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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1928)
De rnonia Saille VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 City Budget Is Filed For Comiiig Year Legion Auxiliary Elects Mrs. C. J. Nance President City Officials Constructing Golf Course A re Noni i na ted NO. 8 Mrs. P. B. Wiggins Heads Parent-Teacher Association —:— Mrs. B. B. Wiggins, who came Mrs. C. J. Nance was elected here from St. Helens about six president of the American Legion I months ago, is the new presi Auxiliary at an adjourned meet- dent of the Parent Teacher asso ing held Monday nignt. Others elected were: Mrs. H. E. McGraw, Greens Will Be Seeded This More Than 125 Attend ciation. Mrs. E. A. Green turned first vice preesident; Mrs. J. E. Mass Meeting At Legion over the chair to her at the first Fall; Fairways By Early meeting of the year held at the Covington, second vice president; Hall Monday Evening Washington school last Friday af Want Concrete Arch-Span Spring Is Present Plan Raise Made in Providing Mrs. P. Wideman, secretary; Mrs. ternoon. Fred Spring was elected W. R. Hammack, treasurer; Mrs. Across Rock Creek secretary. Mrs. Judd Greenman is Jail Sinking Fund Fred Brewer, historian; Mrs. H. vice president and Mrs. Ben Ben Nominations made at the pub As announced in a recent issue F. Feilberg, chaplain; Mrs. Earl of the Eagle, Vernonia is going lic mass meeting in the Legion nett treasurer. Shay, sergeant-at-arms. Installation will be held at the to have an up to date and well hall Monday night for city offi- j After the meeting Mrs. Wiggins Legion hall Monday evening, Oc- laid out golf course. Actual con- rials for the next two years were appointed the following chairmen I tober 1. The retiring president, ; struction of the course was be- as follows: Mayor, Guy R. Mills; of standing committees. Member Mrs. Mark E. Moe, will be the in- . gun last week and at the present councilmen, H. E. McGraw, Frank ship, Mrs. H. . V. Holcomb; social, , time six of the nine greens have Hanson, G. C. Mellinger, J. E. Mrs. M. D. Cole; publicity, 1 Mrs. Structure Could Be Built With Balance To Be Raised By Direct stalling officer. E. E. Yeo; program, Mrs. D. C. 1 been roughed in, which is a very Tapp; treasurer, J. C. Lindley. A Sufficient Clearance For Year’s Entertain At Birthday Party satisfactory showing in so short Tax Exceeds Last The meeting was called to or- Cason, a space of time. The greens will der by G. C. Mellinger, president Dr. Ella Mrs. O. T. Bateman entertained Wight asked the co- Safety During Freshets Amount By Only $305 at an elephant birthday party last be seeded this fall as fast as fin of the council, in the absence of operation of the teachers In in- ished and it is planned to slash Mayor mother Guy Mills, whose Tuesday in honor of her sister specting the children. Mr. Condit reported to be quite ill. announced that the grade school Roberta Williams who was eleven I the necessary acreage for the bal was A petition is being circulated The budget committee has filed years old. During the afternoon an ance of the greens at once. The Judge D. B. Reasoner read the will hold a basket social in the in Vernonia which already has with the levying board of Ver elephant hunt was fairways will also be constrhcted order issued by the council in Woodman hall Friday evening for staged and nonia, the city council, the bud- other games played, Fruit salad following the completion of the response to a petition calling the the benefit of the school athletics. many signers, for a new concrete- | arch spen bridge across Rock get for 1929, which differs very and cake were the refreshments greens and favorable weather per- meeting for the purpose of nom The next meeting will be held little from last year. The total served. Prizes were won by Sara mitting it is hoped that this phase inating city officials for the next Monday evening, October 1. A mo creek to be of sufficient width am-'ont to be raised by direct tax McGee, Shelby Caton, Ella Pearl of the work will be so far along two years, to be voted on at the tion was carriel to the effect that to adequately care for the present and future traffic and that no I is $14,070, as compared to $13,- Savage, Loda Davidson and Ro- before actual winter weather sets general election November 6. they continue to give the sum of repairs or changes be made on 765 last year. berta Williams. Others present in that they can be seeded early L. R. Gillchrest was elected $2.50 each month to the class the present bridge except such as A new item has been added in were Christine Mitchem, Ruth Page in the coming spring. chairman of the meeting and Emil room which has the largest repre are absolutely necessary. the form of a sinking fund for Simmons, Helen Barnes, Geraldine The construction of the course Messing secretary. After the re sentation at the P. T. A. It is claimed that the present a new jail. It will be necessary Savage, Elizabeth George, Nadeen 1 is being supervised George reading of the call of the meet by bridge is inadequate to carry the to construct a new jail in three Aldrich and Dorothy June Wolffe. Junor of Portland who is one of ing by the chairman, Mr. Gillcnrest present traffic with safety and years, and the committee thought the foremost golf course engin- asked for nominations for mayor. will become in the veify near it best to start a sinking fund of the George McGee nominated Guy R. eers and norticulturists future a dangerous part of the for that purpose. The amount northwest. Vernonia golf enthusi- Mills, present incumbent. There Nehalem- highway and other roads listed for the coming year Is lasts are very fortunate in having were no other nominations and leading into this highway, most $500. an expert lay out the course and Mills was nominated on a motion Another new item is an allow- Officers for the coming year were of the traffic from which has can be assured of a good one. The by acclamation. ance of $1200 for a deputy mar- elected by Vernonia post, American |to cross the bridge. i I course is most favorably situated The following were then nom Legion, at their meeting Tuesday sha.. alary The members of the That there was a marked de and close to town and will thus The petition further points out inated for councilmen: F. E. budget committe felt that there is cline in attendance at the county I give an excellent opportunity for night. Lee Schwab succeeds Dr. 4V. that the present bridge is of such a need for both a day and a fair this year as compared to last1 golfers of this city to indulge in Malmsten, Frank Hanson, IL E. H. Hurley as commander. Installa- i design and alignment as would McGraw, G. C. Mellinger, S. C. night marshal, thus giving police is shown by the report of money tneir favorite pastime. tion of officers will be held Octo | make it inadvisable to widen its ' Hoffman, Ray Charlesworth, E. w ber 9. protection here 24 hours of each received for the past two fairs. | roadway to such an extent as The construction cost of the Holtham, and J. E. Tapp. Hoff- day. If this budget is passed, the Added increase in concession would adequately care for the traf The other officers elected were: course is being financed by local ( man arid Charlesworth declined. extra full time marshal will be money, however, brought the total fic, and would if widened with M. E. Moe, 1st vice commander; L. that backers who are confident The resultant vote by ballot was hired immediately after the first up to an amount little short of present alignment fail to eli Vernonia will support the project as follows: McGraw 92, Hanson T. Nichols, 2nd vice commander; M. the of the year. last year’s income. minate the blind approaches on Grunden, 3rd vice commander; John and that it will also serve as a 84, Mellinger 62, Tapp 56, Malm- F. A. Malmsten was chairman I The Hay, adjutant; E. H. Washburn, either end. Fair Association has a residents of sten 52, and Holtham 42. of the committee, C. W. Reith- total indebtedness of $1,000 and drawing card for The petitioners have consulted Thee chairman then called for finance officer; E. M. Murphy, his ner, secretary, and the other mem- ( ail property on the grounds paid other communities. torian; Dave O’Donnell, chaplain; competent engineers who state that bers C. F. Heiber, Emil Messing for, which is one of the best1 Throughout the country the last nominations for city treasurer. J. A. L. Kullander, sergeant-at-arms; a new concrete-arch bridge could C. Lindley was nominated and a and Albert Childs. financial conditions of any fair in few years has seen golf rapidly motion carried by acclamation and J. E. Tapp, H. E. McGraw, J. [be constructed in the place of the advance to the front as one of Sitting as a levying board, the the state. that his name be placed on the C. Lindley, executive committe“men. present structure at a cost of the most popular of public sports city council will hold a meeting The 1927' gate receipts totaled Commander-elect Schwab will an- approximately $15,000,' having a ballot as the nominee. and devotees of the game are fa the city hall October 18 for $1,703.65, and the concession nounce his appointment of other 30-foot roadway and sidewalk on meeting The was then adjourned from all walks of life. The game the purpose of hearing any objec-1 money $579.20, totaling $2282.85. and another one immediatelj- officers and standing committees I either side, and that said bridge tions to the budget being levied The 1928 gate receipts totaled has a peculiar fascination all its called, electing the same chalr- at the installation of officers. sufficient i would have vertical own as is attested by its popular as published. The full budget is $1,396, 25, and the concession I clearance for safety in time of man and secretary. This meeting The Legion post is planning a ity and it only remains for the printed on another page. money $765, totaling $2,161.25. was for the purpose of nominating three-day carnival October 25- 26, freshets. The money paid in premiums uninitiated to play but once when by assembly an independent candi and 27, just before Halloween. E. It has been rumored that the this year was $1,800 as compared they too become infected of what date for constable in this district. A. Ritchey was appointed manager county court 1 has been conte in O. Young Accidentally is believed to be one of the great plating making ; repairs to the Shot While Hunting to $1,775 last year. The premium est of American sports. Rev. G. W. Plumer rose to of the carnival. ribbons cost $204 and the electric bridge such as re-decking. new protest against the proceeding, A de approaches, sidewalks on the upper Orville Young was accidentally lights for the year $500. claiming that they presumed to Corn Men Select Seed Meat inspection — Public Service side and other changes. The peti shot while out hunting Sunday tailed report will be made as soon The general public accepts act for a much larger district In Field Before Frost tioners ask that no more than is near the Inman Poulsen Lumber as all accounts have been audited. in naming a candidate by this Federal meat inspection as a absolutely necessary be done, and company's camp, The bullet ap- method even though it might be Proper selection of seed just suggest that this bridge could be parently hit a stump or rock and O.-A. Department Helped at Fire public service in much the same legal. He considered it unfair to way as it regards the delivery of Through an oversight, the fact ricocheted, passing throught the many living outside of town who before the first severe frost will j moved to another location in the fleshy part of the leg. He was that the Oregon-American Lum- mail, weather reports, etc., but might be interested in attending uring thee greatest improvement district where the traffic will not taken to St. Vincent’s hospital ber company fire department aided knows very little about it. Some but who had previously known in Oregon’s corn crop, says E. be so great. Bressman, associate agronomist I ---------------------- where he is reported to be getting the Vernonia department in put people are surprised to learn that nothing of the matter coming up. j along satisfactorily. He was em- ting out the fire at the Square Federal inspection applies only to It was as explained that an -'S'Candid.te File. Truthful ployed by the Inman Poulsen Lum- Deal garage was omitted) from meats and meat food products sembly of ' 100 or more voters ¡prepared in establishments doing List of Election “Costs” week ’ s ing seed each year and have built ! in last I the news story i ber company. ___ ___ ____ Smith highly an interstate or foreign business may meet at any time and nomtin- up good varieties of corn adapted I ( Eagle. Fire Chief ate any • independent candidate, praised the work of the O.-A. fire-' anfi not to concerns operating and that it was the privilege of to Oregon conditions. In variety j Like in Oregon, the Ohio law 1 Last Call for Dipping requires candidates for office to The best time of year to dip men and stated that without their within state borders. However, the any other group to do the same, trials at the Oregon station, the' file a report of all expenditures. me aid it would have been impossible meat industry is so largely of an The name of J. E. Franks, pres- acclimated varieties grown here’ is wnile cattle for scab A widely known candidate for weather is still warm. If you did to save some of the nearby build- interstate character that govern- ent incumbent, was then proposed for several years have outyielded i ment inspection includes about any that have been introduced.; sheriff in Perry county, says dis- not get it done last montn, do it I ings. and was a vote by acclamation two-thirds of the food animals This is particularly true when patch from New Lexington, Ohio, yourself trouble | now and save slaughtered and meats placed on made to place his name on the yields are figured on i food value has his statement all ready to file Proper Care Important later, as para .sites are more ballot. and has the matter truthfully com- care and feeding of the market. In receni, years only weatner. i ne ¡ Proper troublesome in cold i W. A. Harris objected to the basis. The average corn grower can- ' piled, showing just what it cost dips recommended by the Bureau swine after inoculation for hog I one-half of one per cent of meat proceeding as being irregular, condemned. All con spend a large1 him “to be elected.” important factor j has been of Animal Industry of the U. S. cholera is an claiming that there were less than not afford to Here it is: “Lost 1349 hours mv successful treatment v.c_v...s..v of a , demned meat is converted fato 100 voters present, a statement i amount of time ______ selecting „ his Department of Agriculture for in ■ the common scab are a lime-sulphur herd. When pigs are treated after | fertilizer, inedible grease, or slmi- that had to be sworn to by the seed corn, and he need not. The | °f sleep thinking about the elec is to get a1 tion. Lost two front teeth and a thing or a nicotine solution. Nicotine they are weaned it is best not to | ‘ar non-food products, chairman and secretary and filed important _ „„j that __ are lot hair in a personal encounter large supply of ears dips can be bought under various make any decided change in the [ with the county clerk not later ripe. Later on these ears ___ w‘ ‘ th ripe. Later on these ears may may be be ! | w th an opponent. Donated one . >> trade names, and are best for ration, but the quantity should rx than September 26. A count how- gone over a little more carefully beef, four shoats and five sheep to cattle wheen diluted so as to con- be reduced at least one-half, al UeHlOCratlC Hally ever, showed there were more than and the inferior ones discarded, I county barbecues. Gave away two tain about .05 of 1 per cent of lowing the treated pigs to graze 125 in the hall. but if the grower does not select pairs of suspenders, four calico nicotine. The lime-sulphur dip is and exercise in a clean pasture, There appeared to be general dresses, $5 cash and 15 baby made in the proportion of 12 where there are no running streams satisfaction with the results of the right ears just before frost, | rattles. he will not be developing a va pounds of unslaked lime. or 16h or mud wallows. At the end of 2 rx woo the mass meeting, It is still pos A uciliut-iaviv democratic iiicacK) mass uiccving meeting was „J "Kissed 126 babies. Put up four commercial hydrated weeks, if the hogs are doing pounds of ¡n t^e Legjon hall Tuesday sible for other tickets to be named riety that is best adapted for his particular conditions. In aj. (stoves. Kindled 14 fires. Cranked lime, and 24 pounds of flowers ot well the feed may be gradually ni ht wjth a number of prominent by petition. dition to selecting ears that artJ192 Fords. Walked 4,076 miles. __ r__ flour ___ to > 100 increased for about a week when democrats of the state present to sulphur or sulphur ................................. ripe as shown by the dry condì- Shook hands with i 9,507 people, gallons of___ water. Detailed direc- they may get all they will eat. extoll their many reasons for be- Land Likes Legumes Often Told 10,101 lies and talked enough ____ for mixing a lime-sulphur j In the case of the inoculation of lieving that Al. Smith should be tions In planning a crop rotation, tions of the husks, careful grow if put into print to make 1,000 dip can be obtained from the U. j pigs while they are suckling their elected president. About 100 at- small-grain crops of the ers select ears only from stalks volumes. at two S. Department of Agriculture. The dams, no change of feed or man- tended the meeting. same kind or two intertilled crops that are standing upright. Down “Attended 16 revivals and was stalks in many cases are diseased, temperature of either of these agement is necessary. should . be the maximum number OpCMKClS WCIC • - - - Speakers 1U1 for VilC the UvLuolVll occasion were: and some of our corn diseases baptised four times by immersion dips should be from 95 to 100 Hon. Milton A. Miller, H. K. Zim-1 J?*0?“ and twice other ways. Contributed Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Burke enter degrees F. Two dippings, from 10 succession on the may be avoided by not sleacting $50 to foreign missions and made merman of Astoria, nominee for be grown in from them, to 14 days apart, can usually be [ tained at a rag rug .bee in honor circuit judge; John L. Storla of- same land, says the U. S. De As important as selecting the love to nine widows—five grass depended upon to cure common of Miss Thelma Olsen last Friday. St. Helens, nominee for district partment of Agriculture. Two com- corn in the field is the storing of and Ml two sod. Miss Olsen was presented with the scab. i mon mistakes are the growing of Hugged 40 old maids, was dog rag rug which was made by those attorney; W. C. Culbertson of Port [ two or more intertilled crops and it the same day it is picked. All land, nominee for representative Gold Beach—Campaign planned present Mr. and Mrs. P. Taylor, in congress; and Wm. Pringle Sr. of several small-grain crops in husks are removed so that the bit 39 times and was elected by to urge completion of Roosevelt Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Parker and of Vernonia, nominee for sheriff. succession. An intertilled crop fol- corn can dry thoroughly on hang 363 ma j o rot y.”—Myrtle Creek Mail. son. Misses B. Anderson, Pearl highway. I lowing a good clover crop or al- era which provide for free circu * Krause, Ruth Taylor, Gladys Grant, ' falfa sod is usually excellent, and lation of air. The ordinary binder Klamath Falls—Right of way A basket social will be held therefore the farmer is tempted to twine hanger, which most grow Thelma Olsen, Lou Althaus, and for Modoc Northern You Must Be Registered Carl Burgeson. Refreshments were in the Woodman hall Friday eve grow two or more intertilled crops ers are using, is satisfactory. A purchased ning for the benefit of the grade following the clover or alfalfa wire hanger made from electric- Railroad. served. To Vote November 6 school athletics. The ladies are crop. However, intertill»»» has the welded hog-tight fencing is the A dinner was given at the invited to bring baskets for two. inevitable effect of causing very most desirable, according to the With only one week left, Expression» of Public ! Moonlight apartments Monday eve- These will be auctioned off by W. rapid destruction of the soil or Oregon Experiment station. This there are still many eligible and can to do so who have not regis ning in honor of Miss Thelma Ol J. Gooding. Part of the proceeds ganic matter, and when several in- hanger is inexpensive Opinion Invited tered. All cithlns of the sen who left Tuesday for Corvallis. will be used to purchase suits tertilled and small-grain crops are( easily be made at home from di-1 United States should be in Those present were Mr. and Mrs. for the football team as they grown after a good sod has been rections obtainable free from the The Eagle will be glad to terested in having a voice in M. T. Parker, Miss Pearl Krause, seem to feel that they cannot print local contributions on . turned under, little or no perma- Experiment station at Corvallis. I the selection of their public unless play football Lou Althaus, ‘ Miss Thelma Olsen, any subject in its columns, nent improvement can be accomp-1 officers. In all likelihood the dressed. The boys hope that every- Ratcliffe, Margie especially on the political J | 10^ run> particu-( Mrs. M. L. I Carl Burgeson election can be carried by one interested in the grade school larly if no recourse is made to Ratcliffe and Mrs. E. E. Graham situation, city, d i s t r |c t, those who have not regis county, state, ____ or national. ma tered. The people’s voice is formed will make an effort to bring or outside sources for organic i. Roseburg— Corporation — t_ arrived last Wednesday from Spo The only requirements are not properly heard at the kane, Wash., where they visited to be called Copeonia, Inc., will send a basket and that the men ter and plant food. that proper cognizance ___ ’ be polls when only 50 per cent • Mr. Ratcliffe, who is In the sani- build studio and introduce motion will come with full pocket books. taken of the fact that there of them vote, as happened at w i|| tarium under the care of Dr. Aid- picture industry into Southern Ore The Chamber of Commerce is a libel law, and that all the elections of 1924 and Rainier—DuB o i »-Kettering mill resume its meetings again next rich. Mr. Ratcliffe has been in gon. Wide variety of scenery de contributions be presented at 1920. running double shift. with asthma for the Oc- ill health termining factor in location the Eagie _‘ office not later week. The first will be held Register before October 8. — years. He has only than Tuesday preceding the St Helens — California Bag Co. tober 4, at the Horseshoe Cafe, past three or you will not be able to date of issue for which they the sanitarium _____ I been in three vote this fall, according to Vale ___ —Yellowstone __________ Cut-off _____ As is new industry established here. are intended. the Oregon law. Dufur—Fruit season at height weeks and is improving wonder- Astoria—Peppermint harvest in sociation seeks backing of all cities here. fully, according to Mrs. Ratcliffe. this section under way. along route. Present Bridge Small Levied October 18 Lee Schwab Elected Legion Commander Attendance At Fair Less than Last Year Li’X'S X Petition Asks New Bridge be Constructed Held In Vernonia