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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1932)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1932, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1932. council neglects to take any action providing for the only fair method of selecting a new mayor and council, election by the people. They neither pay any attention to the pro posed ordinance nor introduce another of the own, if the suggested one does not meet with their approval. PAGE THREE says the report. The outlook is United States is estimated to be for a smaller supply of fresh 3.5 per cent greater than a year eggs in 1932 than in 1931, unless ago and 6.4 per cent more than For 1932 Varied production per hen should exceed two years ago. More heifers are the large figure in 1931. Number on hand than needed for replace of chickens on farms January 1 ments. The importance of reduc Pacific Coast Representative “The 1932 crop season is mak was estimated at 5 per cent ing the cost of production, im Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. (8) They have ignored the only means of avoiding the ing a rather favorable start in under a year previous, but infor proving San Francisco the quality of the pro extremely detrimental effects of a recall election, resigna Oregon so far as nature is con mation on chick hatchings will ducts, and making Oregon dairy cerned, but prices for farm pro tion en bloc, though the mayor himself signed the docu ducts in 1932 will depend much I only become available from stock more attractive to Califor Member of National Editorial ment and the recorder also agreed in writing to resign as upon world-wide economic and month to month during the sea- nia buyers are emphasized. Association and Oregon State soon as a new mayor and a new council elected by thq political events which cannot be son. More Cows Being Milked entirely foreseen,” says the an Editorial Association. people should qualify and take their seats. With respect to the dairy situa nual agricultural outlook report These criticisms, of course, do not apply to Mr. Malm- just released by the Oregon State tion, the report says there are IV« can hn!p you solve Issued Every Friday 12.00, Per Year in Advance too many cows in the whole coun sten, who has just taken his seat, or let it be repeated, college extension service. Pointing out that the general try and that the number of young your printing problems Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post in any personal way to three as conscientious and well level of farm prices is now only stock being raised is still exces office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. meaning men as have ever served the city. about one-half as high as from sive. The number of cows in the Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; The Eagle recognizes itself as a newspaper for the 1926 to 1930, and scarcely two- legal notices. 10c. per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding entire community, not for any set of persons, organized thirds as high as from 1910 to insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, 1914, the report attributes this 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. or unorganized, nor for the individual opinions of its editor. situation principally to weak for It will gladly publish, therefore, any non-personal defense eign and domestic demand. There was overproduction of some farm that the council or its friends may see fit to make. RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher products and under-production of home from the express office with others, but the gross volume ot a package of goods which he had agricultural production was not A SORRY MESS just received from an eatern mail much more or less than from 1920 to 1930. order concern. “Substantial improvement in “ Why didn ’ t you come to my This newspaper has hesitated to take sides in the con domestic demand for farm pro store and buy these goods instead troversy between the mayor and council regarding the ap ducts is not to be expected until of sending out of town for credit conditions become more fa pointment of a recorder because the matter is one that The Columbia City lumber mill them?” inquired the merchant. should be settled by the two parties concerned. They were started operations February 12, Thf*"farmer looked at the mer- vorable, and there is a revival in MODEL 51 There is very little defi elected to do the job, and in so far as they have failed to and expects to run on small or- chant for a moment and then industry. nite evidence of significant im ders until a regular supply of said: function, both are at fault. ONLY provement in the near future in logs is available. Why don’t you patronize your the foreign demand for agricul • •••**• home paper more and advertise The Eagle has refrained, too, from criticism of the tural products from this coun council in matters entirely within their jurisdiction, for it Four flights of the handicap what you have to sell? I have try,” says the report. golf tournament started last Sep taken our home paper for three has believed that they should be given every chance to tember on the St. Helens golf Industrial Revival Watched l; iyears and it’s seldom that I see 8 4< work out their own salvation in their own way without in course have not yet been played your advertisement. I sent out Factory payrolls in this country Complete with Philco Balanced Tubft, terference from the outside. The situation, however, has up to last weekend. Football, of town for these goods simply in November were only 56 per of the average from 1923 including New become so acute, particularly in view of the impending re bowling and skiing are thought I because I didn’t know that you cent pi. to 1925 at the same season, and Pentode Power Tube to have crowded golf out of the had them. ” — Guthrie Center (Io.) lì! call, that hopes of the council’s ever straightening out the unemployment in some industries I Times. contestants’ minds. mess are evidently futile. was even greater. Signs of more ******* than seasonal improvement in DENIES Much, indeed, may be said for the council. They have An epidemic of measles in a TILLAMOOK such basic industries as iron and ATTEMPTING “STEAL” light form is reported from Rai given of their time fully and freely to civic affairs, they nier. 1 OF SHORT HIGHWAY steel, automobiles, and construc tion, which consume largely non- have been thoroughly honest, they have tried to work for the best interests of the citizens and taxpayers, they have A new series of farmers’ even- Residents of northern Tilla agrcultural raw materials, will be evidence of the approach of endured a lot of criticism from those who have lately be ing school meetings is being mook county in seeking construc improvement in domestic demand tion of a secondary state road high union Rainier held in the FREE demonstration...and FREE installation come their political enemies and some, al times, even from connecting with the coast high for farm products, according to those who always been their political friends, they have had school. to your ground and aerial way at Mohler and running west the report. all the kicks, and no compensation. From every personal Levi Erickson, 15, son of Mr. ward are not trying to “steal” Considerable space in the re- YES, the very latest Philco Superheterodyne, a brand new standpoint they deserve praise for what they do, and chari and Mrs. Sylvester Erickson of the proposed short cut road to port is given to an analysis of the cost outlook, including credit, 1932 Baby Grand, with Balanced Units... for only $39.951 Hamlet from Clatsop county, ac Quincy, died February 9 as the ty for what they fail to do. taxes, labor and commodities used You never heard of such a price for such a radio! Just look result of injuries received while cording to John W. Schroeder, at these features! Superheterodyne selectivity ...Screen Grid Apart from personal considerations, however, the coun coasting down hill. He was thrown secretary of the Tillamook Coun in production and living. The un favorable relationship between power...genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker—beautiful hand cil has allowed city affairs to become so involved and from his sled and a sharp splinter i ty Chamber of Commerce, who farm cash income and the cost I is a business visitor here today. rubbed Mahogany cabinet-5 Philco BalancedTubes, includ penetrated his stomach. tangled that they should no longer be permitted to remain Schroeder said that Tillamook of operating farms which has I ing new Pentode...and Philco Balanced Units throughout. prevailed for several years, is ex in office. They have proved themselves wholly unable to county is entitled to $30,000 state ADVERTISE Actually one of the most tremendoue values ever offered in money for secondary roads, and pected to continue in 1932, al cope with the present critical situation. They are unfitted radio! See it today! No obligation, and you can protect your though some improvement in some Ege- few months ago, P. A. A that residents in the northern for the task in hand, in the same way as if they should land, advertising manager of a part of the county want the road items seems likely. self on delivery. be chosen as a board of directors for the mill. “Poultry keepers who follow St. Paul wholesale house, told a built to provide an outlet for DON ’T DELAY! SEE IT! HEAR IT! TODAY well defined program of man Instances other than the deadlock over recorder have meeting of the National Merch farms along the lower Nehalem a agement are justified in rearing ants association that if "they , and Salmonberry rivers and to occurred at nearly every meeting since early December. would spend more money for ad- , connect with large lumber camps sufficient young stock to operate Some of them are as follows: vertising they would break the in j the vicinity of Enright and their present equipment, although present economic conditions do ‘buyers’ strike.” ( Cochran. (1) Urgent need for employment of a city attorney has He continued, saying that in Southern Tillamook county re not justify plunging or over ex been obvious, but since asking an attorney from St. Helens prosperous times there is a care sidents, on the other hand, want pansion of the poultry industry,” to appear at some of the meetings last year and engaging lessness of selection of advertis the $30,000 spent on roads in him to draw up an ordinance, the council merely laid the ing mediums, but that when con their part of the county, Schroed proposition on the table, and have done absolutely nothing, in ditions become depressed, the mer er said. chant must choose “the best pub Steelhead fishing is good in open meeting at least, about it. It is true that they have licity medium for the money.” Tillamook county streams these asked advice of a local attorney if he happens to be in the This best and cheapest medium days, according to Schroeder, and audience at the time, but he is understood to have de is the local newspaper which goes many anglers are getting large clined to accept the position or incur any responsibility right into the local home where it catches.—Astorian-Budget. used as a shopping guide. There for it because of the very good reason that he is interested is are many reasons why the news Eagle classifieds will pay you in possible litigation affecting the city. paper is the best, the chief one being that newspaper readers un (2) They have supposedly done away with the office consciously assist the advertiser of water collector, but the water collector still serves. A bill in that when they are about to for her services was laid on the table, with no understand read their papers, they relax men ing of any kind as to whether she would or would not get tally and physically and are, the money, or should continue to serve and receive pay for therefore, in the most receptive for assimilating the adver HAY ----------------------- it in the future. Incidentally one of the councilmen asked mood tising message. -------- GRAIN -------- at a recent meeting: “Didn’t we pass a resolution doing The point we’re trying to bring FEED ----------------------- away with the water collector?” and was informed that out is that the large firms of the country have found local newspa had been passed. Still no resolution appeared. none PHONE 681 per advertising an important ally (3) Judge Reasoner agreed orally to accept the duties of greater profits and greater of water collector but not under the provisions of Section business and that smaller firms 6 of Ordinance 181, making the recorder responsible for all can find the same results by the methods. Perhaps the idea delinquent accounts. Members of the council expressed the same is expressed more clearly in a Agency for opinion that any such provision if enforced would be un little story which we clipped from McCormlck-Deering fair, but have done nothing about amending the ordinance. one of our exchanges- A local merchant accosted a (4) The question of collecting delinquent assessments farmer on the street the other | ------ TRACTORS ------ was last fall laid on the table until the first meeting in day—the farmer was on his way Brrnnnta Farm Outlook Among Our I Neighbors • • Superheterodyne Baby Grand Radío M. F. WALL At MAC'S Pharmacy When the Home Paper Arrives FOR Vernonia Trading Co January. When that time came, the matter was again laid on the table, and nothing done about it one way or the other. In fact, it has become noticeable that whenever any difficult or distasteful issue presents itself the council lays it on the table and never takes it off. (6) When at the meeting last Monday presentation was made of a proposed ordinance by a citizen in a gentlemanly way with merely a request for consideration members of the council showed an obvious resentment at any one sug gesting a course of action for them, and promptly laid the ordinance on the table. While certain of their political sup porters have had ready access to them privately it has been very seldom of late that any one has been able to make a suggestion openly from the floor and receive care ful consideration on the merits of the proposition at hand. (6) No one member of the council since the pres ent controversy arose has ever cast in open meeting an in dependent vote in accord with his own convictions, the course of action on all anticipated measures being deter mined in secret caucus and unforeseen issues being referred for future consideration, if any. (7) In view of the fact that the recall if carried out would leave the city with neither council nor mayor, the Home folks eagerly read the home town paper, including the ads. ABC PRINTS And interest like this is by no means unusual. Just arrived New Color Combinations . . . and New Pat terns . . . The very best Quality for ser vice with colors guaranteed ... At the New Low Price of......................................... But did you ever know of a fam ily paying this much attention to a hand-bill thrown on the porch or crammed in the mail box? 19c yard SHOP HERE SAVE MONEY VERNONIA EAGLE I