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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1930)
Are You Reading The Great Serial Story Now Running In The Eagle? i Be Convinced and Try Our Classified Advertise- ments For Quick Results Vernonia. Oregon Thursdaj%_Fehruary 27, 19 0 Volume 8 Delegates of MAY Granges To Meet Mar. 1 BE CANDIDATE I Number 30 Mist, Birkenfeld Believe Many Throughout County Pow-^r Line Sure Now Students Urged Well Known Banker the Current rumors have it that Light and Power company Will Give from , Clatskanie will build Enter Representative Race over the Mist hill into Mist and Play Soon Cuts Wrist While Chopping Wood While chopping wood at his home last week, H. Veal cut a deep gash with the axe in his right wrist. It was necessary to have sev eral stitches taken after Mr. Veal had been rushed to a local physician’s office. Rainier Hi Wins Eagle Loving Cup Birkenfpld shortly, and that light have been purchased for Vernonia’s Best Known Citizen Receives Hearty the extension of this line. Endorsement From All Who Hear cf His Friends’ While nothing definitely is Wish To Organize Tax settled, it had been hoped by Sponsored By The P.-T. Clinch Championship By Intentions To Have Him Enter His Name. those from this section that the Garden Club To A. Of This City payers League Oregon Gas and Electric com Defeating St. Helens The many friends throughout McGraw is a former scout- pany of this city would extend Hold Open Meeting the county of H. E. McGraw, master of Vernonia Boy Scout its lines from Riverview through one of the best known business troop, past president of Colum Natal to several miles below The Vernonia Garden club men in Columbia county, are bia County Bankers association, Birkenfeld, and many still be will hold an open meeting next urging him to enter the race present councilman of the city lieve that this line eventually , Tuesday afternoon, March 4, as a republican candidate for of Vernonia, and has been ac-l j will be constructed. I at the Evangelical church when the nomination of representative tively engaged in public life for Over 40 Students From The . all interested are invited to at Vernonia and St. Helens Tie Other Organizations May i Through the Eagle ’ s activity of the 20,th district, comprising the past six years. tend. Grade Schools To Take Be Invited To Join For Second Place In Columbia county, to the Oregon It is questionable if any can- ' ' in the interest of seeing this Mrs. H. Veal, president of H. E. McGraw country furnished light and Part In “ Peter Pan ” League Later didate endorsed from this coun Conference state legislature. the club who returned recently Mr. McGraw, known to his ty could receive more support, power, a meeting was called last from attending a directors’ Cable Breaks, ” fall in which over 60 prospective many friends as “Ellis,” is well. according to those who are urg “Peter Pan and the Elves" meeting at Portland of the i Completing their basketball Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. light users met with a represen Injures Employe qiltliGed. to represent this dis ing him to run. State Garden club, will give a five delegates from each of the -------- > by defeating St. Helens trict, a man of ability, success-' With hundreds of friends in tative from the local power and “Farmerettes,” will be the i brief outline of the ;———— season, granges of Columbia county and E. Groat, employed at the f ul in business, prominent in all sections of the county, who ™"'Pa"y “t Mist to talk over two plays sponsored by the to «non- Friday evening by a score of which the state intends to spon plans about getting a power and ent-Teacher association at five delegates from Pomona Campbell shingle mill, received civic affairs and known to v« „„ u.i..K the Gic past week ..»k have ;.„,v „„J all d during set plans sor to clean up along the high ; 28 to 13 at St. Helens, the Grange will meet in the Odd severe lacerations to his jaw, as an honest, square-shooting , Rainier union high school bas- in their ... I.. ilLL w —."‘ft the VII. political ¿/.I.VIVIM bee UVV buzzing ,1. ....... J’Kbt line into the Nehalem val- Joy theater Friday, March 14. ways. In connection with the plays, Fellows hall at Clatskanie for besides ketball team, winning six of teeth man, according to his many attempt to get McGraw to enter ley‘ having many Another garden contest will the purpose of organizing a tax- knocked loose, when a cable supporters. At the time of the meeting, Manager Bush has promised to be sponsored this year by the their eight conference games, • the race, the pressure hour by show a feature movie film, the payers league. won the Columbia county high broke Monday, striking his jaw. A native son, spending his hour grows stronger to draw Mr. Ford, representing the local local club. The movement for the form school basketball championship. Medical attention was receiv earlier days in the vicinity of the popular Vemoniaite into utility company’s interest, pre entire program to be shown for | ---------------------- the usual price of admission. ation of such a league originat ed here. Within the next week, the Banks, where later he served as the ring for Columbia county sented a.: offer to those pres Mrs. William Culver, president r- ----- - — ed at the meeting of the Colum ent, and following further meet cashier in the Banks State bank, i representative candidate. Ill I1O lYlirJlOVIOV EagIe 8ilver tr°Phy- offered to appointed I of the local P.-T. A., bia county Pomona Grange at Mr. McGraw has with the excep- i Never having entered politics ings by the prospective consum Mrs. E. Ray, Mrs. E. Bell, and *- J LI 111. 1» C nilLlltl | the high school winning the bas- Fern Hill in November. All of kctball championship this year tion of time spent in the log-1 outside his home city, the pro- ers, the Clatskanie company Mrs. W. W. Wolff as the granges in the county have will be presented to the play ging game and school, been en-1 posed candidate is without any gradually showed interest until mittee in charge of appointed delegates to the meet ers who so ............... __ won most brilliantly gaged in the banking business known political enemies, and his the present time, when settlers I ments. ing. These granges are located of their games, with a fast, well and at the time of his appoint- [ chances of securing the nomina- in the valley are positive that “ Peter Pan, ” under the direc- ! at Scappoose, Warren, Yankton, ment to the presidency of the tion and being elected appear shortly one of the power lines tion of Mrs. E. Bell, has a cast1 After competing twice before coached team. Deer Island, Beaver Homes, Bank of Vernonia, was the better than any who might run will come through. Defeated by St. Helens in of 40 characters, chosen from in zone spelling contests, June Fern Hill, Hudson, Clatskanie, 1 A regular luncheon and meet- youngest bank president in Ore against him. i the first seven grades of the Michener, a student of the 7th their first conference game of Cedar Grove, Birkenfeld, Natal ing of the Chamber of Com- gon. There is no political factor in Modern Poultry Plant three local grade schools. I grade at Washington school, 1930, and also meeting a defeat and Vernonia. Altogether a to mcrce will be held today at noon Serving with honor during the this city or the vicinity but who, The colorful costumes and Being Constructed I was the survivor of many who from Clatskanie several weeks tal of 65 delegates are expected at the Masonic temple. World war, establishing a bril will endorse the candidacy of ■ stage decorations and settings entered in the spelling contest ago, the Rainier quintet defeat to be present. I Harry L. Corbett, prominent liant war record, the sought McGraw, and with the filing will be as elaborate as any play of zone 5, which takes in Bir- ed Vernonia, Scappoose twice Scappoose, Feb. 27—Mrs. Wm. j While the initial organization portian(j business man and can- candidate, past commander of of his application to run, it is previously staged in this city by kenfeld, Mist, Natal, Pleasant and won one victory each from is composed exclusively of mem- djdate for the republican nom- Vernonia post of the American predicted that different sections Sclioltz is building a modern, local talent. Hill and Vernonia schools, and St. Helens and Clatskanie. bers of the grange, it is not! ¡nation for governor, will be Legion, now a state official of of the county will quickly en poultry plant on their property, Players of Rainier who fea here. Mrs. Scholtz is using in j The bands of fairies with was chosen champion speller of the intention to confine coniine the flæ principal speaker at the La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 dorse the local candidate. tured in the successful campaign their queens, the zone 5 Friday evening. I butterflies, the construction the latest rec- ’ Republicans who met from Chevaux, honor order of the Le membership to grange members j mueting. ommendations of the Oregon' bunnies, and tumbling elvds on' June received the silver med- were Clark, Olivia, forwards; only. The grange took up the Following the chamber meet gion, McGraw has taken an ac different sections of the county State college and expects to the toadstools, w.... with .c, Peter . Pan — si --------- offered by this ..... paper and she Brough, ^center; Olson, • Robison, matter of organization by rea- ing Mr. Corbett has been mvited tive part in county and state yesterday morning to endorse and his pipes, gives all a pleas- will be the one who represents Euards; Forest , Jowdy, subs, son of the fact that the organ- to address the student body at ex-service men’s activities, and H. E. McGraw are confident have upon completion a build ' zone 5 in the oral spelling con-1 Many of these players were is prominently known through-' that he will make known his in ing superior to any of its kind ing glimpse into fairyland. izatjon was at hand whieh prov- the local high school. Miss Von Hoene is assisting test at Rainier tomorrow ev- a s0 members of the Rainier initial organization out Oregon as one of the most! tentions within the next few in the county. The capacity is ided an On account of having Mrs. Bell in the musical direc- ening when champions of dif- fo°tball team which won the force of 65 members. Other or speaking engagement early in influential ex-service men in days and are sure that he will 500 hens. tion of the plays, with Mrs. E. ferent zones compete for honors, county bigh school championship decide to be a candidate. ganizations and individual mem the evening at Eugene, Mr. Cor the state. in charge of property work. until the best speller will be ^or 1929. bers will be invited to join the bett will be scheduled to address Mrs. W ,W. Wolff handling picked as champion of the coun- • organization, it is said, after it the Chamber of Commerce mem the musical numbers between ty grade schools. Washington Grade J. S. Johnston of Lower Columbia is perfected. bers and guests immediately fol acts. School Wins District Birkenfeld in Race Chambers Meet at A. E. Veatch of Rainier is lowing the luncheon. “The Farmerette*,” coached Many From Here Basketball Honors For Commissioner chairman of the county Pomona St Helens March 7 by Mrs. Hammack, the eharac- 1 Attend Dedication grange committee and ■ has is Study Club To 1 Washington grade school bas-^ ters played by local high school I sued the call f<Z' the Clatskanie J. iS. Johnston of ‘’Birkenfeld At Forest Grove A large delegation of mem- Give Play Benefit In a fast game, Vernonia alumni, will be a three-act play. is a candidate for the nomina kctball team, which won the dis meeting. ber* of the Vernonia _________ ___ Chamber I Youngsters from the grade Camp Fire Cabin tion as county commissioner. Mr. trict championship recently, will high school basketball team de- 1 I Thousands of people were of Commerce will attend the the Clatskanie Tigers schools chosen for different present at Forest Grove Satur- _____ has lived in the upper compete in the county tourna- feated 1 Johnston . . „ „ meeting of __ the Lower Columbia Natal Grange To The members of the Study Nehalem all his life, 49 years, ment at St. Helens March 15, Friday on the local floor by a parts in “Peter Pan,” have en- day afternoon to witness the| River Associated Chambers of . tered a contest to see which Give Program and I club will repeat the play given when leaders of grade schools score of 33 to 21. platform, Mr. Johnston In his sells the most tickets, with a large parade of ex-service men Commerce to be held at St. Pie Social March 1 before the high school student asks for economy in county af- in the four districts will meet j Battling to a near tie, the • substantial reward for their ef- and to later see the dedication' Helens Friday, March 7. | body Friday afternoon, on Sat fairs and to make no purchase to play for the county champion- Clatskanie players fought hard of the Legion memorial build-! An attractive program is be- forts. and the first quarter ended 9 ing, in memory of the heroes ing arranged for the entertain- Members of Natal Grange urday evening in the high school of machinery unless it is neces- ship. sary. of the late World war. i ment of visiting members of Those winning _____ _ their letters [to 8 in favor of the home boys. will give a play at their hall in auditorium. ___ j ' In the third quarter Clatskan- proceeds go to the To Hold Tournament Streets were elaborately dec- ’ the _________ ___ visits ____ to Up until the present time five this year who have taken active association with and“fefoltoCin^C ">P Fire cabin will fund, Natal Saturday evening, March a The b- ie only gained one point, while '.It has have entered the race for coun- parts toward the success , o o. The Vernonia Athletic club orated with Legion emblems,' many of St. Helens’ leading in 1, at 8:30 p.m. been ' customary in the the past for ty commissioner: J. N. Miller tained in basketball are: Holly Vernonia piled up 10 additional plans to hold a tennis tourna-l aad American Hags, the city dis- ■ dustries. “»tomarv in the performance a pie social' I been the Study club to give a silver of Clatskanie, incumbent; J. L. Holcomb, Robert Cline, Bill points. Governor A. W. ______ Norblad _ is ment in this city within the ¡playing a holiday appearance. and dance will be held, With only one more confer- 1 tea for the cabin fund, but Mrs. The parade started at 2:30'scheduled to give the principal As in the past, programs and E. A. Green, chairman of dram Van Horn of Clatskanie, J. S. ’ Lumm, Paul Jepson, Louis Gra- i ence game to be played this near future, according to Dr. ' ' Ander * ’ 'address of the meeting, with M. D. Cole, president of the p.m. with Captain Jack dances sponsored by the Natal atics, has received so many re Johnston of Birkenfeld, T. J. [ ven, Floyd Smith. .Arnold Trude season, that with St. Helens son of the local national guard E. G. Harlan, editor of Oregon Flippin of Rainier, and G. W. and Roy Barnes. organization. Grange have proven so success hope's Vernonia quests from those who could not St. Helens, company as marshal. Business, and St Clair E. Wil Mills of Deer Island. ful that the public have eagerly | win second place. Salem drum corps, the 7th in son also on the prograqi. awaited for other affairs of this see the play to re;| at it, that Timber C. E. Visits to- played | it has been decided to present The game will be fantry band from Vancouver It is predicted by Gus Hafen- nature. I the play again. morrow evening. Here at Christian barracks, and the Portland drum brack, secretary of the Lower Proceeds from the play will, I The plot is light, but the cprps enlivened the line of Columbia association, that the Church Last Sunday be applied toward the fund used I whole play is one of merriment morch, where besides the hon St. Helens meeting will be a To Hold Golf for additional repairs and en-' and laughter. ored G. A. R. vets, and Spanish- record breaker from an attend Tournament Here The Christian Endeavor from largements to the Natal Grange I The cast is as follows: Mrs. American war vets, Legion ance standpoint and also figur- the church at Timber attended hall. I Stuart, president of benevolent naires with their post standards ' ing from the splendid program the meeting of the C. . E. at ne Vernonia y crnonia uuii nopt-s Chris Nicar, who several and colors from Salem, Hills- outlined by the St. Helens cham The Golf ciui) club hopes Music is to be furnished by' society, Mrs. M. D. Cole; Miss died the local Christian church Sun- to hold a g 0 ]f tournament on Vincent Lindstrom, 32, < 1 months ago injured his knee at boro, the Berg brothers orchestra and Knowitall, secretary, Mrs. E. Vernonia, McMinnville. ber, headed by E. I. Ballagh, , their course during the month ' the mill in this city, was sent Portland, St. Helens and Tilla president of the association, for Chas. Sundland. The public has Garner; Mrs. Thrifty, treasurer, at the home of his mother, Mrs. [ day evening. ' to St. Vincent’s hospital Mon mook marched. been cordially invited to attend Mrs. W. W. Wolff; Mrs. Blunt, Eda Lindstrom, along the pave- [ The special topic for discus- of March. the benefit of the visitors. Arrangements for awarding day because of further trouble _ __________ the program at Natal Saturday Mrs. J. Greenman; Mrs. Easygo ment Tuesday evening after a sion for the evening was “The Following the parade the ded- I ’ short illness of pneumonia. prizes to the winners of differ- resulting from the injury, | Pledge. ” An exchange meeting evening. ing, Mrs. H. Holcomb; Mrs. Doo ication program was held in the reported that an Legion Memorial hall, where Born June, 1898, at Roches-' at Timber in the near future ent events will be made. Golf It has little, Mrs. W. E. Bell; Miss Sen be necessary on thousands crowded to hear Gov ter, Minn., his family moved to to being planned by the local ers are now busy brushing up1 operation Burglars Don’t sible, town teacher, Mrs. M. E. Bennett Building the knee. their game on the course. Moe; Mrs. Pockmarket, Mrs. E. Vernonia when he was 2 years c. E. society. ernor A. W. Norblad, State Le- Seek The old, where ' he had since been Leased to Herman S. Thompson; Mrs. Righteous, Commander Sid George,1 Limelight Schindler for Cafe Mrs. C. E. Davidson; Mrs. Wise, located. Mr. Lindstrom had fol National Chaplain Rev. iFa-, [an old lady, Mrs. E. E. Yeo; lowed the lumber and logging George K. Kettel speak. j Darkness is their stock I Mlle. Français, a chic Parisienne, business in this vicinity for the banquet for Legion mem- A. Bennett, who has been in Mrs. A. J. Hughes; Miss Upto- past 10 years. He attended in trade. They work by and their wives was held in business in this city for the past date, a modern flapper, Mrs. C. schools here and was well ac stealth—unheard and un evening in the Congrega five years managing the Verno Richardson; and Miss Prim, a quainted in the Nehalem valley. seen — their movements tional church. nia Variety store, leased his | real old maid, Mrs. R. A. Olson. He is survived by his mother cloaked in secrecy. It’s The dedication day ball In building to Herman Schindler, honest folks who seek the Members of the Camp Fire and two children,' a daughter: the evening attracted hundreds, who now conducts the Termin groups will give several musical Anna, 5, and a son, .Rpbert, 3. light. They are the ones with the floor crowded to al cafe in the Carter building. Funeral services wiH be held numbers preceding the play. who risk it. pacity. today at the Evangelical church It is Mr. Bennett’s intention It’s the same in business. Nearly 20 from Vernonia at- with Rev. G. W. Plumer offi to dispose of his stock as, soon We3timber Mill tended the celebration. The manufacturer or the ciating, at 2 p.m. as possible and move with his; merchant who is not sure Started Monday family to a location near Spo of his goods does not care Mist and Birkenfeld kane, where he owns extensive Timber, Feb. 26—The Eagle High School Students I to advertise, Advertising Students Win Honors timber holdings. I Lumber company at Westimber To Speak at C. of C. hasten the end of Mr. Schindler, whose lease has' started operating Monday after In Spelling Contest would his business career—put expired in the Carter building, a long shut down. Neal Bush, Miss Catherine him to a test he could not intends to be established in his j Many _ who were employed in Hoffman and Miss Charlotte Those from zone 5 who will meet. take part in the county spelling new location by March 15 if the mil! spent the lay-off in Green, representing the local The man who advertises possible. I the city. contest to be held at St. Helens high school student body, have deliberately invites your in Friday evening at the John been invited by J. C. Lindley, spection. Gumm school are: Bertha president of the Vernonia Thompson and Olive Hanson, He tells you about his Chamber of Commerce, to ad (written) from the 1 Mist school, 1. product or his merchandise dress the members at the meet for the fourth grade, I and then lets it stand on ing to be held today at the Leona Fetsch and Helen Aa- its merits. You can depend Masonic temple. modt (written) from Mist for Following the meeting the on him. the fifth grade. students will escort Senator Í He knows his product is Geraldine George and Maxine Wandering awaj some 150 not seen her baby for nearly an Harry Corbett to the high school good. Scribner (wri'.ten) Mist school where he will address the stu yards from his home, to him a hour. That’s one reason why The father immediately start for the sixth grade. distance, little Henry ed searching and near the nar- dents. great it pays you to read the ad Henry Aamodt. Gertrude Ep vertisements you find in Kuge, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; row creek noticed indications ping, and Marion Houghtaling,' the columns of this paper. Frank Kuge, Japanese living at that baby footsteps had a short Oregon Pioneer Mist, for the seventh grade. It is through advertising Dies at Scappoose Bernice Updike of Mist and the Japanese camp here, stum- 1 time ago wandered along the that you are able to keep Allen Dale Malcolm of Birken-' bled into the narrow creek which banks. Scappoose, Feb. 21—America I A quick search in the shallow in touch with the good feld (written) representing the runs a short distance across the waters brought the body to the C. Leonard, known here as eight grades in zone 5. progressive things that interchange tracks yesterday af surface, and the father, now America Stump, died at her June Michener of Vernonia, business men are spending Formal dedication of the six million-dollar Columbia River Bridge connecting Ixingvlovr, Washing winner of the Eagle medal, and I frantic, rushed home and laid home on Sauries island at the ternoon and was drowned. their money to introduce The child, who usually played the small body of little Henry age of 92 years. Services were ton and Rainier, Oregon, will take place at two o'clock on the afternoon of March 29. This highest Alva Larson of Pleasant Hill and to keep before you. highway span over a navigable stream in America will be opened when President Hoover presses the school, will represent zone S near the home with the neigh I before his wife, who until a read at Finley's chapel Monday Advertisements are in golden key In the executive offices at the White House. As the electric spark severs the bridge barrier in the oral contest. bors’ children, was last seen by late hour refused to give up and interment was in Fairview teresting, instructive and In the center of the Columbia, thirty thousand motorists, moving In opposite traffic lines will pass over Those winning in the zone 6 his mother at 2:45 o’clock, and hope, even after a doctor had cemetery at Scappoose. profitable. They throw • , Mrs. Leonard was one of Ore the great steel structure, which rises In its center span of 1.200 feet, to a height of 196 feet. The contets were awarded prizes. going about her household du- pronounced the child dead, powerful light on the very chief executives of Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho and British Columbia will be present at the ties little thought of any dan-' While the body was found at gon's pioneers and had suf things that concern yen dedication. Specially decorated motor caravans, representing Chambers of Commerce, service clubs, snd ger until the arrival of her hus-'3:30, it was thought that the fered the hardships of early Mrs. Marvin Eby and daugh • a a *_______ 1_ — -1 — — fraternal organizations, will be in line from all parts of the Pacific Coast This bridge is another link ter Lois returned from Oregon most. ¿T i band, who is employed as fore- laalaer baby Lia.l had kflAM been zlrnrtrw/Ml drowned fjv* for I ajsMla»« ' settlers, woarlnnS rearing a • family Of READ THEM. man over Japanese employes, nearly three quarters of an sturdy children on her island of Pacific Highway, that gives the touring motorist direct route into Northwestern Oregon and the Oregon City Wednesday after spending beaches over the scenic Columbia River Highway, several days visiting relatives. made her realize that she had [hour. ’home. i poles Give Play March 14 12 Granges Meet H. L. Corbett Here Today Is Best Spell V.II.S. Beats Clatskanie V. Lindstrom Dies Tuesday Tiny Tot J)rowns In Creek Here Wednesday Afternoon Win Chris Nicar In Hospital Six Games