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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Ôregon Friday, June 13, 1930 V Seven week. and son Normand were Mist said resolution was published the by authorized and directed to Woodburn—City Council auth callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown of 6th day of June, 1930, in ac publish notice of this resolution orized purchase of new 16,000 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred cordance therewith, and this place went to Portland rescinding said election in Ver- pumper for local fire depart* Rumi u h last week, a seven Tuesday of this week. Whereas, it now appears that nona Eagle in the issue of June ment. pound ■aby girl. Mother and E. E. Mills and Millard 13th, 1930. Astoria—Number of streets daugh. _ fine at the an error has been made in draft are doing Counts motored to Portland and ring the proposed amendment Adopted by the council, this here resurfaced. back, Monday of this week. CONTEST OPEN FOR ALL Clatskanie hospital. | pertaining to the power and 9th day of June, 1930, by the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Green and Klamath Falls—W. J. Tobin Dr. Marvin Eby spent Sunday G. W. Nelson, roadmaster on Harry Johnston of St. Helens SCHOOLS TO 16 YEARS family were callers in Vernonia .authority of the council relat- following vote: received contract, on bid of in Portland. I the S. P. & S. Railway, spent was seen on the streets in river ring to a municipal light and Yeas: Hansen, Mellinger and $61,000, for construction of 14th Saturday. Friday evening and Saturday view a few days this week. Pomona Grange Cooperate» With sewer unit. Some of the folks from this 1 power plant, which the council Tapp. Frank Hartwick attended the morning in this city, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills and Good Publicity community attended the funeral did not intend and deems should Nays: None. golf match at Seaside Sunday. G. E. Votaw and A. J. David- son Mickey returned to Wald The dairy essay contest, spon of Henry Cox, held at Mist Sat- not be “PProved. Submitted to the Mayor June Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer' son, officials of the S. P. & S. port Tuesday of this week, af sored by the Pomona Grange of urday afternoon. Now therefore be it resolved 9, 1930. Seward Hotel ter a week ’ s stay at Mrs. Mills ’ were Vernonia visitors Saturday. Railway, were visitors in Verno Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fowler 1 by the council, that the resolu- Columbia county, affords all Approved by the Mayor, June parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall. HOUSE OF CHEER nia Saturday. from Vernonia called at the Jake tion ___ _________ heretofore adopted the 21st 9, 1930, Mrs. Mill’s sister, Mrs. A. JCirk school children up to the age Neurer place Wednesday -- even-¡day TENTH AT ALDER K. A. McNeil transacted bus- of April, 1930, inclusive, an opportunity M«, v» npru, wou, submitting of 16, G. R. MILLS, Mayor, M. Turkington, proprietor of accompanied them. Portland iness in Hillsboro Monday. Oregon inK- • ¡proposed charter amendments to part of the $60 in prizes I proposed to win Turk’s Sandwich shop left Tues Leonard Malmsten made a trip Attest: D. B. Reasoner, City Excellent meals at pop Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker: the legal voters at a special elec- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance day for the Mexican border on’ to Portland last week to get his offered for the best essays. recorder. ular prices. Coffee shop. Write your story now, telling and sons, Edward and Veron^tion to be held the 23rd day of spent Friday evening and Satur a business trip. motorcycle which was there for Merchant» Lunch 25c, 35c. and daughter Loretta from Tre-JJune, 1930, be and the oai.ic same is , ------ ’ ---- ’ why more dairy products should day in Portland. Fruit crop, apples and pears, Dinner» 40c, 50c, in dining Mrs. Emil Roy was taken to repair. be used for the health of the harne, were Thursday evening hereby rescinded, repealed and room. Breakfast 25c and Mrs. B. T. Hall and son Bur at the home of Mr. and annulled and the call for said of Rogue River valley (Medford Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Richard the Emanuel hospital at Port ley was up from Mist Tuesday public and why greater prosper visitors district) the coming season, will up. Luncheon» 35c, 50c. Mrs. Jake Neurer. land Friday, and operated on | special election be and the same ity to the dairymen adds greater son attended the baseball game Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $1, exceed 6,000 car mark, accord of this week to attend the fune prosperity to the entire com Mr. Armstrong from the Un ia hereby cancelled. at Clatskanie Sunday afternoon. the same evening for appendi ral of Purcel Cline. ing to Guy W. Conner, of Sim W. D. McNair, Manager citis. munity. Tell your own story in ion Oil company of Vernonia Be it further resolved that on, Shuttleworth and French W. C. Culbertson, Prop. spent Monday at Natal on bus Quite a number of pioneers Clatskanie your own words. There are no Dan Wallace of the recorder be and he is here- company. Walter J. Turner purchased a spent Monday in this city on Ford trailer from the Kerr Mo from this place attended the rules as to how long a story iness. Mrs. Nels Peterson and her Ipioneer meeting at Birkenfeld, you should write, but it should business. tor company last week. The trail Sunday. daughter, Mrs. Noble Punlap to include be of proper length C. A. Scommon spent the the facts and to be of interest motored to Portland Thursday, M. B. Watson purchased a er will be used in the logging bringing back Mrs. Dunlap’s son used Pontiac coupe from the operations of Turner and Jones. week end at Camp McGregor, to most readers. Floyd, who has been in Port Kerr Motor company last week Mrs. Wally Henderson of Port visiting wthi friends. to the val- Material in regard land for. some time. land will spend the summer ue of dairy products may be ob- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer were Cooked Food Sale Frank Ballagh of the O. S. C. months in this city. Mr. Hender The ladies of the W. R. C. tained by writing to the county Vernonia shoppers on Wednes- spent Friday and Saturday in son is a locomotive engineer for Helens. will hold a cooked food sale and agent’s office, at St. this city. the S. P. & S. railway. Linsey was a Vernonia serve chicken and noodles and Send your e^Way to Mrs. Edith Sheets, lecturer Pomona visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay and hot coffee, Saturday, June 21, I. Mrs. G. W. Long was a Port- Grange, Clatskanie, Oregon. Do Carl Iler is working for the Jai. visitor last week, spending son Micky and Mrs. Lee Schwab in the building Mrs. Hadleyi va- not sign the essay, but write West Coast Telephone company, and sons, Bobby and Melvin, cated on Bridge street. several days with friends. your, name and address on a now being built down the river. spent Sunday in Portland visit separate slip of paper and at Arthur Steele, editor of the ing the city parks. Bob Vickers bought three' Jer I tach it, as the essay will be sey heifers from J. F. Johnston Clatskanie Chief, was a visitor given a number which to identi at Birkenfeld recently. John Hall, agricultural agent in Vernonia Saturday. of the N. P. Railroad, spent Sat Mr. and Mrs. Ain Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Lee and fy it at the time of judging. Glen Metsker of St. Helens urday in Vernonia with the dairy Judging will be done on the was in Vernonia Saturday on train special. Mr. Hall is one of family from Vernonia were vil- following basis: Best argument» were in Vernonia on business Thursday. lage callers Sunday. business. the best known agricultural, Earl Smith from Vernonia put forth in favor of using Clyde Johnson made a bus- authorities in the county. from an more dairy products The Thomas variety store iness trip to Vernonia Friday. spent a day last week at Natal This Saturday will be Children’s Day, Sunday standpoint, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Her sold have installed a new elec’ric The Union Oil company is re looking after telephone business. economic and health will be Father’s Day and of course EVERY sign, of gold and black design. painting the Kerr Motor com Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer 60 points; English construction, several head of yearling heifers Chi drei't fir DAY is Mother’s D:y at the West’s Favorite 25 points; Neatness 10 points; a few days ago. were Sunday callers at the Reed I Father s Dir Bodie Hieber is now employed pany, building in the Union Oil | Holding home. Spelling 5 points; Total 10,0 Otto Smith and son drove to Fo<>d Stores. It is hehe that she comes to per- by the Oregon Gas and Electric company’s colors, of red, white ; Lincoln Peterson was a Satur points._______ _________________ Vernonia Tuesday. sonally select the foods that make every meal a delight and every one healthier I and blue. The Twin Fir Service company. Sam Burnstein from Portland I station will also be painted this day visitor at Mist. and happier. THAT is why our stores are favored by the entire family. has been in this community and Harry McMullin drove to Bux- guests of their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John Libel of week. in the valley for several days tor. Sunday to spend the day .family at Natal. Birkenfeld were Vernonia visit G. Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. C. with his parents. ors Saturday. All the pioneers in the valley selling, buying and trading hor- of Longview, spent Friday of Herman Sultz from Honolulu turned out Sunday from far ses. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis and last week here house hunting. will arrive at Natal this week and near to celebrate pioneers Dave McMullin went to work LIBBY'S COOKED CORN BLUE ROSE RICE, Strict family of Mist attended the Mr. Whitlock is the new mana- to spend several days with his day which takes place each year. last week for Birkenfeld Log BEEF, No. 1 Cans. ly fancy quality. dairy train show here Saturday. ger for the J. C. Penney com- two nieces, Mrs. Ira Peterson ging company at Birkenfeld. ; Mrs. William Culver and son For pany new store which will open and Mrs. Lee Osburn. Jake Neurer spent Wednesday, Pounds Mr. and Mrs. M. Grunden and this month. Oliver Burris and his grand i Billie were Natal visitors Sunday In Vernonia on business. PRUDENCE CORNED Lorraine Space attended the KELLOGG ’S PEP or Rice daughter were shoppers in Ver 1 afternoon. BEEF HASH baseball game at Clatskanie Sun- Long, I Mrs. George Taylor and child- Krispies, any assortment. RESOLUTION nonia Monday forenoon. Journal arrived of the Oregon day. Del Monte early Garden Whereas, the council of the Most every farmer and their ren spent Saturday in Vernonia. Large Can Saturday morning here, spending For_____________ Peas No. 2 Dad’s Sandwich shop was re- several hours driving through families were in Vernonia Sat-i Miss Connie McMullin was a city of Vernonia, Oregon, did. SOAP, Crystal White, of heretofore on the 21st day urday to see the dairy demon- guest of her cousin, Evelyn Mc- JAR CAPS, Get ready for MacMarr Del Maiz Corn painted the early part of this the valley. During the afternoon WCCA, April, 1930, adopt a resolution Mullin UL at DUALUIl Buxton 1UBU last week, canning, Kerr or Ball. week and is now coated with a Mr. Dana spoke at the special stration, which was greatly en- 1V1U11II1 No. 2 Bars Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis were submitting proposed charter joyed by everyone. gold and black finish. dairy meeting at the Joy thea Per dozen Libby’s Fancy Tomatoes Frank Peterson and his son ' week end visitors at Vernonia. amendments to the legal voters Bars Palmolive _______ Richard were Vernonia business Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wickland of the city for their approval J. C. Lindley motored to tre. No. 21/a— MACMARR COFFEE— from Clatskanie called to see or rejection, and made provision Hillsboro early Saturday morn- callers Wednesday. FIG BARS, white or whole Any Assortment wheat, and Big Value Gin ing on business, returning home Recd Holding and son George Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Sun- for the calling and holding of Pound ger Snaps. | a special election to be held on and daughter Bertha spent Sat day. at 10 a.m. Mrs. Nettie Lloyd and sister urday afternoon in Vernonia. Cans Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell of the 23rd d^n of June, 1930, and Pounds Tommy Bateman returned who has resided at Hillsboro Pounds Jake Neurer butchered four Vernonia were picnicking alcr.g directed the City Recorder to) Monday evening from Portland for the last six months moved veal last week for the market. the Nehalem river at Natal Sun- give notice of said special elec-, after spending several days visit back to Riverview last week. | tion by publication of said reso- Olie Estes and his parents dayi Choose your flavors. Free 4 Glassette Qf* _ ing friends. Peterson lution in Vernonia Eagle, and Miss Mildred Hawkins of this from Riverview were Sunday I molds with 3 pkgs. Jell-well, 3 pkgs...... ttOC days in Mrs. Ed. Hart and son of Dry place is spending a few ad Wash, spent several days vis Gaston, with Lois Peck. Mrs. Sarah Spencer went to iting at the home of Mr. and Mr». Black or Green pkgs. Portland Thursday of this week M. L. Gaines. to visit her daughter, Mrs. Miss Josephine Hoydar of j B. Malmsten at the Good BOTTLE CAPS— PER 1 Q Portland spent the week end as I maritan hospital, who had GROSS 13C guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. I (arm amputated Wednesday Marshal Dana, associate editor i this week. MACMARR FLOUR, Milled Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler Ernest (Speck) Ford, sales from finest northwestern man with the Pacific Fruit and and .son Kenneth of this place wheat. Libby ’ s Yellow Cling spent the week end in St. Hel Produce company spent Monday ens visiting relatives. Peaches halves or lb. Sack in Vernonia. Orel Estes left Tuesday of sliced, No. 2i/i— Large pkg. BLUE RIBBON MALT— Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman this week for Freewater, Ore., Sweet Treat Sliced and family returned Saturday where he expects to visit his FREE — Attractive Pineapple, Doles fan Lb Can Henry George from a motor trip extending brother-in-law, cy pack No. 2*4— colored glass cake along the McKenzie river. and family. Any Assortment JAR RUBBERS, heavy red Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainey and stand with Swans Miss Catherine Hoffman and J. M. Morgan of this place went rubber. Charles Hoffman, Jr., left Sat- to Corvallis Sunday, and visited down Flour—FREE. Dozen urday for Newport, to visit i several poultry farms, returning friends. the same day. Calumet.—FREE—large layer cake pan Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lappe' Omar Sheeley and his mother, purchased a new Ford sport Mrs. Ellen Sheeley were the roadster from the Kerr Motor guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of this place Wednesday of this company last week. Dairy Contest Is Now Open LOCALS 4 A s SSTORÉS œs I Natal FAVORED BY THE ENTIRE FAMILY June 14 June 15 2 Fancy Canned 45c Vegetables 29c 3 19c 3 35c 37c 29c 10 4 Birkenfeld 25c 35c 3 T W vw 3 49C TREE TEA y2 Fancy Canned 49 This is 65c Refrigerator Gay Madrid” 53c 3 25c Flour 35c Ä ™ c“”' T CHEWING GUM — Choice of flavors. All White Enamel Inside Outside. Top leer. 2 $32 5c Packages KRAUSE'S SWEET HOME MARSHMALLOWS, “Buy your Marshmallows by the carton." Pound Carton 59c 25c TOILET PAPER, Waldorf. Feed 3 19c Rolls PICNIC REQUISITES— SCRATCH FEED— 100 lbs................ 12.45 CRACKED CORN— 100 lbs................ 92.25 MILL RUN 80 lbs. 91.19 Crest paper Napkins, quar terfold, 40 napkins to pkg. Savaday Heavy paper plates, 12 plates to pkg. Any assortment plates or napkins, 3 25c Packages $31 With Dorothy Jordon MACMARR MARKET Solid Oak, Top leer White Enamel Linings Friday, June 13 George Bancroft in his greatest dramatic Rob "The Mighty Supported by Ester Ralston Saturday Eve. and Sun. Mat June 14 and 15 WE ARE FEATURING FRYERS at 3 for ........................... LAMB STEW, Per pound .............................................................. $15.50 TRY OUR BOILED HAM, at Per pound .............................. PORK CHOPS, Per pound ............................................................ SHORTENING, 2 Pounds .......................................................... Save your food, Save your money and buy one of these refrigerators. 91.00 .. 15c 59c 30c 29c MACMARR STORES HOFFMAN HARDWARE --------------------------------------------------------- L—L!----------- LUI--------------------- ---------------------------- 1---------------------------- 1.. H1 M 11 IIIIBI^ bii 1 THE NEW MOVIETONE 59 "Follies of 1930 With Ed Brendel, Marjorie White, Wil liam Collier, Jr., and others. Sunday and Monday Evenings June 15 and 16 "Temple of Tower" With Kenneth MacKenna as Bulldog Drummond Tuesday and Wednesday June 17 and 18 3 Carnation Milk Extra Large Size Solid Oak, White Enamel Lin ings. RAYMON NAVARRO In— $1.69 PoWflpi* ruwuer free with each 1 lb Calumet Lb Can 2ÖC Weather Jov Theater 33c Swansdown Fruits I 38c $1.12 1 3 FINNEY OF THE FORCE —T------------------------------- -------------------------—r1 . AN VMO IS ITS BED-kOlME THiS.PEtS’ YOUR. FEO- YOUGS* \ SiSTEQ-0 COKE: ALÔJÙG1 Tadpole Has a Date ---------------- \ ŸES, SHE UJAS ADOPTED BY MY SCENTS Tw>O s ■ >- i——:------------ DONT D»51UQe> SHE LIK&5 Mt! - LOOK AT WAT f SHE'S ALMOST ASLfcE' YlS • A PITY TO vjuAKfeN '&.CL ». •• —1 X" .------------------------------------------------ 1 PE<SL HOU) TOO UATC, ABOUT THAT I BOBBY ANO TADPOLES ajot MOVIE ? REAL. SOOAJD ASLSE.P SMT YER ______ MAXI LOO* DûMfeSlUlC THOXSU.Pfcöf