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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1930)
Thursday, March 6, 1930 z LOCALS Shady Lane of Mist was a past week in Portland visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Rob Vernonia visitor Monday. bins spent the week end also, Wm. Meadows of Mist spent returning with Mrs. Robbins. Monday in Vernonia on business. A 9 Vz-pound baby boy was Joe Weber of Portland, who born to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. El- owns considerable property in liott Monday morning. Mrs. El- this city, spent Sunday in town. iott and son aro reported in District Attorney John L. good health. Foote of St. Helens was a Ver Mrs. E. M. Ericson and sis- nonia visitor Saturday. ter of Portland and Clarence Morris Bennett, a student at Memiller of Mansfield, O., vis the normal school at Monmouth, ited at the home of Mrs. Eric son Sunday. spent the week end at home. Mrs. Sarah Spencer returned C. W. Reithner left last week for Los Angeles, where he ex from Portland Monday after spending a week visiting rela pects to stay several weeks. tives in Mill Plain, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeil Portland. spent the week end in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kullander visiting friends and on business. and family of Portland spent E. S. Thompson and Frank .ne week end visiting at the Hartwick attended a meeting of .some of Mr. Kullander’s bro- Gilby Motor company employes .her, A. L. Kullander. at St. Helens Monday. Joseph Bowman of Portland Chas. T. Early, well known spent several daj s in this city Portland business man and a last week remodeling the home large property owner of this of Adolph Nelson at 842 Third avenue. city, spent Tuesday here. P. H. Skaling of Birkenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw owner of the Birkenfeld garage, • nd family and Mr. and Mrs. spent Monday in this city on Lee Schwab and children at tended the pie social and pro business. gram given by the Natal Grange Tom Crawford spent Monday at Natal Saturday evening. in Portland, returning to this J. Frank Rose, new manager city in the evening with a new of the MacMarr meat mraket, Ford car. and G. Campbell, manhger of Wilburn Charlesworth motored the grocery department of the to Bridal Veil Sunday morning, new store, arrived in this city returning to this city Sunday to charge charge of their de- evening. partments Monday. Edwin Condit and several stu J. J. McGhee, part owner of dents attended the county spell- the Vernonia bakery, left Wed- ing contest at St. Helens Sat- nesay for a trip to Pocatello, urday evening. Ida., and Grand Junction, Colo. Frank Peterson and H. E. Mr. McGhee expects to return McGraw attended the taxpayers here in two weeks. meeting of the county Grange Carl Brekke, representing the at Clatskanie Saturday. Northwestern Mutual Life in Edward Ballagh, well known surance company, was a Verno nia visitor Sunday. Mr. Brekke citizen of St. Helens, attended in his first visit to this city the Chamber of Commerce was delighted with the scenery luncheon in thia city Thursday. on the road by way of Forest Mrs. Elmer Robbins spent the Grove. Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon children were in Vernonia Sat- urday. Mrs. Crawford called at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. Dooley, one day last week. Miss L. Witzel of Vernonia spent Friday afternoon with Miss Ida Beaver. Ruby and Viola Mounts are at Seaside staying with relatives and attending school. Mrs. R. Stanton, Mrs. Vernon Stanton and children motored to Vernonia Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald have moved to their home in Riverview. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rushlow, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christensen of Hillsboro spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell. RIVERVIEW Henning Fielberg sprained his ankle while working at the mill Tuesday. Leonard Malmsten motored to Portland Wednesday of last week and visited his uncle, Ken- neth Ferrier, returning the same day. Nannie Hall spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ollie Roberts in Vernonia. The Oregon Gas and Electric company is putting in new poles and changing the lines and ex tending the lines to different homes in Riverview. Chas. Wilson is having his house re-papered ai.d painted on the inside. The work is being done by John Miller. Aunt Sally Spencer returned home Monday after a few days visit in Portland and Millplain with relatives. Those who attended Grange at Yankton Saturday from this val ley were Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Par- ker, and A. L. Austin. Harvard Malmsten and A. L. Austin attended the basketball game in St. Helens Friday. Raymond Casselman, who has been ill for some time, is not improving. It is thought he may have to go to the hospital for an operation. Kenneth Ferrier of Portland attended the funeral of Vincent Lindstrom Thursday. He also vis ited his sister, Mrs. S. V. Malm know of one bird in Vernonia i sten. Mrs. ^Genevieve Lindstrom and who sports a heavy beard, and only has one hair on his chest. children, Anna and Robert, of Hillsboro attended the funeral Can it be dandruff? of V. Lindstrom Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Spencer left Wed They tell one on Curley Buff- nesday for Seaside to visit her nire, who, while driving through daughter, Mrs. O. B. Malmsten, California recently, picked up who will leave shortly for Mis vhat he thought was a piece 01 souri to undergo an operation California redwood to show to for cancer. lis friends upon his return home, Macile Roberts of Vernonia What Curley brought home was a guest at the Hawkins vas a piece of red cedar. home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge of Treharne called on friends in Riverview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirk of TREHARNE Pleasant Hill visited with Mrs. Kirk’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mrs. Robert Spencer enter Hall, Sunday. tained Friday evening in honor Eloda McDonald of Pebble ’s birthday. Ethel , Creek h purchased 500 baby chicks Any citizen Any citizen vi of 0011«,=, Cahors, - France, of - her daughter - • — may may have have a a ! street named after was 10 years old. Those present of the Halls this week, him by making a contribution of were Dorothy Webb Mary Tre- Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler 20,000 francs to the city. I harne, Vera Berry Grace Ethel and son Kenneth motored to St. /if we try this method in Vèr-'Keller, Loretta Baker, La Verne Helens Saturday to spent the week end with relatives. ironia we may secure — « sufficient »----------- and Junior Thompson. P. Thornbrough of Mulloy is Mrs. C. A. Schamon returned funds to get that sewer system home Monday after a week in for the Corey hill section of the working at Koster camp. I Mr. Witzel is employed at Portland. city. ' camp. I Koster camp is starting the biggest gambler in the The Rock creek side Tuesday, world is the man who raises a Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon iyid fails to provide those family T^__ , were Vernonia shoppers Satur-; dependent by means of insur day. ance. Mr. and Mrs. John Price and » . . ■- I To possess capital in Russia appears to be a capital offense. Few in Vernonia would offend the Russian government. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hall spent Woodcraft met at the home Sunday visiting with Mr. and of Mrs. Hazel Stevenson Thurs- Mrs. B. J. Cline in Vernonia, day afternoon to organize a The two couples celebrated their Thimble club. 30th wedding anniversaries. Officers elected were: Presi The A. B. Counts family of dent. Erma Johnson; vice pres Rock Creek visited friends in ident, Theolinda Strong; secre Riverview Sunday evening. tary and treasurer, Pearle Ad “Grandma” Miller, mother of I ams. Mrs. Hawkins, spent a few days | The club has been named “The with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Foust Wide Awake Thiuble club,” and in Vernonia last week. will meet the second and fourth The Johnston-MhGraw shingle Thursdays of each month. mill was down Saturday on ac- After the meeting a luncheon count of a broken saw, which was served by the hostesses, Ha- struck something in a log, al- zel Stevenson and Eda Parker, most stripping the saw of its The club will meet at the home teeth. j of Mrs. Ida Johnson March 14. MiST Marion McMullin spent the week end with the Misses De Rock. Donald Sundland wi at home from Forest Grove over the week end. Wm. Keaton is working at the Big Creek Logging company. Miss Salmi returned from her home at Marshland Monday af- ternoon .having gone home last week on account of illness and was unabie to teach in the pri- mary room. Francis Larson of Birkenfeld put a new brick flue in the cen- tral office building one day last week. Bernard Dowling was a Clats- kanie visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Jones is ill this week. Ed. Reynolds left for camp Monday morning. Natal Grange will meet March 8 at 2 p.m. in order to give the Grangers a chance to visit with Vernonia Grange in the evening. Mrs. Geo. Taylor and sons were Vernonia business visitors Saturday. Mrs. A. R. Melis called on the following in the village last Thursday: Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Wm. Bridgers, and Mrs. A. A. Dowling. Austin Dowling is doing some spring plowing for Louis Bach man this week. Mrs. John Schlippy is ill at present. BIRKENFELD Dinner Party Honor» Mr. Rosa Honoring her husband on the occasion of his birthday, Mrs. J. W. Rosa entertained with a chicken dinner at their home on Rose avenue Thursday evening The guests included Mr. and Mrs. James Fest and daughter, Pat Fest, Ira Niecholson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady and fam- Uy. and Leon Teeters. The dry season is on in the I Nehalem—little mud slinging goes on here. Charlie Wilson, the congenial superintendent of the shingle mill, debates with E. A. Green that a red hair is thicker than a black hair. Many of their friends urged them to debate the question in public, charge admission, and give the funds to the home for hairless an gora g^ats. X ' And talking about hair, we ------- J _ , I- Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop and its Dry in Four Hours LUSTAQUIK FINISH The new quick drying enamel finith for furniture, woodwork, walla, cvczywha* ■boat the houzc. Of course he has his delicious— Lindsay Lumber Co Treharne 965 Bridge St. Vernonia Repairing Done While Yon Wait The Home of Good E.U" Phone 7F51 r Bank of Vernonia Cre. Gas & Elect!ic Co G. W. Ford, Supt. THE MILLER POLICY IS TO Never Sacrifice Quality FOR PRICE YET Our Low Prices Compare Favorab ly With all Competition Fast Color A.B.C. Prints PLUS The Advantage of Seeing Before you Buy ing in Money Order Fees ... A Saving in Time Personal Service and a Prompt Adjustment of Any Claims. New Line All »ilk to hem HOSE Every pair perfectly woven semi-service weight. New spring shades. New French heel. Double sole. Ex tra reinforced heel and toe. STAMPED GOODS Another shipment . . aprons . . . table cov ers . . . scarfs . . . small novelties. This lot includes more of those popu lar extra fine hem- •titched pillow e«»e> Pair 79c CHILDREN’S HOSE, wide ribbed four attraetive light colors. Reinforced heel and toe, 6 to 10, pr. 19c WOMEN’S LISLE HOSE . .. Bright, crisp new patterns on this superfine, long- wearing material. Your work and money will not be wasted in using these prints as the color isguar- anteed fast. Width 36 inches. ZMu Per yard .... Morning FROCKS Guaranteed fast color The pert freshness of these frocks lend a brighter spirit to your You owe it yourself to your best . . the morning, this price aeveral dresses but little. Constructed of high quality, combed yarn- Assorted light colors. 81/j-10. pr. 23c 14 to 52 Star Brand Alt leather SPRING SLIPPERS OXFORDS for men Novelty colors, black calf and patent. High and medium heels. These shoes leather from side counter oak tanned soles. Collegiate clacker A long wearing dress Black and tan calf, heels or rubber heels, shoe at a saving. $3.98 There is a Bound reason for this record. Fit . . . appearance . . . wear and price is the combina- tion that has put Enna Jetticks ahead of the rest , and Speed—caty brushing—«elf-levelling—no off emi ve odor—juat in every bruah »troke. Dry in four hour». Waterproof. Hoffman Hardware Co Dad’s Sandwich “The Sun’s Only Rival A Work Shoe WONDER For men and boy* Solid leather throughout except composition out er sole. You are all fa miliar with the wearing qualities of this tough material. Black. Pair $2.98 Black and white and »everal voguish colon. Short Orders Try hi* good Pastries and Pie* Gresham—Safeway Stores o- pened branch in this town recent ly- Manary Lumber Camp, No. 1, operating between Waldport and Yachats, resnmed onorations. Edison Mazda Lamps The fastest selling Shoe of its kind in the u, S. A. See Hoffman About It. "It Pays HAMBURGER SANDWICHES AND CHILI Seaside—$10,000 Shell Comp any depot will be constructed here. Silver PJating Re-silvering Mirrors Local agent for IIEALTHO PRODUCTS H. R. ELTON 959 Bridge St. Vernonia Dinner and Eastern Oyster* Two more trains added to Or- egon Electric schadule operating between Corvallis and Portland. Signs —oí coarte it hat al wan been easy to finish Has installed a mod em refrigerating sys tem. Dad can now serve the public with all kinds of delicious salads. And he also serves— Westimber, Mar. 3—founder's day was observed by Timber P.-l T. A. at there last meeting in February. A short program was given by the primary depart ment of the school. Then Mrs. Wilson read a “Tribute to Mrs. Burney,” Mrs. Pearson gave the history of the national congress of P.-T. A., then came the can dle lighting ceremony, conducted by Mrs. England and Miss Tel- lar. While the candles burned Mrs. Lemmon read a paper on “Our Gift.” Five dollars was voted to the state P.-T. A. fund. Mr». H. Haling Entertains Mrs. H. Saling entertained at her home last Tuesday afternoon. INJURED WHILE AT WORK SUNDAY Luncheon was served by the hostess after an hour spent in sewing. George Parmentier, employed The guests were, Mrs. D. Da-, by the Koster Products company, vis, Mrs. J. Endicott, Mrs. J. Rosa, Mrs. R. H. Barclay, and Mrs. N. C. Parson. Take Home a Carton of WINDOW Easy to Use We heard of one politician who urged a soap manufactur ing friend of his to send some sample cakes to those in his district, so that his duty would be more pleasant when during his campaign he lovingly kissed , all the kiddies, for Mother’s vote. WESTIMBER P.-T. ASS’N. I suffered an injured lip, when he piece of wood Saturday while at OBSERVES FOUNDER’S DAY was struck in the mouth by a work. Organize Thimble Club A number of Neighbors "Monkey Biz Peculiar about some getting up one hour before breakfast to do ' their daily dozen for health, . and several hours later trying to pass another car on a blind curve at 50 per. Page Seven Your child's feet need protection. Use Star Brand OXFORDS These sturdy oxfords fill the need for general wear. Sizes 8*A to 2. Black or tan. Pair ............................................ $2.79 THEY CAME! Hard to believe but true Those extra quality POLO SHIRTS that so many have been waiting for are here. Red, green, orange and blue. A full cut, heavy weight, double pocket, /»fb _ triple stitched WORK SHIRT for ........ MEN’S $1.49 boys ’ 98 c Those Collegiate Cords Trousers Wear Faster Than Coats Strong, closely woven and accepted QPC style. White of course. Pair ........... ♦pjiaa/O That is why we got in a nice new assortment of extra trousers. Match up that $ coat. Prices range from............ A Gordon Hat Fills all Hat needs. New stock Snappy Sock Showing Another new shipment, pair I LLER’O M VERNONIA s O i