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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
3 THURSDAY, MAR. 4, 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General .-'OR SALE: Piano with fine tone. C. M. Seibert, Keasey Rt. 8tl GRASS hay, 60c a bale. Come end get it. Adolph Nelson, Tim ber Rt. 9tl OAT and vetch hay. Also good -orse hay. Can deliver. Mike Yunker, phone 16104, Forest Grove. 9tfc NICE, family cow, just fresh. George Biddle, Timber Rt. 9t 1 AUCTION sale March 6 at Mid way Community Auction, Clats- •anie, Oregon. Miscellaneous 12.30, livestock 2 p.m. John Wil- . larth, Clatskanie, Oregon. 9tlc THE APRON SHOP, specializing .i hemstitching, installing zip- pers, clothing repair, alterations. Located at Seawright Cleaners. .• hon- 1211. June Willis. 7tfc Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won 65 King’s Grocery Mill Market 50 1 Bob's Service 49 1 Clatskanie 29 FOR RENT CITY LEAGUE 83 HOUSE to rent, partly furnished. Dessy’s Sunset Lumber Co. 45 Sleeping room and cabin, fur 37 Sundland’s nished. Mrs. Frank Mills, River S. P. & S. 26 V* view, 1st St. 9tl TWERP LEAGUE 35 4-ROOM DUPLEX for rent. Elec, A. B. C.’s 33 heat, range, water heater. Call Dusenbury^s 27 1414. 9t3 Lew’s Place Vernonia Bakery 25 4-ROOM modern house. Unfur WOMENS LEAGUE nished. George Burns, in front Dessy’s 58 of city water works. 8t3 Safeway 55 55 APARTMENT for rent. Newly Vernonia Drug Sam ’ s Food 29 decorat d. 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 5tfc Lost 31 46 47 67 13 51 584 69 4 I I I 25 27 33 35 I I By Marvin Kamholz I 38 41 41 67 Homes Opened to Visiting People WANTED TWO used binders to replace those borrowed off truck during snow. CLINT SEIBERT 9t3c RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. BOOKKEEPING and Income Tax Jack Smith of Sweet Home and Reporting. If you have a diffi Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fowler of St. cult tax problem, perhaps I can save you money. Alb rt Childs, Helens visited at the homes of 8tfc Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and f OR SALE — Bungalow piano, i 225 North street. Mr. and Mrs. C'arcnce Fowler *->vely condition and tone. Very of Vernonia Friday. • asy terms. Will take band in- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Abney '.nimi'nt or old piano in trade. and children of Wishram, Wash Write Day Music Company, 808 BERRY WORKERS ington, spent the week end at the ' E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Work to start, weather permitting c r phone FI 5389. 7t4c P. L. Welter. T RANSPORTATION Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Beck of WE BUY liv.stock, furniture and FUR NISHE D Portland spent the week end at | Also iscellaneous every day. the home of their daughter and | sell farm sales anywhere, Sale Register by posicard to family, Mr. and Mrs. I.. L. Wells Your every Friday, call 7615. Mis. John Krinick returned ..vestock consignments are v.ry ROLLING HILLS FARM home Saturday after spending Banks, Oregon uch appreciated. Forest Grove .Auction Market is owned and etfc two weeks in Portland caring for Mr. Krinick’s sister, Mrs. Sadi. perat.-d by L. R. Senff and C. Christiansen, Auctioneers. 6tfc CASH PAID for any number or Voigt, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner and kinds of cattle, pigs, feeder or fat GRAIN FED Her. ford steer beef hogs. Walt Altman, Auctioneer. son, Jerry, visited at the home ol tor sale. 'Halves only, market Writ? or phene 7612, Forest Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marr at price. See Harold Bergerson Grove. 3tfc Forest Grove Sunday. 2tfc Mrs. Wm. Benninghoff returned | HIGHEST cash prices paid for to her home at Fort Lawton. -AND, gravel, crushed rock, fill cream and eggs at your door— Washington Wednesday after she ; rt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. picked up once or twic? weekly— spent some time here visiting her 26t52c call or write Forest Grove Cream aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs i ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone John Normand. FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks 126. 14tfc Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins and s< ns visited at the home ot 1 BUY NOW CARPENTRY WORK: R pair, re Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Felton at I SPRING SPECIALS modeling, new construction. Rea 1953 CHEVROLET 2 dr., R&H. St. Helens, Sunday evening sonable rates by day or by con Low mileage. Green Co tract. E. J. Parkhurst, 1042 Weed CARD OF THANKS I lor $1675 $495 Down Ave., or see Pete Brunsman. THE AMERICAN LEGION Aux- j (30 Months to Pay) 50tfc 952 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Power lliary wishes to thank the high j glide trans. R&H. Just like NOTICE school girls and the men of the | new $1495 $450 Down cast for their help in making oui NOTICE (24 Months to Pay) play, "You Can't Beat Fun.” a I 1951 CHEVROLET 2 dr. Heater. THE Annual Budget for school success. and also Mr. Oakes for , District No, 52, Mist, Oregon, A real buy — Classy look the use of his P.A. system. ing $1095 $340 Down has been prepared and is now COMMITTEE 9t! ■ posted in the usual places. Meet (21 Months to Pay) 1951 FORD V 8 2 dr. R&H. ing for voting on same will be TO THE many business houses ; Overdrive. Guaranteed to March 9, at 8 p.m. clubs and wonderful people in ‘ Myrtle Mathews, Clerk and around Vernonia, the child- i satisfy $ 995 $300 Down 7t3c ten and I want to say “Thank you [ (21 Months to Pay) so very much. We won't forget ' 1950 CHEVROLET <Nub Coupe. LEGAL NOTICE it." Ellen Hanson 9t 1 | Radio and Heater. A real nice car that look* like NOTICE to Personal Property WE WISH to express our heart- » new $ 915 $285 Down Owners of Columbia County felt thanks to all our friends, both i IB Montha To Pay) Chapter 342, Sec. 110 349 old and new, for all the acts oi IS 4 9 DESOTO 4 dr. R&H Auto- Provides that every person and kindness shown us these past days I malic transmission. A car managing age nt or officer of any since our home was destroyed by I with distinc firm or corporation or association tion $ 850 $275 Down owning or having possession of or fire. We are indeed lucky to liv« i among such people and we r.e ■ (18 Months To Pay) control of taxable personal pro proud to be your neighbors. To 1949 CHEVROLET 4 dr. R&H perty, shall make a return there, N«-w Paint — Ready to of to the county assessor of the each of you, we extend our gra go ■ $ 845 $270 Down county in which such propertv is titude and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Wave Reynold, (13 Months T. > Pay ) located on January 1st, 1954. i and Susan 1943 STUDEBAKER 4 dr. R&H i The final dat? for filing this re Mist, Oregon 9tl Overdrive. Low Mileage turn is March 2nd, 1951. in 1949 One owner. Spotless this Law was Amended making CLASSIFIED RATES_ car S 695 $220 Down it mandatory that the assessor (15 Months To Pa>) add th«, penalty of 5 to the tax MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 1949 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 dr. on all returns that are filed after words or less. Words over min H&H. AT Complete mo the said March 2nd. 1954. imum. 2c each. Three inser tor overhaul and fully guar tions for the price of two. However, if you will cooper anteed $ 845 $270 Down ate by filing your report now, NO information on classifieds will (18 Months To Pay> be given out until after paper you will do your part in reduc 1943 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Heater. ing the cost of making this as is mailed. New sessment; also eliminate having BLIND ads with answers to be Engine $ 445 $150 Down the penalty added to your per handled by the Eagle: Mini- 1 (12 Months To Pay) mum charge 80c. No informa sonal tax. 1941 CHEVROLET 4 door se tion given relative to such ads. Blanks have b en mailed to all dan $225 personal property owners shown NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY (Make Y >ur Own D al) ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED on the 1953 tax roll. However, 1916 FORD 4 dr. $200 00 if you are a new owner or have AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT (Make Your Own Deal) FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. not received a blank, call St. 1946 CHEV. truck. 2 ton. New Helens 12. or drop a card to the THE EAGLE assumes no finan Motor $ 675 $225 Down Assessor's Offi«-e, St. Helens. Ore cial responsibility for errors (12 Months To Pay) that may appear in ads pub- I gon, and you will receive the 1941 CHEV. truck cab over 2- necessary form. bshed in it* columns, but in ton $ 350 $150 Down case where this paper is at Failure to receive or secure toe I (8 Months To Pay) fault, will reprint that part of ; form shall not relieve any su< n VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY person, managing agent, or offi an adv. in which the typo- j t) Years in Business in Vernonia cer from the obligation of graphical mistake occur*. CARD of Thanks & Not.ce»: 80c : hone 342 Vernonia any return herein required POETRY accepted only as paid 8ttc O A. RIDENOUR. matter Rate. 5c per type line. County Assessor 7t2c WANTED FOR SALE—Insurance kj ELI. HUDSON Insurance, tele hone 773. We have a reliable Co. writing cars for 3, 6 9 mnths at low rates. Also fire Kurance. Geo Bell. H Hudson. 37tfc FOR SALE Real Estate 3 BEDROOM home on 3 lots on Rix-k creek. Furnished Electric ‘t.-ve and water heater Call 533. f :l Grant St. 9t3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All pers«>ns having claims against the estate of J.M. Peachey are hereby notified to present the same to me at Vernonia, Oregon with vouchers and duly verified within 60 days from th? date hereof. February 25. 1954 Mrs. J. M Peachey. Adminis tratrix. Mis* Rt. Vemon'a. Orcz — 813« and oth«r r»<tol • (III* 1*1 IttMCI UUMRTt elintK M ti*N ««**• beaei r J «Mtr r V n FREE Wr •< • C«4I I*«» »♦ THE DEAN CLINIC tms imi I O**« 10 S Fr <9«v U-' I j « O . I" 43'4 ’ - NI» NOATNCAST IANUV BOULEVARD f*« •***•»• «A*»3D1t *< U I I Washington conducted an in tensive law enforcement cam paign during the latter part of the year to accomplish the same goal. Both state., succeeded but this state succeeded to th? ex- t nt it led the nation in death reduction. Of other western states, Cali fornia had a four per cent de crease, Idaho a nine per cent re duction and Utah a 15 per e nt drop, th? latter state being se cond to this state. From the secretary of state's office, figures were available on Monday to show deaths by coun ties in the state and only one Sherman, completed the year without a death from traffic. Co lumbia county was next to low with one and Multnomah was high with 80 of which 55 took place inside Portland. Often there is more than one way to accomplish something. We are thinking of this state and the The proposed new budget for neighbor to the north, both trying to achieve a reduction in traffic the 1954-55 fiscal year of opera deaths last year and both suc tion of school district 47 Jt. should ceeding. The record shows, and please th? residents of th? dis this state can point with pride be trict because the proposal calls cause of the record, that both for a tax levy that is nearly $6000 less than the amount taxpayers states did reduce traff.c deaths but it also shows that Oregon led were ask d to provide for the the nation with a reduction of 19 current year of operation. Al oer cent from th ? previous yeat though this amount is not a large figure, it is a step in the right of 1952. The data has been prepared by direction this column believes. There ar? two reasons to make the National Safety Council and th comparison with Washington the reduction possible. One is a small decrease in the proposed indicates that state reduc -d death: II p r cent. Now, to mention the amount of expenditures and the oth.r is an increase in the esti methods used. mated receipts from sources other Oregon conducted an intensive than direct taxes. . ducational campaign, which wa: carried out by traffic enforce The year 1954 will no doubt be ment officials and public groups emphasizing saler driving habits one well worth remembering as and safer n<-d (trian habits to far as county residents are con overcome the mounting death toll cerned because it will be the year on highways and streets. for observance of the 100th birth day of the division of Washing ton county which resulted in Co lumbia being formed. The story of that 100-year-ago division is of interest, coming from data com piled by the Columbia Coun:y TREHARNE — Mrs. Floy Odam Historical society. entertained the Treharne Birth Th ■ Oregon country was origi day club at a pet-luck dinner in nally that area which included all her home Thursday. February 25 of the Pacific Coast from the Th : ladies held an auction bazaar Spanish territory, now California following the dinner, raising S26 and Nevada, north to 54 degrees for th'1 general sickness and em 40 minutes N. latitude, consider ergency fund. All members ex ably beyond the present northern cept two were present. Mrs. Ann t boundary of the United States. Nichols and Mrs. Lorraine Odam » All of this was divided into of Vernonia and Mrs. Forrest Rey four counties or districts—Tuality nolds were guests. Yamhill, Clackamas and Chain- Mrs. Joe Miller spen* Friday poeg. They extended east to the with Mrs. Midge Reynolds and Rocky mountains. As th? land was settled, it was sons. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirk bride stopped by and visited a subdivided with Columbia being few minutes during the afternoon. taken from the Tuality district Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Graves which in 1849, residents of the of Vernonia visiited her parents, present Colum.bia county went Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. to Hillsborough to pay their taxes Wednesday evening. They all The spelling has since been sim called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fal plified to its present use. coner and Mary and watched TV SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP N Mrs. Jim Smith and Mary Lola returned home Sunday from Bel ? lingham. Washington where she a visited her father and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke motored to Buxton Saturday evening and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepard. Mrs. Wienecke’s cousins. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stanley left Tuesday of last week after visit ing his brother. Ray, and wife. Bazaar Provides $26 ior Fund It is quite fitting that Colum bia county should be named after the river it fronts for so many miles for it has the longest front age on the river of any Oregon county. This county was estab Ushed January 16, 1854 with St. Helens as the seat while Mult nomah county came into being in December of that year, the latter being taken from Washing ton and Clackamas counties. Other counties about the same age are Wasco and Coos. Ortg nally Wasco comprised all of Ore gon east of the Cascades and all other eastern Oregon counties were taken from Wasco as the need became apparent. Definite plans for a county ob servance of the date have not yet been worked out, but tentatively one celebration is being devised by the county fair board which will devote a portion of the annual 1954 fair to the centennial. Others no doubt will be arranged and announced for coming months. The scop? of the 4-H program is one of the points emphasieei as national 4-H club week from March 6-14 is observed. The na tion can boast a club enrollment of 2,016,138 boys and girls in the program which this year has as its theme: "Working Together for World Understanding.” That theme was followed here only a short time ago at the 4-H community meeting when poi tions of the program demonstrated the working together of club members to prepare the evening s entertainment. Other communit,- meetings throughout the county brought out the same idea of co operation to achieve results. In this county 550 boys and girls enrolled in the work w-.ll join ethers throughout the U.S. in reaffirming the 4-H pledg ■ The four H’s are head, heart, hands and health and they pledge their heads to clearer thinking, hearts to greater loyalty, hands to larger service and health for bet ter living. ¡PHONE 853, ! I ! NEHALEM VALLEY ! MOTOR FREIGHT 1.H KLEM — SHOP NEHALEM tn X o Featuring... M tn X Hudson House > tn Olives — String Beans — Corn Return Due from Japan March 4 RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Marian Wantland and son. David, and Mrs. Earl Wan (land and daugh ter have gone to California to meet Earl Wantland, who will land at Alameda March 4. com ing home from Japan. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer spent Wednesday and Thursday visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Hanson at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Callister and baby of Manzanita and Mrs. Jack Grimes and daughter of Mohler visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Callister Monday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman and children of Prospect visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Rex Normand, ov -r the we -k end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker and Mrs. Edna Gwin of Portland were guests at the Hemer Gwin home Sunday, th? occasion being the b’rthdav of Dick Gwin. Agent Moves to 2nd Street Home RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs Ray Smith of Scappoose have moved into the Dashnev house on Second St. Mr. Smith is the Oregonian agent. Mr. and Mrs Walter Parker Mr and Mrs. Tom Solomon and Albert Schalock spent Tuesday in Portland on business. They called on Mrs. Julia Wirtz while there. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Callisto! and Ronnie visited Mr and Mr August Stuwe at Hubbard Sun day, On their way home they visi’ed Mr. and Mrs. John Blosser at Woodburn. Peas I I I NEHALEM X - Z X MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 c 1» KMTV H3N dOHS - (Í3 IVH3N rfOHS - K31VHHS’ d()HS w dE NOTICE OR RURAL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 3UDGET HEARING 3« o' a.n'‘^Ri'B^»wPtiN393 OrTgon Uws'^^and Chapt’7 345 Oregon Law 1945 as amended bv Chapter 591 Orel If Laws laa-’' ' budget of the Rural School Board >0/1^ S^^^g'jS 1. 1 ).?4 and ending June 30. 1955. hereinafter set forth. g _ ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. -. BUDGET Estimated availabl? cash on hand at beginning of the vear for this budget is made Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes TOTAL 1954 195j SI.800.00 10.00 $1.810 0* ES TIMATED EXPEN DIT U R E S ITEM Est mated Expenditures for 1954-1935 Personal Service. (A) District Superintendent Salarv $ 480.00 (B) Clerical and Legal 2 Supplies. Printing 750) 15.0' 3 Postage, Telephon and Telegraph 10O' 4. Elections and ___ ________ Publicity 125 01' 5. Beard Expenses. Travel, Etc. 30001 6. Office Equipment 5.00 ». Oth.-'r Miscellaneous Exp« ns s—Social Security and Retirement KJ.O1' 8 Emergency 2000' To'al Estimated Expenditure* $1.240.00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES r T cfi T t T available CASJ4 balances and tax ^ v T y 1. 1. 2. Total Estimat d Expenditures Deduct Total Estimatad Rece pts and Available Cash B?'ances $1.240.00 $1.81900 Dated February 8. 1954 t.__,. , - ----------------- H G. Sandon. Chairman, Board of Direct ’s d Kent' C’*rk S-gn«>d: Otto H. H Petersen. Secreta-v Budget Pomw.;«« Eugm? E Dove. B idg»t Cx:-/ Comm-.ttee 2 18--3-4