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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1953)
6 THURSDAY. SEPT. 10. 1953 THE EAGLE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General COLEMAN oil heater, 55,000 BTU. Very good condition. In quire 642 Third St. 37t3 1951 OLIVER H-G crawler cat, armored for 1 o g gi n g . Four chokers, loading lines and guy lines and tongs. Logged less than 300,000 ft. Price $1950. Ed Tipton, Box 293, Vernonia, Ore. 37t3 MALL diag saw and two-wheel trailer. For rent: large garage. Call Don Helm at Pittsburg Guard station. 36t3 HAY AND STRAW, grain and feed grain. Fair prices as to quality and quantity. Will con sider beef or milk cattle in trade. Elmer Bergerson, Timber lit., Ver nonia, Oregon. 36tfc HEMSTITCHING and buttonhole work; organdy and print aprons and painted organdy aprons. Tex tile painted tea towels and pot holders Other articles that are nice as gifts for any occasion. See Mrs. Reta Lamping, Sr., at 758 on corner of Weed and Bridge St. 35t3 VERY REASONABLY PRICED: H C. Little automatic floor fur- mice with thermostatic control. Large size, Also two oil barrels with control valves and pipe, some copper tubing. Inquire 475 South 35t3 First Ave. I j OVELY used piano, excellent tone and condition. Terms. Zx bargain for someon?. Write Day Music Co.. 808 S. E. Morrison St., Portland 14, Oregon. 33t7c VERNONIA. ORF- HOUSE for sale or rent. One bed om home 1092 Second Ave, P‘- 1202 37tlc DRESSMAKING, alterations, re lining coats, hems. Anything in the sewing line. Do not mak? childrens dresses. Phone 253 or call 451 S. Rose Ave. 37tfc I FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks PIANO pupils at my home. Also 1941 CHEV. See it at Vernonia have cabin for rent. Mrs. Alice Service Station. M. B. Steers, i Mills, end of First St. Riverview. phone 1612, Maple Hill Turkey 37t3 farm. 37t3c HOUSEKEEPER for family of TWO-TONE ‘50 Ch«v. Bel Air. three. Modern conveniences. $75. Reggie Watson, house 24, O-A hill. room and board. Dane Brady. Phone 1414. 37t3 35tfc 20 PER $680 on Consider way Apt. CENT discount! Save 1953 Dodge Diplomat. 1949 car in trade. Rose- 3613 4, phone 1476. ALDER LOGS WANTED Will pay premium price really good logs. for CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. JURGENS MILLS Light gre n. New seat co i Beaver Springs Road—Rainier vers, radio and air flow Phone 6 8256 heater, It really looks like 25tfc new and can be purchased i $448 down WzMSir.iJ: .wnaau H . 'l for only nouse- 19.50 FORD 6 2-dr. sedan. Very keeper for elderly invalid at Bir- clean, Light green. Full kenfeld, Oregon. Mrs. T. w. S105C price Ildstad, 1530 Initial Ave., Enum- 1947 FORD 2 di. s'dan. Full claw, Washington. 36t3 Price $595 1916 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. HOUSE painting, interior decorat Full price $565 ing, truck lettering, 1 J-Years 1951 CHEVROLET ' j -ton pick- experience, Two years with Stan- $1295 dard oil co. First class work only. up 1948 CHEVROLET 1 _• -ton pick- A. F. McB .‘th. Inquire at Hahn $745 Hardware. up with box 36t4c CHEAPIES — This Week Only $46 WANTED: Odd Jobs, . lectric, 1937 PLY. 4-dr. s dan plumbing. 1141 Rose Ave. 35t3 VERNONIA AUTO CO. 27 Years in Business in Vernonia BABY sitting. Children 3 to 6 Phone 342 Vernonia years. By day or week. Mrs. 37tlc Alvie Moses, Stoney Point. 35t3 1951 FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER: Four- room two-bedroom home witii bath and utility. Concrete foun- elation, hardwood floors, all in sulated with permanent shake s’d- ing. Located two miles east of Htllsboro near new Brookwood school. On lot 60’ by 303’ with lawn, flowers, garden and young fruit trees. Price $6250. Inquire at 642 Third St., Vernonia. 37t3 INSULATION AND WEATHER STRIPPING. ‘ Th- m..t -comfort, the less cist.” No moeey down, THIS is an extra good value. 4-rm. i easy payments. E. L. Kake Con home with bath. Garage with struction Co., box 93, Clatskanie, large fruit room. Furnished. Lot Oregon Phone 312. 28tfc 50x182. level. Must sell at once due illness. Cash price for quick SAND, gravel, crushed ruck, fill sale far below actual value. In dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. quire Eagle office. 37t3 26t52c HOUSE for sale. Completely mo REMODELING, home improve dern. Stove, automatic washer, ments: house leveling, founda mangle. Can be bought on easy tions, additions. All work guaran terms. S'e Louis Violette. 888 teed. No money down, easy Second St.. Vernonia. Ore. 36t3 terms. E. L. Blake Construc HOMES tion Co., lox 93, Clatskanie, Ore gon. Phone 312. 28tfe VERY GOOD 7-room modern house. Full basement, wired for APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, range. One bedroom down. 3 *n n titctiing. At Vernonia Clean up. Lots of built-ins. ers. June Willi ', phone 1211. looks swimming pool. 23tfc $5850, easy terms. VERY neat 5-rm. modern house IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT plus sleeping porch. Wired for Orc'er your Stout Irrination Sys range. Price $4500, good terms. tem today Free engineering and HAVE A home and income: very estimaies. Proper irrigation will neat duplex across street from •increase your présent product grade school; 2 bedrooms on mer.y limos. each side. Live in one, rent HARDWARE S'MPSON'S other; 75x100 lot. double gar Uptown St. Helens age. A very good buy at $6000. 14tfc Good terms. AUCTION: Every Friday. We GOOD 6-room modern house, 1 bedroom down, 3 up. Wired for havt a good mark t for your live range. Part basem.nt. Pl'll e stock, furniture, tools, poultry. $4250, very good terms Wi buy, sell, trade, every week dav paying cash fot livestock, EXCEPTIONALLY neat 4 room plastered home. Extra large fuimture, machinery, tools. Alt garage, can be remodeled into mar s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. apartment. One block from Walt grade school. A very good buy live- Alte an, at $5250. Terms. any- sti'i •; or wht e. II tie GOOD 2-bedroom home. 2 lots. Very neat. Price $3000. HOME LAUNDRY Phone 1107 FARMS Mrs York. Laundry, fluff dried. 6 ACRES. 8-room house, 40x70 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c. chick house, 14-stanchion barn, Flat finish'd, minimum $1.00. N'halem river borders on 2 Ont day service on request on sides. All kinds of fruit and ber fluff dried. Also curtain stretch- ries. A very good buy at $8,- ing. 9tfc 000 Very good terms. 25 ACRES. 17 cleared Out 3 mil s. FOR SALE—Insurance Yeai round stream; 7 rm. house. I’l li e $3 M0 Good terms. BFLL HUDSON Insurance, tele ph. e 773. We have a reliable 18 ACRES on paved highway; 7 - room house, double garage, Ce, writing cars for 3. 6, 9 woodshed and chick house mirths at low rates. Also fire and barn. Six-year lease on insi ance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. 340 acres goes with place. Price ’ 37tfc $5800. good terms. DON BAYLEY. BROKER FOR SALE OR TRADE MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia FI'.l MONTH OLD Holstein hei- 34tlc '■ ■ ilf. Trade for white face. Ait .ph Nelson, Timber Rt 37t3c FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT YESTERDAYS WANTED TWO-BEDROOM house Has elec- trie water heater, wood cook stov? and heater $35 a month. Adolph \<'»>n. Timber Rt. 37t3c 3-ROOM house for rent. 1 mile 4 ROOM plasteied house Very north on Rock creek road J. P n«« Excellent location near McFarland. 37t3 t < Is and churches. One block fr<>' grocery store. Large gar- APARTMENT for rent. Three ag« building with utility room. room* and bath. Electric range, Extra bedriM'm, lots of fruit cup oil heat and Frigidaire Riverview boa ds large ronm for wool or Apartments. 36tfc st -i.g," With some furniture if <•< - d Very reasonable Call ‘ SMALI-. clean, unfurnished house Pt *75 North St 3«t3 I for two. See Mrs R. D. Eby. 34»fc i HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twic? weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. Htt’c SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Crawford Auto Wreckers. 775 S. Highway, St. Helens. Ore Phone 650 15tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed h r Final Account and Report in the i estate of CHARLES RATKIE, de ceased, in the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, and the Court has fix d Friday, th - i 18th day of September. 1953, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. in the County Court Room in tht? Coun ty Court House at St. Helens, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. MINNIE S. RATKIE. Administratrix PATTERSON, BUSH AND BRADLEY, Attorneys for Administratrix 3 4,5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that th undersigned has been appointed executors of the estate of Augus. ta Pet rson, deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Columbia county, and has qualified. All pci<<• ns having claims against aid . state are hereby notified to present the .-am-“ to me at St. Hel-ns. Oregon with vouchers and duly verified within six month- from the date hereof Dated and first publication Aug ust 20. 1953 Dau of last publica:i<>n Sep- tember 17. 1953 Theodore J. Pet.rson Edna V. Peterson. Ext eutors John L. Foote, St. Helens. Ore gon, Attorney 34t5c FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. August 28. 1J48 Payment of the current city expenses will go on a tempo rary warrant basis this month because of a lack of ready cash. Water department rentals, chief source of city revenue, is not sufficient to offset rising costs. New, higher water rental rate to become effective this month is expected to help considerably in meeting increased cost of city operation. I By Marvin Kamhols I Th j subject of safety merits the attention of everyone and it is receiving more and more of just that because of the increasing number of accidents that result in injury an<j fr'quently the loss of life . With the Labor day week end just 'past, th? toll in traffic is being counted for the number of lives lost from traffic as well as other holiday causes. That toll is too large and is increasing. Renewed attention is bring call ed again to this state’s school bus stop law, the observance of which is designed to prevent accidents to school children who travel to and from their homes by bus during the school year. A resume of the stop law rules calls at tention to the fact that drivers approaching from the front oi rear must stop when a bus is stopp.d to load or unload child ren. If children are not leaving the bus, drivers can proceed after stopping. The only time vehicles are not required to stop when a bus is picking up or discharging passen gers is when approaching the bus from the opposite direction on a three or fourlane highway. Strict attention by drivers to this law means great , r safety for children and consequently less accidents. Hunting season opens early next month and with it will come th? danger of accidents that totaled 28 for the 1952 season, an inu-case from 1951 when the total was 16. The Oregon state game commis sion is str essing safety more than ever this year to point out the danger and r.duce the pumber of accidents. The commission has totaled the causes of accidents the number ol each as follows: self- inflicted. 10, mistaken for game, 3; accid.nta discharge of hunting partner’s gun. 5; in line of fire, 6; ricochet, 2 and unknown. 2. The Sportsmen’s Service Bureau, an eastern institute, points out 10 commandments of safety fo. hunt rs: 1. Treat every gun with th? tes pect due a loaded gun. This is the first rule of gun safety. 2. Guns carried into camp or home, or when otherwise not in use, must always b“ unloaded and taken down or have actions open; guns should be carried in cases to the shooting area. 3. Always be sup ? barrel and action are clear of obstructions. 4. Always carry your gun so that you can control the direction of the muzzle, even if you stumble; keep the safety on until you are r-.ady to shoot. 5. Be sure of your target b 'fore you pull the trigger; know the identifying features of the game you intend to hunt. 6 Nev r point a gun at any thing you do not want to shoot; avoid all horseplay while handl ing a gun, 7. Unattended guns should be unloaded; guns and ammunition should be stored separatgjy be yond reach of children and ear less adults. 8. Never clime a tree or fence or jump a ditch with a loaded gun; never pull a gun toward you by the muzzl?. 9. Never shoot a bullet at a flat, hard surface or the surface of water. , 10. Avoid alcoholic drinks be fore or during shooting. NOTICE Sealed bids will be rec -ived by th • School Board of Union High School No. 1 Jt. of Columbia County, Oregon, until 8:CJ o’clock P.M. on the 23rd dav of Septem ber. 1953 and immediately there after will b> publicly opened by the officers of said school district for th? following alternate pro jects on the South side of Bridge Street in the vicinity of the high school building: (11 To furnish all the mat’rial and labor to construct 350 linear fest, more or less, of twelve inch LOST AND FOUND cement curbing and an equal length of cement sidewalk fix » FOUND: Padlock or night-latch feet in width paralleling and join key across street from post office. ing said curbing, all to be of stan Claim at Eagl - office and pay for dard dimension and meet the city this adv. 37tlc code for concrete construction and all to follow th > established grade CLASSIFIED RATES of Bridge Street. <2> To furnish all the mat rial MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 and labor to construct 650 linear words or less. Word« over min- feet, more or less of twelve inch imum. 2c each. Three inser cement curbing and 700 linear feet more or less. of c ment s d >- tion« for the price of two. walk five feet in w’dth Daralkhtv; CARD of Thanks (t Notice«: 80c and joining said curbirut. all to be of standard dimension and NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper meet the city code for concrete is mailed. construction and all to follow the established grad - of Bridge Street, NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY The School District reserv s ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED the to reject any and all bids AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT and should be mailed or de FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER liven'd to the und-'rsigned clerk I of the District. Mona M. Gordon, BLIND ads with answers to be Vernonia. Oregon. handled by the Eagle: Mini By order of the School Dist.-.ct mum charge 80c No informa Board tion given relative to such ads. TEN YEARS AGO | From The Eagle. August 26. 1943 Mary Edith Branton, weight 1% pounds, xxas born August 21 at 6 a m. at home and one hour lat?r was taken to the Lloyd Maternity home where she is doing nicely Th? parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Branton, recently of North Bon neville. The plan for nation-wide ra tioning of domestic heating and I cooking stov;s went into effect at 12:01 a m August 24. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. August 26. 1934 Sunday was named as the first annual Knights of Pythias craw fish fe-'d to be held at Big Eddx park. A program, in addition to th? picnic, is arranged. Th? Bank of Vernonia in liqui dation is preparing to clean up outstanding indebtedn?ss in th- form of real estate, homes and store buildings to make way for payment to depositors and savings accounts. The bank has paid 45% to commercial and savings de positors. it is said, and the next dix idend should prove substantial NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT : jb i What a H Z X M SALAD DRESSINGS COLD CUTS M BEVERAGES H PASTRIES X CANNED GOODS H Z Whatever the need for your picnic we have M them. Whv net come in today and look around Z for yourself. H With Good Foods from KING'S 1 H KING’S Grocery - Market Phone 01 "Where Your Money Riverview H H H H H H H H H At the Mile Bridie M Z »ZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZÍ ^fri9eraj0' ’ i 1 i* P H1 LCOnr DAIRY BAR U ! I i | j The sensation of the low priced refrif- •rator field . . . Philco with Dairy Bar. Butter Keeper and the biggest freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refrig erator. Adjustable Shelves. "Key Largo" color. Philco 726. SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER' 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia F