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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1929)
TWO VERNON A EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEB. 11, and disagr ?euble, and we needed a 2-cent gas tax to pave the ionally one sees large i lantation board boosting the country said: all our w nter wraps on to be state roads, so an improvement mansions, with man; negro “Land of sunshine and flowers.” is certain. comfortable. shacks along the way. Most of We would suggest that they take it down in winter, as we saw no We got into San Antonio The distance from San Antonio about noon und it had cleared ¡to New Orleans is 618 miles. It the buildings appear to be eold, flowers and no sunshine on the perhaps back in the days of slav whole trip. up some, so we started east. The I is an interesting drive, through (By A. D. Moe) road is good to Houston, but different kinds of country. Part ery. New Orleans. La., Feb. 4, 1929. there is one dirt road to pass of it is cattle grazing plains, At Berwick we had to ferry Chief Surgeon We left Corpus Christi in through. A detour to another then agricultural land. Between across the Atehafalaya river. This Moves Offices threatening weather, with cloudy road helped out, as there was a San Antonio and Houston is a is in St. Mary’s Parish, the land sky and a cold north wind blow little gravel on it. We hit rain part of the country over which of “Evangeline,” the heroine of The chief surgeon of the Ore ing. Winter weather in this coun again so stopped at a small town the Franciscan Fathers toiled, Longfellow’s beautiful -poem. try is different than on the in the middle of the afternoon. The fierce Comanches roamed From there most of the way to gon American Lumber company, Coast. January and February The next morning it was still in painted thousands, imperious New Orleans is swamp land. For Dr. James C. Zan, has moved have much frequent rains and cloudy with high fog, but no and warlike savages who fought miles along the highway run ca- his offices from the Corbett fogs, while most of'the cold spells more rain, although the road was with the sanguinary Apache for nals and bayou», and boats are ‘building in Portland to the Medi- in the middle west reach down »vet in places, but sufficient the mastery of that country. The used in carrying frieght and farm cal-Dental building. towards the gulf. Like all roads gravel so we got throgh without Mission founded by the priests products. The last 20 miles the | of any distance in Texas, there trouble. on the San Saba river in 1757 road goes next the enormous dike Camp Fire Girls is always a dirt road somewhere. Texas claims to have more for the Apache was accepted by of the Mississippi river, so far Meet At Cabin Most of the road from San An miles of paved roads than any those cunning aboriginals for the above the road that the river tonio to the lower Rio Grande state in the Union. Perhaps it sake of Spainish help against the cannot be seen until the road valley is paved, but there is a has, because the state is as large Comanches, but the latter, 2000 ►crosses the dike to the ferry The Wolopla group of Camp dirt road both north and south as several other states put to strong, swept down on the mis that takes the traveldr into New Fire girls met at the cabin last of Corpus Christi. When it rains gether. The Old Spanish Trail is sion and massacred priests and Orleans. Wednesday for their regular bus it is difficult to get through, Rain over 900 miles through the state, followers to a man, excepting An advertisemnt on a sign- iness meeting. Plans were made was threatening and in less than while the distance from the ex two or three who escaped. All a hour after we started a mist treme northern part of the state trace of the mission has long began to wet the windshield, und to Brownsville is about the same since vanished. , * a little later the pavement began distance. Yet there are no com- Beyond Houston are a great to be wet. There was 17 miles of nlete state highways in the state. many cotton fields. Near the bor dirt road we had to pass through Each county has to vote bonds a little gravel but not enough in to pay for half of the roads, with der is Beaumont, a prosperous many places to keep from slip- the state paying the balance on and good sized city, with many | ping.We hurried on and were the state roads, So there are beautiful homes. Then at the lucky to get through before it got counties all over the state which border is Orange. A bridge now I too wet. The weather was cold are blocking the roads by refus- crosses the Sabine river, elimin- The dollar mark is not the only ating the old ferry. East of the ¡ng to vote road bonds. fiver in Louisiana is a stretch of means of measuring your suc A 2-cent gas tax is used for swamp land, quite similar to some cess in life, but it does go a the state highway work, and can of the everglades in Flordia. The be used anywhere in the state. highway is all well graded how long ways toward, proving to As the state highway commission ever, and is raised high above the yourself how successful you is said to be a political organ- swamps. Beyond the swamps are zation, some counties having the the southern pine timber. have been. Acquiring a substan best “pull” get the best roads. Lake Charles is an interesting tial balance task. Let us show The state of Texas has every city on a lake shore, where many kind of road that was ever built. people in nearby territory spend you how easy it is to save. There is no uniformity in any summer outings. A stretch of road that goes through separate level farming country, then mag •ounties. One can generally tell nolia, live oak and moss covered when he gets to a county line, trees begin to appear. A very because when he is on a dif large area of sugar cane fields ferent road. There are but a few being in this section. The new concrete roads, most of the pave shoots are coming up, while occas- ments being asphalt, with many Dr. J. A. Hughes oiled macadams. The new gravel roads are fine, but they soon Physician and Surgeon get washboardy and full of Office Phono 6u3 Vernonia, chuckholes. The state is realizing Res. Phone 664 • Oregon the necessity for through paved highways and a bill has been in troduced in the legislature to bond the state to build Ehem. If it passes, Texas will soon have M. D. COLE completed roads. We have not seen a paved Dentist highway in Louisiana yet out- dde of cities, but the 300 miles Vernonia, Oregon >f the Old Spanish Trail from ''Jew Orleans, is a good graveled oad, except about 100 miles vhere the gravel has soaked into DR. W. H. HURLEY he dirt enough to make it a little lippery when wet'. The last end Dentistry and X-Ray if the road is coated with crush Evenings by appointment. Of <1 oyster shells, and makes a fice over Hoffman Hardware. •ood road. This state has added Vernonia, Oregon Winter Also Hits Louisiana Section for a candy sale to be held at the high school gymnasium after the basketball game last Friday night. After the meeting games were played. The next meeting will be Friday afternoon at two o’clock at the home of Margaret Nelson. FOR SALE UNDERWOOD BANK OF sale, in good condition. Phone LOST 271’tf LOST—Rat terrier pup. Black 283, Mrs. F. Hartwick. white with white button FOR SALE—One Guernsey cow, on an<l tip of tail. Reward. T. C. five years. See J. W. Morti Johns. 291» mer, Riverview. 291 * LOST—A brown kid glov«, be FOR SALE—Team of 1600 pound tween February 1 and 15, in Geldings $250. 15 6-weeks old Vernonia. Finder please return pigs $5.00. 22 Ten-weeks old to Eagle office. Reward. Mrs. A. pigs $6.00. Also 10 brood sows. B. Counts. ____________ 291’ Write or see Omar Sheeley. tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—1 Ottawa saw. two saws and circular saw and at LINCOLN School would like the tachments in good order $30.00 loan of a piano or organ for cash price. Jake Neuier at Na about 4 weeks. Phone Mr. Thom tal or Phone 10F53. 291 as at Lincoln school or write Box 22 Vernonia._____ *291? FOR RENT HIGH SCHOOL BOY wanted to 3-ROOM furnished house for learn printing trade, working rent, apply <rf Mrs. E. S. Cleve- after school and Saturday*. Ap- land, St. Denis hotel. 291 ply at Eagle office. Typewriter Baker’s Place Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarets Candies, Soft Drinks Pool Tables The Dollar Mark Business & Professional Directory 9M VERINOINIA McCormick-Deering Triple Power RS LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Chamber Of Commerce Regular meeting and lunch- evcry second Thursday. MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS I on Your Lights See Our Stock Of New Edison Lights Aspland Plumbing & Electric Shop Phone 193 Oregon Monument Works Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Hauling and Delivery To All Part, of Town QUICK SERVICE Phone 293 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Auto Tops, Curtains Cushions, Seat Auto, Sign and House Painting Annette Beauty Shop Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Decorating, Tinting Calcimining Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Vernonia Auto Top & Paint Shop Johnston-McGraw Vernonia Trading Co You 3 Per Cent McCormick-Deering tractors are mak ing it possible for farmers to realize great er returns from their time and effort. More work in less time with less labor is the result of placing increased power un der one man’s control. The McCormick-Deering line of trac tors, the famous ball-bearing crankshaft, including the 10-20, 15-30, and Farmall, offers a size and type of tractor for ev ery farm. All these tractors are four-cylin der. triple-power units that have the fam ous ball-bearing crankshaft. McCormick-Deering 10-20, 15-30 and Farmall tractors have back of them over twenty years of tractor building experi ence and nearly a century of manufactur ing activity. They are designed and built to meet the urgent need for high quality tractors for all kinds of farm work. Unit construction is used throughout in the design and assembly of McCormick Deering 10-20 and 15-30 tractors. By the application of this construction, overhaul ing and replacement effort is reduced to a minimum. Each unit can be removed, should the occasion arise, without disturb ing other units to any great extent. For ex ample, the transmission may be lifted out intact without removing the engine or final drive; likewise, the final drive can be inspected and removed without disturb ing the transmission. This feature of acces sibility is a decided advantage when it be comes necessary to overhaul the tractor. OWELL Farmers and others will find this is the Tractor they have been waiting for him; for he was our most chivalrous enemy in the World War. He turned an old sailing ship into a raiding vessel which sailed through the Allied blockade disguised as a Nor wegian lumber carrier. He scuttled twenty-five million dollars worth of Allied shipping with out taking a life. His story is as thrilling as any pirate’s tale—more thrilling, because it is true. Manufactured by International Harvester Company ’ Vernonia Trading Company, Agent J. E. Tapp Next door to Brown Fur niture. Phone 1021 The Story of This Remarkable Man Will Run Serially in Cass Bergerson The Eagle starting February 28 VERNONIA FINNEY OF THE FORCE Essie Nance’s BEAUTY SHOP Marcelling, Scalp Treatment, Manicure» and Facials by Appointment Phone 222 J. R. McKEE Builder and Contractor Vernonia, Oregon DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit Br F. O. Alexander Western N< wmmw * U„iart Twenty-three Cents to Spend *