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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1928)
THURSDAY, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO OCTOBER 1928 4, Gi esham—New '10,000 memorial their production when mature. The v. ill open for a two day run at tho to the court mny seem proper. This summons is published by building for American Legion pio- ___ fact that animals change somewhat Joy theatre Tuesday. in many points of conformation The picture is described as a order of the Honorable John Phil posed. from calfhood to maturity makes romance of Araby and the Paris lip, Judge of the County Court "No examination for forest ran When contractors turned over the judging of heifers more diffi boulevards, based on the Cominenta' of the State of Oregon for the the new men’s dormitory at Ore- gers this fall” is the announcement cult than that of cows. The out stage success, “L’Insoumise,” by County of Colhinbia, duly made, of the District Forester ’ s office at gon State Agricultural college in DR. W. H. HURLEY standing points to be considered In Pierre Frondaie. In his role of dated and entered this 26th day time for it to be occupied by en Portland. ¡judging heifers are length and depth Arabian prince, the story takes of September, 1928. Dentistry and X-Ray The reason given by the forest ¡¿j "body, tering students September 22, a LESTER SHEELEY, Attorney fullness of barrel and Farrell through Parisian night clubs, Evenings by appointment. Office ”' chest, and dairy temperament (that Venetian canals, and Oriental har for Plaintiff. new record in major construction service for not Jiolding a c'~ civilj over Hoffman Hardware Co. in this state is believed to have service test for »rest rangers - is Residence and Postoffice Ad *s j ■ j, is, that quality which shows their ems. Greta Nissen portrays a Paris Vernonia, Oregon been set. Ground was not broken the fact that there are still I bl I tendency to convert feed into milk society girl. dress: Vernonia, Oregon. me ranger eligible eiigioie list i ■ ^11'^' lather 'than than into body fat and for this building until March 20, | names on the S27N8 for the states of Oregon and Wash- flesh j The development of the ud- hence the $460,000 structure NOTICE OF CALL OF BOND i ington from w, ♦ the Iv zx driizikm ■__ i be i - 1 lx x 1 October, 1927, ex- <j , er should completed in almost eexactly noted, but this Notice is hereby given to the SUMMONS amination. months. much I point should not receive so holders of the following bond of I The new building houses 344 Ranger examinations will, how- [ consideration as with cows in milk, the City of Vernonia, Columbia I In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County dents under most modern condi ever, be held in the eastern and Heifers should be large for their County, Oregon: Columbia. tions and is now filled to capacity. some of the western states, but age and show vigor and a thrifty Rented by the week or month Bond No. 4 of improvement dis of An idea of its size may be gained not in Oregon or Washington, , the condition, indicated by a sleek coat trict No. 3, dated May 1, 1926, | T. R. MOSMAN, Plaintiff, Full assortment of the best vs. from the fact that it required 55,- district forester states. and a soft pliable skin. and bond No. 3 of General Obliga NEODIA E. needles for all makes of sew MOSMAN, Defendant. 000 square yards of linoleum for tion Bonds dated May 1, 1926, said ing machines. the floors. It now ranks as one of Automatic Switch in Hen Houses Burn Infested Raspberry Canes bonds being in denomination of' To Neodia E. Mosman, the above the three largest building on the Control of the red-necked rasp $500; the above bonds being re-' named defendant: In the name of A home-made automatic switch Sewing Machines For Sale campus. to turn lights on at a • given time berry cane-borer, which occasionally deemable at the option of said the state of Oregon, you are here EASY TERMS In spite of the need for haste « has been developed at the exe- causes injury to raspberry, black city on Nov. 1, 1928. That pursuant! by required to appear and answer SINGER OIL FOR SALE in construction, the building ranks periment station in connection with berry and dewberry crops in the to said option, said bond will be the complaint filed against you in in architectural beauty and quality investigations of lighting laying Eastern United States, can be ac- redeemed within 30 days from the Vernonia Cleaners above entitled suit on or be of workmanship with the best in houses. A common throw switch complished by cutting out and date of this notice, to wit: On the the fore the expiration of six weeks the state, inspectors say. It was such as is now used in house wir burning infested canes in the fall first day of June 1928 upon pre-' from the date of the first publi designed by Bennes and Herzog ing is mounted on a board or or winter. sentation at the fiscal agency of cation of this summons, which said of Portland and built by L. N. wall of the poultry houS2 or other Oregon, in New York City, to wit: first publication is made and dated Traver, Corvallis contractor. GORDON R. WATT Sow Early in Fall room. On a little shelf just below The National Park Bank. ¡the 23rd. day of August, 1928, Those who believe that students it a large alarm clock i3 mounted In case the holders of said bond that being the time prescribed by Fall-sown oats should follow crops should pay a larger percentage of and fastened down in such a po that can be removed from the land fail to present same at the time the Court in an order for publica Attorney-at-law t the cost of their higher education sition that when the alarm sounds in time to permit sowing in the and place mentioned herein for tion of this summons; and if you I Joy Theatre Building approve the means of financing the key, turning in reversa will fall. Late seeding is one of the redemption thereof, then the fail to appear and answer the com Vernonia, Oregon this structure which was by a latch the switch and throw it up- iI early the low interest thereon shall cease and the plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the factors responsible for bond issue which will be retired ward and on. in the agency aforesaid will thereafter the court for the relief demanded yield of fallsown oats gradually from dormitory receipts. South, U. S. Department special- pay only the amount of such bond ¡in the complaint, to-wit: for a de Similar methods wherein tax money increase Production Per Cow and the interest accrued thereon cree of absolute divorce dissolving ists believe. has not been touched have been up to the said first day of No the bonds of matrimony existing The greatest progress in the dairy used in all construction on the vember 1928. industry in this country lies not between the plaintiff and defen campus in this biennium. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on dant, and for such other relief at in increasing the number of dairy ' 1 1 4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this first day of October 1928. to the court may seem proper. Advise Boiling Canned Vegetables cows, but in increasing the pro J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, duction per cow, according to the This summons is published by Many health authorities advise Mountain Heart 93 City of Vernonia. Oregon. order of the Honorable John Philip, “Chicago” always boiling canned vegetables U. S. Department of Agriculture. Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Why milk and care for 20 com No one who likes virile screen Judge of the county court of Co before serving as a precaution i SUMMONS lumbia county, state of Oregon, No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec against the botulinus organism. _ _____ ; mon cows when you can make plays can afford to miss seeing the ' These organisms, deadly to man anil more money by milking and caring De Mille Studio production, “Chi-| In the Circuit Court of the duly made, dated and entered on ond and fourth Thursdays in W. 0. W. hall, Vernonia, Visitors al- the cause of many fatalities among for 10 select high-producing cows? cago,” which shows at the Joy State of Oregon, for the County the 21st, day of August, 1928. theatre Saturday night and Sunday of Columbia. LESTER SHEELEY, Attorney ways welcome. chickens when spoiled canned goods Feed Turkeys Twice Daily matinee. This is a comedy drama LEORA WHARTON, Plaintiff, Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. for Plaintiff. are fed, are destroyed by merely vs. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. Residence and Postoffice Address, In fattening turkeys for market of the finest grade, the plot deal-1 bringing the food to a boil. Though LEON L. WHARTON, Defendant. Vernonia, Oregon. vegetables properly canned are an excellent plan is to begin about ing with a woman who slays her To Leon L. Wharton, the above Date of First Publication August safe, cases have been known where the first of October to feed night “good angel” and then laughs at KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS enough organisms developed to and morning, feeding just enough law and justice. Phyllis Haver and I entitled defendant: IN THE NAME 23. 1928. HARDING LODGE 116 Date of last publication, October cause fatalities without their pres at a time so that the birds go away Victor Varconi play the leading OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to ap- 4th, 1928. ence being detected by ordinary a little hungry, and gradually In roles. Meets every Monday at pear and answer the complaint “The Red Mark” methods. crease the quantity until they are 8 P.M. in Grange hall. One of the most heart-breaking filed against you in the above en- given all they will clean up three Eradicating Contagious Abortion times a day the week before mar ; scenes that has ever been wit- titled suit on or before the ex- R. M. Aldrich, C. C. 141 nessed on the screen, the last kiss piration of six weeks from the Contagious abortion is being keting. Harry Culbertson, KRS of two lovers when one is doomed date of the first publication of eradicated in many Oregon dairy to die, is presented in “The Red this summons, which said first pub herds. One tested and disease free Use Rubber On Pavement cow shown at the state fair this The use of rubber shoes and Mark” a dramatic James Cruze lication is made and dated the Woodmen of the World year by the experiment station rubber hoof pads, instead of plain production for Pathe which comes 27th day of September, 1928, that W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. theatre on Sunday next. being the time prescribed by the was the daughter of a cow that 1....1 iron shoes for horses that are to the 44 Joy , — 'The Cloud Dodger” Court in an order for publication Saddle Horses for Hire 655 meets every Wednesday night aborted four times as did her worked on hard-surfaced roads, is at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. A thrill feature. Al Wilson, the of this summons; and if you fail mother before. This cow was an often an aid in preventing corns aborted calf at 254 days, yet hy and other foot ailments and usu dare-devil aviator, in “The Cloud to appear and answer the com Horses Broken to ride or Visiting members welcome. ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. being raised away From nor an- ally lengthens the period of the Dodger” at the Joy theatre Monday. plaint, the plaintiff will apply to drive. L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. “Faxil” the court for the relief demanded ce«tor.s she has remained disease horse’s usefulness. This kind of “Fazil,” a Fox picture featuring in her complaint, to-wit: for a free and given birth to eight nor- shoeing is also valuutde In prevent- AL. WHARTON, Prop decree of absolute divorce dis- mal calves. •*» . in<r slipping on hard surfaces and Charles Farrell and Greta Nissen, solving Phone 11Fl55 A. F. & A. M. the bonds of matrimony ' reduces to a minimum the danger existing between plaintiff and de- Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. If daughter needs some place to from falling. Mrs. Paul B. Wiggins fendant and such other relief as ‘'work off surplus energy,” a very F. A A. M., meets at Grange good place is the upper end of a PIANO AND VOCAL Heifer Judging Difficult Hall every Second and broom handle.—Ex. Tn judging dairy heifers it is <?ourtb Thursday nights. Studio at Home desirable to have in mind not . Visitors Welcome Doubtful Instruction only good looks based on general1 Levert Goodin, Secretary. Daughter: Mother, do you want appearance and conformation, but I 1125 Bridge St. Vernonia me to put the parrot on the also their possible development and I porch? Mother: Positively no! Your American Legion ther IS is repairing the Vernonia Post back yard.—Ex. 119, American Le- ? gion. Meets second Klamath Falls—Copco g and fourth Tues- electric lights is reduced. Annual, days each month, 8 saving of $90,000 to consumers will . P^- W. H. Hurley, result. Commander. No Ranger Tests In College Dorm Is Oregon This Finished On Time i m Sewing MACHINES Lodge Notices Vernonia Riding Club The Red-Headed Music Maker Do You Know? That in 102" there was shipped from Vernonia nearly 7000 cars of forest products? This makes Vernonia one of the largest shipping points on the entire S. P. & S. svs= tern The Seal of Safety in Savings IS YOUR MONEY WORK ING FOR YOU AS HARD AS YOU'RE WORKING FOR IT? offers a new one For Particulars Write Doodle” If 1 Only Knew” Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit FINNEY OF THE FORCE Chapter 153, o. E. s. Regular communi- cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel come. Catherine McNeill, W. M. American Legion Auxiliary Meets first and third Mon days of each month at the Legion Hall. Mrs. Mark E. Moe, President. Mrs. E. H. Washburn, Secretary. Department of Thrift 89 Fourth St., Portland DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Order of Eastern Star Nehalem I. O. O. F OREGON-AMERICAN LBR. CO GOOD SELECTIONS ON EVERY BRUNSWICK RECORD * I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, in Grange hall. Vis itors always welcome. John Glassner, N. G. H. E. Stevenson, Sec. The Volunteer Sleuth i college kiddies .do you think this self appointed sleuth has recovered. held up that- ÔÆiÎ Club- or nof- At lewt he has kept htj prense toretirn and make a »epod* - thus saving Finneys bide from the chief?