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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1930)
Friday, June 6, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon Enlarged glands long time paid attention to pre- grams prepared by the club mem KOAC Liat« Women'« Program»' 4-II Club Holds Ear defects paring children for school. bers themselves, are the favorite Regular KOAC radio features Breathing defects forms of evening entertainment. for women include the home Summer Session i For Spinal curvature those who have never seen I« .»noi’ctl at O. S. C. makers’ program at 2:30 o’clock In cooperation with the ocean, a trip to Newport is Anaemia each day except Saturday and JUNE 9 TO 21 AT OREGON arranged including a side trip to V. S. Public Health Service Sunday, including 20, minutes •32 Elected to National Honorary the light house. This trip, how '-lerick 1). Stricker, M. D., STATE COLLEGE with Aunt Sammy; the home .40 Fraternity ever, is not included in the reg- wlluL i .tir..; Epideipi logist garden hour at 3:30 o’clock The fnct that ular summer school fee. Each Oregon S.ate College, Corval- Club Member« From Over Entire poul- Thursday afternoon; the I disadvant-’—> of City life, chil- 11: . May 30 —Howard Davis of ¡county represented is scheduled Getting Ready For S-hool try talks at 7:15 o’clock Thurs- State to Attend Meet ' dren from large cities are lowest Vernonia, junior in commerce at Ito appear at least once before Vv hen jaren's become fully in phyi.,' 1 de ects speaks well day evening; and the series of Each year during the month i the micro; hone of station KOAC Or. gon Stale college, has been talks on opportunities in the of June a two week Summer |in order that the delegates may educated to their r. sp mobility !'<>:• t’-o in.’ .Is of living and elected in J hi Kappi l’hi, nat field of home economics given1 School of 4-H club members is have an opportunity of telling i< r their children, and realize the present day health practice ional nll-cr ll ge scholastic honor at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon. I conducted at Oregon Agricultural thc b.\'k home' of their < . that not only at the pre-school ir. our cities. Cities have for a ary fraternity. period is a physical examination In addition, many talks by, College. I , periences. l’hi Kappi Phi corresponds to ■sirable, but .-bo at periodic in- specialists are scheduled, usual-, It is the outstanding 4-H club Wit I' i Beta Kappa in a liberal arts ■ Transportation: Arrangements reals from time of birth on- ly following Aunt Sammy ’ s chat. ! of the year, which en have been made so that all coun-' ----------------------------------- | activity colli go, but is open to students ward, the Gettng Ready for ables club members from all in technical curricula, as well as Alternate Bearing Characteristic I over the state to gather for ad ty delegations will arrive on s b' i 1 compaign as a special ac- scheduled time, travel by train tivG’ will become unneecssary, arts and sciences. The purpose , The idea that thinning fruits ditional instruction in subject« has been arranged for Columbia’ of Kappi l’hi is to emphasize Children . should be examined will overcome what is known as relating to their club projects.! county on S'tml.i,.. June 8. scholarship among college stu- at regular intervals by the fam- 1 the alternate bearing habit is I The 4-H club summer school as-1 d nis. and to stimulate mental Uy physii an. Medical and den incorrect, says the Oregon ex sembles boys and girls from all' Hire Local Labor achievements by the honor of tul inspection is recommended. periment station. Alternate bear ' over the state into a common .“election to membership. The commissioners J. N The Getting Ready for school su organized urguiii¿eu that uiav they wrcy j ; _ County ........................... ing is frequently a varietal char- group, i, so primary qualifications for mem association ¡Miller and Bert Mills in talking cam ai m is a challenge to par ! ncteristic which seems to be' maf j profit by their ___ bership are 90 average for jun , only slightly modified by any with one another, learn better'over the new bridge to be con- ents to perform a great sen ice iors and 89 average for seniors. ~ creek soon, for the school. The co-operation structed over Rock methods in agriculture and home thing the grower can do. Davis is a member, of Pi Kap economics and return this val advised that where possible, lo- of doctors and dentists should pa l’hi, social fraternity, secre- Overbearing Influences Color uable infbrmation and experience cal labor would be eniployed in be secured through the local tary of Kappa Psi, national hon the bridge. medical and dental societies, with Overbearing has a marked in to other boys and girls in their the construction of orary fraternity for men in the June v.hic . professional men in good fluence on the color of many communities who are unable to 2y. Bids are advertised for !■:<•: erve Offiaers Training Corps standing are usually connected. . L' jjonor the PIONEERS liruiMb vuc vyi cjjui» ca |> vi i - ■ attend. fruits, n<iys says the Oregon experi- SOME NZ Vi < band. The American Dental associa- All club members who were Pieneers of- tlm Nchah tn valley will hold their annual ment station. When peaches, ap- KNOW TEAT THEY A5>c ! tion says that upon the condi- awarded scholarships at the 1929 ON TH i CH meetitf"; at ilirkt'iiiebi -,'lay. Last year nearly 300 per- ' p'es or many varieties of highly Bids opened for grading and ■ tion of the first teeth depends State Fair, or at county or com- vszxnxo bniizih nnnh ntnrir colored pears touch each other UNTIL TH I TWAIN HITS surfacing Nehalem highway three in a large m. asure that of the sons.^'tlendv’ll the meetiri", and it is expected that more during the ripening period, col munity fairs, also any club mem- THEM / miles eastward from Jewell. Miss Ruby Johnson of Clats- second set and consequently the will come this-year. oring is poor where the fruits iber 12 years of age or over child. ¡whose 1930 club work is up to kanie spent Wednesday at the whole condition of f the child, The day-will 1 ’ i harpy one for tiic 111011 an(* women come together. Observations have date and who is elected as a home of Wilma Glassner. Dental defects are present in an too, that coloring of fruit who clb^red wilderness in this part of the country. I shown, or is - paying Mrs. W. M. Smith and child ippr’.iing majority is usually more sprightly when I delegate - - - his or her The Remi-niscences of funner cays always recall the pleasures light crops are borne , than . when | exP ’Fn/1 ren called at the home of Mrs. s liool children an t'nsea .nF n,a z.4- y attend. tlin A I phasis should be The cost of the 4-H club sum Chas. White Thursday afternoon. heavy crops are produced. of life rutlie*‘than the sorrows. Any many of the things correction. mer school per member is $15 H. Condit spent Thurs The object of the “Getting that’orfetf'presented themselves as serious problems are for the two weeks, which amount day Mrs. visiting at the home of her Ready for School Campaign” is y ¿>í approximately covers the actual i sister, Mrs. C. Ohler. now recalled in a jocular vein. to send to school, in the enter- I cost of room and board. Each of Vernonia It will be a nay of rejoicing for the pioneers—but i Vernonia transfer unload; 1 ing grade, a class of 100. per club member should bring some it should nb’o ,b<v ; day lor hrnorihg the pioneers that the: l extra money for incidentals that I some supplies for Koster camp cent free from remediable dc- I facts. Tiiesc children should al I he may wish to purchase, but on Wednesday. younger loHt who enmo 1; ter may better appreciate this Mrs. D. Palmcntcr balled at so have been immunized against should not bring more than a placolcnllect the Nehalem valley. smallpox diphtheria. 1 few dollars. Boys will live at the home of Mrs. Kline. A study of half a million chil the men’s new dormitory build Mrs. L. Smith motored to Ver dren be^un by Thomas D. Wood THE DAIRY SPECIAL ing, while the girls will live in nonia. Waldo and Kidder halls. In ad A number of local folks wore in 1918, and reported by Harry ■: • L.,’7 The dairy demon”'ration train, which will arrive in II. Moore in “Public Health in dition to county chaperones com up playing golf. Vernonia t mimu ; ■ ■i. the i;’catest thing in the encour- the United States, ” published in ing with the representative Mrs. N. Hines, Url Hines. Joe 1 '23, focused att< ntion on the PÀF.BER SHOP a“< irtent of lot.ul i ! lry that will have ever occurred in' groups, preceptresses and ma Mr. Parsons, Stewart‘f 1 1 : ,at 1 ural Children Were ilS uvi» have nave muncuiavv vu«rKc of vx i Parsons, „ trons immediate charge íARBER SHOP the Nehalem, valley. the dormitories. All members of '£a”on8 of Gl'ov'’c handicapped than „ ' U. ER SHOP Here 'v. ill, be <'; monstrated the value of intelligent; Friday at the home of Mr. an l city children because of neglect the club summer school, includ Mrs. L. Crawford. breeding of ILy Goand there will be demonstrations ed reined able defects. Dr. Wood ing those not having county Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nearer of summarized the results as fol- chaperones are under the super and lectures on f. .iiay, .-agitation, disease control, mar vision of an adequate staff ofTOi^ani^ called at the home o lows: keting, and in- rea: ■ d co istinqition, which will be the best the|his «¡»ter at Treharne. older persons throughout 1 Country Defects kind of initr’jietion to the person interested in dairying. session. Mrs. J. Glassner, Mrs. II. John ’ Teeth Every club member attending and __ children, ______ _ and ______ Mrs. _ ... R. . Stan- , . Official ; of tlie train have stated that the program 3.42 | 1 Tons Is will start exaHT.v as rehedn i d, and ask that all those Carkin, Vernonia’s “Lord Ches I should bring all necessary toilet I ton motored to Vernonia Fi id. A denoicls Oregon Gas and Electric com terfield,” swaps his Cadillac and ■ articles and bedding needed, in e defects planning to al lend be there ] romptly at 10 a.m. ..uys a Ford. And Jack was so cluding blanket, sheets and com pany had men working on their I dn a trit: in forts. In addition to this gym I line here last week. | • proud of his aristocratic car. clothing, tennis shoes, tennis rac This is the time of year when Vernonia is most beau Mr. and Mrs. Robert and baseball gloves, while tiful. Frequent showers ers have raised a crop of grass that i Carl Bu.gesun arrives from quets and daughter of Portland absolutely necessary, are not maker, every vacant lot a park, and every roadway a I ontana, sin ..ds a day 11 re with very useful. If a club member week end guests at the !• ¡OUSE OF CHEER tiuuufiuy giving ci a . friends and suddenly instrument in O’Donnell home. pleasing coi '..i .t in color between green strips that crowd i snorty buaa, r returns ’:EM’H AT ALDER back to his s a musical —.... ----- — — -- an a^ orchestra or harmonica band, Mrs. Chas. Barnes and daugh to the very of (l.e trtixeied area. -d Oregon hills and friends. | bring the instrument. ter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ba ?nt meals at pop It is assumed that all persons Big ads make newspapers do attending will be in a good state ker and children motored to rice ;. Col fee shop, Upon h<;;i iny that two lHtle tots were in a car wreck strange fino groceries are our main things. Some who strenu , of health before they will be Sherwood on Sunday, returning ch-.nts J inch 25c, 35c. Sunday, munj .can.” riimii'i to the acene of the accident ously plugged against ppeal—not prices. We fea- 4C-. 50c, in dining i Joseph permjtte(j f0 come. A trained by way of Portland. Breakfast 25c and with blanched fac ;, ■.? !i louring his own child was in inning the nomination , have de . .. nurse be on dtfty through i o i 'iods of freshness and I .ncheons 35c, 50c. cided o favor him during the out the session and a physician Portland — State Highway Com r.ot false savings. Yet jured. G » I nSc, 65c, 75c, $1 fall campaign. will be called whenever deemed mission opened bids here recent ; u ill always find that McNair, Manager I ly on nearly haif million dol advisable. started on an interesting trip Cttlberlson, Prop. v ' i considered, prices here Patty Hughes who recently! The forenoon of each day is I lars worth of state highway pro to Ita’y. They expect to be had ad his ivories jerked out spent ¡n classroom and labóra low. Quantity buying and the entire summer getting lo that he could get a new set tOry instruction. Here the club jects. Charles Mitchell and son gone . DiJ ’ jjin makes that possible at >ack in time for the children and click ’< tin, is celebrating be-. members receive information in spent last week visiting Mrs. to go to high school. 11 times here. — . able “i. to , regnr cause he ...,n will soon ■ be regard d to the different fields in Mitcheii. mothfefr tn Washington. Mrs. A. F. Baker came out torture a T-bone again. Miss Lampert of Vancouver, ! agriculture and home economics Wilark Friday evening and Brand Producto" B. C., and "MY. "a’nd Mrs. J. to ! by the regular members of the hayed until Sunday evening. was Ed Heltham, who spend- visited I Jlav asteiA of Portland college faculty and specialists Mr. nnnd Mrs. Valpania's ing his honeymoon at Moffit v .th Mr. and M bs . w. Kaber- ( friends gave them a farewell springs hotel, when it was de The program is arranged and stein lust week end. chosen in such a man party in St. Helens Saturday stroyed by fire, wires his friends subjects Orville Makipgfter who has evening. ner that the club members at- With Portland Orchestra for that it spoiled his honeymoon. tending _____o receive not only subject been suffering., jpom a strained Dancing and Special Entertainers I a itement at Ed’s age is severe matter information, but also re- back ter solile time, was able Aid Marketing Associations to go lq WN—Monday. on the heart. | lated subjects that are import free Delivery Phone 231 Mr. And M... Robert J-l. Usntj It has been the policy of the DANCES TO BE HEI D EACH SATURDAY I ant in the unified development made) a, trip to Kelso recently I He re extension service and its NIGHT Some of McGraw’s friends in- of the head hands, heart and visiting, with Mrs. Kent’s bro-1 county agent staff to sponsor sinuate that he turned "farmer” health of every club member at- ther wixlin slm had not seen fprj a. d actively aid cooperative just prior to the primaries, so tending. Season membership tickets will be issued over tw<> yeurs. nrketing movements. Many of as to swing the farmer’s vote. I Assemblies are an important to ail desirable gentlemen. ’!3 Delivered To Ynsif Mrs. Thus H. Hewitt attend- ’ the successful cooperative mar Through the columns of Monkey part of the group activities at > 1 Ladies considered as members aid Called ' cd the opening-•■of the Rainier ie ting associations which are op Biz, v. we wish „ to 1. inform the pub- th0 summer . school. . It is here fa corted by ticket holder. golf course4 Friday with friends l erating in the state today have lie that McGraw has a sheep that the club members of For At from St". Helens. been rendered definite assistance istate have the opportunity ' : Sewing club 1 • the county agents or the ex- I ranch. The 'Happy «Six _ I meet important people of STORE BARBECUE — CIGAR STAND met Thursday with witji Mrs. Ennis. i lion pecialist in marketing. 'state and nation. Here also Pete Knowles, known as the club members carry on their Sotne 1 very 'interesting ..deresting trips COTTAGES FILLING STATION Mayor of Mist, has been trying group singing Avoid Weed« In Seed are beitig t^l.en now that school RATES is out, It is much easier to avoid to get signed up in the local Motion pictures, parties, pro boxing card for the main event Mrs. ®eorge Stendal and chil weeds by getting high quality dren left last week for a month's seed, eveiy though it is a little for the next smoker and asked A parking charge of 50c a car will be made at all vacation fwilh Mi-ip Stendal's mo-, more expensive, than to plant for the commission to sign up times. This entitles both members and general public Martin & Forbes Eden Wallace for his opponent. tlier in Ft. Ignatius. Mont. Mrs. weeds in the lawn and thon to park privileges, such as picnicking, swimming, LEADING FLORIST JStendid made the trip without spend time and money on get- dancing in lodge, radio, use of card tables, etc. This column will be open free mishap In thi'ir' "hew Dodge to tilg them out. 387 Washington St. Orchestra dancing main ball Saturday nights and hol to those who can tell a larger within fpe fttlleY nf St. Ignatius,I Portland, Ore., Phone idays. Members and their ladies only. Men, 75c; la then had two pun t ; . Baker—New airport located fish story than Bill Charlesworth. BEacon 3162 dies, 25c. It would be interesting to read, Mr. and NJr ~ P. Unlpania and rtheast of this city will be ri gardless how bare of truth. children IloiilotMak .lid Mary ¡rmoved. V/. A. Davis, Local Manager. Member» Attending Without Tickets May Be Vouched Siale Board cl Health arne says a Specializing iy Wilark I Vernonia rarket Dear Vernonia 9 A. M. Sally Bottled Pep Àrcadi a Park G. BRU Ci » * The Bank of Vernonia Welcomes Those visiting the city tquiorrow during the Dairy Train iiionsliaiioii If you lack Pep at 4 o’clock—if you wake up tired—help yourself to Pep and Vigor. Balance each meal with a full glass of milk. The Vita min A is concentrated in milk and it fills the body with PEP. A ch a li a Ice Cream A Nehalem Product “There Is No Substitute for Good Butter and Other Dairy Products Nehalem Valiev LUM Wholesale and Retail Lindsav Lumber Co îreharne Phone 7F5» Res. 1052 Portland-Verncnia Truck Line «:,M 7b Balance Each Meal In Vernonia Office Phone 1041 Orders *