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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1930)
Friday, June 6, 1930 Vemonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Six Compul.ion*. Result No human power can force thi lntrenchments of the human mind; compulsion never pervades; it only makes hypocrites.—Fenelon. proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at his Ceylon Ship’s Name residence near Vernonia, Ore. Contains 24 Letters Ï Dated and first published May Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Loudon.—There’s something 9th, 1930. Last publication June Wasted No Word. June 2.—That the women of funny about the names picked In a will of 20 words P. A. E 6th, 1930. W. A. Macri ;, attor- Columbia county are taking a for ships. Sallormdti have ney, PLANS FOR BIG CARO HERE a passion for naming their warm interest in the Citizens’ Herspin. West Hartlepool, England, left an estate of more than a half R. L. Spencer, administrator crafts after the stars — Venus, Military Training camp which Matchmaker Ear! Shay of tbs million dollars to his wife. of the Estate of Ira C. Nichol- * Jupiter, Sirius and others. opens at this station June 20, Vernonia Boxing Commission be Twenty-eight merchant ships Í is indicated by the announce son, deceased. lieves that during the summer of over 100 tons bear the cooperation with < I name of Jupiter. Probably J ment of Dr. John H. Flynp, St. months in Helens, chairman of the citizens’ matchmaker Hanson of the Port the longest name conferred on BERGERSON CHAMP SHOT land Boxing Commission, several committee in charge of C. M. T. /* ship Is "Venayagasowpa- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ktaletcheruy,” borne by a C. enrollment, who reports to PUTTER AT O. S. C. headliners will be booked for In the County Court of the bark registered lu Ceylon. General Wolf, camp commander, the main event in this city. State of Oregon For Columbiu FOR SALE Another plan of Shay is to •tHHf******************** that two additional prizes have County. Beat Considered Also Ono been offered Columbia county get some boxer with a big rep Fre.h Air and Warmth Tackles On Versify In the matter of the Estate of young men attending the camp. FOR SALE—Burbank seed pota to meet Swede Nelson here in The public health service says Columbia Unit No. 42, American William Henry Hess, Deceased. OREGON STATE COLLEGE,1 the main event, _ giving the local toes. Ray Tarbeil, Yankton, Notice is hereby given that CORVALLIS, MAY 27—Gilbert boy a chance to break in big that fresh warm air of a proper de Legion Auxiliary, of St. Helens, Phone 12-F-14. 442* of moisture and free from ap the undersigned has been ap- Bergerson the tall blond giant' money should he put a K. O. gree will award a ten dollar goldpeice — preciable draft Is now recognized administrator of the heifer P°inted from Vernonia displayed some of over. as essential to Indoor workers. The to the student from this county FOR SALE—1 Jersey his rugged strength in the dual old ld<i; that a cold room neces giving the best personal conduct I with calf (2nd calf) »10.03)0; aata^e^ meet with the University of Ore sarily contains fresh air and that record, while St. Helens Unitil Holstein cow, $65.00. At Tre- deceased, by the County Court Return From Trip aii at^eveniiig' ‘to , • •• uC - ?Un1ty1’ , State of comfortably warin rooms m-cessar- No. 1440. Veterans of Foreign harne ^rancln”Calf gon here Saturday. ___ ______ _ upset r__ ___ Loel and Thor Roberts with ily contain bad air bus been U1S Wars Auxiliary, will bestow a! see cows. E. R° * Treharae? Tre" IOregon’ and h:ls du|y qualified I Bergerson the __________ dope when 433 to act as such. All persons hav-' he defeated Dickson of Oregon Tommy Bateman and little Bob- carded. five dollar goldpiece upon the harne Station. • ing claims against said estate in the shot put. He heaved the by Culver, who spent a week student making the best military Indian Allotments FOR SALE—Grey oats or mixed are hereby notified to present lead 45 feet 914 inches. He is fishing along the lakes in the subjects. The Flynn Medal, The oldest Indian reservation la with proper vouchers, a sophomore, this being his first Dechutes country, brought 65 the one at Indian Mills, N J., es awarded annually to the best I grain, chopped. Delivered in ,same, duly verified, within six months j 3-ton lots within 6 miles of Ver basic (first year) student, makes year of varsity competition. trout back from their trip. tabllshed In 1758. Other old ones The fishermen report the De of considerable size are the Navajo three prizes open to Columbia I nonia, at $38 per ton, wheat at from the date of this notice to. Coach Dick Newman predicts a $42. Write for samples. Karl the undersigned at his residence bright future for him in this chutes country a fisherman s reservation (largest In the United county students only. Schaefer, Forest Grove. Or. 423* ' near Vernonia, Ore. Dated and | event. He participated in the paradise and many taking advan States) und the Seminole reserva Those from this county who first published May fith, 1930., tion, 75 miles southeast of Fort last meet of the year al Pull tage of the season. Myers; nlso the Crow reservation have enrolled for the thirty days FOR SALE or TRADE—Apart Last publication June 6th, 1930.' man, Saturday. at Camp Hurlburt at govern- In Montana. ment house on First street. W. A. Harris, attorney. Bergerson is not only starring ment expense are: See George Bell. 36tf Frank J. Schmidlin. adminis on the track team but is one of TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS French U.ed by Royalty trator of Estate of William Hen John Vincent Brings, Route the best tackles on the varsity A NEW BLUE FLAME oil bur-! ry Hess, deceased. English was not habitually used Notice is hereby given that In speech or writing by any Eng No. 1, Rainier; George Herbert football squad. Coach P. J. ___ I ner for range, cook stove and! Chickering, Houlton; J. Perry Schissler is grooming him for the County Superintendent of lish king until Henry V’s reign. 350 ______ _ Marion Vergil heater. No smoke, soot, mess or Dibblee, f ______ Rainier; 1“ this position on the team next . Columbia county, Oregon, will years after the Norman conquest, IGartman, doc . wrs.’ Route No. 1, Houlton;Iodor with the Blue Flame Bur' Henry IV at the beginning of tlie i-'hold the regular examination of year and also as defensive cen-J----- — ter. He will probably alternate, applicants for stace^ certificates Fifteenth century still wrote Ln Eugene Wesley Lowe, Warren; jner- Burns 6 to 10 hours on 1 County Court House ” as French to tils English tailor In Harvard Sidney Malmsten, Mist|KaI1°n of oil- Keep the stove y°u I with Buck Hammer at this po- .'at the " " ¡follows: Commencing Wednesday. London, as shown by a letter in the Route, Vernonia; Ernest Jameshave, Put in a Blue Flame oi: I sition. British museum. Owen, Rainier; Victor Raymond burner; cook and bake better June 11, 1930, at 9 o’clock a.m. Parcher, Route No. 1, Rainier Rainier; -1 ; than thnn with wood and coal, coal- operat- 1 and continuing until Saturday, . t~ - •’Lift” Didn’t Work Lloyd Wilburn, Route No. 1 jjing I inK cost cost not not over ovcr 3 3 cents cents per Per June 14, 1930, at 4 o’clock p.m. About l(K>0 at the French court Reward of Good Act ' Programas of the examination the daughter of Louts XVI was Rainier; Kenneth Stannard Wood hour,with eoal »B. about l cent Let us never forget that an may be obtained at the office ' Per hour with diesel oil. Abso accidentally Imprisoned for Rainier; Edward Earl Wooley, lutely smokeless, odorless and act of goodness Is of Itself an ! of the County School Superin once Columbia City. three hours In the first elevator act of happiness. No reward ¡noiseless. J. II. Sell, agent. 41tf ever made, a “ flying i-'iiilr. ” us ft tendent, St. Helens Court House. Another applicant was reject-1------------------------------------------------ coming after the event can com pare with the sweet reward , Elizabeth C. Murray, County was called hv the Parisian Inventor ed for physical reasons. BABY CHICKS, all sizes, 15c Vlllayer. The wall bad to be de School Superintendent. that went with IL ! and up, at the Sunshine molished tu release the prim css. Enrollment for this years jjatc))eryj on corey hill. 41tf. camp is exceeding all previous èlatskanie — Plans completed Pu.iy’. ’ Whi.kcr.” Land Without Forest* records, according to Generali FOR RENT There are ne forests In Egypt for construction of Lower Co- The large hairs on either side of ¡Wolf. The original quota of 565 as- WITH THE SPEED Or lumbia Cooperative Dairy a cat's nose are feelers. Techni The date pulm and sycamore are _ _ u . trajnees haa had to be increased FURNISHED APARTMENTS — ’ ** SOME OF THESE MANIACS cally they are known as ‘visbrls- to 650 in order to accommodate the principal trees. Many othor sociation’s creamery. remodeled for rent. Ida Keith, EVERY YEAR WILL BS sne." Their roots are provided del trees, principally fruit trees, have North Bend—Construction un- icate nerve endings of touch, thus eager applicants. Columbia coun- Moonlight apartments._______ 442 LEAP YEAR FOR THE been Introduced and flourish when i ty is one of very few derway on new ferry approach which PEDESTRIANS. enabling the animal to And Its way sufficient moisture Is furnished. 5-R00M MODERN house with have not filled their original here. through dark, narrow passages. garage, close in. Inquire Ca quotas, there being eight places son Transfer. 432 still open. “Free Ver.«” Old TWO ROOM unfurnished house The term “polyphonic” prose" Is I for rent, $12 month including sometimes used as the equivalent lights and water. Inquire of Mr. of vers libre or free verse. There Moe at the Eagle. Odd ’’Sprinkling** System are examples of It In ancient literature, sinh as the Old Testa During a drought tn England, MISCELLANEOUS meat when watering of tennis courts was prohibited, some courts were WANTED sprinkled with salt to attract molat Tragedies Intensified WANTED—One day old calves. With music tones visible by ura Phone 14F15Í5. 432 means of a new device which trans Summing It Up forms sound Into light, sonic al leged music will no doubt present • There Is only one time that Is Im LOST—Wednesday, between horrifying sight—Charleston Dally portant—Now. It is i lie most Im Gales Creek and Vernonia, Mall. portant time because It Is the only Camp Bed mattress. Joy Barber time when we have anv power. shop. 441 —— .......... - — r NOTICE TO CREDITORS Wouldn’t It? Establishing Equality Nature knows best but It would In the County Court of the Equality Is the share of every State of Oregon for Columbia he nice If some of these Imported Insect pests liked dandelions.—San one at their advent upon earth, and County. equality Is nlso theirs when placed Francisco Chronicle. In the matter of the Estate of under it.—Ninon de Landos. Ira C. Nicholson, deceased. Slander’s Slimy Trail Beyond Understanding Notice is hereby given Slander, wrote Confucius, soaks “1 danno why It Is.” grumbles the undersigned has been Into the mind as water Into low and tnnrshy places, where It be- Grandpa Wayback, “but you never pointed administrator of comes stagnant and offensive. see the moths get into the tn or t- estate of Ira C. Nicholson, gage and eat It up.” ceased, by the County Court of Word, for Speed the County of Columbia, State Fight to the Finish Slang Is just sport-model Inn- of Oregon, and has duly quali His Lordship (to servant) — Jnro- gunge stripped to get more speed fied to act as such. All persons I dyce. I ’ ve just had a tiff with my with less horsepower. —Buffalo Thi* is in accordance with the Ford policy wife—will you slam the door?— having claims against said estate News. of keeping prices at the lowest level con are hereby notified to present London Opinion. the same, duly verified, with the sistent with the high standards of quality Hope and Youth Akin Hope will make thee young; for maintained in all Ford products. I Hope and Youth are children of the same mother.—Shelley. Take Interest in C. M. T. Camp Local Boy Champ at O.S. I Classified Ads /6 JOY theatre 11 CLARA BOW In— Another Clara Bow Navy Picture BUDDY ROGERS In— oun^ ---- Faules & Saturday Eve and Sun. Mat., June 7 and 8 World’s Greatest Comedy Team—Bert Wheeler and Robert Wootsey In— The Cuckoos” Wheeler and Woolsey—The great team in “Rio Rita. Sunday and Monday Evenings, June 8 and 9 "’Paramount on Parade” Tuesday and Wednesday, June 10 and 11 Prices of Ford Cars and Trucks Reduced Effective Jiine 2 Reductions range from $5 to $25 Along With Vernonia Business Men Children’s Hymn Writer Isaac Watts is said to have been the first writer of hymns especially for children. Kerr Motor Co. Had Legislative Record David Crockett served In the Twentieth, Twenty-first sad Twen ty-third congresses. Vernonia Cigarette Statistic* The United States Department of Agriculture says that burned or burning cigarettes are discarded In tlie United States at the rate of 170,000 a minute, or $00,000,000,000 a year. Ignition tests made with pads of dry grass showed that a burning cigarette butt would start a Are In 00 per cent of the cases with a wind velocity of three to four miles an hour. The cigarette la one of the greateat fire hazards the forester knows. A trifling frac tion of the enormous number of WOMENS RELIEF butts discarded Is enough to do Im CORPS measurable Are damage In forests Meets third Thursday of each wood lands and grass lands. month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president Clubs lodges 4^ A. F. A A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. A A. M. meets aa at Masonic Temple, , Stated Communication \ First Thursdoy of each ' Nr ’ month. Special called meetings on all other Thure- NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 ORDER OF RAINBOW day nights 7:30 p.m. Viaitors FOR GIRLS most cordially welcome. Regular meeting second and J. E. Tapp, W. M. fourth Mondays. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary, Audrey Austin, Recorder • I Order of Eastern Star Insurance LIFE FIRE AUTOMOBILE and all other kind* American Legion Vernonia Po.l Nehalom Chapter 153, 0. E. S. 110, American Regular commu Meets Legion, nication first second and and third Wed nesdays of each fourth Tuesday! month, at Ma I each month, 8 p. sonic Temple. tn. Connie An All visiting sis derson, Com- ter* and broth mander. IIughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart Tasty HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia No. night in the W.O.W. 248 meets every Tuesday night 44 hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis era welcome. itor» always welcome. ’ James Nanson, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.O. I John Glamner. Rerrotarr. U. A. Scott. K.R.3. Today and Every Day NEHALEM MARKET & GROCERY Incorporate I VERNONIA TRADIINO CO- J. E. Tapp for the DAIRY DEMONSTRATION Tomorrow, June 7 Good Food HAY—GRAIN—FEEDS—FUEL A * I In Our Grocery Department The Vernonia Trading Company has been the farmers’ Clear ance house for years. I. O. O. F. welcomes visitors here I Meals are better when delicious foods grace the table—cooking is more fun—each portion a delight— and the pocketbook never suffers. The Dairyman, or Poultryman Can Do His Best Buying Here Rebekah Lodge No. 243 PENNEY CO. Real Health Here Phone 721 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 81 meets always welcome. Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Edna Linn. Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. Myrtle John, Secretary. PELLA CLINE, M. of R. * C. Della Cline Treasurer KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEAT TREATS Cass Bergerson We expect Io be in our new location, Third and Bridge streets, June 23 J. C. PENNEY CO