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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
Birth of County Outlined to Society At Meeting; Centennial Fete Due An interested group of those who attended the February meet, trig of the Columbia County His torical Society from all sections of the county and Portland en '•»yed the noon meal and talks o/ Judge J- W. Whipple, Omar Spen- f»r and Mrs. Izelle Conlon. Judge Whipple told many fac.j e early history as found in old records. Briefly, the county was ‘•’irn in January, 1854 when it •■as separated from Washingto ■ ■ ~unty. The first meeting of the r>unty commissioners was held * igust 26 of the same year with meetings at intervals from then »-’I. Problems dealt with roads, iaxes, law enforcement, etc. A jury list was made up, this (»ntaining names of many settlers «.nose names still appear at pre- •' ■»t since their descendants still e here. Judge Whipple pre- .'•ented a copy of this list to the Society and also a list of county lodges through the years. One is surprised to note the ft Smart Woman } Yes, she knows where J to go to get a complete I ¡assortment of ¡ ‘oods. Not only ¡the Mill Market • | Lockers supply Junior’s J aider, but supplies the I I 1 '« hole family in all food' I ! .nd meat items. We! < i ' feature only the best in ?rand names at prices I ou can’t afford to miss. ; Drop in now and fill t J ..hat grocery list and {save the Mill Market ♦ i » vay. MILL MARKETi : AND LOCKERS 1 ! Remember— j DELIVERIES TWICE • DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m.' PHONE 1391 3 Grand Officers Meet with Lodge THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE, THURSDAY, MAR 4. 1954 I ~ “------------------------—------------------------------------------------- — Homes at Natal Opened Party Night at Hall Announced Warren Grange To Visit Winema Auxiliary Fills Office Vacancy Laundry and Dry Cleaning Oregon Laundry Dry Cleaners Early History 01 Valley Told As Low As $234.95 NiwHOMELITE CHAIN SAW Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price! Two Honored Friday By Birthday Club Mrs. Virgil Powell entertained the Birthday club Friday even ing. The honor guests were: Mrs Hazel Smith and Mrs. Minnie Wood. Eighteen members w-ere present and a guest of the even ing was Mrs. Ramona Quedens of Honolulu. Wherever UHF’stations are on the air, Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now, it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 l’hilco mod els are now here—come in for a demonstration and see for yourself picture performance that is the talk of the i»»n. Just out—the Philco 4100 It’» yours for 1954 at the lowest price ever for an ail-channel 21-inch Phiho consol»-. •Actuol Dyno’^o”»«»er Rated Hortapowar Cuts an 18 inch tree in 18 seconds . . . cuts trees 4 feet or more in diameter . . . and it ueight only 22 poundt complete. No other saw so light and so easy to handle gives you so much productive, depend able power. Try it on any wood cutting operation . .. cutting tim ber, pulpwood, cordwood, fence posts, hedgerows, orchards . . . you'll agree that here is the saw for you. at ist SAWS FOR RENT $179.95 Free Delivery It doesn’t cost you any more to have us deliver milk to your door. Do away with carrying bottles to and from the store and let us do all the hard work. Phone 171 for delivery to your home. TED'S SAW SHOP RivEPviEw Including fwiernl la* and Warranty $270.00 and up A real lightweight saw with amazing power USED SAWS 1 A surprise birthday party was To Visits of Guests I held Wednesday afternoon for NATAL — Callers at the De small cost of anything in those Mrs. Rex Normand at her home Harding Lodge No. 116. Knights vine home Sunday evening were days, also reminded of when we here. of Pythias, was visited February Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding and Attending were: Mrs. Clara used gold coin since no pape. NATAL — Saturday night is 22 by Grand Chancellor Don Jud. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and I money was seen on the coast in I Lindsley and grandson Denny. i party night at the grange hall Larry. son from Salem, Grand Vice- Mrs. Dolly Laird and sons, Mrs those days. Everyone is welcome. Mrs Sue Wheeliss and children chancellor Paul Meyers from St. Elmer Dutton and son. Mrs. Ro Ike Dass and son were Portland Omar Spencer of Portland and Secretary of Eugene are visiting at the motorists Tuesday. a native of Vernonia talked of bert Allen and daughter. Mrs. Helens and Grand Pringle home. Mrs. Sam Devine motored t»* his early recollections, and of th’ Louis Huntley and two grand Walter Gleason from Portland. A Allan Holding was an overnight Hillsboro Wednesday. formation of Columbia county. He daughter. Elsie Sherman and Ste dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. in The Mist Helping Circle met las» stated that Columbia county has ven Falcon bury, Mrs. Carol Er the I.O.O.F. dining room to the guest of Larry Oblack Monday. Thursday at the home of Mrs 52.27 miles frontage on the Co nest, Mrs. Gene Goodman and honor guests and officers and the Bertha Oblack. There were 1.5 lumbia river with Multnomah children, Mrs. John Normand and members of the local lodge. During the meeting which fol members and two visitors pro county being second with 50.45 baby, Mrs. Wm. Benninghoff. sent. The hostess gift was wow miles frontage. His father was r i Mrs. Alice Mills and Mrs. Myrtle lowed the dinner, the Page rank was conferred upon Charles John by Mrs. Austin Dowling. Mm county commissioner from 1888- Rose. Mrs. Normand received many son and Bill Horn. Visitors from Oblack served dinner besides Uu- 1892. Refreshments were Forest Grove and St. Helens wer added pot-luck. The next meet Mrs. Izelle Conlon presented the nice gifts. BIRKENFELD — Warren ing will be with Mrs. Myrtle M* Mrs I also present for the meeting. material on schools prepared by served by the hostesses. Grange will visit Winema Grange thews March 25. her sister, Mrs. Lois Kent, and Kenneth Lindsley, Mrs. Mary The evening was finished with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson wer,. a social hour and refreshments Thursday night at their regular tellrng of the small beginnings Lou Bell and Patricia Normand meeting. visitors of her sister and family after the meeting. of schools in those days. Records The HEC of Winema Grange at Mountaindale Sunday. are quite incomplete with schools Harding Lodge will meet aga*n sponsored a card party at the hall listed as being started in 1888 to next Monday. March 8. at which 1892. but it is known that there time plans will be made for con last Saturday. The door prize went to Miss La Rosa, sister of were schools earlier in most com ferring the Esquire rank on the Mrs. Jack Brittner. High pi munities. Thes * were subscrip candidates. nochle score prizes went to Elsa tion schools, probably with no The American Legion Auxiliary Richardson and Bill Wage. county organization to record held its regular meeting at the Patricia Berg has a months them. District No. 1, Scappoose. hall March 2 and reports were Dinner Marks Observance leave of absence from her work District 2, St. Helens, No. 3 Deer given by the standing committee Of 78th Birth Date to enable her to be with her Island and No. 4. Hudson, are the chairmen. At a former meeting IN Mr. and Mrs. E. A Elliott, Sr., mother, who is ill in Portland. first listed starting between the Betty Mailer was welcomed as a honored Mrs. Elliott's father, THURSDAY Miss Berg is a hostess for United dates listed above. The record new member by transferring James Bafford. at a birthday din Air Lines. shows that James A. Kerns. Su from the Beaverton unit. BACK ner Sunday at their home. It perintendent of common schools Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham Marie Atkins was elected as THURSDAY was paid $50 in 1860 for one half second vice-president to fill the was Mr. Bofford's 78th birthday. and boys were in Clatskanie on year’s work so there was evident vacancy left when Bessie Tapp Out-of-town guests were Mr. and business and for dental work Sat Mrs. Robert Brady and three urday. ly a beginning of this office at moved. Bring To— children of Sweet Home Mrs. that time. The Auxiliary decided to hold Mrs. Ted Bellingham visited her In 1863, a two-mill tax was the next meeting on Monday, Brady is a daughter of the El parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolly, BEN BRICKEL’S liotts. voted for schools and a $2.00 March 15 at the hall and help the and sister, Mrs Cloiee Hall, in BARBER SHOP military tax on all persons liable boys celebrate the Legion’s birth Vernonia Friday. for military duty. The April day. All members of the Legion Nehalem Valley Squares Kenny Meier of Jewell is in the 1864 Journal showed a balance of and Auxiliary are urg'd to attend Vets hospital in Portland He's Cancel Friday Dance $260.10 in the school fund and this meeting. Gertrude Schalock been having trouble with his leg that year the school superinten will be in charge of the enter The dance scheduled for Fri again. and dent was paid $60 for 15 months tainment and Freda Biggs in day. March 5, by the Nehalem Mrs. Lena Hendrickson has service. It was explained that the charge of refreshments. Valley Souares has been can been visiting at the Anna Han- military tax was to carry cn celled. The next meeting of the berg home, but returned to the Indian wars, not the civil war. club will be March 19. home of her daughter Friday. Plans were discussed for co operating with the chamber of commerce in commemorating the centennial of the county this Chapter BS. PEO Sisterhood, coming summer, a committee I being appointed to work on the met with Mrs. Janet Bridgers matter. Tuesday of last week. The mem bers decided to award a 4-H scholarship to summer camp this Past Chiefs Meet year to a 4-H member of the At Laschinger Home V’ernonia area. Th"’ Past Chiefs’ club met at , Mrs. Mona Gordon gave a very the home of Marie Laschinger i interesting program on the early Monday evening. March 1 with history of the Nehalem valley. acting president Lesta Garner in The next meeting will be with charge of the meeting and with Mrs. Ralph Hartman Tuesday nine members present. Refresh | evening, March 9, when election ments were served after the short 1 of officers will be held. business session. The club's next meeting will be Pinochle Play Friday April 5 at th-' home of Edith Mc Held at Sauer Home Farland. Mrs. Al Sauer was hostess for the Friendly Pinochle party at Articles of Clothing her home Friday. After a delicious dessert lunch Repaired for Needy eon the play was held with a The Dorcas society of the Sev very exciting game. Mrs. May enth Day Adventist church an 1 held a thousand aces in one game nounces that the organization and Mrs. Beeley held four hun cleaned and repaired 360 article; dred jat ks in another. of clothing last month to prepare Mrs. VanderZandcn held high them for distribution to needy 1 score, and Mrs. Beeley low. people. These articles will pro The next meeting will be held bably be sent to Korea. Including federal Tax and H arrant* at the home of Mrs. Bob Thomp- I son next Friday. It s the MIGHTY MITE of chain saws! THE I Wednesday Afternoon Party Proves Surprise NEHALEM DDIRY PRODUCTS (0. , Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream I On Our Easy Terms! Sundland Electric & Appliance •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ TELEPHONE 591 VERNONIA, OREGON