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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1930)
Friday, June 13, 1930 Vernonia Eagle. Vernonia, Oregon Six ing on this creek. Starting home early in the afternoon, thought they would take a short cut, through the woods, but unfor tunately east became west, and rules require that these be in (From the Nehalem Journal of after traveling about ten miles hauled up at their friend's house Walt Linn, short little center ■ by July 1. Write for application April 29, 1890 from which they had started blanks and rules in regard to fielder for the Vernonia Iled- inoie when Heniges was hit by some hours before and he, the ¿hiits climbed up onto the top certification requirements. a pitched ball and on singles i Venturesome Voyageur« friend, kindly led them to their Much higher yields are being by Marshall, Drorbaugh i and rung of the average lad obtained from certified potato A party of four gentlemen homes through the gathering Linn, his third of the game, der last Sunday when he gar 'seed than from common stock | I of the lower valley, A. J. Gay darkness. They added one more in the nered three singles in four trips 'and this was quite apparent last lord, Thos. Colgate, and Frances on to the plate, making his aver- year when adverse weather con and Joseph Cronen, left yester ninth for good measure Mishawaka for the season to date. L ocj Ü Team 1« Now Third In Brooks’ hard double to right and age .462 day on a canoe trip down the The weather is fine in now ditions prepailed. In many cases Nehalem to salt water, Their The entire team has which inci. McGregor ’ s single, part of the country. The League common stock was practice”" ■■ dentally was also his third of come out of their slump and is , * while certif' .... boat is a 29-foot canoe, with J. T. Adams left for the land- The Vernonia baseball club the ball hard and fre- ■ fnu { ire the game. hitting made average production in most water-tight compartments, and ing for a pack load of merchan- moved into their old enemy’s Laird, lead off man for the' quent’y . The team average now cases and some of the certified everything ship shape and ready dise. territory last Sundi ly and took local club finally came out of at .260 and should ad- _r yields in for the numerous rapids they ex on the Clatskanie Chiefs in a his slump and played an excel- ■ Last Wednesday Mr. Darling consii drably beyond tins growers had heavy pect to shoot. This is a trip the spite of the dry summer and bloodthirsty^ revengeful battle, lent game at short, accepting in the next few games. arrived with another large raft dangers and beauties of which 1 . I fall. There is a good demand for finally coming out on top of of lumber fom the Pittsburg without a bobble I Individual averages to and *fi- certified seed potatoes, so you are enough to set a sportsman's ore. six chances the long end of a 7 to 4 and getting two hits in five eluding last Sunday’s game arc are sure of a better market for blood boiling. The river runs mill. The revenge was espe ¡ally sweet trips to the plate. Linn and Mc-i of the finest as follows: your crop by growing a high through some in view of a defeat which the Gregor also did nifty: some scenery in the northwest and AB R II Pct.1 quality of potatoes. local club suffered at the hands stick work, each of these boys 1 winds around wild and majestic of the Chiefs last year. This win etting three singles. 13 2 6 .462 1 Only potatoes from certified I.inn mountains upon whose fir-clad put the locals in third place in 17 3 6 .353 : stock will be inspected by the Mrs. Earnest Guin from Gabel Next Sunday the local club Hawkins sides are, to be found all man the Two State league and even play 3 1 1 .333 1 Certification Board. If you wish is visiting friends in Wilark this at home, taking on the i Malmsten ner of game. If the sportsmen up the wins and loss's with tw- fast Ryderwood team. Although McGregor 16 1 5 .3131 to certify, be sure to get ap- ! of tiie large eastern cities only week. apiece or an average of exactly they were beaten in their first Black 7 0 2 .286: proved seed, which carries a Ruth and Elaine, daughters of ' knew what they are missing the .500. 16 1 4 ,250 certification tag. game at Ryderwood by that club Brooks river would soon be full of cap Mr. and Mrs. Orville Makinister' McGregor pitched for the Ver 3 to 1, the boy» have had con- Marshall 4 0 1 .250 sized canoes. Plenty of elk re are spending rose week in Port-! 10 0. 2 .200 nonia club and with the excep .¡durable practice since then Shanks ported in the unsurveyed dis- land with their aunt and uncle, 1 1 1 .200 tion of the second inning when nd are hitting the old apple Drorbaugh Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Foote. trict. Curley Duncan motored to 1 .167 6 1 the going got rather rough wn * lit on the nose. They will al Heniges The Happy Six sewing club Portland Saturday evening, re- never in great difficulty al ii be greatly strengthened both Gibsun 7 0 1 .143 Little Local« meets with Mrs. Orville Makinis- turning Sunday. though there were one or two in the infield and at bat by the Laird 17 2 2 .list W. E. Bennett was a hurried There is to be a dance next ter. innings when he wa3 in rather addition of Hale Greenman at Friday evening in Mr. Zilligit’s 2 0 0 .000! visitor to Treharne last week. George Ben Dawler who was hurt last dangerous holes b he managed first base. 1 Mrs. W. G. Harlan is spend new building across the creek week is home from the hospital, to pull out of these without last Sunday's The box score of ing this week visiting Mrs. S. from the post office. A good Mrs. C. O. Marston plans to harm. Mac struck out a total game follows: A. " Morton, and Mrs. Ivan Sher- timc and a larSe crowd is ex attend the Rose Festival. of twelve of the opposing bats Vernonia AB R II PO A E er, sisters of Mrs. Harlan. ..peeted. men. 5 1 o 2 4 0 Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Laird, SS Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Morton1 Mr- Zilligit’s new store across In the fifth inning with men Lian, CF 4 1 3 1 0, 0 and family entertained at din-1 the creek looms like a cow in tcok the children on their first on second and third by virtue Malmsten i 3B 1 3 1 1 0 0 1 ner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. I. a flower garden. Mr. Zilligit has picnic of the season, out near Timber. of a walk and a siagle, the Hawkins, LF 5 1 1 2 0 0 W. Kistner, Mr. and Mrs. Ken I one of the best locations for a hard and far hitting Mr. Keene, Brooks, RF 4 1 1 2 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Marston drove ! Look Up County Payroll neth Kistner, Henry Kistner, store to be had in the valley. manager of the Clatskanie Chiefs McGregor, P 5 0 3 0 3 0¡ The Parker boys took a large to the coast for a Sunday out- [ Tarpayers and business men Donald and Lola May Kistner, 3 1 1 12 0 0 came to bat with something that Heniges, C raft of hay down -the river from ing. patronize home industry. This all of Portland. looked like murder in his eye. Gibson, 2B 2 0 0. 1 0 1 Mr. and Mrs, Steele moved Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benson and their place below town to the eems to be the call of the bus but in order to avoid any blood Marshall, 2B 3 0 1 I 1 0 Who makes home in- family were visitors at the homel Pittsburg mill last Wednesday. from Wilark to Portland. iness man. shed Mac gave him a political Drorbaugh lb 5 1 1 ß 0 0 Work on the Rock creek ; d ustry ? 1 be property owner and I of ’Mr. and Mrs. Iver Andred- Mr. and Mrs. James Troy walk and then went to work on bridge is progressing rapidly un spent the week end at Rockaway man, or in reality the I sen Sunday. I business o the almost equally hard hitting 39 7 27 8 der the direction of Foreman W. G. Harlan and Delmar beach. I tax payer. How does he make Jens Hermann but he had the Clat kanie I business? By putting into his Morton motored to Chehalis, Whitcomb. It is expected that misfortune to hit Jens on the Fuggitt, SS 4 1 1 0 5 o 1 the bridge will be completed by evening, .property or business what he ' Saturday returning 5 0 2 0 0 0 ' finger, forcing in the fourth and ' Larson, LF the latter part of the week. ■expects to take out with a reas Monday morning. final marker for the Chiefs.'The. Beach, C 4 0 0. 8 2 0" onable amount of profit later on. I Mrs. Emma Miller and Mrs. next man was an easy strikeout j Keene, RF 2 1 1 0 0 0 ‘ Crooked Creek Chips Why does a merchant or bus- I Laura Sauer of Vernonia were victim, leaving three men strand-, Hermann, lB 3 1 1 14 1 *> ' The weather is fine, summer ed on the bags. Blumenbg, P 4 0 0 0 5 0 iness man like to see a property Koster Camp visitors on Thurs- will soon be here. day. owner come in to make a pur- 4 1 1 2 0 1 The aacient and decrepit andi ' e, 2B Thomas Adams, road overseer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sherer and would-be hard-boiled Mr. Blum , Eilertsen, 3B 4 0 1 1 o n' chase? Because he knows if he has been having the settlers 0 has to extend credit, lie can ’ t family were visitors at the home 4 0 0, 2 0 enberg, who has tried out with I Finley, CF leading _ i crank his lizzie and escort his of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mitchell, working on the road seven or eight teams of the Pa-| I Rock creek to Mist and has suc- 7 27 15 3 real estate bye bye over night. Monday evening. cific coast league and five or! I ceeded in opening it so that Bert Williams was a Portland1 horsemen 1 0 0 0 2 1-71 Then why not cheek up on six of the Timber League andi Vernonia „vs ovmeil can pass. 1 Two worthy old settlers living 1 0 0 0 0-4 the tax end of matters, rather visitor Wednesday. found not wanted in both and Clatskanie 0 Summary: Earned runs, Clats- than si end too much time call all cases, pitched for the Ch'"r A. R. Stanton was a Verno-|near the Hillsboro road, took it and was in hot water practic cally kanie 2, Vernonia C; two base ing home industry. What Pe‘’ i nia visitor Saturday. into their heads last Sabbath to cent of the tax payers or free hit Keene, Hermann and nil through the game. The 1 Ver- Lee Johnson is reported ill. visit some of their friends visit- holders are now, in slack times Br oks; sacrifice hits, Linn, nonia Redshirts drew first blood Works Wonders as a Spring in the very first, inning when Malmsten and Ileniges; stolen employed on our public works? there any' non-property successive singles by Linn, Malm-, bases, Larson, Jesse, Linn and Are sten and Hawkins tallied up the Hawkins; struck out by Mc- owners or socalled floaters hold Large Bottle lunienberg 7; ljpse ba: ing jobs where there could just first run of the game. The lo Greger 12, Blumenberg as well be a home owner who L' _, _sft cals should have scored throe on balls off 1 McGregor 3; Vernonin 10, Clatska- would spend his money at home times in this canto but poor on ba: base running and a bad decis nie fi ; double play, Laird to and build up liis business or ion at first base cost them the Marshall to Drorbaugh; hit by ¡property if he accumulated a pitcher, Malmsten and Heniges surplus, which means more bus other two markers. For Insect Bites The Clatskanie Chiefs came by Blumenberg, Hermann by iness for our mprclifcnts. Why PER back in their half of the second, 'JcGri'gor; umpires. Black and not call the attiuitivn of the BOTTLE and scored three runs on doubles 'weeney; time of game 2.15. public employer to this fact and if no heed is taken have new by the aforementioned hard William C. Schmitt received manager or cut taxes until ad socking duo, Keene and Her mann and a single by Jesse pins contract to construct beacons justments are made. Check county pnyroll n little loose handling of the every io miles and emergency mates, landing fields 30 miles apart on month and notice if there ball by the Vernonia However, this lend wns short Portland-Pasco section of Port non-residents holding jobs that property owners might handle lived for the Redshirts shoved land-Spokane airways. across three markers in the first Wet Linn—Bids opened for just as well. of the third on singles by Laird construction of modern sewer This may be a bit bitter for and Linn, a sacrifice l>y Malm- tem here nt estimated cost of a non-taxpaycr, but the grass is' sten and singles by McGregor $16,000. as green now ns it ever was, and Heniges. Bids received for surfacing and there are lots of places in This ended the scoring for the five miles of Spout creek Mar- the Nehalem it can be made to local tribo until the cfi'lith in 1 ct road between Burnt Woods grow, if you want your job. We believe in service that is ning. when they marl ed pp fWo and Harlan. HOME OWNER. Certification Of Potatoes Application for certification of Players’ Bat potatoes should be made to the agent’s office at this A vcrages Rise county time and the state certification Forty Years Ago Win From Clatskanie Wilark Koster Camp In the Editor’s Mail Save With Safety •e Bambo Brier MI-31 Solution Tonic 4 Gypsy Cream 1 Friendly Service ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving. Permanent Waving. All ilio Intesi GnodyenrN are In ere ni Low 1!>3O F.ayle Aere Heaiì/ Ihitii Standard AH-'Weathcr and Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Fulton—they took a chance and found something better. And there’s no telling what you're missing in tires until you make comparisons. Doesn’t a tire that has proved itself EXTRA-good enough to lead in popu larity for 15 years, at least deserve a try? I’ut on a Goodyear next time—get the low down on this question of which kind is best! ioir-privcd, biçj value. Arir Style Pathfinder Full Oversize—a quality possible hccause of the low costs Goodyear enjoys by building more than !» of all tires sold in America. Fresh 1930 “firsts"—care fully mounted—lifetime guaranteed—backed by our year round service. 32x6 10-ply Truck Tires $35.59 x Tubes also low priced We’ll Qladly Inspect Your Tires I rec—and Inflate Them. Drive In. GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia Guaranteed Tire Repairing—Estimates Free A. M Electrotherapy, Chiropractor Tel. 671 1117 State Vernonia, Ore emonia HOTEL Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building Tenn inai Cafe The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store I have leased and am now operating the Sessman Blacksmith Shop. Bafford Brothers Repairing of All Kind« W. M. Faulkner General Plumbing Vernonia LAWYERS STRAND 4 BERG Contractors and Builder« On all kinds of construe, tion, estimates given with- out charge. Box 157, Vernonia Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I DENTISTS I Gordon R. Watt Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Physician and Surgeon DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry end X-Ray Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant PHYSICIANS M. D. COLE I. O. O. F 7 Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon ' ’ ANNOUNCEMENT Vernonia Po«t HARDING LODGE 116 Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia _______ Lodge No night in the W.O.W. 246 meets evei Tuesday night ~ hall. \ ¡siting broth at 8 o'clock, in O.O.F. hall. Vis- ers welcome. itors always welcome. Noel Hammack, N.G. James Nanaon, C.C. John Glassner. Secretary. U. A. Scott K.R.S. Dr. J. A. Hughes Cason Transfer CONTRACTORS American Legion No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very second and fourth' Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 61 meets always welcome. Marie O'Donnel, Vice Grand every 2nd and 4tl. Wednesdays in Edna Linn. Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. Myrtle John, Secretary. MARJORIE COLE. M E. C. DELLA CIJNE. M. of R. * C. Della Cline. Treasurer Physiotherapy DR. R. A. OLSON S'ehal.m Chapter 153, O. E. S. 119, . American > Regular commu Legion. Meets nication first second and S and third Wcd- fourth Tuesdays 1 ) nesdnys of each each month, 8 p. 1 month, at Ma- m. Connie An * sonic Temple. All visiting sis-i derson, Com- ' ters and broth-' mander. T. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Gwladys H i. pheraon, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secrriary. Mountain Heart KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 39c WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets Meets third Thursday of each at Masonic Temple, month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Stated Communication Mrs. May Mellinger, president. First Thursday of each I - ---------------------------------------------- called NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 month. Special on all other Thurs- ORDER OF RAINBOW nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors FOR GIRLS cordially welcome. Regular meeting second and Tapp, W. M. fourth Mondays. Wilkerson, Secretary. Audrey Austin, Recorder Order of Eastern Star 50c Tube and 35c Tooth Brush ALL FOR ... rnV CvnVnniemCue the followi,n8 business and professional people are listed on and professiona^people. me" Bnd W°mC" “re kn°Wn in Vernoni“ as reli«ble BEAUTY SHOPS A. F. Klemo Tooth Paste Professional and Business Diredorj Bank of Vernonia a CEisaiige! Ounce Bottle Mac’s Pharmacy braced by a smile and a hand clasp, that gives freely of fin ancial aid and information, that offers counsel based on reliable, experienced judgement. O' SOI* This Safe Antiseptic Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 PASTIME CARDS AND Hoffman Hdwe. Building LIGHT LUNCHES Vernonia, Oregon Lloyd Baker, Prop. You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the «how.