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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1930)
Thursday, January Î8, 193Ò Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Society News Mrs. Wayne Lappe, Society Reporter Phone 573 Clubs Fraternal Office Phone 192 pastor of the local church, have been the inspiration of many dinners given in their honor. Last week they were entertained at Mrs. Sarah Spencer’s, Tuesday Parents-Teacher« I evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hold Meeting Monday Those who are in the habit 1 Condit entertained the pastors At their, annual watch night Miss Melba Laramore The members of the American « and election of officers on De- of attending the dances spon- Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Legion Auxiliary will meet this Entertains Friends the members of the _ - , At one of the smallest attend- SOred by the Eastern Star social Franklin Malmsten entertained cember 31 _ _ __ at the home of Mrs. on F-'iday evening and Mr. and At Bridge Party afternoon Evangelical church elected the | H. E. McGraw to sew for the ances since the school year, due c;ub at the Masonic temple will Mrs. Sydney Malmsten enter I child welfare department" of the to the unusual cold spell, the be glad to know that this or- following: church trustees: A. C. Knauss to serve three years Miss Melba Laramore enter- Auxiliary. Each unit has a cer- Parents-Teachers held their ganization decided to give a tained their guests at Sunday year; Albert ______ Parker and _____ — one ---- - —. tained a number of her friends tain amount of work planned for monthly meeting Monday night Valentine dance Friday, Febru- dinner. class leader, Mrs. Minnie Malm at her home on Pebble Creek the year for the child welfare at the Washington school. ary 14 at their regular meeting sten, assistant class leader, Mrs. road last Thursday evening. The the Vernonia unit being very r The programme in which iast Wednesday afternoon, at the Younger People Form Effie Malmsten, both to serve evening was spent in playing tive in that line of work. The the high seho°l Klee c,ub sanK home of Mrs. Geo. Drorbaugh. Skating & Sleighing two years; church pianist, Miss bridge. The guests included the child welfare cares for the child- several selections was enjoyed Mrs. H. E. McGraw, Mrs. A. L. Louise Malmsten, assistant. Mrs| Misses Rae Davis, Pearl Krauss ren of disabled veterans the Ore- b? those Present- M>ss Margaret. Kullander and Mrs F. D. Mc- Parties Near Vernonia E. E. Yeo. I and Ruth Taylor. 1 gon headquarters being in Port- Bennett gave a reading and Rose pherson have been appointed on Although it has been the jan(j. | Sitt played several selections on the dance committee by the pre- x ntj tvHuniiift w vi c the vise v*n- of fi-! ------------------------- ■ The following were cause of one of the most quiet sident. Mrs. E. E. Yeo. | A larger number of members tbe P‘ano- weeks as far as social gather- C. x'n.™ SS, M” M ‘ n C I attended the meeting at the ~ " ei ings for the older matrons, Home Mrs. IV1. L>. Cole home of Mrs. C. E. Davidson Sing At Services dent; W. W. Wolf, assistant su Teachers Enjoy the snow and cold weather of perintendent; Mrs. D. Marshall , • "ZT |than had been expected on ac- In Christian Church Winter Sports Here the past week has been the in secretary and Mrs. Effie Malm-' The Study Club was enter- count of cold weather, Monday ______ spiration of many skating and sten, treasurer; Miss Charlotte tained at the home of Mrs. M, evening. After the business; Miss Marie Kirkpatrick, teach- Green, pianist and Miss Kather- D. Cole on B. street last Thurs- meeting, the hostess served a de- er ¡n jbe Washington school and All the Lincoln school teach- sleighing parties for the young er people and some of the ol ine Malmsten, assistant pianist. day afternoon, the programme licious lunch. Robert Noble. British war vet ers, several of the Washington der ones who are brave enough i being . _ in charge of Mrs. Frank eran and employee of the Ore school teachers and Miss Crail to venture into the freezing air. I Hanson. The subject for study gon-American lumber company of the high school were given Local Pvthian Sitters Several parties were sleigh- Friends Entertained I was “Volition and Character.” ----------- 1 thrills, chills and spills at a sang solos in the Christain Lodge Spend Good Sum At Home of Mr. and The members plan to enter church, Sunday. Miss Kirkpatrick toboggan party last Wednesday ing on the paved portion of the St. Helens highway Wednesday •— 1—----- 1— night. on Local Charity Work --------- sang j — during the ---------- morning services Mrs. E. A. Green tain the high school with an ori and Thursday night, the sleds ginal play, humorous in chirac- and Mr. Noble in the evening. drawn by automobile. | being "'wV'rb«»r Miss Kirkpatrick, who has a Eva„gdic.r7..tor; The Pythian Sisters, as a final ♦ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green en- ter, in the near future. Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. E. A. Green and clear, sweet soprano voice, sang summing of the year for their a group of their tertained Entertained At Many a pond smooth as gla9s the skat- friends at an informal evening Mrs. W. W. Wolff have been ap altruistic work have found that “I Come To Thee.’ Mr. Noble, a Homes Last Week ing has been ideal at Lone Pine by the president, Mrs. pointed tenor, who has sung in choirs they have spent $709.10 on lo Saturday, January 4th. Bridge acres, property owned by C. R. Bell .____ as a ________ committee in cal charities with the exception in Canada and Scotland for the was played by the guests, Mrs. W. E. ___ Watts, southwest of town. Rev. F. W. Launer, who is in charge of the production. past three years, sang ‘ My Task. ’ of $70 which covers fruit sent W. E. Bell receiving high score Evangelistic ------------------------- giving The church orchestra rendered Vernonia to the Pythian home in Van for the ladies and Mr. J. An Evangelical 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick at the three pieces as a prelude to the services derson for the gentlemen. Lloyd Baker was a Portland couver, Wash. church and Rev. G. W. Plumer were St. Helens visitors Friday. Mrs. Tom. Crawford chairman evening services. An original lunch was served visitor on Thursday of last week. SCHOOL NEWS | The first grade. Miss Melba Hold Election Elect Officers 'LINCOLN ' Laramore teacher, is making booklets Church Offices C. E. Society r I writing Those receiving 100% in At the annual Watch night of spelling for the past week in the Evangelical church at which the second grade. Miss Florence about fifty of the younger mem suntee, teacher, are: Harvey bers of the church attended, Holcomb, Harry Culbertson, Jr., the officers for the Christain En Virgie Killian and Hedi Reich. deavor society were elected. Ed Ernest and Eunice Russel have Heath was elected president; Alice Dübendorf, vice president; entered the second grade from Jack Marshall, secretary and Cottage Grove. i Bruce Holcomb was promoted Grace Condit, treasurer. I from the third grade to the fourth grade. Wanda Krieger EVANGELICAL CHURCH There will be service Thursday moved to Estacada last week, Those receiving 100% in spell- and Friday at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, Sunday 9:45, ing in the fourth grade, Miss Rae Davis teacher, are: Law- a. m. Preaching 11 a. m., and 7:30 rence Bennett, Mava Williams, I Juanita Sturgill, Alvita Littleton, p. m., Sunday. Young Peoples’ meeting 6:30 Charles McGraw, Buster Nance and Margaret Salmonson. p. m. The meetings have been good Lawrence Bennett and Bus- but the weather has been hard ter Nance were promoted from on the attendance. the fourth to the fifth grade. Rev. F. W. Launer has been Clifford Smith was transferred preaching some fine sermons, to the Washington school. COME. G. W. PLUMER, Pastor The fourth grade is beginning a cotton project and hope to NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT have a nice booklet completed by Notice of assessment of real the end of the year. property abutting upon certain Those receiving 100% in spell streets in the City of Vernonia and hereafter fully described, ing in the fifth grade fbr the the same being subject to as week are: Marvin Harvey, Tovio sessment for the improvement Floranto, Hilma Berg, Leona Josephine Moyer and of Improvement District No. 12, Fetch, in accordance with the following Evelyn Shipley. Wilburn and Chester Hall have notice to the owners of real moved to Waldport. property. Hilma Berg. Josephine Moyer TO THE OWNERS: of the real property abutting upon all Nadine Aldrich. Althia McDonald the following described streets Tovio Eloranta, Robert King and in the City of Vernonia, Colum Robert De Pue were promoted to the sixth grade and have been bia County, Oregon. East and West side of first transferred to the Washington Avenue from Clatsop street to school Bridge street. East side of sec Wilfred Thomas is the fifth ond Avenue from Cedar street to Bridge street. East side of grade teacher. Those who received 100% in Third Avenue from Nehalem street to Bridge street. West spelling for six weeks in . the side of Grant street from A third grade are. Robert Lamping street to Bridge street. North Charles Tays, Junior Thonepson, and South side of North street Elison Aldrich, June McNutt, from Grant street to the end 1'rancis Davis, LaVerne Bassett thereof. North and South side Elmer Edens, Margie Bushnell, A street from State street to Amelia Mauere, Hazel Parker the end thereof. North and south Kiyoko Kuge and Peggy Oveson. side of B. street from State CHRISTAIN CHURCH street to the end thereof; East and West side of State street F. Claude Stephens, Minister Services for Lord’s day, Jan. from C street to Bridge street. North side of Bridge street from 19 th. Bible school. 10 a. m.; m.; topic State street to the end thereof. You are hereby notified and for study: “Jesus Begips I His requested to make and file with Ministry. Reference: Matt. 4:17- the Recorder of said city of Ver 4b. 11 a. m., divine morning wor nonia, Oregon, in writing within fifteen days from the first pub ship and theme: ‘In Capernaum.’ lication of this notice, to wit: special music at this service that within fifteen days from the you will enjoy hearing. 6:30 p. m., Christain Endeavor 2nd of January, 1930, any ob- jections, remonstrance or re- societies in their places of ac monstrances to said apportion tivity. 7:30 p. m., special music by ment as hereto attached. This matter will be heard and the orchestra, also vocal selec- determined by the Common coun- tic— The theme: “Nehustans.” ¡You are welcome to enjoy c.l of said City at the regular meeting of said Council on Feb- these 'services if convenient. Did you ever stop to think ru..ry 3, 1930. First publication of apportion that the only way to “get rid of a past is to get a future ment January 2, 1930. -1EREAS, the improvement out of it?” “Real greatness in life is not marked so much by or Improvement District No. 12 worthy resolutions hastily given me city of Vernonia, Oregon, in or by great efforts occasionally it having been completed and to do some worthy deed, but real accepted by the Common Council greatness is marked more by an and' the whole cost thereof is es abiding determination and an timated a"d as now ascertained ever growing passion to do well being in the sum of $520.00 little tasks that are ours to NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the the do. Such is the main strength of Common Council of said City do all great lives.” hereby apportion said cost upon The annual busines meeting the lots, parts of lots and parcels of the first Christian chuhch of of land abutting upon and direct Vernonia held last Sunday was ly or indirectly benefitted by the creditably attended with a very Baid improvement and hereinafter noticeable good fellowship all described with the name of the through the day. Plans for the owners thereof and in accordance new year are full of hope and with the benefits directly or indi great faith in the Lord whom rectly derived by each lot, part we serve. of lot or parcel of land affected in the amount set opposite and against each lot, part of lot or Joint Installation Of Officers Held By parcel of land so hereinafter set forth and we declare the Kame K. P. & Pythian Sisters to be a proposed assessment up The installing officers at the on said property, to wit: joint installation of the Knights Block 4, Central addition to of Pythias and Pythian sisters City of Vernonia, Oregon, last Wednesday evening • were Lot 4, P. S. Miller............$21.00 Mrs. Fern Kullander, grand Lot 11, J. J. Purney.......... 21.00 chief, Mrs. Georgia Smith, grand Lot 12, LouiBe Alexander.. 23.00 senior and Mrs. Ola Watt for Block 0, Central addition to the Pythian Sisters and L. R. City of Vernonia, Oregon: Gilchrest deputy grand chancellor Lot 12, R. H. Howell.......... 23.00 for the Knights of Pythias. Block 7, Central addition to The following officers of the to City of Vernonia, Oregon. Pythian Sisters were installed: 7, Leonora Kizer . . 21.00 Mrs. Adelnia ‘ ~ " Soden, past chief; 8, Ross Daughtry...... 21.00 Mrs. Marjorie Cole, most excel 9, C. W. McDonald... 21.00 ldnt senior; Mrs. Isabel Culbert- Lot 10, C. W. McDonald. .. 21.00 son, excellent junior; Miss Del- Block 1, Sunrise addition to la Cline, M. of R. and C; Ednn City of Vernonia, Oregon. Brown, manager; Miss Macile Lot 11, E. M. DeHart........ 21.00 Roberts, mistress of finance; Lot 12, C. W. Welty.......... 21.00 Mrs. Florence Nanson, protecter Lot 13, C. W. Welty ........ 23.00 n»ul Mrs. Una Miller, guard. Block 2, Sunrise addition to City of Vernonia, Oregon. Mrs. E. A. Green Lot 2, Joe Wv Larson........ 21.00 Hostess To The After Lot 8, Leo G. Davis ...... 21.00 noon Bridge Club Lot 12, Nelson Cates........ 23.00 Mrs. E. A. Green was hostess Block 5, East side addition to t;o the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge City of Vernonia, Oregon. Lot 1, NV4, Thos. Schock.. 23.00 club at her home on the O. A. Lot 1, SH, O. H. Tipton 21.00 Hill this week. Mrs. A. L. Kullander received Lot 10, NH, A. Bowman. 21.00 high scores for the afternoon. Lot 10, S Mrs. H. Haiman ......... ................... _... 23.00 Others attending were Mesdames Block 6, East side addition M. Gründen, F. M. Ruhl, Harry ■ i, Pearse. W R. Culver, J. C. I.ind- to City of Vernonia, Oregon. 21.00'7 ' ., ’ K. A. McNeil and Frank | Lot 6, H. G. McCall Block 11, East side addition Dixon. crnutiiu, vivguii. i - . • to City of Vernonia, Oregon. N. J. Foley , 21.00, Vernonia Grange Lot 9, N%, I?. Lot 9, S ^'Nick Tagoff ... 2100 Initiates Two Lot 10, N one-half, N. Foley New Members .................................................... a ....... .. 21.00 At the regular meeting Satur- Lot 10, S , Nick logoff.. 23.00 day, January 11, l. the Vernonia Block 14, East side addition Grange initiated two -new mem- ; bers. Mr. and Mrs. Holt. A large to City of Vernonia, Oregon. Lot- 10, Charles D. White.. 23.00 number of membets attended, i ““ After a bUsints meeting, a de Done by order of the City D ~ ecember • 1«, licious lunch was served .by Mr*. Council, dated 1929. E. L. Treharne. Mrs. A. D. Hall and Mrs. W. -Tayes. D. B. REASONER The next meeting on January City Recorder 25th will be social night for Jack Bush was a Portland Ti which an interesting programme is planned. aitor last week. —! late in the evening. The invited ; guests included Messrs and Mes- dames J. Greenman, M. F. Ruhl I C E. Davidson, C. J. Anderson, W. E Bell and M. A. Gregory. Auxiliary Sews For Disabled of the relief committee has E1 C 4 ' r a been very active and energetic XLs Os Oe V i« * * 9 in her work. Give Dance________ ___ t X oh ’T a We Have Faith In e ( I That The County and Vicinity Will Go Forward As another year has gone by, the light and power indus try has completed its forty-seventh year of service to the people I of the United States. I I Looking backward in 1882, when the first central gen erating station was placed in operation, the industry has some I I measure of pride in its accomplishments during these compar atively few years. The cost of the finest artificial lighting the world has ever seen is the most unimportant item in the house hold budget. Drudgery is no longer jiecessary in the home. The woikers in our great industries are no longer manual laborers; they are directors of power. The railroads, the street railways, the telephone, the telegraph, the radio—all acknowledge their debt to electricity. These have been years of constant striving to improve and extend the service and at the same time lower the cost to the consumer. Not a little of the success which has crowned these efforts has been due to the splendid cooperation of the American public. No organization is more interested in the welfare of that community in which it is located, than a light and power company. If the business of the community is prosperous, we are prosperous. If prosperity is lacking, we are among the first to feel it. The electric light and power industry representatives as sured President Hoover that its program of improvements and extensions for this year is bigger than that of any previous year. It believes that the commerce and industry of the United States will march steadily forward. a We are confident that a prosperous year is in store for Vernonia in 1930 Oregon Gas & Electric Co Vernonia J fi