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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1928)
llern onia battle NO. VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928 VOL. 7 9 I Injures C. F ire Prevention Falling I. Limb Registrations Advise Feeding Anderson Friday Playground C. I. Anderson of Vernonia, re Award Won Nine persons from Columbia won End Saturday Week Is At Hand ceived Poor Potatoes prizes a black eye and injured at the Oregon state fair shoulder Friday forenoon while he in Salem last week, several of By Vernonia winning more than one prize. Vernonia Believed To Have Secretary J a r d ine Urges was falling timber up Rock creek To Livestock them i near Burt Mill’s home, as a limb, The list is as follows: Many From County Win At Oregon State Fair All Rural Districts To broken from a snag that had Just Heaviest Registration On Than Brown of Yankton, 1st been felled, came wnlrling noise $50 Check Received From Netted Gem potatoes, 1st Earliest Observe Fire Prevention lessly through the air. Record This Year Claim Overproduction Will of All potatoes, 2nd Early Rose His eye was more badly hurt Harmon Foundation potatoes; Clarice E. Nelson of War Deflate Prices Because 30 per cent or more of than the shoulder, as It was very With the registration books clos ren, 1st sweet corn, 2nd sweet annual fire loss oc- the nation's corn, 1st stock turnips, 2nd table ing Saturday night, 30 days prior curs on farms and in rural dis swollen and black. Neither wound was serious however, and no bones carrots; J. J. Haverlick of Scap- to the general election, November tricts, Secretary of Agriculture poose, 1st Russian wheat; Harry 6, Vernonia still has many who will Jardine to-day made a special ap- were broken. It was reported that he went West of Scappoose, 2nd I Golden not be able to vote unless they themselves of registering in peal to ■ all rural committees to back to work Monday morning. Glow corn; _ Dr. E. L. Lane of | | avail these three remaining days. observe and practice the funda- “Usually you can hear the limbs Improvements During Past Year Scappoose, grand champion Nubian The republican party is most mentals of fire prevention which falling and dodge them,” Mr. An Committee Plans To Guard Against doe, two lsts and three 2nds; W. will be stressed throughout the derson told inquirers, “because the Win Prize For Vernonia- H. Pennington of Clatskanie, 1st I favored by local voters, accord United States 1 during the week of Overproduction and Low green trees strained fireweed honey, 2nd comb ing to D. B. Reasoner, registrar, October 7, designated as Fire Pre limbs falling from I Harmon Park honey; Dr. Canfield of Goble, Co who states that since the primaries vention week by proclamation of make a hissing noise as they go Prices in 1929 through the air, but the rotten lumbia stock ranch, two lsts, seven a total of 217 republicans have the president of the United States. limbs from snags make no noise.” 2nds, six 3rds; Mrs. John Jones of registered, 57 democrats, three in- “President Coolidge's proclama | dependents, and two progressives, A check for $50 was received Scappoose, 1st braided rug: Mrs. Portland, Sept. 24;—The follow by Lester Sheeley, secretary of the making a total of 309. It is esti- tion referred to the interesting Rote Barber Shop Moves Levi of St. Helens, 1st sheet and ing resolution was unanimously The Rose Barber Shop which Chamber of Commerce, last week pillow slips embroidered, 2nd ] mated that the total now eligible fact that cities, towns, and farm passed by about 100 potato growers communities engaged in a was formerly in the Rose theatre as an award to the city park board dresser scarf white embroidery, j to vote at the general election is ing and 42 other people representing] 2nd lunch cloth and napkins white 1 about 1,000 in the the two Ver- ‘constructive campaign to inculcate has been moved to the Joy theatre for improvements that have been different lines of business inter embroidery. sound principles of fire prevention and will now be called the Joy made on Vernonia-Harmon park ] nonia precincts. ested in the potato industry, to wit: It is not necessary for anyone in the minds of thinking inhabi Barber shop with N. S. Soden I during the past year. “Pursuant to call of the agri- Dad’s Sandwich Shop Improved Seven western communities are I who voted at the last presidential tants, are accomplishing highly de- and J. L. Gamblin proprietors. All and satisfactory results, new up-to-date equipment has been among the winners of awards for culutral council of the central west “Dad’s Sandwich Shop,” of election in the precinct in which ] sirable ern shippers advisory board, a which A. Greenfeldt is the pro they now reside to give registration | but he aptly urged the need of installed in harmonizing colors progress on Harmon playfields, an conference was held September 17 prietor has been moved to larger | any attention unless they have translating his effort into further making an attractive shop. The new nounced today by the Harmon and 18 at Pocatello, Idaho, In the quarters and all new equipment j notice from the county clerk that remedial action,” said the secre- equipment includes two barber Foundation, New York City. The tary. interests of the potato industry; installed. They now have four they are not properly registered. chairs upholstered in red leather competition was open to 102 Har at this meeting there were present tables and 11 counter seats and “This appeal can not be too and six opera chairs to match; mon fields throughout the country, Mr. R-a- ner announces that he delegates from the states of Mor. can serve 27 customers at one wjn keep i.. awards ______ being based on improvement r..s office in the city strongly stressed,” said the secre- heavy inlaid linoleum in red and______ tana, Utah, Idaho, Nebraska, Wyo time. Mr. ] Greenfeldt states: two comfortably ] as shown in newspaper clippings . ; hall open as late as necessary on tary, “because the annual loss of green pattern; ming, California, Washington, Colo “We ■ now employ four people j Friday evening to accommodate all life and property in the rural dis cushioned chairs; double wall mir- and photographs which told the rado and Oregon. besides my wife and myself and who find it inconvenient to regis tricts is far greater than would I ror on both sides;-hot and cold story. prepared to serve dinners ter during the day. His office will i prevail if concerted and continuous ¡shower baths; telephone and hall A serious condition faces a ma are Hillyard, Wash., a last year’s jor product of the United States. and short orders as well as sand be open Saturday only until 5 activity were directed against the table and three sterilizing cabinets. prize winner, claimed the fourth It is estimated that 467,000,000 wiches. We have installed a new p. m. when the books will be hazard. Last year fires on farms Oklahoma had award of $300. bushels of potatoes will be pro steam table,' electric waffle plate closed. , and in rural districts took a toll Okmulgee, three winning cities: duced this year. This is 100,000- and hot cake plate. Our motto is of 3,500 lives and caused approxi $100; Lawton and Waurika $50 000 bushels in excess of average quick service, clean and wholesome mately $150,000,000 damage to each. Awards of $50 each went to requirements for human consump food.” Carkin Wins Gold property, more than 30 per cent of Vernonia and Bend, Ore., and Ala the $475,000,000 loss charged tion. mosa, Colo. The latter two towns Medal Award For against fire in the entire United To conserve these valuable re 1928 Legion Work ¡States. Although there has been Acting upon advice from Attor also received awards last year. sources it is strongly urged that Improvements in the field»,, ad | a substantial improvement in re ney General I. H. Van Winkle of this be saved from waste and de M. E. Carkin, membership officer ducing the number of dollars lost Oregon, Secretary of State Hal dition of new equipment, and well- struction by conversion into beef, recreation programs of Vernonia post, American Legion, per $100 insured, statistics indicate E. Hoss has denied A. E. Veatch organized pork, mutton, dairy and poultry which included both children and will be awarded a gold medal by of Rainier, a place on the No , that farm barns and rural dwell products. Human needs will be j Effective October 1, the Verno Major Pelham St. George Bissell, ings are appearing in the lists of vember 6 ballot as an independent adults, were the standards by which adequately met by shipments in nia Light & Power Company chang national head of the Society of 40 larger losses more frequently than candidate for the office of repre the fields were judged, according interstate trade of a U. S. grade j ed its name to the Columbia Utili et 8, fraternal service organization ] heretofore.” sentative in the legislative assembly to Mary Beattie Brady, Director No. 1 only; if any grade lower i of the Foundation. A total of $4,- ties Company, with the same offi of the American Legion, for bring than this is offered for sale it Spontaneous ignition of hay and for the 28th representative district. 325 in awards was given, distribu- cers who took charge after the sher ing new members into the Legion will result in loss, not only In ■ His petition was signed by the ted among 39 cities in 20 different j other agricultural products, light food resources but in price return, I iff’s sale recently: D. O. Hood, this year. number of individual states. ning, defective chimneys and flues, ! requisite ,____ ___ __ president: Otto Berg, secretary, and production. ’ much below cost of The gold medals will be awarded car^Iesa use of matches and smok- electors of the district, but Mr. Fremont, an Ohio town of about G. W. Ford, superintendent in ac This means an irretrievable loss to those who brought 100 or more ¡ng, combustible roofs, careless! Veatch was a candidate for the population which won the members into the Legion. Silver j use an(j storage of gasoline and \ Iiuillllldlioil nomination ai at the primary election , 12,000 to the potato industry, and in tive charge of tne business. vnc Dummy ctevuuu . , , A new tariff has been filed with medals will be awarded those who j kerosene, and faulty wiring i in-I May 18 ' by * the republican h>ghest award of $500, submitted addition will seriously affect all — ¡held .' ” ’ the public service commission, ac brought in 28 new members or ] stallations and improper use of i I party party for the office which he two books of clippings clipp ngs and ar pictures, classes of business. “before and cording to Mr. Ford, materially re more. Carkin’s contribution was an' It is hereby recommended: / electrical ’ appliances, are the seven j ¡now seeks, and failed to receive First: A portion of the potato ducing the rates in many respects. even 100 new members. He is the principle causes of farm fires and, the highestnumber of votes. The after” the addition of a new field The tariff is subject to the approval 1 „ crop be fed to livestock. only one ... in „„ the state of Oregon to constitute hazards which must be ] nomination was won by Glen R. house, track, fence and gate, and type of activity from sand Second: Only U. S. No. 1 grade, of the commission, who will not act j win this award this year, and I one coped with in _.. — ---- an energetic and I *ains the following provision: No every championship football J-”" ¡of 20 in the United States to re- effective manner, ■. Through its work j candidate for nomination who fails piles, to as determined by federal and state in less than 30 days. The company will continue rt-iceive __ games. this honor. inspectors, be shipped in interstate —■ t’"" and pro - Metsker of St. Helens. on farm fire prevention building the lines in this vicinity. | Major Bissell estimates that the tection the department stands ready i In general, says Miss Brady, the trade. Section 3988, Oregon laws, con- Ford, more than 40 et 8 society has brought into to be of every possible service !~ newer fields concentrated their en Third: That regional cotnmitieeo according to Mr. ~ ; n .0 receive the highest number of be Lcgion to be appointed by eacn of the three miles having been rebuilt , __ „„j over 17,000 new mem this important field, said secre- votez for the nomination of the ergies on grading, tiling, laying agricultural councils or advisory with heavier wire already, New bers during the last year. His an tary Jardine. j political party with which he was I out of tennis courts, diamonds and boards, representing the potato in transformers will be re-set near nual report states that the child Farm fire losses, he concluded, ] affiliated at the time of filing his grids. Older fields, already in good condition, added field dustries in the several states, be the Evangelical church Saturday welfare work contributed $16,444 are a direct challenge to every- petition for nomination, shall be 1 physical formed to encourage the adoption and Sunday, those being the best | to the Child Welfare division of one interested in the conservation entitled to be the candidate for houses, pergolas and pavilions, and of the above recommendation. Tha’. days to get power from the Ore- ] : the American Legion. A gift of of the nation’s wealth and resour- any other political party or to trimmed themselves up with orna these committees issue bulletins gon-American Lumber Company. $1,000 was made to the Shrine ces, and it behooves every indi become an independent candidate mental gates and lily ponds. Handi craft classes and exhibits, archery from, time to time, giving pro hospital in Chicago in appreciation vidual concerned to do his ut- at the ensuing election. tilts, horse shows and baby contests ducers a true picture of condi Sherer New Operator Of of the facilities extended to some most, not only dining Fire Pre- then ad- enlivened the usual The attorney general and tions and recommend procedure to Company Power Plant disabled children of the veterans at vention week, but throughout the vised the secretary of state that games on some Harmon sports fields. One be followed by growers. ______ • the request of the society. entire year in reducing this fire he was justified in refusing to village of 2,000 reports 75 men Fourth: That representatives of I. A. Sherer and family, who; ......... waste. The unstinting cooperation file the petition, quoting from a and boys out playing Kitten Ball all commercial producing districts have been residing two and a half » r* of the rural population in this number of court decisions from on Harmon field twice a week. of the United Stat??, rhall !?? cr.l'. ■ ' miles north of Vernonia, on the AllllOllIlCe 143(110 worthwhile movement is necessary similar cases. together in a general meeting to I Vernonia-Keasey road, moved Mon Some of the community enter and strongly urged. to be held at Chicago early in De- day to Keasey where Mr. Sherer prises by which money was raised rember, if possible. The date to took over the power plant, form Order of Rainbow For for all this playground activity be agreed upon and fixed by the erly operated by J. D. King. Girls Installs Officers included a high school “Hobo Day” district committee through the when the whole school enrollment Some 112 selected radio sta- Mr. King vacated Sunday and different advisory boards. his destination is not known, He tions in 39 states, the Distrlct of The new officers of the Order worked at odd jobs for which the Fifth: That the press and all or has operated the plant for the Columbia, and Hawaii, on Mon of Rainbow for Girls were installed wages went to the fund; a benefit ganizations and departments of gov last two years. day, opened the third season of last Friday nighrt at the Grange Chatauqua; and a membership drive ernment, federal, state and county, broadcasting farm and home in- hall. La Velle Gosa, a senior in for the playground association. In Rev. Teddy Leavitt addressed also all farmer, civic and commer- formation programs supplied by the the Parent-Teacher association at high school, was elected worthy one city the high school boys, Teachers Entertained By cial organizations of all kinds be the United their regular meeting Monday night advisor, and Phyllis Nelson, worthy ' themselves built grandstands and Radio Service of requested and urged to take an P. T. A. at Greenman Home States Department of Agriculture, at the Washington school. He said associate advisor. The new officers made a golf course; in anotiicr the active part assisting in carrying services—the that all children should be devel will have a term of three months. problem of playground directors Again the daily out the herein mentioned recom- The executive of the P. T. A. the the Farm oped spiritually, physically and in Housekeepers’ Chat, The Rainbow for Girls is a new was solved by members of be- mendations.” entertained the teachers at the Flashes, and the U. 8. Radio Farm tellectually and that just as the ! women’s club taking turns in by the organisation sponsored One of the talks made, upon home of Mrs. Judd Greenman broadcast by wrong kind of food will poison Eastern Star and Masonic ! ing on duty at the field. the which the above resolution was Wednesday evening, Miss Be- Forum—are to be This is the third annual Im- large numbers of stations. Special the body so the wrong kind of lodge. It was organized here last drawn, was that of D. W. Aup- atrice Anderson won the prize for provement contest among its affli- weekly farm features also will be , study will poison the intellectual March. perle, president, Colorado Potato the best telegram. Miss Bessie Mc ated fields conducted by the Har stations in . body. He also urged that parents Grower Exchange at Grand Junc- Donald for the best stunt, L. F. sent to listeners by mon Foundation in the interests of | and teachers should keep step with Meagher Opens Vernonia tion, which organization has a Austin for the contest and Miss | all sections. the permanent playground move farm progress in the school just as A weekly broadcast for membership of about 25,000 potato Hickman for the most beaus. Thos? Garage and Repair Shop ment. All of the 102 fields which boys and girls, “The 1-H Club much as in the home or business growers in the state of Colorado. present were Miss Haze! the Foundation has sponsored are We quote extracts from Mr. Aup- Miss Pearl Krause, Miss Giaoys Crier,” giving them a view of the life. J. Meigher, garageman of many dedicated in perpetuity to the pur meeting opened with the The activities of 4-H Clubs through perle’s talk, as follows: Grant, Miss Ruth Taylor, Miss Ruth years experience in California, pur poses of play and recreation in “I am firmly convinced that un Hickman, Mrs. H. M. Smith, Mrs. out the country, will be sent on singing of “America” followed by chased the garage equipment of their respective communities. by pupils of Mrs. Duncan ’ s a song Thursday or Friday evenings by less we eliminate a large per W. Hammack, Miss Beatrice Ander C. O Thomas last week and has cent of the estimated surplus, which son, Miss Bessie McDonald, Mrs. cooperating stations. Other regular room, The treasurer reported a opened the Vernonia Garage and programs are: Outdoors with the of $63.26. Mrs. Duncan ’ s balance is now placed at nearly 100,000,000 Alta Neal. Miss Charlotte Hilts, Repair shop in the building next Bush Takes Moving bushels, we will pay dearly for Mrs. Dan Nelson, Miss Lenora Ki- Scientist (Tuesday;) The Primer room won the prize of $2.50 for to the Hy-Van hotel, which he Pictures of St. Hel for Town Farmers (l'huisday,) largest attendance at meet- ■ the our attempt to market the entire er, Miss Florence Santee, Mr. and has leased. ens Football Game Science Snapshots (Satur-]ings Farm for the first month. Piano estimated crop of 467,000,000 bu Mrs. L. F. Austin, Mrs. D. C. Ca An up-to-date garage and repair shels.” son, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. day,) The Agricultural Situation solos by Catherine Hoffman and j. H. Bush, owner of the .Toy Since the above resolution was P. B. Wiggins, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Review (first Monday each month,) Rose Sitts were heartily applauded. shop will be run. They are now theatre, made a news reel of the putting in test-stand equipment for passed at the Pocatello meeting Mrs. Ben Bennett, Addison Smith, and Farm Playlets (monthly.) This motor and generator work, elec football game at St. Helens Pi.'. the as a similar resolution was passed in Mr and Mrs. Judd Greenman. Gel latter group is known Oversen & Hansen Bring trical eequipment, a first-class bat day. A reel was made in which Spokane, September 20 by the atine salad, sandwiches, little cakes Special Features. Silver Foxes to Vernonia tery station, and will have room every play is pictured. It includes Form programs are prepared this Agricultural Council of the Paci and coffee made delightful re everything that fans wish to see. for storage of cars. season for five general agrfiultural fic Northwest Advisory Board, and freshments. Two silver foxes arrived at the For four years Mr. Meagher Between the halves, views of the regions. In' order to help listeners the same night at a meeting in make the most of the broadcast-, silver fox farm on Grant street, was superintendent of the Lincoln yelling squads were taken. of Sunnyside, which is one of the Window Broken With Stick Its This is the first thing large Yakima valley producing dis A six-foot stick was thrust the department is issuing “Aunt owned by O. C. Oversen and C. service in San Francisco and Loa tricts: also in the Flathead dis through one of the windows at the Sammy’s Radio Record.” for house F. Hansen, late Sunday afternoon. i Angeles. He is confident that the kind to be attempted in Vernonia. trict of Montana; and this week it skating rink about 10:30 Saturday keepers, and “The U. S. Farm The men went to Hillsboro where r.ew enterprise will meet with suc It has been said that since St bought the foxes. They cess in Vernonia. having spent | Helens won the game, it may t>e is expected the same action will night, leaving shattered glass on Radio Record,” for farmers. These they be taken by a large gathering of the floor. A quick investigation booklets provide listeners conven brought one pair with them but i most of the past two weeks in, wanted there. No definite date has been set for the screening of potato growers and shippers at failed to reveal anyone near. There ient blank pages on whicn to set, intend to get another pair next careful investigation. Mr. Meagher’s family will move the picture. Moorhead. Minnesota. are now two deputy sheriffs stay down broadcast facts which they week. The foxes are black with It is also expected that a similar ing outside the hall during skat wish to have for future reference white tips on their tails and are tn Vernonia in about a month or Heppner—Two new bridges au six weeks. action will be taken in all the po ing hours to see that no more and on which to keep the schedule valued at $2,500 a pair. thorized by City Council. tato growing districts of the United disorderly conduct takes place. of the station from which they Astoria—Council approves plan to Gold Beach—Section of Roose Rank«—S. P. & S. Railroad mak- hear the programs, and order blanks States in the next three weeks. this matter being presented through Midland—Construction on Miller for use in reqoesting printed ma- velt highway south of Bandon being !n» s"rvev of road between here close streets past school during noon and recesses. and Vernonia. terial supplementing the broadcasts. oiled. Island road progressing. Please turn to page 4. Bend Also Awarded Situation Is Critical Hoss Denies Veatch A Place On Ilallot Power Company Is Reorganized Service Programs Reverend Leavitt Addresses P.-T. A.