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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1932)
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 Timberline Editor ................. Nelle Green Aset. Editor ........ Bob Fox Senior Reporter Verla Messing Junior Reporter Edgar Crawford VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON room rown stairs. It was open the entire afternoon for the ben efit of any visitors who wished to see it. Original designs, pictures, and portfolios were the main things that were exhibited. The home economics class serv ed punch and cookies io all the visitors. JUNIOR PROM BIG C. G. WHITLOCK SUCCESS Zonweiss Douglass Freshman Reporter TIVE SPEAKS ON EDU CATION, CIVILIZATION J. K. Riley, a representative of Linfield college, McMinnville, spoke before the student body last Wednesday May 4, on the subject, “Education and Civiliza- tion.” Mr. Riley stated that people should go to small colleges for a time unless possessing unusual capacities for leadership. He said that small colleges have plently of courses to offer, and that only so many subjects could be taken the first year or so anywhere. He was of the opinion that the government should be placed in the hands of really intelligent and honest leaders and that this prob lem was in the hands of the ris- ing generation. Mr. Riley was the last speaker of the year and received his due applause at the conclusion of his talk. —o— Typing Awards Presented Miss Enid Bolton, typing in- structor in V. H. S. presented awards to the typing II and IV students Tuesday of last week. To receive awards the typing II students were required to have typed at the rate of 25 words per minute on a 15 minute test with five or less errors. The typing IV students were required to have typed at the rate of 45 words per minute on a 15 minute test with five or less errors. Typing II students who re ceived awards were as follows: Margaret McDonald, 46 words 1 error; Alice Watts, 37 words, 4 errors; William Loudon, 41 words, 2 errors; Leia Beveridge, 32 words, 2 errors; Rachel Ek, 41 words, 0 errors; Margaret Nelson, 39 words, 0 errors; Elsie McDonald, 41 words, 4 errors; Reba Adams, 35 words, 4 errors; Mildred Cason, 35 words, 5 er rors; Annie McDonald, 37 words, 1 error; Leona New, 33 words, 4 errors; Richard Melis, 30 words, 5 errors; Mignon DePue, 25 words, 4 errors. Typing IV students who re ceived awards were as follows: Hanna Ek, 53 words, 4 errors; Ronald, 51 words, 4 errors; Faith Royer, 48 words, 5 errors; Bet- ten Matheis, 58 words, 1 error. Track Letters Presented Ira Tucker, coach, presented track letters to the following boys who took part in the county track meet: Marvel Graven, Hol ly Holcomb, Paul Jepson, Earl Doney and Ralph George. ART EXHIBIT HELD AT HIGH WEDNESDAY Last Wednesday afternoon an art exhibit was held in the art Quality Garden SEEDS In Bulk Farm Seed Vernonia Trading Co. PHONE 681 tation to visit this store—“Your were Sunday guests of Mr. and Store and Ours.” Mrs. Crawford. J. C. Penney Co. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith and C. G. Whitock, Mgr. children and Mr. Smith’s father motored to Hillsboro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Conner F —~ and family of Forest Grove were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. E. Treharne. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Crawford of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Medwed and daughter were Sunday callers and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parson and son Stewart, and Vester Christenson. Mrs. W. C. Hine of Forest Grove Lee Johnson is employed at Treharne Sophomore Reporter The Junior Prom was held Fri- day. May 6, at 8 o’clock in the high school gymnasium. The Leona Hillman evening was spent in dancing. . , Punch and wafers were served A banquet for the senior grad-. a„ thruugh the evening. uatton class will be given in the, The program given by tw0 social hall of the Evangelical high school teachers congisted of church Friday, May 13, by the two piano selections k by „ m 1„ Miss Parent-Teachers’ association. Af-1 Hughes and two vocal selection by ter the banquet the seniors will Miss Drake accompanied by Miss hold a party in the high school Bougher. gym. The hall was decorated in blue —o— and white crepe paper streamers VERNONIA REPRESENTED with large boughs of dogwood. IN STATE TRACK MEET Berg Bros, orchestra furnished Coach Tucker and Ralph the music for the dancing. A George journeyed to Corvallis to large crowd of seniors, juniors take part in the sixth state track and few alumni attended the meet. Ralph did not place in the prom. finals but showed well up in the The baccalaureate service will try-outs. Over four hundred ath letes participated in the meet, be held in the Evangelical church next Sunday evening, May 15, at this giving much competition. 7:30 o’clock. — o— LINFIELD REPRESENTA PAGE THREE Clark and Wilson and the family Mrs. Lena Forquer, 43, drown are living back at camp. ed her 18-months old baby in a Mrs. M. John and Mrs. S. well on an abandoned farm near John and children were callers at 1 Goble April 30 and then attempt- the home of Mrs. R. Stanton. ¡ed to kill herself by slashing her Nelson Beaver of Portland wrists. She was committed to the spent the past week with 5is sis state hospital at Salem. ter Mrs. Albert Kelley. Mr. Coffey of Portland took Fifty-three students will be pictures of the Pleasant Hill graduated from Rainier high school pupils Thursday of last school this year. week. Wilbert Weinicke, Marguerite Mr. and Mrs. August Person Harris and Betty and Robert of Clatskanie are the parents of Glassner were absent from school. a boy born Wednesday, May 4. À Facts Answer Recall Charg es 'A “YOUR STORE AND OURS;’’ GOLDEN RULE POLICY BUSINESS ON UP-GRADE Dear Customer: As I am writ- ing this my thought goes back, ’way back' and only my dislike for anything that has the flavor of boasting keeps me from think ing aloud. I believe, however, that SENIOR LIKES AND DISLIKES it is proper to state that all Lee Engen likes to sleep . . . through my life the Golden Rule George Laird likes to waste tima has been the principle on which Marvel Graven likes to I have tried to conduct both my study . . . Lawrence Jesclard likes life and business, giving the Gol blonde hair . . . Oscar Sorlee den Rule credit for what ever likes fried chicken . . . Johnny success we may have have achiev Roediger likes the freshman girls ed. . . . Rastus Brown likes to carry While we are going through a pianos . . . Francis Peterson likes depression period, I feel that we to run . . . Velda Mellinger likes have hit the bottom and are now to remain quiet . . . Ernest Nan- I on the upgrade. As far as Ver- son likes his pictures . . . Verla nonia is concerned, it has been Messing doesn’t like the mirror. less affected than most places. I really feel that it cannot be so very long before every man can SENIOR AMBITIONS Louise Roberson, stage driver have a full day and a full week. . . . Desmond Laird, Pearl diver Then I am sure that we have . . . Cleo Hall, candlestick maker laid a sounder foundation for our . . . Elna Spencer, Mermaid . . . future than we ever had before. What we need to make this Joe Checkmanek, horse thief . . . Francis Peterson, bug catcher . .. the one outstanding town and Erwin Smith, street cleaner . . . community in which to live is Ernest Nanson, undertaker . . . more faith in it and more pride Elsie McDonald, baker . . . Earl in it. If every dollar spent by citizens of this community would Knowles, lawyer. find its way through some local Johnny Rhoediger, a senior in business, we would be agreeably the high school, returned to surprised at the effect it would school on Monday, May 9, after have on the general prosperity a two weeks absence on account of this entire area—and directly and indirectly to every home and of illness. individual. WINS HONORABLE MENTION Accept this aa a personal invi- Howard R. Lee of Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lee of contest for May 5. In order to Vernonia, won honorable mention qualify, an item must be one of | in the Eugene “Believe It or Not” the best six selected from 100 to | 300 facts submitted daily. FOR CORONER Mr. Lee’s entry was as follows: A mouse could fall from To the Voters of Columbia County:—I am a candidate to suc the top of the Woolworth building without being bad- ceed myself as County Coroner. ly injured. Should I be nominated and elected the people may expect the same The explanation this phenom- prompt and efficient service that enon is air resistance. A man fall has been rendered during the ing from that distance would be years I have endeavored to satis broken to a pulp, but a mouse, factorily administer the affairs of presenting a much larger surface the office. Often-times a matter in proportion to its weight, lit of judgment and based on exper erally rides down on an air cu ience saves the county consider i shion. able sums as to holding inquests and other duties in connection with the office. Proper equipment Realistic convenient location and every fa Permanent cility together with the fact that With.. Ringlette sole attention is given to the care Ends. A Steam of the business conducted makes Wave at reduced it posible to render prompt ser prices. vice and at a minimum cost to $4.50 and $^-50 the taxpayers, a policy I have ad hered to and will be continued Regular $5 wave should the people again decide that I serve them. Respectfully, BEAUTY SHOPPE (Paid Adv.) T. S. WHITE, Phone 431 Bridge St. St. Helens. Vote NO on Recall And Support Tax Reduction THE ANSWER: CHARGE NO. 1: The County Court is inefficient in per formance of its duties. In tax reduction the county court proved itself one of the three most efficient in the state, reducing the average Columbia county tax bill 30 per cent. 1931 taxes for all purposes ......................................$1,008,199.11 1932 taxes for all purposes ..................................... 702,310.20 TOTAL REDUCTION ..................................... Vote 13 X NO.—I vote against the Recall. (Judge J. H. Wellington) $305,888.91 Vote 15 X NO—I vote against the Recall. (Commissioner T. B. Mills) Support Representative Government By Voting NO on the Recall SPECIFIC CHARGE NO. 2: THE ANSWER: The County Court has overlooked the de sires and wishes of the majority of the electorate. Vote 13 X NO.—1 vote against the Recall. (Judge J. H. Wellington) The electorate wanted tax reduction most of all. The county court gave it. It conceded to the wishes of 800 Columbia county citizens instead of to the dictates of 88 at the budget meeting. The court believes in the will of the majority. Vote 15 X NO—I vote against the Recall. (Commissioner T. B. Mills) Commend the Court—Don't Recall Them for Heeding the Will of the Majority —800 Instead of 88 CHARGE NO. 3: THE ANSWER: The County Court refused to abide by the vote of the tax payers at the annual bud get hearing. Annette Vote 13 X NO.—I vote against the Recall. (Judge J. H. Wellington) On the only vote taken by ballot at the budget hearing 150 persons voted. Sixty-two voted in favor of the county agent, 88 were op posed, or less than 1 % % of the 6000 tax payers in the county. In support of the county agent the court had 13 resolutions from large groups with an approximate membership of 800. Vote 15 X NO—I vote against the Recall. (Commissioner T. B. Mills) The County Court Used the Axe on Budget* to Establish • Tax Reduction Record The Laundry Way —IS NOT ONLY BETTER BUT CHEAPER Experts who figured out the actual cost of doing the average family washing at home, taking into consideration the initial cost of a good electric washing machine, the cost of up keep, the cost of water, heat, electricity, soap, etc.—to say nothing of labor and time con sumed in the washing and drying of clothes— found that sending the family washing to the laundry is ACTUALLY CHEAPER. Figue it out yourself—and let us do your laundry the modern, safe, CHEAPER WAY. PHONE 711 Vernonia Laundry ITEM 1931 Roads ....................... County School Supt. County Sheriff ........ County Agent ......... $156,122.62 4,727.00 12,360.00 2,000.00 1932 f deduction $53,965.16 3,446.00 10,924.00 1,500.00 65% 27% 11.6% 25% ITEM 1931 Road Master’s Office ..... $7,800.00 Home Demonstration Agt. 1,000.00 Fruit Inspector ......... 500.00 1932 $3,900.00 700.00 300.00 Reduction 50% 30% 40% So it was with every item within the power of the Court to reduce. Vote for Wine Tax Reduction and Representative Government by Voting XO on a Malicious Recall Columbia County Budget Committee MARTIN WHITE, St. Helens t JUDD GREENMAN, Vernonia V CLARENCE EVENSON, Clatskanie Columbia County Tax Reduction Committee I \ 1 V? . A. F. BAKER, Wilark E. A. McDONALD, Vernonia (Paid Advertisement.)