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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1957)
Library, U of 0 Parade Intended DIRECTORS HEAR CELEBRATION REPORT MONDAY To Open Drive Vernonia's 1957 paint-up. fix up campaign will start off with a parade April 1 to stir interest in this year’s effort to improve the area, the group working on the f reject decided Wednesday of last week at another planning ses sion. Suggestions of units that would tr suitable to include in the par- ar’e and a possible parade route were suggested by the publicity committee with Jack Thompson : | I | j Another phase of the coming campaign was explained Wed nesday by Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Following the theme of paint-up, fix-up, grade school classes will make posters to provide part of the advertising that will be used to promote the undertaking. Her fifth grade class will feature th, same theme at a school assembly program April 5. Other suggestions given consid eration included: a dance on the last Saturday in March to suppl ;- ment the raising of funds for the campaign; that the cooperation of all merchants be sought; that a clean-up check list be sent every home in the area; a re minder be published about a city ordinance banning nuisances and health hazards and that all roads be properly marked and identi fied. Austin Corll Jr. Service Tuesday Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 10:00 at An- duson's chapel in Clatskanie for Austin Joseph Corll Jr., son of Austin R. Corll of Mist Star Rt., Clatskanie, who met accidental death by drowning in the log id at Sproul Creek, California Thursday of last week. Corll was born February 29, 1*;32 at Ellsworth. Kansas, x. He ?m? to Oregon in 1937 and got his education in the Mist and Vernonia schools. In 1951 he enlisted in the army engineers corps asd served until 1954 when he was discharged at Fort Lewis. He then returned to work for the state highway de pt, tment with which he had been ." ployed before entering service, and worked with them at Mist, Astoria and Cave Junction. After leaving the highway d'mt. he worked at Seaside for tne Hollenbeck Lumber company before going to California. Survivors include his father, and step-mother. Mr. and Mrs. Austin R. Corll; his mother, Mrs. K atherine Consla. Meadville. Pennsylvania; four sisters, Mrs. Eranor Libel, Mist; Mrs. Glenda P terson, Clatskanie; Mrs. Miri am Goertzsn, Tillamook; Mrs. Vi- Markam, Saegerstown, Penn sylvania; a step-sister. Miss Mar: iene Gray. Portland and a step brother, Joseph Gray, Wauna. Oregon. , Services were conducted by R« z. Dayton Loomis. Clatskanie, ■ th military participation. Pall .■'Tarers were Bill Kyser, Fred Busch, Clyde Henderson, John r wry. Norman Hansen and Lee E'-neberg. Vault commitment was in Murray Hill cemetery. Action on these suggestions will be taken by various com mittees of the paint-up, fix-up group' as part of the program to bring improvement to the area. • Another meeting is scheduled March 20 at the West Oregon Electric office. • Seafood Store Opening Dated I I I [ Caul Kerr, magician, will ap- pear at an assembly at the Wash- *xtcn grade school Tuesday af t-moon at 2 30 The public is mv.ted but a small admission charge will be made. This is a special assembly and not under »: National .Assembly program THIS AUTHENTIC working model of highlead yarding and loading is demonstrated by Bernard | Natal Meeting Plan of Board Law Discussion Tuesday Evening t i i I HS Dates Three Special Events Store Sale Transacted Boys Complete Sub Training Cancer Film Is Next Wednesday Magician To Entertain meet again Friday. March 15. ture story for his paper for the Ideas and suggestions art- wel near future. come. Art Ostrander, roads, highway « Pete Brunsman reported that committee, had been in Salam staff writer Jack Zimmerman of Monday, talked to Govemot the Oregon Journal had been Holmes and Harry R Swanson. here taking pictures and gather I his executive assistant, about ing information to prepare a fea- roads and Vernonia. He gave a thumbnail sketch of the activ< ties of Mr. Swanson who is to be speaker for the annual dinnet meeting of Highway 99W Alter nate Road association March 13. Flash reports from Oregon Chamber Executives have beetv received, warning of several ma gazine company solicitations, of a mattress selling companyt car lying mattresses on car top) an<i from an insect exterminating group in the area "Know your merchant before you buy", is the advice of the chamber board Agriculture committeeman L. Towne announced another meet ing to be conducted by Don Wal- rod, county extension agent, on the subject of flower and vege table gardens Tuesday night, March 26, in the meeting room of the West Oregon Electric of fice at 8:00 p.m. Everyone in terested is invited. Paint-up, Clean-up, F i x - u p committee chairman Bayley re ported that his group plans a kick-off parade on April 1 to start the actual contests. Parad ■ committeemen appointed were- W. A. Davis, R. L. Thompson and Bill Johnson. Other steps taken in preparing for the start of this campaign are outlined in another article in this, edition. Dowling, right, who built the model during his spare time over a period of two years. The model The opening of a store at Bridge includes a full-rigged spar tree, a loading and a yarding donkey ar.d all parts are hand made with Three special assemblies are and State streets is scheduled for scheduled for next week at Ver the exception of the two 1 /SO horsepower motors used to power the donkeys. Gears used in the Friday and Saturday, March 22 nonia high school with the first donkeys were salvaged from telephone parts. T io mcc’el is on display at Brunsman Hardware and and 23, Darryl D. Bergerson. 19, one on Tuesday at 10:00 a m. fea Bill Wilson, left, was watching the demonstration when this photo was taken. of Warrenton announced Mon turing Paul Kerr, magician. day of this week when he told On Wednesday, the University his plans for the venture. The I of Oregon symposium speaker» store will feature seafoods in I will appear before the student cluding crabs, oysters, sole, red ’ body at a 9:50 a.m. assembly to snapper, salmon, smelt, clams, discuss selective admissions to etc., fresh from Astoria where he • collges. has connections with a cannery. The kindergarten, taught by .school clinic which will be held Because of a transaction taking Friday, March 22, the Univer Previous to this time he has Mrs. Wilma Thompson, will pre next Thursday, March 21, from place during the past week end, sity of Oregon choir will appear operated a truck delivery service j sent the program for the PTA 9 to 11 a.m. at the Washington Bill Wilson is th? new owner of at the high school at 10:00 a.m. school under the direction of the in this area. He will also fill ! zXnyone interested is welcome meeting Monday evening at the ; county- health office and local the hardware store formerly I special orders for banquets and j t to any of these assemblies. Washington school. owned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles I doctors. This clinic provides the dinners and m season will offer The PTA executive committee I examination which is requited Slaight and the new owner as fresh spring canned Chinook sal met last Monday afternoon ■> , before children can be admitted sumed operation of the business mon. fresh canned oyster stew and smoked oysters. The store make final plans for the pre- . t > school for the first tim? and the early part of this week. ' i-. for all children who expect will be operat'-d each week end Mr. and Mrs. Slaight have to enter kindergarten and first here on a trial basis to determine owned the store since May of grad? for the first time next the extent of public reception. last year when they purchased September. Bergerson is the son of Mr. and The regular monthly meeting I Blanks and a letter concerning the business from Mr and Mrs. of the Clatskanie soil conserva Mrs. Wallace Bergerson former the clinic have been sent to par George Hahn. Vernonia residents. He as a gra tion district will be held at the duate of Warrenton high school Natal grange Wednesday even Darrell Fluke and Bill Ostran ents of all children listed in |he and has attended Eastern Oregon ing. March 20 at 8 p.m. In mak der completed training at the school census taken last fall. people who have College of Education at LaGrandc submarine base at New London, However, ing this announcement. District «nd Oregon College of Education Supervisor M. P. Mill«, Birken- Connecticut the first of March moved hero since the census was at Monmouth. feld, stated that the purpose of and arrived home that week end taken who did «not receive let holding meetings in the Nehalem for a visit with their families. ters may get blanks at the school valley periodically is so that co They will leav? here tomorrow office prior to or at the time of Family Business and the Law Toppers Win Final Game operators and interested farm for San Francisco from where I the clinic. Children who are not examined will be discussed next Tuesday ers in this area can attend and Darrell will be sent to Pearl The grade schqol Toppers won a» the clinic will have to go to evening at .an open meeting at take part in the soil conserva Harbor and Bill will be stationed their final basketball game of the Washington grade school at tion program. at Hunter's Point, attached to their own physician for examina the season Monday afternoon 8:00 o’clock and representatives tion before school. Mills also states that the activ the Ronqui). from Westport of the Columbia county Bar as ity in conservation and land use sociation will be present to speak improvements has increased in »nd answer questions. tnis area in recent months with The meeting has been arrang'-d the practices of drainage, pasture through the county extension of sure of his innocence. seedings, fertilizing and wood courts. No provision has ever Hereafter anyone brought be Custodians of prisoners whose- fice as a part of the extension land management taking the been made for public assistance fore a Columbia county justice club program, but is not limited 1« ad to persons accused of crime until arrests occur before grand jury court for arraignment on a felony indictment must produce them to members of the clubs. Men The monthly meetings are open after a grand jury has passed arc especially urged to attend information will be provid -d to the public and all landowner» upon the cases. However, the before a justice of the peace on emergency legal assistance members of the association be the next judicial day after the bscause the load of legal matters are cordially invited Technician« for the family usually falls on of th” soil conservation service lieve that the time of greatest arrest is mad -. Any person elig through the courtesy of the Co them. Many questions will be and representatives of the agri lumbia County Bar association 'f reed for legal assistance may ible for bar association assistance discussed which are of vital im need only to inform the magis cultural extension office at St. he is without means to retain well be when the accused is portance to any family trate that he requests such as Helens will be present. Refresh first arrested counsel of his own choice Word ments will be served. Defense counsel do not deter sistance and it will be provided of the bar association'« decision Members in active practice will mine innocence or guilt and was released here Monday. Cafe Location Changed Such counsel will represent the hence no one without funds to rotate the duties so undertaken Name Needed for Event Patrons of Jay's cafe are going accused before the committing c btain counsel need be backward and justices at both Rainier and Representatives of organize- magistrate and will cross examine about accepting this offer, what St. Helens have been officially to a new location as the result of t-ons interested in the proposed a change made by Jay Hall re state witnesses in rases where it ever the evidence against him notified of the procedure. The July 4 celebration have been re cently when he moved from hi« servuie is not restricted to those may be To a lawyer, anybody is thought ’hat the accused might communities, however, and former location on Bridge ktreet minded by letter of a meeting obtain som<> benefits fw>m such charged with a penitentiary of tense is a person in trouble re should tlie courts in Clatskanie to the former location of The Friday. March 15 to make con action. He IS crete plans for the event The af. It has always been the policy quiring professional assistance or Vernonia be chosen to act Shack on Second street featuring a full breakfast, lunch fair will take place in the West in such cases any eligible defen c.t the people of Oregon to fur and the need of one who is acute and dinner menu at the new loca- Oregon Electric meeting room at dants arraigned therein will be ly conscious of his guilt is not nish counsel for indigent persons It p.m. ' t.on. necessarily less than one who is accorded the same service at the tur.e of trial before circuit PTA Plans Pre-School Clinic Again; March 21 Date Established for Affair —— "Breast Self-examination." a Lie saving film, will be shown fi.* women only at the Joy Thea- ■•»r March 20 at 2 pm. by the American Cancer Society. Following the film, questions — -.y be asked and they will be ?/• severed by physicians from the C .umbia County Medical socie ty. Admission is free and there v ’ be no solicitation for funds Cancer ranks second only to h'srt disease as common causes ' death in the United States. Cancer of the breast, in parti cular, is the most common type n women. All women are ex- -•v ed to one or more of the con- tr buting causes for breast can- . and they can discover thetr . ase earlier than a doctor if they know how to recognize it. fayor Don Bayley has desig ned March 20 as Cancer Alert- less day in Vernonia and urges every woman to avail herself of tk-i pportunity to see the film. reporting to the group. As a followup of his report, a parade committee of W. A. Davis, Bill Johnson and Bob Thompson was named to work out the ne cessary détails and have this part of the campaign kick-off readv for April 1. Commute? activities and re I taken by representatives from lo ports were the main order of cal organizations when they met business at the regular chamber ' to discuss a three-day fourth of of commerce .director-committee July celebration for Vernonia chairman m -eting Monday night this year. A three-man com at the West Oregon Electric of mittee was appointed to make up fice. a tentative schedule- to present Louis Towne told of the action I to the original group« when they County Bar Association Offers Emergency Legal Aid