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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1953)
6 THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1953 THE I J EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. t ! ' FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate ‘41 CHEV Cabover, long wheel base truck. See Clair Devine. 1913 HOMES 4 ACRES, in city limits: 3-room house, garage. Price including furnitur? $2600, good terms. 4- ROOM house wired for range. Extra large single garage. Pries only $2750, good terms. 4-ROOM semi-modern house, 2 bedrooms. $1250 full price, very easy terms. CLOSE to schools and churches: Neat 5-room modern home plus utility room. Wired for range. Large living room and 2 12x14 bedrooms. Youngstown sink. Price $6000, easy terms. FARMS 7 ACRES, 7-room modern house, 20x40 barn, chick house and wood shed; 1 mile out on Ne halem river. Full price $5000. Vet's loan can be transfered. DON BAYLEY. BROKER MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia 19tlc ------------------------ -w FOR SALE: Milk goats. 1363.____________________ Call 19tl 29-FT. Universal tandem trailer; 3 rooms, electric refrigerator and water heater, gas range and oil heater. Reasonably priced. Dane Brady, Keasey Rt. 18t3 PLANTS: Primroses, pansies, ger aniums, fuchsias, fibrous and tuberous begonias, azaleas and others. On highway midway be tween Vernonia and Buxton. Mrs. Schedwin. 17t3 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Order your Stout Irrigation Sys tem today. Free engineering and estimates. Proper irrigation will increase your present product many times. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE Uptown St. Helens 14tfc AUCTION: Every Friday. We have a Rood market for your live stock, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week day, paying cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt man’s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Altman, Auctioneer, selling live stock or general farm sales any where. lltfc AUCTION Bring your livestock and misc. to Clatskanie Auction yard where we have many buyers and sellers. Livestock sold by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 P.M. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler, Auctioneer Phone 1600 ____________ *_________________7tfc HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mrs. York. Laundry, fluff dried, 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra, 25c. Flat finish'd, minimum $100. One day service on request on fluff dried. Also curtain stretch ing___________________________ 9tfc PRUNING, LAWNS. LAND SCAPING, ROCKERIES. SHRUBS Fruit, Nut, Shade Trees Eat naates free. Call St. Helens 1214 W 1, Thornton’s Nursery, box 23, Warren, Ore. 5tfc ALL ma Kes of sewing machines repaired Electrification of any make machine. Park’s New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. Phone collect, Clatskanie 44RU COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY 51 tie il l’ SALE ItMUl.«nee INSURE your auto under low standard rates or at 20'<-30'« sav ng tinder Temperance. May flower hit r Insurance Exchange, Gerald Russell, agent, 959 Rose A\. phone 1132. 19tle BELL HUDSON Insurance, tele- ph< ne 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. 37tfc FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM house for rent. Mrs. Albert Schalock phone 1322. 19tl FURNISHED Apt three room«, bath, electric range, refrigerator oil heat and laundry. Riverview Apts. 16tfc LARGE sleeping room, two beds with kitchen privilege if desired. Riverview Cabins, Riverview, Oregon. lltfc CARD OF THANKS I MOST sincerely appreciate the thoughtfulness of friends and the members of organizations who re membered me with cards and flowers during the time I was in the hospi’al WILBUR A. DAVIS __________________________ 19tlc BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tontorial Work Vernonia. Oregon I FC A I NOTICE ! I NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC TION IN THE RURAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON. UPON QUESTION OF INCREASING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11. ARTICLE XI. STATE CONSTI TUTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held Monday, May 18, 1953, by the Rural School District of Columbia County, Stats of Oregon, in all compon ent school districts of said Rural School District. The election will begin at 8:00 P. M. Standard time and will be held in the schoolhouse in each of said component districts. The purpose of the elsction is to submit to the legal voters of the rural school district the question of increas ing the tax levy for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1953. over the amount limited by Section 11, Article XI of the Constitution. The reasons for increasing such levy are: Insufficient funds within the base. The amount of tax, in excess of the six per cent limitation pro posed to be levied by the rural school district of Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, for th? fiscal year be ginning July 1, 1953, is $14,747.98. Dated this 18th day of April, 1953. Attest: Lois D. Kent, Secretary, Rural School Board H. G. Sandon, Chairman, Rural School Board 4-23—5-7 i Sergeant Leaves on Plane Trip to East I | i ■ ! 1 I | I | i I | ‘ I l I ■ Clams Taken at Sunset Beach I Changes Being Made On House at Mist RIVERVIEW — M Sgt. George Peachey left for NeW York City Thursday, he was accompanied RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. to the plane at Portland by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 1 Donald Thompson of Camas. Peachy, and Mrs. Otto Wodtlef Washington spent the week end (formerly Mrs. Edi Wallace of at the home of her brother and Mist) and her son, Delmar Bron- wife, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins. The group dug clams at Sunset der. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Swander of beach Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ch?t Anderson Portland had dinner Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and and children and Mrt. Mary Anderson and son, William, of Mrs. Olof Jacobson. Treharne visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Rose of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson Sun. Raimer visited at the J. E. Ros? day. home Sunday. Clyde Rose re Mr. and Mrs. Rappe of Port turned with them and is staying land visited at the home of Mr. at the home of his son, Howard and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell Wednes Rose. day. Mr. and Mrs. "Barney” Barnell Mr. and Mrs. George Whitting of Portland visited at th? home ton and Mrs. M. McFarland of of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff Sat- Hoquiam. Washington spent Tues day and Wednesday at the home urday. of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and sons. Robert and Larry, spent the Homes in Riverview week end at the home of Mr. Opened to Visitors and Mrs. Orville Howard at Castle RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Rock. Washington. T. F. Hillyer spent Saturday at Carl Biggs and children of Kelso visited at the Clifford Fowler the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer home Sunday. Mrs. Cora Biggs Swanson in Portland. Herbert Olin of K?lso spent went home with her son and the week end at the horn? of his family for a few weeks visit. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin. Mrs. Blanche DeWitt and Mrs. Isola Morris visited Mrs. Walter In 1952, 8,650 pedestrians were Park.r Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock killed in U. S. traffic accidents. spent Wednesday at Olympia, Washington on business. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Vlcek and children spent Sunday at Rock away beach._______ _____________ FOR SALE VERNONIA SPECIALS SMALL FARM—21 acres on Rock Creek, surfaced road, modern WANTED house, daily mail and school bus. Will sell for $2750.00. TWO LOTS on Rose Ave. in City of Vernonia,3 bedrooms, modern house, lots of fruits and berries. BERRY PICKERS Price $2500.00. ' BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN 5- ROOM modern house at camp IN THE COUNTY COURT OF BERRIES McGregor. Hot and cold water, THE STATE OF OREGON FOR i Transportation furnished. Excel- 2 bedrooms, living room and kit ( lent berries. Register by post COLUMBIA COUNTY chen. Only $400.00. In the Matter of the Estate of card to— ONE acre all in garden and CARL LEVI GOODBURN, De ROLLING HILLS FARM flowers, 7-rm. modern house, base ceased. ment, furnace, 3-bedrooms. Near Star Rt., Banks, Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS 19t5c city park, Vernonia. A bargain Notice is hereby given that the for $5500.00. Owner moving to undersigned has been appointed Cornelius. SEPTIC TANK Administrator of the Estate of 79-ACRES, 45 cultivated, 7-rm. PUMPING SERVICE Carl L vi Goodburn, Deceased, by house, with hot and cold water. the County Court of the State of Crawford Auto Wreckers. Some stock and equipment to go Oregon for Columbia County, and 775 S. Highway, £•!. Helens, Ore. with farm. On Star Route mail has qualified. All persons having 15tfc delivery. About 6 miles from claims against said estate are Vernonia. Price $13,500.00. HIGH LS I cash puces paid lui hereby notified to present the The above properties for sale same, duly verifi’d as by law 1 .-ream and eggs at your door— by T. B. MILLS, Vernonia, Ore. picked up once or twice weekly— required, to the undersigned at 19tlc the office of David O. Bennett, call o.- write Forest Grove Cream St. Helens, Oregon, within six ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone NOTICE 126. months from the date her of. ATTENTION: 1942 graduating Dated and first published: May 7, class reunion I.O.O.F. hall, Ver 1953. nonia, May 16, 8 p.m. Dinner Date of final publication: May 28, served. Please notify if you will 1953. attend. Kathleen Hall, 956 Rose Dawayne Marvin Goodburn Ave., phone 1193. 15t6c Administrator David O. Bennett, Attorney FOR SALE OR TRADE St. Helens, Oregon 19t4c ’37 STUDEBAKER for sale or IN trade for gun. Price $50. See WANTED_____________ Andy Hicks two miles out Rock THURSDAY creek. 18t3 I WOULD lik? to plough that BACK garden for you and have it ready LEGAL NOTICE for you to do your planting. All THURSDAY work guaranteed. Phone 253. NOTICE is hereby given that * 19tfc Bring To— the Oregon Stat«* Land Board will receive sealed bids at its office in WANT to rent 2-bedroom un BEN BRICKEL’S the State Capitol at Salem, Ore furnished house in town. Pref, BARBER SHOP gon, up to 10:00 o'clock a.m. on wired for range. Will make im Tuesday. June 2, 1953, for the provements in exchange for rea leasing of tide and overflow land, sonable rent. See Mrs. Norvan mor? particularly describ'd here Wikstrom. Hawkins Apts. 19tl inafter, giving, however, to the and owner or owners of any lands WORK baby sitting. Inquire at 19t3 abutting or fronting thereon pre Vernonia Bagla office. ference right to lease said tide Excessive speed was the prin and overflow land at the highest cipal cause of traffic accidents in price offered, for a period of 48 I .¿5 1952. hours after opening of said bids, provided such offer is mad? in good faiih, and provided the Land Board reserves right to reject any and all bids. Said land is situated in Colum bia County, Oregon and is des cribed as follows: All of the tide and overflow land lying between mean high anrf mean low water marks along the westerly shoreline of the Columbia River; beginning at the north west meander corner of Lot 1. Sic. 19. Twp. 6 North. Range 1 West. W.M., and ex tending northwesterly along said shoreline to the south east meander corner of Sec 13, Twp. 6 North, Range 2 West. W.M Bids must be accompanied by certified or cashier’s check or money order for full amount of first year’s rental, and no bids will be considered for less than $100.00 per annum, lease to be for a period of 15 years. In addition to amount bid. the successful bid. der shall pay actual cost of ad vertising. All bids should be sealed and addressed to E. T. Pierce. Clerk. State Land Board, The Hvrricosa F-Haad Engine now give* 20% Salem. Oregon, and marked "Bid to lease tide and overflow land.” greater power to the Universal ’Jeep'. Soo it today a* Dated at Salem, Oregon, April 15. 1953 E. T Pierce. Clerk. State Land Board Dates of Publication: ‘April 30, WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE May 7. 14. 21. 28. Phone 1252 — Vernonia, Oregon WANTED i MIST — Mr. and Mrs. George Jones went to Astoria Tuesday where Mr. Jon?s was to have an other operation on his nose. Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom and her daughter, Shirley, were in Port land Thursday to purchase Shir ley’s graduation clothes. Clarence Kyser is doing some r: modeling on his house here in th? village, preparatory to moving back soon. Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Ashley were in Clatskanie Saturday afternoon. Little Robert Roeser spent last week from Astoria visiting his grandma and grandpa Hansen. Pvt. Carl Wikstrom is exp cted home this month from camp in Georgia. It will be his first time to com? home since he entered the service a year last fall. iPHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT „„T—„ HOW YOUR FINGERTIP ACTION SPEEDS LONG DISTANCE SERVICE i When you make long distance telephone calls — service is faster if you call by number. Keep a list of your most frequently ^called lung distance numbers handy for ready reference. With your personal guide at your fingertips, you'll find it easier to call by number. Laundry and Dry Cleaning ? 0°^ &ld-fashfoned refrit PHILCO DAIRY bar L Oregon Laundry Dry Cleaners in the New 1953 COAST MOTOR COMPANY I I I I I I The senna t ion of the low priced refrig erator field .. . Philco with Dairy Bar, Butter Keeper and the biggest freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refrig erator. Adjustable Shelves. "Key Largo" color. Philco 726. SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’