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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1932)
VOLUME X. $2.00 per Year; 5c a copy Recorder, VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1932. Number 8 EMPLOYMENT OF Bicentennial Anniversary Mayor Offer Resignations No Action Is Taken Upon Conditions They Propose OREGON TEACHERS PHEASANT PENS TO BE ERECTED BEDDING NEEDED ONLY IS URGED ________ I Employment of Oregon teachers J only in filling vacancies for the' coming year is urged by C. A. Howard, superintendent of public I instruction, in a circular to Ore-j gon officials. For the year end ing August 31, 1931, 265 teachers J for other states secured Oregon teachers’ certificates, he says. 18 are in Columbia county, Elizabeth C. Murray, county superintendent,! reports. While Supt. Howard is not suggesting dismissal x>f these teachers to make places for others'; he points out that every time al school board elects a teacher from outside the state an Oregon man or woman will be left without em ployment. The Community Chest has need of warm bedding and will appreciate the donation of any surplus bedding that Vernonia people have to of- fer. The Chest is grateful for the hearty response to its appeal for a child’s bed last week. They were able to supply the need immediately and had at least five offers. “You can’t say the Eagle doesn’t get results” said a committee member in com menting. According to Lester Sheeley, secretary, members of the Ne halem Rod and Gun club are to take up a proposition of the Ore- i igon state game farms for stock ing young pheasants in this lo cality. According to conditions offered by the game commission pheasants will be supplied at weaning age and feed furnished provided the local club constructs holding pens and cares for the birds until released. The cost of building the hold ing pens, according to the state game commission, should not ex ceed one dollar a bird, and the club expects to raise the money without difficulty. The pens are built to last 10 years or longer. Recall T u o Be Voted on February 27 Petitions Against Council men Filed Saturday Afternoon Mayor J. E. Tapp and Record- Election upon the proposed re er D. B. Reasoner proffered their call of Mayor J. E. Tapp and conditional resignations to the Councilmen E. W. Holtham, T. A. city council Monday evening, but Gordon and B. J. Cline will be no action was taken. held at the city hall February Mayor Tapp submitted the 27, from 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. agreement for resignation as fol- Petitions Filed •liws: Petitions for the recall of the FAMILY IS ILL GRANGE FAVORS “I, the undersigned mayor or four councilmen were filed Sat Tom Gibson attempted suicide councilman of the City of Ver FROM POISONING urday at 4:40 p. m. At the COUNTY FAIR at his home Thursday morning nonia, Oregon, do hereby tender meeting of the council Monday by slashing his wrists, abdomen my resignation as mayor or coun The J. Ornduff family, who night Ray Charlesworth tendered A Columbia county fair spon and other parts of his body with cilman of the said City of Ver sored by the Pomona and subor a razor. He bled profusely, but live on the Timber route, were his resignation on account of nonia, Oregon, to take effect im acutely poinsoned Wednes day removal from the city, leaving dinate granges of the county was did not sever an artery. mediately, provided, however, that endorsed Saturday night by Ver- Mr. Gibson lives alone. He was morning from some unknown the three others to be voted upon. the tender of my resignation shall nonia grange. Reasons Given discovered by neighbors sitting source. not be binding upon me unless E. H. Condit was elected sec- near his stove, and a physican All took ill within an hour a- Reasons given on the petitions the mayor and each of the four retary in place of C. C. Van was summoned. part after eating breakfast. for recalling the councilmen are councilmen of the City of Vern Doren, resigned. that they are inefficient in the He was removed to a hospital E. E. YEO GETS onia, Oregon, tender their resig Elton L. Smith and Ray D. in Portland in the afternoon, weak performance of their duties as nations from their respectives of councilmen, that they have failed Fisher were initiated into mem from loss of blood. NEW POSITION fices, at the same date of this bership. and neglected to live up to and instrument. Respectfully submit E. E. Yeo, pharmacist for Mac’s comprehend the duties of council TEMPLE GIVES ted this 15th day of February, Pharmacy for a number of years, FIRST PINS men and have refused to consid- Oregon veterans who have not ODD FELLOWS 1932.” has secured a position with the taken the loan and who wish to TO PAST CHIEFS er the desires of a majority of INSTALL OFFICER Recorder’s Resignatioa In his report to the board of the electorate of the city, and Harding Drug company of Ore do so at this date may take ad Past chief’s pins, which had Recorder D. B. Reasoner also gon City, and began his new du vantage of the cash bonus, ac Arthur Stockton was installed never been given by Vernonia directors at their meeting held in have exhibited gross ignorance of St. Helens February 12, Secre the duties of councilmen, partic read his resignation as follows: ties Monday. cording to word received yester as vice-grand of Vernonia Lodge "On condition that the Mayor Mrs. Yeo and the children plan day from the office of District 246 Tuesday, February 9. He temple, Pythian Sisters, until one tary Barney Garrett of the Co ularly with reference to the pas was presented this year to Mrs. lumbia County Chamber of Com sage of ordinance 181, “one of and councilman resign en bloc to move next Monday. Attorney John L. Foote. was ill at the time of the regu Harry Culbertson at a recent in merce gave a summary of the the worst exhibitions of ignorance this date I will agree to submit Both Mr. and Mrs. Yeo have, Further information may be lar installation January 19. stallation of officers, were pre activities of the office since Jan of the basic principles of city my resignation to the newly elect been prominent in fraternal and At that time the other offi sented at the lodge meeting last uary 26, the date of the annual government.” ed mayor and councilmen as soon social circles in Vernonia, Mr. obtained by writing to Marie cers, headed by G. G. Holt, noble week to Mrs. N. S. Soden and as they are elected by the people Yeo being senior warden of the Walker Poff, care of district at meeting. Board Designated grand were installed. torney’s office, St. Helens. Mrs. M. D. Cole, who have held and duly qualified. There had been 106 letters re The city council at an adjourn- local Masonic lodge, and Mrs. Following is a summary of the that office in previous years. "Respectfully submitted, D. B. Yeo taking an active part in the ceived in that vuuv time u.iu and s-wv 240 let-l uu cd nieeuiig meeting Tuesday lueauay iiiguv night desig- Chiropractor To bonus allowed veterans from dif The formation of a Past Chiefs ’ Reasoner, City Recorder.” ters sent out. T There were 69 in-| nated J. C. Henderson, chairman, Eastern Star, Study club and ferent states: Open Practice Here club is also contemplated for the coming telephone calls and 79 Ì Frank Rogers, judge, Lillian Han Members of the council exam Evangelical Missionary society OREGON: $15.00 per month, or near future. ined both documents but made and other organizations. She was visitors at the office. Five cars sen, Lois Thayer and Grace Dr. Ruth M. Coon of Centralia, Another activity of Vernonia were registered for out of state Miner, clerks, to serve on the no comments. Mayor Tapp’s sig also local correspondent for Ver $3000.00 maximum loan. Time limit for either extended to June Washington, is opening as a chiro temple is a contest among mem nature had already been affixed nonia Eagle and two Portland 30, 1945. This form of paying practor at 994 Bridge street, bers for the purpose of creating motorists. Secretary Garrett also election board. to the document proposing his papers. The petitions for recall of bonus is considered as one of next to Mossman’s confectionery. added interest and efficiency in reported that he had attended 16 own and the council’s resignation. meetings with organizations and Mayor J. E. Tapp were filed the best methods used by any The room is being remodeled the work of the order. committees during that period. Election Plan Suggested Thursday morning, February 10. state. for the purpose. Dr. Coon ex- Dr. W. H. Hurley appeared Two principal topics occupied ILLINOIS veterans are entitled pects to have it in readiness for RAY CHARLESWORTH LEAVES 83 names are required to make before the council and presented Ray Charlesworth has obtained the attention of the members of a petition valid, according to to $0.50 per day for every day beginning practice Monday. a proposed ordinance providing for in the service after April 6, 1917, employment in the mill at Toledo, the board. A discussion of logged Judge D. B. Reasoner. The peti election of mayor and council maximum payment $300.00; vet Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor and and began working there Monday off land centered about a talk tions for recall of the mayor and men by vote of the people should given by County Agricultural Ag councilmen all contained many erans must have served two mon sin Jerry left this week for Port morning. there exist at any time a less Mrs. William Homer Smith of ths' to be eligible. Payment made land where Mr. Taylor will at The family will remain here ent George A. Nelson. He out more than the required amount. number of councilmen than the Treharne died February 11 from to nearest relative in case veter tend the Benkhe-Walker business at least until school closes, Mr. lined a tentative plan for people number that constitutes a quorum. a stroke of aploplexy after an ill an is deceased, or full $300.00 if college. They are not moving to Charlesworth says, and when the going on this type of land which Card Party Scheduled The purpose, Dr. Hurley ex ness of only a few hours. The Rebekahs will give a public I death occured while in service. Portland but will stay there until mill reopens here he plans to is to be worked out in more de plained, was to provide for aa Her maiden name was Daisy tail before any concerted action card party tonight. There will KANSAS is paying $1.00 per Mr. Taylor finishes his course. return. emergency in view of the im May Shattuck. She was born in day. Time for filing expired Jan by the county organization will be tables for five hundred and pending recall, for if as many as Mineral City, Ohio, in 1869, and uary 1, 1932, but the 1931 Leg be undertaken. bridge. two of the council should be re at the time of her passing was islature provided for an addition The other topic was that of called no quorum would exist, 62 years, 8 months and 27 days al 90 day period in which to file. membership and financial support and it would be impossible to fill old. for the organization. President All Kansas men should act at vacancies, pay bills or transact She was married to Mr. Smith once. Wist pointed out that it is imper I any of the business which devol in 1897. To this union five chil ative that more support for the MAINE: $100.00 bonus. Period ves upon the council. He there dren were born, four of whom for filing extended to January 1, organization be gained immediate- fore suggested for their consid survive and are now living in 1933. ly. To this end he appointed H. as they rang up a run in the eration the proposed ordinance, Vernonia: Harold Smith, Leonard E. McGraw of Vernonia and P. NEW JERSEY: $10.00 per first inning, three in the third and INDOOR BASEBALL explaining that he was not in any Smith, Mrs. Waunita Holt and month with no time limit men M. Bewley, St. Helens, to work two in the fourth. During all of LEAGUE STANDINGS sense attempting to dictate a line Mrs. Lois Schmidlin. When Doc Cole wants any heat tioned. Legion out some plan for securing ade this time the best the of policy. Services were held Monday in quate financial support if possible. in his office he goes down stairs NEW YORK: Final date for a mar- boys could do was to push Team W L Pct. The—OTdinance conferred upon Brown’s undertaking parlors, with filing expired July 1, 1927, but The present officers of the into Soden’s barber shop and ker across in the third frame, Federal* ... ............ 3 0 1.000 the city recorder, or in his absence F. Claude Stephens in charge. In there has been an extension of organization are to continue until backs up innocently to the rad However, they tore loose in the .SOO Legion* . ............. 2 2 or inability to act, the city treas terment was in Hillsboro. iator. Soon the boys begin to time granted and eligibility grant fifth and in a wild rally counted such time as there is a report .333 Teacher* .. .............. 1 2 urer, the power of calling an el ed to relatives of deceased vet Outlaw* .... .............. 1 2 .333 seven times. They added three on the membership plans by the wonder why the growing chill in ection to fill vacancies when there the room. erans. $10.00 per month is paid more in the sixth but were held appointed committee. Athletic* . .............. 1 .333 2 was not a sufficient number of t t t with maximum set at $150.00. scoreless in the following two in- Some of our prominent young councilmen. HIGH SCHOOL TO NORTH DAKOTA: This state ings. When they went into the Legion* 13, Outlaw* 12 sportsmen, including Tommy Bate Plan Ignored pays her Veteran sons at the PLAY TWO GAMES last half of the ninth they were Federal* 21, Teacher* 19 man, Jack Bush and Shorty Kul- Several of the councilmen be rate of $25.00 per month and fin one run to the bad. It looked THIS WEEK END Athletic* 27, Legion* 11 lander, are starting a House of trayed irritation at the suggestion | al date is set as January 1, 1933. dark for the Legionnaires as made to them, one remarking SOUTH DAKOTA: $15.00 per The high school basketball team David team. The first installment Malmsten was bearing down in already adorns their lips Well, they’re still up there and that they had not called for any month, maximum $400.00. and an great style in order to stave off will play two games home over behind their t t t outside assistance and declaring Aunt Sally Spencer", when additional appropriation of $12, with no losses the weekend. defeat. However, Hodges and SEEN HERE AND THERE that if left alone they could solve shown the article concerning the 000.00 was made by 1931 Legis name. Who? Why, the Federais, Nanson both got hits and pro- Uni- Friday night the Pacific “Tim” showing Bill Van Dor- their own problems. Another ob sleigh ride printed in last week’s lature, and any Veteran of South of course. They’ve won three and ceeded to score on outs by Hol- versity freshmen will tangle with en and others how to uproot a jected to “being jerked about like Issue commented as follows: Dakota who has not received his lost none and consequently hava tham and Cole. the locals at the Washington pole at George Johnson’s corner a fish.” “Yes, I did have an old-fashion bonus should make application at a very firm hold on first place as Nanson, with four runs t<> his grade school gymnasium at 7:30, ... A half dozen skiis resting their closest opponent, the Le The proposed ordinance was ed sleigh ride and it was LeRoy once. credit, was the big scorer for and Monday at 7:00 the tw<> St, against a locker in the post office laid on the table by unanimous Malmsten that took me. If the VERMONT: $10.00 per month, gions, have already lost a pair the Legions while Thomas was Helens teams will appear and . . . Emil Messing, J. C. Hender vote. snow had not melted so fast he maximum $120.00. No time limit, of games. their big star in the field, pull play a double header. The last son and C. F. Hieber earnestly dis The most exciting contest of F. E. Malmaten Choaea would have taken more of the but does not apply to commission ing down several line drives that contest will be a league game. cussing Boy Scout work after the week and also the best of were tagged for base hits. Welch In the early part of the meet young girls out sleigh riding. He ed officers. listening in on the scrap at the WISCONSIN: $10.00 per month the season was the game between led the scoring for the “Bandits” FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT ing the resignation of Ray Char knew that I was an old-fashioned city hall Monday night . . . Ray Outlaws, the Legions and the girl and he thought he would try lesworth, who had left the city, and still paying. with four tallies while Malmsten Charlesworth buying a wash tub Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tyrone of won the PENNSYLVANIA: The Legisla wherein the service boys was read and accepted. F. E. i his new sleigh out with me and and Buffmire performed well Burns, who were weekend guests to take with him to Toledo, Malmsten was thereupon elected ! his sister and her husband and ture of Pennsylvania will vote in game in the last half of the afield. t t t of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, to fill his place, and was sworn little nephew, Lawrence Knauss. 1933 on a bill providing for $10.- ninth inning by pushing across The score by innings follows: More Observation« Of The Early are staying in Portland tempor The two runs in a wild finish. “He drove to a place where my 00 per month with maximum pay in, taking his seat at once. Outlaws .......... 103 202 112—12 arily while Mr. Tyrone is under Bird mind went back many years ago ment of $200.00 to be allowed. Outlaws couldn’t figure out how Legions Clerk Discussed 001 073 002—18 medical care at the Veterans’ hos Big scoop for the Early Bird over they lost and after it was all and I said, ‘ Here is where I was Watch papers for further announ- The matter of water clerk was Batteries: Malmsten and C. pital. this week; McGraw coming down were seen standing around with Buffmire; Cole and Holtham. informally discussed. Recorder at a wedding many years ago. cements. town before eight o'clock. The Tyrones are former Verno blank expressions on their faces. MARYLAND Has a bill pend Reasoner explaining that he was They were married in the wood Federal« 21, Teachers 1# Mrs. Washburn in front of nia residents having moved to The umps finally had to tell shed all decorated up, for the ing outcome of coming election. acting* under advice of counsel in In another exciting and close Burns from here last September. bank saying "Good Morning.” them the game was over and to little house would not hold all who having absolutely nothing to do match during the past week the Their children are staying with Tam, the Light and Power dog, A leap year dance is to be giv go hgme and be consoled with with the collection of water rents were invited.’ " Federais defeated the Teachers friends while Mr. and Mrs. Ty- late to work. Aunt Sally states that Oral en at Natal grange hall Febru the short end of the 13 to 12 Tuesday evening 21 to 19. There as long as ordinance 181 stands Jack Perry coming in with the rone are in Portland. Evelyn is in as it does. No action was taken, ■ Spencer was her daaghter, not son ary 27. Supper will be served by score. was a large delegation of fans Burns and “Sonny Boy” is with city’s milk supply. I the home economics committee started off at the The Outlaws as given in last week ’ s issue, and in order to meet with city on hand to witness the fray, and I Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nicar in Co Albert Childs wondering where , the mail carrier’s name was Hack I and music will be furnished by first of the game as though they all of his help is. quille, Oregon. ¡the Sundland-Berg orchestra. were headed for another victory (Continued on page 6.) er. (Continued on Page 6) DESPONDENT MAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE George Washington 1732-1932 ¡VETERANS HAVE BONUS CHANCE COUNTY CHAMBER DIRECTORS MEET Mrs. Wm. H. Smith Passes Suddenly Federáis Have Firm Hold On First Place in Ball Series Feathers . . . and .. .Talons More About Aunt Sally’s Sleigh Ride