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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1930)
7 Thursday, March 6, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Mrs. Wayne Lapps, Society Reporter Phone 573 Party Honor Loyal Gleaners Enjoy Program Writes About Control The Loyal Gleaners met at the Mrs. L.(Hieber¡ I | home Of the Rose Diseases of Mrs. J. R. Timmons — i last week, when following the Complimenting Mrs. Loel Hie- regular meeting the second of (By Georgina B. Lappe) turning yellow. Then the leaves u— new geries of programs was ber, / (nee xir Wayne iir-n. Wall), Mrs. drop from the bush. Every leaf Phil Taylor and Misses Alma enjoyed by those present. Diseases of roses and any oth- shouid be carefully gathered and Kullander and Olivia Stubbs en er shrub and tree must be con ‘ . burned. Those present were Mrs. R. tertained a number of the Charlesworth, Mrs. J. Lindsay, trolled before they appear. As | Massey dust, a combination of bride's friends at the Taylor Mrs. H. Culbertson, Mrs. R. Bra soon as the new buds are swell-I ¿|uatjng sulphur and arsenate of ili/i bush nnon should cnnnln : . . . «««.«« ■ home Friday evening. The affair dy and children, Mrs. N. Brady ing on the roses the lead, is recommended by the best was a surprise shower. A deli and child, Mrs. C. Stephens, Miss be sprayed with a medium authorities as the most effective cious lunch was served during Gavena, Mesdames strength solution of lime and cure for mildew and black spot. the evening by the hostesses. J. Monger and daughter, R. A. <ulphur spray procurable at any It is applied with a dust gun, The invitational list included Olson, A. Lolly and children, S. -.tore carrying these commodit the specific directions being giv ies. This spray kills any spores en by the manufacturer. Mesdames F. Hartwick, F. Wall, Jackson, Herrin and Martin. C. F. Hieber, J. J. Wall, Thor The Massey dust should be ap A luncheon of sandwiches, from developing which have been Roberts, Van Peebly, Leon Holy cake and salad was served by dormant during the winter, plied as soon as the leaves ap- field, O. T. Bateman, A. L. Kul the hostess. The next meeting The disease most noticeable pear and sprayed at least once lander; Misses Macile Roberts, will be held at the home of Mrs. n this vicinity is mildew—a a week except during the exces- Margaret Shipley, Della Cline George Stankey March 12. white, powdery substance which sive heat. After a rain or a night and Zelma New. Mrs. R. L. coats the leaves and buds. Mil of exceptionally heavy dew the Stubbs, Mrs. C. C. Caton, Mrs. Study Club Play dew is caused from lack of pro- dusting should be done again. D. Marshall, and Misses Char ier circulation of air, extreme Aphis or plant lice is another Nets Neat Fund For lotte Green and Florence Stubbs i changes in temperature and ex rose trouble. Black leaf 40 is to sent gifts but were unable Camp Fire Cabin cessive dampness. The rambler the best remedy for these little be present. rose, which is widely grown here, pests. Directions for use may The play, “How I Earned My s unusually subject to mildew. be found on the bottle. Dollar,” given by the Study club To those who have ramblers The Massey dust, which con- Program Given By Saturday evening at the high growing next to the house walls, tains arsenate of lead, is also I P.-T. Ass’n. Here school auditorium, was acted be t would be advisable to move effective for chewing insects, fore an appreciative audience, hem where they can have plen- but Black leaf 40 solution is for A program was given Monday A clever little Chinese skit ty of air. sucking insects, Both have to evening by the Parent-Teacher was given by several Camp Fire Another disease which is com- be used continually to insure association with Miss Ruth Tay girls preceding the play. mon among roses, but which I healthy bushes and a pretty dis lor in charge. The participants The proceeds were given to lave not seen in this vicinity, is play of roses. in the entertainment were taken the Camp Fire cabin fund. black spot. Black spot is a fun Anyone who is really interest from the pupils in the grade gus disease which is caused from ed in the care of roses should schools. ■xxeessive dampness. Many types get all the reading matter ob The numbers on the program Camp Fire Girls ~>i roses are affected by this dis tainable and use their own judg were as follows: Piano solo, Rose To Present Public ease but it can be controlled by ment as to what fungicides and Sitts; vocal selections, chorus of Ceremonial Tonight proper preventative methods. It insecticides they desire to use. girls; vocal seelctions, 4-H club; ran be discerned by a tiny black Those mentioned are accepted by “Safety First,” a dialogue, Miss This evening the Lolila group spot on the leaves, the spot I the largest and most experienced Krauss’ room; vocal selections, fourth grade; violin solo, Miss of Camp Fire girls will be hosts gradually becoming larger and ■ rose growers in the country. Kirkpatrick, accompanied by Miss to all young girls interested in Pye; vocal solo, Mrs. W. W. Camp Fire work at the cabin in Wolff, accompanied by Miss L. the city park. The members of this group Malmsten; “Parents’ Responsibil ity,” Mrs. Bennett; “Schools’ Re will hold a ceremonial, a part of sponsibility,” Ed. Condit; “Safe the ritual always enjoyed by guarding Childrens’ Morals,” J. both members and guests. The B. Wilkerson, a reading, Doris girls are dressed in their gowns, Nixon; “Safety First,” Mrs. decorated with the symbols of Hammack; conservation of wild their chosen Camp Fire names. The advisory board will serve flowers, Mrs. Veal; “Dr. Cure All,” one-act play, eighth grade. the luncheon to the members At the close of the program and their guests. Mrs. E. J. Bell Miss Taylor announced that is guardian of the Lolila group. those who had received prizes CHRISTIAN CHURCH in sewing No. 1 were Hazel F. Claude Stephens, Minister Chapman, Florence Wall, and 10 n.m. Bible school. Shelby Caton; in sewing II, Vel 11 a.m. Divine morning wor- ma Petty, Ruth Page Simmons, by WYNDHAM and Marjorie Holtham; in cook ship. Theme: "Jesus’ Way of ing, Jo C. Benson, Lorraine Practicing Discipleship. »» 1 MARTYN“ 6:30 p.m. Endeavor societies. Space, and Ruby Howell. w.N.u. S ervice COPYRIGHT IN THe VS. A. joy to see them in action. 7:30 p.m. with the orchestra was thTiiliTng bitterly nt noon what reasons Sffln never went ! leading. Theme: “Leprosy—It’s on no Mondny, when, from tils port ashore when he could avoid It. Cure.” hole. he snw a launch approaching It was this creeping fear on the Special vocal selection at the the strip. He recognized It as tlie evil face of Hamner that warned morning services. one which had taken him from tlie boy; nnd he saw that none of You are welcome to enjoy this Blnckport to Bar Harbor. Beside the other men dared tnke his part. growing fellowship. the crow there were two mon nnd Bob saw that Sam's face became two women. He had no time to empurpled. He was in the grip of Those who received 100 in tnke In their features because lie fear. He realized tlmt never, un Hold Cooked Food Sale spelling in the 7-1 grade last amazed to see that one of tlie til now, had lie known the sensa The Eastern Star will hold a wns week were: Doris Anderson, Bil men was none other than Tui-hy lie Bassett, Shelby Caton, Walter cooked food sale Saturday morn Unwin. The launch had passed Ills tion of physical terror. “I’ll talk to you Inter, 'Mr. Un Chambers, Otha De Hart, Ger ing in the Oregon Gas and El- field of vision before he could re win,' ” Sam mocked. “Me and you'll trude Epping, Holly Holcomb, ectric company offices. cover from Ills surprise. With the have a little conversation off Cape aid of the mirror Hint Snm hnd Muy, where the big light is.” Marjorie Holtham, Lucille Ilolce, brought with tlie shaving outfit Bet Harold King, Robert Kilby, Mar Advisory Board of Bob sauntered off feeling that he tington could see Hint the launch lied come face to face with men guerite Laird, Thaddeus Lang, Camp Fire Groups wns brought alongside. And from more evil than he bad ever known Sara McGee, Malden New, Jas. Unwin nnd Hie three strangers before. On tlie deck above his sis Elect New Officers ft, Rainey, Ruth Simmons, Lorraine climbed nbonrd. ter wns; he had been told lie must Space, Mildred Walters, Benji In vain Bettington shouted nnd A meeting of the advisory kicked Wilkerson, Roberta Williams, at the door. Stenin wns up, not venture there. Above that deck board of the Camp Fire gToups nnd the various noises nnd activi wns tlie wireless house, in which lie Dorothy June Wolff. Those who received 10,0 in of Vernonia was held at the ties on deck mnde his outcry Inaud was deeply Interested. He had' spelling in the 6-1 were: Mary home of the prehident, Mrs. M. ible. Looking through bls mirror seen a cheery young man tn uni who had been pointed out ns Hodge, Gertrude Hodge, Robert D. Cole, Monday night, at which he snw, presently, tlmt Unwin de I form, the wireless operator. Blit between Culver, Lillian Updike, Maxine officers for the coming year scended tlie step«. Into tlie boat. the two was a great gulf fixed. Apparently ho was not going. He Scribner, Helen Scott, Thelma were elected. “Sparks" was nn officer. Perhaps Mrs. L. M. Beveridge was el- was waving to some one on deck. Lincoln, Loren Loinberger, Nell Bob had entered upon his new task Unwin even threw kisses nt the Rountree, Thurman De Hart, ected to take the place of Mrs. unknown. It seemed to Bettington with too great an enthusiasm. He Stanley Overson, Harry Willard, E. A. Green who resigned. The that Unwin must hear his shouts found himself called upon to do Crystal Witlow, Erma Thomp officers elected are: Mrs. Judd before he drew away from the ves certain greasy nnd oily offices usu performed b.v engine room help. son, Hawley Counts, Harold Ca Greenman, president; Mrs. L. sel. The launch wns only a few ally Metzger, tlie chief engineer, swore son, Toshi Kugi, Eleanor Edens, H. Roberson, secretary; Mrs. M. yards distant at one time, before at him viciously when he begun to Howard McGilvray, Fred Hen E. Moe, Mrs. M. D. Cole and she put about and made for the I ask questions about the engines. shore. On tlie landing stage of the On the whole, he found himself, for Mrs. L. M. Beveridge. derson, Byron Fielding. yacht club Unwin stood still wav the first time In his life, distinctly The honor roll of room 3 of ing. And so he stood until the the Washington school is: La Mr. and Mrs. Dave ocean going steam houseboat had unpopular. • • « • • « • Verne Bassett, Elmer Edens, turned her how to the south Kramer Give Dinner Barnegat Light was In sight Kiyokp Kuge, Vivian Laird, l’eg- Unwin went back to Ills wife very ' when Sam, at midnight, catne into To Miller Employes happy. gp Ovesen, Elizabeth Schalock, ¡ Bettington’s cabin. Katherine Trude. “It will he wonderful for both of “The Boss says you can see him A dinner and meeting for the them,” he said. “Mr. Railway was now," he growled. The honor roll of grade II of the Washington school is: Do employes of Miller Mercantile very pleasant, for a man In Ills po Bettington followed him along a to one In mine. But she Is a dim passage to the extreme stern lores Swimm and Dorothy Myers. company was held at the home sition rarer and finer type. I am sure Hazel Chapman of the fifth of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kramer she Is unhappy. She seemed to of tlie vessel. Here he unlocked a door leading to a companion way grade won first prize in sewing Friday evening. cling to our Mary. Bob doesn't which brought him to a quarter The meeting covered details know yet how lie will like the men. I. concerning the store policy and He has to oat nnd sleep with them. deck at the after part of the yacht were two big wicker chairs future plans of the local store. Ito tins the Impression that his I There Lincoln School and a table. Sam motioned him to presence Is resented, but, of course, Those who attended were Mrs. The second grade pupils re- sit down. Then he knocked nt a Mrs. Beulah that's all nonsense." stateroom door and was bidden to ceiving 100 in spelling for the Rose Fletcher, But Bob mnde no nilstnke In esti week are Harvey Holcomb, How Scott, C. Douglas and the host mating the warmth of his reception. enter. “Yon’re to go In.” Snm said a few ard McGraw, Lois Howell, Bev and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Dave The forecastle resented him. “He’s! moments later. “1'11 wait here.” erly Crawford and Heidi Reich. Kramer. a spy,” said Hamner. It was not surprising tlmt n cer Third grade pupils receiving “lie’s tlie girl’s brother." volun- emotion of excitement nnd. teem! n man from the engine room.! tain 100 in spelling are Walter Pear Tuesday Afternoon perhaps, npprehcnslon seized upon "I honrd Metzger tell Leary so, ” | son, Amber Carter, Lucille Mil painter ns be moved toward Bridge Club Meets “My gal's brother, Is he?” Snm the ler, Marjorie Navinger, Halco the door. Wlint manner of ruffian commented. “ If she's nice to me. Home Mrs. Gründen was he to confront? And what was Yokota and Wanda Krieger. I'll he good to him." He beckoned It that he hnd boon predestined Fourth grade pupils receiving Bob to him. Bob, anxious to do The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge his best nnd mnke n good Impres-1 for? A man who could hold a 100; in spelling are Louise turbulent nnd. ferocious hrnte like French, Alveda Littleton, Billy club met at the home of Mrs. slon. catne running up. Fogel, Marie Scott, Margaret M. Gründen on the O.-A. hill “Boy,” snid Snm. “what's your Salmonsen, Edith Ludwig, Bruce this week, Mrs. J. C. Lindley re sister's name?” Boh looked Into Sam’s eyes and Holcomb, Daisy McDonald, Edith ceiving high score for the after Holgate, Bertha Thompson, Am noon. The hostess served a his tongue withheld the answer that had been ready. Dimly he un luncheon after the play of cards. os Tales and Wilma Stolen. Other members attending were derstood that the lecherous look the question Itself from such Mesdames A. L. Kuliander, K. and a source was an Insult He would Pythian Sisters To A. McNeil, Robert Johns, Harry show this broad, beamy. Impudent Give Card Party Pearce, W. R, Culver, F. — M. sailor where he stood. Ruhl and Frank Dickson. ”My sister's name is Miss Unwin.” • — . The Pythian Sisters will hold and Hamner tittered; he hated wom en and dimly foresaw In Sam's a card party at the Odd Fellows Mr». E. A. Green weakness some future trouble. But hall tomorrow night. Bridge and Artistic Sign Paint Entertains Study lie did not titter when Snm slowly 600 will be plnyed. Prizes will his head nml looked nt him. Club At Her Home turned be awarded to those receiving ing None better thnqjlnmner knew for high and low scores and refresh Mrs. E. A. Green was hostess ment* will be served later in J. C. Henderson to the Study club at their regu the evening. The Pythian Sisters have been lar meeting Thursday afternoon [ Seward Hotel Phone 1021 very active in philanthropic at her home on the O.-A. hill, [ HOUSE OF CHEER Book, of 1930 Wall Papet work, in this city and the pro Mrs. Judd Greenman was chair-! TENTH AT ALDER Sample. Now Here ceeds derived from this party man of the program for the af-1 Oregon Portland temoon. The hostess served aj On Display will be used for that purpose. Excellent meals at pop Mrs. Edna Brown, Mrs. E. S. light luncheon during the social I ular prices. Coffee shop. Thompson, Mrs. N. S. Soden and hour following the business meet/ | Merchant. Lunch 25c, 35c. Mrs. James Nanson have been ing. Dinner. 40c, 5Oc, in dining Mrs. E. S. Thompson will be chosen as the committee in room. Brr.lria.t 25c and hostess at the next meeting. charge for the evening. up. Luncheon. 35c, 5Oc. Grade Schools [ Painting Vernonia Gresham—Safeway Stores o- Seaside—»10,000 Shell Comp any depot will be constructed pened branch in this town recent . < • ♦ a ‘ here. ........ i I ^iMM. ly Dinner. 55c. 65c. 75c, $1. W. D. McNair. Manaier W. C. Culbert.on, Prop. Paint Shop Vernonia tended the movies at Vernonia ployed as cooks. Sam in -ttirifn,. wotTIh probably "be one of greater power and violence Sunday evening. Wm. Culver of the Vernonia than he. & Mrs. Oliver Burris has been in j Market -...... . - Grocery -------- . last ---- week ------ Never. Bctttn'iton confessed, ns poor health part of this winter, hauled several truckloads of^cat- he entered the stateroom. Imd Many farmers in this vicinity tic from this vicinity nnd from Ills prejiidi'ments been more lit fault. Tli will no towering»bully, are busy plowing, getting spring ; the lower Nehalem. Clyde Johnson was working no disciple of tlie strong-arm Tlie seven-piece orchestra of seeding done, and preparing the school of under world nrlrtoerii ,v the Chris Lian church, under the early ga”den spots. for Mrs. Nels Peterson last week. who looked nt him. Apparently tbe direction of Ray Charlesworth, Miss Beatrice Perry and her. Mrs. Carl Iler is confined to man wns of tlie same social «'la. played before an unusually large grandfather, Oliver Burris, were her home with influenza, as himself. I Tlie Boss wan a little, slender attendance Sunday evening dur- in Vernonia Saturday, i Mr. ..... and Mrs. Lee Osbourn Mr -. Edward McMullin is re-! drove to Vernonia Tuesday to l i»;:. delicate of fi xture nnd limb ing the regular services. “xViuny new Jacea are seen in eovering from influenza. Ills face hnd that Ivorv pallor oi.e I do some shopping. associates i with W.h 1 rcme <*!<! aue | the congregation every Sunday,” I Fritz Iler drove to Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer And yet. he eliti not seem lo he un ■ : aid Rev. F. Claude Stephens, i to do some trading Saturday. called at the home of Mrs. Ol old man. He was smiling os Bet- pastor. “Many olu members have i Mrs. Nels Peterson has not iver Burris one dav last week. tington entered; lie smiled i whllo i returned and it can plainly be ! been well recently. She is taking Jim Green hauled some hay he talked. ■ seen that the music is greatly last week for R. S. Linsey at “I am afraid." snid the I'.eSJ . r- sponsible for their attendance.” treatments from a specialist. John McMullin is working for Pittsburg. after waving tils guest ro a S»*ilt. Wm. Pringle Jr. A. R. Melis drove to Vernonia “that you have not enjoyed your rAminfTti fl ins Tniinler'Tfi Ss ” EfaTi- Lee Osbourn is doing some on business Tuesday. VOVll'TO." and wrs p *nt tn Sun Quentin “I have not." I' ttln"on re fencing on his ranch. Reed Holding recently pur turned. “I may tel! you at onee. as a life pr!.-< ner. lie escaped and Mrs Geo. Taylor and son Rac chased a tractor and equipment that I resent ti e whole occurrence. wns absolutely lost from vl. w That rpent Saturday forenoon in Ver- to do his farming. It has been one outrage added to was nhn.'st ten years »;:«». I I’ouiul Jimmie McMullin the small nnotlier. Tlmt th "v had their mi him by ueeiduit I was iiulomo nonia. Fred Bush made a trip to son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Me gin In a mistake I know very well Piling in Nt w i'iigl:in«l and needed but tlie effect is Ju t tl e same nnd water fi r a boiling motor I wen’ Vernonia Saturday. Mullin, has been very ili for the Frank Peterson and son Rich past week. I demand to I«« put ii.-b' ■ nt one«1." to a fisherman’s shack. There I “We are prov’-d, •■■■ I for a year." found or.e .Jim:» than GJibs, dis ard were shopping in Vernonia E. S. Biddle called at Natal said tlie Boss calmly. “and most pulsed with a beard and clad in Friday. on business last week. likely shall not touch any port for the rough garb of a fisherman The Joe Banzer family were E. R. Melis made a trip to one month." Much the same picture que cos week end shoppers in Vernonia, Vernonia Wednesday. “I shall." snapped tlie painter. tume you wear now. 1 did not Reed Holding and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Linsey call “1 think not." tlie other correct tell him that I knew him. At that ed gently. “I ixp*<-ted you to make time I had no possible use for Idin. Mrs. Jas. McCormick motored to ed at the home of Mrs. Linsey’s these protests. Sam tins told me It was not until three years Liter Portland one day last week. mother, Mrs. Nels Peterson Wed C. C. Clay spent one day last nesday. of your attitude nml I admire It. tlipl J r»_> <!<» i£se of. my knfjwhMlgoJ? The wise num differs from a fool week at Natal and down the Floyd Deeds spent Thursday (Continued next week) in knowing Just when to try to river. afternoon in Vernonia. mnke terms. We are here to talk George Parker, the Natal and Dave McMullin was a Mist Step in and ask to see the business.” Mist mail carsier, appeared on “Look here.” Billington li on. latest Elgin wrist and strap the job last week with a new shopper Tuesday. “I explained to your first uiurd or- watches, at Kullander’s Jewelry Ford sedan. er out there, tlmt there Imd b-on Store.—adv. The Bob Linsey family mo some mistake of i-'entities My Martin & Forbes tored to Portland Saturday. name is Betttngton; I am ii painter Two more trains added to Or Lincoln Peterson called to see LEADING FLORIST of seascapes and m.v studio is on East Thirty-fourth street " egon Electric schadule operating Dave McMullin Thursday even- ■ 387 Washington St. Tlie Boss took from a «imnll table between Corvallis and Portland. ing. Portland, Ore., Pilone “ Did you have a New York paper Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCormick! BEacon 3162 a pleasant funeral?" tie nsl.-ofi left last week .for a camp in i Erratum suavely, He passed the paper over In the story in last week’s is Washington where they are em- the table nnd pointed out an obltu nry notice tm Led away in an ob sue of the Eagle the names of scure spot. “Read It," the Bo.s several of the Women’s Mis commanded. sionary society who served at the The paragraph was headed: dinner given to the Eastern Star “Wsll-Kncwn Marine Painter Killed. were omitted. Mrs. Lizzie Parker, "Fails From Fire Escape in Dark.” Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Mrs. Alta Bettington read an amazing de John and Mrs. Rilla Snyder serv scription of Ids denth. burial nnd cd the visitors also. life’s work. Tlie chief witness at the Inquest was Floyd Unwin. Un win had been amazed to see Ids friend, whom lie thought to be nut of town, nnd climbed to Ids studio NATAL to call upon him. The rooms were seemingly In darkness end none answered the knock. Tn tlie morn Harry McMullin ing the janitor had discovered the tack of onsilitis. mutilated body in the yard. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Unwin and he had identified it. “It was a clever Idea,” said the were calling at Natal Monday. Boss. “But I, too. read the papers. Miss Annie McMullin spent the In tlie idiom of poker, I have called week end at Mist with Irene and your blurt. In id most every case Alberta De Rock. I have had to do that to get my Jim Miller made a business crew. Take Sum, for example. •/ Sam, under nnotlier name, was do trip to Vernonia Monday. ing rather well bootlegging n-ro-s ALL SINGING AND TALKING Mr. and Mrs. J&ke Neurer at- the Canadian line. In Rangely he Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7 was on the way to Iieeome respect ed. Tt wn.i ncccFsary to remind him that he had broken from Dan SPEAKING OF nemora. I was compelled to build WM. POWELL in— up Ids real past. I hold it over RESULTS! him.” Tlie Boss waved his delicate 99 hand airily. “It Is a truism that » knowledge Is power. T have .lust told you b.v what method I have Saturday Eve. and Sun. Mat., March 8-9 the vvhlp-lv’nd of what yon call my TALKING ‘first murderer.’ ” “But why put mo In pox oo«l -n of it?” Bottington demanded. “That strikes me us u very unwi e slop." Jake Okie, Polly Waker and 1000 others “Because, my dear Andrew O. iue. in I have Just ns strong a hold over Have you tried having you.” your old Bettington made n gesture of de spair. Tlie Boss had aot the look of a crazed man; but tlds sort of talk pointed to an ogre-on'-: not ALL TALKING far from megalomania, lie had the Sunday and Monday Eve. March 9 apd 10 delusion of power. “Andrew Orme.” said Betting ton. “Who Is he?" at “I'll tell you.” The Bess par sed COMING VERNONIA a box of cigars to the other. "An drew Arnie did very well at Yale, SHOE HOSPITAL lie was on Ids way to become a Ladies’ shoe work great surgeon. Thon lie fi .mil within himself tlie curse of gar ing. a specialty Featuring Bessie Love. He needed money, lie found he E. II. SALISBURY possessed tlie dangerous gift of copying signatures. So he forz-d. Opposite Wash, school And when he was discovered lie killed tlie man who threatened tn o±v a. Lk’J Concert At Local Church JOY Theatei Coming Attractions ucky in Love” Street of Chance Shues Repaired "Hit the Deck” The Girl in the Show A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors j most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star Body and Fendei Repairing The heartless nicks and dents that winter driving brings to every car must go. You’ll want your car bright and new- like. Drive up today. We’ll remove every last mark, every scratch and bump—cars look and feel new this way. Surprising economy too. Vernonia Service Garage Phone 311 L. E. Fredrickson WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the W. O. W. hall. Mrs. Lee Hall, president. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Margaret Nelson, Recorder Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. American Legion Regular commu Ve -nonia Post nication first 119, . American and third Wed-1 nesdays of each Legion, Meets month, at Ma second and sonic Temple. fourth Tuesdays! All visiting sis each month, 8 p. ters and broth m. Connie An ers welcome. derson, Com- Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Hughes, Adjutant Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. mander. Pythian Sisters Mountain Heart Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Rebekah Lodge No. 243 . No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. i second and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors DELLA CLINE. M of R * C I always welcome. American Legion Auxiliary Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand Edna Linn. Noble Grand Meets second and fourth Myrtle John, Secretary. Mondays of each month Della Cline. Treasurer at the Legion hall. Mrs. P. Wideman. Pres. -------------------------- - KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I. O. O. F. HARDING LODGE 118 Meets every Monday —Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 I. O.O.F. meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vi»-* ers welcome. ¡tors always welcome. ' James Nanson, C.C. II. E. Stevenson, N. G. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John Glassner, Secretary.