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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1953)
Philippine Missionaries To Speak Here Sunday Bar-Keep Balks Smelt Taken at Troutdale Run Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Shields will be in Vernonia Sunday to speak at the morning service only at the Assembly of God church. The Shields are missionaries to the Philippine Islands and are plan ning tneir return trip tor this tall. Mrs. Shields plays the accordian vry Deautituiiy and botn she and her husband sing. They also have pictures of their worn in tne rnnippin *s. The service will etart at the eleven o’clock hour ana everyone u> cvidiany invu.u. | ‘ i BY Dallas, Texas—When he hears that I tend bar. Dr. Scofield will bawl me out. But Randall’s wife assured him that Dr. Sco field was not that kind. So one night, the two of them went to hear Dr. Scofield preach.. Just as they entered. Dr. Scofield was tell ing how God saved him when h? had one foot in a drunkard's grave. This won Randall and in time he also turned, believed and w*as saved. —“And ws have been a happy family every since,” said his wife. Sum It Up—At the end, sinless and ever living to the glory of God, Christ died for ut> to set us right with God. Thgn He came from the grave to give new birth to all who take Him as Lord and Saviour—to all such. He gives such hope, p;ace and cheer as this world can never know. True —If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.—BIBLE. This Message sponsored by a Wash ington county family. Church Prepares To Serve Dinner | Mr. and Mrs. Malcom L. Nor- meni aic directors oi tne Yakima , Indian Christian Mission, wine, i will send a speaker and colored pictuies io slow at tn.* sannuii I dinner at the First Christian ' church Friday, May 8, at 6:30 p.m. Ims *s a xamuy dinner and ev.ry member and friend of the churcn is invited to come anu bring the family. The salmon is being furnished by tne 1 axima Indian Mission and the Christian Wo mens Fellowship is iurmsiung the rest of the food. An offering will oe tas.n ai me dinner to De sent to the Yakima Indian Christian Mission. Three out of four traffic acci dents happen in clear weather on ary roads. YOUR ORDER IN NO FUSS NO BOTHER f is pick up your phons and dial 1391 | N and give us your food order. We’ll p ck out the items care fully as if you. yourself were Grangers Go to Pomona Meeting TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Wienecke and family of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and Mary, Mr. Arnold Wienecke of Hillsboro, W H. Wie necke of North Plains, M. E. Eide and grandma Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds, Michael and David and Mrs. Exie Weaver motored to Dallas Sunday wh?re they visited the ladies s;sters and daughter. Mrs. Lulu Chambers and family and Mrs. Stanley Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cox, Mel vin and Virginia, Ada Normand, J. R. find Jo Ann Kirkbride were Forest Grove visitors Saturday. School Children to Honor Mothers Sunday Children of the Nazar: ne Sun day school will honor their mothers Sunday morning with a special program. The fathers of ioe church will present gifts to the youngest mother, mother with the largest family, mother with ths youngest child and the oldest lady. The pastor will bring a message in keeping with Mother’s Day. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL Paul D. Sisler. Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school Mother’s Day observance. 11:00 a.m.—Mother's Dav worship service. Sermon, "Faith of Our Mothers.” 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m.—Evening service. Ser mon. “Making Way for the New and Bitter.” 2:00 p.m. Tues.—Deborah society at home of Mrs. Dan Cason. 7:30 p.m. Wed.—Midweek service. EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Timber Unit to Witness Project THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1953 00 vou want more au TO m ON il I - FOR YOUR MONET TREHARNE — The Timber Rt. Extension unit will meet Tues day, May 12, at the Vernonia Grange hall at 10:00 a.m. Oven meals is th? project of the day and will be given by Mrs. Doris Barker and Mrs. Jennie Stanley. The noon m?al will be pot-luck dinner to correspond with the dishes of the demonstration. This is the last meeting until fall. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pozel and children of Portland and Ray Davis and family of Portland visited Mrs. Polzel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller mo tored to Cedar Hills Saturdav morning where they left their car and drove Mrs. A. C. Hying and Deanna to Mosier to the ladies mother to visit her and their brother, Charles White, who is ill and staying there. Mrs. Van Hying and brother, Frank White, Jr., and Mr. Miller returned home Sunday. Mrs. Miller stayed at h.r mother’s to visit for two weeks. NATAL—Those from here who attended the demonstration at Mrs. Mae Mills last week were Dora Waddell, Myrtle Math ws and Mrs Ruth Kyser and Amy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff called on the Max Oblacks Friday even ing Callers at the Buck Garman home Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Donald James and children were Sunday visitors at the Kyser home. Ralph Waddell spent the week end in Seattle. RIVERVIEW i“ RADIO ’ < o SALES — SERVICE - : ADMIRAL LINE Guaranteed Repair ON RADIOS RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS Full Line Raytheon Tubes Phone 774 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUARANTEED INCOME Member of National Concern has openings in this immediate ar. a for men and women who have 3 to 4 hours a week spare time. Pays ,up to $6.00 per hour. NO SELLING! This work consists of taking care of one and five cent candy merchandising dispenser». Physical condition or education not important. THIS IS NOT A GET-RICH-QUICK scheme or something for nothing but hundreds of people ¿n many walks of life are making a steady,' sizable incom from this business. TO QUALIFY’ for work, you must have car, references and $478 00 cash, winch is secured by inventory and controlled by you. Liberal financial assistance given on expansion program. For personal interview, include phone in application. Write P. O. Box 506, Bend, Oregon. ITS SAFER TÛ PAY BY Pay all your bills safely via check . . . without taking a step outside your home. Know where your money goes . . . how much you paid to whom, for what. Statements and cancelled checks are returned to you regularly. Start a in SUR an CI Mayflower has lowered the coit of auto mobile insurance and still offers you RETTER SERVICE AND COMPLETE PROTECTION doing the shopping and deliver Ithem to your door. Why not take advantage of this FREE Mothers are folks who just won’t let you down servies and many other ser And keep right on smiling vices offered by Mill Market When other folks frown. and Lockers by shopping here. So take her to dinner on her day MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS And treat her io fried chicken Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m PHONE 1391 Vernonia Branch AL'TllrtDBld . . . the letter» »tart. Then from all over the free world come such rommrnts a« these from reader» of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: MA VIKE'S CAFE Sunday. May 10, From 12 Noon on "The Monitor is mutt rend- ing for straight-thinking people. . . .” "I returned to school after a lapse of 18 years. / will get mv degree from the college, but my education comet from the Monitor. . . .“ “The Monitor gives me ideas for my work. . . ." "I truly enjoy its com pany. . . ." $-| 25 1 Family Dining Room Available INSUR a HCF Commercial Bank of Oregon EXCHANGE Gerald Russell Phone 1132 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 959 Resa Ave. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR GREYHOUND RACING Multnomah Kennel Club Multnomah Civic Stadium Portland You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. You will discover a con structive viewpoint in every newt story. t'se the coupon below for a spe cial Introductory subscription — 3 months for only S3. Opening Friday May 8th Tli« Christ tan Sr te sir a Manner U m , Norway Si.. Boston IS. Mas»., V. S. A. Taxes on racing paid in 1952 to the State of Oregon were 5933,094.88. Pitas« »«nd mt an ml rod»»rtery • ubserip- tion In Th« Chrwlian Sri« nr a M»ail»r- Ti M»is«». I «nrloa« |J. POWER TAKE OFF... (.«•nj" (addr«»») fcw (««•»«• PP II Regulated racing was approved by majority of voters in every county in Oregon last November. THXHXHXHIHIHXHXHXHIHI H . . . for operation of belt or »haft driven equip ment will develop up to 30 h.p. for ute of welder, generator or air comprenor with the new SAM’S FOOD STORE offer» you top flight values to supply your table I needs. Our food 1953 4-Wheel-Drive ’ UNIVERSAL (JvVjJ ’.V I COAST MOTOR COMPANY WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE Vernonia, Oregon Phone 1252 store offers TOPS in TOPS in I OPS in TOPS in • Now Powered by the Hurricane F-Head Engine . . . 20% Greater Horsepower with Increased Operating Economy—Outstanding Performance. FIXE Geoeeries SAM'S FOOD STORE you— choice meat». canned goods fresh prcduce service H H H H H F rev Delivery H ^HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZKZ h I M eat a- -Ve»etaMea 7 Natal Represented At Demonstration THE BEST AUTO INSURANCE FOR YOU AT THE CHURCHES NO TIME LOST I At Home at Treharne NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. D 'an Porter and childr n called at the Devine home Sunday. They were enroute to their home at Wald port after spending several days in Clatskanie with h r parents. Mr. Mothers will be honored and an ’ Mrs. George D°vine. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap given special remembrances dur. Mr. ing the Sunday school hour Sun i were in Portland Friday. Dun'ap visited Martin Mathews day morning at the Evangelical at the hospital. I U. B. church. A short program Those from Natal Grang’ who in honor will be given by attended Pomona at Warren Sat the children of the school, and urday night Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay and Mrs. Noble remembrances will be given to the Dunlap and Richard Peterson. oldest and youngest mother pres They were accompanied by Emil ent. to the other with th- largest Messing from Vernonia. fanrlv present including all des Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine were cendants and to the mother pres Portland motorists Saturday after- I ent who has the largest family. noon. the morning worship service Mr. end Mrs. John Buchanen will honor mothers also. There of Seattle were recent visitors at will be special music and the pas tne I. J. Dass home. tor will speak on the theme, “Faith of our Mothers.” PHONE THE NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. H. Wil NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Robert son were among those who were 1 in Troutdale last week on a smelt i Lindsay were Scappoose motorists Tuesday. fishing expedition. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hershey have been recent guests at the in Hillsboro Monday. Miss Virginia Mathews spent DeeVere Hershey home. Marilou Fredrickson was a re the week end at her home here A school meeting will be held cent Portland visitor. Mrs. Bert Eastman called on at th " Mist school house Monday Mrs. Robert Lindsay last Friday May 18, to vote on the county budget. afternoon. Mrs. Maude Rogers of Seaside Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay attended ths Woodcraft conven spent a short time Monday with tion and banquet last Wednesday her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. R. Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. evening. Martin Mathews is a patient at Mathews brought her up to Scap poose where Mrs. Rogers will the Emanuel hospital. Maxine Oblack attended the visit another daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Prom at Clatskanie last Saturday Lynch. Norman Peterson remains in night. Callers at the Devine home Sun a serious condition in a Seattle day were Mr. and Mrs. G. Conyers 1 hospital where he will be confined of Clatskanie and Mr. and Mrs. for several months. The 4-H girls served a mothers W. Zillman and Einar Danielson tea at the home of Mrs. A. Ashl.y. and George Devine. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Affalter Mrs. Ernest Kyser attended. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle and and family of Otis spent the week end h re on her father’s, Mr. An Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and family all enjoyed a derson’s, farm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay of movie at Vernonia last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Titus of Portland calle-’ on the R. Lind Portland were guests at ■ the says here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and Pringle home one day last week. family were in Forest Grove Sat. urday for a check-up on Larry’s eyes. Guests Gather Sunday Honor Program Due for Mothers JUST ■All you have to do when busy GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon School Meeting Scheduled 18th Phene 741