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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1932)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1932, DANGER OF BORROWING some time but at this writing are The Austin Dowling folks had Listen to a classic printshop all somewhat improved. Stanley as their guests Monday evening fable: Once upon a time a nickel- and Earl Pringle have lost sev for dinner and for an evening’s nurser sent his kid to borrow the eral days work this last week enjoyment of radio programs Miss Mrs. A. A. Dowling neghbor’s paper, and the kid up due to illness. Sieverts and Miss Gross. set a hive of bees and soon was Mrs. D. R. Ryves and daughter Mrs. A. Buckley was down Camp is again running with covered with lumps, His father two sides at Camp Eight and one Jean of Vernonia were visitors Mrs. A. R. Mills and Mrs. Robt. from Vernonia and visited a day | Berg entertained at a luncheon with her mother, Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. Robert Sword is ill with' The Willing Workers met at the ran to help him and eaught his side at Wilark although the snow in camp on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wridge and j Wednesday honoring Mrs. A. M. Christian church Wednesday for chin on a clothes line and sprain* is still quite deep where the men Jame sJones is working on the the grippe. an all day session of quilting with ed his back and fell and broke are working. Clarence Wridge of Vernonia Berg. The valentine decorations bridge down by J. Banzer’s. Harry Wilson’s family was sick a pot luck luncheon at noon. a $25 watch. The clothes pole fell Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scott were The Pot Luck Luncheon was were dinner guests at the Olson were carried out at the tables. last week. over the car and smashed the held last Wednesday at the home home on Monday evening. Invited guests were Mesdames A. over from Kelso and spent the B. Rachel has been laid up windshield, and mother rushing of Mrs. Archie Lizenby in Verno Mrs. Harry Sandon and her M. Berg, G. Wanstrom, H. Jones, weekend with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Harry Condit has been with complications arising from out to see what occasioned all mother Mrs. Ward of Vernonia Calmberg, E. T. Wallace, A. and Mrs. Oscar Jones. nia. Dut to so much illness in ill since last Friday. an injury to his hand received the excitement, upset a five-gal- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds were camp none of the women from were visitors in camp on Sun Johnston, Chas. Sundland, L. Bir- Myrtle Webb was laid up with in the mill a couple of weeks Ion churn of cream into a basket camp attended, Mrs. Adams won day. kenfeld, Bollenger. dinner guests of the Carrington of kittens, drowning all ago. of them, the grippe last week. Miss Sieverts and Miss Gross family Friday evening. The even Vernonia shoppers and visitors first prize and Mrs. Ryves con- The electric flatiron burned on Monday were Mrs. Jack Hall, were dinner guests Friday even- ing was spent in playing brdge. Wm. Pretzman and family vis Ten cases of measles, three of through the ironing board setting solation prize. Mrs. Ed Reynolds was a Ver- Little Johnny Beele Hatfield Mrs. John Eider and Mrs. Me-, ¡ing of the Wm. Bridgers family, ited in Portland Monday. pneumonia and two of chicken fire to the house, and the fira- I E. T. Wallace was a Portland nonia visitor on Monday. and Betty Jean Olson attended a Donald. pox were reported from Columbia men broke all the windows and Charles Holt’s two small chil- Mrs. Wm. Hodge is slightly i business visitor Pete Banzer was a village birthday party Saturday given Tuesday and county for the week ending Feb chopped a hole in the roof. dren have whooping cough. improved but still spends most Wednesday. shopper Tuesday. in honor of Pauline Rollins at her ruary 13. The baby ate a jar of pickles home in Vernonia. of her time in bed. She was in Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Harding Mrs. Mary Nelson, who has and got cholera morbus, and the To buy, sell or trade, use Mrs. Piert, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. G. jured in an automobile accident gave a party at the Clyde John- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Estey were doctor's bill was $15. The daugh been ill, is much improved. Eagle classified ads. some time ago. in town from Camp McGregor ter ran away with the hired man Baker, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. C. Lew- son home Wednetsday evening. Mrs. Norman Quinn returned There were about 25 invited E. Belongia has been ill with Saturday. There were 20 inches i is were guests at the H. G. San- during the excitement, the dog' grippe for five or six days. of snow up there at the time, bit a neighbor’s kid and the i ■ don home in Vernonia on Satur home Monday from a week’s visit guests. day at a birthday dinner. The af in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Eder Wallace en Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henges Mr. Estey reported. calves ate the tails off of four i ternoon was spent playing cards. tertained at dinner Thursday spent last week in Portland. night-shirts on the clothes line. DON ’ T GIVE A DOLLAR Wayne and Mildred Smith, Little Dorothy Lee Hanna has evening Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Van Moral—Subscribe to your home been ill the past few days, losing A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. niece and nephew of Mrs. Wil- “Don’t give a newspaper a dol Vleet, Mr. and Mrs. F. Harding paper. Don’t borrow it! This all several days of school. | liam H. Smith, who passed away R. C. Petty Sunday morning. lar.” Such is the advice spoken and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland. 'a week ago, are staying with Mr. happened in Dyer, Tenessee, ac Mrs. Earl Smith and small Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland cording t» the town’s paper.—At daughter was a visitor in camp I 1 by a well known merchant over Darrell and Russell Stanton* and Mrs. Harry Wilson. tne radio rauio recently. recently, ne ............ | the He was uuvvt-. direct- were Portland business visitors tica (O.) Weekly Hub. motored to Eugene Wednesday. on Monday. Mrs. Wood, Mrs. ing his remarks to business men|a couple of days last week. Austin r ..................................... The W. C. T. U. will meet Piert, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Smith in small towns and cities. Don’t Dowling looked after the interests Frances Morton has been laid 1 Tuesday, February 23, at Mrs. were luncheon guests at the Neil i give the newspaper a dollar, he! of the garage during their ab- up for two weeks with the flu. i Charles Malmsten’s. An interest Regularly 10 cents each. Lee home on that day. i emphasized, “ instead inatand hnv buy t.wirp twice ' SdlCe. Fred Oswell has been on the ing program has been arranged, AND ONE— Mr. and Mrs. John Olson and | as much advertising as you think Mr. and Mrs. Rymal Johnson sick list for three or four days. and visitors will be welcome. 10-inch genuine family of St. Helens were guests I you can afford for a period of were up from the Fishhawk Sun OLE V1R-G1N-A FRY PAN « at the home of their son, Stan one year. Then watch your busi day visiting Mr. Johnson's par EVANGELICAL CHURCH Mrs. Gus Schmidlin and Joe J. C. Lindley, former vice- With detachable no-burn ley Olson, on Sunday for dinner. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. John Schmidlin are down with the1 president of the Bank of Verno ness grow.” hot plate Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson and G. W. Plumer, Pastor son of the Ivory bungalow. flu. nia, is now in charge of the “The newspaper,” he said, is an AI.L Mrs. E. Pringle were Vernonia The Sunday school hour is 9:45 Miss Sieverts and Miss Gross liquidation of the Bank of South accurate mirror of the town which FOR K. A. McNeill and Mike Miller a. m. Mrs. E. E. Garner is in visitors and shopper on Saturday. it serves. If your town is a live were dinner guests Saturday western Oregon at Marshfield. made a business trip to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Beeler and family charge. The 11 a. m. service sub evening of Mrs. Ed Reynolds. town, one than can meet the in- Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers, Miss Irene The shadow basket social spon ject will be “The Garden of of Hillsboro were over night tense competition of today, the Another Special— guests at the home of their son, Peace. ” The Christian Endeavor is- DeRock and S. J. DeRock motor The Kist school has been closed sored by the Energetic club will newspaper will be filled each Full Pound of Raymon Beeler, last week. ed to Portland Saturday. on account of so many children be held in the grange hall Sat will be at 6:30, led by Miss Sarah ALICE BLUE, MARQUISE Mrs. J. Burke, Mrs. J. Hatfeld, sue with snappy invitations to McGee. The theme for the 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Ain Wallace en urday, Feb. 27, instead of the having the flu. trade at the various stores in OR DUTCH MILK 17th as stated in last week’s p. m. will be “Can Stones Be Re Mrs. C. Mackie, Mrs. E. Pringle that town. Your newspaper is tertained Sunday evening at their have been on the sick list for Mrs. George Baslington is Eagle. vived?” your weekly contact with the home a few invited guests. spending a week with relatives in Please keep in mind that Bishop Come and en- Pe°Ple of y°ur trade territory, Mrs. Jack Tomlin and four of G. E. Epp will be with us on est ideal is God! southern Oregon. joy the fellowship of this day. Use liberally and you will be her five children have been ill Tuesday, March 1. F. M. O'Donnell and family of with tonsilitis. Mrs. Tomlin and Realistic surprised at the result. Everyone will find a welcome You are welcome. --------------- .--------------- “The merchants in any com- Treharne returned Tuesday even two of the children are reported to the worship of this church. Permanent CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SPECIAL munity where a real newspaper is ing from Hillsboro. A BOX as better, while two others are Come. SERVICE BROADCAST MON.! published could afford to pay j still sick. Better than you have been Mrs. Harold Smith sustained the subscription of the paper for CHRISTIAN CHURCH able to buy for $1.50. a badly fractured arm Monday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Veith enter- Special services are to be held every resident within thirty miles prices. while cranking a car. . tained Mr. and Mrs. H. Buff- F. Claude Stephens, Minister February 22 in many Christian —they would get their money I $J.5O and $^-5U ! mire and daughter Bonnie at din Patriotic services for Febru Science churches throughout the back many times over by increas Mrs. George Ohler and family ner Sunday. Others present were ary 21—9:45 a. m., Bible school; country as part of the nation- ing contacts for advertising mes- ( have all been sick with the grippe Regular $5 wave Mrs. Lottie E. Dewey and daugh 10:45 a. m., Divine morning wor wide celebration of the George sages. j and ear complications. ter Miss Grace Dewey. “Boost for your newspaper. It ship, theme, life of George Wash Washington bicentennial. Radio Delvin Groat of Astoria has ; In keeping with the nation-wide ington, a challenge. listeners in Vernonia and vicini is always boosting the community,1 Next t » Post Office BEAUTY SHOPPE been visiting at the H. Veal home At 6:30 p. m., Christian En ty will be interested to know that and the boosting you give will i bicentennial celebration of Wash Phone 431 Bridge St. throughout the past week. ington’s birthday, Mountain Heart deavor; 7:30 p. m., evening evan the service to be held in First pay you big dividends.”—Clipped.I Earl Bleile, Jr., who is in the Rebekah lodge will present a spe gelistic services. Theme, “Will Church of Christ, Scientist of Portland next Monday at 11 a. m. Doernbecher hospital in Portland, cial Washington program at their You.” Today we are living in the is to be broadcast from station regular meeting Febraury 25. is reported as much better. Plans for the program were made realm of great ideals. The great- KOIN (940 kc.). Mrs. C. O. Matson and Mrs. at last week’s meeting. George Plumb were Portland visi W. J. Armitage went to Port tors Wednesday and Thursday. land and back Tuesday, bringing A six and a half pound boy with him Mr. and Mrs. Wm. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Armitage of Vancouver, Wash Kaphammer at 7 a. m. Feb. 16. ington, who remained in Verno Silver Bar — Banquet size, 2%’s iy A. L. Kullander, O. T. Bate- nia over night and returned the Extra fine in heavy syrup ............ m FOR man and Clyde Jordan made a next morning. Business is holding business trip to Portland Monday. up very nicely in Vancouver, Mr. Armitage reports. Miss Grace Dewey of Vancou- BEEF ROAST Hoody’s — So good — Rich and ver, Wash., is visiting at the JOY THEATRE nourishing. Full Pint Jar .............. home of her sister, Mrs. Fred H. POUND Veith. The Silent Witness, The Van ishing Legion (serial), Friday and S. Esmino was taken to a hos Saturday, Feb. 19, 20. The Run- ROUND STEAK Campbell’s — Delicious and pital in Portland Thursday ldgl.. Around Sunday, Feb. 21. Zane Nourishing — TODAY ............. CANS because of an attack of appen Grey’s “Rainbow Trail” Tuesday, POUND dicitis. Wednesday, Thursday, Feb. 23, FRESH SIDE PORK (Adv. Lee Keller and his family of 24 and 25. nine are all sick with grippe, Ask for your recipe, Grapefruit Snow Pud- POUND two of them having developed i PACKAGE ding. It’s deliciously different. pneumonia. Agency for LINK SAUSAGE STATE LAUNDRY CO. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lumpkin POUND of Portland were guests of Mr. Yuba — Rich, ripe fruit AT HOTEL McDONALD and Mrs. C. C. Van Doren over Laundry and Dry Cleaning in syrup — 2%’s ........... CANS HAMBURGER AND Pick-up Tues.—Deliver Fri. the weekend. Mist Camp Eight SPECIAL 6 Cakes Almondol Soap Fancy Chocolates Armitage Annette Specials for Fri. and Sat. Peaches Meat 29c Peanut Butter 14c Tomato Soup 4 29c 16c 19c 12c Knox Gelatine Pears Lee Keller's family has been ill, Oscar, the boy, having had a touch of pneumonia, but is somewhat improved. RINGLETTE PERMANENT "EASY AS A MARCEL" The Frank Lines family have been nearly all down with grippe since Thursday. Five have been sick at one time. AT NEW LOW Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adams are the parents of a nine pound boy born Wednesday evening at Mrs. Rogers' maternity home. SPECIAL Word has been received from Mrs. O. H. Drorbaugh that Mr. Drorbaugh is now under the doc- tor’s care in Tillamook. The seven year old daughter of Mrs. W. 11. Brown has been very ill with pneumonia, but is showing signs of recovery. PRICES Long Hair French Curls Now — for your washing and ironing HOR has combined the Faster—and with gentle world’s fastest speed kindness to clothes. And washer and the new speed these two famous Thors— ironer into one compact, in one unit—now cost you low-priced laundry unit less than you were for You now wash and iron merly asked for a good with the same machine. washer alone. T $3.50 Milady** Beauty Speed ! Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 18c 29c SAUSAGE Corn Cowley's Golden Bantam — 2’s 3 FOR 29c 2 POUNDS The HKST in Kadio 29c Catsup Gold Bar —Made from rich ripe tomatoes. The leader for years. Large 14-oz. size BOTTLE Coffee Affiliated Best — Today 1 big stick pure su gar candy free with each PACKAGE ............. 29c 4 CANS 25c Cheese Tillamook — Association Loaf — POUND ............. LETTUCE 2 HEADS ______ 15c CARROTS Pork & Beans Van Camp’s — Rich, delicious and easily served. 16-oz. Tines ............ Produce 18c 2l BUNCHES .... 15c BRUSSEL SPROUTS 24c Granulated Soap — Large Size. Hear "Chandu” the Ma gician over KOIN 8:15 every evening. Ask QAz, us about the magic cone trick. PACKAGE t)«7v From ¡lather to Ironer 25c Boman Meal An appetizing and nutritious cereal— LARGE SIZE PACKAGE ....................... 25c 2 POUNDS White King Vernonia Radio Shop DATES 2 POUND PACKAGE 24c in IO Seconda Radios for Rent and Sale GLENN E. DEAMER. SERVICE MAN Your radio repairing guaran teed — or no labor charge. 2 J Oregon Gas & Electric Co 622 Bridge Street Telephone 691 Nehalem Market & Grocery (Incorporated)