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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1930)
Friday, June 6, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oreg?n — David England, Billy Miller,I A -I jCity Gas For All D!„ Vivian Miller, Charlotte and Vir- zWlCIlvl Dili Legion at Sea ginia Woodford, Helen Martel nelson, Genevieve Harris, Evelyn ■ 11 <1 »11 IW ‘ 1*11 side June 7-8 guest Wilson, Eunice Root, and the V11O1UUU1 of honor. I ard Oil company, one of the erywhere and comparable to city family were guests of Mr. and Klamath Falls—Bids opened I pioneers in developing “home gas in both quality and cost— for construction of three-story Mrs. E. R. Venable of Portland ' gas plants,” is offering a pro- there’s not much excuse any Class “A” Federal building. over Sunday. to Coch- Standard Flamo Mile* Beyond duct proven in scores of Cali- more for spending long hours Herbert Root dr I Portland — Bids opened for Gas Mains | fornia households during the past over a hot cook-stove, for ex ran Sunday. Florence Christianson is em I City gas used everywhere ___ - —._____ year. This new fuel gas, . condens- orbitant fuel bills or late meals. ■ paving Columbia Boulevard from Avenue to S. P. & S. ployed at Cochran. I from cook stoves to furnaces by et* 1° a liquid and stored in Dairy Train News is Given I Peninsula railroad over-crossing. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Winans four out of avery five city ___ fam- -I cylinders, , is i„ delivered ------ 1 in i.. News of the progress of the of Aberdeen, Wn., have been ilies, is now taking country town or miles out by company Albany—Plans completed for trucks. Two gas cylinders, en nine-car dairy demonstration ! construction of new {15,000 Al- visiting at the home of the for- i homes by storm. closed in an attractive metal , train touring much of Oregon mer’s mother and brother, Mrs. i Standard Flamo, condensed , bany College gymnasium. Vida Winans and Joe Winans, I natural gas, is rapidly being in cabinet, may be installed out this week and next is broadcast doors and connected, by ordin from KOAC each day during Mr. and Mrs. Winans were also | troduced ip the Vernonia coun Carver—Bids will be received gas the noon hour. Attendance fig June 9 th for construction of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reed In-1 tryside by the Standard Oil com ary piping, with modern galls during their stay. pany of California. And there ranges, water heaters and other ures and other information are bridge over Clackamas river on Mr. and Mrs. John Mathof are mighty few things that can gas appliances that mean so reported by wire from the train Market Road No. 39 here. and family of Salem, are guests (bring more comfort to folks in much less housekeeping drudg for this broadcast. Hillsboro—Mohr Bro*, r.ceiv- of Mr. and Mrs. William Mae- the country than this city gas, ery. wj;j' ed contract for remodeling city Salem—$60,000 addition thof. ¡the quickest and cheapest fuel' Time ____ was __ _ when ____ _____ , wo- country James Ingalls and Gladys Wai- for everyday cooking and heat- men just had to get used to be constructed to Oregon Pulp'hal1- ters were in Vernonia Sunday mg—ready for instant use with- carrying wood and shoveling an^ Paper company plant. Clatskanie — Plans completed evening. out installation of gas mair.s. ashes, but those days are about' Corvallis—Construction of new for construction of *■* * ------ Co Lower Dave Ellis and Herbert Root In ushering Standard l'lamo to go out of style. With Stan- city hall building progressing lumbia Cooperative Dairy played golf on the Vernonia into suburban homes, the Stand- dard Flamo being delivered ev- ateadilv. sociation’s creamery. golf course Sunday. Donald Braithwait spent week end in Forest' Grove. open The road is now Cochran, several people from here having made the trip by motor. Henry Ervine spent the week SEVERAL FROM VERNONIA end with relatives in Portland. AT GOVERNORS' MEET Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren ana uaugntcr Mary Ellen motor Attend Meet at Vancouver And Drum Corps and Band* To Fur ed to St. Helens Sunday. Banquet at Longview Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nicholls nish the Music G. W. Ford and Jos. Scott, Legion members and their were in Vernonia Sunday. John Shoberg went to Colton representing the local chamber families are invited to attend the “Beach Frolics,” sponsored last week to attend the gradua- of commerce, attended the gov- by the American Legion posts tion exercises of the Colton 1 ernors’ meeting of the Lower Co- of Wauna, Astoria and Seaside, his;h school, his daughter was lumbia Associated Chambers of Commerce Tuesday. to be held at Seaside, Saturday,on ' °f the graduates, An interesting program ar- iver Erickson who has been and Sunday, June 7 and 8. Veterans from this section of ielr P*°ye<l by the Eagle Lumber ranged for the day had been the state have looked forward company is now working at St. made in which the attending delegates were guests of the to this occasion tor some tune, | Helens, Robert Baildÿ waits promises vu be uc a . round rvuuu of v. j . I Nt- —■ ----- -------. Vancouver Chamber of Com- which oromises to and ----- Mrs. --------- good time for a full two days. I°f Los Angeles, Calif., were the merce at luncheon, when Thom- as " D. D Bowen, American Consul- On the evening of Saturday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. < ~~ ’ j General at Belfast, Ireland, was June 7, a large dance will be: ahlgren ^asL week. held with music furnished by I Nr. and Mrs. Wm. Gartzke I the principal speaker. Following the regular Seaside summer or and daughter Mary Jane spent!the luncheon, the party left for the week end with Mrs. GarL,the Lewis river dam, to witness chestra. sister at Multnomah Sta-1 one of the greatest engineering The affair last year, the first, zke’s I projects under construction and was so successful that it was tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel that evening were the guests of voted upon by numerous Legion Radio to Carry 4-H Meets posts to make the event an an were in Vernonia Wednesday j L. T. Merwin, general manager visiting Mrs. Marchel’s brother I of the Northwestern Electric The 4-H club summer session nual affair. company, at a dinner at the assembly programs will be broad Sunday a picnic on the beach who lives there. Mrs. Bert Dennis and son of Monticello hotel in Longview. cast from KOAC each afternoon will be held when, clam chowder, a few I Another speaker at the ban* from 1:30 to 2:30 o’clock dur baked fish, coffee and other Ashland are spending i goodies will be served all at days with Mr. and Mrs. George quet in the evening was Carl ing the two weeks of June 9 to King. Morck, president of the Pacific 21. Speakers on these programs tending. Mrs. Rube Nelson and family j Coast Empire association, will include Governor A. W. During the afternoon, all kinds ■== Norblad; C. L. Starr, president of sports will be played espec and Mrs. E. Wilson and family ¡ who have been picking ___ _______ straw- jted relatives in Forest Grove of the board of higher education; ially lining up an attractive pro O. M. Plummer, manager of the gram for members of Legion berries near Banks, returned 0Ver Sunday, home Saturday evening. 1 Miss Emma Stephens of Port- Pacific International Livestock naires families. Lillian England came land spent Decoration day with exposition; C. A. Howard, state The well known Wauna-Clats- kanie Legion band will furnish from Portland to stay over the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. school superintendent, and oth ers. music and Longview has been week end with her parents, Mr. Stepiicns. Mr. and Mrs. Berdine and son invited to send their drum corps and Mrs. D. C. England. Graduate at Forest Grove North Bend—Construction un of Aberdeen, Wn., have been ove, to liven up the day. In the graduating class of For the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. derway on new ferry approach Invitations has been extended here. to every post in the state to at est Grove high school on May E. Stephens for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe tend and officials in charge ex- ¿9, were Leia Cook, Fred Mil pect to have a larger crowd ler and Charles Christianson, drove to Portland Sunday to Leia Cook delivered an oration visit Mr. Wolfe’s parents, Mr. than last year. The drive from Vernonia over and Charles Christianson was and Mrs. G. Wolfe. 1 good roads will be enjoyed by awarded a scholarship. Visit Friends Here Attend Exercises those members of the Legion at | Louise Kalish of Timber, who Mrs. D. C. England and her js ¡n training at the St. Vin- tending, good time can be made Vir. for the entire distance, which daughter Lillian, Mrs. Art Baird, cent’s hospital in Portland, call- Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Mr. and ed on friends here Saturday. takes about three hours. Mrs. Al Love, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. George Cum- fred Wolfe, Clarence Nelson, mings had as their guests Sun- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Krebs, day, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cum- Florence Christianson, Herbert mings of Portland, and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Brink- Root and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Park and children of Ardenwald, meyer and family attended the Christianson were among those Ore. graduation exercises of the For attending the graduation exer Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt and I est Grove high school May 29. cises of the Forest Grove high Elmer Burt went to Banks to school. Mr. Brinkmeyer’s niece, Marlys attend a dance given there Tues- Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bradway i day night, Hefner being one of the grad 965 Bridge St. Vernonia and daughter, Norma and Mr. uates. j Leonard Nelson was in Verno and Mrs. J. D. Poole of LaCen- nia Sunday. Repairing Done While Dorothy Mae Welch and her mother have returned from an ter, Wn., were guests of Mr. Mrs. Virgil Davis was in Port You Wait extended vacation spent at Salt and Mrs. H. L. Root Sunday. land last week caring for her Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Literall mother-in-law, who has been ill. Lake City. Foss, and Mrs. j . h . Kennedy of Mrs. Ray Elliott of Mrs. Jacob Van Loo of For- spent last week visiting with Portland, spent Thursday and est Grove visited Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Braden Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Klein. and family. C. Ahlgren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson Dorothy Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern were visited Mr. and Mrs. William Port- Mr. and Mrs. G. Wolfe of “ in Portland one day last week. Moore for a few days. with land is reported very ill Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haskin are Helen Marie Nelson of Port- entertaining several guests this Uremia, the Wolfe’s are well 'and was the week end guest of week. known here. Mr. and Mrs. Dudrow. New Store To Open and Florence Christianson, Louise Mr. and Mrs. Al Koenig drove Kalish and The new store of the Eagle Herbert Root were to Forest Grove Sunday to spend Lumber company will soon be among those attending the dance Artistic Sign Paint- the day. ready, the formal opening is at Arcadia park Saturday night. George Baldwin of Forest planned for this Sunday. Al Love went on a fishing ing Grove called on friends here J. E. Root made a trip to Ti- Sunday. trip to Cochran Sunday. He got gard Thursday,, returning Satur the limit. Mrs. Lewis Cylesworth of J. C. Henderson day. Motor to Hillsboro Longview, who has been the Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Legg who Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls house guest of Mrs. Al Koenig Phone 1021 have been making their home returned to her home Wednes- and family motored to Hillsboro Book, of 1930 Wall Paper here, moved to Dunsmuir, Calif., Saturday evening to be present day. Sample* Now Here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens at a party given by Mrs. R. B. On Display Ella Castle was a Portland Frost, in honor of her husband’s and Billy Coade were in Port- visitor Saturday. birthday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. land Sunday. The light plant here will be Mr. and Mrs. J. B. March el Venable of Portland were also ready in about 10 days. were dinner guests of Mr. and there. Louise Kalish of Portland was Mrs. J. C. Klein Friday evening W. H. Krebs was in Portland the week end guest of her pa the occasion being Mr. Klein’s Saturday receiving further treat- rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kalish. birthday. metn for his eyes which we\e Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert spent injured sometime ago. It is re Vernonia the week end in Portland with ported that his eye is improving. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cushman Lee Davis of Vernonia was and son, Duane Jr., Mr. and here on a business trip Monday. Mrs. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt received a letter Louis Hackett of Portland, were from his father, stating that he Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. It’s Keen Business Judgement to Protect is now in Newburg, Mo., visit A. F. Knight. Yourself Against Loss ing. Mr. Burt Sr. also spent Virginia and Charlotte Wood some time in California, since ford of Portland visited this leaving here. week end at the home of Mr. Entertain Young Folks and Mrs. D. C. England. Mrs. A. F. Knight had as her Mr. and Mrs. D. C. England were hosts at an enjoyable party guest for a few days her mo for a group of young people ther, Mrs. Edith Stewart of Saturday night in honor of their Portland. Joe Winans made a trip to daughter, Lillian’s birthday, af ter an evening of varied and Portland Friday. Insurance Leia Cook, Florence Christian hilarious games, a sumptuous lunch was served by the hostess, son, Mrs. H. L. Root, 5 W. H. the table was beautifully decor Krebs and Mr. and Mrs. . Rube ated and the guest of honor re Nelson spent Tuesday in i Port- ceived many pretty gifts. The land. John Mulford and son Ray guests present were J. E. Root, Fred Miller, Charles Christian were in Vancouver, Wn.. for the son, Henry Ferloak, Ralph Root, week end. Donald England, Dan England. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt vs- BIG BEACH FROLIC FOR THE LEGION ANI» FAMILIES Five frofisi SlaiieSard Painting Vernonia row corny Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop Timber Welis Ask about this new STANDARD OIL COMPANY GAS SERVICE —no gas mains needed—hot water—gas Refrig eration—quick cooking—anywhere. Families living in rural communities as well as those in the cities can now have GAS for cooking and heating —a revolutionary contribution to rural life which the Standard Oil Company of California is making possible through ST.V iL'AKD FLAMO CITY GAS SERVICE FOR COUNTRY HOMES. Families ii the cities—with every kind of commercial fuel to choc . from—use gas because it is quick, clean, safe and e< or.iicaL Rural families are now being given an eqv.'.l opportunity to have modem gas ranges, quick-heatiii ;as plates, water heaters, lights, gas refrig erators and individual room heaters—economically! ready homes This unprecedented new gas service does not require the laying of gas mains. Your home installation for complete gas service can be made immediately. A simple gas-pipe connection between your kitchen gas stove and a steel container, housed out of doors in a locked metal cabinet is all there is to it! These Local Dealers Will Gladly Give You Details Hoffman Hardware, Vernonia Brown Furniture Co., Vernonia For farther information send in the COUPON below, or ask any Standard Oil Representative about >» KEC. U. S. PAT. OFF. ______________ Mail this coupon to STANDARD O I L ass Please send information about Standard Flamo Natural Gas for Household Uses. COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Bush Street ... San Frenetico, California AildrMi Name. Paint Shop Westimber INSURE ! Lindley & McGraw STANDARD FLAMO The cNew Compressed cTfatural Th e Hottest, Cleanest - _ Gas Know ; 1 MONTAG RANGE Especially built for natural gas GAS that can be used anywhero in city or country with a, 47» z_ GAS RANGE ^Delivered in tanks and connectedfor you Visit our stove department and talk it over. Stop the drudgery of fire building thia very day. Enjoy the convenience of a modern gas range. "T* r T ? is over the hill. W YOU ? The figurative poor-house is somehow threatening and fright ening—unless the other side of your hill is blessed with that foresight—a haven of financial independence. : Oregon-American SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS Lumber Co The Description of One of our Montag Stoves /TY^UEL All Wedgewood Gas Stoves and Ranges, from the smallest cooker or gas plate to the largest srx-burner, two-oven range, may be had for use with Standard Flamo com- pressed natural gas at no additional cost. The selection of a Wedgewood insures the greatest econ omy and highest efficiency in the use of this clean, quick, convenient fuel. Why not have one of thoac beautiful ivory and green porcelain enamel wise, SAVING holds the. answer! Hoffman Hardware Bank of Vernonia Vernonia NO. 48-16 C R OR L Ivory and Green Trim Baking Oven 16xl9%sI4” Broiling Oven 16xl9?sx7H inches 43 H” Sise Over-all Cooking Top 21 H>20H” Shipping Weight 2SO Lb*. FLAMO Fall Poreel •in Finish, in cluding main front frame. Service Equipped with Drawer. Porcelain Enamel Oven Linings. Can be furnished with er without Robertshaw Oven Heat Control. Dealers