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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle. Vernonia, Oregon Page Two -■— Thursday, February 27, 1930 -------- — • " i Mr.. Wayne Lappa. Society Reportar Phone S73 Nine-Pound Boy Born Eight pupils of the Washing- A nine-pound boy was born ton school are out with measles, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George The Washington grade school Monday morning. Mrs. George basketball team is practicing for is at the home of her mother, \their entrance in the county Mrs. J. L. Simmons. tournament at St. Helens March 15. The county is divided into The American Legion Auxil The first meeting of the spring four districts for basketball and iary decided to give a dance in of the local Garden club will be Good Ides the winning teams meet in* the I the near future at the meeting [ Harrlngbv was trying hnrd to held in the Evangelical church tournament to decide the cham After the track meet dancing! pionship. Vernonia has won the held Monday night at the home j listen to the speaker’s eloquence March 4. An original game was played nt a political meeting, but the Mrs. C. E. Davidson, chairman after the regular meeting of the was the diversion for the rest 1 -hamnionship of this distrilt and i of Mrs. J. C. Henderson. of an Infant directly In of the program committee, prom Athletic club at which Mr. and of the evening: and luncheon is seeking games with outside ¡ The dance promises to be as! squalling front of him gave alm llitle chance. I original and clever as has all Mrs. E. E. Yeo were hosts at served by the hostess. ■«ama to Keep in shape for the At length he leaned forward, ises an interesting program for their home Tuesday evening, in 1 The members who attended tournament. The players now on those given in the past by this | touched the mother on the shoul the evening. Members will have date organization. A definite the nature of a track meet. were Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole, the squad are Holly Holcomb,1 der. and asked: "Iles your baby “No, sir. the opportunity to discuss the been christened .vet? ?” ’ Those attending were divided O. T. Bateman, Thor Roberts, Robert Cline, Bill Lumm, Paul will be set soon. Why do you ask?" "Merely be- ways and means of planting and into three teams, Oregon, Wash L. F. Austin, R. A. Olson, Mrs. Jepson, Louis Graven, Floyd cause I was about to suggest thut planning their gardens for this ington and Idaho, and competed F. Hartwick, Misses Melba Lar- Smith, Arnold 'J’rude and Roy Son Born To Mr. If he had not been christened you Ruth Taylor, Pearl Barnes. in 10 events, Oregon winning, amore, I And Mrs. Geo, ndght name him ‘Good Idea.’ ” year. he winners receiving all day Krauss. Marie Kirkpatrick, Dor Those receiving 100 for the' ‘Good Idea’?” asked the “And why .. All persons interested in flow othy Von Hoene and Rae Davis; suckers for their efforts. iast six weeks in the seventh Mr. and Mrs. George Ogg are woman, “Because,” replied Hur- A committee was appointed Messrs. Wilfred Thomas, Wai-1 grade are : Hilda Bell, Minnie the proud parents of a son born rlnghy, “It should he carried ontl” ers, even though not members of by the president, Dr. M. D. lace McCrae and Fred Spring. Christian, Glenda Miller, and Tuesday at the Emanuel hospi —Vancouver Province. the club, are invited to attend. The next meeting of the club Harley Woodruff. Cole, to arrange for a tennis tal in Portland. Both mother will be held March 20. tournament to be held soon. Eighth grade: Harold Heenan, and son are doing finely. He is Helpful Suggestions George Holce, Ruby Howell, Jo- the second child in the family. Sewurd hotel An employer who believed In present indulged in two musical seph Haurer, Ruby Palmer, De supporting nil efforts to Introduce guessing contests, Miss Vera Loss Powell, Millicent Ratkie, HOUSE OF CHEER a new spirit Into Industry, had Crail and Mrs. G. W. Plumer Florence Wall. TENTH AT ALDER called his men together to place being the winners. Writing awards at Washing before them his plans for bettering Portland Oregon Mrs. Greenman served lunch ton school with the Palmer meth working conditions. Excellent meals at pop- enter the “Now whenever I later in the evening. od button were made to Helen ular prices. Coffee shop. workshop," he said, “I want to see Scott, Glennie Russell, Rhoda Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. every man cheerfully performing Bell and Shelby Caton. The W. R. C. met Thursday Mrs. C. W. Reithner Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining Ills task, and therefore 1 Invite you Merit button: Nadine Aldrich, for the installation of the new to place In this box any sugges room. Breakfast 25c and Entertains Friends Lucille Ilolce, Rhoda Bell. With i the advent of spring the tions as to how that can be president, Mrs. Mae Mellinger. up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. Improvement certificate: Fran golfing enthusiasts are now seen brought about.” Plans for the year were outlin Dinner« 55c, 65c, 75c, 81- A few days later he opened the Mrs. C. W. Reithner enter ces Bergerson, Marjorie Holtham, on the ! local course again. The ed. The recent food sale and W. D. McNair, Manager box and took out a slip of paper Otha DeHart, Hilda Bell, Joseph links : are reported to be in luncheon was reported a finan tained at an informal affair last W. C. Culbertson, Prop. on which was written: “Take the Maurer, Dale Clark, Ronald Mc good condition, having withstood Thursday afternoon at which cial success. rubber heels off your shoes. ” bridge was played. Luncheon was I Donald, Cleon Woodruff, George the iigors of the past winter very well. The fairways on served by the hostess after the Potter. Columbia County Student certificate: Sylvia three and four are quite wet, of cards. Masons Give Program play but to many whq play often The guests were Mrs. W. E. Dobbs and Elza Varley. At Forest Grove Home Bell, Mrs. J. J. McGhee, and High school and business cer- that makes it a little more tificate: Ruby Palmer and Fior- sporting. Mrs. B. A. Vickrey. ence Moyer. I A tournament is planned for Over 20 members of the Ma-! The eighth grade pupils are next month. sonic and Eastern Star lodges Neighbors of Woodcraft planning to present a piay, “Doc-, /¡sited the Masonic home near Give Birthday Party tor Cureall,” at the next Parent- Forest Grove Sunday. Teacher meeting in March. It is customary for each The Neighbors of Woodcraft county to give a program of; a birthday party Thursday- >ome sort each week, this week gave To Serve At leing alloted to Columbia. Miss evening at the Odd Fellows hall, C. of C. Luncheon es Charlotte Green and Isabel where one penny was charged Surrey sang several songs, ac 1 for each year old of those who Members of the committee ap companied on the piano by Miss attended. The tables were decorated to pointed by Mrs. E. E. Nelle Green. represent each season of the president of the Eastern year. A short program was pre Social club, to serve at ’ortland Eastern Star sented and followed by several Chamber of Commerce luncheon Members Visit Here hours of dancing. Refreshments today are: Mrs. K. A. McNeil, were served. Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. F. Dickson, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Several officers of the Order and Mrs. R. "Reberger. of the Eastern Star in Portland Card Party at Home nd other members attended the Of Mrs. Wm. Heath regular meeting of that organi Rebekah Card Party sation last Wednesday evening A TALKING PICTURE Thursday evening the home of Is Well Attended at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Wm. Heath in Riverview Dinner was served to 35 Eleven tables of 500 were in Thursday and Friday, February 27 and 28 ;uests by members of the Wo was the scene of a jolly card at which 500 was played. play at the card party sponsored men's Missionary society of the party The hostess served for her by the Rebekahs and given in Evangelical church at o’clock after the play of cards the Odd Fellows hall Friday ev liter which the regular meeting a luncheon novel dish’ of chocolate waffles ening. MARK EVERY GRAVE was held in which a new member whipped cream. Mrs. E. B. Miner is chairman Memorials in granite and marble was initiated. A lunch was serv- and The guests included Misses of the committee for the series at reduced prices ■d later in the evening. Pearl Krauss, Ruth Taylor, Mel The officers from Portland ba Laramore, Florence Santee of card parties being given by WRITE FOR PARTICULARS this organization. Luncheon was Oregon Monument Works who attended were Mrs. Minnie served by a committee chosen Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro White, grand conductor; Mrs. and Rae Davis. to serve for the evening. Bess Fetters, past grand matron, All Music — All Sound — All Dialogue and H. McKenzie, vast patron. The members of the cornmit- Saturday eve. and Sunday Mat. Mar. 1-2 ee who served the dinner were Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. H. Holcomb, Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. C. Nicar, and Mrs. E. Con dit. Munger, Geo. Bierner. Court Siedelman, Theodore Anderson, Mrs. Judd Greenman will be Chet. Anderson, Miss Marian chairman of the program this Linley, Helen Charlesworth, Norn afternoon at the regular meet ; Siedelman, Gavena Charlesworth, ing of the Study club to be Velma Veal, Marvin Porterfield, held at the home of Mrs. E. A. F. Claude Stephens. Green on the O.-A. hill. Her subject will be, “The Family, Social Heredity, and Distribut- Mrs. H. Blaker Wins ive Interplay.” | High Score at Bridge Misses Charlotte and Nelle Party Last Week Green will entertain the mem bers during the social hour with Mrs. H. Blaker received high several musical selections. score at the bridge party last Wednesday afternoon at which I Mrs. Frank Hartwick was hostess Evangelical Choir her home on B street. Sings Negro Spirituals ' , at The hostess served a delicious I luncheon, carrying out the Val- At the regular services of the entine idea in the food served. Evangelical church Sunday ev-- Those who played during the ening, members of the choir afternoon were Mesdames Wm. sang a group of negro spirituals Briot Jr., O. T. Bateman, George as the feature of the music for Van Vleet, F. Harding, Thor the evening. I Roberts, Henry Fogel, and Miss All numbers were beautifully Macile Roberts, rendered, the pastor and mem-' 7;.^, _ the _____ __ _ a __ Thi^ is second of series bers of the choir receiving very of card parties to be given i by favorable comment by: those at-'a group of young matrons, tending. I ------------------- sung were: The numbers ~ ij ” Hi-Lights On “Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray, by the choir; “Oh, Didn’t It! Spelling Contest Rain,” Mrs. 1 W. W. Wolff;; “Swing Low Sweet Chariot,”) _ > Michener, petite and m . v m June mixed quartet; ; “ ’Tis Me - °- ! __ modest seventh grade pupil of Lord,” W. W. . Wolff; “Goin1 the Washington school, who is choir. Home,” I the winner of the oral spelling Members of the choir are as contest in zone five, is the follows: Sopranos, Mrs. W. W. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolff, Mrs. J. Greenman, Mrs. F. Wall, Mrs. E. Condit, Mrs. , Michener. H. Holcomb and Miss Alice Du- Alva Larson of the Pleasant bendorf; altos, Mrs. C. A. Malmsten, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. Hill school was second in the S. V. Malmsten, Miss Vera Crail, oral spelling, the word “inter and Miss Catherine Hoffman; fere” causing her downfall. tenors, Wilfred Thomas, Mr. Dougles, S. V. Malmsten, P. The winners of the written Bleile, T. Garner; bass, W. W. contest in which 100 words were Miss Louise written are: Bertha Thompson, W<Jff; pianist, Malmsten. grade, Lincoln school; fourth _ Leona Fetsch, fifth grade, Lin C. E. of Christian coin school; Geraldine George, sixth grade, Mist; Henry Os Church Has Farewell seventh grade, Mist; ano Party For Member mond, Beatrice Updike, eighth grade Mist. The senior Christian Endeavor All these pupils will competi society of the Christian church in the written contest at Rain held a farewell surprise for Ga- iur tomorrow evening. Maxim vena Charlesworth, who will en Scribner of the Washington ter Emanuel hospital, Portland, school has been chosen as see ond for the sixth grade in the written contest. KITCHEN RECITALS A large and enthusiastic del egation from Mist and Birken feld attended the contest iri day night. Farewell Party Given At W. B. Lappe Home Admiration for the artistic combination of apple blossoms, firelight and candlelight was ex pressed by the guests at thi home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lappe in Orchard Acres Satur Sand Tart (German Recipe) day evening at which an infor Mi cup butter. mal evening was spent in danc Mi cup sugar ing. The affair was given in 6 ounces potato flour honor of Bevan Igou, who left 2 ounces pastry flour Monday for his home in Wichita, *4 cup milk Kan. A midnight lunch was serv Grated rind of V4 lemon ed by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Thomas Hewitt of Wilark. 3 bitter almonds (finely chop < The invited guests included ped) 5 eggs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hewitt Cream butter and sugar, beat of Wilark, Misses Melba Lara- thoroughly with the egg yolks more, Florence Santee, Ruth and flavoring. Beat the e£81 Taylor myior and Pearl Krauss; Mssrs. whites until stiff. Have the two I Wilfred 1 Thomas, Bevan Igou, kinds of flour sifted together., Wallace McCrae, and Robert No- Qne teaspoon of baking powder i>!e. should be used with thia if you are not a reliable and indefatig able cake-beater. Add half the flour and half the beaten egg' whites. Mix thoroughly, then I fold in the remaining flour and egg whites. Bake nearly one hour in a moderate oven. Gold Cake A large number of Masons H c. (butter and members of the Eastern 1 c. sugar Star were present at the meet- Yolks Of 4 eggs i ing of the Rainbow Girls held 2 c. flour ' Monday evening in the Masonic 2 t. baking powder ' temple. H c. milk. Cream butter and add grad i After the regular business of ually, while beating constantly, the evening the Masons served sugar; then add egg yolks, beat ’■ those present with an original en until thick and lemon colored. lunch. Mix and sift flour and baking powder and add alternately with Popular Young Couple- milk to first mixture. Bake in Married Last Saturday a buttered shallow pan or layer cake tins, in a moderate oven. l.oel Hieber, son of Mr. and White Soup Mrs. C. F. Hieber, and Mis 5 cups stock Wayne Wall, daug'.ter of Mr. \4 teaspoon salt nnd Mrs. M. J. Wall, were mar- V4' teaspoon peppercorns ried at St. Helens by Rev. R. E. 1 slice onion Allen late Saturday afternoon. 1 stalk celery The young couple were ac companied and ntte-i led by Miss f c. scalded milk 3 tablespoons butter Alma Kullc.nder and Everett Prickett. 4 tablespoons flour Yolks 2 eggs The bride was gowned in a simple frock of yellow georgette Salt and pepper, Add seasoning to stock, and i rrrpe during the ceremony. Her simmer 30 minutes: strain, •nd J traveling outfit >wrs •< smart thicken with butter and flour to-1 tailored suit with matching ac- w „.„ r add scalded milk. Dilute cessories. gether; eggs, slightly beaten, with hot! Both Mr. and Mrs. Hieber soup, and add to remaining soup; arc graduates of Vernonia high strain, and season with salt and school, Mrs. Hieber of the class MMOT. Servo at once or soup of 1927 and Mr. Hieber 192«. will have a curdled appearance. Mr. Hieber is employed .at j Mac's Pharmacy. 1 he young cou- Chicken Soap | pie will make their home at the 6 cups stock 1 tablespoon lenn raw ham Cherry Tr-e npart-U" ts after March 1. (chopped finely) 6 slice* carrot, eut in cubes EVANGELICAL CHURCH 2 stalks celery The Sunday school meets at W bay leaf 9:45 a.m. Worship service at 14 teaspoon peppercorns 11 a.m. 1 sliced onion Young people's society mee!- Mi e hot boiled rice. Add seasonings to stock, heat ing 6:30 p.m. Evening devotions at 7:30 gradually to boiling point, and boil 30 minutes; strain and add p.m. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. rice. Masons Serve LunehMoiiday I Garden Club Meets Tuesday Auxiliary Plans Dance March 1 to take up nurse’s training. Miss Charlesworth has Athletic Club Entertained Study Club been active in the society work for some time. At the E, E. Yeo Home Meet Today Those attending were Garland Tuesday of Last Week VF. R. C. install New President For Next Term Local Golfers Siati Playing First of Week JOY Theater Coming Attractions Vernonia Bakery "Christina” 'The Racketeer” Grade Schools Lincoln School RAMON NOVARRO P.-T. A. To Hold Meeting Monday Secopd grade pupils receiving 100 in spelling the past week are: Ione Lininger, Harvey Hol The regular monthly meeting comb, Howard McGraw, Bessie >f the Parent-Teacher associa Bell, Harry Culbertson Jr., Rus tion will be held Monday even- sell Miller. Virgie Killian and ng at the Washington school, Lois Howell. Beverly Crawford- and Arthur :he meeting being called to or der by the president, Mrs. W. Williams have returned to school after an illness of several weeks. I. Culver, promptly at 7:30. Franque Fitzgerald is out The program for the even ing will be “Safety.” Pupils of with the measles. Third grade pupils receiving ¿he Lincoln school will give a 100 in spelling are: Charlie Ko hort play on the subject. to, Norma Brady, Amber Carter, Montana French, Violet Johnson. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lucille Miller, Marjorie Navin- F. Claude Stephens, Minister First services for March: 10 ger and Halco Yokota. Fourth grade pupils receiving a.m. Bible school. 11 a.m. divine morning worship and theme, 100, for the week are: Louise “The Miracle’s Effect in Bring French, Alveda Littleton, Charles ing Lazarus Back to Life Upon Bafford, Melvin Boeck, Billy Fo the Delegates vs. The Christ,” or gel, Marie Scott, Mava Williams. Mildred Woods, Clinton Allard, ’With Jesus 1900 Years Ago.” 6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor Bonnie Thompson, Fred Irvin, ■.ocieties. Topic in the senior so- Daisy McDonald and Bertha iety, “Faith, and What It Thompson. Bertha Thompson won the Does." , 7:30 p.rfi. Helpful service in written spelling contest in the ,ongs nnd special music. Theme, district for the fourth grade. Leor.n Fetsch, fifth grade pu “'J'he Fig Tree in the Parables pil, won the written spelling >t Jesus.” Fifteen more weeks and then ■ contest in the district for that comes Pentecost—the birthday grade. >f the Church of Christ. Washington School Those in the third grade re- ceiving 100 in spelling for the six weeks are: LaVerne Bassett, I , Charles Fielding, Peggy Over- I The final rehearsal __ of the __ nt- ne-'sen, sen, Elizabeth ^inaivi Schalock, ib, txtuntt- Kather- gro spirituals sung by the ¡ine Trude, Lois McDonald, Roas choir Sunday at the Evangelical Lee VanBuren, Cecilia Gough, church was the inspiration of Betty Mae Austin, Ray Clark a party given at the Judd Dickson, Doris Nixon. Chapman and Via Greenman home on the O.-A.1 Hazel ,Throop were those receiving 100 hill Saturday evening. After the rehearsal those in spelling in the fifth grade. Devil May Care” A TALKING PICTURE It’s worth seeing Sunday and Monday, March 2 and 3 This clever, new combination bread___ A___ bread board... regularly selling for $1.75 1— 9.8 lb. tack of Sperry Drifted Saov 1—Large pkg. Sperry Pancake and WaAa « Pkg. Wheatheart* < ~ H m 6 A. F. & A. M. I Greenmans Entertain Evangelical Choir Vernonia Hospital PLEASING ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MATERNITY CASES Your inspection invited Mrs. R. A. Olson Registered Nurse 1117 State Street Telephone 671 | WOMENS RELIEF Vernonia Lodge No. 184 CORPS A. F. & A. M. meets I Meets third Thursday of each at Masonic Temple, month at the W. O. W. hall. Stated Communication Mrs. Lee Hall, president. First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ORDER OF RAINBOW most cordially welcome. FOR GIRLS E. Tapp, W. M. Regular meeting second and B. Wilkerson. Secretary. fourth Mondays. ■ ■■ ~ -■ „ — k = Margaret Nelson, Recorder Order of Eastern Star Nehakm Chapter 153, O. E. S. American Legion Regular commu Vernonia Pool nication first and third Wed 119, American nesdays of each Legion, Meets month, at Ma- ' second and sonic Temple.! fourth Tuesdays All visiting sis- j each month, 8 p. ten and broth m. Connie An ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. derson, Com Mrs. Grace Rel>erger, Secretary. mander. P. Hughes, Adjutant Mealtime Tribute A second slice! A third! There’s no stopping, with a gorgeous haked ham on the table- Rut why should there be? It just looks, smells and tastes like aristocracy. And wonder of wonders, it’s really GOOD for you. Hence the gratifying demand for hams sold at our market. Nehalem Market And Grocery Incorporated Pythian Sisters Mountain Heart Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meet* every W.O.W. hall. second and fourth Thursday* in MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. DELLA CLINE. M. of R. * C. W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitor* always welcome. American Legion Auxiliary Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand Edna Linn. Noble Grand Meet« second and fourth Myrtle John. Secretary. Monday« of each month Della Cline. Treasurer at the Legion hall. Mrs. P. Wideman, Pres. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I. O. O. F. HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets «very Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o ’clock, in LO.O.F. halL Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. James Nanson, C.C. H. E. Stevenson, N. G. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John Glassner, Secretary.