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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1930)
■ 'ftiroughout The Year, Make Attend Basketball Game At It a Habit! Boost For Home Tomorrow Night; Vernonia Support High School. Vernonia, Oregon Volume 8 Thursday, January 16. 1930 Columbia County Pioneers Committees’sXpeo From “‘: h UI Sn Supt. Bryant Celebrate Golden Wedding Picked For Anniversary At Scappoose 1930 C.ofC Sett'ed In County 1387 at St. Helens, Crossing The Small Blaze At Riverview Service Station Saturday Number 24 Captain Light Line Local In Boy R.O.T.C. at the Bank Holds Oregon State College Wanted To Election Of Birkenfeld Officers The fire department siren Scappoose Jan. 15—S. E. Bry- Oregon State College, Corval screeched it’s warning Saturday t . ant has just obtained frorj the lis, Jan. 11—Leroy Malmsten of afternoon at 3:00 p. m. in ans ' National Lumber Manufacturers Vernonia, a senior in the school wer to a fire call from the River «e Association, Washington, D. C., of commerce at Oregon State view Service station. i an interesting souvenir of his I college has been promoted to Many from Vernonia rushed torical interest in the form of cadet captain in the infantry Plains From Kansas. Seven children, 16 Grand to the fire to be of service, but ’ — , C C » “ a biock block of wood made from the unit of the reserve officers children, and One Great Grandchild, Celebrate. the chimney blaze was under Mist Folk Still Wish For training Big turnout ror rtrst . <i mbers ui of the Liiuuvrs luv wood vv wu trusser vx uaaci* re- No Change Made In corps. control in several minutes : moved from the roof of the The primary object of the R. Meeting Of Year Line From Here White House at the time it was Surrounded by seven of their.of this country have watched Personnel O. T. C is to provide system remodeled two years ago. children. 16 grandchildren and with a keener interest the de Chamber of Commerce atic military training at educa- This wood was a portion of one great grand child and ma velopments of Columbia county cational institutions for the Membership Drive On the White House for 112 years ny friends, Mr. and Mrs. 1. i than Mr. and Mrs. Wikstrom and purpose of qualifying selected and is in perfect condition as G. Wikstrom, beloved well known | the beauty of the Scappoose dis students of such institutions as A membership drive by the pioneers of Columbia county re-I trict has so welded a notch into far as wood is concerned. second lieutenant« of the Re local Chamber of commerce in siding at Scappoose, celebrated their hearts that at no time have serve, National Guard or regular Officers For 1929 Receive This souvenir block will prob their golden wedding anniver they had any deisre to move from an effort to have 50 members in Other Power Company Now army of the United States. Pro Bank Leader In Every Move ably be made into a gavel by good standing enrolled by next Praise For Good Work Making Survey of the motions are made on the basis Mr. Bryants civics class and be sary at their home in Scappoose one of the most beautiful spots Thursday will start today. Beneficial To City Of in the county. Ten children have of military efficiency and schol During Past Year Possible Consumers i formally presented as a historic Saturday. The next meeting of the cham Leaving the state of Kansas, been born to this grand old cou- Vernonia arships. , relic to the Scappoose Union high the state in which they were pie three of whom have passed ber will be held a week from i school. today, January 23, at the Ma married, the Wikstrom family away. Over one half of the members While many rumors are heard came across the plains in the Seated about the table, in sonic hall, with the dinner served At a regular meeting of the of the local Chamber of com- • «« s c f year 1887, settling at St. Hel the center of which an enor by the Eastern Star social club. in regard to a power line being stockholder* of the bank of built from Clatskanie across the merce attended the first meet- JJlCS Tit 1 lOUlC ens, where Mr. Wikstrom enter mous wedding cake was placed, Vernonia the officers wh0 ser- Mist hill towards Mist and Bir- ing of the year held at Termi all the children were present and Government To Take ed the lumber business. ved for the past year were re kenfeld. no agreement has bssn nal cafe last Thursday where f During the year of 1906 he with t! o grandchildren, great elected to guide the destinies of Decennial Census reached as yet between the president J. C. Lindley appointed xrnt/fl« and his family moved to Scap grundehld end friends, listened Clatskanie light company and the different committees for the Mrs. R, W Lamoreaux died the bank during 1930 poose where he has made his with great delight as the old year. The work of taking the census the Mist, Natal and Birkenfeld at her homo near Riverview from The complete list of the Bank home since. ¡couple lacalled their many hap- Mrs J. B. Stobie, 58, died by the government will start on people. hemorrhages Monday. of Vernonia officers fa as fol Probably few of the pioneers py ears t in the valley. Jos. Scott was appointed chair April 2. 1930 and in the cities is There is still a possibility that With her family she had re lows: H. E McGraw, president; man of the agriculture commit of pneumonia at the home of I _ so arranged that it can be com the Oregon Gas and Electric Co. sided in the vicinity of Verno Peter Bergerson, vice-president, tee with Edward Tapp and Har her daughter, Mrs. W. Martindale ■ „ Johnston- McGraw three miles irom this city on the ocappoose Woman_ 1 O pleted in two weeks, with bne successors to the Columbia Utili nia for the past six years, Ralph J, C. Lindley, cashier, Miss Alma ry Kerns also serving. Timber road, early Monday morn-! month allowed for the country ties company, may build their Lamoreaux being employed on Kullander, assistant cashier, Serve On State Exec Shingle Mill Holds The membership committee ing after being sick for eight lines through the valley even construction of the big mill. Loel Roberts assistant cashier. utive P.-T. Committee Election Officers districts. Lee Schwab , Emil Messing and days. The rate of compensation for beyond the Birkenfeld line. Mrs. Lamoreaux was bom in The board of director is now as Earl Smith. G. W Ford, J. W Mrs Stobie had arrived from! Scappoose, Jan. 14—Mrs. A. the census takers is based on a G. W. Ford, superintendent Winlock, Wash. She is survived follows: H E. McGraw, Pete board of directors meet- At a Brown and Tom Crawford were her home at Roseburg several __ piece basis and the enumerators favors an extension to this'sec by her husband and five child- Bergerson, A. L. Kullander, Wil R. Dorris of Scappoose, presi- ing of the Johnston McGraw appointed for roads and high weeks ago for a visit with her den j of Columbia district of the shingle company held Monday can make from »5.00 to $8.00 tion and much depends upon ren. Internment will be at a liam Pringle, J. H. Bush. G. ways committee. daughter and family I Oregon Congress of Parents and evening, all officers serving dur per day. Those wishing to apply the approval of C Y. Bowers, Portland cemetery Thursday. R. Mills and J. C Lindley. The fish and game committe __ is survived by _ her hus- Teachers, _______ ___ has = been ___ __ appointed _____ one ing 1929 were re-elected to serve for positions as enumerators vice president of the Washington She The only change made in the should send their applications to Gas and Electric Co. head ’astiose Installs consisted of Emil Messing, Jack band, six sons and two daughters.1 of the three district presidents this year. personnal was the appointment Fred S. Perrine, supervisor of quarters Bush and Cleve Mellinger, ..hile ine body was shipped to Rose- to serve on the state executive in Tacoma, head Jack Bush, president, C. S. of L. Roberta aa assistant cash Lunch Counter Under H. E. McGraw, W. Wolff and burg. committee of the congress Hoffman, vice-president, H. E. the First Oregon district at Ore- of the local power and light ier. company E. A. Ritchey were chosen by the gon City. Management C. Nance McGraw, secretary and treasurer president on the publicity com The regular annual dividend The Chamber of commerce fa are the re-elected officers with • Vernonia’s population at the County Agent Speaks Goodfellows Pay fast decennial census was 147.. interested in seeing power lines mittee. The Pastime billiard place was declared by the board of di Chas. Wilson as mill manager. city from this city extended into the has installed a light lunch coun rectors, 1929 being a very suc- Over Radio About The civics committee consis All Santa’s Bills The board of directors consist and 1930 should show the nearing or beyond the 3000 mark. valley If possible and also es ter this week, i which fa under I cessful year for the bank. The ted of C. E. Hieber, Mike Mil I Logged-Off Lands ------- of A. L. Kullander, R. M. Aid- Two or three persons will be tablishing a non-toll phone line the management t of Clarence' officials predict that 1930 will , The final drive by the Good- ! ler and M. R. Aldrich with Jack rich, Jack Bush, C. S. Hoffman given an opportunity to serve between Birkenfeld and Vernonia Nance | be one of the most prosperous Bush, L .R. Gilchrist and Glen fellowship club is ended with a George A. Nelson, Columbia and H. E. , McGraw nnd tha -IB enumerator» enumerators ana and opportu opportunity . . x. . as Mr. Nance formerly served as ' vearo years fnr for iVio the niiv city and the hnnlr bank Allen picked for the public utili- generous last minute response county agricultural agent, gave It is 1 the intentions of the ? , esented for Be veral to __ • re chef of the Horseshoe cafe. of Vernonia. by those interested. ties committee n i 11 man a iMiivinnt to aa_ * - « a radio talk over KOAC on Wed- shingle mill management se ceive Natal Grange Will good pay for a few days. Thanking past president Wolff' E. Green, Mrs. C, Caton and nesday of last week on the sub- cure sufficient cedar logs, so Applications should be mailed Give Entertainment and Jos. Scott, 1929 secretary, W. F. Browning bought onejjecft “Putting Columbia County’s the mill can t...................... . . . a piece . . last . Satur- ~ for their splendid showing during membership |ogged-off Land to Work,' by As soon as weather Natal, Jan. 15—A pie social a most active year for the cham- day with Mrs. James Nanson tak- utilizing it by raisng sheep and permit, the shingle mill will re^ and entertainment will be given ber, president Liadley predicted ing two. goats. . . sume operations by the Natal grange, at the hall a most prosperous year for Ver- jt js indeed gratifyng to Results have been excellent at Natal next Saturday evening, nonia and pledged the officers know that while the only ap- from a publicity standpoint,,-^,- p Cm«« January 18, which the public is devote much much time time peal ...... i for funds ....... for ti,., x-1.__ I..,. und himself to devote the Good- AHlson has' receives lettprs ^from onows ivcu viusa cordially invited to attend. Bitter minded philosophers coms actually buys more. >RoiE Call ^For 1930 to put the Chamber of com fellowship club was made ^s far away ^s Shh Didgo, Cal., Whereas th« undirected, un Grange entertainments would have us believe that it fa The merce behind every enterprising through the Eagle, abyut 101 are to inquire about the logged-off Miss Nettie E. Alley, county are very popular and draw large that happiness fa an illusion, that controlled income fa rapidly dis venture beneficial for the xjty, me*nbers‘"who assisted in seeing land. » health nurse, gives the follow- county, state and nation during that the kiddies received some !. ---------------------- — Henry Cadrington, 68, who crowds from the surrounding it is the eternal Snark waiting sipated in an uncounted number of unknown directions, the in- ing report of the Red Cross was injured in the Oregon Am valley. to turn into a Boojum. the r term of office. sort of Tcmembdrhhee when Saint' roll call for 1930: “You’re not happy,"they say, eeme that la budgeted is able to At previous entertainments, Judd Greenman, Al Kullander Nick visited in 'Vernopia Dec. Local Boxers To erican mill on December 13, and Fight In Portland St. Helens $621, Vernonia died in the St. < incents hospi music has been furnished by the enjoying themselves in a happy 'cover every expenditure com Y W. Wolff and the secretary 21. $182, Rainier $145, Clatskanie tal in Portland, has no known Berg brothers orchestra. sort of way, "because no human fortably and still leave a remain were called upon for short talks So, in behalf of the kiddies, oeing has ever been, fa, or ever der to carry—possibly into the before the meeting adjourned. we thartk these Goodfellows. Roy (Swede) Nelson, promi $127, Warren $52, Goble $10, relatives in this city. will be happy Only the beasts are tarings account. The next meeting will be held nent prizefighter, will battle in, Quincy $8, Birkenfeld $7, Deer Cause of his death is thought Natal Telephone A budget fa a self-imposed and . ■- ■ • happy and they don’t know it. Thursday, January 23, at the the semi-final at. Portland, Jan. i Island $7, South Scappoose $5, to have been from a formation Elects Officers Which fa fair enough as phil therefore easy taskmaster. The Masonic temple where a lunch- M. D. Mulkins Buys 28. haring as his dpponen eith Delena $1. of a blood clot on his brain. A total of $1165 bieng raised osophy goes, but fails to account only danger lies in its being easy eor will be served the members er Trti Rogoway or Kenneth Twin Fir Service by different districts in this ....Natal, Jan. 13—At the regu for the very existence of the co the point of total Ineffactual- by the Eastern Star social club. Keit. z . Station Tuesday I Nelson, if he wins his fight, county for Red Cross work dur- Appointments By lar meeting of the stockholders word "happinese’’ and its’ wide ity. Make a budget, yes; make Court For 1930 of the Na til Telephone company, spread usage throughout the en it reasonably flexible, yes; but -------- will be featured the succeeding ing 1930. T. H. Benham, who has been 1 week the ;a9t half of a double Wednesday of last week, Frank tire human domain. Perhaps the don’t be a practical joker at Howard Davis On your own expense. ~*Keep faith managing the Twin ^Fir’ service; ma;n event, this being promised The county court in session Peterson was re-elected presi world fa wrong. It fa more with the budget. Oratory Team At station for the past'-three niohthsi dent of the company; Jake Neu- likely that the philosophers enjoy ‘ him by the Portland matchmaker. last week appointed eight road Oregon State Spending Money Wisely sold his interest in the business In the fight a week from next patrolmen to serve for the year. rer, vice-president, Lincoln Pet talking through their metaphys Tuesday of - this week to M. D. Tuesday at. Portland, Lee Davis One should scarcely have to No announcement has been re erson, secretary and treasurer, ically black hats. be told to “Record Expendi will fight in a preliminary. Ten Rales ef Happiness Howard Davis, Vernonia, jun- ! Mulkrns of Columbia City, ceived to date on the court’s se and Jake Neurer, Dave McMullin lor in commerce at Oregon State! Mr. Benham will move east on lection of a county roadmaster Bob Linsey, Oliver Burris and Not only do we say that we’re ture«.” Yet there in no doc it college has been chosen a mem- ’ account of the health of 11 is Enjoy Skating Berg to take the place of J. W. Bar the officers compose the board happy, but we have a definite no that hundreds of thousands . Starting this week, the Joy ney, who resigned several weeks of directors. tion of what we mean when we American expenditures yea/,' ber of the college extemporan- wife. Pond at Birkenfeld theatre will have talking pictures ago to become the roadmaster say it. Wo love life. Wo remem- drop into oblivion, unrecord«.. • eous speaking squad. The squad | The new owner of the service every night in the week, accord- for Washington county. oer the past with pleasure. We This is a colossal and sad f« consists of seven members and station, is an experienced me Vernonia Athletic Birkenfeld, Jan. 15—Outdoor ing to Jack Bush, owner and look forward to the future with It implies that thousands of per from these men a representa chanic having been in the garage With the exception of the Club to Give Dance sport lovers are taking advantage manager. eager, excited hope. We’re con- sons are spending their way ♦. tive will be chosen to represent business for many years. Mist and Rainier districts, the Saturday, Jan. 25 tent with circumstances aa they wards economic failure. of the freezing weather and hun While some night he may fea- other county road districts will the college in the state Old Line dreds may be seen skating and ture a talking comedy and other have the same patrolmen aa last One saves money when he are. But wo aren’t blind We contest, February 14, at Lin- — sliding from the hill at the Dan evening a featured talking pic ear. The Vernonia Athleti* club realise that everyone is not to spends money wisely. One sper field college Last year the sta- St. Helen» Flans ror Berg, , located 2 miles ture, plans are detailed so that will sponsor a dance at the Am fortunate as ourselves. That fa money wisely when he is watz ter* placed third in competition Big Chamber Meeting below R. Tetz of Scappoose was ap- Birkenfeld. the patrons will be given some pointed patrolman for districts erican Legion hall Saturday Jan. why wo intend taking this in -ng himself carefully. 0 with eight contestants. I Electric lights have been sort of sound picture each even 25, the proceeds to apply on pay- formal opportunity to talk over watehes himself carefully when E. I. Ballagh, president of the 1, 10, 17, and 20. ing off the debt against the tan- «he ton rules which make for he knows that he must «veriest ing. Lower Columbia RiVer Chambers strung across the pond. U. W. Clark of St. Helens for ms court, in the city park. Few towns the size of Verno «ngly come face to face with a » successful and happy life. Mrs. Tom Johnson of commerce was appointed gen Music will be furnished by nia are receiving a program of district« 2, 3, 12, and 10. black and white ease history ef Lot us introduce ourselves. Dance By American eral chairmin 'by the St Helens Injured When Stove sound and silent pictures as good Fritx Anliker of Goble for the Merrymakers from Clataka- We represent the National thrift all hfa expenditures. Chamber of commerce last week Legion Here Saturday as the Joy theatre is presenting. districts 4, 5, and II. Blows Up At Home to handle details for entertaining u>a. One oannot “save” expenr-. committee, which has instituted W. W. Payne of Clatskanie an annual national thrift week— when one doesn’t know what kls those attending the Lower Co Vernonia Post of the Ameri Clark-Wilson Now for district« 7, 15, 18, and 22. from the 17th to 23rd of Jann expenses are. Ar.d a brdget is Birkenfeld, Jan. ' 13—Mrs. lumbia association when they can Legion will give a dance Peter Bergerson of Vernonia ary—with a view to improving so much wasted mathemab'. Tom Johnston was severely in meet in'St.'Helens March 7 Surveying For a next Saturday evening, January, for districts 9 and 16. income management, and thus when expenditures are made m Governor Norblad first presi 18, with music furnished by a jured yesterday when her kit New Logging Road J. B. Schleppy of Mist for promoting general success and the dark. Systematized spending chen range blew up, inflicting dent of the association, has Portland orchestra. district 8. happiness. And 1st us add, in all s “savings” Insurance. _ to __ been invited to attend the meet- injuries her face and body. Earl Washburn, chairman of Mist Jan. 15—Clark and Wil J. F. Richardson of Sauvies haste, that wo are not some Lit Financial Independence She was rushed to the hospi-|ing along with E G. Harlan, the Legion entertainment com son logging company, crew of tle Mary Sunshine in disguise, If not oldest, at least m< tai at Clatskanie where she is, editor of the Oregon Business mittee is attempting to secure surveyors are running a line up Island for district 11. W. I. Tracey of Rainier for ready to sing a theme song apro famous of the ten happint- still under the doctor’s care. magazine. Berry’s orchestra for the evening. Oak ranch which will be the districts 6, 14, and 21. Essie Lee Carde, director oi pos of shining silver linings or rules is "Have a bank account.' route of their logging road when Dr. F. G. Rankin of Astoria the bceneograph Film company, troubles that bunt liks bubbles. Let Babbitt-baiters sneer at t • timber is cut in that territory was appointed herd inspector, whose company is conducting a Oar ten rules have their roots "smug complacency” of a m some time this year. taking the place of Dr. Rothlfa- senes of motion picture screen in business and experience, not who preaches optimism on t. berger. who resigned. tests in the northwest in search in emotional fancies. strength of money in the bar1 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. pur- Rainier was of new talent in the pictures J. C. Skeans of ~ The First Rafe Bank account optimism fa mu com- chased Willamette telephone chosen a member of the fair will arrive in Vernonia February Wo begin with “Work and better for the digestion th | Inde- pany which serves Dallas, board, suceeeding Tilden Gra- 1 and make screen testa for two Earn.” sounds simple sour-grape pessimism. That pendence, Monmouth and Falls ham of Marshland. days, February 4 and 5, at enough, doesn’t It? Yet for ev Financial independence ms y the Vernonia citizens and also, City in Polk county. The powerful “Saints’’ high Dr. L. G. Ross was reappoint the Joy theatre, ery 10 workers, there’s one no* be the noblest of hum... »29,- Salem — Approximately school basketball team from St. from the high school student ed county health officer and C. silver trophy will be shirker and two or three pseudo- A . . aims, but it need not be attai Regardless of age, all who wish Helens will play the Vernonia body, is requested for the big awarded by Profeasor J. B Wil- 500,000 will be expended in Ore- H. Keys fruit inspector. to tryout will be given a chance workers, or fellows who go ed at a sacrifice of nobility and high here tomorrow, Friday. Jan. game of the season, tomorrow kerson, head of the local high j gon during 1930 for public im- and on the above dates on the through the motions with fsw it has its sweet rewards. To evening. 17, the game starting at 7:30. schofl to the senior or junior provements. stage of the Joy theatre the results other than clock-watch achieve that independence, one The probable . starting lineup student having the highest aver-j Astoria—Application filed for The local team have played er's astigmatism. must do no more than save mon testa will be made. Feathered Friends two conference games this sea for St, Helens will be Haniff age in scholarship and citizen- constructing two log booms in Work moans conscientious, ey with regularity. 7th, On February 0th and forward; Hicks, forward; Ham Need Food son, winning from Clatskanie ship for the period ending the I Young’s river about four miles Savings, evidence of honest la two days later, the finished pro whole-hearted devotion of one and losing their game last week mer, center; Gagnier, guard; and present school year. j south of here. self to the job at hand. It bor and ambition, are reason for Birds are not helpless, ducts will be shown in the Joy Korpela, guard. to Rainier. Bush, Adams, Berg | Springfield—State highway de means the exercise of initiative genuine pride, In addition, they and ask little of us hu theatre so those having taken Gagnier, a football star of the George and Hieber are scheduled and the employment of imagin open the doors to leisure, educa- partment improved approaches part will have a chance to see mans, until such times as to start the game tomorrow even St. Helens team, is considered ation. It means a sincere interest tion, culture, health, comfort, ; at both ends of new Springfield ( how they screen. the advent of cold weath one of the most brilliant players Proceedings Of ing. in “the oompany” and a forget- travel and the helping of those ¡bridge. er when they are unable The company is a northwester!, tulneaa of one'a own gain. Work less fortunate, What is more. St. Helens, defeated by the on the “Saints" basketball team. Court Published Natal Grange held their reg- ’ D. J. Sage of Portland may re organization and feels that the neons as much as the individual they cions the door to the spec to secure food. Scappoose team last week, still ular meeting last Saturday ev- Full proceedings of the people of our own west coast •an make it moan. So while the snow fa on hopes for county championship feree the game. ' enfng. The third and fourth de tre of old-age,poverty. Scappoose remain» the only January session of Colum should be given an opportunity the the ground, we urge the and. Incidently, winning Earn? Little need be said grees were given several candi- Family Protection undefeated team in the confer bia county court are pub to work in the film, provided which Eagle basketball trophy people to remember the about that For earning follows dates. We echo the sages when we ence. however having only played 7 of this they have gualified winner will be awarded to the lished on page working as naturally as night say, “Own Life Insurance.’ In Mrs. Nels Peterson is report birds, and put out food to of the 1930 Columbia county one game to the other teams two. issue. followa day, and earning power this department of finance the ed recovering from her recent keep them from starving. The standing of those in the basketball championship. The housewife should refuse fa merely working power aa aeon appeal fa to both mind and hear* illness and is much better this This will be a regular Fat meat fa even better Columbia county high school bas In every city visited during ' to accept a can of food from through tbs receiving teller's since insurance Is not only ■ week. She intends to come home feature of the Eagle, one than bread crumbs, but the basketball season this year, ketball conference: the grocer when tbs can shows wicket. soon. sound business Investment, hot issue each month, and will you can be assured that WON LOST Per-cent a generous turnout by the home signs of leakage, bulges at the Several high school students Then we say, “Make a budg also a mean of protecting be pleasing to many of any food will be welcomed 0 1000 1 town folks, assisted in lending Scappoose end or snaps back when pressed. et.’' Wo not only say It. we fOT®(J ones have expressed their desire to live. __ _ as long _ as - „ they ___ _________ the Eagle readers who are during the cold snap by 1 L - 500 the support so essential to pep-, Vernonia Upon opening an apparently good diout It; because wo know that enter the oratorical contest spon The insured man may well aak interested in this informa 1 . 500 1 the china pheasants and ping up a team towards the win- St. Helens can.' if the food ie moldy, dis sored by the Oregonian, the Uni a budget Is the cornerstone of death, “Where Is thy sting?" be K 500 tion. 1 all the birds of the valley. ’ ning point and an earnest ap- Rainier integrated, cloudy or otherwise la successful household. One cause he leaves the world, know- versity of Oregon and the Ore 1 000 0 peal for a good turnout frojp Clatskanie abnormal, it should not be eaten. soon finds that a budgeted in- gon Bar Association. Pleaae turn to page > Meet Next Jan. 23 Will Cost $25,000 Predict Good Year Mother Of 5 Dies Monday Observe National Thrift Week January 17 to 23; Outline 10 Rules For Conduct Mill Employe ~ Dies Portland c Talkies On Every Night Chance For Vernonia Girl Gel In Movies Vernonia High School Meets Honor Student St. Helens In Basketball Game To Be Awarded Here Tomorrow Evening Silver Trophy