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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1957)
Library, U of 0 Grade Band Appearance Due Festival Evening Concerts of Massed Bands Open To Public Attendance The Vernonia grade school band directed by William B. Johnson, will go to Scappoose Saturday to participate in Columbia county elementary school band festival and concert. Various events will take place during the day and in the evening, a concert open to the public, will feature each band playing individually with the massed bands playing the final selections under the direction of Charles Piazza, music supervisor from West Einn. Six bands will be featured, in cluding St Helens, Warren, Rai- • ler, Clatskanie, Scappoose and Vernonia. The evening program will be gin at 7:30 and an admission charge of 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children will be made to help defray expenses. Mr. .J-hnson voiced the hope that Vernonia would be well repre- ■ ■ nted in the audience. First Polio Clinic Date Set for Thursday, April 4 Clinics for the giving of the Salk vaccine for prevention of polio will begin here next week with the first shots being given at the Washington school next Thursday, April 4 between the hours of 9 and 10 a m. The second shot will be administered at the same time on April 18. Ages set for those who will be given shots at the clinics are one to 19 years and all pregnant wo men. Slips have already been sent out through the schools for parents to sign giving consent for the shots and response has been very good. Other persons wish ing to take the shots may call the Washington school office. HA 9-5661. This advance count will assure sufficient vaccine being on hand. This clinic, like th.’ pre-school clinic, is sponsored bv the P.T.A. in coop-'ration with the county health office and the local doc tors. Fifty-seven pre-school children were examined at the pre-school clinic. Any children who did not get the examination at the clinic will have to get them from their doctor before being admitted to school next fall. This is requir ed by law. Chamber to be Represented On TV Program Panel Publicizing Northwesi Oregon Will Be Seen on 8 PERMITS NEEDED MONDAY MORNING April 1 marks the begin ning of the closed season on burning in the forested areas of the state coming under the jurisdiction of the state and federal protective or ganisations. according to a statement issued today by State Forester Dwight L. Phipps. This means that permits must first be secured from a warden or a ranger if any slashings, brush or debris is to be burned within the for ested areas. In addition all logging op erations and other woods ac tivities that have occasion to use power-driven equipment must have tool boxes with tools suitable for forest fire fighting, landings must be cleared of inflammable de bris. watchman service pro vided and other precaution ary measures taken that will tend to prevent the start or spread of fire*. Dennis Mawhirter. in charge of the Pittsburg guard station, says that permits for this area may be obtained by calling HA 9-6021. Suggestions I For Campaign Parade Made ' Official Date Set For Saturday, April 6: Route Undecided The Vernonia chamber of com A definite date and time for merce will be represented on the clean-up- paint-up, fix-up pa KGW television channel 8 at 2:00 rade which will open this year* p m. Friday, March 29 by Louis campaign, was established Wed Towne on a panel publicizing nesday night of last week whan the nortjiwest section of Oregon. a discussion of an appropriate Mr. Castle, Vancouver chamber date took place. The date is Fire Chief Bob Thompson of commerce manager will be the April 6, Saturday of next weuk, issued a reminder earlier this moderator. Jean Andrews, Long and the time is 11 a m. week to residents of the city view chamber new industry These decisions and several concerning the burning of committeeman, and Cliff Elliott. others were reached by the com collections of trash. He em McMinnville chamber manager, mittee of representatives from phasised that such burning will take part also. The directors organizations who are taking part cannot be done legally unless of this chamber were told of the in promoting the fix-up project. a permit authorizing such TV program Monday at their Bob Thompson mentioned many burning is first obtained regular board meeting. ' possible parade entries and morii from the department. President Guy Thomas appoint suggestions were made by others This regulations is stipu ed as the nominating committee present. Some of these were lated by city ordinance and for directors for the coming elec V.F.W and American Legion is effective during the entire tion: Mary Drips, chairman. Ed marching groups. Cub Scout*, year. His reminder was giv Roediger Jr., and Sam T Hcar- Boys Scouts, high school and en at this time because more | if g- grade school band, Ridge Rider», burning takes place in the Carrol Buckley’s team, FFA boy», Plans for the regular quarterly spring when gardening work fire trucks, and the Washington I membership dinner meeting weie begins. and Columbia county sheriff^’ discussed. Tentatively, Permits may be obtained posses. District Governor Norman Ross April 10 has been set as the date. from either Thompson or Posters and bumper strips ad of Portland was guest speaker The Oregon state game commis Homer Fuller. vertising the campaign had bee.» at the meeting of the Lions club sion is being contacted for a ordered prior to the Wednesday held Monday night at the VFW speaker and film to be shown. i session and since then this mater hall. Also, a program of musical Reports on the progress of the tai has arrived and was being numbers was presented by some Vernonia 4th of July celebration, distributed the early part of this of the grade school pupils, di were given. The committee had The Goodwill truck will make A golf team was formed by a week. Material relating to painL. rected by William B. Johnson. agre<'d upon the name Vernonia • next visit to Vernonia April Sharp Shooters March and Am Friendship Jamboree and has had group of Vernonia high school up, fix-up hag also been ordered 11, two weeks from today. Ar boy» during spring vacation for school use, Mrs. Evelyn Heath The senior play, Me and My erican Glory March were played several groups express their de tides of all sort are needed to week with Bill Johnson as in reported. by a trumpet octet composed of sires to /lave concessions. Many • arry on their work of employ Shadow, will b? presented at the Grant Bowerman. Ralph Ander- good ideas and suggestions have structor. Members are Dick Aid- Vacant lots in need of cleaning ment and on the job training for high school Friday evening. Apes! egg, Phillip Meyer, Max Snook, been made to them. There will rich. Elvin Stiff, Bob Dripps, and sidewalks in need of repair 5 at 8 p.m. It is a comedy in •landicapped persons. Jimmy Eckland. Ed Kamholz, bo another meeting of the or Bob Crowston, Richard Fletcher, were other topics of diacuaaia*. three acts that promises much Gary Georg-' and Larry Wright, ganizing group Friday evening, David Roediger, Jack Lindsley, some action towards improvu*r Suggestions given as to articles action and unusual situations to Walter Kirkbride and Marvin the condition of vacant lots h*a • rat they will welcome include hold thi interest of the audience and a clarinet trio made up of March 29 at 8:00 pm. in the been taken in the past by the fin- Oregon Electric Co-op Mqsk. antiques, books, bedding, house Marian Mathews, Suzi Alexan West from start to finish. Two matches are scheduled department, it was mentioned, All interested hold articles, furniture, hats, der and Harvey Redmond play meeting room. Those in the play are Richard ed March for Clarinets by Faber groups or individuals are urged with Hillsboro the first of which but further action is needed dur jewelry, leather goods, radios, Fletcher whA plays the part of and Maggiare from Vienna Son to attend. will be here April 24 and the ing this year's campaign thu rugs, sewing machines, sports second May 6 on the Forest Hills group decided »roods, toys and of course, cloth Roy Harrington, a young attor ata by Beethoven. Art Ostrander, highways and ney; Janice Garner. Arleen Har Monday evening also marked a roads committee chairman report course. As a step in this direction and. ing. rington, his wife; Laurel Wycoff, also towards improvement af Persons who have articles to Mrs. King, mother of Roy’s wife I change in arrangements. Since ed on the successful annual din Jay Hall had resigned as cook ner meeting of Highwaye99W Al buildings owned by people not bt picked up may call Mrs. Frank 1 who has never approved of her I due to pressure of his business. living in the community, instruc ternate Road association held Lange, HA 9-3161. I daughter's marriage; Ruby Wells, i Mrs. F M Knoll and Mrs. Julius tions were issued to write these here, March 13 and expressed I Susan Fisher, the Harrington’s | Enevoldsen have assumed the owners asking their cooperation hjs appreciation for the support I maid; Jim Davis, Dr. Bruce Doug- I job. in the coming campaign of im given by the local people. The I las. a friend of Roys; Marjorie j provement. The assistance of city local committee is working on Reynolds, Georgia Butler; Don Mrs. J A Bush Jr., will appear government officials will also be plans for improvement on the na Buckley, Shadow; Bob Drip.-, next Tuesday afternoon on the enlisted in seeking some of these Scappoose-Vernonia and Apiary Hickson; and Herbert Bender, Connie Worth program at 1 p.m. improvements. The Girls Athletic association roads. Sabu. on channel 8, KGW, for a 15-min • Ä'crnonia is sponsoring a sports Another meeting of the im An element of mystery adds to I ute interview about her shop, -:< v in the local gym Saturda provement committee will take the interest and the surprise end Maxine's Safari, in the Cedar '«■ which the girls from Wy-East place Wednesday, April 3 at the Hills shopping district. The in- Local winners in the Amer h'Ch school will be guests Bas- ing is bound to send viewers I West Oregon building home with a feeling of an even 'terview is a part of the Tele ican Legion auxiliary annual es -•.ball will be the sport engaged Rama program and will be broad say contest on Americanism were ■ i, and each school will have a ing wll spent. cast in color. announced this week by Mrs ’-ram of eight from each of its A meeting Tuesday evening of Earl Atkins, auxiliary president our classes. Four full length O'Brien Si. Pats King as follows: Lorraine Cunning the Vernonia Ridge Riders show games will b? played during the Dick O’Brien was crowned as ham. first; Neil Lloyd, second ed increased interest in the sport day. The affair will begin at 10 a m. king at the St. Pats dance held and Leonard Hunteman, third. of riding with more than a dozen ;-d run until 5 p.m The public is last Friday evening at the high Their essays have now been sent new initiations for which a fee Matt Erickson, well known itcd to attend any or all of school. He was the candidate of for competition in the state con of $1.50 is paid for a family Clatskanie area farmer, was ap group Dues of 25 cents for each test. -. and admission will be 25 cents. the Paul Bunyon club. About 45 members of the pointed Friday by Gov-mor Rob individual member over 15 years i Freshman science class and the ert D. Holmes to the Columbia of age are paid each month. county public welfare commis science club made an all-day Plans were made for participa sion. tion in the Paint-up, fix-up. clean I field trip yesterday to the mu Erickson, a resident of Quincy- up parade on Saturday, April 6; seum of science in Portland and since 1905. is a past master of the Tektronix plant at Cedar and also for having a horse show here on one of the days of the Hills. They were accompanied grange, served 15 years on school July 4th celebration. Vernonic by Thomas Steyaert, science in board and has been active in Methodist church and veterans Friendship Jamboree. That will structor, and mad- the trip in affairs be used as the club's annual play Bob Curl’s bus. day. Bob Thompson, president of the group, expressed his pleasure at the increased interest which will enable the group to do many more interesting things during the summer. At the meeting of the Cub silver arrow; Jimmy Lindsay, siL ver arrow; Jerry Hanson, silver Scout Pack 201 which was held arrow; John Viollette, Bear' last Friday evening at the Wash badge and silver arrow; Gordy Film Well Attended ington school, the TV skit on A good attendance of over 100 the book. "Swiss Family Robin Blackburn, silver arrow; Mik,- women and girls registered at son,” and the accompanying ex Laws, silver arrow; Patrick Ho the showing of the cancer film hibit!, which had been used the ward, silver arrow, Kenny aBte a’ th ■ Joy theater Wednesday of previous week at the district man, silver arrow and Doug last week. Dr R D Eby answer round table held here, were used Johnson, Wolf badge and two silver arrows. ed questions during the discus as program features Refreshments were served by sion period which followed the Awards made during the even Den 7 of which Mrs. Nora Red film. ing were as follows: mond is Den mother The Webe Phillip Eggert, gold arrow and los den won the Mom and Dad A-lc Thomas Reenlists sliver arrow. Steve Minger, gold award. Next Tuesday evening, the Cub A-lc Clyde I Thoma» reen- arrow; Tony Child», gold arrow; MAIN STREET in Vernonia in H20. Tha siora p cturad was owned by Cazt Bargarson and hi» Scout committee will meet at the Harold Peterson, gold arrow. liated in the air force March 1. ster Lottie and it the one now occupied by Nichol» Variety. In the picture, from left io right, are home of Mr and Mrs. Dan Law Danny Lawler, gold arrow and He is now stationed in Lincoln, Mr*. Bertha Bargarson. Mathilde Bergerion. Clifford Bargarson. Lottie Bergerion. Cass Bargarson silver arrow, Kenny Lindsay,* ler to plan April activities Nebraska ».nd Mrs. Dick Sessman. Goodwill Truck Here April 11 GAA Schedules Sports Day Here PERMITS TO BURN REQUIRED IN CITY District Official Speaks to Lions HS Boys Form Golf Team Here Seniors Prepare 3-Act Comedy Mrs. J. A. Bush On TV Tuesday Essay Contest Winners Named Ridge Riders Add Members Science Class Visits Museum Governor Names Welfare Member Cubs Receive Awards for Work at Pack Meet; Round Table Featured