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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1930)
Thursday, February 13, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon I Julius Meier Explains The “Build Oregon!’’ Program In Session •93OFEBRUARY>9K> «to. «to «to «to B an Urrnnnia □□ 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 ras 16 17 18 19 20 0S3 E3 Issued every Thursday County Official Paper Member of National Edi torial Association and Ore gon State Editorial Associa tion. $2.00 per year in advance Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c. MARK E. MOE LEE SCHWAB PUBLISHER ........ EDITOR AMBULANCE NEEDED HERE It is to be regretted that we have been unable to create sufficient interest for the maintenance of an ambulance in this city, which would convey emergency hospital cases into Portland without any unnecessary delay, such as oc curs whenever an ambulance is needed. Monday one of our local citizens was severely injured while at work in the woods. Although he was in a critical condition, he was forced to wait two hours before his jour ney. toward a Portland hospital began. True, the ambulance made good time in coming to this city in two hours, but in severe cases these two hours may be the means of saving a person’s life, Vernonia needs an ambulance station here, and many have volunteered their services free as drivers. ALL’S WELL WITH VERNONIA The big mill has resumed operations, logging camps are again working, building construction has started, and with the break of the severe cold snap and disappearance of nnow, Vernonia again resembles its old self—a busy, bustl ing industrial town. J. N. Miller of Clatskanie, who has served Columbia county as county commissioner for the past eight years, announces his intention of again being a candidate for re election this year. Commissioner Miller has served Co lumbia county faithfully. It is doubtful whether a man better qualified than J. N. Miller of Clatskanie could be found in Columbia county to serve the people. HW6WT HuiiEMi pouring on large amounts of boiling water. A ten per cent solution of formaldehyde will destroy the odors at once and is effective in two to five hours. Chlorinated lime is also conven ient and effective. All linen, bed clhoting, napkins, underwear and other cloth materials should be soaked in a one per cent cresol or lysol solution. Clinical thermometers can be sterilized in four per cent formaldehyde solution or 60, per cent alcohol. The sick room should be kept as cleas as an operating room in a hospital. Make the room safe by the removal of filth ra ther than the killing of the germs in the dirt. Soap, lye, water, scrub brushes and sun light will supplant fumigation. ford visited school recently. Howard Davis On Staff Of College Paper At O. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mitchell motored to Portland one day lust week. Portland, Feb. 10—The “Build Mr. and Mrs. E. Lisenby were Oregon State College, Corval- Oregon” program of the Ore lis, Feb. 6—Howard Davis of Vernonia shoppers Wednesday. gon State Chamber of Com- ~ Vernonia, junior in commerce, Henry Beaver and son were merce means just what it says, has been chosen correspondent in Vernonia Saturday. ’Julius L. Meier, general cam for “The Diary,” a publication paign chairman, stated here to put out by the members of Alpha Koster camp will start up day in piking about the expan Kappa Psi, national honorary about the first of March. sion program and Oregon poster fraternity in commerce. stamp campaign being conducted Jack Keene has purchased a The principle of the fraternity by the organization. new radio for his family. is to promote a cultural and in "Wide spread approval, keen tellectual background for the Several men from Treharne interest and enthusiasm in the professional business man. are working at Scappoose camp. and poster stamps have program Davis, besides being prominent already been expressed, and in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge mo- i in student activities, is also a addition requests for additional tored to Vernonia one day last member of Pi Kappa Phi, na- information on the various pro week. tional social fraternity. jects the state chamber will un Chas. Barnes was in Treharne dertake in 1930,” Meier stated. Monday. "What the Oregon state cham VITAMINES PRESENT ROCK CREEK ber is seeking to do in its pro IN WHITE BREAD Relatives of Mr. Crawford gram is to advertise Oregon Mrs. Bruce McDonald enter- from Forest Grove visited them statewide to the world, to tell tained Mrs. Gaynel Reed and Sunday. Dr. E. V. McCollum, one of children, Robert and Beulah, at the facts about it and attract the interest of prospective set the recognized authorities on her home one day last week. An Mrs. Leonard Smith was a tlers with capital, industries, the vitamin question, states: enjoyable time was spent play Vernonia shopper recently. "A stigma is upon white bread ing games. Afterward, refresh tourists and investors. In using Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon Oregon poster stamps as the mo- as matters stand. I can assure ments were served. motored to Marshfield over the tive power of the program and you that there are strong forces Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves of week end. campaign more than 40,000 bus tending to discredit white bread. iness and professional men I have myself never suggested Riverview called on Mr. and A machine ran down a horse through using the stamps on the disuse of milled cereals, or Mrs. Bruce McDonald of Rock belonging to Mr. Treharne Sun- their outgoing mail will be help white bread. The point which I Creek Sunday afternoon. ;day injuring it so badly it had ing us do a most effective job. have emphasized is that white Mrs. Lizlie Reed has been re .to be killed. "The time has arrived when bread must be supplemented ported as improving in health. we must create a united Oregon with such foods as make good Her daughter, Mrs. Joe Van and carry on aggressive state its shortcomings, So far as we Guilder, is visiting her now, from Standard Bowling wide development and expansion know the simplest, cheapest, . Portland. Team Beats Shell and I know no better means to I and most effective way to im- do it than through the state I prove the quality of bread is to called on Mrs. Gus Matson The bowling team of the introduce more milk solids into Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald chamber. Standard Oil company defeated its composition. ” “There are three goals in the, Sunday. the Shell Oil company team ‘Build Orgonl’ program. The At the close of the address Mrs. T. F. Keasey entertained Thursday evening of last week <irst is: ‘Millions New Wealth, ---- ---- ----- --------- in which the above views were Irvin ngiixuiLLU e. ’ Through utivurii ex- ex given, Dr. McCollum, in answer Mrs. Hazel McDonald and daugh at the O’Connor bowling alleys. from Agriculture. Those on the Standard team panding the present land settle to a question asking whether he ter Ellen at her home one day were Clay, Greenburg, Cl ment program we hope to bring would advocate the use of whole last week. the number of new families lo wheat in preference to white Rock Creek school, which has Dubendorff, Jack Johnson, cating in Oregon up to 500 a bread, replied sharply, "No.” been closed down during the Marshall Malmsten. Bowling on the Shell team month. Next, we want to urge He explained that whole wheat cold spell, has started again. were Briot, Baker, Miller the growing of now imported ag bread was still deficient in pro Mrs. T. F. Keasey called at Allen. ricultural crops and to establish viding all the necessary body adequate facilities for the mar building factors, and that the the home of Mrs. Hazel McDon Corvallis—Buttermakers from keting of our farm crops and best way was to supplement ald. Thursday. I Oregon’s 108 creameries met thus increase the cash our farm- white bread with milk, and plen- Misses Elsie and Annie Me- there for three-day conference. ers receive annually for their ty of greens and raw fruit. spent the afternoon Donald production.” This information is furnished shopping in Vernonia Saturday. ---------- X.------------- through the Vernonia Bakery, Those who received 100 in which uses Occident flour in all _ last week at Rock of its products. Through the spelling careful selection of the choic Creek school were Buddy Krai- est wheat, and the painstaking ger, Peter McDonald, Philip Kea- In cooperation with method of milling, gives all of sey, Harold Kraiger and Lor U. S. Public Health Service the orginal food values of na- raine Peachey. Frederick D. Stricker, M. D., ture’s product, with none of the Collaborating Epidemiologist Better Quality impurities, is delivered to the consumer in bread made by the Oregon’s export market and Disinfection Vernonia Bakery. dairy products is becoming more Preventive measures in some Bread offered by the Verno- discriminating as to quality. form have always been employ sia Bakery is made in a spotless Artistic Sign Paint- ed to prevent the spreading of shop that parallels your own kit Planting Trees disease. With the exception of chen in cleanliness. ing A half million forest cleanliness, which in some parts shade trees are now being The food value of this qual of the world was early recog grown by Oregon and the fed J. C. Henderson nized as a valuable means of ity loaf, when measured in cal eral government for free distri, protection against d’sease. the ories or energy units, equals bution to Oregon farmers who Phone 1021 preventive measures were not two pounds of steak, four pints desire them to establish wood only crude, of little or no value, of milk or 15 eggs. lots, shelter belts, or for land but their employment was often scape purposes, according to a dangerous to life and destruct County Sheep & Goat new state pamphlet, “Tree Plant ive to property. It is not diffi Assn. To Meet Rainier ing on Oregon Farms,” written cult to find a satisfactory ex by George W. Peavy, dean of planation for this destruction forestry at Oregon State col The annual meeting of the Co and the unjustifiable measuers lege. Couaty Sheep & Goat lumbia used. The so-called fomites the Vernonia ory held that clothing, baggage, Raisers association, which will money, furniture and cargoes of include election of officers, will vessels commonly transmit in be held in Rainier tomorrow at TREHARNE fective organisms in their active the American Legion hall, An state from one person to an invitation has been extended to Mr. and Mrs. D. May and other. As an unbounded belief all breeders to attend. Luncheon will be served at children called at the home of in this theory, disinfectants were placed on sale guaranteed the Interstate restaurant at 12 Mr. and Mrs. J. Glassner Sunday. to protect against all forms of o’clock. The principal speaker infection. This theory is yet held during the meeting will be W. i A large crowd from Treharne by some who demand terminal A. 1 Ward, manager of the Pa- attended the Joy theater Thurs disinfection on the conclusion cific Wool Growers association. day evening. Everyone enjoyed the screen test pictures. of the disease. At the same time To Remember Lights the discharges from the patient, Ben Smith had lumber hauled A long string with a radium and is building his new house. which constitute the most dan- attached „ ..._ to ...... the pull — _______ of the gerous souree of infection and bulb____ which should be promptly des- old-fashioned light in the bath | s. O’Donnell has been doing t roved are often carelessly dealt room makes the turning off of sqme carpenter work, the light more interesting to house. with. It is now known that infective children and less likely, there- j I Mrs. E. Sunell and Mrs. Craw- diseases are most commonly fore, to be forgotten. transmitted from one person to another by discharges and that prompt disinfection or destruc tion offers the grentest protec Delivered To YOU! tion against infection. In ty phoid fever it is the discharges and Called from the intestinal tract. In For At measles, diphtheria, and scarlet fever it is the discharges from the nose, throat and ears, and in tuberculosis it is the sputum ’ which contains the infective or- ganisms. Many times persons are be-1 wildered by the great variety W. A. Davis, Local Manager. of disinfectants available ar.; and ’, are not quite certain which Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 they should use. A few practical directions should help in this regard. Sputum should be collected in handkerchiefs or still bettor paper napkins which should •urned. Discharges from bowels may be disinfected Painting Paint Shop Freight by WYNDHAM MARTYN « COPYRIGHT IN TH1 US. Show Limo Equivalents Fifty-six pounds of burned lime is equivalent to 74 pounds of hydrated lime, or 100 pounds of ground limestone, according to the Oregon experiment sta tion. Sean From Kitchen A good place for a pretty garden or lawn Is where mother can enjoy it from the kitchen w.ndow. Shoa Shelf In Closet Mrs. A. Leiter, formerly of One of the greatest conven this city, was married Saturday at Seattle to Harvey Defabaugii iences in any c ot lies closet is a I shoe shelf placed above the base of Wenatchee, Wash. A reception was held follow board so that shoes may be ing the marriage ceremonies at i reached with le*s stooping and the Beacon Hill Renptrom hall. also may be kept off the floor Mrs. Defabaugh is the mother of the closet. of Mrs. Earl Washburn and Mrs. Nyssa—Reconstruction is un- Jack Martin of this city. I <ler way ot bridge across Snake liver, just out of this place. System Easy For Housewife Ease of housekeeping is al Clatskanie — Lower Columbia ways more likely to follow in the wake of the system of man Cooperative Dairy association to agement which provides a place construct creamery here in near for every pot and pan, fo\ ev- future. C. BRUCE LUMBER W holesale and Retail . lía Grain Feeds Bricquets Vernonia Trading Co Cass Bergerson You Can Bank the Difference By Purchasing One of Our Portland Vernonia Truck Line For Freight Orders USED CARS FA' W.N U.SEKVICC 1928 1928 1927 1926 1924 1925 1923 1926 Notice To Dog Owners OW A MILLIONAIRE went for a rest cure on a palatial ocean yacht, and the exciting adventures that befell his guests. A story of events which might easily oc cur in the present time, yet Former Vernonia Matron Married ery garment, or any other uten sil or piece of equipment. Door Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Dally ALBATROSS It is estimated that nearly 1000 persons witnessed the mo- tion pictures taken in this vi- cinity last week, at the Joy the ater. Splendid views of the Oregon- American mill and other sec tions of the city were shown. State Board ct Health Vernonia the MUTINW th E Large Portion Of City Population Sees Home Movies ich is as thrilling as any tale of the days of free* hooters or pirates of the Spanish Main. Tea Will Like This New Serial in The Eagle—Starting this Week Every person owning or keeping any dog over the age of eight (8) months within the State of Oregon shall, not later than March 1st of each year or within 30 days after he becomes own er or keeper of such dog. procure from the county clerk of the county in which said person resides, a license for such dog by paying to the county clerk a license fee of two dollars ($2.) for a male or spayed bitch dogs and three dollars ($3.) for female dogs. Any person who shall fail to pro cure such license within the time as herein provided shall be required, upon procuring such license to pay as a penalty an additional sum of $2 for each dog- r<. , Pontiac Coupe ............... Chevrolet Landau Sedan Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coach Dodge Coupe Ford Pick-Up Buick Touring Ford Touring .... $650.00 $500.00 $375.00 $300.00 $190.00 $ 75.00 $100.00 $100.00 EXTRA BARGAIN 102Ó Willys Knight Coach $550.00 Terms Suitable Through G. M. A. C. for all Purchasers Gilby Motor Company J. W. HUNT County Clerk <