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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1932)
VOLUME X. $2.00 per Year; 5c a copy Grade, High Schools To End Term 45 Elementary and 51 Advanced Pupils End Course VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 MEDICAL SOCIETY _ ENTERTAINED HERE The Columbia County Medical society was entertained at a ban quet at the home of Mrs. Sidney Malmsten Thursday evening, May 5, with Mrs. Marvin R. Eby and Mrs. Malmsten as hostesses. Dr. Donald Nickelsen, cancer specialist of Portland, gave a lecture on cancer following the banquet. Eleven physicians and surgeons from all over Columbia county were in attendance. P..T. A. TO MEET NUMBER 20 COUNTY FAIR IS SET FOR SEPT. 1-3 Why the Recall? The county court saved $14,000 last year on roads, making possible a substantial fund this year for emer gency relief employment without added cost to the tax payer. The county court adopted a budget that reduced taxes in the county an average of 30 per cent, 20.7 per cent in county tax alone—third in per cent of reduction in 36 counties of Oregon. The Parent-Teachers’ associa- Graduation exercises for the local grade school and high school; tion will hold its last meeting of The county court and the budget committee, before will be held next week, for the | the year Monday at 3:45 p. m. determing the controversial items in the budget (appro grade school on Monday and the *n the Washington grade school, priations for the offices of county agricultural agent, high school on Thursday, both county nurse, home demonstration agent, etc.) made an in the Washington school auditor unbiased, careful investigation that included a lengthy ium. The eighth grades of Pleasant hearing of both sides, consideration of resolutions and pe Hill and Mist, and possibly those titions, and direct examination of the employes as to the of other schools in the vicinity, specific value of their services and cost of their offices. will be graduated together with Just another day ’ s golfing was the pupils of the Vernonia school. The county court has performed its duties faithfully There are 45 in the eighth grade ! about all that the Vernonia golf- and efficiently. of the Washington school, 12 in I ing clan could say upon their re- Iturn home from participating in Pleasant Hili and 5 in Mist. Then why institute a recall? The address will be given by the Columbia County golf cham pionship at St. Helens last Sun E. J. Klemme of Seattle, a well known lecturer, on the subject day. Most of the Vernonians were decidedly off their game “The Unfinished House.” Mr*. Clara Smyth The program will include a while others had real golf to Passes Away After violin solo, “Approach of the compete against and as a result Prolonged Illness Dryads,” by Toivo Eloranta; a the club wielders of this city re turned almost empty handed so cornet trio, ‘"Musette,” by Alice Mrs. Clara Smyth, who operated Hoffman, Leon Brock and Elbert far as championship trophies were the Home grocery in Riverview, H. E. McGraw is receiving The Mother’s day service held Broct.; processional, selections, concerned. In fact, M. D. Cole, from all parts of the county en- died April 26 at the home of in the Evangelical church Sunday !the club prexy, was the only from “Lohengrin” and “Faust”; couraging support for his candi 1 her daughter, Mrs. H. V. Beau- morning is reported as one of by the ¡orchestra; recessional, ' player from Vernonia to win a dacy for representative in the ' vais in Portland. Interment was the most successful services of • flight cup. This is an exact re- “Flag of Truce,” by the orchest legislature, and is being endorsed in Rose City cemetery, Portland. its kind ever held there. It was ra; and presentation of diplomas 1 verse from lats year’s competi- by a number of organizations. Mrs. Smyth suffered for three attended by 285 persons, 88 of Ition when Vernonia indeed won by the chairman of the school whom were mothers. Each of the Tuesday night he went to Clats years with creeping paralysis. I the lion ’ s share of the prizes board, A. C. Knauss. Besides Mrs. Beauvais, daugh- mothers was presented with a lace kanie where he consulted with offered. ters surviving Mrs. Smyth are frilled nosegay as she entered the 51 In High School Class In the championship flight, O- prominent republicans and at The high school graduating T. Bateman was eliminated by Dr. tended a meeting of the Kiwanis i Mrs. A. C. Kingor of Iowa, Mrs. church. (F. J. Zimmer of Livingston, Mont, The services were opened with class numbers 51. Bailey of St. Helens 2 up and 1 club. Wednesday he went to St. ' The address Thursday night to go. Hale Greenman, after win Helens, and is covering other ■' Mrs. W. V. Kirkland of Portland, several numbers by the Douglass will be given by Judd Gieenman, ning very handily from L. H. sections of the county this week I and a son A. L. Batchelor of San orchestra.The regular opening ex Francisco. ercises were followed by a pro and about six alumni will make Hutchison hi the forenoon, was and next. gram of recitations, songs, and five minute talks. Further de slipped a neat lamming in the McGraw is being recognized as exercises by the children. Uniqu* tails of the program are in prep- I afternoon by Gordon Thompson, a man who makes no promises among these was one given by aration. who shot a fine score of 72. that he cannot fulfil, but goes Mrs. Duncan’s class, “Mothers Class day will occur at 2:30 Thompson and Bailey as team- vigorously to work for the best of many lands,” in which seven Wednesday afternoon in the high : mates of the St. Helens club will interests of the county and state. girls in costume carried the mes school assembly room. therefore fight it out for the big The respect which the Portland, sage that regardless of nation- The Baccalaureate service will .cup, signification of who’s who in police and firemen have for him I The salary schedule of Verno-1 a]ity( mother love is found every be held next Sunday at 7:30 p. ¡Columbia county golf circles. because of his record in the 1931 nia union high school is to be' wheri , ..—.-e—and in America, all mo- m. in the t Evangelical church, I Next Sunday the Forest Hills legislature is an indication of a reduced $4,403.00 and the jani Rev. G. 1 W. Plumer preaching the i golfing laddies, to the number of wide spread attitude towards him tor’s salary $300.00, making a I thers seek the the same opportun- sermon, This will be a union j 20 strong, will invade the local outside of as well as within Co- complete reduction of $4,703.00, l ¡ties for their children. Another 1 unique number was a song, “My service, the Christian church links in anticipation of trimming lumbia county. according to announcement by . Mother’s Bible,” sung by J. B. holding its evangelistic service ; still further the already down- McGraw has received the en- Superintendent J. B. Wilkerson. Hair while Mrs. L. A. Rogers sat at 6:30 in order to dismiss in ' trodden Vernonia meadow troop dorsement of the Railroad Broth The saving will be effected by time for - the Baccalaureate. ers. Tommy Bateman, Vernonia’s erhoods Legislative league of Ore elimination of one regular and in the old fashioned home arrang team captain, is calling to his gon, and is the only candidate in two special teachers, and reduc ed on the platform reading the Senior* Lilted much worn family Bible. Both the The senior class of the high cohorts in loud distressful bugle the county so endorsed by them. tion of all salaries. junior and senior choirs gave spe j bleats to rally round and by every school is comprised of the fol Their list includes candidates cial selections. lows: Edwin Aamodt, Raymond means of good golf help protect for the judiciary, district attorn NEW FAMILIES Mrs. Catherine Van Blaricom, Brown, Helen Bergerson, Joe that fair name of this Nehalem eys, comimissioners and other ARE MOVING IN 89 year old mother, received the valley metropolis. The captain Cechmanek, Lydia Cechmanek, officials fre-n a number of coun bouquet of carnations for being William Carmichael, Lewis Davis, I says that not a man can be spared ties, and th • selection of him New families moving into Ver the oldest mother present; Mrs. Gertrude Ek, Hannah Ek, Lee | from the trenches that day, and as the only candidate endorsed in nonia recently are Mr. and Mrs. Ione Christiansen, aged 17, re- Engen, Ronald Fetsch, Marvel that the first barrage of golf this county is a tribute to his Stanley Olson at 1325 West I ceived the one for the youngest balls to be laid down will begin reputation. Graven, Bertha Gray, Nelle Bridge street from Camp Eight mother; and Mrs. M. J. Lamp- Green, Virgil Hiatt, Cleo Hall, at the zero hour of 9 a. m. He has also been endorsed by and Olaf Olson at 1011 Rose ing who had with her her seven Lawrence Jesclard, Earl Knowles, Those who are absent or late will the Anti-Saloon league of Colum avenue. children received the bouquet for Yutaka Kuge, William Louden, be shot at the 19th hole at sun bia county. having the largest family present rise of the day before. HOLDING PENS Desmond Laird, George Laird, with her. COMPLETED AT Marian Lindley, Joe Lindsley, Anti-Saloon League Following the program, Rev. G. CLATSKANIE Helen Lamereaux, Delmar Mor W. Plumer delivered a sermon in Endorses Candidate* ton, Joe Magoff, Harvard Malm The holding pens for young which he stressed the value of sten, Kathryn Malmsten, Beteen At the meeting of the Anti game birds have been completed i mother, and the need for chil Mathews, Richard Melis, Velda Saloon League, held in St. Hel at Clatskanie. dren to honor mother, and show Mellinger, Elsie McDonald, Fran ens Wednesday evening, according their appreciation of her before The Nehalem Rod and Gun club ces McNutt, Ernest Nanson, Wes O. H. Drorbaugh passed away. to Albert May, Rainier, the fol is ready to begin work on the it is too late. He stressed especial- ley Northrup, Edna Owens, Alice May 6, at the Portland lowing candidates were endorsed pens here, but has not yet se , ly the fact that the finest way to Parker, Christine Rainey, Fayth, I Friday, 1, _ as being favorable towards the cured a site. The club prefers a i recompense mother is to lead an Royer, Louise Roberson, Johnny ji,anltarlu™ I, where he was oper prohibition cause : _ ....... ... . — ' ated on May M 3. location in the city park, recom ' upright Christian life of which Roediger, William Stephensen, Er I On the republican ticket —H. mended by the superintendent of i she may always be proud. Services were held Monday at vin Smith, Oscar Sorlee, Elna E. McGraw, for representative; Spencer, May DeEtt Throop, Vel the Gable Funeral Home, Port- Rose West Johnson, for joint rep the state game farms. ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY were conducted by S. land, and ma Veal, Alice Watts, Frances A. Miller and son of Aurora, resentative; and Oscar Weed, for C. W. Wardle, formerly em Peterson, Verla Messing. Oregon, friends of Mr. and Mrs. ¡sheriff; and Henry Oleen, demo ployed in the S. P. and S. office O. H. Drorbaugh. Interment was cratic candidate for representa- here and now stationed at St. Three Slightly Hurt 1 tive. These were the only offices in Rose City Park cemetery. Helens, has entered the race for In Automobile Crash Mr. Drorbaugh was ill for sev- where prohibition was involved. county clerk on the democratic ticket. Curly Buffmire of Vernonia eral months, leaving Vernonia Mrs. Lindslay's Sister Die* Mrs. Herman Veal was elected last fall in hopes of recuperat sustained a cut hand and Walter Mrs. Olive Johnson of North president of the Garden club at, Ora Rundell, a well known ing, He received medical at- Winters and Ralph Moss of Tim tention for several weeks in Til Plains, sister of Mrs. W. J. an adjourned meeting last Friday former Vernonia girl and daugh ber bruises in a collision early lamook, and lately was in Port- Lindsley of Vernonia, died in night at the home of Mrs. A. W.l ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Run Sunday morning in front of the dell of this city, became the bride land. He and Mrs. Drorbaugh Hillsboro Sunday, May 8, of Sauer. Josh Rose house on Rose avenue, Mrs. W. C. Crowder was made _ of Emery George of Portland, were in Vernonia for about a double pneumonia, Drivers of the two cars, E. N. week until two weeks ago. ( She was the youngest daugh- vice president and Mrs. J. L.! . Saturday, May 7. The young Murphy and Paul De Renner, couple were married in Kelso Besides his widow, Mr. Dror- ter of the late M. M. Mead, Timmons secretary. were uninjured. A good attendance was report- but will continue to make their baugh is survived by two daugh-1 She is survived by her husband Both cars were badly damaged, ters and two sons, Mrs. J. A. | and two babies, three brothers home in Portland. ed. a wheel on each being complete Mrs. H. E. McGraw entertain- Singleton of Portland, Dewey and six sisters. ly smashed, fenders crumpled, The Long Bell company is op-'ed for Sunday dinner her par Drorbaugh of Beaverton, Hazel | front ends caved in, and the frame Drorbaugh of San Francisco, and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes enting six days a week, and the ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walk of the De Renner car sprung. Virgil Drorbaugh of Portland. | traveled in eastern Oergon from price outlook ia more encouraging, er of Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank The coupe driven by Mr. Mur Sunday to Thursday of last week, according to H. V. Hoicomb, who Hartwick, Mr*. Ed Holtham, Leo- phy was approaching town, with Vernonia had 21 day* in April . visiting relatives and friends. waa home from Longview for the na and Martin Hillman, Mr. Buffmire as a passenger, when the sun shone some time ' They were not searching for a weekend. | Daiay McDonald underwent an while the De Renner car, also during the day, and 11 days when j new location, they report, as Ver- Aunt Sally Spencer went to operation for an abscess last Fri- a coupe, was outbound. They side the sun shone warm and bright Inonia looks as good to them as Portland Wednesday for a visit,day in Portland, and ia home swiped in passing. all day, states “Weather Lady.” any place they saw. of several days. recovering nicely. LOCAL GOLFERS TURNED BACK McGRAW GETS WIDE SUPPORT MOTHER’S DAY IS CELEBRATED I HIGH SCHOOL TO EFFECT SAVING 0. H. Drorbaugh Dies in Portland Mrs. Veal Chosen Garden Club Head Dates for the Columbia county fair have been set for September 1 to 3, according to Clyde M. Watson, secretary. There being no county appro priation for the fair this year, it will be necessary, Mr. Watson states, to lower the premiums to be paid. These premiums must be met with the state appropriation, inadequate for the usual fair. By confining the cash prizes to coun ty exhibits only it is hoped that enough interest will be created to make a creditable showing. Copies of the revised premium list are in the hands of the prin ter, Mr. Watson says, and as soon as they are off the press will be mailed out. POMONA FAVORS FREEING ISLANDS Resolutions favoring indepen- dence of the Philippine islands in five years, with import duties on their products immediately, and recommending that no more bul letins or other documents be printed at public expense than are asked for by signed letters, were passed by Columbia County Po mona grange at the meeting in St. Helens Saturday. Warren grange was hostess. Vernonia grange reported a gain of 16 in membership. Sev- eral granges had a loss, due to death and to members moving away. The worthy state master, R. C. Glover, was present. The over seer, J. F. Becker, presided in the absence of Warren Young, mas- ter, who was ill. The fifth degree was exempli- fied by a class of 11. Attending from Vernonia were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit, Mrs. Phil Melis, Mrs. A. J. Kostur, Mrs. L. A. Rogers, Mrs. Michener, Mr. Doughit, E. Treharne and H. E. McGraw. Clean-up Day Is To Be Tomorrow Mott Tells C. of C. about Racketeers Corporation Commissioner Describes Finance Methods People of the state have been robbed of from 20 to 25 million dollars in the past five years by financial racketeers, asserted James W. Mott, state corporation commissioner and candidate for nomination on the republican tick et as congressman, at a special meeting of the chamber of com merce Wednesday. There are two general classes of financial racketeering, Mr. Mott explained, insolvent corpora tions organized for that kind of business, and solvent corpora tions taken over by irresponsible men who scuttle them. Financial racketeering has been cleaned out entirely in the state within the past year, Mr. Mott declared, all the guilty parties either being under indictment, in vestigation, or already convicted. All building and loan associations now operating are doing a le- gitimate business, he said. McGraw Commended The speaker commended H. E. McGraw, candidate for the legis- lature, stating that as a fellow member in the 1931 legislature he found McGraw always in fa vor of sound fundamental legis lation and against unsound. Mr. Mott also praised Mr. McGraw for upholding Gov. Mei er’s plan for tax reduction. Recall Denounced Recall of the county court was denounced by Judd Greenman. “If reducing the county levy over 20 per cent in one year is general inefficiency, let’s have more of that kind of inefficiency,” he de clared. He asserted the county court to be as capable and hon- est a court as there is in the state. High School Girls Sing A quartet of high school girls, Velma Veal, Helen Brimmer, Charleen George and June Mich ener, sang two numbers accomp anied ‘by Miss Amy Hughes. Nelle Green rendered a tap dance, also accompanied by Miss Hughes. E. F. Messing presided in the absence of President J. E. Kerr. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, May 18. H. E. Mc Graw, in charge of the program, is arranging for a number of prominent speakers. Tommorrow has been Bet aside by the city council as clean-up day, and Earl Smith, street sup erintendent, will be in charge of activities. Tenants and owners are urgent ly requested to clean their prem ises thoroughly and place the refuse on their parkings, where it will be picked up by trucks and hauled away free. There will be no pick-ups from alleys or back yards, Mr. Smith says. He requests the cooperation of everybody in accomplishing a Wm. Pringle, Sr., To Run thorough clean-up. The fire mar Wm. Pringle, Sr., is to run on shal is expected here shortly af the demoncratic ticket for county terwards to make inspections. commissioner, as no candidate MRS. O. ROBERTS TO LEAVE for that party filed for this of Mrs. Ollie Roberts is planning fice, Mr. Pringle’s name will be to start Sunday afternoon on a written in by those who vote for trip to Cambridge, Nebraska, him-___________________ ill where she will stay for an indefi nite time with her mother, who is past 82 years old. Although Mrs. Roberts has been ill during the past week, she is much improved at present and expects to be fully able to make S the journey east. Feathers . . . and • • • Energetic Club at Mrs. E. H. Condit’s The Energetic club of Verno nia Grange met at the home of Mrs. E. H. Condit. After they had finished the business of the day the hostess served a delightful luncheon to the following: Mrs. P. J. Millis, Mrs. Hilda Keasey, Mrs. Bruce McDonald, Mrs. H. M. Condit, Mrs. L. Rogers, Mrs. Viola Treharne, Miss Ethel Kelley, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. K. Kos- tur, Mrs. Otto Michener and the hostess Mrs. E. H. Condit. The next meeting will be June 2 at Mr*. Roger*’. All ladies of the grange are invited. Some festive heifers raided the camp that the Loel Roberts and Charlie Wall families set up on the Enevolson place near Jewell last weekend. When the fisher- men and fisherwomen returned they found the grub all gone, and even the tooth brushes de- voured. They camped at home in Vernonia that night. t t ♦ —SEEN HERE AND THERE— Walter Kent digging a hole for a water meter at Dave McDon ald’s, and feeding Nina’s duck a worm . . . Uncle Wilburn Hall carrying a big mantle clock that Shorty had just repaired . . . K. Inouye stepping around again as Renew your subscription to the lively as ever ... a crowd peer Eagle this week and next at the ing at a front-wheel drive car special low bargain rate, See parked on Bridge street . . . Mr*. display advertisement. McNeill coming for mor* ticket*.