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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1930)
T Thursday. February 13, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Scappoose and Vicinity NATAL Mrs. W. R. Johnson spent a day last week with her daugh Lavender Club Meet« Berry Growers To ter, Mrs. James McCormick at At Home Mr«. Carter. Meet Here Feb. 12 Natal. Miss Beatrice Perry and Ol The Apple Valley Lavender | Robert McQuinn drove to As Scappoose berry growers met iver Burris motored to Vernonia club will meet tomorrow at the toria Thursday on business. yesterday at Watts & Price hall. Friday. home of Mrs. Ed. Carter. All I All persons interested in this Lincoln Peterson called at the Mayor E. E. Wist returned members are urged to attend. subject were invited to attend. home of Frank Peterson on bus from a business trip to Cali- iness one day last week. fornia Monday. Bridge Club Meets Quaker Meeting At Miss Annie McMullin was ill with a bad cold and absent At Warren Last Week Mrs. McManus of St. Helens C. E. Draws Crowd spest Monday in Scappoose. from school several days. Jim Green was hauling hay Ellen Lawrence, leader of the Scappoose Bridge club met Margaret Couch-Oakes is in with Miss Viola Cooper last ’.he Samaritan hospital with local C. E. Sunday conducted last week for R. S. Linsey at it as a Quaker meetting. Books Pittsburg. Wednesday night. Mrs. Herman pneumonia. of the Bible were discnssed by Miller of St. Helens won the Miss Millie McMullin was in those present. Vernonia Monday on business. honor prize. Annie M. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn Dies In Portland Scappoose Loses spent Munday in Vernonia shop Former Scappoose Girl To St. Helen« ping. Is Married at Seattle Funeral services were read Mrs. Noble Dunlap and son » - _ Floyd drove to Vernonia Wed February 3 for Mrs. Annie M. St. Helens scored over Scap- Cards are out announcing the Carlson, former Scappoose res nesday. i marriage of Delaphine Isaacson, ident. Mrs. Carlson came to the poose on the St. Helens floor Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer and Friday night 17 to 14. Slim former Scappoose girl, for Feb- Ernest Johnson home Anna Osbourn were shoppers in direct rury 21 at her Seattle home. from Norway many years ago. Bachlund was there in good Vernonia Wednesday. 13 points. form, winning Miss Dorothy Jabonec of Val- Ernest Johnson and family and Mrs. Bob Linsey and son Clar setz is to be bridesmaid. ence called on her sister, Mrs. Mrs. J. Callahan attended the . Noble Dunlap, Thursday. funeral. I John McMullin and his bro Frank Mikesh Is i ther Dave were in Vernonia Reported Recovering P.T.A. To Observe Wednesday. I Game Warden Wm. Brown Founder’s Day Frank Mikesh, who fell from spent part of Thursday at Natal. the roof of his home last week Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and while removing snow and injur All persons interested are urg son Normand spent Tuesday ev ed his spine, is reported slowly ed to be present at the school ening with Mr. and Mrs. Lee recovering. house 8 p.m. Monday in memory : Osbourn. of Founders day—the birthday Edward McMullin was in Ver of the Congress of Parents and Several From Here nonia Wednesday. a Teachers. Refreshments will be Frank Peterson and son Rich- Enroll In Auto School served and a special program. 1 ord made a trip to Vernonia Friday. Artrur Neuman and Arnold Wyndham Martyn Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mills spent Novak are enrolled in the auto To Represent Scappoose Saturday evening ab Vernonia. school in Portland. At O. S. C. This Week Matthews brothers hauled lum- "ber to Vernonia last week. Scappoose Locals Elgar Radway ate, Harry McMullin of The Dal'es Evelyn Gerlach, Rosina Rufer, W. E. Culler, Mrs. Culler Bob Morgan, and Floyd Tufts drank and worked I is here visiting his brothers Ed and son Elvin, Grandma Culler, have been selected to represent ward and Dave. too much. To cor are visiting at the home of Mrs. Scappoose union high school at James McCormick went to Culler’s sister, Mrs. Florence Corvallis this week. rect these habits it , Portland last week end. Callahan. The Cullers are en Wm. Meadows drove to Ver- was his custom from route from Los Angeles to their onin Saturday. home in Canada. time to time to take Seniors Give Three Fritz Iler called to see Ed- < ward McMullin Saturday. Act Comedy Friday a yachting cruise. Mrs. Henry Lange, now re I Mrs. Geo. Taylor and son Ray siding in Portland, spent Wed were in Vernonia Saturday. nesday here visiting relatives This is a story of The senior class will present John McMullin spent Saturday and friends. “Miss Topsy Turvy” or “Miss the strange crew he in Vernonia. Courtship of the Deacon ” in a Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson Mr. and Mrs. George Barger met on the recently and son drove to Mist Saturday. called at the C. C. Brown home three-act comedy Friday at 1 p. m., and Saturday at 8 p.m. chartered Albatross | Mr. and Mrs. Noble ~ Dunlap Sunday. ■ and son Floyd and Mrs. and of the exciting Minnie Heumiller is visiting George Swanson Dies i Peterson called on Mr. and relatives in Seattle this week. events which oc , Bob Linsey Sunday. Sincere sympathy is extended | Reed Holding was S. Hustleby, who has been im the relatives of the late Gus curred on the voyage. . shopper Tuesday. proving his farm in Apple val Swanson, well known in this vi | Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and ley, left Monday for his former cinity, who died February 8, and son called on their daughter, home in Seattle. He bought the for whom services were read Mrs. Dave McMullin, at Natal yesterday at the Conservatory Hollenbeck farm. Sunday. chapel in Portland. Don ’ t Miss This Mr. and Mrs. White of Den Mrs. Nels Peterson is at her ver, Colo., who have been guests Serial in home again after living in Port Ladies Aid Wipes at the Henry Keyes home, re land a few weeks. THE EAGLE Out Their Debt turned home last week. Miss Millie McMullin has re- STARTING THIS WEEK Mrs. A._ C. Cameron of Port land spent Sunday with her sis ter, Mrs. J. H. McPherson. The Mutiny Page Three turned to Pacific university. ter and family, of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Vickers spent Sunday with the E. R. have recently purchased an Es Fowler family. sex sedan. Evan Hall of Waldport was a Clyde Johnson drove to Ver business visitor here Monday. nonia Monday. Win. Bridgers made a business Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertraw from trip to Vernonia Monday. the Soule hill were guests at Mrs. James McCormick called the home of Bud Robbins Sun at Vernonia on business Tues- day. day. Miss Evelyn McMullin ia ill Mrs. C. H. Schamon spent at her home this week. a few days in . Portland last Carl Iler and son Fritz drove week. to Vernonia Tuesday. > Floyd Deeds was in Veronnia' Mr- an<^ Mrs. Sidney Malm Tuesday. eten accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer spent Wednesday E. S. Cleveland to Salem Tues in Vernonia. day of last week and returned Wednesday. Rebekah Throop spent Mon day at the home of Mr. and RIVERVIEW Mrs. Henry Dray on the old Spencer ranch, where her mo- Ghaston Dickson left here for ther was bom and raised. his home in Alturas, Calif., Fri day. Mr. Dickson had been to Mrs. Oral Faulkner and Mrs. Chehalis, Wash., to visit his son, Elsie Cotton of Portland were Lawrence, who has recently un dergone a major operation. He also visited his son Herman of this place, who is an employe of the Oregon-American. guests of the former’s mother, Portland — National Aircraft Mrs. Sarah Spencer, _ f Sunday. _ Corporation plans establishment Mr. and Mrs. Eloda McDonald ai5. ¡»«»enger line between of Pebble Creek were visitors at thia city and Eugene. the Lee Hall home Wednesday of last week. Ä WINDOW LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 l RADIO HEADQUARTERS New Atwater Kent Screen-Grid Radios Mr. and Mr. E. D. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllis- Model 55 .. Model 60 ... Albatross Scappoose Ladies Aid will cel- the last ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith. cent of indebtedness on the Among those sick are Mrs. church property was paid De P. U. Price and Mrs. Phoebe cember 29. It was a debt of Sandstrom. Both are under the $227, final payment on the side walks. doctor’s care. YOU CAM -TI 4 Pacific Fruits and Products BEINO THE BEST Ask Your Dealer For PACIFIC PRODUCTS Pacific Fruit & Produce Co 4 Silver Plating Re-silvering Mirrors Local agent for HEALTHO PRODUCTS H. R. ELTON 959 Bridge St. Vernonia Martin & Forbes of the Mr. and Mrs. Marcy of Can- Signs State highway department will surface pavement between Hal sey and Tangent with non-skid material. NEW MAJESTIC All-Electric Radios WINTER DRIVING MARK EVERY GRAVE Car hard to start? Does it warm slowly, spit and choke? It’s a danger signal of lost power and added costs! Better let us check your motor and keep it in perfect shape so Winter will not ruin its perform- ance. It’s a woi^hwhile precaution that will save you money—drive in today. Memorials in granit« and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Vernonia Repair Shop Oregon Monument Work« L. E. Fredrickson Vernonia Bakery Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro $136.00 $153.00 Model 90 Model 91 Model 93 ... $116.50 ... $137.50 .. $167.50 USED SETS ATWATER KENT ALL ELECTRIC KOLSTER, 8 TUBES (Battery) Wonderful Values CONVENIENT TERMS AT Mac’s Pharmacy A Speed Washer and Ironer Now Combined in one beautiful Thor at a price formerly asked s-Mnpk i HP for a good Washer alone! UlisA/lllllC from washer to ironer in 10 seconds fir less than ♦ AOf A MONTH Jewels, heirlooms, valuable contracts and secur- ities—isn’t their safety worth forty cents a month to you? For that will cover the cost of a thief-proof, fire-proof, loss-proof safety de posit box in our vault. Don’t delay; rent today! Bank of Vernonia Here, madam, is the very latest development in home laundry equipment—the famous Thor agitator washer— the wringer interchangeable with the speedy Thor rotary iron. A complete laundry service combined in one hand some compact machine! Think what this means! It means that now you can finish both the washing and ironing in far less time than it formerly required to do the ironing alone. You can save at lease 6 hours a week. Further, it means complete lief from the leg-aches and back-aches hand ironing always caused. It means speed and ease in one of hardest, most tedious household tasks. If you now own an old-style washer—or if you having your laundry work done for you—call on your home furnisher for a demonstration. Its simplicity, its speed, its ease of operation will be a revelation to you. Oregon Gas and Electric Co G. W. Ford, Superintendent