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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1953)
6 THURSDAY, FEB 12, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. CLASSIFIEDS ORE. Comet Due Back Past Resident Calls at Mist MIST — Lon Lonkey was a caller of the George Jones last I week. The Lonkeys formerly FOR SALE—Insurance FOR SALE—General lived on Deep ertek about 40 FOR SALE Grass hay, oat hay. BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele .years ago. Also wheat and oats straw. J. phone 773. We have a reliable Bill Riggles from Buxton was Ctchmanek, Mist, Ore. 7t4c Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 shaking hands with old friends months at low rates. Also fire last week in the village here. WOOD circulating heater for sale. « insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Clenderian Reasonably priced. Mrs. Art 37tfc and family from Salem were Kittleson, just off Stoney Pt. Rd. week end guests of her parents, 7t3c the L. P. Wikstroms. FOR RENT Mrs. Austin Dowling and son, Reopening Feb. 14. Sai. HOUSE for rent: Three-room Bernard, were in Portland Sat AUCTION furnished. Oil heat, urday. Bring your livestock and mi»c. io mod rn, Mrs. Chas. Hansen attended the electric range and tank. Inquire Clatskanie Auction yard where i 7tfc funeral s.rvices for a cousin who we have many buyers and sellers. 108 A St,, phone 1107. passed away at Quincy Tuesday. Livestock sold by the head or FOR RENT: Four-room house. Margie Wikstrom was home pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT Inquire Vern Sykes at Vernonia I from Clatskanie where she works Auto Co., phone 342. 5t3c at Humphy's one day last week. 12:30 P.M. L. P. Mathews was in Clats CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD kanie last week for some m dical WANTED Milt Butler, Auctioneer advice. Phone 1600 MAN for Rawleigh business i The W.M.S. is meeting Wed- 7tfc I which just became available. nesday afternoon this week at I TAKE ADVANTAGE of our ex Good opportunity for a willing the home of Mrs. A. R. Melis. pert laundry service. Washed worker. Write Ed Walker, P.O. Austin Dowling was a dinner and dried, 15c lb.; reasonable gu st of the George Jones one Box 3515, Portland 8. 6t3c finishing rates. We specialize in day last week. cut tain finishing. Mrs. E. M. WANTED: Good home for a nice York, 108 A St., phone 1107. black, female dog, 8 months old. 7tfc Good with children. Larry Brady, 5th house on left of 3rd St., PRUNING, LAWNS. LAND Riverview. 6t3 SCAPING, ROCKERIES, SHRUBS House HOUSEWORK wanted. Fruit, Nut, Shade Tree» claning and ironing by week, RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs Estimates free. Call St. Held 'ns day or hour, No work accepted Mance Rose of Eugene are the Nursery, for Tuesdays, Mrs. Q. D. Davis, parents of twin sons born Febru 1214-W 1, Thornton’s 5tfc second house on Stoney Point ary 3. They are named Gregory box 23, Warren, Ore. 5t3c Mance and Nicholas John. Grand road via Rock i creek. RIDING HORSE, saddle and bridle. W. C. Johnson, Mist, Ore BOOKKEEPING and income tax parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. gon. 5tfc reporting, $2.50 and up. Albert Rose. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mead of Childs, registered public accoun ALL makes of sewing machines tant, 225 North St. Open even Hillsboro visited at the home of repaired Electrification of any ings. 3tfc his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. make machine. Park’s New Home and Mrs. W. J. Lindslcy, Sunday. Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in HIGHEST caih price» paid for Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd, Mrs. quire Eagle office. 38tfc .■ream and eggs at your door— J. E. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Er picked up once or twice weekly— vin Young visited Mrs. Myrt AUCTION: Cash paid for livo- call o.’ write Forest Grove Cream Jenkins at the Providence hospi ilcck. furniture, tools, machinery ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone tal in Portland Saturday. any day or consign your property 126. 14tfc Miss Loretta Mills of Birken- to eur vzeekiy Friday auction. feld was an overnight guest of ALTMANS Auc. Mart, phone NOTICE Margaret Wells Tuesday night. 1621$. Walt Altman. Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilhite of THE BUDGET for School District Fes. phonos: Walt, 4615: Arch No. 52, Mist, Oregon, is now Portland visited his aunt, Mrs. Tiye. 3464. 30ifc Mrs. posted in the usual places and Artie Buckner, Saturday. DEAD STOCK PICKED UP will be voted on by the people Buckner has been confined to her Free of Charge 7t3c home with a s.vere cold for the on March 5 at 8 p.m. ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE past two weeks. HORSES BOUGHT. CARD OF THANKS Phc collect. Clatskanie 44R11 YOUR comforting expression of COLUMBIA RENDERING sympathy will always be remem COMPANY 51 tfc bered with deep gratitude. Vernonia FG FT PF PTS BERT MAKINSTER Braun 0 0 0 0 EVERETT MELVILLE FOR SALE—Real Estate 2 B. Fulton 0 1 7tl 4 ELVA AXTELL 2 EEDROOM home, extra large Gill 3 0 5 11 let, garage Venetian blinds. IN MEMORIUM MacDonald 9 3 2 21 $3150. Herrin 1 1 2 3 2 NICELY landscaped 2-b;‘dioom IN LOVING memory of Th imas R. Fulton 2 5 6 home on river. Will carry good Rob°rt Turn’r, who passed ".way Nanson 2 1 4 4 three years ago Friday. Febrt ary veteran’s loan. $4750. TOTAL 49 He is gone but not for WE HAVE many farms, acreages 13. Rainier FG FT PF PTS 7tl and homes in the Hillsboro vi gotten by his family. Flippen 5 1 2 11 cinity. Zimmerman 1 0 0 2 LEGAL NOTICE 2 HALF MILLION ft. 2nd and old Lloyd 11 • 0 4 4 growth timber on coast Also 5 2 2 NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Mickey Rea 6 4 million ft. on Rogue river and Every person owning or keep Counts 5 13 3 2 30 and 100 million ft. fir and ing any dog over the age of eight Barchus 0 0 0 0 pine in California. (8) months within the state of Johnson 1 3 4 5 Howard C. Olanie, Broker Oregon shall not later than MarcTi Corbet 0 1 1 1 921 E. Baselin?,eHillsboro, phone 1 of each year or within 30 days Oliva 2 0 2 4 5991. after he becomes owner of such Womack 0 0 0 0 LUCILLE SESSMAN. Salesman dog, procure from the county TOTAL 46 1251 Second Ave., Vernonia clerk of the county in which he 7tlc resides, a license for such dog by paying to the county clerk a Vernonia FG FT PF PTS HOMES licenses fee of one dollar ($1.00) I B. Fulton 2 1 2 4 GOOD 4 room modern house for a male or spayed bitch or Braun 0 0 1 0 p'us nook and utility porch. three dollars ($3.00) for a female Gill 4 4 1 12 Double construction. Combi dog. Powell 0 0 1 0 nation shower and tub. Wired Any person who shall fail to MacDonald 2 6 5 10 for range. Price >4250. Good procure said license within the Herrin , 2 3 0 terms. 7 time as herein provided shall be R. Fulton 1 1 5 FOR SALE or will lease with op 3 required upon procuring such li Nanson 4 7 2 tion to buy: 4 room modern 15 censes to pay an additional sum Bass 0 0 1 house, 2 lots. Lots of fruit. 0 of one dollar ($1.00) for each dog TOTAL 14 22 18 51 Make offer. after March 1st. St. Helens FG FT PF PTS MODERN 2 bedroom home. Util Columbia Dog Control Board Skowfrede 5 4 ity room garage. Wired for 3 14 Ralph Langdon, chairman Marshall 0 0 0 range. Close in. Price $5750, 0 A. R Melis, secretary I Asburry 6 pood terms. 2 4 14 Rudy Anliker 6t3c I Morris 0 1 3 BEDROOM modern house, 1 0 1 2 2 Hieleus acre land Wired for range 4 6 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT 0 New double garage, barn and Notice is hereby given that the Olson 1 3 1 0 chick house. Only $5250, good undersigned as administrator of L. Ross 0 3 0 2 terms 6 4 16 the estate of Effie Eggleston, de R. Ross 2 3 ROOM house, good location, ceased. has filed his final ac Seal 1 0 4 single garage. Only $1500, count in the county court of the Poff 0 3 4 3 vtry easy terms. 1 1 3 3 state of Oregon for Columbia Patterson FARMS 21 18 60 30 county, and that Monday, Maich TOTAL 21 ACRES, 6 cleared, some tim 9th, 1953 at the hour of 10:00 ber. Good 24x32 barn, no other o’clock in the forenoon of said CLASSIFIED RATES buildings. Price $2400. day and the court room of said MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 2 ACRES. 5 mi. out on paved court has been appointed by said word» or leu. Word» over min road. Seven-room modern court as the time and place for imum, 2c each. Three inser house Electric heat plus fur the hearing of objections thereto tions for the price of two. oic? m basement. Year-round and the settlement thereof BLIND ads with answers to be stream Price $9000 Very good Dated and first publication Feb handled by the Fagle: Mini terms or can arrange vet loan. ruary 5<h. 1953 mum charge 80c No informa NEW, unfinished 2 bedrm home, Date of last publication March tion given relative to such ads. one acre ground, good barn. 5th, 1953 NO informa'ion on classifieds will House all insulated so far and Howard Haverland, Administra be given out until after paper enough insulation to finish tor it mailed. Price $3900. Will take good John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore CARD of Thanks It Notice«: 80c traitor house in deal. gon. Attorney. 6t5c NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY DON BAYLEY, BROKER ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED The Federalists and the Re MacDonald Hot. 1 — Vernonia AFTFR WED NOON EXCEPT publicans were the first two ma "tic FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. jor political parties. Twins Born to Eugene Parents BY By Marvin Kamholi Why not revive Arbor day? Regular observance of the day is provided an Oregon law of 1889 which sets aside the afternoon of the second Friday in February for western Oregon and the same day in April for the eastern part of the state. In a tree-growing area such as this it would seem that obser vance of the day would b? high ly appropriate and should be given more attention. The old law was designed to assist in establishing trees on school grounds and implant in the minds of children the ben'fits of grow ing timber and the perpetuation of the state’s valuable forests. From the standpoint of farm ers, fire protection has reached an effective position where risk from fire should no longer dis courage landowners from start ing timber farming enterprises. More than three-fourths of Ore gon’s for ’st land is under per manent, supervis.d management by technically trained men. This factor of protection is an added inducement to the planting of trees. Trees for planting in forests and farm woodlots and for wind breaks can be obtain'd at a very low cost from the state forester. More than 13 different species are available including Douglas fir, Port Orford cedar, black locust, Chinese elm and pondero- sa pine. For this locality the observance of Arbor day has been very limited, with the exception of some effort that 4-H forestry clubs have devoted to the cause. Their work, of course, is com mendable, but the purpose for which the day is set aside de serves more attention than the work of the few who belong tc such clubs. Q Haley’s Comet swept through I our sky in the summer of 19’0 I and is due back in 1986. God willed th? creation of Haley’s • Comet and whatever els? is. God willed it and Christ created and upholds it—Hebrews 1:1-3. When God would have us redeemed out of sin and made his new creation, Christ stripped off His glory and came to us as the Son of Man. At the end. He gave himself up to die for our sins. Believe in Him as your own Lord and Saviour and His blood blots out every i sin of your whole | life. Then God I gives the new na- I ture that hates sin. Being the Eternal Son, Christ arose from the grave and by that same power, He is to raise His own at the Resurr ction of the Saved. Later, He is to raise the j lost dead for judgement. So which for you? Saved and glory or Lost and Judgement? Which for you? This space paid for by a Seattle family. SALES — SERVICE ON RADIOS RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS Full Line Raytheon Tube« Phone 774 Highway signs and symbols are put up for YOUR benefit ... they give advance warn ing of road conditions ahead. Protect your car and yourself by learning what these “signs of life” mean . . . make it a habit to obey them all and drive with EXTRA caution! CAREFUL DRIVERS LIVE LONGER* VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn. Agent 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 — Vernonia limn itcmiNi lm urn« mhitt csmmrt Ifiitfs.i. Ciaa:cli:ct Vernonia, Oregon Âivtrtltrmeni From where I sit... Joe Marsh Just a Little "Outdated" Bark in December we sent out our yearly calendar. It listed the last date for renewing drivers' licenses, and things like the dates for registering to vote, when the hunting and fishing seasons open — even suggested you note down the wife's birthday, too. I figured dates like these were important to keep in mind — and this was a good way to do it. Un fortunately, it now turns out I never really paid close attention to my own calendar! Not 'til today that is — so here I am not able to drive the car this KEEP HUBBY HAPPY BY SERVING THE VERY BEST IN MEATS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS HIGH-PRESSURE LUBRICATION • I \ ou won t be able to hear the birds twittering after a complete Signal Service. High pressure equipment lubricates all points effectively. Why not drop in today and give your auto a new lease on life the SIGNAL way. Nehalem Service Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 weekend until I get my driver’s license renewed on Monday! From where I sit, I guess good advice, like charity, should begin at home. I’m always advising all of you to worry less about your neighbor» (what they do, or say, and whether or not they should enjoy a temperate glass of beer) and pay more attention to whether you yourself are doing the right thing. Guess I'll “make a note" to follow my own formula! Copyright, 1953. I nited Stale» Brewer» foundation When you want those . choice, lean cuts, that melt in your mouth why not drop in at our meat market. We specialize ' in selling nothing but the best in meats. Come in today and look over our tantalizing displays Riverview ; We Give ’ ADMIRAL LINE Guaranteed Repair Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION The response this week to the petitions being circulated by the IWA Local committee designat 'd to carry the ball in th? under taking of making available an ambulance for the use of people in this part of the valley is meet ing with considerable success And so it should. The need for an ambulance h"re could hardly be denied by w : radio : GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon even the most unthinking person so the undertaking deserves th? success with which it is meeting. The total of financial pledges made since the union meeting last Thursday through Tuesday of this week were in excess of $1000, a third of the estimated goal for purchasing the vehicle, equip ping and insuring it. That re sponse should be heartening to the men charged with the task of soliciting the pkdges. Likewise, those people who have not yet been asked for as sistance should not, and probably will not hesitate when they are approach"d for a pledge. The am bulance is needed. RIVERVIEW w — Phone 5711 Green Stamps