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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1929)
Fostering the Growth of the Nehalem Valley Industries VOLUME 7 Wrtumia *4 VERNON1Á, OREGON, THURSDAY Bajfe FEBRUARY, 14, 1929 NO. 28 Portland Orchestra Main Event At Forest Legionnaire of Resolution Passes House Pres. Wolff* Vernonia Expert Will Grove February 22, Fails To Appear For Sees Brady Battling Dance Saturday Night Vernonia Post Names New Favoring Inland Highway Wins From Inspect light Young Sharkey of St. Helens Saturday night, the American as a hard hitting, speedy Legion hall was well filled with Lost In Wilds Committees people A committee from the Cham serve to > develop the state of Scappoose known Meters Here battler will enter the ring at the eager to dance to the tune ber of Commerce, headed by Les Oregon; and be it further resolv- of music to have been supplied ter Sheeley, appeared before the ed, that the state highway com- by a Portland orchestra, but due senate highway commission yes mission < of the state of Oregon to some mishap, the players fail terday in the interest of the reso and i it is hereby specifically All Committees Pledge ed to appear, and the American Roseburg Post Join In lution which has passed the house be authorized and directed to issue, Close Score of 14 to 13 Legion Auxiliary made quick ar and is now in the senate com- in addition to those heretofore Hunt 200 Strong » Action For Year rangement so that music consist Keep Fans Excited mittee directing that a short authorized, bonds of the state ing of a violin and piano fur route be constructed from Port- of Oregon, in an amount neces nished music for those wishing land to the sea. sary to construct said highway, to dance, Mrs. Lillian Washburn The resolution is as follows: and that the proceeds of said on the piano and Gordon Allen “Whereas on account of congest bonds shall be used for the im- at the violin. ed traffic on the highways now mediate construction of said The hall was beautifully de constructed between Portland, highway. corated, and thia masquerade Oregon and the Roosevelt Coast Before leaving Vernonia yes- dance was scheduled to have Military highway and the Pacific been one of the most successful ocean, it is necessary to lay out terday, Mr. Sheeley stated that i affairs of the season. and construct a highway over a he believed there was an even Hundred* Watch Home Team While many present appeared McGraw Requests Chamber To short route between the city of chance for a favorable report Battle Five Good Players disappointed that the music did Portland and the Roosevelt Coast from the committee when the Work For Free Telephone not arrive, the general expres Military highway and the Pacific resolution is reported into the From Scappoose sion, that the Auxiliary would ocean in order to expedite the senate for final reading. Paet Two Years Toll; Veraonit to Mist use the proceeds derived from travel between such points; there As will be observed, this reso this dance for charity work, sat fore be it resolved by the senate' lution does not fix any definite isfied all, and many made merry of the state of Oregon, the route to be followed, and in case to the tune of piano and violin. house of representatives jointly it does pass, it will then be up Displaying effort of timely to those favoring the route via Ike Gilbreath, member of the concurring: The Chamber of Commerce That the state highway com Vernonia to convince the state fight, as in previous games of the Camps Remain Closed local post of the American Le mission is hereby authorized and highway meeting last Thursday was well commission that this season, Vernonia high defeated During Cold Weather gion has been missing since Jan directed, as speedily as possible, route will be the most advantage- Scappoose high school basketball attended, with chairmen of com uary 28, in the wilds of the Wil to survey, lay out and construct ous to the state at large. Many team before an excited crowd of mittees appointed by President a highway over the shortest from Vernonia and all along the rooters Tuesday night at the lo- Camps which have been com Wolff submitting a report on pelled to shut down on account son creek district south east of route which will best serve the route, ---- inducting „ .. . are op 'cal high school gym. Portland Activities for the period between of severe weather conditions are Riddle. heavy travel between the city timistic concerning the favorable So exciting and fast was this Commander Joe Denn, of the of Portland, the Roosevelt Mili view which the highway commis game played, that at the finish very anxious to resume logging January 24 and FAruary 7. Roseburg post of the American tary Coast highway and the Pa- sion will take toward this sec of the game many were in Chairman of the membership operations when conditions per Legion has issued a general ap- cific ocean, and which will best tion. committee reported 36 members mit. doubts which team had won, for peal to Douglas county Legion in the last quarter, Scappoose in goood standing, and suggest Koster and Connacher camps naires to join in the search Sun Camp Fire Girls Present High Officer In put up a dandy fight which near ed that following the luncheon report that at the first break of day, and have 200 men in the a drive should be staged to bring weather, logging will start as also ly snatched the victory from the Gypsy Pantomime At Pythian Sisters Visits Vernonia team and lost the game in as many members that day the Oregon American, East Side Wilson creek district. Joy Theatre Monday Vernonia Recently by a score of 13 to 14. Gilbreath was last seen Jan as would be possible to get in and Inman Poulsen which have touch with. been shut down for nearly two uary 28, when he left his home Wade Wililams, one of the best The Lolila group of Camp Fire at Riddle with three days rations Ellis McGraw, Jos. Scott and J. months. Carrie M. Knight, grand chief known referees on the coast re to hunt yew wood for bow staves, girls presented a gypsy panto of the Pythian Sisters of Ore fereed the game, and after the H. Bush, following the meeting, This is one of the longeat shut signed up some 19 members, downs these camps have had since and was armed only with a pistol. mime at the Joy theatre Monday gon paid her official visit to game declared the contest to have It started to snow soon after night through the courtesy of J. Vernonia Temple No. 61, Tues been one of the snappiest games bringing the total of members starting, and saw mills which are he left and continued to snow •H. Bush. The proceeds will be day evening. Four members were he had ever witnessed, played for the present year to 56. supplied by camps in the vicinity for four days. used teward the completion of initiated at this Emil Messing, chairman of a of Vernonia will soon be out of meeting, Mrs. between school teams. committee which had been to logs. The woods near the Silver the Camp Fire cabin. Emma Jane Gladys Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. The team work of the local Russell, a white girl who was Salem in the interest of a shorter Peak mine road are being comb- Chas. Wilson and James Nanson. school was splendid, every player captured and brought into the road from Portland to the Clat ed, the searching parties relay- At the regular business meet giving his best, and striving to sop beaches via Vernonia, advis ing in their effort to locate the gypsy camp danced before the ing it was decided to hold a overcome the lead which Scap gypsies made her • a gypsy. Joy ed that the resolution passed the missing veteran. Bush and Gladys Garner present series of card parties the first poose piled up in the first quar house, and that President Nor- It is feared that Gilbreath met ed a special dance. The gypsies to be held Tuesday evening, Feb ter of the game. blad of the senate and other with an accident that may have sang around the camp fire and ruary 26 at 8 p.m. in the W. O. Legionnaires who had been at senators gave the Vernonia dele cost him his life. danced. W. W. Wolff sang a W. hall. Both bridge and 500 will tending their regular meeting in gates a hearty welcome, and O. A. Anderson, who taught His mother and father live in gypsy solo accompanied by Den- be played. Reservations may be the Legion hall, adjourned the seemed favorably impressed re school in this city for a few years made and prizes will be awarded. meeting at 8:30 p.m. in order to and his wife has been zil Piercy at the Organ. garding the proposed short route previous to his illness last spring, Riddle In honor of the Grand Chief’s in that city since he left Ver- The usherettes who were also visit a banquet was served after support their team, and it seem to the ocean via this city, but left for Vancouver, Wash. Mon nonia. ed like old times to hear the dressed as gypsies were Velda the representative from this day where he will be principal of Otis Hyland, well known Ver- Mellinger, Dorothy Black and the meeting to some 100 present. drums rumbling whenever Verno county, Glenn Metsker, did not a grade school. Sizzling roast ducks, stuffed with nia scored or at the end of each nonia Legionnaire, and Gilbreath give active support to the pro Mr. Anderson, for the last few served over seas together in the Nasseen Murray. The girls who chestnut dressing, Belgian spuds quarter. took part in the sketch were ject. months has worked in the Oregon bought in Vernonia, Cranberrys, The only casuality of the night Chairman Messing advised American company sheds, during same outfit, and it was partly Emma Jane Russell, Joy Bush, and half a dozen other vegetables those present at the meeting that the day, and taught the Naturali through Hylands influence that Gladys Garner, Mignon De Pue, served to make the first half of was when Happy Thompson be Che Portland delegation were zation school for aliens at nights. Gilbreath located in this part of Louise Roberson, Margaret Ben the banquet a feast long to be came excited and pocked his the country, finding work with net, Margaret McDonald, Nellie strongly in favor on this new remembered. The second course, foot through the American Le the Oregon American Logging Green, Cathryn Malmsten. route to the coast, and pledged of ham fried in pineapple sauce, gion bass drum, and arrange City Without Water company at Keasey. their support and the trip ap The Bluebird group under the with a side dish of sweet po ments have been made whereby Two Days Recently The missing man has been a direction of Mrs. Nelson present tatoes, followed with three kinds the Legion will collect damages peared very profitable, and look member of Vernonia post for the ed favorable for a new road. an exercise, “The Making of of deserts, gave everyone pres on the drum, as the first pay On account of the intake pipe last two years and often attend ed A committee from the local the First Flag.” Betty Mae Aus ent memories long to be remem ment on a new Chevrolet. chamber met with the fish and at the water plant being frozen ing meetings at Vernonia. tin represented Betsy Ross; Doris Coach Austin is devoting all The Grand Chief declar He is 37 years old and was a Nixon, Sally Brown; LaVerne bered. game commission Monday in and water unable to run through ed the banquet to be the most Bpare time in an effort to win the city was without service from member of the National Guard Thompson, George Washington; brilliant afafir which she had the coufity championship for Ver Portland in regards to a fish hatchery on the Nehalem or the plant Saturday night and at the outbreak of the World Ella Pearl Savage, Helen Barnes, ever attended since coming into nonia this year, by whipipng the Sunday up to 11:00 a.m. war. Rock creek. Elizabeth Wall and Juanita Stur- office. local team in shape. Superintendent Gaines had President Wolff advised that Vernonia post of the Lqgion _ gil the soldiers. The game tomorrow night be- been working three days with- Lester Sheeley was unable to at- has wired to the Roseburg post The same show was given at tween Clatskanie and Vernonia out rest to issue service, but the tend this meeting on account of their appreciation of the manner a matinee Monday afternoon. The Free Mail Delivery should be a win for the local being at Salem in the interest of last cold snap Saturday night in which the Search is being Nawakawa group of Camp Fire team, and this will be the last gathered so much ice in the in Needed For Vernonia Vernonia regarding the road handled, and offered any possible girls sold candy at both the after game played at home. take pipe that no stream could help needed. program to the coast noon and evening performances. Property owners in different C. F. Hieber reported on the be forced through. A special picture “Chang” was portions of the city have built financial condition of the cham also a feature of the entertain sidewalks in front of their pro ber stating that at the rate new Mrs. Nellie Stephenson ment. perty, not alone for convenience members were coming in the Passes Away In Klam of the pedestrain, but also to en organization would soon be able ath Falls Recently Edison Celebr&tea courage other property owners, to meet its obligations. H. E. McGraw requested that Hi« 82 Birthday so that the Government will give The Woodmen of the World, Mrs. Nellie Stephenson former* the serivec of free mail delivery. Sunday evening at the Chris the chamber should try their ut ly of Treharne, died at Klamath Thomas Edison, who celebrated Vernonia has a population of during the last two weeks, have most in getting the West Coast Falls last week, at the home of tian church special services were his 82nd birthday February 11, telephone people to give free her Stepson George Stephenson. held for the Boy Scouts of Ver declares himself in favor of the 2500 in the city limits and while added additional improvements on their recently constructed hall, telephone toll between this city Mrs. Stephenson lived in Tre- nonia, in honor of the celebra additional 124,000,000 sought in the government is willing that and Mist, stating that the rate hame for several months, and tion of their nineteenth anniver congress for prohibition enforce we should have this free delivery which makes their building one of the most popular lodge meet to call up Mist and Birkenfeld while in this town ran the corner sary. ment and announced he had the only drawback is from the During the services the scouts found 40 rubbw substitute plants property who have not fallen ing places in this city. from Vernonia was 30c and to grocery store, which before leav A new ventilating system has «call up from Mist to Vernonia, ing Treharne she sold to McDon present repeated their scout oath. which can be cultivated on a in line to follow others so that On Friday night the scouts large scale, and condemned in free mail delivery becomes a been installed, two large windows 20c, the extra 10c accounted for ald and Thomas the present added in front of the building, held a special meeting at their creasing stock speculation as reality. the switch at the local exchange. owners. the main floor planed down, new hall to celebrate their birthday, It was understood that the The approximate cost of build leading ultimately to panic, in Her husband passed away at tables for officers installed, and and heard an address delivered by his annual interview at ~ Natal people own the line be Treharne one year ago. Fort ing these wooden sidewalks equipment for shower baths Scoutmaster Cole, regarding the Myers, Fla. tween Riverview and Mist, and should be about fifty cents a bought. work done by the scout organi that the Mist people have tried Thomas A. Edison for his in- foot, which includes labor and Within a short time the Wood zation since the organization was ventions made most of modern material the benefits, which not in vain to get the Natal owners Patriotic Program men plan to paint the inside of formed. At Local High School to cooperate with them in re the alone improve and increase conveniences possible and is to- the hail, also pnt three coats of gards to free toll and could come To Be Held Thursday Airplane Used to Feed Birds day called the miracle man. At valuation of the property, but paint on the outside of the build to no agreement. also boast the town as to its ap- the age of 82 he still spends The airplan« was employed last time each day when at home in pearances, and brings us to the ing and complete work on the President Wolff stated that Washington birthday to be the board of directors would ap observed at the Vernonia high week to give food to starving his laboratory, and it is nearly point at which we are driving showers. Four lodges are using the hall point a power service committee, school Friday February 21, at pheasants and other game birds one-half century ago that this for* free mail delivery. for their meetings, which include to handle the chamber’s interest 1:00 p.m. when exercises in of Washington county. Dr. Elmer man thrilled the world with his Free mail delivery would not Pythian Sisters, Neighbors of in securing the desired free toll, honor of Lincoln’s and Washing Smith of Hillsboro used his own invention of the phonograph. alone benefit us personally but Woodcraft lodge, W. O. W. Re which is needed in order for the ton’s birthdays will be sponsor plane and distributed damaged would also create additional jobs bekah lodge, and the hall is aleo wheat from a recently burned local merchants to compete with ed by the student body. Hatchery Outlook Bright for mail carriers, who would rented by Mrs. Frank Mills who the Clatskanie market, which A short program will be held warehouse in Forest Grove. The That there is a good chance handle two deliveries a day to gives piano lessons in the build have free telephone service be and members of the local post wheat was scattered from the air of a hatchery being located in every house in this city. ing on Saturdays. tween Mist, Birkenfeld and Clats of the American Legion have in places where birds were known Vernonia in the near future is If the property owners get to kanie. | been invited by Professor Wil- to be in dire need of food be- the opinion of those who attend gether, they may be able to have Earl Smith, local manager of kerson to attend and take part cause of the severs snows. ed the hearing before the fish the work of the building of the High School Girls the West Coast Telephone com in this observance. Basketball Game Here and game commission, although sidewalks done more economical Will PnblUb Rate* pany said that his company is no promises were made by tha^ ly by having some contractors Next Friday Night In response to many inquiries body. The Galea Creek hatchery contemplating building a through The Junemores and Serooks, concerning light and power as is unable to supply the Nehalem build a whole street at a time line from this city to Mist and well as water rates of different river, which has more than 200 which would mean longer jobs, girls basketball teams consisting Birkenfeld in the near future. localities in Oregon, as compared miles of fishing stream, and it and where a more reasonable bid of students from the local high A committee had been ap- school will play a prelim basket to those in Vernonia, the Eagle is likely that one will be con could be offered. pointed to confer with the ■ur Specifications for the building ball game starting at 7:30 p.m. will next week start the publish structed here by the commission. rounding towns in regards to of these walks can be obtained Friday night at the local gym. Miss Ella Miller, home demon ing of a series of articles show their ordinances on peddlers and Both teams have had plenty from the city recorder, who has show licenses and would take stration agent for Columbia ing the comparison aeoerding to Antelope Increesieg a large supply on hand and will of practice and promise to fur- She matter up at the next meet county, will be at the high school population, cost of producticn, Antelope are increasing rapid gladly mail them out upon re nish the crowd with a real dis- ing, protesting that the present sewing room Friday, February etc. Some time has been spem ly in Oregon according to the play of basketball playing. charge is too small and is in 22, from 10 a.m. to 3:80 p.m. already in compiling this infor state game commission. A state quest. Following this game the Most cities the size of Verno- jurious to the merchanta who to give assistance with sewing. mation, and the part already re refuge for these fleet of foot This service is free to all wo ceived has been withheld until nia are enjoying the pririleges game between Clatskanie handle the same commodities little animals was established in Vernonia high will be played. which the peddler, who as a rule men in and about Vernonia who more data could be secured. Harney and Lake counties hi of free delivery. Vernonia is still the only un To Assist Tesyayets comes on paydays to sell his bring their work to Miss Miller Free delivery means, a saving defeated team in the league. 1926. Within this preserve there Beginning February 1, and con are now approximately 20,000 of time, for the housewife, the wares and for a small fee, leaves for help. They may come for all town with a good size bank roll, day, or for part of the day. Any tinuing until Friday, March 16, antelope. Banda of them now worker and gives the city more Couaty Basketball Standing mostly on account of the small who wish to stay all day may the last day for filing federal wander outside the preserve in prestige. Ail around the one W L PC overhead, while doing business in bring materials for pot luck income tax returns, deputies localities where they have not thing moat needed in this city, Vernonia 4 0 1000 lunch and their own dishes. A from the office of Clyde G. been this town. and the problem rests entirely for 20 yean. As the St Helena 1 800 4 number are already planning to Huntley, collector of internal herd increased with Mr. Property Owner. the Scappoose «00 8 2 revenue, will riait the principal bands win move farther scattering do so. away in It io estimated that about one Clatskanie 2 400 8 Each woman may cities and towns of the state for search of food. It is unlawful to half of the taxpayers of the tax- Rainier 0 8 0000 sewing with which i the purpose of assisting MB antelope at any season of payers of Vernonia have install Tomorrow night a game will help. It may be either new ar _ prepare . their returns the year. ed sidewalks along the front of be played at home with Clataka- for making over. Attention to pute their taxes, their property, these progressive nie. again called to the fact that Columbia conn property owners take pride id there to absolutely no chan« er visited as follows approximate-their town and wish for th« eon- obligation, and the free aaMs- retry 26, 24; 1 to that of aa expert ruary 27; Rainie I sewing- Clstofcntai, Mot Missed Since 18th Membership Grows The Fourth Victory O. A. Anderson Goes to Vancouver Boy Scoute Attend Services on Sunday Sewing Expert Here Next Week Woodmen Lodge Hall Completed American Legion smokes at Forest Grove Friday of next week having for his opponent Dane Brady of this city. Brady is coming to the front. Will Take Six Weeks To After watching him battle Mic Complete Work key Dolan, who outweighed Brady over 10 pounds, it is con-1 ceded that Brady stands a chance with Sharkey ,not alone to win, Lut probably by a knockout. Brady is a clean-living fighter, knows how to take care of him self, and trains steadily, which accounts for the splendid im provement seen in his last few Local Manager Advise* Company battles. Training with Knight has as Aim To Give Best Service sisted Dane to a large extent, and to cop it all, regardless of That Can Be Obtained how many fights this youngster does win, Dane wil lalways wear the same size hat. Brady, who celebrated his 22nd birthday Sunday, is at the right K. N. Carroll, expert on elec age for anyone climbing up in trical meters, who has been in the fight racket. employ of the Portland Elec- He should be at his best after the Power company for a num- picking up some 10 pounds more trie of years, will start working ber which would give him the neces for the Columbia Utilities com- sary kick behind his punches. pany Monday to inspect, test and In the semi final at the Grove adjust all electrical meters in- February 22, Battling Nelson of stalled by the local power com- Vernonia will engage in the game pany. of „Come and get it," with Cliff This states G. W. Ford, man- Duncan of Portland, who Nelson of the local company, is knocked for a row of clay pipes ager for the purpose of improv at the last smoker in this city. done the service and to insure the It will be remembered at this ing users an actual measurement of fight that both men were all in the electric current consumed. from real tough fighting and Carroll will remain until pleased the fans with their ear he Mr. completes* inspecting every nest efforts, in trying to demon electric meter, which will take strate how it sounds to have a about six weeks. boulder crash against the chin. The present owners desire Forest Grove fight promoters give the best possible service of the American Legion take to Mr. Ford says, with intentions great stock in the Vernonia of many other improvements in fighters, especially in Dane Brady the near future. who is the most popular fighter that performs in that city. To Improve Service Local Marshal Lauded in Article Oregon American To Start Logging Monday The Oregon American Log Ring company will start log- Ring Monday, crews are now at work falling and within a few days log trains will again be hauling logs into Vernonia for the O.-A. pond. I.-P. and East Side logging company as also the Koster and Connacher report that they ex pect to start operations within a week, providing that weather conditions permit. In the February issue of the Northwest Police Journal, Harry Phelps, police marshal of Ver nonia, received a splendid story on his speed in capturing the bank bandit last September in this city. The Police Journal with a cir culation of 20,000 gives Vernonia credit for having a wide awake Boy Scout Official chief of police. Visits Vernonia New Chevrolet Truck Causes Interest Here Considerable interest has been evidenced by the arrival in Ver nonia of several of the new Chev rolet six-cylinder trucks. Numer ous orders have been received by local dealers for models of the commercial line which feature un usual performance at a low cost of operation. Chevrolet has taken the same care and preparation in creating the commercial models that it did in making its famous passenger car line that has achieved out standing sales success throughout the world since the announcement was made less than 90 days ago. Four years were spent and over 100 engines built and tried out before Chevrolet engineers ad- vanced final approval. Economical performance that will average as good or better than the previous four-cylinder engine may be expected by own ers of the new trucks. The valve in-head engine is fully inclosed with a high compression, non-de tonating head, and develops 82 per cent more horsepower than its famous four-cylinder predeces sor. Among its features is a fuel pump which insures a positive and uniform supply of gasoline to the carburetor under all driv- ing conditions. The commercial line embodies three models—one and a half ton utility truck, light delivery truck and sedan delivery. The light delivery truck has been designed for all purposes where quick delivery of compara tively light loads is required. This model has a wheelbase of 107 inches and affords loading space, measuring 72 inches in length and 45 inches between fenders. It is priced 3400 f.o.b. Flint, Mich. A companion truck of greater carrying capacity is ths ton and a half utility truck. It has four speeds forward and reverse trans mission. The frame, 16 feet and % inches in length, is mounted on a 161 inch wheelbase allow- inr for body lengths up to 9 feet The six-cylinder utility truck has a new low loading height of 41 inches from the ground, which is made possible by a special “kiekup” feature in its frame. Application of various power de vices is made possible by a power take-off on the transmission box. Representing new standards in beauty and comfort for a truck unit the attractive sedsn delivery Is ideally suited for every light delivery requirement of specialty shops end department stores. Gresham — Fairview country club building modern dub bouse about two miles from here. C. VT. Shepherd, field execu tive of tlie Portland area council of Boy Scouts of America, with jurisdiction in 7 Northwest coun ties of Oregon visited Vernonia Tuesday, to consult with Scout master Dr. Cole and the local Boy Scout council. B. Pease, a member of the Portland troop who has received higher training in scout work and assisted Mr. Shepherd in work at the summer camps, will be sent to Vernonia to assist Dr. Cole, especially on hikes and outdoor activities and arrangements have been made where Mr. Pease, a pleasing lad of sixteen years of age, will find employment with the Oregon American Lumber company in their big mill, during his stay in this city. Dr. Cole has not at present the spare time which his needed to carry on the outdoor scout work, and this new arrangements will be of great benefit to the Vernonia Scouts. The Boy Scouts will in the fut- ture hold their regular weekly meetings in the American Legion club rooms, which recently were remodeled. Scoutmaster Cole with his new assistant, B. N. Pease, will short ly map out a membership cam paign, in which they hope to in crease the present enrollment Liberated Treat Large The state game commission adopted the policy of raising trout to a length of six inches or more before they are liberat ed. This insures a much lower mortality than was shown when much smaller fry were liberated. A six inch trout, liberated early in the year will make a substan tial growth before the season opens for angling.