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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
«S THURSDAY. MAR. 4. 1954 THE EAGLE. AROUND THE FARM When pocket gophers cause trouble what is the best way of untrolling them was the ques tion that Ray Hudson of Scap poose farm supply put to us re- ■ently? Control of these pests is not always too easy, but in the long i un can probably be more effec tively controlled than moles. In both cases there are only two really efficient methods of con trol—trapping and poisoning. When only small areas are to t>e considered, trapping, using a «inch type trap is a most ef fective way of controlling both gophers and moles. On large areas, poisoning is a much faster and more effective method of control. When poisoning pocket gophers, their habit of closing any break m their runway system is taken advantage of. By using a shovel, runways can be intercepted in the vicinity of fresh mounds. The ooison bait can then be inserted tooth ways into the runway, and will be found by the gopher wben he comes to close the open- ,ng. Some bait can also be in serted into the runway after first Jwcating the runway with a probe and dropping the bait through th«, probe hole into the runway. Fresh clover leaves make an «xcellent bait material, when sprinkled with strychnine alka- ,t»d at the rate of one ounce to 10 pounds of the dry clover tips. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and par- imps work well when cut into i pieces one-half inch square and I .¿bout three inches long. Stry- I < koine alkaloid is applied to the vegetable baits at the rate of one- < eighth ounce to two quarts of the vut up bait. Jack Crawford, Mist, was quite ^irthusiastic when telling us about the response some of his timber oari made* following a selective thinning. After being released from competition on one side for several y ars, the width between growth rings increased from ♦ lightly less than a quarter inch, which in itself is better growth than some of our stands are mak- ng, to about one-half inch. Often w. see a stand of timber ueing clear-cut when it is only it) ur so years old. This is al- >tM»t like picking a melon that's inly half-i ipened. You only get * part of what you expect and the quality isn't good, either. A Mi-yeaiold stand of Douglas fir timber will double its volume toy the t me it is 40 years old and will double again in the follow- .ng ID years. Undr management, a stand is ouw considered to be mature at ■iw.nt go to 100 years and would toe clearcut at that time. The »-»- k « would then be started «ver again. The new stand just starting can even bring a return toe removing some trees and marketing them as Christmas lews. W<. believe that those folks who jw «- doing selective thinning in ■Siaui young stands of timber are juim.' to have more dollars in ttoeui own pockets in the long ran. and at the same time they arr conserving the resources of >«i country. in making arrangements for DH1A tester E. A. Tedrow to have tot* testing scales checked for ac- nuctocy. we learned a number of things about the state law on weights and measures from Depu ty State Sealer, Walter B. Steele. Uve to the fact that many farm piuducts are bought and sold over vaie, farm people are affected ay the condition of such equip- exsit. All scales used in trade are sub ject to one annual test to make wrUin that both the seller and liar buyer are getting fair mea- au*'. We had not realized that Ibis would also mean many of the scale* that used on the farm. A S.aad example of small scale: that JU'ttit be overlooked are the scales um d to w.'igh strawberries to de- u rmine pickers wages. ZHZHZHXHZHZH FURNITURE IPEC1AL BUY OF BANKRUPT STOCK ENABLES US TO SELL NEW MDSE. AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. NEW Tt««h Burners SI 5.00 B< droom Lamps, reg. S10 pair $6.00 F« » Electric Hot Plates spec St 00 Table Lamp Complete— Reg 522.00 $12 70 USED Philco Ba:tery Radio— i Make ui an offer—you'll be surprised how cheap you 11 buy this) Same deal on Gas Heater. Also old rockers—Buffets. Dreaaer CHEAP Vernonia Bargain House •47 3rd St. Up from Bakery HXHZHXHZHZHX VERNONIA, THE litio» Water Problems HOME... Topic March 12 ORE. BY DON COIN WALROD County Extension Agent The weights and measures di vision of the State Department of By Helen Stille Agriculture is like a few other de Home Extension Agent partments in that no fund is pro jr a Meed any suggestions vided for its operation, Instead unique wardrobe? Check w ¡th the department must be self suf ficient and operate on the fees Mrs. E. A. Hanifin's 4-H club that it collects for testing and li- members, who presented a < skit censing scales, Thus the depart featuring “Blurpo" at the 4-H ment operates on a cost basis community meeting at Deer Fees are based upon the capacity Island last Friday evening. of the scales involved, For scales We are proud of the splendid up to 399 pound: the fee is one manner in which these 4-H clubs dollar. From 400 pounds to 1160 have assumed the responsibility pounds it is two dollars and fifty I for these meetings, Leadership cents and from 1161 pounds to and cooperation are two qualities 4999 pounds the fee is five dol which are certainly being demon- lars. strated. Keeping scales clean is the most important point to observe in Both oven and top-of-the range maintaining accuracy of scales, utensils mav be mad? from a type Steele told us. Generally this is of glassware that is heat-resis not difficult to do, but it is a tant. However, this doesn't mean point often overlooked. Protec that they will not break. They tion from the weather is desirable. should b*- handled carefully. Sud. Testing crews will be working den changes in temperature, such in the county later this spring, as placing a dish just out of the and arrangements could be made refrigerator on a hot surface, may to set up for testing at certain cause it to break. Also, using points in the county providing ovenware on top of the range there are enough people using may give trouble since most of scales to require such a procedure. these glass utensils are not de signed to be interchangeable. Cleaning glassware is some times a problem. Th? first sug gestion is to avoid scratching the glass—since this too can cause breakage. A good cleaning m th- od is to wash glassware in hot, RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Glenn sudsy water. Wh“n sticking food Mitchell left Monday to stay for is a problem, soak in sudsy water. awhile at the home of her daugn- Baking soda may b? added to ter, Mrs. Emmett Smith, in Port help loosen food, Use only 3 land and to be near her husband plastic scouring pad, wooden who is in the Veteran’s hospital. spoon, or wooden clothespin to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wood and scrape utensil, If scouring must children of Portland visited at the be done, us? ■ whiting or whiting home of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Jacob and ammonia. son and other friends in the neighborhood Saturday. That old question about how to Mrs. Jack Atkins and daughter remove candlewax drippings of Estacada are visiting at the from tabl? linen comes up con home of her sister and family, Mr. tinually. Wax stains should not und Mis. L. L. Wells. be difficult to remove at home, Mrs. Lloyd Callister, son Ron I but it pays to use the b st meth nie, and Mrs. Clara Hill spent I od on expensive table cloths or Saturday visiting the C. C. Gibby mats. home at Dallas. The first step is to scrape th? Mr. and Mrs. John Normand I hardened wax from the surface and baby spent the week end at of the cloth gently with a dull the home of her brother, Ralph knife. Then sponge the stain with Anderson, in Portland. cleaning fluid as you would treat I any gr.ase spot. This is easiei than the familiar method of lay Operation Performed ing the stained fabric on a blotter and pressing with a warm iron. At Hospital Wednesday If any traces of color are left, TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs they usually can be removed by Byron Kirkbride and G. C. Kirk- sponging with a cloth dipped in brid“ motored to Portland Wed a mixture of two parts wat.r to nesday on business. Mr. and Mrs one part rubbing alcohol. Byron Kirkbride visited Jo Ann a few minutes in the afternoon following her operation. Jo Ann came through the operation very well. Bertha Keasey, Rosalie and James Kirkbride attended th' Vernonia-Clatskanie game Friday TREHARNE — Turner Daniel night. Bertha was a Friday and was taken to the Jones hospital Saturday guest of Rosalie Kirk Saturday night. He had been ill bride. with the flu for two weeks but The G.G. club met at the home had a relapse which the doctor of Jean Horne Friday evening said he very nearly had pneu Special occasion was celebration of Ellen Han: jn's birthday. Re- monia. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Watson and freshments wer e served follow- Mrs. Geraldine Barker visited mg an enjoyable evening. I Mrs Mrs. Barker's father. Turner Hanson received a suit from the Daniel, at the Jones hospital in club. Hillsboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. i Truman Danvenport visited Mr Daniel in the afternoon. Mrs. Relative* Spend End Faye Watson. Mrs. Flora Whit- Of Week at Home* Here mire and Mrs. Turner Daniel also RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. motored to Hillsboro to visit Mr. Melvin Powell and children of Daniel. Mr. and Mrs .J. A. Emery left Portland spent the week end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Monday after visting with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Virgil Powell. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. John. I Ray Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Stan daughter Donna, and Dick Ing- ley motored to Newberg to visit ram of Portland spent Sundav at Mr. and Mrs. Krager Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride. the home of Mr. and Mrs C. I James. Stephen and Walter and Anderson. Jack Olin of Portland spent the Shorty Ostrander motored to week end at the home of his Bonneville dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkbride visited Jo Ann grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F R in the afternoon at the hospital. Olin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker and She has r. covered remarkably Mrs Waltei 42 Stanbrough of North fast from her operation and start Bend visited the ladies’ parents. ed her school studies again Mon day after missing last weeks. Mr. and Mis. Tom Solomon Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon t One winning ticket eacl week wins $5.00 di*y cleaning credit. Ticket given for cleanin: brought in any day the week. Place Changed for Next Unit Meeting The March meeting of the Mist- Nehalem home extension unit will be held at the Birkenfe'.d gym instead of the Buddie Lar son home on March 12, at 10:30 a.m. The lesson for the day will be given by Mrs. Udey on “Cake Decorating." Anyone wishing to decorate their own cake, may bring one; others can practice on a pie tin. Children will be taken care of by Mrs. Thomas Dyer of Mist. Sack lunches for members and children should be brought. I i RADIANT CLEANERS 4 Winesap or Delie jus Extra Fancy LB. T) 4; Leaves LB. 14-oz. Tube Ea. 19c POTATOE S 8-lb. 59c 5-lb. 49c lb. 17c THURSDAY. MAP H our boast, winter our H vegetables . Why not H y and look npting dis- H Deliver? H H L hxhxnxhxhl : hxhxhxmxhxhxmxhxmxhxhxhzhzhxhzhxh =^ zmxk 5 39c 19c h ¡GREEN ONIONS 2 bu. 15c OR RADISHES i lb. 19c LETTUCE YELLOW ONIONS H 10-oz BRUSSEL SPROUTS 29c Cello Package lb SQUASH 9c Marblehead 5-lb. 35c Medium 14-oz. 29c TOMATOES Tube ii Pilgr’m Aspirin 100 count pkg 19c Alka Seltzer large bottle 54c Bromo Seltzer 60c size 57c Koix. Sanitary napkins pkg. of doz 39c Kotex. Sanitary napkins pk. of 4 doz. $1.49 7-oz. bottle 49c Listerine Antiseptic med. size 49c Johnson's Baby Oil 9-oz. size 49c Johnson's Baby Powder Gillette Blue Blades. 5 for 25c 10 for 49c 20 for 98c Gillette Blue Blades Schick Blades container of 20 for 73c Clothts Pins. Diamond, spring. 18 19c 1-lb. size 39c Powdered Bleach. Vano half-gallon 31c Purex Bleach, liquid half-gallon 31c Clorox Bleach, liquid . half gallon 29c Wh • e Magic Bleach qt. bottle 25c Liquid Starch. Vano Liquid Starch. Fauntleroy qt. bottle 23c 16-oz. size 16c Gloss Starch. Argo 12-oz. pkg. 15c Linii Starch 19-oz. pkg. 39c Water Sof* ener. Calgon Raindrops. Water Softener , 24-oz. pkg. 25c 12-oz. bottle 43c Lux Liquid. Detergent 7-oz. bottle 32c Jov Liouid Scan "AU" Detergent 10-lb pkg. $2.69 31-oz. pkg. 71c Ivory Snow Flakes Cheer Detergent, blue fl akes, 21-oz. 32c 46-oz. pkg. 59c Wh ■ e King Soap 19-oz. pkg. 32c Oxydol Detergent 19-oz. pkg. 32c Tide Deterg.nt, 39-oz. 63c Parade Detergent. 19-oz. 1J2c Ivory Soap 2 lge. bar 29c 3 med. bar 27c 1-lb. can 29c Boraxo Hand Soap . 5 for 55c Wrisley Soaps, bath bars 3 reg. bar 27c Sierra Pine. Toilet soap Cashmere Bouquet. Toilet S< ap 3 reg. 27c Cashmere Bouquet. Toilet Soap 2 bath: 27c Palmolive Soap. Toilet soa p. 3 reg bar 27c Palmol ve Soap. T ilet soa p 2 bath bar 27c Camay Soap, 3 reg bar 27c; 2 bath bar 27c 27c Spic St Span, Woodw ork c Babo Cleaner 2 27c Ajax Chanser 2 14-oz. cans 27c 25c R-k Rak Cleanser 3 San flush 22-oz. size 25c Drano. Opens dra ns 25c Wax String Beans. Tempt 15c Shellie Beans. Stokely. N 23c L ma Beans, hiway gr. & 19c Dry Lima Beans. Taste Te 11s IN ' ; 23c Dry L ma Bi ans. S'aside No. 30> I«c Gre.-n L ma Beans. Stoke 75c Gardenside Biand i Whole Beets, Garnet fey, med. 303 can 15c Sliced Beets, Del Monte, fey. 303 can 17c Diced B< • s. Garnet brand, 303 can 10c Pickl«d Beets, Eugene-sliced 12-oz. 17c Corn. Highway, vacuum packed 12-oz. 15c Whole Kernel Corn. Coun. Home 303 18c Cream Style Corn, Coun. Home, 303 15c Del Mont» Corn. Cream Style 303 can 19c Niblets Mexicorn. wh. ker. 12-oz. can 22c Niblets Corn. Wh. kernal 12-oz. can 21c Hominy, Banjo, wh. or golden 300 can 10c Button Mushrooms. Shady Oak 2-oz. 23c Sliced Mushrooms. Shady' Oak, 4-oz. 39c Potatoes. Smith-whole peeled 300 can 10c Fancy Peas. Sugar Belle, No. 303 can 17c Del Monte Peas. Early garden 303 can 21c Libby Garden Peas No. 303 can 21c Sweet Peas. Hiway, ex. stand. 303 can 15c Dromedary Pimientos 4-oz. can 111 Fancy Pumpkin. Moonbeam 2’i can 17c Stcinfeld's Sauerkraut 11-oz. can 10c Stone Crock Sauerkraut. No. 2‘s can 16c Del Mor* e Spinach No. 303 can 16c Emerald Bay Spinach No. 303 can 15c Mustard Greens, or turnip No 303 can 14c Tomatoes. Gardenside stand. 303 can 15c Tomatoes. Gardenside stand. 2*a can 19c Del Monte Tomatoes. Solid pk. No. 2 25c Larsen's Veg.-All No. 303 can 19c Asparagus Tips. Sunny Skies pic. can 33c Pork & Beans. Taste Tells 2 300 cans 23c Pork & Beans. Van Camps No. 300 can 15c Chili Beans. Taste Tells 2 300 cans 23c Chili Beans. Smith Brand 2 300 cans 23c Tamales in Sauce. Wilson's 16-oz. can 25c Tamales. Derby brand 13'j-oz. can 27c Boy-Ar-Dee Raviolis 15^-0? can 29c Spanish Rice. Van Camps No. 300 can 21c Franco-American Spaghetti 12\ oz. l$c No. 3(3 cans Lakemeade Applesauce No. 303 can 20c Whole- ApricceS, Valley Gold Unp. 2'i 29c Pear Halves, Hiway stand. No. 2'z can 33c Pear Halves. Hood River No. 21» can 39c Peaches. Castle Crest, halves & SI. 2'a 29c Peaches. Hiway. halv.s & si. 2‘r can 27c Freestone Peaches. Halves O' Gold 2’v 37c Freestone Peaches, Slices O’ Gold 2'i 37c Del Monte Peaches. Freestone sal. 21« 39c Del Monte Peaches. Cling, hal. 2‘z can 31c Kadoia Figs, Kelvin Brand No. 1 can 25c Mandarin Oranges. Gl?nn-a:re 11-oz. 15c Fruit Cocktail Hostess Delight 303 can 25c Fruit Cocktail. Del Monte No. 303 can 29c Fruits for Salads. Del Monte, 303 can 35c Grapefruit. Glenn-Aire sec. 303 can 19c Monica Plumbs No. 2’r can 25c Oregon Rhubarb No. 303 can 19c Sliced P neappie. LaLani flat can 20c Pineapple, hiway, half slices. No. 2 can 32c Crushed Pineapple. Lalani 2 bulfet can 27c Q 12-oz. O cans Grade "ÄÄ” Eggs Dozen........ 57c FANCY HAMS Tomato Catsup S j 1 00 Brillo Pads pkg. of 12 25c SOS Scouring Pads pkg. of 10 23c Chore Girl Pads each 10c Windex. Window cleaner 20-oz. size 35c Spring Mcp Stick each 29c Brown Beauty Brooms each $1.89 Aladdin Brooms each $1.79 Evergreen Brooms each $1.49 Zee Toilet Tissue. White 4 rolls 37c Silk Toilet Tissue 2 rolls 15c M-D Toilet Tissue 2-rolls 25c Kleenex Facial Tissue. 300 count 2 for 49c Chiffon Facial Tissue. 400 count pkg 25c Zee Paper Towels roll 18c Zee Wh'. e Napkins 2 pkg. of 80 27c Zee Dinner Napkins 2 pkg. of 40 27c Ze-e Wax Paper 125 foot roll 25c Baking Cups. Harvey brand pkg. 15c Zee Sandwich Bags pkg. of 36 10c Dennisons Brand Tornedo 21c Each No. ’z cans Sm'*h's Spaghetti 2 No. 1 cans 23c Chicken k Noodles. Stidd's 16-oz. can 25c Tuna-Noodle Dinner. Starkist 15-oz. 29c Beef It Noodles. Nalley's, 15-oz. size 29c Giblet Gravey. Lynden, 7s« oz. size 10c Lunch Meat. Canadian Pork, 12-oz. 39c Libby's Corned Beef, 12-oz. can 51c Libby's Roast Beef 12-oz. can 57c Corn-Beef Hash. Libby's No. 2 can 33c Rcast Beef Hash. Mary Kitch. 15'v-oz 39c Dried Beef, Rath’s-sliced 2’r-oz size 35c Libby's Potted Meat No. ’< can 10c Vienna Sausages. Libby's 4-oz. can 23c Pickled Pigs Feet 14-oz. jar 39c Pork Fe<*. Swift & Co. 28-oz. sizez 69c Meat Balls. Haley Biand, 13‘x-oz. can 31c Nalley’s Beef Stew 15-oz. can 39c Beef Stew. Dinty Moore 24-oz. can 49c Lge. Shrimp. Blue Plate, ci an. 4'x-os. 71c Small Shrimp. Shady River 5-oz. can 45c Large Shrimp. Shady River, 5-oz. can 55c vY 14-oz. ûâ Bottles Shank End—LB. 16-oz. cans Dindlass Oysters 4%-oz. cans Cove Oysters. Blue Plate, 42:i-oz. cans Smoked Oysters. Prince Paul. 3*a-oz. Kippered Snacks. Conners No. •» can Maine Sardines. Tt mpest No. *« can Tomato Sard nes. Star Boat, Oval can Red Salmon. Dutch Harbor, No 1 can Cohoe Salmon. Bumble Bee. N, d . ’i cn Gold Cove Salmon Tiill can Bite-Size Tuna. White Star. No i ’a can Chunk-Style Tuna. Torpedo. N- >. ’a cn cn Chunk-Style Tuna. Starkist. N Tuna Morsels, Biltmore, No. »2 can Minced Clams. Sea Trader. 7’j •oz. can Minced Clams. Royal Red. No. l2 can oz. can Crab Meat. Brigade-fcy. Dill Pickles. L bby Kosher, si . 22-oz. Dill Pickles. Heinz Kosher, 25 -oz. jar Dill Pickles. Columbia, No. 2 ’ 2 can D 11 Pickles. Co.umbia half -gallon Pickles. Libby home-made sty 13’a-oz. Hot Sauc e Cheese Food 2't, 69 I ’RICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAFEWAY ICED 98c stand, pack Bacon Chili Con Carne Dennisons with Beansf 59c Bui; End—LB. BOILING O Gleem Tooth Paste. lge size tube 47c Colgate Denial Cream Ig. size 27c Tooth Powder. Colgate giant size 43c Tooth Pwdr. Colgate. Ammonited 4-oz. 47c Ipana Toi*h Paste. AC giant size 63c Child's Tooth Brush, Dr. West each 29c Dr. West Tooth Brushes, hard-reg. ea. 59c Shaving Cream. Colgate lather giant 53c Shaving Cream P’lmolive lather, giant 53c White Rain Shampoo, lotion 3*i-oz 50c Halo Shampoo Large size 57c Breck's Shampoo, dry hair 4-oz. 60c Halo Shampoo giant size 89c Shampoo. W'dbury, coconut oil 50c sz 39c Woodbury. price deal shampoo $1 sz 50c Meniholatum Salve ..1-oz. jar 39c Vicks Vapo-Rub small jar 38c Musterole Salve 60c size 59c Band-Aid Plastic Strips 27 for 39c Absorbent Cotton 2-oz. pkg 39c Grated Tuna 7 FRESH Pancake M x, Suzanna-b’ckwh’t 2 lb 37c 2-lb. Pkg. 53c Quaker Rolled Oats 3-lb pkg. 43c Large Prunes. Sunsweet 4-lb. pkg. 57c Extra Larg» Prunes. Rosettii. 2-lb. pkg. 59c Sperry Pankcake Flour Mother's Oats, cup & saucer prem 3-lb 53c J'-j-lb. pkg. 37c Large Prunes. 40-60 s.ze 2-lb. 55c Alb» r's Flapjack Flour Alber's Oats, with silverware 2'i-lb. 51c Instant Wheat, Carnation 2-lb. pkg 41c Seedless Raisins. Sunni., d. 15-oz. Pkg. 23c Pancake Flour. Pillsbury (4c off d al> 33c 2^-lb. pkg. 45c Cream of Wheat, reg. A quick, 28-oz. 33c Calimyrna Figs. Rot ding la yers, ’12-oz. 35c Softasilk Cake Flour 40-Oz. pkg 47c Dried Black Figs 12-oz. pkg. 23c Bisquick. General Mills Wheat Hea:*s, Sperry’s 28-oz. pkg 29c Instant Ralston 1-lb.. 2-oz. 29c Pitted Dates. Bordo brand, 7-oz pkg. 19c Fleet Mix. B >cuit mix, etc. 40-o; pkg 44c Cake M xes. Betty Crocker 20-oz. 35c Long Gra'n Rice. Show Bo<it, 21b pkg 39c Cookie Mixes, Pillsbury 13ls-oz 35c 2-1 h pkg. 33c Pearl R ce. Show Bi .it Cake Mix. Pillsbury angel food 14- k . S9 c Brown Rice. Show Beat 1-lb. pkg. 21c Whle Whi at Fir. Prarie Schooner 5-lb. 57c Minute Rice i-oz. pkg. 42c White Ccrn Meal. M ammy Lou 2'a-lb. 32c MJB Rice, Leng Gain 28-oz. pkg. 39c Yellow Corn Meal. Mammy Lou 2'v-lb 27c 10-lb. sack 93c Pearl Barley 6-oz. pkg. 16c Harvest Blossom Flour 10-lb. sack 99c Highway Q No. 303 »Yr Yellow Split Peas 2-lb. Pkg. 29c K.tchen Craft Flour Green Split Pi as Segments cans 2-lb. pkg. 29c Kitchen Craft Flour Blackeye Peas 2-lb. pkg. 43c with 25c coupon at Safeway, 25-lb. $1 99 Small White Beans 2-lb. 35c 4-lb. 69c Kitchen Craft Flour Large White Beans 2-lb. Pkg. 33c with 2 25c coupons at Safeway 501b $3.97 Jergen's Hand Lotion $5c Idaho Red Beans 2-lb. 35c 4-lb. 69c Pinto Beans 10-lb pkg 99c 2-lb. Pkg. 35c Pillsbury Flour Pacquins Hand Cream, dry 49c 5-lb. pkg. 53c 2-lb pkg 43c Gold M< dal Flour Cleansing Cream. P< nds med. 3.5 oz. 55c Large Lima Beans. Calif. 2 1-lb. p . 27c Speckltd Butter Beans 45c Brown Sugar 2-lb. Pkg. Wildroot Cream Oil each 59c Pancake Flour, Suzanna 2U-lb. Pkg. 35c Powdered Sugar 2 I lb pkg 27c V ial s. for the hair med. size 53c Mum Deodorant, medium size 39c Stope • t,. spray deodorant 1-oz. 60c (Tax extra on the above items) SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS Favorite Matches carton of 6 boxes 41c Book Matches 2 cartons 29c Toothpicks. Diamond brand pkg. 7c Canvas Gloves. No. 610 pair 29c Gloves, leather palm No. 1810 pair 65c Rubber Gloves. Ebone* te pair 69c Green Thumb Gloves pair 89c Handy Ann Gloves. No. 205 pair 39c Rath Blackhawk Pream. powdered cream 4-ox. 31c Smokid Ham Dry Milk, Lac Mi.k 1-lb. carton 39c Short Shank—T< Siarlac, Borden diy milk 1-lb. pkg. 41c 14-16-lb. Wl Cherub Milk, evaporated tall can 14c Range Grapefruit 5'ic POTATOES 25-lb 97c u. s. No. 1 SPINACH 22c 25c 25c 29c 27c 25c 21c Corn or Peas Wilson’s 39c Each Cello Package Crisp H f 10-lb POTATOES Kellogg Corn Flakes 12- oz. pkg. Jets Cereal. General Mills 10-oz. Poos Corn-Fetti 10- oz. pkg. Kellog's AU Bran 17-,oz. pkg. Post's Bran Flakes 15-oz. pkg. Post's Sugar Crisp 9' ï - oz . pkg. Kellogg's Pep 12-oz. pkg. Chopped Beef Economy California BROCCOLI lb 55c 25c 27c 29c Premium Select Arizona ORANGES -lb. cello bag Hothouse Fresh RAIN, SLEET, SNOW. OR SUNSHINE WE HAVE SAM’S FOOD STORE APPLES RHUBARB ARTICHOKES u TOMATOES I t I i FOREST GROVE AUCTION IS OWNED AND OP- ERATED BY L. R. SENFF AND C. W. CHRISTIAN SEN. WE BUY CATTLE AND FURNITURE DAILY —JUST PHONE 7615. ^features B.llowy White Sci.c.y Formed Heads : Several nice dining room sets; bedroom sets; rockers; 1 new swing rocker; several breakfast sets; mattresses; lamps; several new chrome sets, extra chrome chairs; 1 hi chair; a general run of household furniture will be auctioned. One 7'» Wisconsin Air cooled gas mo tor, is in A-l shape and a 6 sprinkler syntrifical pump; some tools; 1 stock saddle; two truck loads of toys yet to sell and in this is a lot of new cooking utenils, such as step-on cans and double boilers, dish pans, heavy cast iron frying pan», and several articles for daily use. All too numerous to mention. Come early and stay late. Lunch counter will be open. 39c 33c 37c 21c 21c 21c 21c 15c 43c 28c 33c 20c 20c 24c 25c 25c 21c 23c 15c 18c CAULIFLOWER lb. 15f t t The Forest Grove Auction will hold another Used Furniture Sale Sunday, March 7, starting at 11 a.m. The fol lowing items are here for auction FRUIT ¿VEGETABLE Popcorn, unpopped 2-lb. Porter's Fril-lets. Widi lib. pkg. Macaronis & Spaghetti Sunrise 2-lb. Porter’s Macaroni. Elbow 14-oz. pkg. Porter's Macaroni. lge. Elbow 14-oz. Porter's Spaghetti. Elbow 14-oz. pkg. Po.. sr’s Spaghetti. Coll 14-oz. pkg. Kraft Maceroni D.nners each Boy ar dte Dinners. Spaghetti each Rice Krispies. Kellog pkg. Variety Pack. Kellog (10) Shredded Wheat. Nab sc< 12-oz. pkg. Ralston Wheat Chex. 12-oz. Pkg. Wheaiies. Breakfast of champs 12-oz. Cheerios. Prepared cereal 10'-«-oz. Kix. Prepared corn cereal lO'ii-oz. Grapenuts. Prepared cereal 10’v-oz. Grapenut Flakes, Prepared, 12-oz. pkg. Puffed Wheat. Quaker 4-oz. pkg. Puffed Rice, Quaker per pkg. SAFEWAY PRODUCE SECTION GRAPEFRUIT MXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX^ ^HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX^ t Jelly Beans. Roxbury 29c Honey Comb Chips, Ruxbu 45c Almond Clutters. Roxbury 49c Swedish Mints. Roxbury 1 *) PK 29c Chocolate Drops. Roxbury 1 Pk 39c Peppermint Chews. Roxbuiv 29c Burnt Peanuts. Roxbury, fi t ner 1 29c Peanut Brittle, Roxbury 10-c H1 29c Minit-ure Chocolates, Glen 89c Candy Bars. reg. 5c. 6-25c i rton <24) 98c Milk Chocclaie Farmington '■ 12-iJ 45c Wrigley Gums, variety, reg Pkg. J/ /10c Beechnut Gum. 2-kinds re. It 3 for 10c Marshmallows. Fluff-i-est white, l.j3 31c Marshmallows. Fluff-i-est ■ .red IQ l 35c Planter’s Peanuts. Cocktail 39c Circus Peanuts. Span sh sa ted 8-ozi. 35c Hoody's Peani-s. Blanched 25c Hoody's Peanuts. Spanish 25c Walnut Meats, Oregon 32c Walnuts. Oregon mid. in .-he 43c Calavi FURNITURE AUCTION I ORE. See how you can save at SAF£W/iy where all prices are low ... always! AVOCADOS ZHXHXHZHZHXHXHZHIHXHXHZH. Relapse Causes Hospital Stay VERNONIA. Check These Prices/Remember ..It’s The TOTAL That Counts What are the wa r problems of Columbia county' This topic Entered as second class mail will be the subject < two water matter. August 4, 1922 at R e meeting to be held i: the county post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ', indicates on Friday, March Subscription price $3.00 yearly Don Coin Walrod, c inty exten- in the Nehalem Valley. Else sion agent. where $3.50. The state water resources com mittee created by the 1953 legis lature and appointed by the go vernor is holding a series of water meeting over the state to deter mine conditions of th? various areas. The hearing for this area is scheduled for Hillsboro March 17. The county meetings on March 12 are for the purpose of acquaint ing county folks with some of the Extended Stay with items to be considered by ths Relatives Planned state water resources committee i TREHARNE — Mrs. Syb Fal and to survey local water prob coner and Mrs. Nell Thacker left lems. indicates Walrod. One meet Thursday morning for an extend ing is to start at 10:30 a.m. at ed visit in southern Oregon and the court house, St. Helens, and California with friends and rela the second is to start at 2:00 p.m. tives. They planned to spent at the soil conversation office in Thursday night at Empire with Clatskanie. Anyone interested in Mr. and Mrs. Bobby New. water problems of any kind is in Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reynolds vited to attend either meeting. moved into their new home on Rose Ave. Saturday and Sunday They are living in the Claude Mc Blueberry Production Cool house. Meeting Set for Tuesday Jim Smith was a Friday even A meeting for Columbia county ing dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. farmers interested in the produc Joe Miller. Mr. Miller heipsd tion of blueberries has been ar him install a hot water tank and ranged for Tuesday, March 9, an plumbing in his house Sunday nounces Don Coin Walrod, coun Mr. Smith was a dinner guest of ty extension agent. The meeting the Miller’s Sunday. will start at 1:15 p.m. and will be Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller mo held in Clatskanie. On the pro tored to Forest Grove to watch gram will be Art Boiler, horti- the Gay Ninties parade Saturday. culturalist at Oregon State col They attended the play in Ver lege and J. Harold Clarke, mana, nonia in the evening. ger of Cranguyma Farms at Long I Beach, Washington and form?rl> I active in blueberry development i ANNOUNCE in the East. Portland Stay Started Monday EAGLE, THE VERNONIA EAGLE .) 43c 43c 33c 10c 10c 25c 71c 39c 39c 35c 30c 35c 36c 27c 29c 73c 35c 39c 29c 59c 26c "U.S CHOICE" GRADE BEEF SALE Standing Rib Roast Rump Roatj, lean T.Bon«' Steak. . tender Round Steak. meaty Sirloin Steak. boneless Tenderloin, Fi let Mignon Sirloin Steak, juicy Spare Ribs, meaty lb. 73c ... lb.. 95c lb. 79c lb. Í$1 29 lb. $1.59 lb. 85c lb. 59c VALUES IN LAMB LegO'Lamb. lots of meat lb. 69c Lamb Shouler. square cut BreastO'Lamb. for stew Lamb Rib Chops. >hick lb. lb. lb. VALUES IN SEAFOOD Fresh Oysters, select pint Fresh Crab, large size lb. Fillet P<rch. captain's choice lb. H&G Whiting. Captain's choice lb. Sliced Hal but. Captain's choice lb. Uncooked Shrimp, fresh 12-oz. 59c 35c 45c 33c 59c 79c lb. 75c GROUND BEEF Baking Powder. Calumet, 16-oz. can Baking Powder. Clabber Girl, 32-oz. Baking Soda. Arm & Hammer, 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut. Dromedary, 8-oz Nestle's Morsels. Semi-sweet, 6-oz. pkg Fudge Mix, Junket Penuche, 12-oz. pk Van Ila Flavoring. Westag, 8-oz. bot. Pure Vanilla, Crown Colony, 2-oz. bot. Black Pepper, Crown Colony, I'A-oz. Black Pepper, Crown Colony, 4-oz. Cinnamon. Crown Colony, gr. l'v-oz. Cream of Tarter, Crown colony 1 's-oz. Mustard. Crown Colony, gr., 1 ■« -oz. Nutmeg. Crown Colony, gr., 2-oz. can Paprika. Crown Colony, gr., l'v-oz. Ground Sage. Crown Colony, "»-oz. Wesson Oil quart Peanv* Oil, Planter’s quart quart Mayday Oil 3-lb. pkg. Frappe’ Shortening 3-lb. can Royal Satin Shortening quart Cider V.negar. Old Mill 2 pkgs. Jell Well Desserts 4 pkgs. Jell-O Gelatines. 6 flavor* Lemon Pte Fill’ng. Jell-Well, 2 4-oz. 4-oz. Lemon Pie Filling. Krem* •1 8-oz. Minute Tapioca Gerber's Baby Foods. Str. .V Ji 4 3-oz. can Gerber's Baby Yolks 8-oz. pkg. Gerber's Dry Cereal 8-oz. pkg. Gerber's Dry Oatmeal 1-lb pkg. Pablum Baby Cereal Play fa r Dog Food 4 t ans Pooch Dog Food can Begmore Deg Food 6 cans Nip’N Tuck Dog Food 1-lb. Horse Meat, for dogs ¿5-oz. Kellogg's Gro-Pup. for d> >ps 2-lb. pkg. Friskies. Cub»*s and Meal 1-lb.. 14-oz Milk Bone. Tiny Bits Milk Bone Bisqu •. small. 16-oz. can Puss'N Boots qt bottle Apple Juice. Hood River 24-oz. bot. Grape Juice, Westfair 24-oz. bottle Grape Juice. Welch's qt bot. Prune Juice, De 1 M* nte Prune Juier. Wcr.tfan 100"o Pure lean beef 25c 33c 12c 29c 25c 37c 19c 37c 32c 63c 15c 18c 11c 21c 19c 19c 73c 89c 69c 75c 89c 23c 15c 35c 15c 8c 23c 35c 22c 17c 17c 43c 9c 35c 15c 55c 22c 39c 36c 40c 40c 15c 79c 33c 39c 37c 29c LB 39c Nob Hill Coffee 1-lb. 96c 2 lb. $1.91 1-lb 94c 2 lb. $1.87 Coffee 1-lb. $1.01 2 lb. $2.01 Instant Coffee 4-oz. jar 95c Instant Coffee 2-oz. jai 53c House Instant Coffee. 2-oz. 63c Airway Coffee Edwards Edward's Borden's Maxwell WONDERFUL 4-LB. CAN VALUE IN COFFEE EDWARD'S $3.85 Canterbury Black Tea 'i-lb. pkg. 59c Lipton’s Black Tea ’« lb. pkg 36c T»nderleaf Tea Balls. Black, 15-bags 21c Instant Pottum 8 oz. can 63c Oval* ne. Choc, or plain 14-oz. size 59c Ovaltine. Chocolate 6 oz. size 33c Mrs. Wright's Bread lVi-lb. loaf 24c Skylark Potato Bread 1 lb. loaf 21c NBC Anniversary Cookies 1-lb. pkg 62c Hydros Cookies. Sunshine, 12 oz. pkg 39c NBC Arrowrook Biscuits. 5*« oz. pkg. 21c NBC Rite Crackers 1-lb. pkg 38c Chees-It Crackers. Sunshine, 6-oz. pk. 18c Krispy Soda Crackers. Sunshine 1-lb. 28c NBC Snowflake Sodas 2 lb. pkg 53c NBC Honey Grehams 2 lb. pkg. 63c Oatmial Cookies. Jane Arden, 12-oz 35c Chocolate S’ndw.h Jane Arden, 9'« oz 33c Cocoanut Puffs. Jane Ardt n, 6'a-oz 29c But'rsc'*ch Nut Puffs. Jane Arden 6oz 29c Milk Choc. Cookies. Jane Arden, H oz 40c Guthrie Cookies, Variety per pkg 29c Graham Crackers, Oven Gio, 1 lb pkg 27c Grahem Crackers. Pirates' Gold, 2- b 63c Busy Baker Soda Crackers,. 1-lb pkg. 29c Soda Crackers. Oven Gio, 2 1b pkg. 43c Tea Timer Crackers 1-lb. pkg 37c Ralston Rye Knsp 13-0«. pkg. 2Jc Old Country Hardtack 13-oz. pkg 29c lirait opri la, Arnrrw an c heese x C)Z. kll 25c Kraft Spread. Olive-Pimenlto, 5-O z. gl. 25c Kraft Spread. Pimento 25c Kra'. Chees Whii ¡6 oz 59c Breese Chi ese. Processed 2-lb 92c Velveeta Cheese Food pkg. 35c Tillamook Cheese. Chedd:ir lb 80c Mild Cheddar Cheese. Chatham lb. 65c Sharp Cheese Spread. Chat 79e