1095 and $1295 from Bill Northwest Music Educators con Wilson, Vernonia Auto company ference to be held at Boise this salesman. The council also or year. dered Slemmons to determine the amount of repairs needed on the garage at the cemetery and 1 eport at the next meeting. LEASE CONSIDERED Pursuant to a request at a According to an announcement previous meeting concerning a lease of the airport to those fly from the office of Ralph C. Gran- ing planes off the field, council quist. district director of the in men issued an order to Attorney ternal revenue service in Ore C. F. Bradley to prepare such a gon, offices are being opened throughout the state to give as ldase for future consideration. Another order wJs issued au sistance to income tax payers. Office most convenient to peo thorizing publication of a notice concerning delinquent water us ple in this area will be Hillsboro er accounts. The notice appears where consultants will be at 205 building elsewhere in this edition and ex U. S National bank plains a procedure that will be Mondays, March 25 and April i, followed in the future in handl and every day except Sunday from April 8 through 15. ing collections. CONNECTIONS ORDERED County Sanitarian Clarence W. Kindergarten Entertains Clark appeart d before ,the coun Pupils from the morning kin cil to tell them all hodscs, where dergarten presented a clever pro feasible, must be connected to gram at the P.T.A. meeting Mon I sewer mains very soon or state day evening It was entitled. ! authorities will force these con- Around The Clock, and showed I nections made. The city has al what they did throughout the ready sent final notices to the 13 day at kindergarten. The pro cwners of property not yet using gram was directed by Mrs. Wilma city sewer service. Thompson, kindergarten teacher. Five men appointed two weeks ago to the newly organized city Seniors Prepare Play planning commission were pre Seniors at VHS have begun sent Monday to accept their ap pointments and to decide on the intensive practice on the play. date of March 28 when they Me and My Shadow, a comedy, will elect officers and begin plan which they will present April 8. Carlton Moran is coach. ning work. U of 0 Choir to Be Here Tomorrow Tax Assistants At Hillsboro Thompson, Pete Brunsman, Bill Horn and Sam Hearing Jr., thi- group having met prior to Friday to decide on some of the events to be staged. Their list, includ mg various suggestions by indi viduals at earlier meetings, w: swim meet, golf tournament, pa rade, picnic, fireworks display, band concert, logging display, mill open house, tree farm tour, barbecue and entertainment for youngsters. Many organizations in towrt have indicated they will assist irt setting up concessions' such a> trap shoot, hot dog stand, game* of chance and rides for young sters. Along with consideration’ of this part of the event, a mo tion was adopted specifying no concessions will be allowed at the celebration other than the.-« sponsored by a recognized local group. No outside carnival at tractions will be permitted. Publicity to properly promote the event and assure a large at tendance brought such sugges tions as: wearing of an approp riate costume; visits to other towns in the county and arv- nouncement of the event over Hillsboro and Forest Grove ra dio stations. Further planning is scheduled for Friday, March 29, at the West Oregon building, this being the next meeting date. Former Teacher Author of Book A recent announcement Mk made in the Education News* published by the Oregon State department of education that Enoch Dumas who taught here in the elementary schools during the 1930's, had written an unique book. Arithmetic Games, for use in kindergarten and through the sixth grade. His belief is that games should b? a part of the teaching-learning situation but that they should add to rather than subtract from the efficiency of teaching The book is available from Fearon Publishers in San Fran cisco. Band Members to Go to Festival Six members of the Vernonia high school band have been cho sen to participate in the Music in May festival at Forest Grove May 9, 10 and 11. They are Dane Brady, Darlene Bernardi, Donna Buckley, Jim Davis. Julia Waite and Jan Garner. Music will be sent to them to practice preparatory to the event and the festival will feature both a band and orchestra in which musicians from school through out the state will participate. Cub. Scout Troop 201 Host to Sunset Trail Roundtable On Tuesday. March 12, a Cub Scout Roundtable for the Sunset Trail district met at the Wash ington school. This is the first time Vernonia Troop 201 has been host to the group consisting of representatives from Wash ington county troops and the local troop. The roundtable, pri marily a training course for Cub Scout leaders and Den Mothers, develops a given theme of the month as projects for the vari ous dens The classic, "Swiss Family Ro. bmson" was the subject Tuesday night with a resume of the story given as a TV play. Scout mas ter John Harns acted a* M C. with Mrs. Harns, Margaret Hart zell, Irene Meyer, Bob Lindsay and Ilene Larson manipulating characters and scenes on the cle ver shadow box. Following the play, the group visited four projects developed Irene Meyer and Chuck Johnson cleverly depicted the shipwreck on a simulated ocean and the island on which the family later made their home, including palm trees and animals. Margaret Hartzell and Lige Ro binson used housing for the ship wrecked 'family as their project Authentic looking palm trees, a tent and a real log cabin, which Mr Robinson and some of the boys built gave that pictare Bob Lindsay at his table pro vided wood and knives to the visitors to practice carving spoons as the craft project. John Harris and Ilene Larson had two games which afforded much amuseemnt. Mrs. Dan Lawler registered each guest who pinned on a min isture foot print with his name. Nora Redmond made these, Fred Roediger mad- huge footprints on the floor guiding the guests to the various activities. Big straw hats and other sem blance of native attire wen worn by the hosts to further th • atmosphere of a tropic island. A large assortment of cookies made by the mothers of the Ver nonia Cub Scouts and coffee were served at the close of the even ing