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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1930)
TW Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Eight MOTS N Y C OF THE ALBATROSS by WYNDHAM MARTYN“ w.N.u. service COPYRIGHT IN TH? U S. explained the luxurious stateroom in which the Bo; s sat. “I am not,” said the B-s. “I occupy an anomalous p 'lion; In a sense a dei,<»; ator.v "«<•. it no suits pie, for our purposes. to play the part of the steward” Bettington wondered why he felt a disinclination to ns', this man who and what he was. He realized that he was in the pn s nre of one from whom emanath ns of evil and unusual powers wore gi en out. lie was annoyed to admit It. With Sam or the rest of the crew It was different. They f< <1 that the knowledge might bring them, if they forced him threw !i disobedi ence to use It, to death or Impris onment. But no i m had su< h a hold over Howard r.ettington And yet he experienced uneasiness In the presence of this small, eternal ly smiling man wl ■ neck he could wring with his p aw<*-fill grasp as easily as one might choke the life out of a fowl. “What part am I to play*?” I’.et- tlngton asked. For a tit . at noy rate, he must seem to fall In with the other’s plans. “It may be very little.” the Boss said. “This Is how the matter stands. Railway can afford to l»e away from his office for a month. He has so arranged things that he Is safeguarded for that time, r it to stay away longer would ruin him. Another financier. Gibbons, Is a dangerous antagonl: t. When the time comes. Railway will be. offered the choice of ruin or a ran- I som of one million dollars, lie will bluster, threaten ami tight. In the end he will do as I have arranged ” “But the captain and tin* others?” “Will be eliminated. I h.n • taken every precaution. I shall seize the ship nnd dictate terms.” Bettington thought a moment. “That’s all very well.” he cried, “hut you can’t carry off Into cap tivity an International fi mre li: • Railway. Why, man. they’ll send gunboats out and every ship we pass win i o lookh?" f<»r us. '!,''_',e's "Your position as tin officer will give you entry to the main saloon.” the ¿less vv«,*it on. “You will ba able to gain tin- colilidelue of th« women and rep rt to me what hap pens. In tin: tele I have assumed I hear much. Init not enough." Bettington Wi s el,el to know that he would Tie In it po.-i ion to watch over Unwin's girl. It is true sl.e would uot yet know his name. He supposed, until 1“ I id decided wlutt best to do In the face of dan- gets, he l>u<J better keep up the masquerade. The Poss tool, his acquiescence as a mutter of course. It was not conceivable to th .1 hit :.’.;r>t spirit that there should be Insubordina tion. “You will understand,” he said, “that ns u ship's doctor you will have little In with the ship's steward Of me you know nothing, except that 1 serve Elgur lladwuy." “But I should tike to know more,” said Ilettlngton, “To the best of my kuo.vled; e I have never seen you before. How Is It know me? They •Boss.’ What do« you?" ‘•I mu William Clements to him, snlil Hie oil,-, i ' I nm William Clements to you. There Is a stone over what the world thinks is n>> body, in a pi 1 son grriveyni'd. I have expiated In the world's eyes i. II my faults.” lie leone I for ward and his thin h..nd< el, -n.died again. “And yet, Andrew <trine. I slud! make sin h u titirue for tniself. that It will eclipse wlnit the vvorhl knew of me ere it thou: Id I uh r] " “Mini,” thought Bet ting ton. •'('r.izcd wttli the delusion of povv-I er." Aloud he remni Iwd: “I see you don't wl.-li to tell me rinytltlng. . Very well: I nm not irirlmis.” I •‘You «III I'llid II: llett, the enp- taln, a dl Irr'ie, a! le and suspicious man. lie re eats my presence, lie-i tnenilier. tied . ....... iiboard Just before we still--I lie will l»e tin-' noyeil tlurt you did not report to him. In your -i. ter...... you wiil find rill Illi* clothes you nerd. If you trike my you will turn In now.” no disguising ~u ci a fl Tike tms/ “There will be no alarm. Let ters will be prepared Written In Railways hand, explaining that his health Is benefiting slowly and that he will remain away for a few weeks longer. Mrs. Radway will write to her father, the senator, nnd the girl secretary will send postals to her parents. . . . They will disarm all suspicion.” “Bow?” r.ettington demanded bluntly. “You’ll threaten them with violence unless they write? The women won’t do It, nor Rad way either!” “Nevertheless they will he writ ten. For what purpose do you sup pose Andrew Orme, master forger, was drag: ed from Blackport, Maine?” The Boss took some papers from a drawer. These he passed to Bettington. “Here are letters written hy Mrs. Railway and her husband. Study them closely. You are to berth in the nex t n I al eroom.’* He led R.ettington Into an ad From it another joining cal/n. room was seen. “That,” said doctor’s office.” parchment on which the name John Waite was inscribed. Bettington saw that Waite had taken his de gree of doctor <>f medicine In the University of Pennsylvania fifteen years before. “You will he known henceforth us Doctor Waite,M said th® Boss. You will probably have very little to <lo, but it was fortunate that Railway required a physician. Oth erwise you would have had to be come a member of my crew. The real Doctor Waite, over whom I have some slight hold, lent me this and some implements of the trade, drugs and the rest of It. You wiil probably have t»> prescribe some MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granite and marble sedatives for Railway.” at reduced prices Bettington l.t!ow nothing of modi cine; lie quailed nt the Idea of hav WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ing to look after a really sick per Oregon Monument Works sell Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro I — ebbTFgn with Hallett, his nephew, amTgolil ■Uniform. •‘I liad better Introduce you,” he and Bob Unwin out of the way. As suredly his defiance of the B osh said, “to Hallett and then to the would aid none of them. There was rest. It Is most Important that a helplessness about the situation the women trust you. Hallett has already Infected them with some comparable with nothing on land. distrust of me.” He led the way to the upper CHAPTER V deck, which was also the boat deck and that ou which the wireless A Millionaire’» Holiday. room was. Hallett was a square ettington whs awakened in built man and u capable sailor. He the morning by a snirill boy who was the bearer of coffee and was embittered at having no higher command than tlds pleasure craft rolls. He announced that break fast would be served In the main when his former companions were masters of ocean-going liners. He saloon within the hour. Wil, perpetually Ju a state -pf an- “This is all I need," said Betting ton. “What's your name?" “They call me ‘Silvers.’ ” said tire boy. “but my real name Is Angus tus.” When he had dressed nnd shaved Bettington experienced the sntls faction of a fastidious mini In find 1 Ing himself once more In clean MJ)- I parel. On the quarter deck he found Boss, who smiled the even, graduated smile of the night fore. -Today lie was In a neat I B CAN BIDAI E TO BE THE FARMERS’ CLEAR ING HOUSE Phone 681 Before setting out on that long-looked-for- ward-to motor jaunt into the country, you want to make certain that you’re hitting on all four, six or eight, that you haven’t ac cumulated too much carbon, that you’re backed up by staunch brake lining and that your hose isn’t at the leaking point. Lpt us give your car the ex pert once-over. work above on Wil- here and also for Yamhill river. ALL TALKING Saturday Eve. and Sun. Mat., Mar. 22-23 Hie Bishop Murder Case” Sale commencing Friday, March 21, and continuing until sold. I have the new Bridge Shoe for peo ple who have trouble with their feet. Sold at a low price. E. W. Holtham The Sensational Talking Picture Sunday and Monday, March 23 and 24 Working Men’s Store TALKING Tuesday and Wednesday, March 25-26 HAROLD LLOYD IN— ?(• Welcome Danger” Veincnia Service Garage Phone 311 L. E. Fredrickson ♦ YWR PERSOMÂL TRAMSÁCT«©NIS S) Bank of Vernonia WANTED BALDWIN PLAYER PIANO for REWARD of $10 (ten dollars) sale—Good as new, perfect WANTED—To take lessons on for any information leading FRESH JERSEY cow for sale— condition. Will take for cash piano. Teacher must furnish to the arrest and conviction of Heavy milker. F. R. Hyland, less than one half it cost. F. A. piano. Write Mrs. A. J. Marks, any one or more persons unlaw- 2 miles from Vernonia on Tim Larson, Birkenfeld. 322c Vernonia.____________________ 308* fully breaking into or destroy- ber road. 313* wavtpiv <■..... L. L. Fenner WANTED —Log truck r„, for log in« any of the NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT DAVENPORT and Victrola for! haul 1 to 1 % miles. See R. property. A. L. I' enner, Aber 322* sale cheap. 621 Rose aventie. L geal, 6:30 p m. at Camp 10, j deen, Wash. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun I _______________________ ______ Clark & Wilson camp. 322c WILL THE PARTIES who pur ty of Columbia. chased tickets on the Auxil j FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS In the matter of the Estate of iary cedar chest from Mrs. J. E. FOUND W i 11 iam McMu 11 en, deceased. Covington please call and give Notice is hereby given that FOR RENT—3-room house, part-' PURSE FOUND on Weed ave- nue. Owner may have same i me the number so duplicate the undersigned P. Hill, Execu- ly furnished, $10 month. Wish; tickets may be issued. Phone tor of the estate of William for plain sewing or family wash' by calling at the Vernonia Eag-1 62, Mrs. II. E. McGraw. 331c 1 McMullen, deceased, has filed ing, do at home. Mrs. A. C. |e antj paving for this adv. 331c 321* • ____ ___________ ------- ' NURSING wanted—Would also his final account in the County Bnhvn. Court of the State of Oregon, I 4-R00M and 7-room houses for TYPING WORK DONE—Satis-1 sit up with children. Mrs. A. | for the County of Columbia, I I rent, on 1st avenue. J. C. Lind factory work guaranteed. Mrs. E. Jennings, phone 342 or P.O. 1 and that Tuesday, the 1st day ley, at bank. 332c box 461. 31$f 31tf -Betty Roberts, Vernonia. of April, 1930, at Die hour of i 10 o’clock, A. M. of said day, I At the Court House at St, Hel- ens, in s said County and State, has been 1 appointed ns the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on and the settlement thereof. this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business Date of 1st pub. Feb. 27, 1930. and professional people. Date of last pub. Mar. 27, 1930,. p. hill , Executor of the Estate of BEAUTY SHOPS William McMullen, deceased. Trucks for Local and GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. Dr. J. A. Hughes FOR SALE Professional and Business Directory CALL FOR BIDS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Separate sealed proposals will t Shampoo, Marcelling, Fing<;r be received by the undersigned waving, Permanent Waving. at the Washington school build Over Horseshoe Cafe. ing, Vernonia, Columbia county, Phone 431 Oregon, until two-thirty (2:30) P.M., Tuesday, April 1, 1930, ¿■MP for the general contract, plumb ing, heating and electrical work Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy for the new school building. fe-i : Upon deposit of $25.00 plans DR. R. A. OLSON nnd specifications may be ob Chiropractor tained at the office of F. Mari Tel. 671 1117 Sta* on Stokes, architect, 1000 Cham Vernonia. Ore ber of Commerce building, Port land, Oregon. Bidder's bond or certified CONTRACTORS WOMENS RELIEF A. M. check for five per cent (5‘< ) of the amount of the proposal, Lodge No. 184 CORPS A. M. meets Meets third Thursday of each payable to W. W. Wolff, Clerk, JOHN A. MILLER School District No. 47, Colum- ■)nic Temple, month at the W. 0. W. hall. I bia county, Oregon, must ac Communication I Mrs. Lee Hall, president. General Contractor irsday of each | company each bid. The board re month, Special called serves the right to reject any Mason Work, Building meetings on all other Thurs-1 NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 or ail bids. ORDER OF RAINBOW nights 7 :30 p.m. Visitors (Signed) W. W. WOLFF, FOR GIRLS cor<l ¡ally welcome. 322(3) School Clerk. and Regular meeting second E. Tapp, W. M. STRAND & BERG fourth Mondays. B. Wilker ion, Sec •ret ary. CARD OF THANKS Contractor* and Builder* Margaret Nelson, Recorder Mrs. Hyland wishes to express On all kinds of construc her heartfelt thanks • for the Order of Eastern Star tion, estimates given with deep sympathy and kindness, Mehalc-m Chaph r I >3, O. E. S. American Legion out charge. and other Regular commu many flowers, the Vernonia Pott nication first Box 157, Vernonia sent her by her friends gifts American nnd third Wed-1 during her recent illness. And nvsdays of each Meets she < especially wishes to thank DENTISTS month, at Ma-i and Mrs. I.isenby for her many, sonic Temple. fourth Tuesdays many kindnesses, The Ladies All visiting sis-1 each month, 8 p. ters nnd broth- j m. Connie An Aid of the Christian church and M. D. COLE ers welcome. 331c derson, Com the American Legion. Mrs. Gwladx Macphvi u»n, W.M. P. Hughes, Adjutant Mrs. Grace Rrltcr^er, Si Seci<<ary. mander. CARD OF THANKS . -- „ .......... , :...x We wish to thank our many Vernonia, Oregon Mountain Heart friends and relatives who so us help during generously gave Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every our loss by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith second and fourth Thursdays in DR. W. H. HURLEY W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors 331c and Family. always welcome. Dentistry »nd X-Ray O’Donnel. Vice Grand SWlH'kl Hotel AmericanLegion Auxiliary Marie Edna Linn, Noble Grand Meet« «eennd nnd fourth HOUSE OF CHEER .Hoffman Hdvve. Building Myrtle John, Secretary. p Monday* of each month TENTH AT ALDER Della Cline Treasurer Vernonia, Oregon p at thr l.ofion hall. I Iretron Portland Mrs. P. Wideman. Pre*. Long Distance Hauling I i QUICK SERVICE Phone 221 1. O. O. F, HARDING I ODGE 116 Meet« i every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night ill the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night hail, Veiling broth- at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis era welcome. itors always welcome. James #Nanson, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.G. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John Glauner, ¡Secretary. Excellent meals at pop- ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchant* Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinner* 40c, 50c, in dining room. Brrakfatt 25c and up. Luncheon* 35c, 50c. Dinner* 55c, 65c, 75c, $1. W. D. McNair, Manager W. C. CulberUon, Prqp. Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. Terminal Cafe] The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 X Office in Workingmen’s Store PLUMBING Eafford Brothers General Plumbing Vernonia RESTAURANT P. HILL Justice of the Peace Notary Public Office: 875 Second St. LAWYERS GORDON R. WATT Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant • You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Attorney-at-law Huippna a-ntmqx Xof Vernonia, Oregon PHYSICIANS Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND Physician and Surgeon Lloyd Baker, Prop. Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon Cason Transfer HOTEL PASTIME LIGHT LUNCHES Physician and Surgeon Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Dentist KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS river "South Sea Rose” SAFE iä fi. Vernonia Trading Co lamette 121,600 Coming Attractions f Paid Adv., Corbett for Governor Corn , Floyd J. Cook. Field Mgr. Quality Seeds for maintenance w«A of of JOV vÆ Theater week) I am overstocked and will sell Ladies’ and Chil- then’s Shoes for less than BUST MESS BASIS Spring Planting allotment WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS GOVERNOR FOR YOUR next Portland—Secretary approved ALL TALKING AND SINGING Thursday and Friday, March 20 and 21 A PRIVAT CHECKING ÔÜÎ (Continued Will in Scotland Mrs. George Miller and daugh- ter will leave for Scotland dur ing the early part of May to visit relatives, They will leave by way of Montreal. "The Cocoanuts” For Primarle* Mvj IS noVanue“uT Tli^ ’curious "position ‘de cupled by Clements the steward. Actually Rad way, on whoso favor he was dependent, had decided in several Instances that Clements must be obeyed. It was bitter to a man who had decided Ideas on the Importance of his o!li<<‘. “Well?” he snapped, turning to the steward. ‘‘What is it?” “This Is Doctor Waite, Captain, he answered. Ballet from the beginning set himself to be hostile. .“•When did yon epme ab«»nr<l?” Here is a Real Harry ¡L. Corbett REPUBLICAN Friday, March 21, 1930 Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 SHINGLE MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From VERNONIA *