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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1929)
Ubfltty, U of 0 , The Paramount Work For the year—Com munity Service Notice the Expiration date of your sub scription VOLUME 7 VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1029 NO. 19 I Co. O. F. Burke To Teach Teddy Leavitt Koster Logging 5th Straight Starts Operation Vernonia Vet Light and Power Rates of Naturalization School Committee company re Believed Shot has consented to Portland, McMinnville Given ’ Game Won teach O. F. the Burke To Leave This ports Koster having Logging On Rates started logging op Naturalization class for erations and intend to haul logs aliens at the local high school the United Railways in a Say Officials • In response to many requests'10 K.W.H., 8c; balance, 3c. Min- City In Week over By Vernonia starting this week. Gives Report few days. O. A. Anderson, who had that light and power rates of | imum charge, lights per meter charge of this class accepted a other .Oregon cities be published per month, $1; lights and range, position to teach in the Van- by way of comparison, the rates] $2; in addition for each H. P. of 11 Rest Of Gaines Played couver schools, and Mr. Burke To Confer With G. W. Will Resume Work In Exploded Trap Gun Leads of Portland and McMinnville are I motor connected, $1. consented to carry on the good being given this week. | The electric water heating rate work which had been started In Portland the base rate for j ¡a $3 per month where a 750 watt . Roseburg Officers On Evangelist Work Away From Home Ford Before Council about one month ago through the residence lighting schedule is as heater is used and a double Study Club To Give ► efforts of the Vernonia Study follows: First 9 K.W.H. used per thtow switch is installed between club. Benefit For Camp month, 8c per K.W.H.; next 70 the water heater and range so K.W.H. used per month, 7c per as to prevent their simultaneous At the present time the Ameri Fire Girls Cabin K.W.H.; next 100 K.W.H. used use. canization class is not very large Of considerable interest is the per month, 6c per K.W.H. ; ex- due mostly to a number who wish The residence cooking, heating announcement made by the Ver cess over 179 K.W.H. user per and small power rate in McMinn to attend, working on the night nonia Study club that they plan month, 5c per K.W.H. The min- ville is 3c per K.W.H. shift in the big mill. Mr. Burke to give a Silver tea during the imum charge for lighting service who is very interested in the A ratt' of 5c per K.W.H. based Be Played Naturilization cf aliens, will be Committee Tonight To Instructed To Get Christian Church Shows Marked afternoon of Thursday March 7, Roseburg Poti Advise* Post Com- only is $1.00 per month, for light on 31« hours per day is charged Game at the home of Mrs. Judd Green ing service in combination with on signs in McMinnville. All a great asset to the work now Success in Members And mander Here* That Men Rainier, Local High At Complete Date Before Next man. heating, cooking and small do signs and streamers are turned being done by the Americaniza The gross proceeds derived mestic power loads in excess of on and off by the night watch tion committee. Are Still Searching Anxious For Support Council Meeting Building This Period from the tea are to be turned 2 K.W. connected, $2 per month. man. over to the Campfire Girls to The base rate for commercial The power rate for the first apply on their cabin fund. lighting in Portland is as follows: 100 K.W.H. is 7c; next 100 K. First 9 K.W.H. used "per month, W.H., Gc; fiext 200 K.W.H., 5c; Discovery of a recently fired 8c per K.W.H.; next 70 K.W.H., next 200 K.W.H. 4c; next 500 An estimated attendance of Teddy Leavitt, who has been The committee appointed by set gun along the Wilson Creek 7c; next 100 K.W.H., 6c; next K.W.H., 3c; next 6000 K.W.H., over 350 watched the Vernonia Mayor Mills a month ago, sub- pastor of the Christian church mitted their first report to the trail, today led officers into the 720 K.W.H., 5c; next 1100 K.W. 2c. All over 7100, lftc K.W.H. high school basketball team de for the past eighteen months and Silver Peak mining district on a H., 4c; next 1500 K.W.H., 3c; Minimum charge $1 per month feat Clatskanie Hi, with a score is leaving next week to resume Marion Eversaul, 24 years of city council at the regular meet theory that Ike Gilbreath Ver excess over 2499 K.W.H., 2Vic; per 11. P. of 31 to 18, last Friday night age, was instantly killed at 4:20 ing last Monday night, on their his evangelical work, will preach nonia Legionnaire who has been minimum charge $1 per K.W. per at the local Hi gym. his farewell sermcn at the mom- p.m. Monday, at Wilark, where investigation of the light and McMinnville Water Rate* Salem, Feb. 18. (To the edi missing from his home at Riddle month. ing service next Sunday. Vernonia scoring in the first he was employed by Clark &' pqwer rates. Of interest to many will be the tor)—I am this moment in re The committee which is com The primary rate in Portland method of charging for water in quarter, which started off with Wilson Logging company as rig- Mr. Leavitt had been in evan- ceipt of a letter from Mr. Les since January 28, was accidental gelical work for six years when ter Sheeley enclosing to me a ly killed by stumbling into the for the power schedule is as fol I McMinnville. The residence rates a display of team work by the ging man, and was struck on the posed of Jack Bush, Lester Shee- he came here in March, 1927 clipping from your paper which loaded trap and that his body lows: First 500 K.W.H., 5c; next are as follows: First 500 cubii^ home five which would have been head by a log which caused his ley, and Edward Tapp, will meet in the near future with G. W. death. for a month’s evangelistic ser he says was published under date had been disposed of in an'effort 500 K.W.H., 4c; next 4000 K.-W. feet, $1.25; the next 5000 cubic a credit to any college team. vices. During the month that he of February 14, in which you to avoid detection of the crime. H., 3c; next 10,000 K.W.H., 2c; feet, 10 cents per 100 cubic feet. Mr. Eversaul had made his Ford, general manager of the Co At the end of the first half Arthur Schroeder and Robert excess IV j C. The secondary rate, conducted services here 125 ad say: A flat rate is charged on with the score 15-5 in favor of home with his sister, Mrs. Stan- lumbia Utilities company and at Sullivan are in jail at Roseburg, covering consumption in excess kitchen water of $1 per month, Verponia, all basketball fans ley Olson, 3 miles from this city the Heit meeting of the council, ditions brere made to the mem “L'mil Messing, chairman of a charged with larceny, and a war of first 100 hours use of con bership of the Christian church. bath, 25c; toilet, 30c; the min present were convinced that the near the Parker ranch, and Miss lay the complete details of their He was asked to take the field committee which had been to rant bearing the same accusation sumer's demand, only, 4000 K. imum cliarge being $1.25. home team, consisted of cham Evelyn Olson, who is employed investigation, before the city • and accepted for one year as Salem in the interest of a short has been issued for W. A. Brad W.H., 4 %c; next 100,000 K.W. pionship material, and little an by M. Murray & company, ¡ b also council. The commercial rate on water a rest from the strenuous evan- er road from Portland to the field. These men have been ope II., lef excess, 08c per K.W.H. in McMinnville is as follows: xiety was felt as to the outcome related to the deceased, and his Clatsop beaches via Vernonia, rating claims in the Silver Peak Minimum charge is $1 per month. -egion Post To gelistic work. of the game. parents live in Deer Island. advised that the resolution pass are the rates in Portland First 5000 cubic feet 10c per When Mr. Leavitt first came ed the house, and that president vicinity and are believed by the for These Stage Big Show 100 cubic feet; next 60,000 As in previous games of the cubic electricity supplies by the here the Christian church build Norblad of the senate and other officers to have been responsible Northwestern On account of the local post feet 7‘ic; next 200,000 cubic season, every player handled his Eagle To Run Story Electric company, placing of the set gun. for the ing was barely finished. During senators gave the Vernonia dele- feet* 4c; next 200,000 cubic position with credit, the whole of the American Legion being in Of Great War Hero The officers stated that the a tax-paying concern. his stay new pews have been gates a hearty welcome, and feet, 3^4c; next 200,000 cubic team work showed a marked im debt due to their recent welfare McMinnville Rate* Given put in giving a seating capacity seemed favorably impressed re- larceny warrants were issued feel, 3c; all over 665,000 cubic provement even from the last In Next Issue, Feb. 28 campaign, the members of Ver At McMinnville, the commer of about 350; the church has garding the proposed short route after* Frank Reynolds, a neigh feet, 2c; minimum charges $1.26. game played less than a week nonia post voted at their last The Eagle, ’in its next issue meeting and ask Dr. Pasto to been stained inside, papered and to the ocean via this city, but boring miner, had identified ar cial rate for lightiw; purposes in The McMinnville water and ago. churches, schools, stores, offices, will start a serial story entitled ticles found in the possession of calcimined, a furnace installed, This made five straight wins “Count Luckner, The Sea Devil.” take charge as in former years representative from this the three men, as having been warehouses, shops, hotels and all, light plants are owned by the and all the classrooms finished. the and form a company of local city of McMinnville, and no taxes for Vernonia, which leaves the county, Glenn Metsker, did not stolen from his camp. other commercial and industrial A cement sidewalk has been put Here is a story of gallantry talent, to stage a show in the active support to the pro- purposes are as follows: First 50 are paid on these, the same as home team the only member of in in front of the church and give * The officers state that they and heroism of Count Felix von Legion hall for the benefit of the league undefeated. ject. K.W.H., 9c; next 50 K.W.H., 8c; on the Vernonia water plant. parsonage and the side street have not establisned any connec Forest Grove Raises Rate* Coach Levi Austin who besides Luckner, who disrupted. Allied the post. advised tion between the three miners next 50 K.W.H., fte ; next 100 Chairman Messing graded and gravelled and curb Happy Thompson was apoint- 5c; next 250 K.W.H., The city Council of Forest his regular duties as teacher has shiping on two oceans, gambling ing and sidewalk put in. A bap those present at the meeting for whom the warrants have been K.W.H., ed by the Commander to be that the Portland delegation were issued and Gilbreath’s disappear 4c; balance at 3c per K.W.H. Grove decided to raise the water been coach of the local Hi for with his own life many times, chairman for the Legion show, tistry has also been installed. charge $1 per month. rates of that city effective April the past few years and always but without taking that of any Since Mr. Leavitt took- up his strongly in iavor on this ne<V ance, but they are merely con Minimum and with Dr. Pr.sto will have The residence rate at McMinn- 1 from a minimum of *1 for out teams which made a foe. route to the coast, and pledged residence here as pastor of the ducting an investigation on the ville, which includes lighting, 3000 gallons to $1.50. The gradu turned Lowell Thomas, who writes complete charge of the details good showing in athletics in the their support and the trip appear church about 75 members have theory that he might have stumb cooking and power not exceeding ated scale for amounts above the county leagues. his story, says he is the most to put this affair over big. been added to the roll here and ed very profitable, and looked led into the set gun which was The show will be held March romantic and mysterious figure in motors is us fol- three II. P. first 3000 gallons remains the favorable for a new road. ” His basketball team of 1927 several at Mist where he held used either as a signal gun, or lows : First 20 K.W.H., 9c; next same. produced by the Central Powers, 29-30, and is to be of spooky and 1929, are the outstanding It shocks me to think anyone meetings every Sunday afternoon for the purpose of killing deer. nature entitled “Dead Mans teams, and while it is unable to in the World war; one fit to Laugh,’’ the cast we are advised for several months. He has also could be responsible for such a stand alongside of that other Digging Out Tunnel predict which of these two teams held four evangelistic meetings contemptible falsehood. In the will consist of Vernonia folks. Nehalenl Rod & Gun A number of men went to the are the best, the 1929 team ap great figure of Thomas’ recount at Oakland, Sutherlin, Havre, first place, I assured you per Dr. Pasto who delights in ing, Lawrence of Arabia. Cl ’ tb Lend Active Sup claims today to clear out a mine pears to be the fastest, probably Mont., and Tecoa. Wash, hold- sonally before election that I theatrical programs, took a Luckner as a youth, ran away tunnel in which a heavy blast is account of weight the team of port to House Bills ' Tag services for three weeks in wo-uld do anything within my course in dramatics while attend to sail before the mast, then be said to have been recently dis 1929 averaging 137 pounds. each place. A totaj of 188 mem power to help out on your road. ing college, and has always been Two petitions have been circu- The balance of the games are came a sailor in the German willing to assist the local post Monday Mr. Lauder was ad- 1 lated in Vernonia in the last bers were added to the churches 1 have assured all persons who charged. It is possible, they con navy, and was the only naval of tend .that the body of Gilbreath have ever approached me on the to be played away from hiqne, vised that due to the soft road during these meetings. they were in need of 1__ 2, from ___ the whenever was carried into the tunnel and conditions over the mountains to- week in the interest of House the game tonight to be played at ficer to ' have risen his service, for plays or any other The Sunday school has taken subject to the same effect. Bills 478, 479' and 480. ranks; a man of giant physical, covered by means of an explosion wards St. Helens, the county Mr. Messing never consulted on a new life and has had an Considerable interest is being Rainier, the following game at a rough and ready character, work for the good of the post. that brought down considerable In 1927 when the local post average attendance of 187 dur me or approached me on this dirt from the roof. They will also engineer has requested the Spo manafested among sportsman and Scappoose, and the last game at noted no less for geniality and ing the last year with 153 pres- road matter and has no justifi make a very thorough search of kane, Portland & Seattle Trans members of the Nehalem Rod and St. Helens, which makes three tender heartednes» than for his staged their famouB bathing ent at Easter which was the cation nor authority to speak for the entire district to see if they portation company, to take off Gun club who are actively sup more ames to be played to de fog-horn voice -and sulphurous beauty contest, in the old Ma their heavy busses for the next porting the above measures. cide the county championship. me. jestic theatre Dr. Posto had largest number. language. can locate any traces that might While Rainier has lost five charge of most of the details, During Mr. Leavitt’s absence, The purpose of the three bills The Klepper resolution refer indicate the disposal of a body few days or until such time as Before sinking an Allied ves and it was largely due to his the road, conditions improve. Mrs. Esther Leavitt who is also red to in your article by Mr. by any other means. is to prohibit commercial taking straight games, with no wins, the In place of the busses the ] of steelhead trout in all water local players are aware that this sel he brought everyone on board efforts that this show went over an ordained minister very capab Messing» has never passed the District Attorney Cordon and transportation company advises J under the jurisdiction of the team is determined to upset the his own ship, where he treated with a bang. ly took charge of the services. house. That statement likewise is During his last two months ab false. It has never even passed Sheriff Jackson reported that their local representative, will I state of Oregon. This would in- dope, and are very anxious for them royally. “Count Luckner, The Sea sence she had five weddings the Senate. It. is a Senate resolu they are preparing to make a operate three large Cadillac’s on I elude all of the coast streams a large following from Vernonia Devil.” His story will run serial Rose Hotel Build* which was considerably more tion introduced by Mr. Klepper very thorough investigation and regular schedule. ] with the exception of the Colum- to travel down to Rainier, to sup ly Additional Room* in the Eagle starting with the port their home team tonight. than Mr. Leavitt ever had in the and has been in the hands of examination into the theory that The S. P. & S. think that the ' Ida river. next issue of February 28. Mrs. M. Ellis, proprietor of same length of time. Representative Peters of Wash The game at Scappoose which the Senate committee on roads Gilbreath was killed by the set road condition will improve suf You have read of his ship the Rose hotel is building ad Mr. Leavitt will open a meet and highways ever since its in gun, but as yet they have no ficient within the next few days ington county is fathering these is to be played Monday February ing in the Sellwood Christian troduction. It has not yet been definite evidence, other than the to allow them to again operate bills and the various Rod and 25, appears to be the one which visiting Portland one year ago, ditional rooms and space on her on a good, will tour, you present building. church, Portland. During April rei*rtcd back to the Senate by finding of the gun, which was their large busses. Gun clubs throughout the state the local hi claim will decide have seen movies featuring may his The hotel is now converted he will be in Myrtle Creek and this committee. Whether it will located by searchers this morn are demanding their passage at their fate. exploits, but the story written to a modern place with hot and in May at Gladstone. Mrs. Lea be reported back favorably or ing. They announced that they this session of the legislature. St. Helens who won from Rain every vitt and the three children, Mary unfavorably, or at all, is prob have information that there is Sacred Musical Program It is pointed out by local sports ier Friday night still retains an by* Lowell Thomas, carries you cold running water in ahow- along through ids numerous sea room, and also installing a Evangeline, Teddy J. C., and lematical. Should it be reported another of these guns near the man and citizens of the Nehalem Given at Evangelical average of 833, having won 6 er bath on each floor. Dnoald Dudley are moving to back favorably, it will have to claims and possibly more and valley who know the enormous games and lost one, is really battles. « ** ■ ■ I — * The hotel is located on R om searchers have been warned to Church Last Sunday their farm near McMinnville. Mr. pass the Senate before it ever run of steel head trout which considered the only threat for Avenue opposite the Vernoni* use extreme care while traveling P. L. McDuffee To Keep Leavitt will spend the summer reaches the House. formerly frequented the waters Vernonia ’ s crown, , as _ it is . pre- The choir under the direction Brazing and Machine works, and the deer runs in that vicinity. there and in the fall will start Should it pass the Senate it of Mrs. W. W. Wolff gave a of the Nehalem River and its dieted the contest for the county Time at Camp McGregor was foftnerly known as the Com Searcher* Baffled another round of evangelistic will receive my active support ’ tributaries that the taking of the championship will be fought be- sacred musical program at the P. L. McDuffee, who was un modore hotel. meetings in Oregon, Washington, here in the House. Senator Klep The men searching for Gil- Evangelical church in jdace of i trout at the mouths of the coast tween these two teams. A coat of paint will be added til recently employed as book * California, Montana and Idaho. per and I have been in perfect breath have been baffled by the the streams has prevented them from Members of the Chamber of regular service Sunday night. make the building complete in ' Mr. Leavitt was born and accord on this road situation at lack of clues concerning his The choir of thirteen voices ac coming up the Nehalem as fas ICommerce, and the American Le- keeper for Brown Furniture com- to Ipany, has accepted a position as the spring. went to school in Newberg en all times. We have had many .con movements, and have generally companied by Miss Louise Malm- as Vernonia, and if something is timekeeper for the Oregon Ame tering the Eugene Bible Univer ferences concerning it and why been of the opinion that his dis sten gave a program which would I not done to check the inrods of sity in the fall of 1913 graduat anyone would be so craven as appearance dated from a few have been worthy of a much the commercial fishing interests ed at home and it is hoped will rican Lumber company at Camp McGregor west of Keasey. ing in 1919. He also attended to represent to my friends, hours after he left home. larger church. The chorus selec- the steelhead is doomed to be an- continue their support by their Mr. and Mrs. McDuffee will the University of Oregon for among whom your paper circu hilated within a few years. attendance at games played to move from Vernonia making the time of his departure tions were exceptionally pleasing. about two years. He then held lates, that I am not giving this he At was Sportsmen who know the vic- carrying provisions for Rev. G. W. Plumer gave a ious tenacity of the steelhead night at Rainier, and Monday at their home at camp. pastorates in Springfield, Ore., project support, is beyond me, three days. _________ • Scappose. bread was wrap short address on the “Power of i when and Anacortes, Wash., where he but of course we do have such ped in oiled His paper hooked agree that they ara Jack Bush owner of the Joy and he car The regular players of the Mr*. W. E. Bell I* Music.” He told how music has was inspired to go into missior- people. sportiest of trout and a large theatre, advises that the contract ried several items of food in tins the power to calm the troubled ' I the home team, Gloyd Adams, Archie ary evangelistic work and for one is a match fr any angler. In Emanual Hospita has been signed with the Pacent While this subject, I might so that if he had stopped for a heart, to give rest, peace and I about two years worked among add as I on ¿The anihilation of the steel- Adams, Harold Nelson, Neil there would undoubtedly quiet when nothing else is of any ■ head Bush, and Tord Berg, are in per Mrs. W. E. Bell was operated Reproducing corporation of New the San Juan Islands on the in McGraw, previously wrote to Mr. meal through commercial fishing that the Klepper reso- have been some signs in the way avail. How it also has the power ' instestA would be a decided loss fect physical condition, and all on at the Emanual hospital, Tues York to install “talkies" in his side pass to Alaska. During this 1 lution calls theatre. _______ _______ of paper, cans, and doubtless the for _ no r particular time he had many unusual and route. Evidently you people have ashes of a fire. The search in of expression, of refreshing of to the state and every effort i* five appear very confident as day and is reported as improving The installation will take ef- to the outcome of the next three rapidly. knowledge, of satisfaction and I being made to preserve them. interesting experiences. feet sometime in March, and af- been misinformed regarding that, the Wilson creek territory was blessing and that it has been games. , The Study club and other He then worked in Oregon, also. If the Klepper resolution so thorough that all manner of civic organizations In which Mrs. ter the equipment arrives will California and Washington estab ’ eventually passes, the 'matter of small articles were found, and part of the church service Sincj Woodmen Give Dance Bell is very prominent have sent only take two days to install. the earliest times. lishing churches and Sunday designating the road will be left the searchers were particularly This equipment of the Pacent Saturday Night her beautiful floral offerings schools where there were none entirely to the state highway instructed to watch for scraps of people has been approved by the The collection taken which was wishing for her early recovery. The Woodmen of the World and helping other churches to re commission. The work in favor paper, but despite the fact that not specified for other church Vitaphone people, and is eonsid- will sponsor a dance Saturday organize. ered one of the beat sound re of the Vernonia road will have hundreds of such things were work wilf be used to buy music night in their hall, the proceeds churches in 1 to be done then, Vernonia Trading Co. He organized production equipments in exis- found there was nothing that for the choir. before the com- to go towards the building fund. Canby, Oregon City, Beaverton, ' mission. There is nothing par- could be identified as having tence. Receive* New Tractor The program was as follows: At their regular meeting Mon Music is to be furnished by Elkton, Powers and Mill City, ' ticularly that can be done now in been associated with Gilbreath, Piano solo, “Fond Memories,” Stating that he was unable to D. C. Cason, Monday night advise how many times the talk Oregon, and Port Richardson, ' regard to it except to supoprt Every cabin in the whole country Miss Louise Malmsten; solo, “The ■ Bergs orchestra, the dance to be day night, the city council award ed the Standard Oil company a hauled the first McCormick-Deer- a hard time affair, with a fine Wash. Now, after a years rest ’ the resolution. .was visited, and each camp in Voice in the Wilderness,” Mrs. j attached for anyone appearing contract to supply gasoline to the iny Triple power tractor in the ies would be shown a week at he is returning to evangelistic spected, but there was no trace M. E. Moe; chorus, “Give Glory on the dance floor showing signs city of Vernonia, for the period Nehalem Valley to the Vernonia his theatre, Mr. Bush advised This issue of February 14, for work which he feels is his chosen February 19, 1929 to February Trading company, who now have this would be decided upon the some reason has not been de of his having eaten a meal or and Strength,” choir; solo, “Re of prosperity in their dress. field. patronize of the sound pictures. livered to me. The information stayed over night in any of these cessional,” W. W. Wolff; chorus, this tractor on display and re The object of giving these 19, 1932., The expense of showing these I have is based entirely on the shelters. This has, from the first, "My Feet Shall Stand Within The contract calls for gas to ceiving orders for them. -nonthlv dances of the W. pictures are three times greater J. M. Carroll Start* clipping sent me by Mr. Sheeley. given the searchers the idea that Thy Gates,” choir; solo, ‘Oh, ’O. W. is not alone for the pleas- — be ------------ furnished — the — city for This tractor contains the fam than the silent films, however , — - - 2 - cents ----- * Testing Meter* In Ver In all fairness and" on behalf of whatever mjshap he suffered Eyes that are Weary,” Mrs. W. • ure derived from dancing but | below the wholesale price. ous ball-bearing crankshaft, and only the best pictures will be it would seem to me that came within a few hours after W. Wolff; setmonette, “The 1also for using the proceeds to] The'present wholesale price is each unit can be removed, should shown, some pictures are all nonia On Tuesday truth. his departure which would fit in Power of Music, ” Rev. G. V. I am entitled to have the facts •'meet financial obligations on the 17 cents per gallon, which would the occasion arise, without dis talkies while others will have Foor Man’s Gar- oar- huildin(r and equipment. J. M. Carroll, the expert elec given publicity by your paper perfectly witlT the set gun theory. Plumer; solo,* “ Poor leave the city receiving its gas turbing other units to any great only one or two acts or films Commander Denn of Roseburg den, Mark E, Moe; cnorua, i . trical meter tester employed by and I shall appreciate it if you extent. The transmission may be with the sound production. at 15 cents. post of the American Legion, “ Source of Blessing, ” choir. < • /s ____ the Columbia Utilities company will publish this letter over my The present consumption ad lifted out intact without remov . Oregon American Camp writes Vernonia Commander that The members of the choir arc ® 9r vises M. L. Gaines, water sup- ing the engine or final drive, for 'a test of all meters in this signature. his post still have men out in Mrs. w. w. Wolff, Mias Hazel1 btar^* Operation | erintendent is about 50 gallons likewise the final drive can be R. C. Boeck Will Build Yours very truly, city started to work Tuesday GLENN R. METSKER. the wilds searching, and that Malmsten, Mrs. Wiedman; Miss morning, with Charlie Rich’s Oregon Americsn camp start- I per month. inspected and removed without Hou*e On Rose Ava. Roseburg post are feeding daily Alice Dübendorf, sopranos; Mrs.ed to work Monday and trains store as his first meter in Ver- disturbing the transmission. — J. R. McKee, local contractor over 100 men who have joined M. E. Moe, Mrs. C. A. Malm- ] hauled logs into Vernonia for the Metsker Given Credit nonia for testing. Thia feature advises Messrs advises that within the next week Bob Spencer Placed Salem, February 18. (To the in the search. sten. Mrs. A. C. Knauss, altos; | mill pond the same day. Mr. Carroll will stay in this Tspp and Bergerson, of accessi he will start to construct a five On High School Board bility is a decided advantage room house on Rose Avenue, for _ in this city _ remember E. Heath, Paul Blieile, W. Thom- —------ a full ' “ crew city about six weeks, in order editor)—A recent copy of the ' Many The camps reported Vernonia Eagle has .just come Gilbreath who worked for the as, A. C. ______ ____ W- W. at work and the local mill had At the meeting of the Union when it becomes necessary to R. C. Boeck of this city. Knauss, , tenors; to complete his work. to my desk in which there ap- Oregon American Logging com- \ Wolff, M. E. Moe, bass, enough logs on hand to run until high school I trustee's Tuesday overhaul the tractor. The house will be a moder* article concerning pany west of Keasey and as a | afternoon, Bob 1 Spencer was ap- Portland—Plans under consid pears an today. building, built along the plaaa among other things, the proposed I rule spent Sunday in Vernonia. 1 Portland — New “ Journal ” of- pointed on the high school board eration to establsh bus route be The Oregon America* camp . Portland—Erection of $500,- of the McCall residence, which tween this cikg and. Salt Lake short road frolh Portland to the Ike was a member of Vernonia fices will be open to public March had been shut down about one to succeed Oscar Weed.who re- 000 Neighbors of Woodcraft is now being occupied by Or. Please turn to page 8 post for the past two years. 1 in Buyers Building. {reek before Christmas. signed. building progressing rapidly. City, Utah. Harley. This camp has been shut down for nearly two months, and em ployees living in the vicinity of Vernonia welcome signs of re newed activities. Here Arrest Two Miners Two Years 350 Attend Game Wish Lower Rates M. Eversaul Is Killed at Wilark Melsker Supports • High way Project Orders Busses Off Highway To Show Talkies During March Standard Gets Gas Contract from City