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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
e THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE—General WIRE baled oats and vetch hay $28. Grass hay $20 R’cleaned gray oat>. B. F. Winslow, Bir- ktnfeld, Oregon. 8t3 NOTICE: To our Consigners of Livestock: We are pleased io an nounce that 980 additional square fee« of cattle pens will be ready for our weekly sale February 20th, thus relieving the over-crowded condition due to the recently in creased volume of our cattle con signments. Another chute will be bu It to speed up the loading of livestock for our Buyers. Pease Note: Effective Friday. February 20th. our livestock sale will start at 12 30. ALTMAN S AUCTION MART. Forest Grove. Phone 16215. night 5320.____________8t2c HAY for sale Can dslivhr. Phone 882, Marvin Meyers, Tim ber Rt., Vernonia. Ore. 8t3 7 FT. C dar posts for sale. 25c each. See C. F. Leicht nberg. mile up Keasev Rd 8tl RED, heavy chickens, 30c pound live weight. Louis Carmichael, Stoney Point road. 8’3 FARRAND piano in good condi tion. Inquire Tom Magoff, be tween 4th and 5th on highway, Riverview. 8t3 LARGE 5-room oil stove, like new $65. Mrs. Sam Smith, Tim ber Rt,________________________ 8t2 6.0 x!6 TIRE CHAINS. Linn, hous- 28, O-A hill. Walter 8tlc ‘40 BUICK special sedan, $75. C. Shaw, 4<h St., Riverview. 8t3c FOR SALE: Grass hay, oat hay. Also wheat • and oats straw. J. C chmanek. Mist *____ Ore. •_____ 7t4c __ WOOD circulating heater for sale. Reasonably priced. Mrs. Art Kitlleson, just off Stoney Pt. Rd. 7t3c AUCTION TAKE ADVANTAGE of our ex p rt laundry service. Washed and dried, 15c )b_; reasonable finishing rates. We specialize in curtain finishing. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A St., phone 1107, 7tfc PRUNING. LAWNS. LAND SCAPING. ROCKERIES. SHRUBS Fruit. Nut. Shade Trees Estimates free. Call St. Helens 1214 W 1, Thornton’s Nursery, bi x 23, Warren, Ore 5tfc RIDING HORSE, saddle and br,dl.‘. W C. Johnson, Mist, Ore gon. 5tfc ALL makes of sewing nuichines rvpairtxi Electrification of any make machine. Park’s New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD, WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. J’> . CoUOCit Clatskanie 4IH! COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY SI tic FOR SALE—Insurance HOUSE, for rent: Three-room BILL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable CX, writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H Hudson. 37tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE COCKER spaniel puppies for sale t asonable or trade for what have you’ Essie Nance, 846 We d Ave. Me FOR RENT mini rn, furnished. Oil heat. electric range and tank Inquire 10« \ St,, phone 1107. 7tfc FOR RENT Four-room house. Inqi r e Vern Sykes at V’ emonia Auto L’o. phone 342. 8tfe M I N I M U M charge 40c for 25 words or lass. Words over min imum. 2c' each. Three inser fions for the price of two. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Every person owning or keep ing any dog over the age of eight (8) months within the stats of Oregon shall not later than March 1 of each year or within 30 days after he becomes owner of such dog, procure from the county clerk of the county in which he resides, a license for such dog by paying to the county clerk a licenses fee of one dollar ($1.00) for a male or spayed bitch or three dollars ($3.00) for a female dog. Any person who shall fail to procure said license within the time as herein provided shall be required upon procuring such li censes to pay an additional sum of on? dollar ($1.00) for each dog after March 1st. I Columbia Dog Control Board Ralph Langdon, chairman A. R Melis, secretary Rudy Anliker 6t3c HOMES FOR SALE or will lease with op tion to buy: 4-room modern house, 2 lots. Lots of fruft. Make offer. MODERN 2-bedroom home. Util ity room, garage. Wir.d for range. Close in. Price $5750, good terms. 3-BEDROOM modern house, 1 acre land. Wired for range. New double garage, barn and chick house. Only $5250, good terms. 3-ROOM house, good location, single garage. Only $1500, very easy terms. FARMS 21 ACRES 2 miles out on paved road. Two-bedroom modern NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT hous? wired for range. New Notice is hereby given that the addition recently built on rear. undersigned as administrator of Good bam, 3 acres in cultiva the estate of Effie Eggleston, de tion. Price $8500, good terms. ceased, has filed his final ac 21 ACRES, 6 cleared, some tim count in the county court of the ber. Good 24x32 barn, no other state of Oregon for Columbia buildings. Price $2400. county, and that Monday, March 2 ACRES, 5 mi. out on paved 9th, 1953 at the hour of 10:00 road. Seven-room modern o’clock in the forenoon of said house. Electric heat plus fur- day and the court room of said nac? in basement. Year-round court has been appointed by said stream. Price $9000. Very good court as the tim? and place for terms or can arrange vet loan. the hearing of objections thereto NEW, unfinished 2-bedrm home, and the settlement thereof. one acr? ground, good barn. Dated and first publication Feb House all insulated so far and ruary 5th, 1953 enough insulation to finish. Date of last publication March Price $3500. Will take good 5th, 1953 trailor house in deal. Howard Haverland, Administra DON BAYLEY, BROKER tor MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore 8tlc gon, Attorney. 6t5c TREHARNE — Mrs. Geraldine Barker of Houston, Texas arrived by bus Monday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel, and children. Mrs. Daniel and John, Edwina Siedelman, Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and Jean motored to Portland to meet her and bring her out to Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, Jr., and Edwina Siedelman mo tored to Portland Tuesday to see his mother at the Emanuel hos pital. Charles Thomas Sr., is staying in Portland to be near his wife. She is doing as well as can be expected considering her ailment. She goes into surgery Wedn .sday for an operation by a specialist. A. J. Wienecke of Hillsboro visited his brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Kenneth also Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and girls spent Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weavers. Parents Visited for Short Time Saturday NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanen and Gladys and Elea nor Dass were at their parents last Saturday for a short time. They came to attend their grand father’s funeral, Mr. Cook, who passed away last Thursday in Longview. Clyde McCulloch was a dinner guest at the Bill Pringle home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wells were Friday dinner guests at the Pringle home. NEW, 2-bedroom home $3750. NOTICE Wired for dryer. Sealed proposals will be recived 2-BEDROOM home, extra large by the School Board of Union LEGAL NOTICE lot, garage. Venetian blinds. High School No. 1 Jt. of Colum $3150. bia County, Oregon, until 8:00 NOTICE to Personal Property NICELY landscaped 2-b?droom [ o’clock P.M. on the 10th day or Owners of Columbia County home on river. Will carry good ( March, 1953 and immediately Chapter 342, Sec. 110 349 veteran’s loan. $4750. thereafter will be publicly open Provides that every person and WE HAVE many farms, acreages j ed by the officers of said school and homes in the Hillsboro vi- ' district for the purchas? of the managing ag?nt or officer of any firm or corporation or association cinity. following described property of owning or having possession of or HALF MILLION ft. 2nd and old 1 said school district, to-wit: control of taxable personal pro growth timber on coast. Also 5 I Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, perty, shall make a return there million ft. on Rogue river and and 10 in Block 8; Lots 5 and of to the county assessor of th? 30 and 100% million ft. fir and 6 in Block 9. All in Eastside county in which such property is pine in California. Addition to the Town of Ver located on January 1st., 1953. Howard C. Olanie, Broker nonia, within Columbia Coun The final date for filing this re 921 E. Baselin?, Hillsboro, phone 1 ty, Oregon, turn is March 2nd, 1953. In 1943 5991 , together with all buildings lo this Law was Amended making LUCILLE SESSMAN. Salesman cated thereon, RESERVING only it mandatory that the assessor 1251 Second Ave., Vernonia the heating boiler in the school add the penalty of 5' < to the tax 8tlc building located on said Block 8. on all returns that are filed after BIDS will be received for all th? said March 2nd, 1953. TWO LOTS, 2-bedroom house with bath. Close in town. Will or any portion of said property However, if you will co-oper sell for cash at reasonable price. [ and bids will also be received ate by filing your report no.v, Inquire 1070 Weed Ave. 8t4 ; for the buildings only or for the you will do your part in reduc land desired, also bids will be ing the cost of making this as »VAN 1 ED received for 19’ off of the West sessment; also eliminate having part of Lot 5 Block 9, also Lot the penalty added to your per ANYONE wishing aecordian les 5 and 6 in Block 9 less 19' off of sonal tax. sons please contact Mrs. Henry the West part of Lot 5 Block 9. I Blanks have been mail'd to all Ade, 1008 First Ave. 8t3 -------------------------------------------------- , Each bid must be accompanied personal property owners shown MAN for Rawlcigh business by cashier’s or certified check in on the 1952 tax roll. However, if you are a new owner or have which just became available. the sum of 5'< of the amount bid. The School District reserves the not received a blank, call St. Good opportunity • for a 'willing worker. Write Ed Walker, P.O. right to reject any and all bids Helens 12, or drop a card to the Box 3515, Portland o.------------ 6t3c and bids should be mailed or Assessor's Office, St. Helens, Ore. delivered to th? undersigned gon, and you will receive the WANTED: Good home for a nice clerk of the District, Mona M. necessary form. black, femaL’ dog, 8 months old. Gordon, Vernonia Or'gon. Failure to receive or secure the Good with children. Larry Brady, By order of the School District form shall not relieve any such 5th house on left of 3rd St., Board. person, managing agent, or offi Riverview. 6t3 Mona M. Gordon. Clerk cer from the obligation of making 8t3c | any return herein required. BOOKKEEPING and income tax O. A. RIDENOUR, reporting. $2.50 and up. Albert One out of eight persons snore. 1 County Assessor 8t2c Childs, registered public aecoun- ' tant, 225 North St. Open even ings. 3tfc I NOTICE OF RURAL DIST. SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Section 110-1207 HIGHEST cash prices paid for OCLA as amended by Chapter 393 Oregon Law 1943 and Chapter 345 Oregon Law 1945 as amended by Chapter 591 Or. gon Laws 1947, as ream and eggs at your door— amended bv Chapter 543 Oregon Law 1949, to the legal voters of the picked up once or twice weekly— Rural School District of Columbia County. Oregon, that a meeting will call o,- write Forest Grove Cream be held at th? Court House in St. Helehs, Oregon, on the 7th day of March. 1953, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of discussing the ery. Forest Grove, Oregon, phone budget of the Rural School Board for the fiscal year beginning Julv 12«. 14tfc 1, 1953 and ending June 30. 1954, hereinafter set forth NOTICE THE BUDGET No. 52. Mist. posted >n the will be vot«‘d on March 5 at BUDGET for School District ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of Oregon, is now | the year for which this budget is made usual places and _____________________TOTAL____________ on by the people ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 8 p.m. 7t3c NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Every person owning or keep ing any dog over the age of eight (8) months within the state of Oregon shall, not later than March 1st of each year or within 30 days after he becomes owner or keeper of such dog, procure from the city marshal of the city in which h" resides. A license fee of one dollar t$l 00' for a male or spayed bitch and three dol lars ($3 00) for a female dog Any person who shall fail to procure said license within the time as herein provided shall be required, upon procuring such license, to pay an additional sum of one dollar ($1.00) for each dog after March 1st. A. D. Lolley, City Marshal 8t2c ITEM Former Resident Taken by Death Long Bus Trip Ended Monday 1953 - 1954 $2,250.00 $2.250.00 Estimated Expenditures for 1953 . 1954 Personal Service (A) District Superintendent Salary (B) Clerical and Legal Supplies, Printing Postage. Telephone and Telegraph Elections and Publicity Board Expenses. Travel. Etc. Office Equmment Other Miscellaneous Expenses Emergency TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ‘ $ 540.00 $ 240.00 $ 15 00 $ 10.00 $ 110.00 $ 300 00 $ 1O000 $ 40.00 $ 200.00 $1.55500 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY Total Estimated Expenditures $1.555.00 Deduct Total Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances $2.250.00 Total Estimated Tax Levy for the Ensuing Fiscal Year________ 0 j | Dated February 7, 1953 Signed: Lois D. Kent. Clerk I H. G Sandon. Chairman Board of Directors I Approved by Budget Committee February 7. 1953 Sign«*d Richard Mamck. Secretary. Budget Committ-e Otto H H Petersen. Chairman, Budget Committ.i? 8t2c ! j 1 ! i MIST — A news note reaches us from Astoria of a woman who lived here for a few years some 30 odd.years ago. She will b? remembered as Mrs. Elnora Flan- nagan. She has been married several times since, but will be remembered by the former name. She passed away Friday at As toria where she has lived sever al years and owned property. Saturday dinner guests at the Chas. Hansen home was Mrs. An na Wallace from Seaside. Little Billy Howry spent sev eral days last week visiting his uncle and aunt in Tigard. Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Ashley entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hansen from Castl? Rock, Wash ington over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom were business visitors in Port land Monday. Norman Hansen and his father visited in Marshland Saturday. Mrs. Robert Berg was an after noon caller at the Austin Dowl ing horn? Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju from Portland visited at the Norman Hansen home one day last week. Home Extension Meet Attended NATAL — Mrs. Robert Ma thews motored to St. Helens Tues day to attend a home demonstra tion meeting. I Norman Henderson of Portland spent the week end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Henderson. Mrs. Ira Peterson was a Portland visitor Monday. Mrs. Ernest Kyser and daugh ters, Ella Ma? and Marjorie, re turned home Sunday evening after spending the week end with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parcher, near Rai nier. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dsvine were in Hillsboro Saturday where they attended a meeting and luncheon sponsored by the F.L.B. Ass’n. Einar Danielson called at the Devine home Sunday ev:ning. Marilou Fredrickson was a week end guest at the Oldstedt home in Jewell. RIVERVIEW I I I I I I I I i * < o RADIO SALES — SERVICE mu ¿¿¿A H W H ermitage old BRAND 4/^¿fa i « tfl < I X o SJ I < FULLY AGED! I i I I i I t t ADMIRAL LINE Guaranteed Repair : ON RADIOS RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS i Full Line Raytheon Tubes Phone 774 J 86 PROOF THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD • THE OLD HERMITAGE CO., FRANKFORT, KY. SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM ANNOUNCING . . . A New X I s Service io z Our Patrons x I z x Now you can enjoy your favorite frozen fcods all year. Select the items you prefer from our new FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 waTVHHN «tous -- ua ivnaN .ions — wa ivHax jobs Protect Your Valuables... Don t let burglarly, fire, or misplacement rob you of your valuables. One of our safety deposit boxes is the safe place for your prized posses sions, important papers, and bonds. It is acces sible only to you and those authorized by you. Yearly rental fee at nominal cost. Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank >t Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM Bring your livestock and misc. to Clatskanie Auction yard where we have many buyers and sellers. Livestock sold by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 P M. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler. Auctioneer Phone 1600 7tfc LEGAL NOTICE