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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1930)
Friday, June 13, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Hear Sweethearts Every Tuesday Five stag and son Gaylord were in Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe re colored suits blend with the back gravels, and loams are good Newberg Sunday. motored to Forest Grove Tues- ground of trees or rocks and the soils. There should be good, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmen day evening. shades of the water. Should a deep, natural drainage, so that spent Sunday in Portland. Jimmie Ingalls and Gladys child wander out of sight or be-' during the wet season of the Elmer Hamilton of Forest Walters went to Rocky Butte yond his depth his absence will year the ground water will be Grove was here on business to see the motorcycle hill climb be more promptly noticed if he at least 10 feet below the ground Monday. University of Oregon, Eugene, ing contest Sunday. "SWEET ADELINE” MAKES wears a bright-colored suit surface. Miss Lena Blum came over (Special) ____ _ —Vernonia ............ ._ .. F .w- is repre- Herbert Root and Eunice Root NEW FRIENDS HERE which makes it easy to locate from Tillamook Thursday to vis- , sented at the university by four senceu av uie py lour made a trip to Portland Sunday. Astoria—Number of streets him quickly. it Mrs. Russel Burt. I students this year, two of whom Doyle of Tacoma, Wash., visit- here resurfaced. Loyal To Paper, Refuses To Mr. i and ‘ Mrs. ” - - - - Ray Rockwell have been freshmen, one a sop- Miss Erma Moore and C. Real-estate dealers say that a Fruit crop, apples and pears, Consider Other« motored to Seaside Sunday. ~ ~ . I homore, and one a junior. ed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore good, dry, light cellar adds from Ray Walters received word, Amy ... Hughes _ __ ____ is . just complet- Thursday "Sweet Adeline,” is now of- $500, to $1000 to the value of of Rogue River valley (Medford and Friday. Miss Saturday that his mother, Mrs. I ing her third year on the cam- Moore is the daughter of Mr. ficial mascot of the Vernonia a dwelling. Of first importance district) the coming season, will Naomi Walters died at her home pus, and during the past nine and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Eagle staff. I is the site for a building, says exceed 5,000 ear mark, accord in Wadena, la. | months has achieved distinction Mrs. J. L. Stubbs of Portland Quietly gliding into the work ¡the U. S. Bureau of Fubuv Public ing to Guy W. Conner, of Sim Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nicholls in campus activities. In the fall spent Wednesday and Thursday shop last week, she purred up' roads. Choose a site moderately on, Shuttleworth and French and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace she tried out for the woman’s with her husband at the A. F. to every male member swishing elevated so that there is a fall toinPany- Boomhamer drove to Cochran, I glee club and sang alto in the Knight home. her tail madly in every direction, I in at least one direction. The j Woodburn—City Council auth- Sunday. and after assured of a welcome, soil and subsoil should be open orized purchase of new $6,000 University Symphonic Choir, an Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bailey of organization made up of both decided to make this her new and porus so that air and wa- pumper for local fire depart Seaside were visiting at the men and women’s voices. The home. | ter are admitted readily. Sands, ment. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rayj choir .............. ..... .......... ........ appear- made four F public Her catty ways won her a Alter Society met at the home Rockwell, last week. rances during the year, , one in of Mrs. in the heart of every H. Condit Thursday af- place Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Morello ¡conjunction with the - Portland , _ .................... ternoon. Those attending were: ploys, and her loyalty went to Yamhill Sunday to spend .Symphonic uivucoua. orchestra. XTXioa Miss xiugn- 11 ugh - Mrs. L. . ready become evident and sons Mel- home town the day with relatives. | es was also a member of the vin and Schwab paper, when Bobby, Mrs. C. Ohler, Mrs. Charles Poole and son committee that chose the best fused to eat her lunch Mrs. G. Ohler and children, Mrs. Kenneth of Portland . visited with! song in a campus song contest. paper spread, but an Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Root and I She was recently selected as F. Schmidlin and children, Mrs. Her mild green eyes spits fire F. Gough and daughter, Mrs. whenever family, Sunday. any other publication | a member of the Big Sister or- N. Allard, Miss Smith and Mrs. Joe Winans, Joe Ferloak and ganization, which is made up of is mentioned, and she has been 8. Baker. A lovely luncheon was Al Harp made a trip to Port- j girls that act as big sisters to placed on the official reception served by the hostess. land Sunday. staff of the Vernonia Eagle, jincoming freshman girls in the Gives Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. . Seth Noble have fall. She is a member of Teme- Her preference for goodlook- _ Mrs. E. Sunell gave a birth Ing males is quite evident by been enjoying a visit from Mr. nids, national honorary organiza Noble’s sister, Miss Thelma No tion for women of the Eastern day party in honor of her sons, her selection of a new home. ble of Newberg. Star on the campus. She is also Robert and Olar. Those »«end So, we too, own a cat. Mr. and Mrs Al Love spent president of Hendricks Hall, a ; ing were Lawanda Stanton, Mol- Dongla ' O’Donnell, “Inside” Information the week end in Mountamdale, uormitory for women on the ley and with Mrs. Love’s father, John campus. Miss Hughes is major- Myrtle and Alford Webb, Milo An invisible pocket in the John, Virginia and Frances Doo seam of a little girl’s dress sim Lindstrom. I ing in music. W. H. Krebs was in Portland, Everett Hale Greenman is ley, Loretta Baker, Miss Mar- ilar to a boy’s trouser pocket is Saturday having his eyes treat-. finishing his first year at the garett Nelson, Edgar Crawford, useful when she has to carry ed. University. He is a member of Mrs. R. Stanton, Mrs. F. O’Don money. Mrs. August Frid of Cherry Sigmu Nu, national social fra- nell, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. A. Prune production in the Unit registered Grove, was the guest of her* temity, — and —1 * is “---- ’**—J as — a “ Nelson and the hostess. A de ed States has increased greatly daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and pre-law student. This spring he lightful lunch was Berved. The in recent years. This country Mrs. Tom Olson, for several was on the frosh baseball squad children received many presents. supplys 75 per cent of the total days last week. Those attending the dairy and played in enough games to Ford Phaeton Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis I I win his numerals. train lecture last Saturday were: world production. In choosing a gas stove con *THE Ford Phaeton, shown above. Is equally popular as a family car Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, were the guests of relatives in The other two Vernonia stu Portland Sunday. dents on the campus are Percy Mrs. M. John, Mrs. R. Stanton sider where it is to be installed * and as a sport car for young psopte. The seating arrangement pro Henry Ferloak, Ralph Root Bergerson, who will be a junior, and daughter Lavenda, Mr. and and how the window light will vides for the driver and one passenger In front and three passengers and Fred Miller hiked to a cab next year in the school of bus-. Mrs. Henry John, Mr. and Mrs. fall on it. The choice of a left In the rear. Seats are upholstered In two-tone cross bra grain arti in near Cochran Saturday, stag iness administration, and Helen E. Burgerson and children, Mrs. hand or right-and oven is not ficial leather. The top Is of the quick collapsing type, easily handl.d by one per ing a “back to nature” week (Hieber, a freshman majoring in C. Ohler, Mrs. Mowe, Mrs. Mur- so much a matter of left or phy, Mrs. Weed, Mr. and Mrs. right-handedness as it is provis son, and folds flat. The windshield, of Triplex shatter-proof glass, Is end. The natives report that no sociology. Garner and daughter, Mrs. P. ion for good light on the open of the folding type and can be laid flat forward. The windshield wings bears, wolves of lions have been seen since in that vicinity. Snyder, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Hurley burners when one is cooking, or fold over it, emphasizing the sport effect of the car. motored to Vernonia for a Mr. and Mrs. George King round of golf Sunday, later tak- and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Al cleaning. When the oven is be and family went on a picnic ing in a show at the Joy thea- bert Schmidlin and family from tween the window and the bur Sunday. Chaa. ners it casts a shadow on them. Brauns, Mr. and Mrs. tre. Buy bright-colored bathing Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bennett Dave England _ has _ gone to Schmidlin and children, Geo. suits and caps for children. were Sunday guests of Mr. and ¿Springfield to spend the summer Holt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orange, yellow, red, vivid blue, Mrs. R. S. Dudrow. with his grandmother, Mrs. Gor- Art Kirk and daughter, Mr. and green, or violet are colors that Mrs. C. Jensen, Mrs. R. Spen Mr. and Mrs L. E. Stephens rie. can be seen readily from a dis and daughter Emma and William Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig and cer, Mrs. Geo. Baslington, Mrs. Coade motored to Woodburn .family were in Vernonia Satur- Haden and children. Everyone tance along the shore. Neutral- enjoyed the lecture and the lun Sunday to spend the day with day evening to see a show. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George "King and cheon at noon. Mrs. Walter Bennett was at Miss Katherine Patrick < of * family went to Portland Monday Portland visited with Mr. and to spend the day with Mrs. home on Wednesday returning Mrs. Ray Bristow last week. from Taft. King’s sister. Joe Winans, Al Harp and Jor. Ben Bennett is moving his Louis Clatt was in Aloha Ferloak were at Arcadia pari? over the week end with his fam- family out to the mill for the Saturday night. summer. >iy. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mogan _ Mr. and Mrs. John Price and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern went of Portland called on Mr. and to Arcadia park Saturday night children spent Thurs fiy evening Mrs. J. H. Farley, one day last for the dance there. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren H. Smith. Mr and Mrs. Dave Ellis were , were guests of Mr. Ahlgren’s Mrs. Wm. Holkom visited at guests of relatives in Newberg, brother for dinner one evening the home of her sister on Mon- Sunday. , I " last week. day. Walt Scholl of Portland spent Mrs. E. Sunell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis, W. a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Day and Miss Lenore Bishop Mrs. L. Crawford were Verno- Ray Bristow last week, Mr. drove to Salem Sunday, to visit nia shoppers last week. Scholl is Mr. Bristow’s uncle. Mrs. C. Watts, Mrs. Kilberg a friend at the T. B. hospital The construction of a bridge there. were on the mail route Friday across the Nehalem river starts Eric Armstrong has a new morning. Tuesday on the Cochran road. I cat, the neighbors report that Mrs. Al Webb gave a party Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burt it has an excellent trained voice, in honor of her son Alfred, he were in Portland Sunday. which will add much beauty and was six years old. Several little Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Poole of ____ harmony to the Felines Glee_ friends helped him celebrate. LaCenter, Wash., who have been 'c]ub, , t„.„ F„v..w..v organization [ Mr. and Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell this patriotic unusual accuracy in manufacturing. A SIGNIFICANT TRIBUTE Io the value of guests of their daughter, Mrs. I j j ¡ n Westimber already , i _i j — has i a spent the week end at Camp Beneath its graceful lines and beautiful •he new Ford is found in its increas II. L. Root for a week returned membership of 100 voices. McGregor visiting D. F. O’Don- to their home Sunday. i , _ colors there is u high degree of me ing use by Federal, state and city gov — _ L. _ Root accompanied his neR family Mr. and Mrs. .— ~ ——_ , Ingalls ' wife „uu to vu a Portland viLiuiiu ounuuy, Reed Sunday, Mrs." Mrs. j Mr and Mrs. Henry John and chanical excellence. ernments and by large industrial com and children, Hazel 1 and Reed, Root will undergo an operation .family, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wil An example of the value built into the panies which keep careful day-by-day cost Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferloak, at the St. Vincent’s hospital John at- Ford is the use of more than twenty ball records. In most instances, the Ford has Harold Ferloak and Warren soon. I son, and Mrs. M. J. picnic at the old .“V settlers .Smith went on a pleasure trip' Charles Christianson played tended V? and roller bearings. They are hidden been chosen only after exhaustive tests Sunday, which included St. Hel-jgolf on the Forest Hills golf ■Blrke f 1 Sund3y' within the car and you may never see of every factor that contributes to good >k>> Sunday. Sunday ~ I Mrs. Chas. Barrett and her ens and Portland. links Noble drove darter Florence, are visiting performance—■speed, power, safety, com them. Yet they play an important part Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe | Mr. Mr. Ind'Mrs. and Mi_. Seth — . in satisfactory, economical performance. fort, low cost of operation and up-keep, were in Vernonia Friday visit- to Newberg Monday evening, relatives at Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. ing Mrs. Leonard Johnson. j they were accompanied by Mr. Chas. White and family. Their function is similar to the jewels of reliability and long life. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith and Charles and Florence Chris- Noble ’s sister, ____ , Miss Thelma Prominent among thecompanies using a fine watch. tianson and Herbert Root drove Noble, who has been visiting family went to Clatskanie Sun the Ford are the Associated Companies Throughout the Ford chassis, a ball day. to Vernonia Sunday evening to. here for a few days, see the show. Mrs. Russel Burt was calling Mrs. John Price and children of the Bell System, Armour and Com or roller bearing is used at every place Mr. and Mrs. Kiser, Mr. and on friends in Banks, Wednes- went to Cornelius to visit her where it is needed to reduce friction pany, The Borden Company, Continental parents for a few weeks. Mrs. Hardebeck and daughters, Baking Corporation, Firestone Tire and and wear and give smooth, reliable me Betty and Shirley of Forest chanical operation. Rubber Company, General Electric Com Grove were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olson. At many points, as on the transmission pany, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com Earl Davis spent the week counter-shaft, clutch release, fan and pany, Kellogg Company, Knickerbocker end with his parents in Port pump shaft, and front drive shaft, these Ice Company, Morton Salt Company, land. ball and roller bearings are used where Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, The Mrs. Al Koenig is reported re less costly types of bearings might lie Procter and Gamble Company, and covering from a recent illness. considered adequate. Mrs. D. C. England and son Swift & Company. Dave went to Portland Thurs- Additional instances of the high Each of these companies uses a large day to visit Lillian England, quality built into the Ford are the ex number of Ford cars and trncks. The who is in school there. tensive use of steel forgings, fully Associated Companies of the Bell System Mr. and Mrs. C. Ahlgren 4 From Here Attend U.ofO. Eagle” Now Has Mascot Treharne New Ford Car Wins Favor Beginning tonight at 7:45, the new Sperry Sweethearts program will bo heard each week over the National Broadcasting System. These two young misses, accompanied by their troubadour beaus, gather about the piano, singing and playing together the latest popu lar tunes. The Sweethearts will be regular Tuesday evening callers in homes throughout the West. “Fast Freight” Radio Program Westimber Hauling probably the first complete circus ever to be broad Mrs. Rube Nelson and family cast nationally over the air, the “Fast Freight” will pull into came home from the berry town tonight over the Columbia I patch to spend the week end at home. Chain Network station. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Knight KHJ, Los Angeles; KOL, Se attle-Tacoma; KFRC, San Fran- and son Douglas drove to Port cisco; KFPY, Spokane; KFBK, land Sunday to attend the ball Salramento; KOIN, Portland; game. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern en- KMJ, Fresno; KDYL, Salt Lake City, (7:30 p.m. mountain time.) tertained Mr. and Mrs. B. Ed- Side show Salomes, Barkers, ward Sheffield of Portland over and bareback riders will be ■ the week end. Mr. and Mrs. featured on the program, which Sheffield are bride and bride- will include “Circus Day in groom of a week. Mr. Sheffield Dixie,” sung by the quartet, who is a brother of Mrs. Kern, “The Billboard March” on the is credit manager for Gadsbys organ, “Stars and Stripes For Furniture company of Portland. Mr. anad Mrs. M. Dygert and ever” and “Lasses” by the Ger- man band and “Just Before the daughter Lorraine drove to Ver Side Show Opens” on the merry nonia Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert and Calliope. tianson and daughter Florence, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfe made a trip to the Raines Rogers camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert and Make Investment Over One Mil- daughter Lorraine drove to lion Dollars Cochran afternoon, Saturday Investments made by new ^am- They spent the night at the ilies locating in Oregon and buy- home of Fred Smith, tlVn ac ing land, equipment and house companied by Mrs. Smith and hold goods during the first five daughter as far as Oak Grove, months of 1930, passed the mil motored to Wilsonville to visit lion dollar mark, according to Mr. Dygert’s fataher who lives the monthly report just is/ied by there. . Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Knight the state chamber of commerce. Total families numbered 265 and ■ drove to Aloha, Thursday even- investments amounted to $1,- ing to visit Mr. Knight’s sister 057,534. Land sales have amount-',and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ed, the total being 48,768 acres, i ’ Louis Hackett. during the period. During thisj Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern and same time 919 families wrote to; Mr. and Mrs. B. Edward Shef the state chamber and said they; field enjoyed a round of golf had decided to come to Oregon1 at the Vernonia golf links Sun- and locate this year and they' day. Some remodeling is being done indicated they would have $2,- 939,070 for investment purposes. to the pool hall here. John Mulford and son Ray were week end guests of rela- tives in Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Al Love, while Mrs. Milton Thostrud was hos at Mountaindale, this week end tess at a delightful luncheon and visited Mrs. Love’s brother and card party Thursday. The guests sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed included ladies from Vernonia,; Lindstrom. Westimber and Timber. Mrs. I Mrs. John Ahlgren of Streeter, Fetsah won the first prize for Ill., arrived Friday to be the high score at cards. guest of her son, A. C. Ahlgren. Marlys Hefner is in Portland Mrs. L. W. Kern and children working for the summer. are up from Portland and plan Mrs. S. P. Cavanaugh and ( to spend the summer here. two children, Alberta and Phil Mrs. May Barzee came from lip were calling on Mrs. Burley Portland to be with her daughter Tallman Sunday. Evelyn Barzee, over the week Margaret Elliott and a party end. of friends drove ■ to Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Art Baird and Sunday afternoon. family went picnicking Sunday. Burglars broke into Ben Hart’s Harry Culbertson of Vernonia pool hall last week and got was here shoeing horses for M. about $30. Mike Hacker of Portland was L. Nickerson, Monday. M. and Mrs. Lewis Nicholls, here calling on friends Sunday. and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boomhower entertained a group County Fair Gets $966.37 To various counties in Ore of friends in honor of Mrs. Ray gon for county fair purposes Clevenger, Monday evening. Mrs. L. F. Brown of Medford $56,249.43 has been apportioned. Columbia county receives is with her daughter, Mrs. C. $966.37 for its share, which will Wilson for a short stay. Clarence Nelson has rented an be applied towards this year’s apartment from M. L. Nickerson. fair to be held in September. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Morel Hillsboro—Hord-Brooks com lo have moved from the Son- pany, Inc., received contract for berg place to their own home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ver- construction of jail building. Many New Families Timber Kerr Motor Co. Vernonia S erving M any B usinesses I i Experience of large fleet owners reveals the unusual reliability and economy of the new Ford I I use more than eight thousand. TREATS 0s The FLORSHEIM Fresh, Juicy, Tasty Wl LI BLOOM Real Health Here FOR THOSE WHO CULTIVATE IT THOROUGHLY.................. ■I I ki E MEYER-BOTH Meals are better when delicious foods grace the table—cooking is more fun—each portion a delight— and the pocketbook never suffers. ■ ■ J |V| F In Our Grocery Department ^Z om E to the store where Good Food Today and Every Day NEHALEM MARKET & GROCERY Incorporate I Phone 721 Florsheim Shoes are sold... that's the simple, sure way /SHIRE GENERAL NEWSPAPER. SERVICE E. V. NOLTIAM enclosed four-wheel brakes,* Rustless Steel, four Iloutlaille double-acting hy draulic shock absorbers, aluminum pis tons, chrome silicon alloy valves, torque-tube drive, three-quarter floating rear axle, and the Triplex slialtcr-proof glass windshield. The Ford policy has always been to use the best possible material for each part and then, through large produc tion, give it to the public at low cost. NEW FOn» LOW PRICES Standard Coupe................................................... S«S Sport Coup- ■•••••••• S32S Dr ini. Coupa SS4S ■ ••••••• Tudor Sedan......................................................• V»S Three-window Fordor Sedan .... StstO Do E.u aw Sedan •••••••■ Into Town Sedan ••••••••• StdWt Cabriole,..................................................................S*2’ »*>» Phaeton ■ •••••«••• Pleh-wp Cl-.ed Cab ....... Site •*** Model A th...I................................................S’*» Medel AA Trunk Chaaela. 1 JI %-lweb wheel bean............................................... Model AA Tmeb Charal,. lSTdnrb wheel bare............................................... Model AA Panel D.lleer, .... ♦’’SO XU prie.. /. a. b. DerroU. pia. fiwQ*t —4 doMreep. Ho—per. and .par. Hr. .«tra a, low cost to buy shoe satisfaction Workingmen's Store Modern business moves at a fast pace and it needs the Ford. Daily, in count less ways and places, It helps to speed the production and delivery of the world’s goods and extend the useful ser vice of men and companies. Constant, steady operation over many thousands of miles emphasizes the ad vantages of the sound design of the Ford car, its high quality of materials, and F ord M otor C ompany Vernonia Eagle