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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1930)
» c/ 0 , Try The Classified Ad Columns For Quick Results Vernonia, Oregon Volume 8 May Start Monday The Eagle’s Circulation Well Covers The Upper Nehalem Valley Thursday, January 30, 1930 Auxiliary Plans Program For Joint Meeting February 11 Vernonia Loses Feist Brilliant Ve Io ™°" Be ia r Guest Wo“?? Honor Basketball Game Friday Night At Missouri Re-Union At the regular meeting of i—Aunt Sally Spencer has re- the Vernonia unit of the Am To the Scappoose High Quintet . ceived word from relatives and erican Legion Auxiliary, held No. 26 Members Several Injured At Sleighing Party On Oregon, American Hill To Erect New Office Building At • taboggan party sponsored last Friday evening by Mr. nd j friends in Fair Play, Mo., that Mrs. W. W. Wolff, on the O. at the home of Mrs. H. E. Mc , . 'another reunion of the Hartley A surprisingly large crowd, A. hill, several ladies of the par - V. LLS„ m“.de 2°r cla" a"d will be held Graw, plans were made to work ty suffered bruises when the out a program for the Auxiliary considering the weather turned lost the game, by any of the this year, at which she will be taboggan stopped suddenly, half at the joint meeting of out last Friday evening to wit players or coach Austin, the on . the guest of honor. Moderation Of Weather share Show Increase From LR«t way down the hill, dislodging Gordon Watt Buys Lots the American Legion pos. and ness a basketball game, pro ly true sportsmanship answer be Last year Aunt Sally attend- claimed by referee Sage of Port ing given to the question asked ed the riders, some of whom con Auxiliary which is to be held, j reunion, her first visit I* Necessary Meeting Of 27 Next To Reithners e tinued to slide to the bottom weather permitting, Tuesday, land, coaches and many others, by the editor and that is “Be- - back to her childhood horn« for of the hfl. February 11th at the Legion to be, in their estimation, the ing outplayed.” I 50 years. fastest basketball game ever The local team has played hall. McG.lvrey, Allen and Blic.e, received many cuts Today the Auxiliary will meet played on the local gym floor three conference games, win- High School Seniors and bruises from their fall off at Mrs. McGraw’s home to sew when Scappoose and Vernonia ning from Clatskanie and losing the taboggan. Announce Name Of for the Childs welfare division high school struggled through a game to Rainier and Scappoose play- four quarters of whirlwind while Scappoose has played half All Camps Waiting For Snow of the Legion and Auxiliary. Play To Be Presented Pete Bergerson Addresses Construction Starts Soon As her scheduled games, winning ing. To Go To Start Their Members; Speaks On Weather Conditions At no period in the game from Clatskanie, St. Helens and The seniors at Vernonia high Logging Operations. Apiary Cutoff. was there any certainty who Vernonia and losing to Rainier. Moderate. school have chosen their play would win, for the first quarter Vernonia’s chances to win which will be a comedy in three ended 11 to 9 in favor of Scap the county basketball champion- If weather conditions permit The largest turnout of any Gordon Watt, city attorney, ' I poose, the half being tied with ship have somewhat dimmed, acts. The play, “Anne What’s the Oregon American mill will purchased the lot. next to a score to 18 to 18 and the fi with Scappoose being tied with Her Name,” contains 15 char Chamber of Commerce meetings resume operations Monday morn acters, eight of whom are girls. for the past two years was pres Th. secret ambition of many Reithners store last week and nal score being 29 to 28 in fa Rainier for first place honors. ing. This is the first tune that ay noon, nuvii, when rolks is to be able to pare a announced that he intended to ' Several days "hgo, we, like ma- vor of Scappoose. The play, divided as it is be ent last Thursday the mill has discontinued oper ny other Oregon residents, re Both teams played a brilliant' Rainier has won from Ver tween mystery and humor, pro President J. C. Lindley, follow- motion picture screen test and construct a fireproof brick or- ation on account of the V>U ceived a blank from the ____ State hard fought game and while nonia, .Scappoose and Clatska mises to have a very interesting ing the regular luncheon at the while most of them are harbor- fic. building containing four of- pond freezing over. ______________ __ Tax commission _ requesting that plot and many of the senior Masonic temple, called the meet- j"« th**r most cherished wish fie. quarters. the first nie and lost to St. Helens. I for a real camera tryout in vain Ccnnacher, Oregon American J We make a return and remit- Scappoose started _ 1 in eage 01 7 1 Scappoose has the edge on class believe that this play will ing to order. quarter having an edge of The front will be in the Co- and other camps whose original tance on dividends on stock of points over. . that Several who were attending .°" acco""‘ of »>• d“f"ca be lonial style with paladian win — of — Vernonia, ---------- ! the ne*t Kame whicl> is to be be an even greater success than tween Hollywood and Vernonia, plans were to resume logging corporations, bank deposits, in they were evidently outplayed 1 played tomorrow evening at the one presented last year. their first chamber meeting were they can now hope, for February dows. Plans and specifications operations February first may terest on bonds, mortgages, etc. by the local team, judging from Scappoose with Rainier and it called upon for talks. . ♦ 1. and 6’ M”' Essie Lee Cards, for the new building are now delay at least one week if the A $200 exemption is allowed and the score of 11 to 9 in this is predicted- by those following Levi Austin, • instructor and ’ director ----- __ of the _ Scenograph , Film um being prepared by P. M. Hall Youngster Burns snows, which are rather heavy the rest, if any, is taxable at quarter with several baskets the fortunes of the different at the local high school, company will be in thi. city Lewis, architect from Portland. Arms While Playing coach 16 per cent. The form is simple made in quick succession before high school teams that Scappoose at camps, melts fast. spoke on: “A Good Team at the » Joy — -■ theatre ■ A two car garage will bo conducting a Taking advantage of the en- and few will have any trouble the end of the first quarter will win, many being of the and the good publicity it brings' series of motion picture screen erected in the rear of th. new forced shut down, mill wrignts in making it out, which is in Jackie Nance, 2, son of Mr. opinion that this team will win and helpers have overhauled ma- marked contrast to the U. S. by Vernonia. and Mrs. Jack Nance, suffered that town which it represents. | testa, in search of new talent building which will also be of Referee Sage, an authority the county championship, basing Edwin Condit, head of Verno for short stories, comedies, tra fireproof structure. made other re- income tax blank, painful burns on his let arm chinery and on basketball who has refereed their hopes on the great play Jos. Scott, local real estat. Comparatively few people un- hundreds of games declared this ing of Backlund with the won Monday when he fell against nia’s grade schools, gave a short velogues and Scenics pairs of this nature were to be .--------- , ---- talk on grade school athletics The company is a northwest dealer negotiated th. transac- the hot kitchen stove at his 1 derstand or are familiar with this made. derful support of his Scappoose to have been the fastest high ern organization and ig giving tion. and the new grade school. Other • saw mills in this part new taxation law, a fact we as- school game he has ever wit- team. j home while playing ball. First aid rendered by his par Wilfred Thomas, instructor at' the people of its own _ territory --------- , of the country will probably certained after making a number nesse.-J. The new postoffice building Scappoose has played several ents eased the youngsters’ pain Lincoln school, gave an interest-'“" opportunity to work in th. which will be near the Watt ■tart operations next week, of inquiries, so it occurred to us was games away from home, this in Grewell, G., of Scappoose providing the weather continues that a short statement wouid be until he could be taken to the ing talk on the progress of the'*11"“- Providing they can quail- building ia also waiting for a 1 of interest to our readers. Acc- lligh score ma” with P°,‘ntS her favor, every team naturally nearest physicians office. to moderate. club, a « new Vernonia Vernonia Athletic suiieuc ciuu, tut * break in th« weather. is more confident on its own organization devoted to sponsor! Jack Bush, manager of the Operations at the Johnson-' ordingly we asked L. B. Smith J0/“ «*dlt’ hav,ng e!fuhtDbaa- floor. Rainier having started may not manager of the Greater Oregon* ^ ets and b ^ rec tlies Wlt b Back- interest in such sports as ten- theatre has received many McGraw shingle mill * ■ • • I limrl Qnonnnnona1 oovaFom nrizl nis, basketball, etc., explaining requests for engagements with Riverview Waits start until the end of next week Association and recognized as!lund’ Scappooses’ captain and the contest with playing most of her games at home, ,that one of the best posted men in b'gh score man for the season Relief From Weather that membership in the club is the > movie director, and the because of the difficulty in team has to brave foreign soil 1 most wonderful part of it all getting cedar logs up the slip Oregon as to tax matters and was second with 10 points or open to all interested. Water System Crippled e to conquest wins. laws to explain the new law to ® baskets and Tufts made be that the finished picture into the mill. F. D. Macpherson of Connach- will points, two baskets and two Next Friday the local high I us. His article follows: taken on the stage on Feb. 4th Riverview, Jan. 28—Most er camp gave a brief outline on and 5th will be shown at our school will not play any schtd-! “When the Oregon legislature free throws. Mountain Heart Vernonia uled game, the only conferegbe A crippled St. Helens high camp conditions, stating his com i own theatre Thursday and Fri- homes at Riverview are without ¡convened in January 1929 it fac- ScaPP003e F Bush games being played on this date school basketball team met de- pany would resume logging op-^" Feb“ruZry'a’nd7,“^ ¿at water, as th. water system Club To Give Card 1 ed __ _ a difficult _____ ____ ____ that! ___ Backlund tax problem na WAntnAr • ■ J'* erations oa as anrin soon as weather mn. con- n thoge . ukin< F Berg between Scappoose and Rainier feat at the hands of the Ver- uvahnna sresressa* p,rt a wW WIM ’ R here has been crippled during Party Tomorrow Eve bad been brought to a focus by|ijamlln dltions permitted. night at the lo- C George at Scappoose and St. Helens nonia team last I chance to see how they screen, th. freezing weather. Th. ma 3 a decision of Federal Judge Bean'Tufts jority of people are getting wa G Mike Miller m.uer spoke .pone in ... favor « tut vzj of | Th# Adams and Clatskanie at St. Helens, cal gym with a score ending 30 The Mountain Heart club willl,n Jline 1928, invalidating the (Are've,11 ter for domestic purposes where __ ___ G ¡having tourists use a portion of Bennett The Clatskanie team has 'loot to 13. wive a card party tomorrow 1tax °n _____ bank _____ shares. __ It was nec-' Michek Mlchek e - ever possible and all ar. wait- • S Porterfield won a game. St. Helena has The Saints having recently I the eity park for an auto camp, "lad* in many cities in legis- Roberts, Friday, January 31, glossary, ‘!<'aaa’-v- therefore, for the Koi«. ng regerly for weather relief th°" have. ■ lature to provide laws that wduld Vernonia’s point getters werejwofi One and lost one and has lost four of their peguhre, dis- but numyargued against Mr. the Odd Fellows hall. ."°| b^n «*"» B so that they can again have wa ' restore .a tax on the banks that Adams 7. Bush, 10; Berg, 5;'five more games to play be- played poor form throughout Miller’s request, recalling that but Packed houseB have been the ter in homes. George, 4; Bennett 1 and Por- fore the conference ends Pebru- the first half which ended 20 to . n,„d. W ..«pud ij e. - result of all card parties spon- did jnot discriminate against ary 28. 0 in favor of Vernonia. Harmon Playground Foundation Heart and at the same time com< terfield 1. ■•red by the Mountain association in the sum ui of |350 many eagerly wait _ _ for - the House Along Pave Displaying a, good fast game iionuviaviun ply with requirements of Con-'------------ -------------------- 1 ■ dab. All are welcome to at- gress by taxing other corpora-' with Bush the high point man, to create a playground equipped tend. 1 Hold Examination« ment Catches On Fire and capital caDital emDloved' I tion tion shares shares and employed * ernon,a students Vernonia outplayed the St. Hel with swings and play equipment and for the showing of the film in business in the same manner Home From Pacific For Postmaster At ens team and showed better for children, and it would be ne-i : several days later at the Joy From Overheated Stove C. E. Of Christian ' as banks were taxed. Congress U. At Forest Grove Keasey Here Soon team work than ever before dis- cessary to refund this amount to, ' theatre. Rivervl.w, Jan. 29.—The bom. “ —-1- Working J Hard had restricted such taxation to , played with the exception of the Harmon foundation if the' Church of A. L. Bassett, along th. pav ■ last Friday’s game against Scap city should consent to convert: W. A. Rowlands Is For“ Additional Honors Vernonia students attending Examination for postmaster poose which was considered the porations, the other methods per- ed highway north of V.monia, the park into an auto camp for Sentenced To One _ ' mitted have been rendered use-1 Pacific University are home un- at Vernonia about March 10, fastest game ever played on tourists. caught on fir. Saturday, caused • The Chnstian Endeavor so- k>sg jn Q the Bean til the twelfth of February on' 1930, to fill the vacancy in the Year In Penitentiary from an overheated stov.. The Camp Fire girls cabin is ciety of the Christian church is sion A further r uirement of account of the Univorsity being1 position of postmaster in Keas the local floor. located in the park grounds and considerabl. damage While for the first time in the his-■ Congresg under the’ strict ¡nter. closed by an epidemic of small ey, salary 1400 a year, the Uni-1 W. A. Rowlands was sen this will make the proposition to th. roof, the quick was don. Seeding of Clover tory of the church and of the petation of this decision of the pox. ted States civil service commis a public auto camp impossible. tenced t0 one year In ths state action of Mr. Bassett with relief Christian Endeavor, graduating Federai Court Was that “other! And Gras« During of Pete sion has announced, at the re penitentiary at Salem, Monday, Bergerson, road supervis th. house from fur- its’ members into the expert ’! monoved moncyet] cnnital capitai in ¡n tho the hnnda hands of! of z-^ -» quest of the postmaster general Month Of February or, upon request of President January 27 by Judge Zimmer- prevented line of workers, __________ and in accordance with an or ' man of the sircuit court at ther damag*. | individual citizens” should also o 1111111 1 IfI Lindley, gave an account of road, This society is working very subject to taxation because der of the president, an open (By Geo. A. Nelson, county conditions in this vicinity and al-i j St. Helsns. hard to get the reward of merit jn a technical al sense this capital T> — J1 T> 1 competitive examination. ) so spoke on the Rainier-Apiary | Rowlands was arrested De S. P. & S. Resume with the XJiliily lilll'IlCCl To be eligible for the exami agent the State Christian entered into competition c offered by 1 During the month of Febru extension, and what great bene cember 23 at hia horns on Coon Regular Bus Schedule Endeavor for credits. Those business of national banks, banks. * nation, an applicant must be a ary clover and _ grass can — _ be _ fits this road would bring to the creek road by state and eounty Starting Monday graduating from the local n°cie- The legislature, therefore, di- citizen of the United States,' seeded to best advantage on fall officers for operating a still. Told by her playmates that ■ must reside within the delivery seeded grain fields and burned Nehalem valley. tjf are lending power to this v;ded ¡fs income tax laws into At hi. trial Monday, Row- “Without this road,” said Mr. The Spokane, Portland A Se the more -.. she c combed her hair, of the post office for which the over lands- •nd. i three separate parts, imposing •••« the frozen ground A.ready the C. E. banner of one tax on banks and corpora- the curlier it would get, little- examinations is held, must have or a^ter the thawing of a fall Bergerson, “Vernonia and its vi lands waived indictment and attle Transportation company re cinity cannot go forward pro Iplsad guilty. sumed their regular bus schedule the Union is in possession of tjons for the privilege of doing Martha Pankratz, 18 months | so resided for at least two years snow. At this time of the gressively within the next few Monday, replacing many of th. the local society and now it is business in Oregon, measured by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. j next preceeding the date for tb,e £r°an<’ years and every effort must be New Majestic« lighter ears with heavy busses. striving hard for the loving cup.1 or according to net income. This Pankratz, was severely burned close of receipt of applications, ed ?«» from — — was vr ao v.iLiviuv. u.iv uov.kiv vssxz Saturdy evening while combing must be in good physical eon-' “ed .W1U b® covered "hen *£e brought to bear to secure suf These points are made through entitled the excise tax, the All bna «• ar. now running on At Mac’« Store a study club which has been' same as in force in California, her hair with a celluloid comb schedule and many favorable and within the prescribed thawn*. °ccu” »r. aiter..fItb’ ficient funds towards the com- dition ^conducted for the past four Washington, New York, Massach which came in contact with a ground is in a muddy condition. pletion of this remarkable cut- Bif Hit With Public oomasMto hav. been heard in age limt. Both men and women Soule of the best stands of clo- off.” month and during this time usetts, and in a limited way in kerosene lamp hung overhead. are admitted. favor ef the splendid service The money appropriated re- ! ver and grass are obtained from Radio dealer, in Oregon are rendered by th. transportation the club has made splendid pro- some other states. | Standing on a chair so that cently by the county court at the' now showing and demonstrating company ..... ... _ herself Under in the gress. The tax that was adopted to she could o glimpse a terms of the ex- seeding in the fall. during th. recete All who have ground of this budget hearing last December ; a complete tin. of ata Majwtie heavy mow storms. cover the “other moneyed capit- mirror, Martha*^ L.____ held ___ the _ _ comb ____ ( ecutive order, the civil service commission will certify to the kind to seed, should plan to do will be sufficient to start the .radio receiver, and redlo-phon.- al” was a tax upon the income over the lamp which ignited Athletic Club from investments known as the the comb. In attempting to pro-j I postmaster general the names of so about the time the snow melts project, and a continuation of graph combination, which are Turns Out For First _ , , .. „ . intangibles tax. The Oregon law tect her face, the child carried the highest three qualified eli-'off that is on the ground novr. the construction program ia of being sold at prière that Include Basketball Practice follows the New Hamshire in- the burning article to her face gibles, if as many as three are .The seed can be put on tap of vital importance to thia county. 'a oomplete .et ot Majrette tubes, ijn- Within the near future, prob i Important to tho.. who pur- --------- ........... | ¡tangibles tangibles tax that has been in burning the entire left side, qualifed, and the postmaster the snow or on the mud ipi- in'burning ' MalAtoHdi windalfl 01 mb H At the first basketball prac- effect for many years, and was injuring her left eye ~ r and —1 se 1 general will select one for pomi- mediately after thp sqo< has ably at the next meeting, a short chared Majretis models 91 and tiee of the Vernonia Athletic selected by the legislature upon verely burning her left arm. I nation by the president. Con- melted. Seeding should not be program of entertainment will be 92 during the test six months ______ 1___ 0.» Senate is 1« the th« delayed delaved tp to long after the WOW snow planned while the members are,to the fact that there two nsa- firmation by the club Monday evening, 17 mem- recommendation of the property: But for the quick action of .1« goes off as the ground settles eating, and within the next two ehinee are retained in line and i tax relief commission, as the _ __ _____ ban turned out. The eoils in th. stove at th. her father and mother who were final action. ‘ ‘ _ ’■ r and the months a general meeting will numbered ; most practicable of this class of read;n _ g ¡ „1 n an adjoining room I not oboolotod by this move, horn, of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer The ladies who seed will not be properly covered. nine practiced at the Evangeli- taxes because it dealt with in- when be held at which many from thei “The 1930 line of Majestic Bergerson froze Friday evening when "iht they heard the scream! to assemble in an examination cal church with the men prac-' 1 com e rather than . with the value 1 for "e.p, little Martha would! room for scholastic testa and' Often old pastures can be re valley will be invited to foster sets, said K. A. McNeil, owner and an .xploaion followed Sat- C.-. - .... ticing at the high school gym. of ‘ the u“ investments. 1 I probably - - - ’ have been burned to ¡will also be rated on their edu- newed by reseeding at this time a better acquaintance with ths of the local Majestic distributing mittr morning when Mr. Bar | of the year. If you are inter Dr. Cole is president of the | The excise tax is, of course, in death. ____ ____ The _______ parents ______ knocked the'cation and business training and ested is any special pasture mix- neighbors in the Nehalem valley. ■ company, “hae been called the gereoa kindled a fire in th. The next meeting will be held ‘prosperity series.’ In 1929 the club and extends an invitation effect now upon banks and cor- flaming- comb from her hands experience, . . The Civil Service i tures for low ground or February 18 at the Masonic tern- Grigsby-Grunow company showed stove. to nil who wish to join the or- porations, and the intangibles tax and strjpped tfoe blazing clo-1 commission will make inquiry Th. quick action of Mr. Ber- hill land, th. county agent, of | the radio industry an efficiency gereoa In rushing hi. wife and force from har hod ganlzation. The club meets is in ** — upon invested “**'* capital thes .............................. among representative local busi-, fice at St. Helens will b. glad pie. in the hands of individual Oregon _____ The Chamber of Commerce 1" manufacturing that brought children out of th. kitchen •very Monday. ness and professional men and to furnish you with informatiqp citizens. The third tax, which was' women concerning the experience in regard to mixtures best adap ‘ now has 62 members in good | ¿own the scale of prices 50, to probably avoided a tragedy. levied upon personal incomes, sal- Basketball Game standing for the first quarter of,?® P*r cent. At th. horn, of F. Barnest, ., , anility ability ana and cnaracter character oi of each ted to your class of land. aries, wages and commtasions,' the year, with a possibility of teamed — ia th. of| I “ *' What ----- - we — ’ve --------------- -T- an .xploaion occurred from a Here lomorrow Night i applicant and will assign ratings was subjected to the referendum,! _____ having sevearl additional mem-1 past year snablee us to add ' | ! upon the evidence secured and lajared At Bakery and will be submitted to the legal iocai high school basket-' bers by th. next regular meet- other models to th. Majoetie slmlliar eause of fros.n water nr/*vlz zlz,»*« thz. exa n W Q mi- m 1 - The local basket-' I,**/*«« upon work done in the he iCecil Burt employed as a 'voters for approval or rejection bal| team win meet the Cow .i ¡ng Ilin, at priere correspondingly coils. Fortunately non. in th. tea... .. .1'. ...cct the nation nation room. room. Nothing will be ker at the Vernonia bakery, ran at the 1930 general election. - - -------- A final member drive will low. Statement, were made tart Barnret home w.r. injured. | boy« of St. Helens in the high- permitted to appear in the evl- a knife into the center of hia irvm here hor. tnmnrrnw ov.n. donee . _ it. _______ be Staged by the membership November intimating that our i The first levy under the intan- Rrnnnl school gym tomorrow even- upon which the ratings right hand while at work Sat chairman and hi. eommitte. of P™« reduction, war. by gible tax will be made for 19- ing. January 31. | are assigned which might even urday. E. Smith and Emil Mereing the,™«*«* m.reh.ndire Th. fret Few Cases Handled 29, and returns are to be made| The St. Helena team i. com- suggest any political affiliation By Community Chest latter part of this week, to make Wjtojre Before you go on a long j to the State Tax Commission up- posed of former high school and of any candidate, tained should refute thia state wearisome, house hunt- > on a blank provided for that pur-'college players. the representation of the business Full information and appli- Th. Community Chest commit pose, which must be filed with|------------------------- houses in the chamber 100 per ment beyond further discussion.’’ ing jaunt, learn the ex : I the Tax Commission together - - - — — — cation blanks may be obtained tee have handled only four em cent if possible. act location of the choi Little Tot Fall« with one half .of the tax on or at the local post office. ergency eases since the start Bren At Veraenia Hrepital cest available homes by 1 before March 1, 1929. Down Slippery Steps I Th. first baby to b. born in of the community chest hero reading Vernonia Eag Boxing Commiuion Every person who has lived in the Vernonia hospital, which la last fall Fractures Her Jaw Three Link Club le’s Classified advertis Oregon for six months or more Postpone Smokers conducted by Mre. R. A. Ol With nearly |1080 loft on Dance Saturday ing section. Prepare a during the year, and is a resident, son, regiitered nurse, arrived hand, the cases assisted by the During February I fell down the slip When the of the state, receiving income list of those to be found ‘ , born to committee were taken care of ______ I Wednesday morning, The Three Link club will from interest on bank deposits, pery steps leading from her in the neighborhood rre-imr. Swsnson with a total sum of approxi- Chairman Nance of the V«r- Mr. »uu and Mrs. «. O. L. I Shirley Williquette home, little a dance at the Odd Fel- sponsor state, county and municipal you prefer. It will take nonia boxing commission an-of aa-of Connacher. The day old ba-' ba- mately 175.00. 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. hall Saturday evening lows bonds, corporation bonds, divi the annoyance out of c* nounced that no smokers would by «iri weighs six pounds. j Any appeal for assistance to Harry Williquette, fractured the February 8. dends on stock of corporations house hunting. be staged by the — — _— I. — commission --------------- — un-l I *__ ~ _ taken ear. of without delay by Music will be furnished by a or interest on notes or mort right side of her jaw Tuesday. f ;1 m#4re«e Alas. •»aaake» til after the nearby logging GIVI DANCE FEBRUARY 14 cheat committee which ren- Vernonia orchestra. gages, must make a return and eamps had rmtu4 opera-' ' slats of C. W. Reithner, prtM pre^i resumed their opera- The Eastern Star Social club Mat. pay a tax to the state of Oregon Mrs. Chet. Shoemacher re- tions. According to prerent plan, will gtv. their next dsace at dent, Judd Grrenman, Mre. W. Mre. R. A. Space is visiting of 5 percent less an exemption of turned to Vernonia Sunday af- smokers should b. held during th. Masonic tempi., Friday, Feb- E. Boll, Mrs. M. E. Moe and 1200 of income. Interest receiv- ter spending ■ week in a Port- her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Lind th. latter part of March. ruary 14. G. W. Ford. ley for several weeks. (Please Turn To Page 5) land hospital. Making Repairs Increase Largest Turnout, 4 Office Quarters Take Movies Here Feb. 6 Tax Law Explained V.H.S. Beats St. Helens hi duiu j StovesExplode In Local Homes Vernonia