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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1932)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 visit Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nance. Grand Prizes Bush held high score following dy, Harry Culbertson, Asel Lol gon Normal at Monmouth and Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer ■the evening’s play. ley, Otto Michener, F. Claude of the state university. Before had as their guests Sunday their Awarded at Party Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Stephens, J. F. Rose, J. M. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman, Peacljey, Phil Millis, P. K. Peter marriage I taught school. I now Mrs. T. E. McGraw, Dr. Sun- Frank farm with my husband, son and Grand prizes were awarded at and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bush were son, M. L. Johnstone, seth and Luster Thompson, all the Pythian Sisters card party, the guests. Lang, and A. F. Kostur. Mrs. two daughters near Seaside. I am of Portland. Owing to the eighth grade grad Dick Linn was a guest. the last of a series of four, which ' secretary of the Clatsop County Mrs. Sarah Rose, mother of J. was given in the I. 0. O. F. hall uation exercises Monday night F. Rose, and her son, J. C. Rose, Wednesday night. the club will meet next Tues sdayl Miss Grace Ballagh, daughter Taxpayer’s league. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Jones of Wilark. also Mrs. Nettie Simpson, mother Rose West Johnson Mrs. Ira Tucker and Henry evening at E. F. Messing’s. of Mayor and Mrs. Ballagh of Pa‘d Adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Timmons _went A seven pound boy arrived at of Mrs. J. F. Rose, visited here Fogel received the grand prizes St. Helens, was married to Orville to Portland for the fights Tues- the hom.e of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. over the weekend, enjoying a for bridge, and Mrs. E. B. Miner Vita Club Meets Baker of Hillsboro May 3. day of last week. basket dinner at the Christian for five hundred. Bryson on O.-A. hill Sunday. Dan Mrs. Ben Brickel, Mrs. ----- For the evening’s play Mrs. At Mrs. Moody’s Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell church on Mother’s day. C. C. Jones, long a resident of Brown and Mrs. Henry Fogel were in Portland on business Fred Spring and Charles Rich the Vesper community, died in FOR ASSESSOR went to Portland Thursday of Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nel ardson held high scores for The Vita Bridge club was en Bremerton, Washington, a week last week, remaining until Sat son of Portland spent Sunday I a pi a candidate for the office bridge, and Mrs. E. B. Miner and tertained by Mrs. Walter Moody1 urday. of County Assessor at the Pri Judge W. A. Harris for five hun on tfae afternoon of May 4 with ago. evening at the Powell home. mary Election, May 20. If nomi dred. Mrs. Lee Johnson holding high I Mrs. Virgil Powell spent Mo If you want lower taxes, vote nated and electeed, I will, during A committee working under score. To the electors of Clatsop and for C. J. Larson for county com ther’s day in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Kern of my term of office, endeavor to Mrs. James Nanson had charge A lunch of salad, hot biscuits cOlUmbia counties: missioner. (Pd. adv. by C. J. Westimber are the proud par assess all classes of property of the arrangements for the par and coffee was served to the Larson.) ty. Refreshments of ice cream, guests who included Mrs. Adolph | I am a candidate for the nomi Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff ents of a baby daughter born fairly and impartially. I feel that my experience in cake and coffee were served. Nelsqn, Mrs. Dan Brown, Mrs., nation for Representative for and daughter Dorothy June of April 30, at Emanuel hospital, Portland were overnight guests Portland. The little girl has been this work during the past eight Johnson, Mrs. S. O’Donnell, Mrs. I district No. 33 comprising Clat- years as Deputy Assessor is valu Nehalem Club Meets L. L. Crawford, Mrs. E. S)»iell,1 sop and . Columbia _ . Monday of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. named Joanne Sheffield. TROUBLE counties on the 1 If you want lower taxes, vote able to the proper conduct of the Mrs. Henry Fogel and Mrs. Ben Knauss. Dorothy June is recup republican ticket. I am for tax SLEUTHS Brickel. erating nicely after her recent for C. J. Larson for county com- office^ as well as to the best in At Mrs. Kullander’s reduction on real property through ' missioner. (Pd. adv. by C. J. terest of all taxpayers. I appre operation for appendicitis. When it comes to finding ciate your support. In its issue of April 20, 1929, Larson.) The Nehalem club was enter economy, and through some new out what’s wrong with a FRED WATKINS tained at the home of Mrs. A. L. Just Eight Club Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGown, (Pd. adv.) referring to the recommendation form of taxation; also, for a bal-1 car we ’ re regular Sherlock by Senator McNary of Colonel Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Watts and Kullander Wednesday afternoon At Mrs. Armitage’s Holmes. We don’t waste anced state budget and short! Alfred E. Clark for the office of Mrs. Olive Powell motored to with Mrs. K. A. McNeill assist your time or money. Our 1 Solicitor-General of the United Seaside and Gearhart Monday. ing. Mrs. W. J. Armitage enter term public bonds with cash pay mechanics are experienced Miss Nettie Alley, county health States, the “Oregon Voter” said, The afternoon was spent work tained the Just Eight bridge club ments at maturity. I favor a j —they find the trouble and “A. E. Clark has the legal learn nurse, was in Vernonia Thursday ing on the temple rest room rug, at her home Thursday evening, universal tax but will work, repair it in the quickest ing, the forensic ability and the to bring among other things, Red following which the hostesses May 5. i with Governor Meier and the, and most economical way. dignity to represent the Attor Cross garden seed packages for served light refreshments. Mrs. W. M. Henderson held ney General of the United States needy families. The supply i» Members present included Mrs. high score and Mrs. Rose Fletch state tax leagues on whatever is I EVANGELICAL CHURCH Vernonia Brazing & in appearances before the Sup now exhausted, she states. H. E. McGraw, Mrs. Ed Tapp, er low. Crab salad, strawberry presented in tax reform. Machine Work» Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer reme Court. He would be a wor Mrs. Pearl McCabe, Mrs. J. L. shortcake and coffee were served. I am a daughter of Oregon pi-1 G. W. Plumer, Pastor Timmons, Mrs. Albert Childs, thy successor to distinguished returned Tuesday after a brief Mrs. E. H. Washburn was a oneers, an alumnus of the Ore-! Remember the Sunday school predecessors if appointed Solici visit at the home of their daugh hour is 9:45 a. m. Mrs. E. E. Mrs. R. M. Aldrich, Mrs. L. H. guest of the club. Other members tor-General.” Colonel Alfred E. ter in Portland, Mrs. T. E. Mc Garner in charge. Bring a new Roberson, Mrs. Tom Crawford, attending included Mrs. Lloyd Clark is now seeking the Repub Graw. you may still win the Mrs. Oscar George, and Mrs. Baker, Mrs. James Nanson, Mrs. Della Cline of Portland visited scholar, lican nomination for United Harry Kerns, and Mrs. J. L. Bible. The pastor will speak on Frank H'artwick. Timmons. States senator. A vote for Colo her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. the subject “The Ascension.” nel Clark is a vot for “Oregon Cline, Friday, and on Saturday Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. Dr. and Mrs. Hughes and the Development of its Nat went with them to Hood River to m. Mildred Cason leader. Gleaners Meet Entertain Bridge Club ural Resources in the Interest of The Baccalaureate sermon for JOY THEATRE All Its People.” — (Pd. adv.-— With Mrs. Wells Glen R. Metsker’s candidacy for Representative is not only meet the local high school will be giv THE GAY CABALLERO, with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes en- Clark for U. S. . Senator comniit- George ing with popular approval in his own county but has provoked unusal O’Brien, Victor McLag- en at this church, 7:30 p. m. The tertained the Contract Bridge tee, 820 Yeon Bldg., Portland, len, The Loyal Gleaners met at interest beyond the confines of his district. The Mist Publishing Conchita Montenegro, Friday iiastor’s subject will be, “The club at dinner at their home Ore.) the home of Mrs. Maud Wells fori Saturday, May 13 and 14. Two Requisites for Success.” Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. H. Mrs. H. S. Strong El-—„ returned ___ ' and Wheeler a business meeting Wednesday Company and Mr. Metsker, personally, from 'time to time have re The Bible study is Thursday at and Woolsey in GIRL Tuesday after visiting friends in CRAZY, Sunday, ceived numerous letters from people of influence throughout the afternoon. 7 p. m. Choir practice 7:45 p. m. Monday. Ad- Portland for two weeks. attendance at each service to en Plans were made for a pie so state who are taking unusual interest in his election. Many of them There will be a big welcome to mission 10 and 25 cents. (Adv.) Mrs. J- W. Brown has been joy the wholesome song service cial to be given May 28. The are from members of the Legislature, 'both the house and the sen all at these services. quite ill for several days this and fellowship. next meeting was announced for COUNTY CORONER week. The responses so far are al the afternoon of May 25 at the ate, who served with Mr. Metsker during the 1929 session. Some CHRISTIAN CHURCH I am a candidate for coroner are herewith published that the people of Columbia county may The little son of Mr. and MrB. am- ready many. 21 by baptism, home of Mrs. Frank Lang. W. M. Mumbach has returned to of Columbia county in the Re ong whom are many adults, also Mrs. Wells served strawberry know the general esteem with which Mr. Metsker is regarded F. Claude Stephen», Minister his home from Doernbecher hos publican primary May 20. I have several by statement and by con- shortcake with whipped cream throughout the state and beyond the confines of his own county. Bible school 9:45 a. m. We are fession. pital. He is reported to be en had 10 years experience as an and tea to the members present looking for you! 10:45 Divine tirely recovered from his ser The interest continues. who included Mesdames Jim Bra- Out of courtesy to 'the writers their signatures are not published. undertaker of Rainier, besides morning worship. Message ious illness. by “It is with interest that I notice Mr. Glen R. Metsker, At Mrs. C. W. Reithner return taking a course under three of the Evangelist Bennett. 2:30 p. m. torney of St. Helens, has again filed for representative to the State ed Monday from a three weeks best undertakers and coroners in meeting with the Mist people in THE FAMILY ALTAR HOUR visit with Miss Louise Keehn in the Pacific northwest. The pres an afternoon service at Mist. Legislature from Columbia County. 6:30 an early service is held in Portland. I had the pleasure of serving in the Legislature with Mr. Mets ent coroner has had the position order 'to cooperate with the high Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forty-five minutes of Christian ker during the 1929 session. In that session his ability, energy and W. J. Armitage were Mr. and 18 years. If you see fit to make school in the Baccalaureate ser fellowship and song. Hear it every resouix-efulness readily placed him as one of the outstanding mem Mrs. G. F. Stevenson and Ellen a change I will appreciate your vice at 7:30 at the Evangelical week day morning from 7 to 7:45 Plum.mer of Portland and Jim vote. bers of the House. Mr. Metsker’s county will do well to return him (16c4) church. a. m. Sunday, 1 to 2 p. m., Ev to the Legislature as he will accomplish things for Columbia County J. O. ELBON, GREAT REVIVAL CONTINUES angelistic. Sunday 10 to 11 p. and be of value to the State at large. The special evangelistic ser Rainier, Oregon. (Pd. adv.) m., Christian Worker’s Jubilee It will be appreciated if you will convey to my Columbia VOTE FOR vices at the Christian church are hour, over radio station KWJJ continuing every evening with in FOR SHERIFF County friends and to the voters generally my opinion of Mr. 1060 Kyc., Portland. I hereby announce my candi creasing interest and spiritual Metsker.” dacy for the Republican nomina power. Evangelist Bennett pre The above letter is from a member of the State Senate from Rev. Williard H. Pope tion for the office of Sheriff of sents the Gospel message in a Multnomah County. Columbia county, at the primary pleasing manner, without fear or Box 3374 Portland, Oregon election to be held on May 20, favos, which is being received. “I became quite well acquainted with Glen R. Metsker during Record evening audiences are in 1932. If re-nominated and re-elected, the 1929 session of the Oregon legislature and came in contact I will give continued conserva with him at different times. He was greatly interested and devoted tive service. his full time and energy to his work; was active and I found him I have been a resident of Co to be reliable and a man of ability and influence. In fact, I con lumbia county practically all my life. All of my property inter sidered him one of the outstanding members of the house during ests, and other interests are in that session.” this county, and 1 can promise The above letter is from a member of the Senate from one of to continue a financially safe the northwest counties of the state. administration of the office. (Incorporated) Respectfully, “I have a very high regard for Mr. Metsker and I sincerely« Oscar G. Weed Pd. ad.!8c3. hope that he will be successful in his candidacy for the State FOR SHERIFF Legislature. E. H. Condit I hereby announce my candi If it were possible for me to be of any assistance to him, dacy for sheriff of Columbia I would 'be glad and I am certainly delighted to write you and Elementary Superintendent county subject to the republican assure you that his work in the Legislature while I was there of Vernonia Grade Schools vote at the May primary election. was of a high calibre. FELDMAN ’ S NAPHTHA SOAP — My experience as a peace officer Please give him my personal regards.” as Candidate for in the county and the city of St. The foregoing letter is from one of the members of the State Helens will be of benefit to me if Senate of the 1929 session elected from Multnomah County, and BARS SIRLOIN STEAK lb. County School 18c nominated and elected sheriff. To a former candidate for governor. those taxpayers who wish a sensi Mr. Glen R. Metsker,” FRESH SIDE PORK lb..... JQC ble conduct of the office and an Superintendent St. Helens, Oregon. VERMONT MAID SYRUP— economical administration of the Dear Mr. Metsker:—I note that you are a candidate for State office, I wish to state that I will Shi dr. PORK ROAST lb. ¡2c A Vernonia taxpayer and Representative for Columbia County. Having served in the Legisla OUNCE appreciate their support. property owner, pledging ture with you I am familiar iwith your services on behalf of the Respectfully, JUG .... (Pd. Adv.) economy in administration State and unqualifiedly state that in my judgement you are ex LEG PORK ROAST lb ..... lß c ira E. M c I ntire (18c3) and full cooperation with ceptionally well qualified to represent your district. I found you to taxpayers, school boards and be an indefatigable worker, very earnest and effective in the pre HAMBURGER AND school patrons. sentation of your viewpoint, and furthermore you had the courage POWDERED SUGAR — Agency for SAUSAGE 2-lbs. . and decision which is very essential in a legislator. I congratulate 25c Vote 58 X E. H. CONDIT STATE LAUNDRY CO. your district on having you enter the list again and sincerely hope Right with Strawberries »Y CAR- -g f* Republican Primary that you will be successful and no doubt you will. at hotel M c D onald 1-lb. Cartons .............. ¿à TONS 4.OC With kindest regards, I am, Yours sincerely,” Laundry and Dry Cleaning (Paid Adv.) PEAS — Gold Bar Pick-up Tues.—Deliver Frf. The foregoing letter to Mr. Metsker speaks for itself, Tender sweet early garden, 2’s. writer of this letter is now a prominent candidate for Congress. Metsker Candidacy Receives Strong Support Nehalem Market & Grocery Specials for Fri. and Sat 49c MEAT c.»17c PORK & BEANS — Van Camp’s Reg. I6-oz. can. Delicious and nourishing, convenient to serve. CAN For FAUTIFS For PICNICS For Evervdav • w Meals You will find here an infinite variety of delicious foods that you will be proud to serve. Home-Made Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Fancy Pastries, Rolls, and Breads that are Different. SATURDAY SPECIALS ORANGE RYE BREAD PARKER HOUSE ROLLS — 2-doz. 25c PINEAPPLE — Gold Bar— HOME OF MOTHER'S BREAD 6 BOXES ............................... CRAB MEAT — Chatka SALT—Leslie’s Iodized TEA — Lipton’s Orange Peko, Yellow Label—The finest for iced tea — H-lb. TIN ........... 44c The large 2-lb. CARTON .... OQn LETTUCE 1-lb. package. Quality Plus Economy. Today—1 big stick pure sugar candy free with each POUND SPINACH, 3-lbs.............. 29c ... 8c PRODUCE COFFEE—Affiliated Buyers Best Finest quality, made from hew crop nuts .... - 20c Fancy North Sea pack H’s—CAN «Ï/V Extra fancy summer pack. 2H's 8 slices of sunshine to can—CAN PEANUT BUTTER — Hoody’s— Vernonia Bakery WINNER MATCHES - 5c 14c CALIFORNIA GRAPE FRUIT 80’s — 6 for........... •••• 25c 292 ORANGES, 2-Doz. 25c “I wish to advise that we on the north wing of the Capitol Building during the legislative sessions always looked upon Mr. Metsker as a very effective, honest and efficient legislator. The writer is out of politics and is not desirous of taking any stand for any candidate, either for or against. However, this is my impression of Mr. Metsker’s work. With best wishes to you and Mr. Metsker, I am. Sincerely yours,” The foregoing letter is from a member of the State Senate representing one of the largest senatorial districts in southwestern Oregon. The writer was at one time a resident of Columbia county and was a prominent candidate for governor a few years ago. “I note with considerable satisfaction that Glen R. Metsker has filed for State Representative. I feel like saying that if he is success ful your county is to be congratulated for he is the type of man needed in the Legislature and would make an effective and trust worthy member. I merely say this because I knew Mr. Metsker quite well dur ing his service in the House several years ago and I regarded him as having exceptional ability. I don’t know who his opponents are but I don’t believe your county could send a better man.” The foregoing letter is from one of the present members of the Oregon State Legislature from southern Oregon. • The foregoing are indicative of the confidence that the mem bers of the House and Senate who served with Mr. Metsker have in him as a member of the Legislature. Commendations such as these are exceptional and unusual. Coming as they do from sources beet informed as to Mr. Metsker’s qualifications for the office, they should provoke thoughtful consideration from the people of his own county who are primarily interested in employing public ser vants best qualified to render public service. VOTE 46 GLEN R. METSKER FOR REPRESENTATIVE (—Paid Advertisement)